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02x02 - (D) Trade with the Animal Kingdom

Posted: 04/28/23 04:48
by bunniefuu

After a four-day journey,

we had finally

arrived in Dwargon.

[RIMURU] We were immediately

granted an audience

with the king himself,

Gazel Dwargo.


I want to start by thanking you.

For pardoning

the crimes of Kaijin

and the three Dwarf brothers.

Back then, exiling them

was my only option.

A lesser punishment wouldn't

have satisfied my ministers.

Wait. So does that mean you

wanted to let them off easy?

Perhaps. Though, I admit

I had my own concerns.

Being the strange

creature you are,

it seemed best to get rid of all

of you for the time being.

[chuckles nervously]

[GAZEL] That said, it broke

my heart to forcibly send

Kaijin, Garm, Dord

and Myrd away.

[RIMURU] Well, thanks to Garm,

we have high-quality armor now.

Not to mention, Dord and Myrd

have been a huge help

with our construction projects.

And of course, Kaijin takes

care of all kinds of matters

that are way beyond

any of my abilities.

I have no doubt that Tempest

wouldn't be the same

without them.

I thought they would be better

off in a different environment.

One where they could make

use of their talents freely,

rather than living in obscurity.

What happened to Vesta?

Is he with you?

Oh, I did invite him

to come with me.


Hmm. I appreciate it,

but I simply can't bring

myself to face King Gazel

until I've produced some

sort of result.

So he said.


Sounds like Vesta.

But I suppose that means

he's finally found a place

where he can exercise

his talents to their fullest.


Now, Rimuru...



I need to ask you something.

I know. I've had a feeling.


In the battle against Charybdis,

you utilized a high-output

magical w*apon.

Can you enlighten me

with the details?

[RIMURU groans softly]

[GAZEL] I heard it was

an unprecedented force

that surpassed all

tactical magic.

Yeah, about that.

What if I said it was

Demon Lord Milim's power?


Yes, he made a similar joke

the day we defeated Charybdis.

Except it's kinda true.

Sorry, that's impossible

to believe.

You mean that child...


Yay! It's me!

[DORF] a Catastrophe-class

Demon Lord?

[RIMURU] Look, I totally

get why it sounds crazy.




It's too preposterous

to be mere boasting.

All right. I've decided

to believe you.




Got that? You, too.


Yes, sir.

But when did you become

acquainted with

the oldest of the Demon Lords?

You are truly full of surprises,

Lord Rimuru.





Why is Shion acting so proud?

Thank you for waiting.



What is this?

[RIMURU] Ah, just

a small gift from Tempest.

For you.




Please have one.


Thank you.

Hold on.

Did Dord make these glasses?

Yep, you guessed it.



It's magnificent.

The translucence,

the delicate appearance.

And is this detoxifying

rune magic?

How thoughtful.

Would you like me

to taste it for poison?

I would never actually suspect

you of trying to poison me.


Such a lovely aroma.

Oh! This drink is...



I agree.

Bottoms up.

Ah! Tasty!

[GREAT SAGE] Notice.

Poison Resistance successful.


No, stop succeeding!

What's the point of good booze

if you're gonna erase it?!


What's wrong?

Uh! It's nothing important.

This is a distilled liquor

made from apples.

We're working on the prospect

of importing more fruit,

so we should be able

to make more soon.

[GAZEL] Importing? Does that

mean you've found other nations

with which to establish

new relations besides Dwargon?

The Kingdom of Blumund, perhaps?

Yeah. But not just with them.

The fruit's from

the Animal Kingdom--

From Eurazania?!

Uh. Yes?

That arrogant Beast King made

a deal with another nation?!

First, you earned the favor

of Demon Lord Milim,

and now with Demon Lord

Carrion, as well?

Are you a seducer

of Demon Lords?


No, not at all!

I just happened to help out

someone who serves

the Demon Lord Carrion.

After that, it sort of led

to discussions of trade

between our nations.

In fact, we only just recently

sent delegations to each other.

You must realize this

will cause the importance

of Tempest to skyrocket.

It's quite possible it could

replace the Kingdom of Falmuth

as the major trade center.

Yes. That's a fair point.

I seriously doubt it.

Plus, our main goal is to finish

establishing transport routes

so our trades can run smoothly.

[GAZEL] Setting aside

talk of the future.

I admit this drink is far better

than any alcohol I've imported

from Falmuth directly.

I hope your

partnership succeeds.


The Kingdom of Falmuth, huh?

I'm pretty sure that's the

country that Youm is from.

Ah... Ah-choo!


You sick?

No way. I bet you anything

someone's talking about me.


Now that I think about it,

he doesn't mention

his home very much.

What's the Kingdom of

Falmuth like, anyway?

Well. I'd rank it as

number one or two

among all the Western Provinces.

Our nation also depends

on imports from Falmuth,

as well as the empire,

for most of our food.

Although... Between

just you and me?



I don't care for Falmuth's king.


Whoa, for real?

He's too greedy

for his own good.

So no matter what it takes, you

must succeed in your trade talks

with Eurazania.


And one more thing--

make sure you supply your senior

with plenty of tasty alcohol.

[RIMURU groans] I'm starting to

think you have ulterior motives.

Worry not, sir!


Ah! Shion?

When did you start drinking?

Bwah! Leave it to my lord!

He'll have that trade

locked in no time splat!


Like a trade expl*si*n!

--[RIMURU] What?!

--[SHION laughs]

'Cause of him,

our food tastes yummy!

Every single meal

on our table is like

an imported feast, y'know?

And y'can bet your royal bottom

that more delicious booze

like this is gonna be

rolled in by the barrelful!

You can trust Lord Rimuru!

[SHUNA whimpers]





And safe...


[SHION moans softly]

[RIMURU] Holy wow, what am

I gonna do with this girl?

I'm sorry!

Please forgive

my companion's rudeness!

[BOTH laugh]




Yeah, sorry about my secretary.

It's fine. You should take

her to go get some rest.

Right. Please pardon us.


How embarrassing.

You can say that again.

[SHION chuckles softly]

Somehow... I still wanna live up

to her expectations, though.

Shuna. Once we're

back in our quarters,

let's go over the speech

one more time.



The night passed.

And the next day, we had a big

rally to publicly announce

the declaration of friendship

between Dwargon and Tempest.

Basically, it's an opportunity

to stand before

the king's citizens and show

them that we're friends.

More or less.

My being here doesn't

just represent me,

but all of Tempest, as well.

It's important that I give

a proper greeting

and make a good impression.

Nice to meet you!



I'm the leader of the Jura

Tempest Federation,

or Tempest for short.

I'm Rimuru Tempest.

[cheering, applause]



Oh! Thank you so much!

[RIMURU] So, my biggest wish

is to build a nation

that will serve as a bridge

between monster

and human society.

Dwargon is already a nation in

which monsters and humans

both exist and prosper together.

You've already achieved my goal.

I couldn't be more grateful to

King Gazel for his endorsement

and overall support

of my ideal nation.

I would like to continue

to uphold our relationship

of mutual aid, but to do that,

I'm going to need

everyone's cooperation.

In addition to myself,

there are many other monsters

who call our country home.

It would be fair to say

we're a nation of monsters.

But the truth is, in our hearts,

we're no different

from any of the citizens here.

I hope that, instead of fearing

us because we're monsters,

you'll accept us

as your new allies.

I promise you that my words

convey only my honest feelings.

And with that, I'll conclude

my greeting to you.

[cheering, applause]

--Lord Rimuru!

--[RANGA howls]

[ELVES giggle]

[RIMURU sighs]

[RIMURU] Well... I guess

we can call my speech a success!

Way too short.

Atrociously humble.

Too dependent on their sympathy.

I award you zero points.

[RIMURU groans]

[GAZEL] The ruler of a nation

shouldn't address citizens

with such humility.

Especially not the citizens

of a foreign nation.

They'll look down on you.

[RIMURU groans]

You cannot rule with such weak

thoughts like, "I hope,"

and, "I wish."

Wonderful things don't come

about by using pretty words.

No, you have to make

them come about yourself.



[RIMURU] Man, I totally

sucked at giving speeches

back when I was a human, too.

Some things never change.

[RIMURU] But... I don't think

he'd be so honest with me

unless he was sincere

about wanting this to succeed.

I really am blessed with

some awesome friendships.

I should thank him.

[RIMURU] Somehow or another,

I managed to make it through

my big speech in the

Armed Nation of Dwargon.

[RIMURU] To celebrate,

I decided to treat myself a bit.


Yep. When it comes to Dwargon,

there's always one place

I make sure to visit!

[RIMURU] It's the

Butterflies of the Night.

An Elf paradise!




You didn't let Shuna or Shion

see you leave, right?

We're good, sir!


Follow me.

To the promised land!



Hello there!

We've been waiting,

Mister Slime!


I've returned to Hooter Heaven!



It's the E.I.L.Fs!

I mean--elf ladies!

You look great!


Thank you!


Excuse me. I'll take that.



Hell yes!


You're all boingy!


You're all boingy...


[RIMURU chuckling]

Oh, wow, it's been forever.

We were starting to think that

you'd forgotten about us,

you know.




Oh, really?


I mean it!


Welcome, boys.

You must be

Mister Slime's friends.

We're glad you're here.

[GOBTA whimpering]


[ELF WOMAN J chuckles]

Uh. Thank you for your service!

[ELF WOMAN J giggles]

Do you have anything for me?

[GOBTA whimpering]

--My love.

--That's sweet of you.


I admire Gobta's bravery,

and her ability to dodge it.

Your other friends are

seated over there, Mister Slime.


Hey, Rimuru!

Thanks for inviting me to your

little get together tonight.


No problem-o, my dude!

I'm happy you could join us.

You know. Seeing your slime form

feels more natural.

[RIMURU] Hold up, what's wrong

with my human form?

Oh, nothing's

wrong with it, per se.

I just prefer this one.


Sure, whatever.

Anyway, you guys

can relax and chat tonight.


You idiot!

Who wants to chat with a bunch

of guys in a place like this?

We've got these

beautiful ladies to talk to!

I prefer their attention.

Yeah, my bro's right, Rimuru!

It'd be rude to

ignore these ladies!

[RIMURU] I'm starting to see

the family resemblance.

You're so good, Gobta!


[GOBTA grunting]


You girls really think so?

Honestly, this nothing

for someone like me.


--[RIMURU groans]


There we go.


Ah! Ah!

That's dangerous--

what are you doing?!

I should probably warn you

that's a rather expensive glass.

So be careful. Don't drop it.

--Wow. You're so cruel!


[GOBTA whimpering]


If you let that glass break...

Let's see...

I suppose you'll just have

to pay for it with your body.





--[crashing, glass shattering]

--[ELF WOMEN screaming]


Gobta?! Are you okay?!


Hang in there!


I was joking!

[GOBTA whimpering]


Excuse me, do you have a minute?


For you? I have several.

[RIMURU] Do you think this is

something you could sell here?


What is it?

[RIMURU] A new kind of liquor

produced in my country.


I can't give you much,

since I have to save

some for the King,

but you could reserve it

for some of your regulars.

I'd love to hear their thoughts.


Are you sure, though?

[RIMURU] Yep! All I need

is for you to research

how much someone's

willing to pay for one glass.

Well, now. You're quite

a business-slime, aren't you?

--[RIMURU chuckles]

--[OWNER A giggles]

I didn't know you could be

such a smooth talker.

Your speech was so stiff.


Wait, you were watching?

Quite closely.

[RIMURU] Oh, that was just, um,

you know, part of my plan!

I wanted to look humble.

[OWNER A chuckles]

Don't worry, I believe you.

For what it's worth, you made

a good impression on me.

You came off as very sincere.

I think it's

an important quality.

And it draws people to you.

Well done.

In that respect, I would've

given you a perfect score.

[RIMURU gasps]

Your goal is appealing.

A mixed nation.

Yes. One that

welcomes all races.

Where we can all live freely.

[RIMURU chuckles]

That means a lot.

[OWNER A giggles]

[RIMURU] After that,

we partied maybe a bit too late

into the night.

[DWARVES laughing,

muttering indistinctly]


Bunch of drunks.

Plus, someone's anemic now.

Hey, Gobta, you good?

I feel dizzy...


I'm sure.

Listen up, boys.

Don't let anyone see you

when you head back

to your rooms, okay?

The dream we enjoyed

tonight is our little secret!




Then we're off!


Can I be of assistance?


Yeah, that'd be gr--



[GREAT SAGE] Notice.

Intense energy detected

behind her smile.


Tell me something I don't know!



Why am I here, you ask?

[RIMURU gasps, grunts]

Well, Gobzo was polite

enough to tell me everything.

[RIMURU gasps]


How could you, you traitor?!

Oh, uh. Easy.

Princess Shuna asked me to tell

her where we were all going.

She's so friendly.


You've doomed us all, you fool!


You're terrible, Lord Rimuru.

[RIMURU gasps]

You left us behind.

How dare you!

[RIMURU] Listen, Shion,

it's not what you think!


How could you go

without telling us?!

[RIMURU wailing]

[SHION groans]

As for you boys...

Were you also involved in this

plan to sneak out tonight...?


[GOBLIN BOYS whimpering]

[DWARVES groaning]

--[SHION] Ugh!


I had no intention

of stopping you.

You're free to do

whatever you wish, my lord.

Although... I am a little

disappointed in you.

[RIMURU groans]




[RIMURU] An excuse will

only make things worse.

Time to own up to this!


Please forgive me!

And now, I have no excuse!

I will use my slime cuteness

to erase my crimes!



[BOTH gasp]


I understand.

[RIMURU giggles]

[SHUNA] Just live on Shion's

cooking for one week,

and we'll call it even.


Thank you-- What?!

You mean it, Princess Shuna?

Yes! Do your best, Shion!


--Yay! This will be amazing!

[RIMURU groans]

Way too short.

Atrociously humble.

Too dependent on their sympathy.

[RIMURU] King Gazel.

That dude knows his stuff.

[RIMURU sighs]


Think we could cut

it down to three days?

Nope, one week.




[RIMURU] Maybe things

didn't end as planned,

but with our tasks

completed in Dwargon,

we were finally ready

to head back home.

Huh? Ah. Over there.

That's him.

The Champion known as Youm.


There you are, Isaac.


This is my sister.

She was hoping to meet with you.

Do you have a minute?


I happen to be

very good with magic.

I think I could prove

to be useful to your party.

It would seem...

...that you're a bit lacking

when it comes to magic users.

Yeah, I'll pass. We're actually

good on that front.

What could a mere woman

like you do, anyway?


Hmph. Well, by all means,

allow me to show you what

a "mere woman" can do.


[YOUM growls]


Earth Lock!

[YOUM grunts]

--Can't move!


[KAJIR] I had no idea simple

magic could be used that way!

Air Shot, go!


Just you wait!

I will beat you!

It's over.

Pathetic, I had no idea

you lacked basic resistance

to abnormal statuses.

You have practically

no defense against magic.

[YOUM groans]


Stop, okay? You're the winner.

[grunts] You're pretty strong.

What's your name?



