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02x23 - (D) Returning from the Brink

Posted: 04/27/23 11:18
by bunniefuu
[VELDORA groans]

That sucked big time.

[RIMURU grunts] Hey,

what the heck are you

doing here, Veldora?

I didn't even call for you!

Excuse me. I didn't think

you'd be so mad about it.

But, you see, I'm here

because... of this!


A manga, seriously?

Ah! I'm dead serious!

I mean, it ends just as

it's starting to get good!

Are you trying to torment

me or something?!

Where's the newest volume?!

And what happens

to Pai and Yakumo?

[RIMURU] So you came all this

way just because you wanted

to read the next

volume of a manga?

[VELDORA] Do you expect me

to just sit around

and use my imagination?!


That's awesome.

Guess he can just show up

even if I don't summon him.

--[VELDORA] I command you to--

--I'll give you the newest

volume, but first,

you gotta do me a favor!


Uh? What's up?

See that girl, Milim? Could you

maybe play with her for a bit?



Oh, yes, she's my older

brother's only child!

This is the first time

I've ever seen her,

but she's still

just a kid I see.

Very well!

Leave it to me, Rimuru!

"Your brother's only child"?

Do I even wanna know

what that means?

Wait, nevermind, we can

worry about that later.

One more thing--Milim is being

controlled by Clayman.

So make sure you don't

hurt her or anything.

"Being controlled"? Hold on,

that would be impossible--

Have fun, buddy!

I-- H-Hey!


Fine then, Milim. How would you

like to have it out with me?

Ranga! Are you okay?!

Oh. Hello, Master.

I'm just fine.

But we've run into

a small problem.

--[RIMURU] What's up?

--[NINE HEAD growls]


Help me...

Help me!

--[RIMURU] I get it.

--[NINE HEAD] Help me!


She's another pawn suffering

under Clayman's control.

Don't worry.

I'm coming to save you.

Ranga. Stop the other two.

Don't let them get in my way.



[RIMURU grunts]

[RAPHAEL] Notice: Appraisal

indicates that she is under

the controlling spell

known as Demon Dominate.

Undo the spell?


[NINE HEAD howls]



You're okay now.

[RANGA snarls]

[RIMURU gasps]

Please keep her

safe for me, Ranga.


--[RANGA] Understood.

Leave her to me!

[RIMURU] All right,

that just leaves Viola.


[BERETTA humming]


What the heck are you doing?!


Ah. Hello there, Lord Rimuru.

I regret that I was unable

to show you what I'm capable of,

but I have at least prepared

these spoils of w*r for you.

[RIMURU] "Spoils of w*r"?

Wait, so this scrap metal

is all that's left of Clayman's

"finest masterpiece"?

You took down that thing

like it was nothing.

Hey, Beretta, listen.

I hate to say this,

but aren't you just copying some

of Ramiris's worst qualities?



[RIMURU] I-If it's just my

imagination, then cool,

but what are you gonna do

with these "spoils"?


Oh! Well, you see...

...I was planning to present

them to you as a gift.

And I had this foolish idea

that, after accepting them,

you might consider offering

Lady Ramiris and myself a place.

You know, in Tempest.

Really? I remember Ramiris

said that she wanted

to live in Tempest,

but I didn't realize

it was a big deal

to you, too.


The truth is...

Earlier, Demon Lord Guy

told me that I needed to decide

which master to serve and

I responded by telling him

that after assisting you,

I would happily

serve Lady Ramiris.

Yeah, so?

[BERETTA] You see,

if Lady Ramiris were to relocate

to Tempest, then I would have

no choice but to follow her

in the move. In this manner,

even though Lady Ramiris

would be my master, I could

still serve you indirectly.

Talk about your loopholes.

You really do sound

more and more like Ramiris.

[BERETTA] I am delighted

by your generous praise.

It's not a compliment!

--[BERETTA] Huh?


Look, let's just put

a pin in that for now.

I can't whip up a place

for you guys outta nowhere,

so let me just think

about it, okay?


Of course. I understand.

--[VELDORA] Hadouken!

--[RIMURU] Hmm?

[VELDORA] Hadouken! Hadouken!

Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken!

--[RIMURU] U-Uh...

--[VELDORA] Hadouken! Hadouken!

[RIMURU] Holy crap!

Where'd he learn that?!



And then Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!


Guess that leaves...

--[SHION grunts]



Is that all you've got?

I thought Demon Lords

were supposed to be strong.

Stupid monster! Die!

Go, Marionette Dance!

[MARIONETTES growling]



How useless.

I wonder why everyone made

such a big fuss over you.

Hah! You're an idiot!

Wait and see!

You won't be gloating for long!

Marionette Dance

will recover instantly!

Then your time is up!

The real fight has yet to begin!

[SHION] When does

the "real fight" begin?

No, impossible!

Why isn't it recovering?!

This is getting old,

so I'll just tell you.

[CLAYMAN grunts]

[RIMURU] That big sword

Shion possesses is a Soul Eater.

Wait. You mean she has a sword

that deals spiritual damage?

It's not that rare, is it?

Recently, a human named

Hinata Sakaguchi had one.

A friend of mine made Shion's

by using that as a reference.

[CLAYMAN chuckles]

Ah, I see. In that case,

I will happily add

her impudent little sword

to my collection, as well!

Take this! Demon Marionette!

[CLAYMAN laughs]


This is the ultimate spell that

can control even a Demon Lord!

I admit it's a bit of a waste

to use it on mere majin

such as you two, but I need to

rebuild my Five Fingers anyway.

So I might as well make good

use of you as my new minions.

Okay? Is this the whole

spell or what?



Because I don't feel anything.

Maybe I should

just give it more time?


Tch! This can't be happening!

It can't! It's impossible!

Demon Marionette is an ultimate

spell that can control anyone!

[SHION grunts]

[CLAYMAN growls]

It seems useless to me.

Not to mention, if you need to

rely on cheap moves like that,

you aren't worth calling

a Demon Lord.

[CLAYMAN growls]

You'll pay for your insults!

You'll regret forcing me

to use my full strength,

but you brought it on yourself!




No more hiding!

This is my real power!

You see, I really am

a true Demon Lord!

I chose to be particular about

how I fought, always burying

my enemies with the utmost

grace and elegance!

But the time for mercy

is now over!

Yes, I had nearly forgotten

what my real power feels like.

Are you ready?!

Because now...

...I'm going to obliterate

you with my own hands!


[CLAYMAN cackles]



My opinion of you

has slightly improved.

Just a bit.

I am Lord Rimuru's

secretary, Shion.

And I shall be your opponent!

[CLAYMAN] I'm Demon Lord--

No, Crazy Pierrot Clayman!

And I will k*ll you,

majin Shion!

[CLAYMAN bellows]

[SHION grunts]


[CLAYMAN grunts]

[SHION grunts]

[CLAYMAN groans]


[CLAYMAN grunts]

[grunts, groans]




[CLAYMAN yelling]



[CLAYMAN grunting]


This fight is over.

[CLAYMAN groaning]

It can't be...

Impossible... I mean,

you're just a weakling--

nothing more than

a pathetic little majin.

I can't lose!

I'm the Demon Lord Clayman!


Lord Rimuru.

Do I have permission

to finish him?

No, damn it all!

Where is Milim?

What the hell is she doing?

I command you

to decimate this rabble!

[CLAYMAN gasps]

Wha... Who's that?

That aura, it's insane!

Such phenomenal power!

Oh, that's my friend...


[CLAYMAN whimpers]


Hmph. Tetsuzanko!



Frey! What are you doing?!

Come and assist me at once!

Me? I do apologize, Clayman.

Sadly, none can pass

through this barrier

without Guy's consent.

Seems my hands are tied.

[CLAYMAN gasps]

Milim! Listen to me!

Obey my command and use

your Stampede defense!

I don't care anymore.

Just k*ll every

single person here!

[RIMURU] Holy crap, he said

the quiet part out loud!

Why in the world would I

do something so ridiculous?

[CLAYMAN gasps]



Rimuru and Shion

are my friends, silly!



Milim! You aren't under

a spell or anything?!






Well, it appears I successfully

fooled you, Rimuru!

[RIMURU] Hold up, you haven't

been under his control at all?!

--[MILIM] Nope!

--[CLAYMAN gasps]

[SHION giggles]





[MILIM giggles]

[VELDORA] Yep, it was obvious

to me at first glance.

Wait, wha--? Huh?!


Of course.

[DEENO] And yet she didn't

react to being punched earlier.

--[FREY chuckles]

--[GUY] Hmm.

[CLAYMAN whimpering]


But I used the mind-controlling

stone he gave me!

That idiot should have been

completely under my control!

She even k*lled off Beastmaster

Carrion at my order!



Wow. Way to just admit it.

He also confirmed someone else

is behind it all.

You really thought I could

be controlled by such

a pathetic trinket?

[CLAYMAN gasps]

Answer me, Clayman!

Who is this

mysterious benefactor

that's been helping you?

[CLAYMAN snarls]

[MILIM growls]

Wait, so you suspected something

was up from the start?

Then why k*ll Carrion?!

[CARRION] Hey, now,

who are you calling dead?


That voice...

[CARRION grunts]


It's Carrion?!

Hiding in the world's

most obvious disguise?!

[RAPHAEL sighs]

[RIMURU] Ah! Crap, why do

I get the feeling that Raphael

is exasperated with me?

--[RAPHAEL] Ugh...


Yo, Beastmaster Carrion!

I'm glad you're okay!

Well... I wouldn't

say I'm entirely "okay."

But thanks for looking

after my people.

Oh, that was nothing!



Ah... No...

What...? It can't be...

But, Frey's report said...

[gasps] Wait, you lied?! So did

you betray me, as well, Frey?!

"Betray"? For that to be true,

I would have had to have been

on your side to begin with.

[CLAYMAN snarls]


How dare you!

Fine! In that case...

...I'll make you all pay!

I won't let you

get away with this insult!


--I'm on it, sir.

[CLAYMAN gasps]

[CLAYMAN grunts]




[FREY] I had faith that you

couldn't be manipulated,

but I admit, I was nervous.

Still... You managed to keep

the promise you made to me.

Thank you, Milim.

[MILIM cackles]

Of course, I did--

we're friends, Frey!

More importantly, do you

still have those thingies

I gave you to hold on to?

Sure do. You mean

these, correct?

[MILIM giggles]

My knuckles!

Aren't they awesome?!


[RIMURU chuckles]

What a dull performance

this was.

[RAMIRIS grunts] Y-Yeah,

I knew it was all an act!

[DAGGRULL grunts] Same here,

it was obvious to me, as well.

It takes more

than that to fool me.


Hey, Rimuru!

It made me super happy

to find out that

you were angry on my behalf!

Seriously? I'm relieved

you're okay, though.



H-How long...?



How long have you been

deceiving me, Milim...?

How was it even possible...?

Oh, that? It wasn't easy.

You're a pretty

cautious guy, after all!

I had to work super-duper

hard and play pretend

in order to fool you!


Hey, Raphael.

I'm afraid to ask, but did you

also know Milim was just acting?

[RAPHAEL sighs exasperatedly]


You did, huh?

And that's why you couldn't

identify the spell.

Sorry I doubted you.




By the way, Milim.


Hmm? What's up?

So I'm to believe you weren't

under Clayman's control, right?


That's what I said!

Which means this whole time,

that you were actually

just happily tormenting me, huh?


Ah! Um... That was actually...

You know, what's the word

for it again...?

A ploy, right...?

Uh, yeah!

No, no, it's absolutely fine,

it just means that

I'm much weaker than you are.

Then again... It would also

mean that when you ripped

a giant hole in my kingdom, you

did it of your own free will!

[MILIM growls]

Hey! Don't tell me you're mad

about one tiny detail!

It's not a tiny detail!

My entire city is ruined,

and I could have died!

Ugh, don't be such a whiny baby!

I had to blow up your stupid

city in order to fool Clayman,

so it was all just

passionate acting, okay?!

Yeah, you should be mad

at Clayman, not me!



It was all Clayman's plan, huh?

Well, it doesn't matter.

On the plus side, the

Beastketeers and your people

are safe and sound! Not to

mention we fought our best today

to help you get revenge!

Meaning there's totally

a silver lining in this cloud.

You're right, Rimuru.


I'm so sorry

you had to console me.

Everything's gonna be just fine!

And besides, you can

always rebuild a city.

I took Clayman's majin henchmen

prisoner to make laborers

of them for that

specific purpose.

Wait, are you being serious?

And we'll help, too!

Let's make it an even more

comfortable nation than before!

We also may have helped

ourselves to Clayman's treasury

to fund the cause.


[CARRION gasps]

Thanks so much!

Rimu-- Uh, Mister Rimuru!

From this day forward,

the Animal Kingdom will

spare no effort to assist your

nation as a permanent ally!


Feel free to thank me, too!

I knew it would all work out.

You could at least pretend to

feel bad for destroying my city!



[blows raspberry]

So, laborers, huh?

You know, I originally thought

you were a naïve fool

to let Clayman's

majin keep their lives,

but it seems you have some

very interesting ideas.

I'm starting to understand why

Black took such a liking to you.


Hmm? Black? Who is that?

Now then, Clayman.

I didn't interfere because Milim

was trying so hard to fool you.

But you made me angry, too.

You will pay.

Even if survival of

the fittest is our rule,

you took things a little far.

And I hope you know that I will

have revenge on you for the mess

you made of our kingdom.



I'd be careful around her.

[CLAYMAN] Yes, Laplace,

it would seem you were right.

[CLAYMAN] All of you placed

your trust in me.

You even gave me

the role of Demon Lord.

But it seems, this is the end.





[TEAR] You're weaker than

all of us, so don't do go doin'

anything reckless

on your own, got it?


Yes... Tear...



Tear's got a point! Make sure

you rely on us if you need to.


Yes, Footman... that's right.

I had forgotten...

I wanted to get as close

to all of you as possible...

[CLAYMAN] I wanted you to

recognize me as a member of

the Moderate Harlequin Alliance.


Hey, your name's Clayman, right?


My, you address me so casually.

Do you have a death wish?

[YUUKI] Come on, there's

no need for such threats.

I'll have you know

I'm here by invitation.



That's right, from your creator,

the Demon Lord Kazalim.

[CLAYMAN gasps]


You see...

I'm going to make this world

mine, and I want you to help me.


Huh. [laughs]

Interesting. Is this a request?

[YUUKI] Yes. For the Moderate

Harlequin Alliance.


What is the reward?

Let's see...

How about the resurrection

of Kazalim?

You interested?

Heh. Yes.

[YUUKI sighs] Let's take this

world with our own hands.

Then, we'll spend

our lives having fun!

[CLAYMAN] The resurrection of

Demon Lord Kazalim was achieved.

Yet my carelessness resulted

in this absolute mess.


Clayman. You are much like me.

I don't mind that.

But just try not to take after

my bad sides, okay?


Lord Kazalim...!


I can't...

I can't die yet!

[CLAYMAN] If I die now, before

I could accomplish anything,

I could never forgive myself!

I don't care if I never awaken

as a True Demon Lord.

So please, I beg you.

Give me power, please!

Overwhelming power!

Give it to me!


Request confirmed.

Converting soul to energy.


Dismantling body

to act as receptacle.

Initiating rebuild.



It seems the heavens

have not yet abandoned me!

[RIMURU gasps]

Back up, Shion!

[CLAYMAN laughing]

[RIMURU] Looks like

it's really begun now.


Lord Rimuru, what's happening?

It's Clayman's awakening, Shion.

Just as I planned.

Oh, I see, you planned for this?

Well, that's a huge relief!

[RIMURU] Yes. It's all going

according to Raphael's plan.

That mass of hatred... the remnants of all the

souls of the people Clayman

has k*lled.

We're releasing them.

Clayman's awakening was

necessary for that to happen.

His awakening?

I don't want to believe it,

but that power is immense.

--We shall fight--

--Please don't, Carrion.

Allow me to handle this battle.



I took the title

of Demon Lord, too.

This fight is necessary

for me to succeed.

I'll get rid of him.

And the others will

have to recognize me.

[CLAYMAN sighs]

You'd better not lose.



Good luck, Rimuru!

Just keep your cool, okay?



All right, Clayman.

It's time to put an end to this!

[CLAYMAN laughs]

Yes! I shall do that with

my newly acquired power!


You'll all regret

making a fool out of me!

I'll force you to

accept my retribution!



Next time, "Octagram."