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OVA 4 (D) Rimuru's Glamorous Life as a Teacher, Part 2

Posted: 04/28/23 05:08
by bunniefuu
Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Extra: Rimuru's Glamorous Life as a Teacher, Part

Na: The day of Free Academy's outdoor training event arrived.

Na: Classes A, B, C, D, E, and S must each send a team of five students

Na: to guard one of the teachers on a journey

Na: from the capital of the Kingdom of Engrassia

Na: to the town of Guratol in the south.

Na: After that, they must explore some caves on the outskirts of town,

Na: and their progress will be graded.

Rimuru: So the teacher of the class that earns the highest grade

Rimuru: gets a bonus of ten gold coins, eh?

Rimuru: That antique desk I saw at the antique store sure was nice.

Rimuru: That lamp with the fairy motif would make a nice gift, too.

Jeff: Rimuru-sensei.

Rimuru: I mean, as long as I can show everyone how great the Class S kids are, that's enough.

Rimuru: It's not like I really need a bonus or anything...

Jeff: Rimuru-sensei.

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Thoughts unbefitting of a teacher detected.

Jeff: Rimuru-sensei!

Rimuru: Oh! Yes!

Jeff: So, on that note, Rimuru-sensei,

Jeff: you will be escorted by my Class A students,

Jeff: and you will be the one to evaluate them.

Rimuru: Huh? Class A?

Rimuru: Not Class S?

Jeff: Naturally.

Jeff: If you were to evaluate your own class,

Jeff: there is a chance you would show favoritism to them.

Rimuru: Good point.

Rimuru: So I'm in charge of Class A, huh?

Jeff: My goodness.

Jeff: You weren't listening to me at all, were you?

Jeff: I truly envy you.

Jeff: How nice it must be to feel so confident.

Rimuru: I was just thinking about some things. Sorry about that.

Jeff: Well, of the fifty students in my Class A,

Jeff: the five with the highest grades will form your party.

Jeff: I can promise you a safe and comfortable journey.

Jeff: You should be grateful.

Rimuru: Of course. Thank you so much.

Rimuru: By the way, who's going with Class S?

Tiss: That'll be me. I'll do my best!

Rimuru: Take good care of those kids.

Rimuru: They're a great bunch, so I know you'll have a safe journey.

Rimuru: Oh, but there's no need to thank me.

Kid: Wow!

Kid: What is this?

Kid: Beast Gnome?!

Kid: How did they make this?!

Chloe: Rimuru-sensei got it for us.

Chloe: It's called a "camping car."

Kenya: We Class S students are gonna get the top prize for sure!

Kenya: Right?

Ryota: Yeah.

Gail: Let's try our best.

Alice: Just try and catch up with us if you think you can!

Kid: Hmph. They're so cocky.

Kid: Darn it!

Kid: We gotta try hard, too!

Tiss: Wow! Class S's carriage is amazing!

Tiss: Rimuru-sensei, where did you get that?

Rimuru: That's a secret.

Jeff: Bigger does not necessarily mean better.

Jeff: This is the problem with people who lack common sense.

Rimuru: This old geezer's getting on my nerves.

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Stress level associated with Jeff-sensei is rising.

Rimuru: I could tell that much on my own, thanks.

Jeff: Everyone, line up.

Jeff: Your outdoor training will now begin.

Jeff: I expect you all to remember your pride as Free Academy students

Jeff: and remain on your guard at all times until you complete this exercise.

Jeff: Now, as soon as each class is ready, you may depart.

Kids: Yes, sir!

Tiss: I'm the teacher Class S will be guarding, and the one who'll be evaluating you.

Tiss: I'm counting on you all.

Kids: Yes, Tiss-sensei!

Tiss: You've become such good kids...

Tiss: And it's all thanks to Rimuru-san, isn't it?

Tiss: You can think of me as just a client who's asked for your protection,

Tiss: and call me "Tiss-san" instead of "Tiss-sensei."

Alice: Got it, Tiss-san!

Chloe: Please, make your way to our camping car.

Chloe: The seats in the back should be the safest,

Chloe: so please sit in the center of the back row.

Tiss: Good thinking.

Tiss: It's important to keep the person you're escorting somewhere safe in case of attack.

Chloe: Right!

Rimuru: I'm Rimuru, and I'm going with Class A.

Rimuru: Let's do this, yeah?

Kids: We're glad to have you with us, Rimuru-sensei.

Rimuru: Yep!

Anne: Okay, get everything ready.

Kids: Right!

Rimuru: Wow, they've really got it together.

Rimuru: I can see why Jeff-sensei's so proud of them.

Jeff: Rimuru-sensei.

Rimuru: Yes! How can I help you?

Jeff: There's one thing I forgot to tell you.

Rimuru: Oh?

Jeff: At the mansion of Count Guratol, in the town of Guratol, where we'll soon be heading...

Rimuru: Yes, that's where you all stay every year, right?

Jeff: Yes... but Ulamuth,

Jeff: the count's wife, is bedridden.

Jeff: I'm certain Class A won't have a problem,

Jeff: but I'm concerned that Class S will be too rambunctious and cause a disturbance.

Jeff: Please ensure that you warn them.

Rimuru: Right... I'll do that.

Rimuru: Hmm? He seems kind of down...

Rimuru: In that case, I'll be counting on your students in Class A

Rimuru: to get me there before Class S!

Jeff: Very cute.

Jeff: Rest assured that you are in excellent hands with my students.

Jeff: I'll leave you to it, then.

Anne: Rimuru-sensei, everything is ready.

Rimuru: All right. Shall we get moving, too, then?

Kids: Yes, sir!

Na: And so the outdoor training event began.

Rimuru: For "training," this is pretty relaxing.

Rimuru: Are the other classes' carriages close by?

Great Sage: Notice. Cannot detect them.

Rimuru: I guess there are several different routes to Guratol.

Rimuru: The Class S kids decided to take the route that's shortest,

Rimuru: but also gives them the highest chance of encountering monsters.

Rimuru: I'd like to get there first and see how they do,

Rimuru: but that's not likely...

Girl: Yeah, we should do that.

Girl: I can heal anyone who gets hurt.

Girl: I'll lure any enemies away.

Boy: Okay, thanks.

Rimuru: They're such a good team.

Anne: Th-Those are...

Oloy: Barghests!

Rimuru: This was supposed to be the safest route, though...

Anne: That was bad luck, but this is the perfect opportunity.

Anne: Let's show Rimuru-san what we can do!

Rimuru: Right!

Rimuru: I'm counting on you to keep us safe!

Anne: Let's do it, guys!

Kids: Right!

Anne: I guess that's how it goes.

Rimuru: I see...

Rimuru: No wonder Jeff-sensei always brags about how good they are.

Rimuru: But...

Rimuru: Okay, everyone over here!

Rimuru: I can give you high marks for the way you handled those Barghests.

Rimuru: However...

Rimuru: And this is just my personal opinion.

Rimuru: Want to hear it?

Kids: Yes, please!

Rimuru: First, Anne...

Anne: Yes!

Rimuru: It's good to focus on your target, but you lacked awareness of your surroundings.

Rimuru: Next, Ukya and Elizabeth...

Rimuru: I know you were acting as diversions,

Rimuru: but staying together makes it only half as effective.

Rimuru: If you split up and coordinate your movements, it'll work even better.

Rimuru: Finally, Illory and Oloy...

Rimuru: Some image training would help you learn to activate your magic faster.

Both: Image?

Dialogue: Rimuru-sensei's

Rimuru: Spirit magic can be used without any incantation,

Dialogue: Usable without incantation!

Rimuru: but do you understand why?

Oloy: Because the spirit is lending you its power to use as your own.

Rimuru: Correct.

Rimuru: In other words, just like spirits and monsters,

Rimuru: you use the magicules you have within yourself

Rimuru: to control magic and skills.

Rimuru: Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Rimuru: The thing is, magic incantations are actually meaningless.

Kids: Huh?!

Dialogue: Rimuru-sensei's

Dialogue: Magic

Rimuru: What counts is how you envision the magic.

Rimuru: The only role played by the incantation

Rimuru: is to help give the user a solid image of the spell.

Oloy: So as long as we have a clear image

Oloy: and enough magicules to perform the spell...

Rimuru: Exactly. You don't need the incantation anymore.

Rimuru: With some training, you can learn to use magic without incantations.

Rimuru: You should work at it.

Both: O-Okay!

Oloy: I can see how he managed to get Class S under control.

Illory: Yeah.

Na: And that's how I easily gained the trust of the kids in Class A.

Na: Meanwhile, the students of Class S...

Tiss: This feels great.

Tiss: It's hard to believe I'm on the road.

Na: ...were enjoying a very comfortable trip in their camping car.

Na: All of them but the boys.

Kenya: Darn it! Get this thing off me already!

Tiss: They really are excellent students.

Tiss: They have enough command over their spirits to defeat monsters easily.

Tiss: They're still a bit iffy in some ways...

Tiss: But they might just earn the highest score in the school's history.

Tiss: Your students are absolutely fantastic.

Tiss: I hope to be a teacher like you someday.

Na: Tiss-sensei and Class S's journey went so smoothly

Na: that they made it to Guratol, a trip said to take at least five days,

Na: before the middle of the fourth day.

Maid: My lord, the students of Free Academy have arrived.

Guratol: Have they? That was awfully quick.

Tiss: Count Guratol, thank you for hosting us again.

Kids: Thank you!

Guratol: You've traveled far.

Guratol: Your team is the first to arrive.

Gail: We did it!

Ryota: All thanks to the camping car.

Alice: It was our skills!

Kenya: The top prize is ours now!

Tiss: Easy, now. Don't get ahead of yourselves.

Tiss: There's one more event left in your training.

Guratol: Indeed. Why don't you go take a look at the caves you'll be exploring?

Guratol: You see, we need a bit more time to prepare your rooms.

Guratol: We expected you to arrive tomorrow at the earliest.

Tiss: Good idea. Why don't we go take a look?

Kenya: You sure it's okay?

Ryota: It wouldn't be cheating, would it?

Tiss: Some of this year's students took part in the event last year, too.

Tiss: I think it's fine.

Kenya: Well, if you say so, Sensei!

Guratol: My butler, Gesdar, is preparing the caves for the training event.

Guratol: Ask him to show you the way.

Tiss: We'll do that.

Kids: Thank you!

Kenya: Is this Gesdar guy strong?

Tiss: Huh?

Tiss: I'm not sure... I think he's just an ordinary butler.

Tiss: But he's a very good man.

Kenya: He said he's preparing the caves. What if a monster att*cks?

Tiss: Oh, don't worry.

Tiss: There aren't usually any monsters in these caves.

Ryota: What? Really?

Tiss: Yeah. The caves are manmade, after all.

Tiss: We'll just be evaluating how you handle the low-level monsters

Tiss: that we teachers summon there.

Kenya: That's all?

Chloe: Are you sure you should be telling us what the training consists of?

Tiss: Does anyone have magic that erases memories?

Kenya: No one here has magic that advanced!

Tiss: Gesdar-san!

Tiss: Are you in here?

Kenya: Hey, Gesdar-san!

Kenya: Where are ya?

Tiss: Maybe he's farther in...

Alice: Hey, Sensei...

Alice: Why does the count do so much to help out the academy?

Tiss: It's not just Count Guratol.

Tiss: His wife is even more passionate about helping.

Tiss: Since she's in poor health,

Tiss: she seems to admire people who can go exploring,

Tiss: so she always supports the school's activities.

Alice: Oh...

Kenya: So that's why.

Tiss: By the way, his wife is Jeff-sensei's younger sister.

Kids: What?!

Tiss: That's probably why he works as a teacher, even though he's a nobleman.

Tiss: To help fulfill his sister's wishes.

Alice: That's surprising.

Gail: Yeah.

Kenya: I thought he was just a bitter old man.

Tiss: Come, now! You kids are being rude!

Tiss: Gesdar-san!

Tiss: That's odd. Where could he be?

Chloe: Do the caves go even deeper?

Tiss: Yes, there's a bit more—

Tiss: Who are you?

Tiss: Pardon me. Are you a colleague of Gesdar-san's?

Kenya: Who are these guys?

Boss: Hey, now.

Boss: You're here a lot sooner than we were told to expect.

Boss: Well, now... What shall we do with you?

Tiss: Who are you people?

Tiss: What are you doing in here?

GuyB: "What are you doing here," she asked!

GuyB: Ain't that funny, boss?

Boss: I'm the only boss here!

Boss: Are these the only ones who've made it?

GuyA: Looks that way.

GuyC: Shouldn't we just k*ll them now, boss?

Boss: That's a bad idea.

Boss: If we stir things up here, it'll ruin the plan.

Boss: Where's that guy?

GuyB: No idea. I thought he was further in.

Boss: Go tell him this isn't what we discussed,

Boss: and ask what we should do with them.

GuyB: Got it!

Kenya: Are you guys thieves or something?

Tiss: Huh?!

Kenya: Stay back, Sensei.

Tiss: Wait, kids!

Tiss: This isn't part of the training!

Kenya: Yeah, yeah. We're supposed to protect you, so let us do our job.

Kenya: We'll beat these guys to a pulp.

Boss: A pulp, eh? Cocky bunch of brats, ain't ya?

Ryota: Sensei, let us handle this.

Gail: And we'd like extra credit for this!

Tiss: Huh?!

Chloe: Let's do this, guys!

Gail: Beast Gnome, protect Tiss-sensei.

Boss: A spirit user?!

Boss: Don't underestimate them! Treat them like normal kids, and you're goners!

Boss: Fight with the intent to k*ll!

Boss: Get them!

Gail: Beast Gnome!

GuyA: You can't hit me!

Alice: Tired of dancing yet, boss?

GuyA: I've... had enough...

Ryota: We'll end this, then.

GuyA: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait—

GuyD: Where'd you go, damn it?!

GuyD: There you are!

GuyD: What?!

GuyD: The ground's all squishy!

GuyC: What the hell are you doing?

GuyD: You idiot! Stay away!

GuyC: What?!

GuyC: The ground's all squishy!

GuyD: I just said that!

GuyC: I wasn't listening!

Gail: All right! Well done, Beast Gnome!

Boss: You little brat!

Kenya: Wow, you're stronger than I thought.

Ryota: Don't get careless, Ken-chan!

Kenya: I got this!

Boss: Don't you toy with me, brat!

Boss: I'm not the boss of a band of thieves for nothing!

Chloe: Healing!

Kenya: Thanks, Chlo-chi!

Boss: Healing magic?!

Boss: Hey, you guys! Give me a—

Boss: You bunch of losers!

Chloe: We're the students of the Hero, Shizue Izawa!

Chloe: We'll never lose to a bunch of thieves!

Tiss: I-Incredible...

Tiss: These kids' powers really are the real deal!

Kenya: Well said, Chlo-chi.

Kenya: You're the only one left!

Boss: You... little brat!

Boss: Fine. I'll admit defeat.

Ryota: Way to go, Ken-chan!

Boss: Just kidding!

Chloe: Th-That's...

Boss: Let your guard down, didn't ya?!

Boss: Wait... huh?!

Kenya: Rimuru-sensei taught us that grown-ups use a lot of dirty tricks.

Ryota: Rimuru-sensei does have a bit of a mean streak that Shizu-sensei didn't.

Alice: More than just "kind of."

Tiss: Just what is Rimuru-sensei?

Tiss: Let's head back to town and contact the security force.

Boss: Damn it...

Gail: What is it?

Gesdar: Goodness gracious. What has happened here?

GuyB: H-Huh?

Tiss: Gesdar-san! Thank goodness you're—

Tiss: Huh?

Kenya: It's not him.

Ryota: That's no butler.

Boss: Wha? Huh?

Kenya: Not only that... he's not even human.

Spirit: Right on the money, Ken-chan.

Spirit: That's a spectre disguised as a human.

Kenya: You're a spectre, aren't you?!

Gesdar: I wasn't expecting any of you to figure out what I really am.

Chloe: Stay back, Sensei!

Tiss: What is that aura?

Gesdar: It looks like you're all raring to go.

Gesdar: In that case, here I come.