03x03 - Random Acts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x03 - Random Acts

Post by bunniefuu »

( birds chirping )

MAN: Come on. MAN 2: All right.

WOMAN: Lucas, leave
him alone, please.

LUCAS: Move!

( dove cooing )

WOMAN: No, come on.
Let's just go.

Come on. Leave him alone.

( woman screams )

TESS: What are you
still doing here?

I don't know.

It seemed like the place
to come back to to ask why.

Why did it happen?

Why couldn't I stop it?

Why didn't God...

Hold it right there, Miss Wings.

We are not
in the business of why.

Tess, you know,
maybe I should go back

to Search and Rescue.

I was very good at that.

Swooping in, and pulling the
human out of the raging river

and dropping 'em on the shore.

Or swooping by
and catching the child,

just as the branch breaks,

just as the car passes,

just as the fire's
about to break through, or...

Or Annunciations.

You know, I was
very happy doing those.

"Fear not.

I bring you good tidings
of great, great, great joy."

Oh, baby.

There is great joy.

Great joy.

But God told us

there'd be days like this too.

Days when humans behave
so badly to one another,

it's all an angel can do
to keep loving them.

But the good news is,

that's all we have to do.

How long you been
a caseworker, baby?

Two years.

Two years.

That's like the blink of an eye.

Not even that.

It's like that itty-bitty
little twitch you get

just before you think
maybe you'll blink your eye.

You gotta get
a couple of centuries

under your belt, Miss Wings,

before you can develop
a perspective on the human race.

I don't think
I could ever understand

something like this, Tess.

Something so senseless,
so random.

And I'm beginning
to think, you know,

maybe I wasn't the right angel
for this job.

Maybe someone
with more experience.

There is random v*olence
in this world, Monica.

Because the people
have a choice.

But God has a plan,

and there are no random angels.

( Slow, melancholy theme
playing )

It was only two days ago.

A lifetime ago.

Have you reached a verdict,
Madam Forewoman?

No, your honor. Why not?

Because one of our jurors
won't make up his mind.

Don't tell me who. Let me guess.

Mr. Hawkins?

Mr. Hawkins, open your eyes.

Thank you.

Would anyone care to remind.

Mr. Hawkins here who said,

"The price of justice

is eternal vigilance"?

( laughs )

The price of justice
is a good lawyer.

TEACHER: Sooner or later,

you're gonna have
to make up your mind.

Do you want to build things up

or tear them down?

( School bell rings )

Court's adjourned.

Mr. Hawkins, I need
to see you for a minute.

( Students chattering
indistinctly )

Robbie, uh, you checked out
the video camera,

but you never
checked it back in.

What's going on?

It's gone, man.

It got stolen
right out of my locker.

Robbie, the school board is
not gonna replace that camera.

I need it back.

Like I care.

Another satisfied customer.

Hey, Phil. You know,
I think Robbie Hawkins

stole our video camera.

You gonna turn him in?

Oh, I don't know.

The kid just breaks my heart.


You went to a lot of trouble.
Red, white and expensive.

Well, I had a choice:
Either spend the weekend

with a beautiful girl
out on the boat,

or turn my classroom
into a courtroom.

It was a no-brainer.

Ah, you see?

This is why you live alone.

I do not live alone.
I live with Alison.

Alison is your dog.

Uh-huh. So, what's the point?

My point is,

the kids don't care.

Why should you?

I don't know.

Come on, Alison.

MONICA: Andrew,

what are you doing around here?

I just finished an assignment.

Just took home Mr. Perkins.

He's the one in the, uh...

The red house down the street.

Actually, the ambulance
ought to be here soon now.


It's too late? Yeah.

Oh, he is a really,
really great guy.

He was so excited.

He saw the light.
He started singing.

What about you?

Well, that's my assignment
down there.

Mike and his dog Alison.

ANDREW: That's the
problem with this job.

I'd like to have a dog.

Mike's a teacher.

He's one of those
dedicated teachers

who just needs a little
encouragement, keep going.

It ought to be a snap.

( Chuckles )

Take this from
the Angel of Death:

Just when things
look very, very easy,

they can get complicated
really fast.

I guess that's one thing
about this business.

You just...

You just never know what's
around the next corner.

I mean, time could be
running out,

and you wouldn't even know it.

What do you say
I buy you a Frappuccino?

Sounds good. Okay.

Lucas, if you're there,
answer the phone.

I really hope this means
you're on your way,

'cause I hate when you leave me
hanging like this.

My dad slapped me
around this morning,

and if I can't hang out
with you, and I can't go home,

what am I supposed to do?

Wake up.

Better not be in jail again.

Look, I know you're there.

And on your way over, will you
pick up some of those donuts?

You know the ones I like,
the jelly ones.

And you better hurry because
they run out of 'em at 10.

Time's running out.

( Slow, melancholy theme
playing )

MONICA: Time was running
out, wasn't it, Tess?

( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

MAN: You went here?

Must be a lousy school.

( Rock music playing on stereo )


Why do you eat
that crap, anyway?

Calms me down.

You wanna calm down?

Take one of these.

You think I ought to mix it
with a jelly doughnut?

Just do it.

I was thinking
about our tattoos.

What about 'em?

Maybe we should do it today.

( Engine starts )

( tires squeal )

( school bell rings )

MIKE: All right, Mr. Hawkins,

you've had 24 hours
to deliberate.

Are you ready to take a stand
and cast your vote?

Are you undecided
or just unconscious?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, what
we have here is a hung jury.

That means I'm innocent.

It means that there's been a lot
of time and expense wasted.

And we have to start over,
except we can't,

because we have to move on
to the electoral process.

While we're on the subject
of wasted expense,

please take note
of the new video camera.

This one is mine

because I bought it
with my own money

to replace the one
that was stolen.

So I'd like you all
to please try

to hold on to this one, okay?

Now, this particular model loads
differently than the old one.

You have to take the tape...

That's my tape.

I know, just sit down. No, but...

Candace, please have a seat.

( Knocking on door )
MONICA: Hello.

Come in.

Mr. O'Conner, is it? Yes.

I'm Monica, the student teacher.

The what?

Uh, uh...

Hang on, class.
Everybody be quiet for a minute.

Hi. Listen, I told them,

I couldn't do
the mentor program anymore,

so, uh, this has gotta
be a mistake.

Oh, I don't think so.
They were very sure.

Yeah, well,
they're always very sure,

but usually they're very wrong.

All right,
this isn't your fault.

I'm sorry. Listen, come on in.

What's your name again? Monica.

Hi, I'm Mike. Uh, class?

Listen up.

This is Monica.

She will be student teaching.

Try to find your best behaviour,

and then improve on it.
We were just talking

about how this camera works...

( school bell ringing )

which we will do tomorrow.
For homework,

answer the essay questions

at the end of chapter three.

Mr. Hawkins,

you and I
are not through talking.

Uh, yeah, whatever.

You see what we have
to look forward to?

Mr. O'Conner, my tape?

Oh, yeah, sure. Sorry.

Here you go.

Thanks. Yeah.

BOY: He had it
right in his hand.

I could not breathe.

I was waiting for him
to press that play button,

and it would all be over with.

That was close.

How To...

How to Train Your Dog
in 21 Days?

MIKE: Yeah.

Nobody has any respect
for school property anymore.

I'm almost afraid
to look at this tape.

The kids sure didn't
want me to see it.

You sound a bit
down in the dumps.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I have to look up
to see the dumps.

I've about had it with this
"yeah, whatever" generation.

You seem to be doing just fine.

And you look awfully good
in this costume.

Oh, the robe. I forgot.

I have to get this back
to the Drama Department.

Hang on a second.

Oh, no. The zipper's stuck.

Nothing seems
to work around here.

Here, let me. ( Grunts )

Whoo, Mr. O'Conner.

Thank you, Denise. Keep moving.

No, I'll do it.

( Ripping )

Oh, fine. Look.

My favourite shirt.
It's perfect.

By coincidence it's...
It's my favourite shirt too.

Are you kidding me?

You just happen
to be walking around

with a bowling shirt
in your bag?

Well, they're so fun
and colourful.

I hear people wear them
to play games in alleys.

It even says "Barney."

Well, don't they all say "Barney"?

Look, uh, Monica...

I think you're really
a nice person.

And I...
And I would like to help.

But to tell you the truth,

I wish they'd assigned
you to somebody else.

Mike, I was assigned to you
not for what you can teach,

but for what you can learn.

Yeah, well, I think I've learned

just about all I can learn.

'Cause the fact
of the matter is,

tomorrow will be
my 20th year as a teacher.

But, although it's not
public knowledge yet,

it's going to be
my last semester,

because I quit.

( Somber theme playing )

LUCAS: Should've gotten something
smaller for your first tattoo.

( Rock music playing on stereo )

Instead you get one
of those wimpy dolphins.

I hate those.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Stop picking at that. It hurts.

You didn't tell me
it was gonna hurt like this.

( Chuckles )

What'd you think
it was gonna feel like?

They stick hot needles
in your flesh.

Ah, you're dumb, Danielle.

Oh, yeah?

Well, Lucas only
has five letters.


I know you love me.

What do you wanna do?


Big surprise. You got any money?

You know I don't.
I spent it all on tattoos.

Man, you're gonna
keep me working

till the day I die, woman.


get me some cream
or ointment or something.

Something for the sting.

All right? Yeah, yeah.

( Door bell tinging )

( stereo button clicking )

( heavy metal music
playing on stereo )

♫ All hail, brother ♫

LUCAS: Where's the beer at?

It's right over there.

Right there.

♫ Whoo, yeah ♫

Don't look at me.
Give me the money.

( Car engine starts )

All right, all right.
I'm not looking.

LUCAS: Why'd you
look at me, old man?

Why'd you do that?

♫ Yeah, there ain't
No way to stop ♫

( click )

♫ We're gonna paint the town ♫

( click )


( Tires squealing )

LUCAS: Go, go, go, go, go!

♫ Raising Cain ♫


Punch it.

DANIELLE: I can't believe this.

I can't believe that you were
really gonna sh**t him, Lucas.

What, are you stupid?

He looked right at me.
You saw him.

You know, if you k*ll
somebody and I'm with you,

then that means
that I k*ll him too.

Would you just shut it?
Just eat another doughnut.

I gotta think.

You know, I really
hate it when you do this.

Do you see any glass in this?


We gotta get a new car.

There's a car.

See that guy
in the bowling shirt?

I bet he's got a car.

My dad wore bowling shirts.

I hated my dad.

Get in the car.

( Dramatic theme playing )

Here, just take it.

I said, get in the car.

Look, you don't wanna do this.

Dead or alive, man.
( g*n cocks )

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go. Move it, move it.

Tess, what just happened here?

Life just happened, baby.

Somebody walked up
and changed everything.

But it isn't supposed
to be like this.

No, it isn't.

But a lot of things
in this world

are not supposed
to go on, but they do.

So, what happens now?

I don't know.

But you better be there
when it does.

MIKE: How about I just give
you my wallet and my watch?

You can take the car.

I didn't say talk. I said drive.

Yeah, but what
do you need me for if...

Just keep driving
or I'll pull the trigger, man.

He's not kidding, mister.
He's had a real bad day so far.

( Tires squeal )

Do you wanna die?
Is that the idea?

( g*n cocks )

Hey, no screwing around.

MONICA: Keep driving, Mike.

You're not seeing things.

I really am here.

The reason that
you can see and hear me

while they can't

is that I am an angel.

I was sent by God.

You're crazy.

Do not insult the guy
with the g*n, man.

Do not.

What's... What's happening?

What's gonna happen to me?

Thinking too far ahead'll just
give you one major headache.

MONICA: I don't know
what's gonna happen.

But I won't leave you.
I promise.

What do I do now?

Just take us home.

Man, this place is a dump.

Where do you keep the cash?
I told you.

I don't have much.
But I do keep some in a jar

on the shelf over there.
I'll show you.

Sit down. Sit down.

You must be very careful, Mike.

Hey, look what I found.

Ointment and a few other Rx's.

You shouldn't take
those on an empty st...

Grab the CDs.

Arnie's giving us
five bucks a pop.

I'm sorry. I don't have any CDs.

That's just great.

Your stereo's garbage
and the VCR too.

Where is the good stuff?

( Alison whimpers )

DANIELLE: Hey, what's this?

Buy time.

It's... It's my boat.

It was my father's.

Where is it?

Lake Washington.

( Alison whimpers )

DANIELLE: Hey, Lucas,
can I have the dog?

LUCAS: No, you don't want a dog.

DANIELLE: You get the
boat, so I get the dog.

All right, we'll take the dog.

DANIELLE: Aren't you the sweetest?
Yes, you are.

Okay, let's go.

( Slow rock music
playing on stereo )

LUCAS: I've been needing a boat.
Didn't I just say that?

( Alison whimpers )

LUCAS: Shut that dog up.

( Alison whimpering )

We're gonna get that boat,

take it clear across the lake,
make a quick sale,

get some bus tickets
and get lost.

MONICA: Seems to me

they're lost already.

Seems to me you're lost already.

Oh, that's powerful, powerful.

They're not stupid people,

so why are they doing
something so stupid?

You know, you're
not stupid people,

but what you're doing is stupid.

Lucas thinks I'm stupid.

But he doesn't really
mean it. Do ya, honey?

Yeah, I do.

Look at her, Mike. Look at her.

Who are you looking at?



Weren't you in my class
about three years ago?

Civics, fourth period.

Miss Dawson.

Wow, that's really good.


O'Conner. Mike O'Conner, Civics.

Hi, Mr. Conner.

Shut up, Danielle.

Yeah, I remember you.
You were real nice.

You were a good student.

What happened to you?

Excuse me. Hello.

This is my old teacher, Lucas.

Oh, man.

This day's just not workin' out.

♫ Yes, I will be your friend ♫

♫ We'll cross That might river ♫

ROBBIE: Man, you should
see how this thing zooms.

How much that
thing cost ya, man?

He got the five-finger
discount, man.

Oh, right on. Whoo!

( Rock music playing on stereo )

Isn't that Mr. O'Conner's
car up ahead of us?

Yo, man, that's not funny.

BOY: Hey, man, it is.

BOYS: Hey, Mr. O'Conner!

ROBBIE: Put that thing down!

( Boys yelling )

( car horn honking )

( dramatic theme playing )

What happened to you, Danielle?

You were there for six months.

Then all of a sudden
you were gone.

I dropped out.


You could be a senior right now,
and then you could graduate.

Graduate and be what?

A loser in a bowling shirt?

A crummy apartment,
crummy stereo, no CDs?

He has a boat.

No, I have a boat. He has squat.

Don't give up.

I can't believe you would do
something like this, Danielle.

You've got so much
going for you.

LUCAS: Shut up.

He doesn't remember you.

He's lying.

No, he's not.

I have a lot going for me.


Maybe I still do.

Of course you do.
It's never too late.

Remember that time
in the assembly?

You stood up... Shut up!

( Alison whimpers )

DANIELLE: Yeah, I remember.

"I have a dream

"that my four little children

"will one day live in a nation

"where they won't be judged by
the colour of their skin,

but by their character."

What is that garbage
you're spewing

out of your stupid brain now?

Martin Luther King's speech.

I was... I was the first one

in Mr. O'Conner's
class to memorize it.

And he gave me this little...

This little glass pencil holder.

And it was sort of engraved,
and it...

It said, um...

O'Conner's all-stars.

O'Conner's all-stars, yeah.

I was an all-star, Lucas.

I don't remember
any glass piece of crap.

It got broke.

Yeah, probably over your head
by your daddy.

Keep her talking, Mike.

( g*n clicks )

I-I remember

you were under a lot
of pressure at home.

We're all under a lot of
pressure at home, Barney.

Danielle, don't do this thing
to me, please.

I mean, the longer
you keep me out here,

the worse it gets for you.
This is...

LUCAS: Shut up.

Okay, just shut up.
MIKE: All right.

Okay, just pull over.

Just pull over. MIKE: Calm down.

LUCAS: Give me the keys.

MIKE: What?

Give me the keys.

( Grunts )

Get out of the car.

Get out of the car!

MIKE: All right. Just relax.

Get in the trunk.
Oh, come on, please.

In the trunk.

Just relax, okay?

DANIELLE: What are you doing?

Shut it.

God, Lucas, you have to do that?

What's it to you?

Nothing. He's a nice guy.

I don't wanna hurt him.

Yeah? Well, you won't have to.

I will.

LUCAS: Danielle, get in the car!

( Engine starts )

LUCAS: Danielle!

Come on.

( Grunts )

( tires squeal )

Oh, Andrew.


You better catch up.

I'll be seeing you later.

( Somber theme playing )

LUCAS: No way.

And why did you have
to take that dog?

DANIELLE: Because I have
never had a dog before,

and I really want a dog.

LUCAS: Between you knowing
the guy and the dog,

I've had it up to
here, all right?

DANIELLE: All right, fine.
Just let me out.


No. You're not going anywhere.

Ow. LUCAS: He's
staying in the trunk.

Okay, we can do this.

Just hold on.

Come on.

You can do this, O'Conner.

Just... God.

Oh, please, God, help me.

Help, dear God.

( Banging on trunk )

Shut up in there,
or I'll k*ll you right now!

Lucas, leave him alone.

Get back in the car,
Danielle, now.

( Alison barks )

Hey, my dog.

Hey, come back.

( Alison barks )

Look what you did, Lucas.

My dog ran away,
and I never even knew her name.


I'm going to get my dog.

No, you're not.
You're staying here.

You can't make me.


Where's that g*n?


Monica, is that you?

MONICA: Yes, I'm here, Mike.

Oh, thank God.

Open this up
and get me outta here.

It'll just take a second or two.

Hold on.

I don't understand.


You said you were an angel,

and you can't open up the trunk?

MONICA: I don't know.

It's supposed to.

I think it's supposed to.

Oh, God.

MONICA: Maybe he left the keys.


Hold on.

Lord, what's happening?




I don't know why
I can't help him, Danielle.

But you can.

Why don't you.

Mr. O'Conner,

I wish I could help you.

You were the only man who was
ever really decent to me.

But you know... You know Lucas.

I just...
I can't say no to that guy.

He's not so bad. I mean,

he doesn't hit me or anything.

He got me out of
a really bad situation.

I just don't know what
I would do without him.

Why me, Danielle?

Why did you two choose me?

He didn't like your shirt.

( Melancholy theme playing )

( birds chirping )


Mike, I'm still here.

MIKE: Yeah, so am I.

I'm praying for you, Mike.


That's great.

Well, guess what.
It's not working.

What kind of an angel are you?

I'm not really sure right now.

Maybe the Angel of Death.


I don't see him anywhere.

That's a good sign.


( Sighs )

Is it morning yet?

MONICA: Almost.

( Chuckling ): God.

Twenty years ago today

I taught my first class.

I wonder just how many of
my former students I've inspired

to become murderers
and dope addicts.

Oh, Mike.

Maybe this is a sign
to just give it up.


No, Mike.

And the lights
are going out, folks.

What about your camera?

Do you have batteries
for the video camera?

A miracle.

God has sent an angel

to help me find batteries.
Praise God.

( Children chattering on video )

What's this?

GIRL: Give me the mike.
BOY: Is that thing on?

GIRL: Hi, Mr. O'Conner.
Happy anniversary.

This thing isn't supposed
to have sound.

There are
a lot of things going on

that aren't supposed
to happen, Mike.

That's the mysterious tape.

You know, the one
you weren't supposed to see.

Except I think
you're supposed to see it now.


GIRL: So, we heard you've been

teaching for a while and stuff.

So we decided
that we'd make you this tape.

( uplifting theme playing )

Uh, I just want you
to know, Mr. O'Conner,

out of all the teachers
I've ever had,

you're my favourite...
for third period.

( students chuckling )

I, like,
didn't used to like history

but, like, I really do now,

because you have
made this class so fun.

Even though you worked
really hard

and we gave you
problems sometimes,

you're the greatest.

CANDACE: Come on, Robbie.
Say something.


why don't you
just quit while you ahead.

( students laughing )

Oh, Robbie.

( Students chattering )

Mr. O'Conner,

this isn't turning out
the way I wanted,

but I hope you know
we really love you.

And I just wanted to say,

you know that
Martin Luther King speech,

you're always trying
to get us to memorize?

"I Have a Dream"?

Well, you gave us all dreams.

Because you cared about us.

And we'll never forget you.

Happy 20th anniversary,
and here's to 20 more.


( cheering & applause )

ALL: ♫ Happy anniversary
Happy anniversary ♫

( cheering & applause )

I heard it, Mike.

It's a miracle.

( Sighs )

Well, this is it, isn't it?
I'm gonna die.

This is God's way
of telling me that...

I did okay, but it's over.

I don't believe that, Mike.

Maybe it's his way of saying
that whatever happens,

he's with you.

And so I am.

You know, before
all of this happened,

I was sent here to remind
you that God loves you,

that he made you
a wonderful teacher,

that your children need you,

and that you shouldn't give up.

Well, I think that God

wants you to hear that
more than ever now.

He can hear me?

Yes, he can.

Our father, who art...

( sobbing )

Dear God,

I'm so scared.

I am so... terrified.

I wanna live.

But for the first
time in my life,

I know why I want to live.

For my kids.


But if I don't..

( Sobbing )

If I don't, then thank you.

Thank you for my life.

( Sobbing )

LUCAS: Danielle.


DANIELLE: What time is it?

Crazy idiot.

I could have got lost out there.

There's no boats out there, pal.

What do you think I am, stupid?

Come on.

Lucas, leave him alone, please.

Ah! Come on.


Come on.

( Dramatic theme playing )

Let's just go. Come on.

Leave him alone.

( g*nsh*t )

( gasps )

DANIELLE: You didn't have
to sh**t him, Lucas.

We got everything we wanted.

LUCAS: You got no brain
waves circulating up there.

DANIELLE: I'm not stupid.
Stop calling me stupid.

You are!

You think he would have
just let us get away?

He knew you.
He knew who you were.

Yeah, he did. He knew me.

Hey, hey, hey!

Just stop it!

( Siren wailing )

Just calm down, all right?
Just stop it.

( Police radio chatter )

Step out of the car, please.

Both of you.

Is something wrong, officer?

You been drinking?

No, officer.

You were all over
the road back there.

Just fooling around,
nobody else on the road.

You know how it is. No.

I don't know how it is.

You mind opening
the trunk for me?

No problem.

( Suspenseful theme playing )

Look, Danielle, look.

What do you see?

My God, he shot us.

He shot us, Lucas.

Shut up, Danielle.

Who shot who?

He shot us sh**ting him.
I didn't do it. Lucas shot him.

He was my teacher.
Oh, my God. He was my teacher.

Look out, he has a g*n! Freeze!

Don't move. On the ground, now!

On your knees!

How could this be right, Andrew?

It's not right.

But what good is it
being an angel?

How can we help if we can't even
stop something like this?

Sometimes we do.

But sometimes we don't.
It doesn't make sense.

It does to God.

I couldn't even get him out
of the trunk of the car.

Now, it's too late.
TESS: Even angels

need words of encouragement

I don't think words
can help right now.

Sometimes that's all
we have to give, baby.

Words of hope,

words that give life,

words that sustain life.

I don't know those words, Tess.

Oh, yes, you do.

Who knows?
Maybe you were sent here

to be his angel
because this would happen.

Do you realize there's nobody
else to pray for this man?

No one else
even knows he's missing.

You're the only one
who knows he's in trouble.

This is a time a man
needs an angel most of all.

To pray for him,
to fight for him.

But, I... It's not our job

to stop people from doing
what they will.

But God has a will, too, Monica.

And he wants you
to use your gift.

Use your words.

If you wanna help this man,

now is the time to gather
all the words you can find.

MIKE: Lucas, I'm begging you.

For the love of God,
don't do this.

DANIELLE: Lucas, baby, no.
Come on, let's...

( g*nsh*t )

He dies,

I got you on videotape
committing a m*rder.

Now, are you so stupid to think

you won't go to
the electric chair for this?

You're so smart,

you find him.

( Ominous theme playing )

Danielle, what exit number
did you take?

I don't know. I didn't see.

Uh, we turned left. We...
We turned right.


there are at least 30 exits
off that highway going east.

It would take us days
to search 'em all.

We got maybe hours
if we're gonna save him.

I need that exit number.

I don't know. I don't remember.

I was so high.
I just... I don't remember.

( Whispering ): Oh, God.

God, please.

Please, let Mr. O'Conner
be okay.


( Birds chirping )

I want you to know
that there's nothing,

nothing to be afraid of.

On one side there's...

There's life.

And on the other,

there's life too.

But I want you
to hang on, Michael.

There are a lot of people
counting on you.

( Alison whimpers )

You've even got some
non-people counting on you.

Yeah, I know.

( Alison whimpers )

( chattering )

GIRL: Where's Mr. O'Conner?

We heard that
they found his car.

Is he gonna be all right?

Um, the police have no idea
where Mr. O'Conner is.

But finding him is very,

very important, so if
any of you have seen him

since 3:00 yesterday,

please, please come forward

and speak with
the police officers.

Robbie, man,
we saw him yesterday.

No, we didn't.

Robbie, look.
It might be on that tape, man.

If I tell 'em I got him on tape,

I gotta explain
how I got the camera.

And I ain't catching
no heat on no "might be."

( sighs )

What do you think?

Well, I think you're
gonna need this

and a few choice words.


What do you want?

The question is, Robbie,
what do you want?

What are you talkin' about?

Do you want to do
the right thing?

Or do you want to turn your back
on someone who needs your help?

What do you know, huh?

He ain't never gave me
anything but a hard time.

Do you know what this is?

Mr. O'Conner
filled out this report

on the stolen camera.

Look here, where it says.

"Last person in possession
of missing equipment."

"Michael O'Conner"?

But he...
He knew you'd stolen it.

Yes, he did.

But that's the kind
of man he is.

He wanted to give you
a chance to do the right thing.

Now he needs a chance.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

Stop protecting
yourself, Robbie.

If there's something on
that tape that can help Mike,

then you walk over
to that policeman,

you hand him the camera
that you stole,

and you tell him
to watch the tape.

Take a stand.

Take the consequences.

Save your friend.

But he's not my friend.


He was ready
to take the heat for you.

Why don't you take
the heat for him now.

You know, you got
a way with words, lady.

( Dramatic theme playing )

BOY: Uh, out of all the
teachers that I've ever had,

Mr. O'Conner, you're my
favourite one I've ever had.

GIRL: Even though we
cracked up sometimes...

BOY: Yeah.

GIRL: You're the greatest.

CANDACE: But I hope you
know we really love you.

Happy 20th anniversary,
and here's to 20 more.

( cheering & applause )

ALL: ♫ Happy anniversary
Happy anniversary ♫

( cheering )

MAN: Volunteers, remember,

we're covering
everything east of exit 34.

And stay in your lines.

MAN 2: Mike, are you out there?

Hello, Mr. O'Conner?

( Barks )

MAN 3: Mike O'Conner.

MAN: I don't know.

( Alison barking )

WOMAN: You hear that? Over here.

MAN 2: Over here. It's his dog.

( Barking )

WOMAN: Let's go, let's go.

( Monitor beeping )

He's still alive, thanks to you.

Will he be okay?

Well, he's lost a lot of blood,

and the next few hours
will be crucial.


ANDREW: Excuse me.

But he's going to be just fine.

I heard they stuck him
in a trunk,

and they shot him
and dumped him in the woods.

I mean, he must've been
so afraid.

Man, it's a miracle he held on,

lying in the woods.

Dying all alone like that.

He wasn't alone, Robbie.

He was never alone.

( Uplifting theme playing )

Hey, he's...

Hey, he's awake.

( Monitor beeping )

( students chuckling )

He's gonna be all right.


I think I finally
figured it all out.

I knew you would, Miss Wings.

He will never
leave us or forsake us.

He will never...

What you knew all along. Yes.

He will never
leave us nor forsake us.

Not now or ever.

And he's never gonna leave Mike,

nor Robbie,
nor Lucas, nor Danielle.

And you're never
gonna drive this car,

now or ever.

I'll take these keys.

Oh, I could have told you

that was gonna happen.

But, Tess,
I have one more question.

What about Mike's dog?


Now, God will take care of Mike.

( Engine starts )

Mike will take care of his dog.

And there will be no dog hair,

no dog bones,

no dog poop

in this car ever.

( Dove cooing )

( heartfelt theme playing )
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