03x09 - Something Blue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x09 - Something Blue

Post by bunniefuu »

( Slow, elegant theme playing )

You know when we first met?

You were standing right here
with your trail map upside down.

( laughs )

And you almost ran me over
with your mountain bike.

( laughs ) Oh...

I think I knew then.


You're not making this easy.

I never do.


will you marry me?

You're not making this easy.

Isn't it romantic, Tess?

Another match made in heaven.

Well, God is not
a matchmaker, baby.

He's a match-keeper.

TESS: Kevin and Alison.

That's your next assignment.

Both of them? Together?

Well, together is
exactly the point.

Love brings people
together, baby,

but it doesn't always
keep people together.

MONICA: This ought to be easy.

They're a perfect match.

That's what Kevin thinks.

And that's what
Alison is afraid of.

( Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Autumn, I.
Allegro playing )

( people talking indistinctly )

The easiest assignment
I ever had.

But there certainly is
a lot of to-do

before you get to "I do."

Picking the perfect flowers,

picking the perfect menu...

Picking the perfect cappuccino,
of course.

Excuse me?
I threw in a cappuccino bar.

No extra cost.

Well, everything is lovely.
It's a job well done, baby.

Except that monstrosity
that's in my face all the time.

Put that thing down right away.

Can't help it, babe.

Camera loves you.

I put you on this assignment
to help.

Now, if you wanna get back
on casework,

do not irritate the supervisor.

MONICA: Let's see...

Everything's checked off.

Orchestra, food, ice sculpture,
flowers, bridesmaids' dresses.

But I can't help but feeling
that there's something missing.

ANDREW: Well, probably is.

Every wedding has glitches.

Humans have glitches.
Angels don't.

And whatever it is
that you've forgotten,

you better remember, angel girl.

Because when an angel thinks
something is missing,

it's usually something big.

And in your case,

two people's happily-ever-after
depend on it.

( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

( classical music
continues inside )

This veil's gonna look great.

I think I'd be better off
with a blindfold.

Oh! Pre-wedding jitters, honey.
Everybody gets them.

( Footsteps ) Oh...

Monica, there is, like,

a million people
out there already.

I mean, there's probably
gonna be a parking problem.

And cousin Marie wants to know

if there's any lemon
in the cake?

She's allergic.
Can you fix my bow?

Uh, sure.

MONICA: There are 150 guests

and two guests per car.

That's 75 vehicles,
86 parking spaces.

And, no, there's no lemon
in the cake.

Peggy, I probably
should mention to you

that it's the maid
of honor's job

to attend to the bride's gown
during the ceremony.

PEGGY: Hmm, no problem.

( Sighs )

I'll just go
get some paper towels.

Remember, you're marrying Kevin
and not his sister.

( Sentimental theme playing )

What's this?

I wore these pearls
at my wedding.

I don't know how you'd feel
about wearing them.

I just wanted to give you
the option.

These were yours?

Your father gave them to me.

Maybe not.

That's okay.

PEGGY: Oh, here, let me do that.

Really, I'm used to it. Thanks.


Is there anything else

you can think of
that I might have forgotten?

Nope. Alison, you?

You've done a great job, Monica.

ALISON: I've got to admit,

I wasn't a big fan
of the wedding-coordinator idea.

But you guys
haven't missed a thing.

If Kevin's parents ask me
about it, I'm not gonna lie.

They won't ask.

( Owls hooting faintly
in distance )

Did you... know about these

before you agreed to marry
into this family?

They're a gift
from Kevin's aunt Augusta.

Oh, no.

Not Augusta Abernathy?

The Augusta Abernathy?

( Door opens )

Hello. Come on in, honey.

Hello, Harriet. Hey, Kevin.

Oh, my folks are really excited
to meet you.

Thank you. Oh, you look great,

both of you.

You must be Harriet.

Diana. What a pleasure.

( Both laugh )

You did tell them
my father is dead.

Because if anybody mentions
my father,

she'll absolutely freak.

Oh, they know, they know. Relax.

To the happy couple,

and a hearty welcome
to our new family.

May this be the first of many,
many happy occasions

we all celebrate together.

ALL: Cheers.



( Knocking on door )

Oh, good!

Here they are!

Here who are?

Well, Kevin...

this is your first present
from Mom and me.

Now, Alison,
I know that you wanted

to have a simple,
little wedding, but...

However, sometimes even
a simple little affair

can get... complicated.

DIANA: Here they are,

your wedding coordinators.

Oh, no. What have you done?

( Clears throat )

"Team Matrimony"?

The hats were her idea.

So, um...

Basically, then...

we're all in agreement that, uh,

Tess and Andrew and myself

will take the plans
of Kevin and Alison...

and the Abernathy's plans

and, of course,
Harriet's plans, and...

somehow coordinate them all
into a beautiful,

smallish-feeling, but elegant,
intimate extravaganza.

( Monica sighs )

Any questions?


What am I gonna wear?

Cause I am the maid of honor,
you know.

Well, I have these swatches.

Let's see what we can find
in a stain-resistant fabric.

There's just one more thing.


Well, we were thinking
about that little chapel

up in the hills.

That is definitely a way to go.

Of course, there is L'Amour.

Oh, no, no. Not Villa L'Amour.

We couldn't say no, darling.

She is your only aunt.

Aunt Augusta?

She's got this place,
a very big place,

she bought with all that money
from her romance novels.

It's very... romantic.

( Classical music playing
faintly )

( footsteps )

WOMAN ( in French ):
L'amour, I'amour.

Toujours I'amour.

Love is in the air, ladies.

Oh, there is nothing
like a wedding.

Ah, suddenly
everything has wings.

Peggy, dear.
Tummy in, shoulders back.

Oh, there's a love.

I know you.

Marie, isn't it?


Oh, of course it is, Monica.

One of my favourite names.

And one of my favourite heroines,
Monica de Maupassant.

I k*lled her off
in Love's Paradise.

Strangled by Francisco.

No, poisoned by Antonia.

Well, whatever, whatever.

welcome to mon Villa L'Amour.


may the bonds of wedlock
forged in my home

be forever unbroken in yours.

Oh, my dearest Alison,
what a vision you are

in that... That...

It was my grandmother's.

And I was married in it too.

Oh, well, there you go.

Where would we be
without tradition?

Uh, pardon me.

If everything is
under control here,

and it so obviously is,

I'll just go and
double-check the guest list.

Oh, but you haven't forgotten
anyone, have you?

Can't imagine who that could be.

Oh, good.

Now let me see.
What did I come up here for?

Oh, Alison, darling.

Max, my groundskeeper,
the tall, thinnish fellow,

ran over to your Kevin's house...

Which I suppose
is really yours now.

To pick up his suspenders.

I prefer a good vest,

but there's another story.

Anyway, good old reliable Max

decided to bring
the mail along too.

There's nothing here, really.

Just solicitations,
a late invitation or two, and...

Oh! Clumsy me.

It's blue.

What is it?

Looks like some tax business.

Something from the city.

We'll save this
till après la honeymoon.

N'est-ce pas?

And, Peggy...
a fashion magazine, darling.

Look and learn.

You know, we haven't
sufficiently thanked you

for your generous hospitality,

Oh. Anything for love.

( Giggles )

( Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Spring, III.
Allegro playing )

( Andrew laughing )

I wish I knew what it was
that I'm forgetting.

T-minus ten minutes
and counting.

I am getting some great stuff

I can't believe how many people
turned up who didn't R.S.V.P.

Is that not considered rude?

TESS: I'll tell you
what's considered rude.

What did I tell you
about that thing?

I better set up
another table for 20.


Oh, I've been looking for you

What did I forget?
The boutonnieres?

The place cards?

No, it's not you.
The minister told me

Alison hasn't given him
her vows yet.

Don't worry,

I'll take care of it.

You know, I think it's lovely

that you two decided
to write your own vows.

Vows. Groom: Check.

Bride: To come.


So you still can't remember
what it is, huh?


And I'm not supposed
to forget anything.

I am an angel.

( Door opens )

The wedding party is lining up,

and the minister
needs your vows.

I just don't know what to say
in these vows.

I mean, "I love you forever"?

Nothing lasts forever.

How do I make a promise
like that

when I don't believe it myself?

There are no guarantees

when a couple decides
to get married, Alison.

It's a leap of faith.

Faith in what?

My mother had faith
in my father.

Look what happened.

What did happen?

My father left my mother.

He left me.

( Dramatic theme playing )

He ran away with his secretary.

How pedestrian can you get?

Have you forgiven your father?

I told you:

My father is dead.

But you're
still very much alive.

And so is your anger.

How can you write vows of love

with so much hate
still lingering in your heart?

( Knocking on door )

Hi. Um...

Could you come downstairs
with me, please, Monica?

Guess who's coming
to the wedding.

Hello. May I help you?

Hi, I'm Stan Miller.
I'm Alison's father.

MONICA: Alison?

I thought you said
your father was dead?


( Tense theme playing )

( whispers ): Hi.

( Sighing strongly )

As far as I'm concerned,

he's been dead for years.

I better let the minister know

there's going to be
a short delay.

My God, look at you.

( Sighs )

Look how you've grown up.

What are you doing here?

Well, I-I...

I got an invitation.
I thought you...

I thought you wanted me here.
I thought maybe you might

even want me to give you away.

( Chuckling hysterically ):

Why would I send you
an invitation?

When you walked out
on this family,

you gave me away!

( Door opens )

Honey, should we be going down?

Everybody's already seated.

Oh, my God. Stan.

Hello, Harriet.

Please leave.

You are not welcome here.

Listen to me.

This is my daughter's
wedding day,

and I would very much like
to walk her down the aisle.

I'm walking her down the aisle.

You've already made a joke
out of one wedding

in this family.

Isn't that enough?

Either you leave...

or I will.

Excuse me. ( Sighs )

( sobbing )

( whispers ): Oh, baby.

( Weeping )

MONICA: Apparently he
did get an invitation.

But he's not on any of my lists,
and he's not on the R.S.V.P.'s.

Well, you've got your
to-do list, and I've got mine.

Tess, you didn't.

Oh, Tess.

You have just ruined my wedding.

This father
was not part of the plan.

Your wedding, Miss Wings?

And for your information,
he is a part of the plan.

So you can stop worrying
about your wedding

and get your little angel butt
back into the fray.

Alison cannot start a new life
until she finishes the old one.

Now, I'll handle things
down here.

I'll... I'll break open
the champagne or something.


Follow me.

Why, Miss...


I'm the wedding coordinator.

Monica, I'm sorry
about all this.

I really thought
my daughter wanted me here.

Now, I...

I mean, what father
doesn't wanna come

to his little girl's wedding?

Of course. I'm sure
that every father wants that.

Harriet and I
had a bitter divorce,

and Alison was
a terrible casualty of that.

But I'm here now,

and I'm just trying to do
the right thing, you know.

And I guess it was too much
to expect her to forgive me.

I never should have come.

And whoever invited me
made a big mistake.

Maybe not.

As a matter of fact,

whoever it was knew exactly
what they were doing, I imagine.

Please stay, Mr. Miller.

Somebody obviously thinks
that you should,

and maybe you should
find out why.

Scoundrels, all of them.

But don't cry, darling.

It could be worse.

I mean, Scarlett Pomerantz,
in Fly the Wild Rose,

was not only surprised by
her dead father at the wedding,

but he also turned out to be
the Earl of... Of something.

Who was the very blackguard
who sold her cousin

into sl*very after the duel.

Good heavens, what a corker.

( laughs )

Oh, Kevin. Now you've seen her!

We all know what that means,
but we must press on.

What did you do,
climb up that balcony?

( laughs )

There's hope for you yet.

I'll be downstairs
if you need me, darlings.

Why did you tell me
your father was dead?


he is to me.

I thought we had
the kind of relationship

where we shared everything.

Relationships like that
only exist in your aunt's books.

What is happening to you?

I mean, we're getting married
in a few minutes.

Aren't we?

( Door opens )


Now, this is the most
exciting wedding

that I've ever been to.

I mean, Alison, your father
is very good-loo...



I'll just...

( door closes )


I know your father
must have hurt you very much,

but I won't.

I promise.

I know.

I know.

Hi, dear.

My dear, people are
starting to talk.

You are the wedding coordinator,
for heaven's sakes.

Please... coordinate something.

There are a lot of people

I think we should get the show
on the road, don't you?

We are not talking
about a trained-poodle act here.

We're talking
about people's lives.

And it's time that we stopped
worrying about the show

and got to the substance.

Now, don't worry.
We're professionals.

We can handle
this sort of thing.

I'll... I'll think of something.

The day he moved out,
I was standing on the sidewalk,

watching him
put all his things in his car.

And I was just confused.

I kept watching
so many things I loved

being stuffed
into the trunk of that car.

Somehow, even then I knew...

that I would never
see them again...

My father's books,

my father's fishing poles,

my father's briefcase...

my father.

And just before
he got in his car,

he knelt down on the grass,
and he handed me a letter.

And he promised

that he would write to me
every week.

I never got another letter.

Not one, Kevin.

He made a vow.

A vow. And he broke it.

Excuse me.

I, um...

I just spoke with your father,

and he asked me to tell you
how sorry he is.

What he really wants
is for me to let him

have his big fatherly moment
in the spotlight.

Sometimes the act of forgiving

is not something you do
for the other person,

but something you do
for yourself.

KEVIN: She's right, Ali.

You have to let it go.

Not for him. For yourself.

For us.

Sometimes promises get broken.

Why don't you just forgive him.

I'll ask the minister
to give us a few more minutes.


Can't you just
compromise on this one?

Can't we just put this all aside
for now and just get married?

I can't.

I have done nothing
but compromise

on this whole wedding.

Now you tell me to just take
the pain and put it aside?

That's the Abernathy way,
isn't it?

The show must go on?

Are you saying you can't
go through with our wedding

because you can't forgive
your father?

What if I told you I can't
go through with our wedding

because I can't forgive you

for lying to me
about your father?

Those two things
are not the same.

Oh, they are.

It's about trust.

Trusting the person you love.

I love you, Ali.

I believe in you.

Do you trust me,
or don't you trust me?

I'm scared, Kevin.

I'm scared that maybe I can't.

( Sighs )

"If I can only
promise you one thing,"

"it's unconditional love.

"If I can only give you
one thing,

"it's unwavering trust.

"If I can only share
one thing with you...

it's all my days on earth."

Those are my vows to you.

I haven't written mine yet.

If you're having
such a hard time

coming up
with your wedding vows,

maybe all this
isn't about your father at all.

Maybe this is really about
how you feel about me.

That's just
what my father would do.

Twist things around
so he's the victim.

I don't even know
who you are anymore.

( Crushes paper )

( door closes )

( sighs )

TESS: ♫ Down by the old ♫

♫ Not the new But the old ♫

GUESTS: ♫ Mill stream ♫

♫ Not the river But the stream ♫

( violin playing )
♫ When I first met ♫

♫ Not the second But the first ♫

So are we ready?

The wedding is off.

♫ Not me but you ♫

♫ It was there ♫

♫ Not here but there ♫
♫ I knew ♫

♫ It was there I knew ♫

♫ That you loved ♫

♫ That you love Not hate me ♫

♫ Too ♫ ♫ Not one but two ♫

♫ You were sixteen ♫

♫ Not sixty... ♫

AUGUSTA: Well, as we all know,

the reception usually
follows the ceremony,

but today things have been
just so topsy-turvy.

And the important thing is,
the caviar is cold.

Love is in the air.
And who knows?

We may even still
have a wedding.

Kevin, Alison, darling,
I just know

you are watching this on your
25th anniversary,

laughing and drinking champagne

out of those crystal
monkey goblets I gave you.

( Chuckling ): Oh, dear, I've
let the cat out of the bag.


l'amour, I'amour, I'amour.

This is going to work out,

I mean there is going
to be a wedding?


Do you remember what you forgot?


I'll give you a hint.

Ask the answer.

Ask the answer?

I've known her all these years,
and she pulls this?

Kevin, honey, you've mentioned
that she's had a problem,

uh, committing in the past.

Maybe if you just went and...
And spoke directly to her.

I did, Mom. I read her my vows,
and she just...

sat there blinking at me,
like I was reading her

the phone book or something.

I was looking at this woman
I was about to marry,

and I didn't even recognize her.

Look, son, it's just
a case of cold feet.

These things happen
all the time.

All the time?


Whose wedding have you seen
where the bride

just can't seem to make it
down the aisle with the man

she supposedly loves?

Kevin, your father and I had
an argument on our wedding day.

Didn't we, Mark? Tell him.

( Chuckling ):
We had a real doozy.

Your mother and I
have had our ups and downs.

It's healthy in a marriage.

It keeps the spark alive.

( Giggling ):
We've had our sparks.

If you really have your doubts,

you don't have to go through
with this.

Whatever decision you make...

your mother and I
are behind you all the way.

( Classical piano music
playing )

Maybe I'm crazy,

but it seems to me, when
a wedding's been called off,

the place for the mother
of the bride is with the bride.

I just saw her father
go in to talk to her,

and I have nothing
to say to him.

For several months,
I've been watching you

and your daughter, Mrs. Miller.

And there's no question
in my mind

that you love this child
with all your heart.

Now, it's up to her
whether or not

she walks down that aisle.

But we both know
it's not gonna happen,

as long as she keeps
walking down the wrong path.

The one you put her on.

The one that fed her anger
instead of her love.

Tell your baby the truth,

ALISON: I've gotten used to

not having you around, you know.

Alison... It wasn't easy.

It took time.

But I did it.

I hardly think of you
at all anymore.

Of course,

the fact that we never heard
from you again made it easy.

So I suppose I should thank you.

Whoa, what are you
talking about?

What do you mean
you never heard from me?

He wrote to you, Alison.

Every birthday, every holiday.

But I threw them away.

What gave you the right
to do such a thing?

I don't understand.

I was all alone. I was afraid.

Afraid of what?

Afraid that you couldn't
love both of us.

That you'd have to choose
one or the other,

and it wouldn't be me.

And I wanted to hurt you, Stan.

Oh, God, I wanted to hurt you
as much as you hurt me.

So when that
first letter came, I...

( sobbing ): I tore it up.

And I kept on tearing them up.

I thought that you'd stop
writing after a while and...

But the letters kept coming.

And after the first year or so,

tearing them up
didn't feel so good anymore.

But by that time,
I didn't know what else to do.

If I'd let the letters through,

you'd have found out
what I had done.

I didn't want you to hate me.

I had no idea
I hurt you so badly, Harriet.

No idea.

It takes two people
to ruin a marriage, Stan.

You made your mistakes, but...

I made mine, too,
and I was wrong.

( Weakly ): I can't
believe I'm hearing this.


Sometimes, even when people
love each other very much,

they can do strange and terrible
things to hurt each other.

You never loved each other.

You said you did,
but you didn't.


Alison, your mother and I...

We... We loved each other once,
very much.

And... And it was
a good, strong love.

( Sighs )

( sighs )


I know you're angry.

I just talked to both my parents
and I think they're insane.

You're just figuring this out?

I hope you don't think
this is about you.

I love you,

and I'm sorry that I'm
putting you through all of this.

I'm so confused.

I used to think that my dad
was the villain in my life.

But my dad did write to me.

My mum tossed the letters.

Can you believe that?

Knowing that he wrote
must make you feel better.

He kept his promise, Ali.


But my mum broke hers.

Well, obviously,
they both did what they did

out of love for you.

Well, if that's love...

Oh, come on, Alison.

Even when you know people
love you and care about you,

and they've proven that
you can trust them, you won't.

It's time, Ali.

It's time to trust again.

I want to.

Then do it.

Are you gonna marry me?

Are you gonna trust me?

What's it gonna be?

( Sighs )

( Pachelbel's Canon in D
playing )

ALISON: I guess this is it.

MONICA: You look so beautiful.

I'm not sure I'll ever be ready
to give you away, you know.


Your dress is something old.

Your ring, something new.

Your earrings are borrowed,
from me.

Yeah, but you forgot
something blue.

Peggy, Peggy, come on.

Um, I can run
and get you something.

No. No, thanks.

We've already broken
every other superstition today.

I don't think something blue
will make any difference now.

Actually, I'm not big
on superstition myself.

( Giggles )

MAN: There she is. There she is.

( Wagner's "Bridal Chorus"
playing )

Something blue.

I wonder if that's
what I've forgotten.

You know...

I just can't think what it is
that I'm forgetting.

God only knows now.

God only knows.

Ask the answer.

Oh, Tess.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today,
in the sight of God...

and these witnesses,

in order to bring together
this man

and this woman
in holy matrimony.

( Slow, melodic theme playing )

That's what I'm forgetting,
isn't it?

I forgot to invite you.

How can two people be married
in the sight of God,

if they haven't even
asked him to the wedding?

I'm sorry.

I guess sometimes, you know,

I just take you for granted.

All this work, all the lists.

What's it all for without you
right in the middle?

So, Lord, please,
bless this day.

Bless the couple downstairs.

Bless their love
and the years ahead.

And if there's anything else
that I've forgotten...

Something blue.

PRIEST: Into this union,

Kevin Abernathy
and Alison Miller

come now to be joined.

Who gives this woman
to be married to this man?

I do.

Marriage is an honorable estate,

instituted by God.

Not to be entered into
unadvisedly, but reverently.

Do you know what's in here?


I only know it's going
to change everything.

Therefore, if any man
can show just cause

why these two should not
be legally joined,

let him speak now
or hereafter hold his peace.

( Whispers ): Go on, go on.

( Tense theme playing )

I'm afraid that I do.

( Surprised gasps from crowd )

( crowd whispering
indistinctly )

I'm so sorry.

But I think this
might make a difference.

My God, the letter
from the gas company.

No, it's from city hall,
and it's not a bill.

It's personal.

And I'm sorry I opened it,
but it's important.

It's very important.

Important enough to stop
a wedding ceremony?

Yes, sir, I believe that it is.

Ali, whatever it is...
Forget it, Kevin.

I give up. This is some kind
of sign or something.

This wedding was never
meant to be. I'm sorry.

KEVIN: Alison? Alison?

MARK: Uh, don't go anywhere.
Everything's all right.

Alison. Alison, wait!

HARRIET: Alison,

Please reconsider.

Forgive me for being crass,
but do you have any idea

how much this wedding
is costing us?

Do you have any idea what
my daughter is going through?

Do you?

I beg your pardon.

Oh, please.

Monica, just tell us
who that letter is from

so we can get on
with the ceremony.

It's confidential.

That's it.

I have had enough of this.

Okay, everyone, quiet!


Alison, if that envelope was
important enough

to stop our wedding,
we have to see what it says.

Yes, but wouldn't it be better...

It doesn't matter, Kevin.

It's obvious this wedding
was never supposed to happen.

Tell me what to do.
Tell me what to say.

Tell me what you want,

and if I can give it
to you, I will.

I want proof.
I want a guarantee.

I wanna know that
we aren't gonna break up

like my parents did.

I want what you can't give me.

I want what my father
never gave my mother.

Never, huh?

( Dramatic theme playing )

Alison, your father and I
loved each other very much.

You were just too young
to remember.

This is what we were trying
to tell you earlier, but...

You think telling me now
that you loved each other once

is going to help me today?

It only proves my point.

Love dies.

( Sobbing ):
I've gotta get out of here.

Alison, stop!

DIANA: Kevin!


Please stop chasing her.

Haven't you had enough
of this girl's histrionics?

Look, I'm terribly sorry that
her parents had a messy divorce,

but, son, do you really wanna
carry this baggage

around with you
for the rest of your life?

If it will help her?


KEVIN: Alison! Alison!

Have you got the letter?


I guess it's time, huh?

Let's go, baby.

Alison, wait.

No lectures, please.

I was thinking more
along the lines of a hug.

( Softly ): I love you.

I love you so much.

And it's not that
I'm afraid to marry you.

You're afraid of how much
you want to.

( Mysterious theme playing )


you love Kevin so much,
it frightens you.

And you want
so much happiness with him,

you're afraid
to even hope for it.

But you mustn't be afraid to ask
for what's good and right.

You just have to know where
to go to ask for it.

We're angels, Kevin.

Sent by God.

I know it's probably hard
for you to imagine,

but you've had angels
watching over you

ever since the day
you got engaged, right here.

Angels? Why?

Because marriage
is so important.

And not everyone knows
just how important it is, but...

a happy marriage
is a gift from God.

If God cares so much
about marriage,

how come he didn't keep
my parents together?

Because they didn't ask him to.

You know today when I said I
thought I'd forgotten something?

Well, I had.

And I'm ashamed to say
that I'd forgotten

the same thing you had.


No one invited God.

And he wanted to come.


If you would have asked him,
he'd be here.

But everybody got wrapped up
in wedding cakes and flowers.

Anybody can have a wedding.

But it takes so much more
to have a marriage.

And that's what God
wants you to have.

And that is what
you're going to need.

ANDREW: Alison, you're afraid.

You're afraid
that if you give your heart

and your love to Kevin,
that you'll be hurt.

And you will.

Both of you will.

There will be problems.
There will be pain.

There will be anger. But...

There will be joy.

Such joy.

Your marriage can only fail
if you decide

that you have to carry it on
by yourselves.

God loves you, Alison and Kevin.

And he knows that you're here.

He knows your past,

and he knows your future.

And if you want him to,

you can invite him
to your marriage.

We can't make that decision
for you.


I stopped the wedding
this afternoon because

this letter came from city hall,

notifying you
that your blood tests...

Well, someone noticed an...

And they rechecked the results.

One of you has leukemia.

It's life-threatening
and very, very serious.

Now, I don't know why you didn't
know about this before today.

But I do know that God's timing
is always perfect.

And if you had any question
about getting married,

or any question about your love
for each other,

he knew that this
would help you answer that.



Please, God, let it be me.

No, no, let it be me.

Alison, if it is you...

If it is me, I can't
let you marry me now.

It wouldn't be fair.

It wouldn't be fair not to.

I love you.

Till death do us part.

Whoever that is,
whenever that is.

I'll be there for you always.

I promise.

And I'll never leave you.

No matter what.

So help me, God.

I will trust you
with my life and my love,


So help me, God.

( Slow, tender theme playing )


Will you take this woman,
Alison Miller,

to be your wife?

To have and to hold,

for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

till death do you part?

I will.

MONICA: Alison.

Will you take this man,

Kevin Abernathy,
to be your husband?

To have and to hold,

from this day forward,

for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,
till death do you part?

I will.

( Dove coos )

( heartfelt theme playing )
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