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02x06 - How it Started, How it's Going

Posted: 04/27/23 16:43
by bunniefuu
["Little Daisy" by Lenny Roybal playing]

[gravel crunching]

- ♪ Little daisy ♪
- [hand brake sets]

- [vehicle door opens, closes]
- ♪ Lying in a field of gray ♪

[narrator] There are times in our lives
when big things happen.

Some we notice, like a birth, a death,

but some we don't,

just little things that don't seem
all that special while they're happening.

Look at how charming this place is.

But we're late.

Shush. We're not late.

It's past.

- They have a little bell.
- Hey. No.

I love a little bell.

- [rings bell]
- No. Rani, please. Oh God.

[proprietor] That's the bell, Herb!

Yes, Edna. I heard it too.

Hello there! Welcome.

Now. You must be Rani.

Oh, I'm... Rani.

"Ah-di-di." Am I pronouncing that right?

Ah-di-tya. That's it.


- We were about to close.
- [Dr. Singh] I'm terribly sorry.

The traffic coming up
from Hanover was awful.


Yeah. Well, you won't have
that problem around here.

[Edna] That's the joy of country life.

[Dr. Singh] Yeah.

- I'm so glad we're doing this.
- Me too.

First trip away together.

We have a clawfoot tub.


[playful laughter]

Is that Ganesh?

Oh yeah. My mom gave it to me
when I went away to college.

She said I should have
a little piece of home.

To keep me centered.

[insects chirring in distance]

May I?

[Rani, softly] Hmm.

[gentle, reverential music playing]

To watch over us.


[startling fluttering]

- What...
- What the hell was that?

It's okay. I'm sure it was nothing.

- "Nothing" just flew right by my face!
- Oh no!


It's just a bat.

Don't they carry rabies?

Well, the chances of contracting rabies
from a bat are very, very small.

- We should get Herb and Edna.
- They're probably sleeping already.

Then what do we do?
Oh, I cannot believe you're doing this.

It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.
Just hold still.

- Okay, I think I got it.
- You think?

Just I... Come on, open the door!
Quick! Come on!

[Dr. Singh grunts]

[gentle, mysterious music playing]

[Dr. Singh yelps]

[playfully imitating expl*si*n]

You're safe. He's free. Huh?


[Rani] Hmm.

I know we just started seeing each other,

but I was just wondering if maybe...

perhaps we could
go on more trips together?

You know, after this one...


[clears throat]

And possibly have more silly encounters
with little creatures in our room?


[Rani chuckles]

[narrator] It's true.

Some things seem so small at the time,

it's only long after, when we look back,
that we notice them.

The moments when things came together...

[low rattling]

...and the moments they fell apart.

[Rani grunts]

[indistinct radio chatter]

[frustrated grunt]


[inscrutable music playing]

[distant rumbling]

[rumbling intensifies]

[plane whooshing]

[Aimee over radio] Hola, military guy.

Miss me?

[intense, suspenseful music playing]

Aimee Eden.

So you've made some friends, I see.

Have you come back to try again?

Maybe this time you'll be able
to save your little rodents.

I'll make this quick.

You have my children and my home,

but if you leave now,

I won't embarrass you
in front of all your little buddies.

[snide chuckle]

I do admire your gusto, Miss Eden.

Need I remind you,
you did lose the zoo fair and square.

I don't know
if I'd be so impressed with myself.

It took you and your entire army
to beat me and my kids.

Not how I'd like to be remembered
in the history books.

[Last Men snickering]

Dear woman, when I'm done with you...

Oh General. I get the feeling
you've never properly done a woman.

Have you ever had to deal with termites?

They're nasty little pests.

They get in your walls
and your foundations.

Before you know it,
they've infested your entire home.

But they're surprisingly easy
to get rid of.

All you need is a few bug bombs.

[plane buzzing overhead]

[adventurous, rousing music playing]

[both grunt]

[barrel whistling]

- [glass shattering]
- [Last Man] Look out!

- [klaxon wailing]
- [Last Men coughing]

Are those...

Purple flowers!

It's a chemical attack!

- Everybody get out! Now!
- [Last Man ] Purple flowers! Go!

- Move!
- [Last Man ] Let's get out of here!

[panicked clamoring]

[plane buzzing]

Why are they flying so low?

Damn it! We gotta break me out of here.

Gus, see that crowbar?

Kind of looks like a snake.
Grab it for me.

- Maybe we can just...
- I don't see a hacksaw.

- But what if...
- Gus, we haven't got time to argue.

Maybe we can just pick the lock.

Not bad, kid.

Not bad at all.

The hybrids escaped!

They must be somewhere in the zoo still!

Find them!

You two. Come with me.

You. Make sure Zhang knows
nothing about any of this.



The wolves are scratching at the door.
I could really use your help.

Now, are you with me?

[yelling] Are you with me?

- What do you want me to do?
- Find the doctor.

Take him to Evergreen.
He'll be safe there.


[plane buzzing]

[overlapping indistinct chatter]

Air Lords.

Aimee Eden, I will find you and every
mother-loving last one of your mongrels,

and I will make you pray
you died of the Sick.

[lieutenant] Why?
You don't need the zoo anymore.

We should fall back to Evergreen too.


I will not lose a single brick
of the zoo, not to anyone,

and especially not to that woman.

Let's go!

[menacing music playing]

Let's go! Clear out!

Take up city positions.

Let's go! Clear out!

Eyes to the sky!

[Rufus] Yee-haw!

They're evacuating!


[Dolly] Good luck, Aimee.

[plane zooming by]


Are those airplanes?

[Last Man over radio]
All units, aerial as*ault in progress.

I've never actually seen one before.

Time for phase two!

- [Becky] Hold on!
- [Jordan] The hell was that?

You okay?

[plane approaching]

[Last Man] Incoming!

[Jordan] Shit! Sergeant's jeep!



They're targeting the trucks.
We gotta move.

[barrel whistling in freefall]

[expl*si*n booms]

[Becky yelps] Wait! Wait for us!

- [Jordan] Hey! Wait!
- [Becky] No, come back!

[driver] Get outta here!

[tense, exciting music playing]

[Becky] Oh! Come on!

[Jordan] What are they dropping?

- I think they're junk bombs.
- Junk bombs?

Whatever crap that became useless
after the Great Crumble.

We have to keep going.
We have to get to the zoo.

Hey! Hey!

[Becky] Hey!

What are you doing?

She's the leader of the Animal Army.

We're alone out here.

- Jordan.
- They k*lled my dad, Becky!

[fraught, dramatic music playing]

Don't sh**t her.

- Stick to the plan. Take her to the zoo.
- [Jordan] No.

[Jordan breathing unevenly]

You've never k*lled anyone before, Jordan.

You shouldn't start now.

First time for everything.

[dramatic music swells]

- [knife blade rasps]
- What the hell are you doing?

I can't let you k*ll my friend.

[Jordan] Huh?!

You're Animal Army too.

[breathes heavily]

[blade slicing]

Glad you finally came to your senses.
What are we gonna do with him?

- Get the hell away from me.
- What?

Just because I saved your ass
doesn't mean we're cool.

Now get out of here
before I change my mind.


[Jordan] Don't.

Look, you're right.

I was in the Animal Army,
but I'm not anymore.

I'm just trying to rescue someone
Abbot's holding at the zoo.

- A hybrid.
- Yes.

But more importantly, a friend.

And I have to get to him
before it's too late.

[Jordan] I can't believe this.

Everything you told me... was a lie.


Not everything.

You're a good guy, Jordan.

You don't have to be here
to keep your family safe.

Did you k*ll my dad?

I don't know.

I have to go.

[music swells, trails off]

[Birdie] I wanted to understand how this
indigenous village sustained longevity.

[Johnny] Dr. Singh!

- We gotta go!
- [Birdie] Was it something in their diet?

- We collected water...
- Doc.

- ...plant, animal samples...
- I need you to come with me.

- I was so sure.
- ...which you will see in the literature.

I'm sorry?

The cure.

It failed.

Yeah. We're under attack and we got to go.

[spluttering] No. This is more important!

I just need to find
the... the missing link, the right piece,

the right DNA.

Your wife is more important.

I'm gonna get you and Rani somewhere safe.

- Okay?
- Yes, of course.

- Rani. Yeah, okay.
- Yeah.

Of course. What about my research?

Someone will come back for that.

[grunting groggily]

- [body thuds]
- [metal clanging]


[door creaks open]

[muttering indistinctly]

Where the hell are they?

I don't know. They escaped.

But I'm gonna find them.

And I swear when I do,

I'm gonna make their lives a living hell.

[ominous music builds]

Wait a minute.

It's you.

- [music swells]
- You're g*dd*mn right.

[loud clang]

That's it, Jepp. You're free!

[Jepp chuckles]

Ah. I missed you, man.

- I missed you more.
- Yeah.

Hey, I got something for you.

It's seen better days,

but I didn't want you
to leave that behind.

Thanks, Jepp.

Now, you ready to get out of here?

Yep, once we find my friends.
We escaped the Kennels together.

They're heading to the south gate.
We'll meet them there.

They'll be fine.
Their mom's coming for 'em.

Then we'll all escape together.

Gus, we haven't got time for this.

We need to go.

It's you and me now.

I am not leaving without them, Big Man.

[quietly resolute music playing]

And neither are you.

All right, Sweet Tooth.

Let's go find your friends.

[Last Man] Let's go. Move it. Move!

[indistinct chatter]

[Hulk exhales heavily]

- [Last Man ] Is that a door?
- [Last Man ] No one went through here.

Wendy, we have to find another way out.

There is no other way out.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

[delicate, curious music playing]

[distant explosions, indistinct chatter]

[plucky, adventurous music playing]

What is she doing?

[Maya grunting, huffing]

[gasps] I can pull everybody up!

[adventurous music swells, trails off]

[suspenseful music builds]

Hold tight.

What about Gus?

- I'll find him. You look after the others.
- Okay.

We'll meet you there.

Guys, come on.

You ready? You ready?

All right.

What's going on?

[Johnny] Grab everything you need.
You're leaving.

What are you talking about?

You wanted to escape, right?

Now's your chance.


I'm really glad I got to meet you.

Meant a lot to me.

[delicate, poignant music playing]

Helping you get out is the least I can do.

There's an actual w*r going on.
Where on Earth are we supposed to go?

Anywhere is better than here.

Come with us.

Come on,
this is your chance to escape too.

My brother needs me.

Adi, this is the day we've waited for.
We're getting out of this horrible place.

What about my research? The cure?


We don't have any serum, no treatment.

Adi, I don't care about that anymore.
Any of it.

Just you.

Rani, if we leave now, we have less
than a month together, but if we stay,

I can still find a way to keep you alive.

Adi, this isn't living.

We've been running from fate
for nine long years, and I am tired.

I just want us to be together and free.



Come on.

[music swells]

[strident, martial music playing]

[Last Man ] Eyes on the sky.
Eyes on the sky. Move.

Let's do this.

[indistinct chatter]

Miss Eden.

I'll admit I underestimated you.


We're ready.

[Last Man ] Target acquired.


[plane buzzing]


[buzzing intensifies]


[rockets whistling]

[expl*si*n booms]

[resounding crash]

Let the rout begin.

[falling barrel whistling]

[tense, distressing music playing]

[Tiger and Becky grunt]

- Now we're even.
- I didn't need help.

Not what it looked like.

[frustrated grunt]

Why are you following me?

We're both going
to the same zoo, remember?

You think I want anything
to do with you after the shit you pulled?

The shit I pulled?

I didn't join the Last Men.


You were too busy stabbing me in the back
in front of everyone that mattered to me.

[uneasy music playing]

You're right.

I'm sorry.

[uneasy music swells]

Why do you care about him so much, anyway?


Because I help hybrids.


This is different.

His mom's alive, Tiger.

I talked to her.

She asked me to get this to him.

Yeah, that still doesn't
answer my question.

Don't you get it?

Gus was looking for his mom.

They deserve to be together.

If I can help to make that happen,

maybe for once I'll have done
some good in this world.

That is such self-righteous bullshit.

Say that again.

[softly] Okay.

I see what's going on now.

What are you talking about?

This isn't about Gus.

This is about your sister.

You think if you can help
reunite Gus with his mom,

then maybe you finally have
a chance of finding Wendy.

Okay, then.

Let's go.

I already told you–

Just shut up
and let me do the right thing, okay?

[expl*si*n booms]

Just me and you, huh?

Not just you and me.



and all the others.

- You mean...
- That's right.

[rousing, spirited music playing]

Give the order.

[music intensifying]

[unsettling music playing]


Finn! Wendy!

[delicate, aching music playing]

[tremulous gasp]


[ragged breathing]

[steely, resolute music builds]

[flames roaring]

[resolute music trails off]

- Earl, get ready! We're gonna pull you up!
- Okay.

[kids cooing]

- Uh-huh.
- Hey!

- [Earl gasps]
- [Maya grunts]

[Hulk] Stop right there!

Let's make this nice and easy.

[slingshot thwips]

We prefer to do things the hard way.

[Hulk] You.


Or should I say,

the hybrid catcher?

Nobody gets to call me that ever again.

Get the kids.

[menacing music playing]

[Jepp, Hulk snarl]

[frantic vocalizing]

[Last Man] Hey!

[forceful blow]



Gus, where are you?

[Aimee] Pigtail?

[poignant, emotional piano music playing]



Come here.

- I'm here.
- I love you.

- Where are the others? Are they safe?
- Heading to the south gate.

Well, we'll find them. Okay?

Look what they did.

This was our home.

This is just bricks and concrete.

Home is wherever we're all together.

Let's go. Come on.

[distressing music playing]

[kids straining]

[Last Man] I got him!

[Last Men flailing, grunting]

[Jepp groaning]

[knife blade whistles]

[Jepp straining]

[determined bellow]

[Jepp yells]

[Earl brays in panic]


[wheezing, struggling]

Not bad.

[gentle, wondrous music playing]

[cheerfully grunting in rhythm]

[Jepp] Come on.

Gus, is that the guy?


Everybody, meet Jepp.

Jepp, meet everybody.


Okay, let's get out of here. Come on.

[tense music playing]

Wait. Where's Wendy?

She went back for you.

[Jepp] After I get all of you to safety,

I'll come back for her.

I promise.

All right, listen up.

On the count of three, we are gonna
run like hell and get on that bus.

- One, two, three. Let's go!
- [kids] One, two, three!

[sweeping, triumphant music playing]

Everybody, grab a seat.

Come on, come on, come on.

Let's go.


[Last Man] They're coming in
for another run!


I'm hit! You guys hold on!

We're good!

Rufus, Bertha's hit!

I can't hold her! We gotta fall back!

Not yet!

I came here for that t*nk!

[Dolly] It's your funeral,
you crazy bastard.

I ain't leaving without it!

Sir, we've got one more coming in hot!

[excited laughter]

- [Last Man] Load 'em up!
- Gimme!

Don't move, you son of a bitch.

Everybody, stand down!

[pulse-pounding music builds]

[rocket whooshes]

[expl*si*n booms]

[engine spluttering]

[Last Man] There it is! You got it!

[crash echoes]

Hell yeah! Last Men, baby.

You did it, sir.

Yes, I did.

I'll have some men clear out the zoo.

We'll have it up and running in no time.

[Abbot] Why did she do it?

Why did Aimee Eden gas the zoo?

To get us out in the open.


That woman would never harm
any one of those mongrels.

So why did she do it?

[ominous, inscrutable music playing]

[inhales deeply]

It's plastic.

The flowers were a ruse for her to...

Everybody to the zoo now!

Let's go!

[music trails off]

Come on, Adi.
One last door and we're free.

[delicate, sorrowful music playing]

Adi, come on, we're nearly out.

[Dr. Singh] Gus.

Of course.


He... He was right in front of me
this whole time.

Don't you see? Gus is special.

- He could be the missing piece.
- Forget it. We can leave now.

A... And we will, I just have to get
Dr. Miller's research from the lab,

and I can make this work.

Why can't you let it go?

Rani, all of this,

everything we've been through,
everything I've done,

it can't be for nothing.

Please, Aditya.

Hey, I'll be right back.

[rapid footsteps receding]

[shallow, shaky breathing]

[sorrowful music fades out]

[wires sparking]

[engine revs]

Ah! Okay. Everybody ready?

[kids] Ready!



Foxy, give me a hand.

Okay, to the left and up.

[gearshift creaks]

All right.

Big Man! Look!

[gentle, wondrous music playing]

No way!

Let her on.

[Earl] Mom!


[vocalizing] Hi, Mom!

[Aimee, tenderly] Oh!

[whispers] Thank you.

Come here!

Okay, hold on to your hats. Let's go.

[narrator] There are these moments
we cherish for the rest of our lives,

the times when everything comes together.

[dramatic music playing]

[Abbot huffing]

Dang it.

[panting heavily]

["The Last Man on Earth"
by Wolf Alice playing]

[narrator] And there are other moments,

the ones that we wish we could forget.

♪ Who are you to ask for anything more? ♪

[soft moan]

♪ Do you wait for your dancing lessons
To be sent from God? ♪

[Dr. Singh, bitterly] No! No! No!

♪ You'd like his light to shine on you ♪

Rani, it's all gone!

♪ You've really missed a trick
When it comes to love ♪

♪ Always seeking what you don't have ♪

♪ Like what you do ain't enough ♪

♪ You'd like a light to shine on you ♪


[halting, piteous moans]

♪ And every book you take
And you dust off from the shelf ♪

♪ Has lines between lines ♪

♪ Between lines ♪

♪ That you read about yourself ♪

♪ But does a light shine on you? ♪

♪ And when your friends are talking ♪

♪ You hardly hear a word ♪

♪ You were the first person here ♪

♪ And the last man on the earth ♪

[Bobby grunting]

[wonderingly] Oh.

What the hell are you supposed to be?

Am Bobby.

♪ Who are you to ask for anything else? ♪

Hey, Bobby.

You wouldn't happen to know
where they keep the t*nk, would you?



Okay, then.

♪ Let the light shine on you ♪

♪ Let it shine... ♪

This ain't over.

♪ ...on you ♪

Let's go!

♪ Let it shine on you ♪

Next stop, Yellowstone!

[kids] Yellowstone!

[excited whooping, hollering]

♪ And when your friends are talking ♪

[jarring stinger]

♪ You hardly hear a word ♪

♪ You were the first person here ♪

♪ And the last man on the earth ♪

[sweeping, suspenseful
outro music playing]