02x13 - Til We Meet Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x13 - Til We Meet Again

Post by bunniefuu »

When you get back,

please let Dr. Sousa know

I'll be calling in
this afternoon.

Well, thank you, gentlemen.

All right.

Cup your fingers
across the laces like that.

Okay... Yeah.

Now, when you throw it,

you lead with your elbow,
not your whole body.

Like... right, but don't...

No, you don't push
it, you just, uh...

You release it.

Just right when it
arcs, like... Okay.

Okay? Mm-hmm.

All right.

Now I'm going to go
out for it, and then...

"Out for it"? Yeah.

I'm going to go out for it.

You just get the ball to me,

and I, uh, go to
the... to the goal.

Okay. Okay?

Okay. Okay?

All right. Okay.

Ready? Mm-hmm.

Okay, I got it!


But the paramedics have left.

You see, I don't understand.

That doesn't matter.

There's definitely going
to be a death in the family.

No question about it.

It is Mr. Carpenter's time.

Well, Andrew is here.

Why do you need me?

What's a good receiver
without a good passer?

Give me that ball.

Give it to me.
Give it to me now.

Now, you've been called here to
attend the death of a good man.

His name is Joe Carpenter.

And Andrew will
handle his transition.

But there's a
secret in this house,

and it's got to be swept
out before this man goes.

It's one of those family secrets

that has colored their lives

and they didn't even know it.

You'll find out
more about it later.

But the problem is

that secret better go
before that man does,

or the family that he has
devoted his life to building

will be shattered to pieces

the moment he leaves this earth.

Here you go.


That's Kimberly, the
youngest daughter.

So this is how he
wanted to go, huh?


At home, with his
family around him.

And your job is to see to it

that they don't
k*ll each other first.


♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

I thought you were going to call

from the airport.

Well, it just seemed
easier to take a cab.

I wish you had called.

You look great, Sis.

Doesn't she look great, Kay?

She looks like she always does.


Hey, you're getting
skinny, big brother.

I'm trying.

So how was your flight?

I got here.

I took the shuttle bus in.

Where's Mom?

We're trying to track her down.

Mother chose this
particular weekend

to visit Aunt Laura in Florida.

I volunteered to stay with Dad.

She needed a break.

Who knew he'd get worse?

Kimberly Ann!

I don't believe it.

Hey, Doc! What
are you doing here?

I thought you

were on your way to a conflict

in some distant
corner of the world.

Well, I was, but I made a U-turn

soon as I got the page.

I thought we'd see
you at the hospital.

How is he?

Well... he's dying, honey.

And he's not at the hospital.

He's here.


I requested a nurse from
the visiting hospice service.

Let me get that.


I just want it understood

that we do nothing
until Mother arrives.

Well, you better tell Daddy.

He might have other plans.

Perfect timing.

There are some things
we all need to get clear...

Better now, all together.

This is Monica,
the visiting nurse.

And these are Joe's kids:

Kate, Kim and Chris.

I delivered every one of them.

Measles, chicken pox,

broken arm, broken ankle,

and a few broken hearts.

Well, um...

sorry that I have to be here,
but I'll... do the best I can.

I'm not at all sure your
services are needed here.

My father should
be in a hospital.

That's what we need to discuss.

Monica, why don't
you go upstairs

and make yourself comfortable.

It's the first
door on the right.

Thank you.

Your dad signed a living will.

I never knew about this.

He asked me to
make it up for him

after his first stroke.

He recovered so
fast from that one.

"No extraordinary measures.

"No heroic measures.

"No resuscitation.

No intravenous feedings."

What is he saying?

He wants to die?

When he's ready, yes.

Your father's over 80.

He's been stuck in a
wheelchair for years.

He can't take care of himself.

Your mother barely can,

and it's been k*lling
him watching her try.

He wants to die of
old age here at home...

with some dignity.

Sorry, Doctor.

I don't know where
she keeps the sugar.

Mother never puts
anything where it belongs.

Oh, it's okay, really, Kate.

I don't know about
this "living will" thing.

It may not be the choice
of every 80-year-old...

but it's his.

But, Doctor,

what if he has a chance, though?

For what, Kate? To get
better and die another day?

And this is what he wants?

He couldn't have
been more clear.

Does Mother know about this?


She didn't like it.

She's controlled

every other minute of his life.

Can you imagine her
giving up the chance

to choreograph this? Kimberly!

Is it just me,

or does this feel
less like a death

and more like a getaway?

Is everything a joke to you?

If I don't laugh, I'll cry.

I've met your father.

We're going to
get along just fine.

I think we should take him

to the hospital and wait
for instructions from Mother.

Well, the hospital is
bound by the living will.

It's a legal document.

They can't do anything more
for him there than we can here...

Probably even less.

It'd be easier for everybody:

No visiting hours,
no cafeteria food.

And I'll make sure that
he's comfortable, Doctor.

You've had experience in this?


It's quite a miracle.

I always feel privileged to
be present in the last hours.

Well, keep him on the oxygen.

Try to get him to
take a little water

when you can.

You're not staying?

I'll be checking in, honey.

Could take a few
days, or... a few hours.

Call me when we're close.

Your father's going to die.

He knows it.

You... have an
unusual opportunity here

to make it something special.

Most people don't
have that chance.

Well, I wish he could have been

more specific.

"Days, hours..."

All right...

I'll set up headquarters
in the corner room.

Kim, you take the couch.

Chris, I guess you're already

living in the basement.

You are?

Carol and I have separated.


A few weeks ago.

I moved in downstairs
awhile back.

See the kids on the weekends.

Nobody told me.

Mother told me.

But, then again, I stay
in touch with this family.

Now, I'll make
out a shopping list.

Chris, you go to the store.

I'll make dinner.

Then we can take
turns after that.

Kim, I don't imagine
you've done much cooking

in all your running around,

so you can make the beds.

Yes, I'd like to order

the large combination,
no anchovies,

extra onions... Extra cheese.

Yes, and, um, extra cheese.

And what else?


Oh, yeah, a bunch of munchies.

You know, chips and stuff.


Yeah, that's good. A carton.

It's 406 Grand Avenue West.


Right. That's fine.


Didn't you hear me?

Kate, my father is dying.

I'm not going to
spend his last hours

putting hospital corners
on the guest-room beds

and sitting around
the dinner table

eating your idea of
a wholesome meal.

You want me, I'll be
upstairs next to Daddy.

It's a kind of a combination


family-reunion thing.

I've never been to one before.

I guess we're going
to have to play it by ear.

You have been a very
big help today, Katie.

When is Mommy
coming for her surprise?

Oh, soon as her
book club gets out.

Any minute.

What's a book club?

Well, you know how Mommy
goes away for a little while

on Friday afternoons?

She goes and visits other ladies

who like to talk about
the books they've read.

I can read.

Yes, you can.

And you're going to
be a great reader...

just like Mommy.


I'm hungry.


That spells "decorate."

I can read.

See, Daddy?


Good for you, honey.

Good for you.

Tell you what.

Let's go get some pizza.

Pizza! Pizza!

Yay! Yay!

Pizza, pizza, pizza...



What did you mean when you said

that death was a miracle?


Oh, it's probably
the most real thing

that happens on earth.

It's awesome and
profound, like a birth.

A soul passing from...

from one realm to another.

You can welcome death
with wonder and respect,

or you can fight it
with fear and regret.

Dying with regret, I've learned,

is hardest of
all... for everyone.

Hello, Mr. Carpenter.

My name is Monica, and I'm
going to be looking after you.

Helping you down
the road, so to speak.



It's Kimmy.

I'm here.

I'll be right back.

Hi, Daddy.

Doctor Chappell told
us about the living will.

I just want to make sure
it's what you really want.

I don't know if I'm going to get

another chance to be
alone with you, Daddy, but...

I just want you to know, if
you have to go, I understand.

I don't want you to hurt.

But you're the only
one in this family

that I really feel
related to, you know?

I don't want you to suffer
anymore at all, Daddy.

But I think that I'm going to.

There's something important...

y-you need to know.

I have to tell you.


The truth.

T-T-The truth.

I-It's not too bad.

What truth?


you'll find out.

Pizza's here!

Can you pay for it?

It's your pizza. You pay him.

Besides, I only have a 50.

Hold on.

I'll be right back, okay?

I'm back in this
house ten minutes,

you're already acting like Mom.

No, I'm not.

Besides, I didn't
order the pizza.

Yeah, but I bet you
expect to eat some.

How do you do, Mr. Carpenter?

My name's Andrew.



I'm an angel.

And I guess you can say that
this is my, uh... my specialty.

Monica's an angel, too,
and we've been sent here

to help your family make
this passing with you.


Afraid, Death.

Oh, no.

No, no, never.

Besides, do I look scary to you?



Now, we're going
to take this in steps,

and some of the steps
are not going to be easy.

But remember... No fear.

Talk to Kim.

Can't go.

Kim's not going
anywhere, Father.

He's hallucinating.


Mr. Carpenter.

What's going on?

Mr. Carpenter.

Your father's having
a small stroke.

Oh, my God.

Mr. Carpenter, can you hear me?

Mr. Carpenter, can
you blink for me?

Daddy... what were
you going to tell me?


He was trying to
tell me something.

He wanted me to
know something...

and I blew it.

I thought I had more time.

Everybody always does.


Nothing important ever
really gets said in this family.

Honesty might
k*ll us all for good.

You seem honest enough.

Well, I'm the exception.

Always have been.

Good afternoon.

I'm looking for Ms. Katherine
Carpenter... Dorfenbacher?

Come on with me.
She's my sister.

Mother called.

She's got a midnight flight

that'll get her in first
thing in the morning

with a layover in Atlanta.

Chris can pick her up.

This lady says that
you're redecorating.




Please, come in.

Thank you.

Kate, what's going on?

I'm here. I have the time.

This wallpaper has been around
since before you were born.

Besides, it'll be
a nice surprise

for Mother.

Is this where you want to
be when your father dies?

Down in the kitchen looking
at wallpaper samples?

He's not going to die tonight.

Uh, you know, maybe I should
come back at another time.

Well, that wouldn't
be such a bad idea.

Sit down.


Uh... well, okay.

Oh, man.

You are freezing.

Hold on.

I'll get you a blanket, Dad.


President Kennedy
didn't even wear one

at his own inauguration.

A lot of guys
stopped wearing hats

after that, but I didn't stop.

Just on general principles.

Couldn't imagine letting my
head get cold for the rest of my life

just because some
fellow in Washington

didn't want to muss up his hair.

A man's got to have a
few things that are his own,

you know, Chris?

Got a nice suit,

good hat, able to, uh, polish
your shoes on Sunday morning.

And, uh, not to mention

a few small avenues
of self-expression.

Mom really hates
that tie, you know.


You know, Chris,
this is... this is it.

These are going to be
your last hours with the man.

I think you better say it now.

I wanted to... thank you.

You taught me so much.

And I don't know

if anybody's ever told you...

But you've lived
a very good life.

You're a good man.

Did you ever think of
him as a strong man?

I have a confession to make.

I never really thought of
you as a strong person.

Patient, maybe,

but how could a strong man
live with a woman like Mother?

Maybe that's the only
kind of man who could.

All of a sudden
I'm starting to think

it took more strength
to stick with it.

You knew how to sit
back, duck and ride it out.

I'm not so good at that.

But I'd like to know...

Was it worth it, Dad?

Hanging in there
all these years?

What did you get out of it?

I... Chris.

He got you.

Just let me get this straight.

We're going to replace

the wallpaper in the kitchen.

Yes, with the same pattern.

If it's available,

which I very seriously doubt.

I understand that.

And in the hallway...

Well, I will have the estimate

for the fabric
wall-covering tomorrow.

Now, in here?

Well, I was actually
thinking of recovering.


You do upholstery, I hope?

Oh, yes.

Oh, good, because
I think we're going

to have to start all
over again in here.

♫ When the clouds
roll by, I'll come to you ♫

♫ Then the skies
will seem more blue ♫

♫ Down in Lover's
Lane, my dearie... ♫

Wait, wait, wait.


Kimmy, come join us.

Come on, you can
sing my part with me.

Uh... uh-uh.

She wants her own part.

There are only four parts

in four-part harmony, Kimberly.

Okay, well, you be
the critic, okay, honey?

Give us your opinion.

♫ Smile the while you
kiss me sad adieu ♫

♫ When the clouds... ♫

So, we're going with
the rustic Ralph Lauren?


Right, uh, the Lauren,

if I can get the
slipcovers in green.

Yes, but more green than red.

Not red than green.

Uh... Yeah.

What you said.

Now, in here?

Well, I was actually
thinking of recovering.


You do upholstery, I hope?

Oh, yes.

Good, because I
think we're going

to have to start all
over again in here.

Am I beat!

That woman looked

through every swatch and sample

this side of heaven.

I will never get over

how humans find
new ways to grieve.

How we doing, Baby?

Well, it won't be long now.

And the secret's not out yet.

Did you say something?

Uh... never mind.

Mr. Carpenter?

Your time is at hand.

It's going to be a long night,

but you have got the best angels
in the business working on this,

and I promise you, God
has heard your prayers,

and we'll have this

all cleaned up real
good before you go.

Why is it all closed up in here,

like death?

Well, it's a theme party, Kate.

I hope to God he
didn't hear that.

He probably did.

Somewhere deep inside,

he's probably cracking up.

His temperature went
up during the night.

His pulse is very low.

I think we're getting close.

What are you doing?

I'm getting his suit ready.

For what?

What do you think?

Keep your voice down.

What for?

Daddy knows.

Don't you, Daddy?


Chris is getting his suit ready

for his funeral.

This is the one
you wanted, right?

This is outrageous.

It's cruel.

Stop it.

Why, Kate?!

He's dying.

He knows it, we know it.

Why can't we talk
about something real

for once in this family?

This is what he wants.

This is why we're here.

He wants to die in
this house, with us!

But he can't

if we pretend that
it's not happening.

You know, you're
in denial, Kate.

Serious denial.

Yeah, well, you're damn right

I'm in denial.

And what's wrong
with denial, anyway?

Denial is highly underrated!

I found it.

Here it is, right in his pocket.

Oh, my God.

Put it away.

Why should I?

It's his favourite.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

If Daddy wants it, then
Daddy gets it, right?

You're not putting that
ugly tie on my father.

You just try and stop me.

Back off, Kate!

You can't come in here

and make all the decisions

just because you've
got an attaché case.

Who do you think you are?

I'm his daughter.

Well, so am I.

No, you're not!

What the hell is
going on in here?!

Hey, Mom.

Now, what is all this racket?

I did not raise mutes.

Is it true?

Is what true?

He's not my father?


Oh, my God.

My God, my God.

Daddy... I assume
he's heard everything.

Nice going, Kate.

You knew?

I never told him.

You didn't have to.

It doesn't take a
rocket scientist.

Well, it explains everything.

I never felt like
part of this family

because I wasn't
part of this family.

Kim... MOTHER: Oh, honestly.

Everybody shut up.

Who are you?

I'm Monica.

Welcome to the
family secret, Monica.

Tell me straight.

What are we looking at?

A few hours.

Is he lucid?

Well, he's had a
series of small strokes.

He can hear, but
he can't respond,

except through his eyes.

He has great eyes.

That's all we ever
needed to communicate.

Right, Poochie?

Will somebody please tell me

why I can't take
two days for myself

for the first time in six years

without the whole family

going to hell in a handbasket?

Didn't take a
handbasket, Mother.

We've got a mess here, Joe.

I got to clean it up,

and then I'll get back to you.

Do you think you can
hang on for me, baby?

I'm going to the bathroom.

I'm going to put on my slippers.

I'm going to make some tea.

Then there will be
a family conference

in the kitchen in five minutes.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't forget your attaché case.

Whatever the real story is, Kim,

I just want you to know...

you're still my sis.

Was that what you
were trying to tell me?

You wanted me to know.

Or did you just find out, too?


You know, in some funny way...

I think I always knew.

I guess that's the thing

about family
secrets... Nobody talks

but everybody knows.

Do you believe in God, Monica?

"Belief" hardly
begins to describe it.

All I ever wanted was to just
feel comfortable in this family.

When I was a kid,

and I'd blow out my
birthday candles every year,

that was my wish.

And whenever we'd
pray, that was my prayer.

I would put my money on
the prayers over the candles.

It doesn't matter.

Either way, it never happened.

Well, that depends when
you think "never" began.

I mean, you
wanted to drive a car

when you were eight years old.

Thank God he didn't
answer that prayer, huh?

All prayers are answered, Kim.

It's just sometimes
the answer is "no."

But sometimes the
answer is "not yet."


I'll be back.

"Sometimes the answer is 'no.'

Sometimes the
answer is 'not yet.'"

What, are you making fun of me?

No, no. I think you did great.

Joe, she did great, didn't she?


Andrew, what do you
think the chances are

of a special dispensation?

Whew... Monica...
uh, I don't know.

It's worth trying, hmm?

Because sometimes
the answer is "yes."

So there was no book club.


Just... Friday
afternoons with Tony.

Daddy's old partner?

How could you do that to Daddy?

I'm not proud of it, Kimberly.

But I forgave myself.

I hope one day
you'll be able to, too.

How long did it last?

A couple of years.

Then your father got
that job, remember?

No, you were too young

to remember, Chris...
But Kate, you do.

Joe and Tony had been partners

for nine years, and
then one day Joe walks in

and says he's got another
job, for less pay, more work,

and with a company he hated.

That's when I knew he knew.

That's when it ended.

But you didn't say anything.

We never discussed it.

He could have left.

He could have thrown me out.

But he just...

kept on loving me instead.

When you were born...

Tony stayed with Joe
in the waiting room.

He was so afraid you'd be a boy.

Would grow up and look like him.

That's the first thing
he asked... "Boy or girl?"

Do you know what Joe asked?

"How's my wife?"

And you knew
all this time, Kate?


Remember when I
dated Billy Warchowsky?

That boy with the bad skin?

His father owned
the... River View Motel.

That kid always
did look at me funny.

Well, it wasn't much
of a leap, Mother,

to figure out the rest. Yeah,

me being the rest.

That's not what I meant.

Tony Laneri.

So now you're Italian, Kimmy.

Don't you think that
this is something

we should discuss in
private? Just the two of us?

Everybody here knows.

Why is it, in this family,

that every secret is a
matter of public record,

but the most obvious problems
never get discussed at all?

We're dysfunctional?

It's just a guess.

So... I'm not a
Carpenter anymore.

Oh, for heaven's sakes,
Kim, of course you are.

Man, Dad is really something.

If it were me, I would
have walked out.

You did walk out.

That's not the point.

I had reasons.

So what?

People nowadays bail out
at every bump in the road.

Not like the old days.

People couldn't
afford to break up

every time the going was tough.

Well, that's easy
for you to say.

Obviously the old days
weren't that tough for you.

You can't judge a
marriage until you're in it.

Well, you can't judge a
family until you're in it, either.



Good news.

I got all the pillows
and the bolsters

and the matching drapes

and the wallpaper is on order.

You are looking at the swatch
queen of Ralph "La Ren."


You got any more
of that tea left?

I was so young and so stupid,

and scared to death.

So you decided to
pretend it never happened.

That's right.

But you had this
little human being

running around the
house every day,

reminding you of
what you'd done.

I couldn't let
her get too close.

Oh, you couldn't let
anybody get close...

Not your husband,
not any of your children.

Loving them would
have been dangerous.

So you had to control
them and protect your secret.

That's the trouble
with secrets, sweetie.

If you let somebody
in your heart,

they're going to find
out what's in there.

So your family paid the price.

You got a son

who mistakes your husband's
strength for weakness.

You got a daughter that
doesn't know where you end

and she begins.

And you've got this little
girl, trapped inside of Kim...

Crying, begging to know
that she belongs in this home...

not to mention a
wonderful man upstairs,

who deserves to die in peace.

It's too late for that.

Oh, no, no.


The peace is just beginning.

How did I end up spilling my
guts to an interior decorator?

Well, I was just about
to tell you about that.

You see...

Go get 'em, girl.


Will someone please
explain what's going on?

Well, first, in case
it's still not clear,

I am not an interior decorator,

and Monica is not a nurse.

We're angels.

God has sent us here
to bring your father home.

To be perfectly accurate,
there's another angel

that will escort him
when the time comes.

But all of us, we've
got a lot of business

to take care of before then.

You may want to
sit down, darling.

I'm confused.

Well, that's abundantly clear,

but God is not the
author of confusion.

He likes to write happy endings.

Then Dad is okay, and
this is some kind of miracle?

Well, technically, this is what
we call a special dispensation.

Your father is
going to die, Chris.

And you may conclude from
the presence of the angels here

that this is not a bad thing,

or at least it
doesn't have to be.

I'm going to turn this
assignment over to Monica.

She needs the experience.

Go ahead, baby.

Well, as families go, you
have a pretty good one.

But it almost broke under
the strain of the secret.


you missed out on the
joys of being a sister,

trying to protect your mother.

And Chris, your suspicions
about your mother

have become terrible,
destructive suspicions

about your own wife.


you always knew there was
something different about you,

but you could only
guess at what it was,

and you always guessed wrong.

There's nothing wrong with you.

In fact, you're... you're
a shining example

of how God can take
the saddest things

and turn them into
something beautiful.

That's true.

Yeah, I guess I
always knew, Elizabeth.

I didn't like it.

But I, uh... Well, I, uh...

loved you so much, I just
prayed you'd come back.

And you did.

And look who you
brought with you.

Oh, Daddy.

Now, I won't deny it.

It hurt, but, uh...

I decided that, you know,

it's more important that...

being together, all of us...

that's more important
than me being right.

If that makes me
weak, son... I'm guilty.


You always knew

you were my little
girl, didn't you?


Son, go home.

Give them your best, Chris.

That'll be enough.


You can't fool me.

I know you're not

such a tough bird, Katie girl.

Aw, you were the... you
were the first baby I ever loved,

and you always will be.

So share it with the
rest of them, okay?

You know, I'm real
proud of... of all of you.

Your instincts led you
to preserve this family.

But a family, it... it can't
survive without the truth.

Now, don't be
afraid of the truth.

Speak it, look at it, live it.

You know... these
last couple of days,

I've seen a little corner of it,

and by God, it's beautiful.

And don't forget,

I had a choice...
and I chose to love.

Listen, it's been a...
a real privilege to me

to be your father.

Oh, God, no.

Please, God, don't let him go.

Joe, listen to me.

I love you.

Please forgive me.

Oh, I forgave you a
long time ago, Woogie.

You know that.

I can't even get a reading.

The time is now.


Can you hear me?

He can, but he's
too busy to answer.


There's a moment when humans

remove themselves
from this place

and get down to the
business of dying.

You see, his spirit is straining

to remove itself from a
body that won't release him.

Is he in pain?

Oh, no, no.

The pain's all gone.

There's more death
here now than life.

The other angel... Is he here?

Yes, Andrew is
here, and he's in touch

with that part of
your father's spirit

that you can't communicate with.


We're here with
you... All of us.

And we want to say thank you.

He says, "You're welcome."

Andrew says your father
says, "You're welcome."

We'll see you again... won't we?

He says you can count on it.

You can count on it.

And he has a gift for
Kim and a request.

Kim, your father has
a gift for you and a...

A request.

A request.

Sing the song.

Sing the song.

Chris, you take the bass.

Kate, take the alto.

I'll take the melody, and Kim...

Honey, you take
your daddy's part.

♫ Smile the while... ♫

- ♫ - You kiss me sad adieu ♫

♫ When the clouds
roll by, I'll come to you ♫

♫ Then the skies
will seem more blue ♫

♫ Down in Lover's
Lane, my dearie ♫

♫ Wedding bells
will ring so merrily ♫

♫ Every tear will be a memory ♫

♫ So wait and pray
each night for me ♫

♫ Till we meet again. ♫


♫ Till we meet again ♫

♫ Till we meet again ♫

♫ Till we meet at
the Father's feet ♫

♫ Till we meet again ♫

♫ Till we meet again ♫

♫ God be with you ♫

♫ Till we meet again. ♫
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