03x30 - A Delicate Balance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x30 - A Delicate Balance

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, let me see if I
understand this correctly.

I jump up onto this bar,
I swing around once...

Twice would be better.

I swing around twice,
then I reach up,

pull myself up onto that one,

swing back around
and slide down onto this one.

Don't forget the flip. There's
a flip right in the middle.


flip, swing,
grab it in the middle,

point me two legs
in either directions,

round and round,
and then I jump off

and I end up facin' this way.

Uh-uh, that way.

That way. Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm.

Oh, Tess.

You'd better
start swingin', angel girl,

'cause you got a lot
to learn before...

Look, there's Nadia Comaneci
and Bart Conner.

Well, this is the practice gym,

but the competition's a couple
miles down at the convention hall.

Now when will they
start showin' up?

Oh, well, they'll start
staggerin' in all day, I guess.


There is a good place
to set up for the interviews.

You don't have time to practice
now, baby, but don't worry.

When the time comes, you'll
know what you need to know.

I still don't know why people
do this in the first place.

Flipping and spinning
and jumping

and trying to be
better at it than anyone else.

Well, no, that's not
what it's about, baby.

Real champions
like Nadia and Bart,

they're not tryin'
to beat someone else.

They're just tryin' to be the
very best that they can be,

and that's what a winner is.

ANDREW: Somebody call me?

I will give you
a gold medal right now

if you get down off that thing.

Our assignment just drove up.

Yeah. They drove straight through
from the last meet in L.A.

These people are serious.

And so are we.

Registration starts
are noon, folks.

I've gotta get here
at noon, Mom.

Right at noon exactly,

or else Nicole's gonna
get here first

and hog the bars
like she usually does.

TJ: It's smaller.

It's different from last time.

Everything's different
since last time, honey.


Let's go.

MONICA: So that's what
this family is about, huh?


No, baby.

It's all about survival.

All this family's tryin'
to do these days

is to hold on and not fall down.

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you
till the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I tell you I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

SANDRA: TJ? TJ, where are you?

TJ, I need your help, please.

Hi, guys. You just get here?

My parents went looking
for a supermarket.

Anyone wanna find a mall?

Guess what?
Shelly Kramer is out.

BOTH: What?

She was doing back flips
on the beam...

Without a spotter.

And she fell and tore a tendon.

Oh, that's too bad.

I know, but last time she
beat you out of second place.

Now it looks like
you'll get there,

and I'll have a shot at third.

But Nicole's still in first.

Poor Shelly.

You know, it could happen
to any of us.

Hey, what's up? Where's TJ?

In the bathroom.


Hey! Hey, what's up?

There's a skate park here.
You wanna go?

Mom, can I?

My mom's takin' all the
nobodies, Miss Browner.

Dylan, I wish you kids
wouldn't call each other that.

Why? That's what they are.

Dad didn't think so.

Subject closed.

Yes, honey, you can go.

Just be back by 6:00 to have
dinner with your sister.

BOTH: Yes!

Oh, we're goin' to the park.

She tore a tendon?

I can't believe you guys.
I'll be at the mall.


Now I know that everybody's just
getting used to another new town,

but we've got two days
before the meet.

I want good, safe workouts.

Shelly Kramer is missin'
a shot at the Nationals

for one simple reason.

She didn't ask for help.

Now, we've got plenty of
extra help this week.

This is Monica.

She's gonna be temping
as a trainer and spotter.

Do not, do not fail
to ask for her help.

Push yourselves,
but not too far.

Practice, but not too long.

If anyone gets hurt, I just might
have to put a leotard on myself,

and that will not be pretty.


(CLAPS) Okay, let's go.


Monica, there's three girls
that are comin' to the meet

that are gonna have extreme
pressure on them this week,

and they're all on this team.

Kristy Cordice, she came close
to third in the last meet,

and could make
a dangerous mistake

just because she gets
so darn excited.

Nicole Rich over here,

she's been workin' so hard

for so long to stay on top.

It could hurt her
if she relaxes too much.

Now the one to really keep your
eye on is Rebecca Browner.

Is it true
that she's never fallen?

Oh, she's fallen before
in practice.

They all have,
but never durin' competition.

That's quite
a record to live up to.

I've got a feelin'
that that little girl

is tryin' to live up to a lot.

She wants to win,
even if it kills her,

and, Monica,
if she's not careful,

it just might.

Hey, didn't I tell you about
bendin' your knees, girl?


Do you need some help?

Oh, no, thanks.

That's Nadia, and Bart Conner.


How's the workout goin'?

Good. Yeah?

Rebecca, we've got to
meet them or I'll die.

Well, they're covering
the finals all week.

I'm sure they'll want
to interview all the girls.

My mum says they only
wanna talk to winners.

Hey, guys, get a load
of the midgets.

(LAUGHING) Hey, guys,
no diapers allowed, dudes.

Hey, this is a public park.

Yeah, show 'em your stuff, TJ.

Hey, where's your helmet?

I don't need a helmet.


Hey, hey, what's the problem?

Oh, this little boy fell down.

BOY: Yeah.

I'm fine.

You the new man around here?

Yeah, I am,

and if I see you deliberately
putting anyone else in danger,

you're out of here.

Let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come here,
come here, come here.

Why were you not
wearin' a helmet? Huh?

Let's go.

Let's go in here.

Here we go.

I don't need anything.
I'm gonna be fine.

Yep, you are gonna be fine because
you're not gonna let this get infected.

And you're also gonna start
wearing the proper equipment.

A helmet, elbow pads, knee pads,

and if you don't have 'em,
that's fine.

It's not a problem,
we've got rentals,

but until you wear them, you're
not goin' back out there.


Be right back.

Wait. Hey, what are you doin'?


Okay, turn your head.


So, uh, you guys aren't
from around here, are you?

We're nobodies from nowhere.

Actually, we're from everywhere.
Our sisters are gymnasts.

We have to travel around
with them.

Whether we like it or not.

Sounds like you like it maybe a
little more than you like it.

Let's get out of here.


No, I'm not kidding, Oliver.

I'm standin' 20 feet away
from two Olympic champions

who just finished
interviewing Nicole

and totally ignored Rebecca.

I mean, she has a shot.

Why aren't they
interviewing Rebecca?

Hold on, hold on.

Excuse me. Ma'am?

Excuse me, please?

Hi. I'm
Rebecca Browner's mother.

Oh, Rebecca, yes.

She's a very talented young lady.
Thank you.

Well, I have
our publicist on the phone,

and I think you need
to talk to him.

Oh, do I?

Good. I just love
to talk to publicists.


This is the KBHX
Sports Segment Producer,

and if you're going
to tell me how to do my job

I'd rather not waste your time.

Now, how may I help you?

That was great, but don't you
think it's time you took a break?

I didn't get the landing
exactly right.

I wanna do it again.

Everything was perfect.

The only thing that was
missing was a smile.

This is just practice.

Smiles are for competition.

CABBIE: That's eight bucks, kid.

Hey, wait.

We should've made him wait.

Now how are we gonna get back?

I still don't even know
why we came.

There's no one here, man.


What is this place?

I don't wanna get back on.

Oh, you can't give up every
time you have an accident.

If you fall, you have to get
right back up and do it again.

Don't worry. I'll always
be there for you, pal.


What are you tryin'
to do, get us busted?

You can't throw rocks
at a house.

You can if it's your house.
You can do whatever you want.


SANDRA: Come on. This endorsement
means nothing to you.

It pays for her training.

We barely scrape by otherwise.

Well, she'd have to quit.

Not good enough?


That little girl
works her heart out.

She'll catch Nicole.
You just watch.

They're gonna be hangin' the
gold medal around her neck

at the next Olympics.

And if you don't
wanna be there for it,

then some other company will be.


We'll find another
training sponsor.

Look, um,

could we just keep
the logo on the outfit,

please, until we find
somebody else?

I don't want us
to look like losers

with no backing, you know.

What an impact that can have.

Ah, stupid.

It's not always easy
to stay concentrated, is it?

I'm concentrating.

Outside pressures
can be terrible distractions,

and distractions
can lead to mistakes,

which can lead to injuries.


I have to practice.
I have to get this right.

Mr. Curto, hi.
This is Sandra Browner.

I met you in Las Vegas at the
invitational last December.


You were looking for some
girls to sponsor and...

Oh, one girl.

Nicole. I see.

Well, yes,
Nicole's a very nice girl.

Well, we're getting
offers for Rebecca right now

and I wanted to give you
the opportunity to...

Well, thank you anyway.


Oh, not now, TJ.
Don't you see how busy I am?

I just wanna go skating.

You live on those rollerblades.

Can you come watch me?

Honey, I can't. I'm sorry.

You go ahead,
but be back in one hour.

Two. One.

No negotiation.

Oh, yeah, we save that
for Rebecca's sponsors.



Those taxicab fares
really add up, don't they?

How'd you...

And you know the rocks through the window?
Not very cool.

Even though I'm sure
that you're still angry

about what happened to your Dad,

and I also know

that even good memories
can be pretty painful.

Who are you?

I'm someone
who's concerned about you.

And I wanna help you,

and there's someone else
who wants to help you, too.

Yeah, well, don't you think
it's a little late for that?

I don't know who you are,

but this is totally weird.

Tell me somethin'.

What do you plan
to do about this?

Seems to me you'd be
about $15 short.

Well, you said you wanted
to help, right? Mmm-hmm.

Well, how about
helpin' out with that?

I intend to. And no more
skating till you work it off.

It should take about four hours.




Your mother certainly spends
a lot of time on the phone.

Maybe she wouldn't have to
if I had a better dismount.

Do you believe that?

That's a lot of weight for a young
girl to be carrying around.

Hey, Rebecca,
you wanna warm up with me?

I'm warm.

Oh, sh**t.

Uh, do you need a quarter?

Yeah. Thanks.

Um, Mrs. Browner,

I'm pretty new to gymnastics.

Just how does this
sponsorship thing work?

I mean, these girls
are still amateurs, right?


Well, companies sponsor
a girl's training now,

and then they get first dibs
on her when she goes pro.


Makes the whole thing
financially possible.

Olympic gold is expensive.

Well, you sound like you have
big plans for the future.

I got it all worked out.

For tomorrow, maybe,

but, uh, what about today?


I said an hour. You're late.

What are you doing
sweeping the floor?

ANDREW: He's paying back a debt.

Yesterday I...

He borrowed some money, and
I'm having him work it off.

Borrowed some money?
What did you need money for?

Ah, never mind.
We'll discuss it later.

What does he owe you?

I guess now he's got it
down to around the $10 range.

Here you go. Thank you.

And you're coming with me
right now.

TJ: What about the blades?

You won't be needing 'em
for a while.


You borrowed money for a movie.

Give me a break.

Why do you think
I'm always lying to you?

Look, let's not have this
argument here, okay?

Why not?

'Cause it'll upset Rebecca?

Or because it's her big week?

Or because it's your big week?



Mr. MacKenzie, yes.

You didn't go
to the movies, did you?

Of course not.
I went to the house.

It's like she wants us
to totally forget him,

but I wanna remember. Don't you?

Not now. I have to focus.

(EXCLAIMS) Oh, I'm just
delighted to hear that.

Of course I can. 20 minutes.

I'll be there. Thanks.


Gibson Athletic Socks.

They wanna talk about
sponsoring your training.

Okay, um...

Here's some money
for a cab fare,

and get something to eat
in the coffee shop downstairs.

I'll meet you at the gym.

Don't be late. 2:00.

Where are you going?
What do you care?

Maybe she was mistaken
about the time.

No, I told her 2:00.

Well, she'll be here soon.
She's very dedicated.

Unfortunately, we have a 3:00
appointment with Nicole Rich's parents.

Oh, well... Tomorrow, then?

Um, well, I suppose that depends

on how our meeting goes
with the Richs,

but it was a pleasure
meeting you, and you.

No, please.
She'll be here any minute.

Maybe another day.

You know, Rebecca just loves
Gibson Athletic Socks.

She wears them all the time.
Doesn't she, Monica?

Goodbye, Mrs. Browner.

Almost, Rebecca.

But I wanna do it perfectly.

Oh, nobody's perfect, baby.

Nadia Comaneci's perfect.

Oh, don't you worry
about being anybody but you.

That's who I love,

and you're the one
I'm always gonna love.

Promise me you'll remember that.

I promise.



There you go!



Where the hell have you been?

I went for a walk.

A walk?

You were supposed to be here.
I told you to be here.

Mom, I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

I had these guys
ready to hand you a contract

and, no, you had to go
for a walk.

Sorry, Mom. Maybe you can
call them or something.

No, it's too late.

It's too late.

I'll meet you back at the hotel.

I gotta go track down
your brother.

Are you okay?

Actually, I think you should
go for more walks.

Ask your friends
Kristy and Nicole.

You know, you all should get out
and breathe some fresh air.

I went home.


We used to live
a few miles away from here,

before my Dad died.

He had cancer.

I'm sorry.

She made us move out
the next day, practically.


One day we're a family
in a house,

and next we're these nomads
living in motels.

I kept telling myself we were
just on a long road trip

to some out-of-state meet

and when we got back.

(SOBBING) Daddy would be
there waiting for us,

(SNIFFS) but he wasn't.


GIRL: See you later.

You first.

You remember when all you
cared about was having fun?

That was so long ago.

It's never too late
to feel that way again.


What's with your buddy?

He's sick and tired
of bein' a nobody.

Poser. He's got
nothin' goin' on.

You guys come here to skate, or did
you come here to get kicked out?

Come on, guys,
leave the kids alone.

TJ? TJ, come in
and put your helmet on.


He's gonna do it.
He's goin' for it.

He's goin' for it.



Dr. Armstrong to neurology.

Dr. Armstrong
to neurology, please.

Sandra, I'm so sorry.

I tried to get TJ
to wear the helmet.

I just obviously
didn't get through to him.

I'm so sorry.

No, Andrew.

TJ doesn't listen.

He's been angry for a long time,

ever since his daddy died.

I really appreciate
you being here.

You don't have to stay.

Yeah, I... I do.

It's part of my job.

Well, thanks anyway.

I'm not, um,

used to having
a lot of support lately.

You know,

the last time
I was in this hospital

was a year ago

when my husband died.

Peter was unconscious at the end.

(CHOKING UP) and the doctors,
they told me to talk to him

because sometimes they can
hear you, even when...

Keep talkin' to him, Sandra.

He can hear you.


I'll go to the park
with you next time. I promise.


Oh, Rebecca.

I'm so glad you're here.

What happened to TJ?

Your brother has suffered
a very severe concussion.

Are you a doctor?

SANDRA: No, no, honey.

Andrew's a friend of TJ's.

Rebecca's the strong one
in the family.

She never falls apart.

She never falls down.


Mom, why don't you
go get something to eat?

I'll watch TJ.

Yeah, okay.

I'll be back in a while.

I think I'm gonna go
for a little walk.

TJ, I went to the house.

It looks so sad.

Didn't seem like
anyone ever lived there.

But then I saw the garage door.

Remember how Dad used to make
those marks every time we grew?

Remember what
he always used to say?

(SOBBING) Hey, I don't like
that joke about the nobodies.

You're somebody to me, TJ,

and I promise I'll be
a better sister from now on.

Don't you try to be
what you aren't, Son.

You're as tall
as you're supposed to be.


TESS: Mrs. Browner?

Oh, I'm sorry.

This isn't a very good time
for an interview.

I've got some
very good news for you.

I've found you a sponsor.

Oh, you have?

That's right.

God. And he wants
you to have a little coaching,

so he sent me.

I am an angel.

Well, I don't need an angel.

My children do.

And they have 'em,
and right now, so do you. Me.

I want to talk to you
about winning,

the way you push your daughter.

No matter how many gold
medals Rebecca wins,

she won't be able to make up
for what you've lost.

For who you've lost.

Your husband.

I just miss him so much.

Sandra, he left you
a home to live in,

and a family to love,

but you ran away,

and you used Rebecca's career

as an excuse to keep
from facing the truth.

Your husband is gone, baby,

but that doesn't mean
that this house is empty,

or that you'll
never see him again.

I keep looking for the faith,

the faith to believe that.

Don't look, leap.

It's like those flying leaps

that Rebecca takes
from bar to bar.

For a second there,

you're not hanging onto
anything and it's very scary,

but that's when
God lifts you up,

like right now.

The shining moment
between past and future

is what now is,

and that's where you are,

and that's what
you've got to accept

and start living

for yourself,

and for your babies.

It's gonna be all right.

Mom, are you okay?


Rebecca, listen to me.

You know I've never missed
one of your competitions,

but I can't be there tomorrow.

I have to be here with TJ.

I know, Mom,

and I promise I'll do my best.

I'll win, for TJ.

No, don't do it for TJ,
and don't do it for me.

Don't do it at all
unless it's what you want.

I mean it, Rebecca.

I want what's best for you.

For you.

It's your decision, honey.


gentlemen, the program will begin

in five minutes.

In five, four...

Live from Dallas, Texas,

welcome to the Dallas
Gymnastics Invitational.

I'm Nadia Comaneci
with Bart Conner.

Nadia, today's story
has to be Rebecca Browner.

Her brother lies in a coma
in a local hospital

and no one knows how this
will affect her performance.

This little girl's got
a lot on her shoulders today.

How's TJ doing?

Is he gonna be okay?

Don't worry about it.
It's not your problem.

We care, okay.
So it is our problem, too.

I don't need anybody's help.

Look, I know you're mad about
the sock sponsorship thing.

And the fact that
you're ranked first.

Yeah, I am, but I wouldn't be if
it weren't for all my hard work,

my family, and my friends.

T.J's in good hands, the best,

but when you put your hands
over your heart

for the national anthem
this afternoon,

remember to keep
a prayer in there for TJ.

Don't forget
your families, ladies.

Take care of 'em,

'cause when the glitz
and the applause is over,

that's all you got left.





In the judge's scoring...

Nine six.

Nine eight.


If Kristy nails the landing,

she could
easily move into second place.

ANNOUNCER: Nine six.

Nine seven five.

Nine seven five.


Nine eight.

Nine eight five.


Rebecca's doing beautifully,

but both Nicole and
Kristy have high scores.

This is going down to the wire.

The difference is gonna be
who stays on the beam

and who sticks their landings.



A beautiful routine, but she's
left room for Rebecca to win.

Nadia, this balance beam is gonna
be Rebecca's moment of truth.

Don't fall.

NADIA: This balance beam is going
to be Rebecca's moment of truth.

She starts with
a beautiful mount,

rests to a handstand.

BART: Boy, you can just
feel the tension in the gym.

Now her lift series.

BART: This is her most
critical sequence right here.


What's happening?

I can't believe it.
I can't fall.

I can't.

Well, you did.
You slipped and you fell.

Now stand up.

It's too late. I lost.

It's not the winning
or the losing,

but the getting up that counts.

Isn't that what
your father always said?

How did you know that?

He told me. What?

I'm an angel, Rebecca,

and God sent me to be here
with you when you fell.

Why would an angel
be here when I fall?

Well, can you think of a better
time for an angel to turn up?

People tend to see things from a
better perspective down there.

What's gonna happen to TJ?
Is he gonna be all right?

I don't know if TJ's gonna live,

but I do know
that he will be all right.

Everyone has to get up
and go on every day,

not knowing
if they're going to win

or if the people that they love
will be beside them tomorrow,

but one thing
is always for certain.

No one is ever alone,

and you won't be alone
on that bar.

Where is everybody?

They're here, waiting.

Waiting for you to get up.

Even your competitors want you to,
because they're your friends.

Take all the time
you need to decide.

I think that you should.

God thinks that you should.

Your father thinks
that you should.

But the choice is yours.

How do you know
my father thinks I should?

Peter is very proud of you.

He's dead.

He's in the presence of God,
and so are you.

God loves you, little one,

and he gave you a father,
a good, kind father.

Not for a long time,
but for enough time.

Time enough for him
to teach you and your brother

what you need, not to win,

but to grow.

He taught you to be
the best that you can be,

to live, to play,

and to love
with all your heart and soul.

And then I didn't.

(SOBBING) When it
mattered most, I didn't.

When Daddy was dying
I was scared,

and the sicker he got
the scared-er I got,

and the more I stayed away
and practiced instead.

I just kept putting off
going to see him

until it was too late.

I never got to say goodbye.

I never got to say goodbye.

You don't need to, Rebecca.

What if you just said, "Till
we meet again," instead, huh?

What if you chose to get up and to show
everyone here what your father taught you?

Wouldn't that be
the best farewell of all?

NADIA: It's very important now that she
refocus and finish her routine well.


BART: It appears that she has
her composure back.

All she has left now
is the dismount.

And she's done it!

Oh, the crowd loves it.

There is
a courageous young lady.


A beautiful performance
by Rebecca Browner.

TJ just woke up.

So did I.

Yes, great job, great job.

Will you hold still?

You've grown a lot.

Oh, my.

We're gonna be keepin'
track of this for a long time.

I hope so.

SANDRA: Well done.

What's for dinner?

I don't know. Pizza.



All right, angel girl,
show us what you learned.

Well, the first thing
I learned is,

always chalk up.


ANDREW: Oh, very nice.

Very nice. Very angelic.
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