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03x16 - Daddy Was a Bank Robber

Posted: 04/28/23 04:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Walker...

Yesterday, a detonated expl*sive

took the lives of six FBI agents

and civilian reporter Julia Johnson.

We've identified the
perpetrator as Kevin Golden.

The FBI has reason to believe

that Mr. Golden's accomplice
in yesterday's attack

was Texas Ranger Cordell Walker.

A violent man needs to be
brought to justice, that's all.



GRAVES: My people will be reaching
out for an official statement,

but Mr. Cooper's
confirmed your innocence.

Kevin played all of
us, Cass, not just you.

Oh, my God, you're not
getting it. [SNIFFLES]

Have you even stopped to think what

it's been like for me
since that C went off?

So you know what, maybe you
could just back the hell off.


♪ Days in our lives you know ♪


♪ How we can get off track ♪

♪ Days in our loves will show... ♪

- He's teasing her.

- You were teasing her, right?
- Yeah.

- WALKER: I smell coffee.
- ABELINE: Oh! Hey!

- BONHAM: Hey!
- AUGUST: What's up, Dad?

- Hey, hey.
- I just made it fresh.

Perfect timing.

Look at that.

- So what did the doctor say?
- Well, I...

passed my two-week
checkup with flying colors.

They do want me to carry on
with, uh, physical therapy though, so...

- Well, you had your bell rung.
- Yeah.

I just can't wait to tell
Geri in person thank you

for getting you through that.

- Ah, great.
- There's, uh, there's more bacon on the stove.


LIAM: Hey, did Geri ever
tell you what kept her gone so long?

Uh, when she's ready.

Mmm, she's actually stopping
by The Side Step today.

Um... Uh, Stella Blue, did she
text you or Colton what time?

Uh, no, not yet. And
Colton actually left

- for Vegas this morning.
- No way! That's actually happening?

- Mm-hmm.
- WALKER: What-what... what's happening?

Colton's in Vegas? Okay.

You better not be planning to
meet him there and get married,

- because if he proposed to you.
- ABELINE: Okay, no way in the world

- she would go to Vegas...
- ... without calling

- your daddy first...
- marry

when she has a perfectly
good venue right here.

No, no. No. There is a
chef there. Colton submitted

to this culinary
internship a while back.

He didn't get in, but the
person that they picked

dropped out and they called him.

It happened kind of all of sudden.

- That's fantastic!
- That's great!

- That's big.
- Wait, so I basically have free reign

to run the concert for
the horse rescue tonight?

- Oh. We should go. Stel, Augie...
- Mm-hmm.

Let's get going if I'm gonna
drop you off at The Side Step.

What are you up to today?

I'm gonna hang out with Ben
before the concert, so I'll, uh,

- I'll see you later.
- WALKER: See you later.

- LIAM: Come on, kids.

Uh... Love you, Augie.

- Love you, Stella.
- Drive safe!

- STELLA: I love you!
- BONHAM: Careful.

You know, it means a lot
that you took this time off

to be with family, after everything.


Yeah, Mama, you know what? Uh...

I needed it, too.

♪ And can't proceed ♪

♪ For the day they turn the bastards ♪

♪ On their head. ♪



- Hey.
- Hey.

Just came to check in on you.

Saw you struggling a little bit at HQ.

Yeah, well, uh, I'm,

I'm working through it.

- Right.
- Yeah.

I just didn't want to
be a reason for that.

Thank you for that.

Trey, so many people

are alive because of you.

And seven people are
also dead because of me.


Hey, what are you doing right now?

Do you want to get out of here?

We don't have to talk about
our feelings the whole time.

[LAUGHS] Yeah, maybe grab a beer?

- Yeah.
- Let me, uh, let me grab my coat.

- Okay.
- All right.


So appetizers are obvious
for tonight, but, uh,

salad? What's the salad
we can make the biggest?


Oh, oh! Hey, there she is!

- Woman of the hour!
- Hey!

- Hi.
- Hey. We didn't burn anything

- down while you were gone.
- Not that you didn't try.

- We don't have to, like, rehash anything.
- Did you hear about the party he threw?

- What?
- WALKER: It's her birthday, kiddos.

Give her a minute. They're just excited.

- We all are.
- Oh!

Well, I am, too, and I want
to hear about everything,

but there's someone
that I want you to meet.

She should be here soon.

- WALKER: Okay.
- Oh, we should show you the new menu.

- Yes, yeah.
- Oh, yeah, I want to see.

WALKER: Here. All right.

HIPSTER: Oh, my goodness.

Now, listen. My Marantz don't
touch anything under grams.

And it's no Sorry Mom,

but I'll get it, as long as it's .

All right? I have
nothing less than that.

Wait, are you guys talking
about the new Destroy Boys album?

- Yeah, you know 'em?
- Sure.

Toured together last spring.

Hey, you know there's a
sold-out show here tonight?

But I'm actually doing will-call
sales for true music fans.

If you have bucks, I
can put you on the list.

Unless, you know, you
want to risk being turned

away at the door. You know,
don't want to be that guy.

Thanks. Thanks.

Got a name?

Hey, Geri.

- Welcome back.
- I missed you.

Uh, also,

does that girl work here? Because she is

selling tickets to our fundraiser.

Who is? Because we're,
we're not selling tickets.

- Cordi!
- Sorry, my name is Sadie...

- You guys look like some...
- Uh,

excuse me, sorry. I-I heard
you were selling tickets

to the fundraiser tonight?
The... free fundraiser.

- No, Cordi, wait.
- I'm co-owner of this place.

And a Texas Ranger. I'm sorry.

- Are we gonna have an issue here?
- Cordi. Wait. Just...

No, this is who I wanted you to meet.

Her. Everyone.

This is Sadie Yoo.

Hoyt's daughter.

Hoyt? Like-like, our Hoyt?

- Yep.
- SADIE: Your Hoyt.

My dad.

Pleasure to meet you.


♪ ♪

Hold on, Hoyt had a kid?
Did he know about it?

About her? Did you know?
Uh, uh, when did this happen?

I don't know, one of the times
we were broken up? Listen.

It's not like I had a tracker
on him when we weren't together.

How did we not know about this?

Because he didn't know.

Sadie's mom, Melissa,
she never told him.

Hey, get you something?

Oh, not yet. I'm meeting someone.


Everything all right?

I don't know.

There was this guy a few years ago.

Now my daughter has all these questions

about her dad that I can't answer.

He said he came here a lot, so...

I don't know what I'm doing.

I don't know why I'm
telling you all that.

It's my job.

Drink's on me. Whiskey?


Geraldine, my love!

Oh, the angels themselves have
come down to Earth and blessed us.

I can die happy, just seeing that face.


Why do you smell like acetylene?

Better question...

why do you know what
acetylene smells like?

Because my dad used it to
repair gates at Davidson Ranch.

But you're not working.

Maybe I started a new job.

GERI: A new job? What kind of job?

Don't worry,

I'm-I'm being smart.

That's something people
say when they're thinking

- about doing something really dumb.
- Just... hear me out.

It's just one time.

That's the other thing people say.

Hoyt, it is one thing

to flirt with trouble, but
this, this sounds like more.


Look at me!

Okay? I'm being serious.

Sadie's mom didn't want her
kid being raised by a criminal.

How did Sadie find you, then?

Well, her mother passed
away a couple months ago.

Sadie was always curious,

so she used one of those
DNA ancestry services.

Hoyt's in the federal system.

That made the connection, led her to me.

We don't think she's scamming you?

Scamming me? [SCOFFS]

What, like I'm some rich
old widow to siphon off of?

Come on, Cordi, she's a kid.

Newly orphaned, by the way.

She needs to know where she
came from just like I did.

And we were the people
that he was closest to.

And, Cordi, she's his.

Isn't that reason alone
to give her a chance?

You have my number. Think about it.

We will, we will. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you. Thanks.

- Come on.
- Ah, you know, the bathrooms need

real, like, updating, so...

We can do all the updates you want to do

with the pile of money we're gonna save.

You mean compared to
the brand-new condo

downtown with the heated bathroom floors

- and the valet...
- Condo? Did you say "condo"?

... park... Valet parking.

Look at this, look at, look, look...

- at the bones on this bad boy.
- Mm-hmm.

It's a classic. They don't
make houses like this anymore.

Maybe for a reason. I'm just saying.

You say "classic," I hear "old."

Oh, oh, okay.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm beginning to think

- we're working off of different checklists here.
- No, I...

I'm just saying, we have done
the family house once before, okay?

- This one is for us.
- I know.

- It's...
- Okay, look.

I have to go get the new
offices ready for Monday.

We will figure this out.



- Okay?
- All right.

- Okay.
- Just, hey, think about the Craftsman.

- Uh-huh.
- Okay, baby?

- Yep.
- The bones, baby.

Think about them bones. [CLAPS HANDS]

BEN: Hopefully, this won't take
long, just let me talk to the guy.

No lawyer stuff.

People get sensitive about wine forgery.

Right. But can I talk at all?

Yeah, of course. [CHUCKLES]

I purchased several
cases of a ' Cab from you.

But they're not right.

Well, you likely mishandled the wine.

Look, I-I didn't buy
it for my book club.

I work for one of the top
wine retailers in the state.

I think what we received was, uh...

not correct.

So, what, you're, uh, you're
accusing me of forgery?

No, he's not accusing you of anything.

But maybe you have an
authentication process

- that you could show us?
- This is absolutely preposterous.

Whoa, hold on a minute,
that's an honest request.

But if you're refusing, it does make it

- a little bit more complicated.
- Oh, oh.

I see, so you're gonna
shake down a local grower?

We can keep it simple,
honestly. Here, I think if you

- take a look at this...
- We're done. I've seen enough.

Get off the property.


To be fair, that actually wasn't

lawyer talk, that was just
overprotective boyfriend talk.

Ben, wait.

♪ It's a little step in
the right direction... ♪

GERI: So tell me how it's
been being a business owner.

You know, um, a lot of hard work.

Some growing pains.

But I'm really excited about it.

Great, and it looks like

you found your reason to be

that weird alumni who's always around.

Oh, God, I am so sorry.

You have no idea how much
I regret saying that stuff.

Oh, stop it, I'm kidding.

I mean, I have to have
some fun with you about it.

You know, sometimes
things don't make sense

until you're on the other side of them.

Yeah. This whole thing with the rescue,

- it just felt right.
- Mm-hmm.

And I guess Austin
is not the worst place

- in the world to be stuck.
- No.

And every choice you make,
it can evolve, you know?

Something I'm still
trying to learn, anyway.

Well, I have to run to the feed store.
But I'll see you tonight, okay?

Sounds good.


Don't be mad, but I
couldn't just stand by.

CASSIE: All right, cavalry's here.

You called my sister?

Cass, this doesn't need to involve

- law enforcement.
- No, you're in luck.

We were off today. We were
on our way to get a beer,

- but wine will suffice.
- TREY: Liam said that you think

this winemaker sold
you some forged bottles?

- That is what happened.
- Okay.

All I know...

is I opened this bottle,
and it didn't taste right.

Said it was a ' , but
it was a , tops.

Anyway, I tried another

and I noticed that
the label was different

from similar vintages they
put out, like it wasn't a part

of the original run.

This is a big claim that I
don't know how to prove.

I already accused him of forgery.

I don't know. If I'm wrong,

it could ruin all my
relationships in Austin wine.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

Ben, you're, like, a
savant with alcohol.

You say something's
wrong, I believe you.

- I don't want this to come back on me.
- Of course not.

Get to your fundraiser.

[CLAPS HANDS] All right, thank you.

- Yeah. All right.
- LIAM: Thanks, bud.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Almost definitely not.


August. Hey.

- Come on, bud, not in the living room.
- Sorry.

I found Sadie's Music Cloud,
and she's like this...

singer-songwriter. She's
actually really good.

I kind of got, like, sucked in.

That's interesting. One might say

there's more to her than meets the eye.


ABELINE: Oh! Geri!

- Oh, so good to see you.
- There she is!

- Hi!
- Hey, hey, we'd hug you, but...

- you'd smell like the stable, so... All right.
- Get in here, come on.

- My goodness.
- Hey, hey.

Um, do we think it's a great idea

for Sadie to come tonight?

I mean, I just want to be sure about her

before bringing her into the circle.

- You know?
- Well, uh...

I brought her in. Do you trust me?

- And, let's be honest,

before the Marines, you
and Hoyt did much worse

- than sell fake tickets.
- Okay, all right.

GERI: And, hey, look, if you don't
want to be a part of her life,

you don't have to be,

but it's my bar, too, and she's coming.

- Okay?
- Okay.

- I'll see you later.
- All righty. Okay.

- See you later.
- Well...

I got to say,

I'm surprised you don't even want to try

- to get to know Hoyt's daughter.
- I didn't say I don't want to try, Mama,

I'm just being cautious.

I literally met the girl

as she was stealing from me.

AUGUST: Well, technically, she was

stealing from those
hipster bros, just saying.

Thank you, August. [GRUNTS]

My point is, she seems like trouble.

Well, so did Hoyt, on occasion,

and we loved him, a hell of a lot.

BONHAM: Me, I still would've hid
my good bourbon from that boy, though.

But if I had the chance
to do it all over again,

I believe that I would've
been kinder to Hoyt.

Better that than regrets.

Maybe that's part of it,
too. Regrets. You know?

It's not like Hoyt was born a criminal.

And the first time he
ever got in real trouble,

I could've stepped in. I should've.

So, this is it.

Mm, excuse us, ma'am.

- Cordell.
- WALKER: Hey. Uh...

Y'all, meet my new partner, Larry James.

Larry, my best friends.

Hoyt Rawlins and Geraldine Broussard.

- How's it going?
- Hey.

- Just Geri's fine.
- Oh, just Larry

- is fine. Good to meet you.

- Introducing us to your new partner.
- Yeah.

This calls for celebration.

All right. [CLEARS THROAT]

This is for you, handsome.

[CLICKS TONGUE] All right,
boys, what's it gonna be?

[CHUCKLES] Uh, club soda is fine.

Mm, okay, don't sh**t.

- Two club sodas, please.
- Lame.

- Double tequila in mine, then.

- So, how's our Cordi faring?
- JAMES: Oh, good.

- I'd say he's a natural.
- Well, color me

surprised, considering all the trouble

- we used to get in.

- Really?
- HOYT: Yeah.

So, how about you, Hoyt,
you still getting in trouble?

Me? No. No, sir.

Eh, the very thought of
disappointing Geraldine on that

keeps me in line.

Mm. Anyway,

I should be on my way.

Got to handle some personal matters.

- Yeah.
- Ranger James, a pleasure.

Darlin', I'll see you tonight.


He said he's gonna
"color outside the lines."

- Could you go talk to him, please?
- I'm sure it's just Hoyt being Hoyt.

JAMES: Look, I don't know what
you mean by coloring outside the lines,

but your boy is definitely being shady.

Okay, okay. [CLEARS THROAT]

Hoyt, hey. Hey, hey.

Wait up, wait up. Just, uh...

Just... [SIGHS]

Just tell me how-how
worried I should be.

Not at all, C Dubs.

Okay. I know that look.

I know you probably
feel like-like you can't

- tell me about stuff...

... the way you used
to, but if I can help...

It's not something you can help me with,

and I don't want to lie to you.

So let's leave it at that.

All right?

Just never could tell

if I was making the right
call with Hoyt, you know?

Well, I do know that your heart
was always in the right place.

BONHAM: There's a fine
line between giving someone

the benefit of the
doubt and enabling them.




All right.

So what are you actually thinking?

Can you improvise?

I once convinced a t*rror1st
organization I was one of them.


SOMMELIER: Isn't it delicious?
If you swish it around

on your palate, you'll
start to recognize

several different layers.

The land in Austin makes
this one of our most

popular varietals.

Perfect for a Tempranillo.
Oh, we have new guests.

Sandra Friciello, and my,
uh, partner and chef...

- Thomas Alexandre.
- Mm. [GASPS] Oh.


Saluti, everyone.

- Salud.
- Mm.

- Mm.

- It's wonderful. Mmm.
- Ooh.

But do you have anything
more unique or rare?

- TREY: Yes.
- I-I can help you with that.

We have been renowned for
our wines going back decades.

That's what we've been told,
but we need to see for ourselves.

Yes, yes, and if it's good,
money is absolutely no issue.


Well, I think I may have
something perfect for you.

Let me check our reserve.

Thank you.


- I'm gonna go check out what he's doing.
- All right.

Excuse me, where's the restroom?

Oh. It's just down the hall over there.

So, what notes are we tasting?

Vanilla. Cherry.


♪ Trouble is, trouble is ♪

♪ An in-law ♪

♪ Making you an outlaw ♪

♪ Trouble is ♪

♪ Trouble might be running... ♪

What you got going on in there?

♪ Gonna get you in the jaw y'all ♪

♪ Trouble is ♪

♪ Trouble is a bad dream ♪

♪ Playing for the wrong team ♪

- ♪ Trouble is ♪
- ♪ Trouble might be ♪

♪ Spending all your money ♪

♪ Throw your house
into the sea breeze ♪


♪ Trouble is, trouble is a pink slip. ♪



Oh, Sandra.

Our sommelier just
introduced me to a Sangiovese

which would pair... mwah...

fantastic with our poulet aux noix.

Ah, fantastic, because that
has been keeping me up at night.

- Can I talk to you a moment? Over here?

Of course.

Did you find anything?

Good news, I was able

to set aside three cases at
$ , each, but I'll need time

- to secure more.
- Oh, is secure the word?

- Or is it forge?
- What are these?

There's an explanation.

Looks like freshly printed labels to me.

Right, so then why do they say " "?

Why, indeed?

- I wonder what else we might find.
- TREY: Mm.

Listen, it's simple, really. I just...

Ah, you're gonna want to
choose your next few words

- very carefully.
- We're Texas Rangers, by the way.

I did it to make up the difference

after successive bad seasons.

I didn't know how to
tell my business partner.

- It was just gonna be a couple of cases.
- CASSIE: Right.

Well, we're gonna need
you to refund the money

to Ben Perez and everyone else you owe.

We'll have someone here within
the week to check in on that.



What do I tell my partner?

Listen, man,

you just gotta have
a little bit of faith.

The thing about partners is
they tend to have your back

when you need it the most.


LIAM: Thank you so much for coming.

- STELLA: Thank you for donating.
- LIAM: How you doing?

- Hi. - Hi.
- Thank you.

♪ I been thinking about a lifeline ♪

♪ I been thinking
about friends of mine ♪

♪ I been thinking about sunshine ♪

♪ Beating down ♪

♪ Reminiscing on the old days ♪

♪ Adjusting to the new ways... ♪

- Hey, August, right?
- Yeah.

Um, do you know what music Hoyt liked?

I figured you'd be the one to know.

He, uh...

I always feel like Uncle
Hoyt was, like, blasting.

Fleetwood Mac, or something like that.

By the way, I came across
your song, "Catch Me First."

It's, like... It's, like, really cool.

"Came across" my song? Huh.

I mean, it was right there.

- I couldn't not click on it, you know?
- It was right there?

- Yeah, it was right there.
- So everyone has SoundCloud nowadays?

- I do. Do you?
- Oh, okay.

- Hey.

Everything all right?

You look a little more
ponderous than usual.



Um, well...

There is this.

Wow. That's gorgeous.

It's my grandmother's diamond.

She passed recently.
We were pretty tight.

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah.

She gave me constant hell
when Kelly and I got divorced.

Larry, you're messing up.


Anyway, first time around
I just bought a ring

at some store. Second time
around, it feels like I should,

you know, do something
a little more special.

Second time?

You asking, Larry? That's beautiful.

That's the plan.

I mean, I-I-I want to.

We've been looking at houses together.

There's this Craftsman that I... love.

- Yeah?
- Kelly doesn't want an old house,

- so... I don't know.
- Oh.

Kind of makes me worried
that she might not want a...

secondhand ring, or a
secondhand husband, for that matter.

That woman loves you.

And you've put in the work.

You're on the other side of it now.

But if you want, you
could get that stone reset.

Same ring, but different.


- What's going on?
- Hey, come here.

Look at that. See that?

Is she flirting with Augie?

Aw, geez, call for backup.

Are young people charming each other

- in this fine establishment?
- All right,

Geri, I'm trying to give Sadie

the benefit of the doubt, I am.

But that kid comes
pre-programmed with a lot.

I know, but hear me out.

Do you think maybe
you're being hard on her

because you were too soft on Hoyt?


- Hey, Geri.
- Hey.

Walker, uh, didn't you have to
talk to Sadie about something?


- Wow, she really just did that.
- Yeah, yeah, she did.


I'll start.

We got off on the wrong foot.

Ranger Cordell Walker.

Bastard Orphan Sadie. [CLICKS TONGUE]


... you, uh...

Your dad used to do that.

Hey, can we be, uh,
real for just a second?


There's something I wanted to know.

Um, did Hoyt,


ever mention if he knew about me to you?


You know, Hoyt wasn't perfect,

but he had a good heart.

The best. Um...

If he knew about you,

he'd have done everything possible

to be a part of your life.

Geri went out on a limb for you.

Wants me to do the
same. But what you did...

selling fake tickets to a concert...

you're gonna have to earn my trust.

I know.

I mean, but there were circumstances...

Circumstances? Okay.
I've heard this before

with the circumstances;
Hoyt was great with excuses.

See that money in that
boot? That's for charity.

So if anything happens to it,
I'm holding you accountable.

Think I'd steal from a charity?

I think that's what you
were doing when we met,

- as a matter of fact.
- AUGUST: Sadie.

- Can I borrow you really quick?
- Augie, one second.

It's really important.
Hey, listen, our opener

is stuck in San Antonio,
and, like, the crowd is

getting just restless,
so I was wondering

if you could, like,
play to pass the time?

I don't have my band.

Do you have a loop pedal?

Yes. Yes. Oh, my God, thank you.


Okay, well, thank you anyway.

Hey, Stella, uh, Sadie's gonna fill in

- before the next band gets here.
- Sadie, you're a lifesaver.

Hey, no worries. Got
me away from your dad.

Dude's got no chill. No offense.

- It's because he cares.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry about your mom,

but I'm really happy that
we're getting to meet you now.


Hey, Augie, can I airdrop
you my backing tracks?

I am gonna try your suggestion

- for my single.
- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, go ahead.

Oh, uh, by the way,

Uncle Hoyt's not my actual uncle.

Just in case you
thought we were related.

We're-we're definitely not related.

- STELLA: Augie? Just give her the guitar.
- Yeah?


SADIE: Thanks.

STELLA: Hello. We just want
to say thank you so much

for coming out to support Walker Rescue.


Your donations are gonna help us
serve the community for years to come.

And if you have not already donated,

there's a jar, or a boot, right here.

Now, I would like to introduce
the first act of the night,

Sadie Yoo.


♪ ♪

♪ I didn't do it for the thrill ♪

♪ I didn't do it 'cause it's personal ♪

♪ This money's like a poison pill ♪

♪ My bad habits ♪

♪ Have got me on the run ♪

♪ You'll have to catch me first ♪

♪ You'll have to ♪

- ♪ Catch me first ♪

♪ You'll have to catch me first ♪

♪ And I'm giving you ♪

♪ A head start, one, two, three, four ♪

Who's here in support of Walker Rescue?

- Let me hear it.

♪ Bank man foreclosed on my home ♪

♪ He didn't care my mama was ♪

♪ On her deathbed ♪

♪ Tax man took everything I own ♪


♪ Except for the one thing ♪

♪ My daddy left me ♪

♪ You'll have to catch me first ♪

♪ You'll have to catch me first ♪

♪ You'll have to catch me first... ♪

- ♪ And I'm giving you ♪
- All right, tap's dry. Ger...

♪ A head start ♪

I gotta run to the back,
change the keg, okay?

I'll be back in one sec.

There's not nearly enough
cash in this here boot.

I want to see every one
of you put something in it.

♪ I don't want to ♪

♪ Lie to you ♪

♪ I know how much it hurts ♪

♪ If you want to ♪

♪ Know the truth ♪

♪ You'll just have to run ♪

♪ And catch me first ♪

ALL: ♪ One, two, three, four ♪

- ♪


ALL: ♪ One, two, three, four ♪


- CROWD: ♪ One two, three, four. ♪
- Geri, where's Sadie?

GERI: I... I don't know.


Sadie robbed us.



Hey. Is everything all right?

I got my money back for the wine.

You don't seem that relieved.


When I said I wanted to
handle things today, I meant it.

Look, I take a lot of pride in this.
You know? Building up my business.

And then you kind of inserted yourself.

Well, you're right, I...

I've just been so in my head lately

trying to start my own thing that I...

I guess I'm sort of trying
to be a fixer everywhere,

and it is not working.

- I'm sorry.
- Thank you.

Side note. Did any part of you like

the protective boyfriend thing?

Like, just... like, a little bit.


Mm, to discuss.

- Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Augie.

What a day. Um...

- Oof.
- Wait. What...

- How... How did you...
- SADIE: It's all there.


I'm gonna let you two talk.

By the way, you-you k*lled it tonight.

Except for the little
boot heist over there.

Yeah. Well, thanks for making
me sound good. [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, okay. [SNORTS]

You know, you were so sure
that I'd steal that money,

I figured, why waste energy
trying to prove you wrong?

But then, uh, halfway to Dallas

the fun kinda went out of it, so...

You know, Sadie, I kinda get the feeling

that none of this has
been about the fun for you,

given everything you've been through.



I'm not just some down-and-out kid,

just so you know.

My mom and I, we were good.

But, uh, you know, she got sick,

and I just started having
all these questions.

And that is why I'm here.

I get that. You know, my job

and my life, I guess,

have kind of conditioned me

to assume the worst.

And tonight, you did the right thing

in the end.

Not always what your
daddy would have done.

Yeah, well,

this might be a hell of a reveal,

but, um, I'm not actually him.

I know, but...

you do stir up a lot
of familiar emotions

for all of us.

There was a guy at the bar tonight.

Yeah, that one.

Just-just tell me how
worried I should be.

Just a guy I owe money to.

I'll figure it out.

Okay, well, here's
somewhere I could help you.

Okay. I mean, do you have to, like,

go all hard-ass Ranger
right off the bat?

Can I just get, like, like five minutes

of Dad's best friend?

♪ High crimes, the race,
the game, the lie... ♪

I'd like that.

I-I'd like the chance to do both.

Maybe you and I can
agree to give each other

the benefit of the doubt.

♪ When we live, what we give... ♪

Geez, so serious.

But yeah. Yeah, I can
agree to the terms.

All right.




- Hey.
- So, Thomas,

do you think we should
join a wine club, or...

Not the place that we just went to,


Sorry, were you in the
middle of something?

Uh, I've just been trying
to work up the nerve

to call Lana back.

Oh. sh**t.

- Yeah.
- Well, I could come back later.

Or you can make the phone call

and I can pour us a glass of whiskey.

- I like that.
- Great.

Kind of partial to one in a purple bag.

Boom. Read my mind.

- That's what I'm talking about.
- Wow.

That's what I'm talking about.
All right, I'll be right back. Uh...

- You know where the glasses are.


This is Lana, leave a message. [BEEPS]

Hey, Lana, um, sorry I missed you.


I'd love it if you would call me back.

I, uh...

I'm sorry I've been hard
to reach, but I've...

I've been in a dark place.

But I've...

I've had some help.

Uh, I'll-I'll talk to you soon.


All right, so what did
you want to check out?

And do not tease me with
these heated bathroom floors.

All right, this one has got similar...

Uh-uh! Don't... don't say "bones."

... bones to the Craftsman
that we looked at before.

But they've already done
all the work to fix it up.

I think it's kind of like

the work we've been doing on us.

You know?

It can be exhausting
sometimes, can be frustrating.

- Mm-hmm.
- But in the end, when it's all done, just...

look at the result.

You are waxing very poetic right now.

- What are you saying?
- I'm saying...

it's an investment, right?
In us, in our future.

In this-this new life
that we want for ourselves.

The first time we got married,

all I knew is that I loved you.

But I let things get in the way of that.

This time, I don't know, it's brighter,

it's sharper, it's... more.

The, um, the first time we were married?


- Kelly...
- Yeah?

... will you marry me... again?


Yes. Yes. Yes.

So, Sadie told me about last night.

Yeah, yeah.

Um, I-I brought her
something, actually.

A little memento of our agreement.

- Ah.
- Voilà. Thought she might like it.

- You want coffee?
- Uh, please.

Geri, you were right.

Say that again.

[CHUCKLES] You were right.


I should have given Sadie a chance.

- You had to process.
- Yeah.

I sure as hell did.

Yeah, yeah, uh, meeting Hoyt's child.

Never thought we'd see the day, huh?

Well, never imagined it like this.


Well, I tried to never
really let my head go there.

Never really knew how
much to wish for with him.

You know, with Sadie, um,

I keep thinking about how
I handled things with Hoyt.

And I-I-I keep thinking
about that night,

that first night he got arrested.

I mean, it wasn't like

it was some magical
turning point, Cordi.

I know that, but

that night, behind all the bad choices,

or roads not taken,
whatever you want to call it,

Hoyt had wishes in him.

More than we gave him credit for.

GERI: Cordell!

- Geri, hey...
- You could have stopped him when

he wouldn't listen to me.

But you chickened out, and
now he's an actual criminal, Cordi.

Geri, maybe you should
come back in the morning.



HOYT: I know, I screwed up.

I'll listen to you in the future.

Do you actually see a future with me?

And I am asking for real, Hoyt Rawlins.

Because you pull crap like this,
and it makes me think you don't.

I do.

I wish I could make
you understand how I do.

Me, too.

Guess I'll see you at the arraignment.

Geri, wait.

♪ Holding your breath ♪


[STAMMERS] Hoyt, I'll talk to her.

Don't. She's right.

She doesn't know, but not a day goes by

without me trying to make
myself more than this.


Just feels like I'm running
out of chances, you know?

♪ Falling to the ground ♪

♪ What could that possibly ♪

- ♪ Symbolize? ♪

WALKER: But even if you
had been easier on him,

of if I'd been harder,

he wasn't gonna get out of his own way.

All we could do was hold
on for as long as we could.

Damn it if it doesn't
come in waves. [SIGHS]

- Ah...
- Hey, hey.

Yeah, I know, I know.

♪ How to make it stretch ♪

♪ How to keep doing
the things you should ♪

♪ How to hang on to the
days you felt good. ♪