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02x05 - What It Takes

Posted: 04/27/23 16:42
by bunniefuu
[low, eerie music playing]

[grass rustling]

[howling in distance]

[r*fle cocking]


[high-pitched howling]

[narrator] When it comes
to those you love,

what lengths are you willing to go
to protect them?

[dark, intense music playing]

- [tranq dart whistling]
- [kid yells]

[pained yell]

[kid wailing]

Well, it depends on
how far the world pushes you.

Sometimes the world pushes you pretty far.

[Coach] Not too shabby, T.

Enjoy the meatloaf
they're serving tonight,

'cause you earned it.

How long do you expect me
to keep doing this?

I get it.

I know it ain't fun,

but you're doing great work.

[Jepp] I help the Last Men.

They help me get my wife and kid back.

That was the deal.

Come on now, T!

You know I've been pushing them
to find Louisa,

but you're not
thinking through what's next.

Your kid's a hybrid.

They'll come after it sooner or later.

I'd like to see 'em try.

You could have a legacy here.

Think I give a shit?

You've been taking credit for
everything I've done since I joined up.

Time for you to uphold
your end of the deal.

All right. All right.
I'll make some calls.

Last I heard, they had a promising lead.

I hope for your sake it's them.

[door closes]

[somber, pensive music playing]

[vehicle accelerating]

[engine backfires]

What? No, no.

No, no! Come on! Come on! Come...

[engine spluttering, wheezing]

g*dd*mn it!

[jaunty jingle version
of "Pop Goes the Weasel" playing]

What the...

You gotta be shittin' me.

[jingle warps, stops]

[frustrated grunt]

[tense percussive music playing]

[narrator] And when the world
pushes you like that, you wonder...

[Jepp grunts]

[storm rumbling]

...can you come back from it?

[sinister music playing]

I'm not afraid of you.

[Abbot] So it's true.

Dr. Singh's little pet can talk.

I am not a pet.

[Abbot cackles]

No, you're right.

I stand corrected.

You're not a pet.

You see, pets can be taught obedience.

You're not obedient, are you?


You gored one of my men
and you tried running away.

Where did you think you were going?



That's a quaint idea.

Let me explain something to you.

It's just a matter of time
before the whole world learns

hybrids are the key to the cure.

And when that happens, which it will,

it won't matter how fast or far you run,

no place will be safe.

Everyone will want a piece of you.

Let me ask you something.

Why do you fight so hard

to live in a world
which clearly doesn't want you?

Maybe it's you the world doesn't want.

Okay, maybe you can talk.

But you lied
when you said you're not afraid.

You're terrified.

And so you should be.

See, you're a fawn thrashing in its snare,

knowing the hunter's coming.

Stop fighting.

[restrained seething]

[Abbot] Easy does it.

Attaboy. You will learn not to fight.

Did you know us humans found useful
pretty much every part of the deer?

Intestines, the hide, the tail...

Even the fat can be slowly boiled down

and rendered to tallow.

Waterproofs our boots.

- I learned that in the Army.
- Stop!

[darkly bemused chuckle]

You know, Dr. Singh, God bless him,

he found useful the little stem cells

you creatures have
tucked away inside your bones.

You crack those open,

and ta-da!

[sinister music playing]

We have a cure.

I'm sorry, Bambi.

I didn't make those rules.

I just follow the science.

[footsteps approach]

Of course,

there's one part of the deer
prized above all else.

[sinister music swells]

[panicked whimpering]

[malevolent laughter]

[laughter echoing]

[Gus pants, grunts]


See? He always comes back.

[low, distressing music playing]

[Gus, desperately] Don't come any closer!

Don't look at me!

[distressing music swells]

[startled clamoring]

They took it.

Why would they do that to you?

To make us afraid.

You guys were right.
I should've never trusted Dr. Singh.

He's gonna k*ll us all
for one big experiment.

[delicate, emotional music playing]

Did you know
that I've read every sign here at the zoo?

There was one about the white-tailed deer.

It says that when
a deer's antler falls off,

it grows back...



We're getting out of here.

And we're going to be stronger than ever.


Blood oxygen,
respiratory levels holding steady.

All right.

Body temp.

Uh, . .

Look at me, darling. Look at me.


You look passable.

Oh. Rude.

[both chuckle]

How are you?
I heard you practicing early this morning.

I just can't wait
for all of this to be over.

I hate that Abbot's dragging you
into this presentation of his.

And inviting me to watch
is clearly a power play.

The hard part's over.

As long as we can walk out of here

with the cure.

[Rani] Mmm.

[Rani] Should we let the chickens go
when we leave?

- [computer beeps]
- Yeah?


- What is it?
- It...

It... It can't be.

[tense music building]

Does that mean...

Oh God!

I'll put some... of the new...

- [tray clatters]
- [chickens squawk]

...sample here.

And then...

[music intensifies]


The cure didn't work.

What's happening?

God! Something must've changed overnight!


Adi. Okay, it's okay.

- [Dr. Singh hyperventilating]
- Hey, look at me.

Ah, don't touch me! Don't!


[Dr. Singh's breathing evening out]

I'm sorry.

After all that,

it failed.

I failed.

You did everything you could.

[slow, distressed music playing]

But it wasn't enough.

It's okay.

[Rani sighs]

I can be done.

I'm tired, Adi.

I can't keep waiting to live.

There must be something else we can do.


[Rani] Abbot expects your support
at the event today,

to convince the Group of Three
he has the cure.

- Oh God. Abbot is going to k*ll us.
- No. Don't you see?

If you tell the truth,
that he never had the cure,

then everything, his whole house of cards,
will come crashing down.

No, I can't undermine him
in front of everyone.

Says who?

When those warlords find out,

they are going to eat him alive.

It's going to be absolute chaos.

That's when we leave.


This is our chance.

If I give up on the cure, then you'll...

[tense, agitated music pulsing]

We will be free.

- [PA clicks on]
- [Last Man] Dr. Singh to the main gate.

Dr. Singh, please report to the main gate.

[somber music playing]


- Hey.
- Yes...

I'll do the top button.

You can do this, Adi.

You have more power than you think.

[pounding at window]

[startled clucking]

[Last Man] Let's go.

[Jordan] Target confirmed.

One hybrid,
possibly of the feline variety.

We can talk like normal people.

- No sign of the parents?
- None.

- All I see is a tail.
- Let me see those.

[Jordan] What do you see?

Might not be a hybrid after all.

Should we call it off?

No, we should go in.

We're here for hybrids, nothing else.

If I'm right about this,
it'll be better than capturing a hybrid.

What's better than capturing a hybrid?

Something much less innocent.

[grenade clicks]

[muffled boom, hiss]

[Becky, Tiger grunt]

[blade rasping, clanging]

[Jordan] Becky!



[crossbow bolt whistles]

- We gotta stop her! She's Animal Army!
- I got this! Call for back-up!


[tense percussive music playing]

[both grunting]

Hey, bestie.

[both grunting]

I always knew you were soft.

But joining the Last Men,
that's a new low, even for you.

You don't get to decide what the lows are,
not after your little coup!

What are you even doing here?

We heard there's something
going down at Essex Zoo.

They're locking up hybrids there.

We just needed a Last Man
to confirm our intel,

and here you are.

Your plan was
to waltz right into the city?

You're no match for Abbot's army.

You're gonna get people k*lled!

[Tiger screams]

[Tiger] That's the idea!

[music swells]

No, I mean Animal Army.

Rhino, Pony.


We're soldiers, Bear.

[tense martial beat playing]

No, we just thought we had to be.

You never answered why you're here.

I'm going to the zoo too.

Gus is one of the hybrids they're holding.
I'm going to get him back.

Not if I stop you first.

I can't have you blowing our cover.

[loud thud]

[Jordan] Oh, man.

Good thing I got here when I did.

Uh, Sergeant's on his way.

He's not gonna believe this.

[Jordan chuckles]

[indistinct chatter]

[Abbot] Doctor.

Everything in order?



I can't afford to have any mistakes today.

What a delightful dinner
we had last night.

- We must do it again.
- Oh, yeah.

Stage fright?

I... I always preferred
one-on-one with my patients

over... over giving talks.

[Abbot] Hmm.

Let me give you a little advice.
I usually think of my audience as puppets,

and then I just pull the strings.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

[high-pitched whining]

Do you hear what I hear?

That's destiny calling our names.

- [klaxon drones]
- [decontamination vents hissing]

[strident, intimidating music playing]

Congratulations, Abbot.

You've made yourself impossible to ignore.

I take it word of my little tour
reached the lowlands.

Oh, you know it did.

You've always known how to work a crowd.

It warms my heart to know you've managed
to put our little differences aside

and do what's best for your territory.

I prayed for you.

[klaxon blares]

Ah! You must be Voss!

- I never had the privilege...
- So this is where you keep the Centauri.


Yes, the extraterrestrial invaders.

Don't worry, Voss.
My men have them under lock and key.

I thought your hostility
towards the Centauri only angered them.

But then I heard about your cure.

Thanks to my rock-star scientist,

we are one step closer to passing it...

[Voss] The unbelievers are
dying in droves.

- But we will endure.
- [Voss's entourage] We will endure.

[nervously] Yeah, we'll endure.

I'll hand it to ya, I didn't think
you'd manage to get her attention.

[intimidating music intensifies]

Ah, there she is.

Like a rose in the desert.

Mrs. Zhang.

Oh, General, please! Call me Helen.

So nice to finally meet you in your zoo.


Well, thank you
for accepting the invitation,

taking time away
from your w*r with the Baron.

I'd hardly call
that little skirmish a w*r.

Well, I'm not getting
any younger. [chuckles]

You didn't invite us here
to just hand out the cure, did you?

Ladies and gentlemen.

It's time to talk about our future.

It's time.

We've slowed him down.
We've studied his every move.

This is our one chance.

We're done being prisoners
in our own home.

Teddy, do you have the sunblock?
You know what to do.

Once we're out of the Kennels,
we head for the south gate.

First we have to get through the atrium.

Gus, we'll follow your lead through there.

[Finn] Really?

You're sure about this?

- We're ready.
- [Finn] No.


I trust him.

He's one of us.

[kids clamoring in assent]

Is everyone in?

[brave, resolute music playing]

[Jepp huffing]

[breaths echoing]

[thunder rumbling]

Are you Ash?

Yep. And you are the hybrid catcher.

[Ash] I gotta tell you, man.

It is crazy how many of those things...

Marlin said you might know
where my family is.

[Ash chuckles]

Not exactly a conversationalist, are we?

Makes sense, though.

Spend enough time
alone with those things and...

[startled grunt]

If you know where my family is,
you better tell me right now!

Shit, man! Okay!

[delicate, unsettling music playing]

It's a rare thing these days,

getting answers.

[Ash grunts]

What the hell is this?

Sorry for your loss, man.

[sorrowful music playing]

[storm rumbles]

- [choked sob]
- [thunder cracks]

[sharp, mournful sobbing]

[narrator] The Big Man
had given everything.

[anguished wail]

[narrator] But somehow, he lost even more.

[sorrowful music trails off]

In the town where I grew up,
there was a wooden bridge.

Rickety old thing,
and rain, hail, snow ate away at it.

I kind of knew that
one day it was going to collapse,

but nobody in town
listened to little Dougie.


Government built it,
government knows best.

And eventually when it did collapse,
it took two innocent men with it.

It's a funny thing.

People only start listening
once someone dies.

[low, unsettling music playing]

Our illustrious Dr. Singh
is going to paint a picture

of the most important bridge
in our collective paths.



Uh, what if I told you
someone in this audience right now

has the Sick?

[entourage frets]

In this, uh...

Oh God, uh...

...hypothetical scenario,

the Doomsday strain would k*ll
half the people here by next week.

But not before
those people transmitted the virus

to another dozen people each.

Okay, that's deaths resulting directly
from one single event.

The, um... The original virus k*lled

% of the population.

As a physician,
I... I witnessed this firsthand.

This new strain...

We are looking at...

... and rising fast.

It finds us,

kills us.

It clearly can't be contained.

So, where is this g*dd*mn cure?

Well, the truth is...

[unsettling music intensifies]

The truth is...

that the cure
is our only way to beat this.

[distressing music builds]

But we don't have enough of it.

It requires a somewhat...

unconventional ingredient that is...

Now, now. Thank you. Good job.

We're not here to reveal trade secrets.


This is Evergreen.

This is how we defeat the Sick.

[guard ] Bro, you're up.

- [guard 's voice] Lunchtime, freaks!
- [guard ] Lu...

[guard 's voice] Lunchtime, freaks!

[suspenseful, disconcerting music playing]

What the hell are you all up to now, huh?

The shit?

[as guard ] Lunchtime, freaks!

[cattle prod amping up]

[electricity sparks]


[rousing music playing]

[startled gasp]


Dear God, no!


Oh, you're all gonna pay for this.

[music intensifies]

[prod amping up]

Looking for this?

- [shock discharging]
- [incoherent spluttering]

- Yeah!
- We did it!

[excited cheering]

[intense vocalizing]

What'd she say?

I think you can guess.

Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.

Follow Gus, one by one.

[tense, adventurous music playing]

[tense, adventurous music continuing]

[indistinct radio chatter]

It was just a rumor in my early Army days,

this unfinished
housing development long-forgotten.

Fifty-three lush acres
with everything we'll ever need.

It's fortified with a -foot-high wall

to keep all unwanted elements
on the other side.

Mrs. Zhang,



I'm offering you a place in Evergreen,

alongside of your best people, each.

[Dutch] A hundred and fifty?

And what about the rest?

I hate to break this to you,
but it's too late for them.

Either we save a select few,
or we all fall to the Sick.

You want us
to pick and choose who survives?

Did you pay attention to the good doctor?

Either you choose,
or the Sick will choose for you.

What's the price of entry?

[Abbot] As you can see,
I have the infrastructure.

I have the personnel to maintain it.
I have the cure.

But the truth is,
I don't have the resources

to maintain a city of this magnitude
in solitary confinement for up to a year,

which is what it will take.
Am I right, Doctor?

That's correct.

Mrs. Zhang, you have mastered the art
of agriculture in our post-Crumble world.

We will never know hunger.

Dutch, you have a river
running alongside Evergreen.

We need fresh water.

Voss, you with your mills
and your solar panels

and airy-fairy lights,
we need electricity to power this puppy.

Food, energy, fresh water.

All those people drowned,
and the Ark became Noah's salvation.

[unsettling music playing]

[power humming]

Evergreen is ours.

[music intensifies, trails off]

[tense, adventurous music playing]

[sniffing rapidly]

[flare pops]

[flare hissing in distance]

[indistinct chatter]

Hide! Hide! Hide!

Hide! Hide!

Hide! Come on! Hide!

[music trails off]

[Abbot] ...squabbling over petty resources...

- It's coming from the bus border.
- Keep it down.

[Abbot] Or we can choose...

- Who do we have posted there?
- No one at the moment.

- I beg of you to choose wisely.
- Take a team.

No fuss.

I don't want trouble
on the general's big day.

[Abbot] Humanity will be
nothing more than a distant memory.

[Last Man over radio] Griffith, Stewart,
Grace, Foi, report to the motor pool.

- Trouble at the border.
- Copy. On my way.

[suspenseful music playing]


Teddy, come on.

Come on! Teddy!

Come on, Teddy!

[flashlight clatters]

[suspenseful music intensifies]

Get the others out of here.

I'll find you.

[Gus] Look!


[intense percussive music playing]

[heavy footfalls echo]

[whispering] Wendy. We've gotta go now.

Gus told us to.

[Last Man] A hybrid escaped.
That deer one.


[music swells, trails off]

[Abbot speaking indistinctly in distance]

[Abbot] ...through Evergreen,

we will be the seeds
through which humanity flourishes again.

Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.

I don't like you, Abbot.

That doesn't mean you're wrong.

I'm in.

[Voss] The Centauri
have shown you the way.

Thanks to Evergreen, we will endure.

[Abbot] Yes, we will endure.

Mrs. Zhang? What do you say?

[Gus] You can't do this.

The Centauri speaks.

[Gus grunts]

No! No! The cure is made by k*lling us!


I want to hear what it has to say.

My Pubba taught me...
that if I saw a human, I should hide.

But I am done hiding!

You can't hurt any more of my friends.

Until I got here, I hadn't met
anybody like me, until I met Wendy.

She's smart, strong, kind and brave.

She does not deserve to die.

Her brother Roy didn't deserve to die,
and Peter didn't deserve to die!

[stirring, wondrous music playing]

They're the secret ingredient.

Oh, don't be deceived!

With one of these little mutants,

I can make enough of the cure
for everyone in this room,

which is a price I don't mind paying.

Would you rather die to save this thing?

You tried to scare me.

But you're scared too.

The Sick is your enemy, not us!

Shut him up.

[sweeping dramatic music playing]

[confused overlapping chatter]

[Last Man] Hey, hey, come on!

[klaxon wailing]

[Abbot] Stop the car.

Stop the car!

Mrs. Zhang. Mrs. Zhang.

[frantic knocking] Mrs. Zhang. Mrs. Zhang.

Both you and I know I won't be able
to pull this off without you.

Mrs. Zhang!

[door unlocks]

Well, that was a disaster.

Helen. I know you have no qualms
in k*lling hybrids for the cure.

If you're in,
both Dutch and Voss will follow.

So what's it going to take?

Painting yourself as a savior to humanity.
That is a bold move.

Preening, but that's your style.

- [chuckles]
- One hundred.

I'll give you
additional spots in Evergreen.

I don't want spots.
I want all the spots.

Family is the most important
thing in the world to me,

and I come with a big family.

I have to do right by them.
You understand.

Still, without their resources,
Evergreen does not happen.

And that is your plan's fatal flaw.

You are relying
on two extremely ordinary men.

But I have them under control.

[Mrs. Zhang] Control?

You couldn't even
keep that hybrid in its cage.

Voss and Dutch
don't have the stomach for this.

If their resources are what you want,
I'll get them for you.

What are you saying?

We simply eliminate them.

[man] Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Put the g*ns down!

[panicked screaming]

[g*nf*re continuing]


[Jepp over radio] I want to make a trade.

We got your signal. Who am I speaking to?

Someone who has intel
on a threat to Abbot.

Gonna have to be more specific than that.

There's gonna be
an attack on the zoo very soon

by the woman who used to run it.

Your source?

Up until a few hours ago,
I was planning it with her.

You're one of the walk-ins
from a few days ago.

[Last Man ] What do you want?

A hybrid.

Just one.

The deer boy.

[Last Man ] I won't negotiate
with someone I can't see.

Not for something as valuable as a hybrid.

[music intensifies]

[Last Man ] Hey!
Hands where I can see 'em!

Tell me when the attack's happening,
and I'll consider a deal.

Not until I've seen him with my own eyes.

I need to be sure he's still alive.

Why the deer boy?

He's my kid.

Check about the deer hybrid.


[loose rustling]

[Last Man ] What the...

[enigmatic music playing]

- [Last Man ] We got movement!
- [Last Man ] Eyes on!

[Last Man ] Looks tight. Get ready.

[grunting, straining]

What in the...

[sheepishly] Uh-oh. [gasps]

Big Man?

[Jepp] How did you know?

- Gus...
- [swift crack]

That's one of ours.

[Last Man ] Somebody bag that thing, now.

[echoing children's screams]

[Jepp bellows]

[forceful blows resounding]

[Jepp straining]

Go ahead, kid! Go! Get out of here!

[First Man ]
Don't sh**t! We need him alive!

You supported Abbot's lie.

I know I can fix this.

- The cure didn't work.
- You might not believe in it, but I do.

I'm not about to give up
just before the finish line.

I just need
the right ingredients, stem cells...

Hey, listen to me.

Even if there is a cure...

[emphatically] ...I don't want it.

- Not if it means k*lling hybrid children!
- [grunts angrily]

I did this because you asked me to!

I know, and I was wrong.

I thought this would give us a future,
but all it did was pull you away from me!

I'm trying to save you.

Then why do I feel like
this isn't about me anymore?

[somber, distressed music playing]


I warned you I'd go numb if I kept going.

And I'm saying
you don't have to do that anymore.

I want to go back to the old us.

There is no going back.

[chilling music playing]

[banging on door]

[door opens]

Take my wife back to her room, please.

[Rani] Adi.



[Last Man over PA]
Lock down all areas. Secure the perimeter.

Report any signs of hybrid activity
to command immediately.

[klaxon wailing faintly in distance]

Sir, the, um... deer boy is
still on the loose.

And the other hybrids are gone too.

I pried victory
from the jaws of defeat today.

I would have liked to celebrate...

with my brother.

Instead, I see him helping
one of these mongrels escape.

I'm thinking that's my own brother
working against me.

[chilling music playing]

What have I done to you, John?

Why in the name of humanity
would you do such a thing to me?

[whispers] Because they're kids.


They're kids, Dougie.

What would Mom say if she was still alive?

[breathes shakily]

[somber music playing]

[Last Man] Hey, over here!
He went this way!

[indistinct PA announcement]

[Last Man] Hey, Jimmy! He went this way!

I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.

- I'm not afraid.
- Hey.

[Jepp] Sweet Tooth.

[wondrous, emotional music playing]

Big Man. What are you doing here?

I'm rescuing you.

Uh, how did... how did you...

What the hell happened to your antlers?

They took it.

Come here.

[whispers] I missed you.

[softly] Yeah, I missed you too.

["Our Last Fight"
by Scala & Kolacny Brothers playing]

[narrator] Doing the right thing
isn't always easy.

[plane buzzing overhead]

♪ Burning with desire and hate ♪

♪ Acquiescence sealed our fate ♪

[narrator] And the cost of it...

[buzzing continuing]

...may be high.

♪ Empty promise filled with lies... ♪

[overhead buzzing continuing]

Sounds like that big bird
that flew over Yellowstone.

♪ Vice-like grip around my head ♪

♪ Numb my mind... ♪

[narrator] But if you look for it,
the reward will show itself...

♪ Nothing left to lose or gain ♪

[narrator] ...sometimes in
the most unexpected of ways.

[parachute cloth billowing]

♪ Our last fight ♪

♪ Our last fight ♪

♪ Our last fight ♪

[dark, foreboding music playing]

[music swells, trails off]

[sweeping, martial outro music playing]