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02x21 - (D) Adalmann, the Index Finger

Posted: 04/27/23 11:17
by bunniefuu
[RIMURU] As Benimaru

and the others were facing off

against Clayman's forces,

the rest of us back in Tempest

were busy making preparations

to attend Walpurgis.

My goodness, you look

fantastic, Lord Rimuru.

Agreed, just wonderful!


Such a dignified look!

It suits you perfectly, Master!


Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm!

Aw, you really think so?

[SHION] And Princess Shuna,

you're looking lovely, as well!

Ah? Thank you so much!

On that note, I should

probably join the others.



Princess Shuna, be careful out

there, but also make sure

you beat the stuffing out of

Clayman's minions!


Do it for us!


Stay safe, okay?


I will, and you, as well.






[TREYNI giggles]

[RIMURU] It's almost time

to go to Walpurgis,

but they're just chilling

like it's no big deal.

[RIMURU] Hey, so there are ten

Demon Lords in total, right?

There's Milim, Ramiris, Leon,

Carrion, Frey, and Clayman,

but I have no clue what

the other four are like.

Honestly, I have little interest

in such small insects.

But, two or three millennia ago,

I don't recall the details,

I fought a female

vampire Demon Lord.

What do you remember?

Well, for starters,

she could not take a joke.

I burnt down one tiny city

and she got all furious at me.

Yeah, pretty sure that

would make anyone furious.

[VELDORA gulps] Oh? I suppose

looking back at it now,

I might feel a teensy bit

bad about it...

Just a teensy bit, huh?


What was her name again?

Lu... Lurus...?

Or Milis, maybe?

I wasn't really

taking it seriously,

but she was strong enough

to be a playmate for me,

so you'd better be

careful around her.

I doubt it matters now, but

a man named Roy Valentine

has been the Demon Lord of that

nation for like , years.

So, he's like her replacement?


--What is it?!

I can't believe a new enemy is

showing up in this moment!

Talk about an

unexpected cliffhanger!

[RIMURU] Take this seriously or

I'll start shouting spoilers!

[VELDORA] Come on, there's

no need for such threats!

There's also a Demon Lord

who's a giant.

His name is Daggrull.

We tussled a few times, but a

victor was never determined.

Sure, but if you actually

remember his name,

then I imagine

he's pretty powerful.

Hardly, and if I fought him

now, I would definitely win.

Also, I never battled him,

but there's a Demon Lord

who's an actual real-life

demon called Guy Crimson.

So why haven't you

ever fought him?

Oh, he lives way up

in the far north,

and there is absolutely no

reason for someone as amazing

as I am to venture

to such a remote land

just for some silly fight.


Yeah, that's true.

Plus, Guy is really strong.

Did you know Guy, Milim,

and I are the oldest

of all the Demon Lords? Ha, ha!

Ah. I guess that's good to know.

Who's the last Demon Lord?




I've got nothing.


His name's Deeno!

The guy does nothing but

sleep and loves slacking off

even more than I do!

I gotcha, so he's

another Ramiris?


Ah! Yeah, right, he wishes!

That's ten.



The time has come.

Yep, that's our ride!


What's with this design?

Talk about dramatic.

Hello, I've come to

collect you, Lady Ramiris.


This maid...

She's just as

intimidating as Diablo.

She must be a demon,

and a high-ranking one.

It's been a while, Mizeri!

How's your partner,

Raine, doing?

As well as ever,

thank you for asking.

And I assume you're Lord Rimuru?




I've heard about you.

From my master,

Lord Guy Crimson.

[RIMURU] She serves Guy,

one of the oldest Demon Lords?

[MIZERI] Please proceed

once you're ready.

[RAMIRIS] Beretta, Treyni,

Let's get moving!


Of course, Lady Ramiris.


Coming, my lady.


Lady Ramiris. Be careful.


Waiting beyond that door,

are the people

who control this world.

But now that I've made up

my mind to become

a true Demon Lord,

I can't afford to lose my nerve.

Time to go.



[TRYA] Lord Rimuru,

and the rest of you, as well.

Please stay safe.

[VELDORA] If anything happens,

feel free to give me a shout!


Where is Clayman's castle?

This fog is much

more than it appears--

it's even blocking

my Magic Detection.

Agreed, the enemy

is clearly using the fog

to obtain information.

[SHUNA gasps]



[SHUNA] Unfortunately, I believe

we have just walked into a trap.

You don't say?

Strange, I don't

sense any enemies.


[SOEI gasps]


[UNDEAD moaning]

How, though?

There are so many.

How could they possibly

hide so that we didn't

sense their presence?

It was never the enemy's

intention to hide.

Rather the fog was used

to lure us to them.

Into the center of their army.


With Magic Detection unusable,

we have no way to know

how many there are.

But if sheer numbers are

their only advantage...

Listen up. I will break

through their forces

while you and Hakurou escape.

--We can't, Soei.

--[SOEI] Hmm?

It does not appear they

will make it so simple.

His magical power

is quite immense.

I see, that can

only mean one thing.

[SOEI] He's one of the Five

Fingers serving Clayman.


Adalmann, the Index Finger.

[ADALMANN] Correct.

I'm the one known as Adalmann.

the Wight King who dares to

command a multitude of undead.

I am a servant of the

Great Demon Lord Clayman,

and the one he has ordered

to protect this land.

Lowly intruders.

There is no escape.

Give up your lives quietly.


We are fully surrounded.

[SHUNA] And I can no longer

use Spatial Movement.

The only way out of this... to defeat Adalmann.


Let's end it quickly.


I'm with you.

Fortunately, my att*cks

can k*ll even the undead.

[ADALMANN laughs] None of

you idiots know your place!

You will pay for your ignorance!



How impressive. You managed

to predict all my moves.

I see that even as a rotting

corpse, you've still retained

your instincts as a swordsman.

[SOEI grunts]

It can't be...

A Dragon Zombie?

No, I'm afraid it's

nothing that weak!

It's the strongest

of all dead monsters.

A Death Dragon!


Good, I won't hold back.

It's time to die!


Arcane Thread Fetters!

Rest in peace.

[SOEI] I see. So, you have

the ability to regenerate.

Then I have little choice but

to destroy your physical body

along with your soul.

Stop for a moment, Soei.

Calm down, and analyze your foe.




This dragon's soul...

...exists within

Adalmann himself.

Please do not worry

about trying to protect me.

Focus on stopping that dragon.

And I will defeat Adalmann.


No, it's too dangerous.

Look at me, Soei.

Do you see?

I'm very angry.



The moment we escaped

the Ogre Village

and first encountered

Lord Rimuru,

Princess Shuna was

no longer someone

in need of our protection.

Right. Best of luck,

Princess Shuna.

Yes, same to you.

I'll let you handle

the dragon slaying.


[HAKUROU grunting]


The Otherworlders' behavior...

The invasion by

the Kingdom of Falmuth...

And Clayman,

the one behind it all...

We did not come to this land

for some pleasant excursion.



And what do you

intend to do, little lady?

Just what can you hope

to achieve without relying

on your personal guards?

[UNDEAD snarling]

There's no need

for your concern.

Engage Alignment Field!


Now no one can interrupt us.

And once I have defeated you,

I can destroy

the defense mechanism

centered around you

that covers this area.

Isn't that right?

Ah. Yes, nicely done.

I must say, I'm impressed you

figured out my secret, as well.

Tell me, girl. Your name?


Shuna. That is my name.


Shuna. Yes, Miss Shuna.

Very well, let us

commence our battle.

Should you somehow

manage to defeat me,

I will do whatever you wish.

[SHUNA] I see, that's a very

generous offer on your part.

Unfortunately for you,

our only wish is the fall

of Demon Lord Clayman.

If you kindly let us pass,

we will allow you to continue

to exist in this land.

[laughs] I'm so sorry,

young lady, but I do believe

that will be impossible.

Is that so?

I thought you would be capable

of breaking that binding spell.

It seems I overestimated

your abilities.

Rest assured, if I could

break this binding spell,

then I would have

done so by now.

You make it sound as if

it would be a simple matter.

Right, then as I planned...

...I shall defeat you

in battle, Adalmann.

[ADALMANN] You're more

than welcome to fight me with

all the strength you possess!

[ADALMANN] Dissolve and corrode

all in my path!

Acid Shell!

Flame Wall!

Then how about this?

You dead who bear deep grudges,

offer up a sacrifice!

Curse Bind!


Holy Bell.

[bells ringing]

[ADALMANN] Impossible!

That's a Divine Miracle!

How is it that a lowly

monster such as yourself

could possibly use holy magic?


You find it strange?

That's because you

are so close-minded.

It should be no surprise to you,

holy magic responds to

the strength of the wish.

It works for anyone who believes

in miracles and wishes.

What? You lie!


Once upon a time,

I was betrayed by the top

leaders of Luminism.

I ultimately lost all my

faith in the god Luminus.

Back when I was

reduced to this form,

I was positive that I would

never be able to use

holy magic again.

And now this girl is telling me

that isn't the case?!

[ADALMANN] Miss Shuna,

why did you believe I was once

a user of holy magic?


Your appearance.

It's common knowledge that those

pure white robes are only donned

by the highest members

of the clergy.

Your magic was advanced

enough to earn you the right

to wear them. Yet you're so weak

that you lack the ability

to break a basic

binding spell.

[ADALMANN growls]

If you only wear those white

robes because you miss having

holy magic, perhaps it was

foolish to be wary of you.

[ADALMANN growls]

That's quite enough girl--

I will hear no more out of you!

Please hear me now, God, for I

lift this prayer up to thee!

I ask you to share the divine

power of the Holy Spirit!

I beseech you, God:

please hear my wish!

[ADALMANN] Of course. My resolve

was merely insufficient.

When my old compatriots

who admired me came back

as the undead, I couldn't bear

to die and leave them behind.

I was naïve!

But if I plead sincerely for

my wish to be granted...

I bear no grudge against

this girl called Shuna.

If anything, I feel gratitude

for this monster who opened

my eyes to the truth.

Because of the curse of the man

who bound me to these lands,

the one known as

Demon Lord Kazalim,

I am forbidden from

taking my own life.

Forgive me, Miss Shuna,

but I shall have to

take you with me!


Put an end to this battle!



I've been waiting for this.

[ADALMANN gasps]


What? But how?!

How in the world did she

overwrite my magic?!

Excellent work. As a reward

for your sincere efforts,

I shall set you free

from this land.

[ADALMANN gasps]

[HAKUROU sighs]

You did very well,

Princess Shuna.

Thanks, at least it's over.


My goodness.

I must admit, the Death Knights

were far more trouble

than I expected.

I do believe you saved

my life, Princess Shuna.

Oh, don't be silly--it was you

who saved me, Hakurou.

And you as well, Soei.

You did wonderfully buying me

time against that Death Dragon

so I could fight.

[SOEI] Though. It shames me

that I was unable to defeat it

on my own.


Yes, and it would seem

I let my anger drive me to be

a little too reckless

in this situation.

Right, I tend to agree.

I suppose it's possible our

newfound strength has caused us

to grow a bit conceited.

Lord Rimuru's concern

was well-founded--

one never knows what sorts of

things may happen in w*r.

I should have gathered more

information before we started.

[HAKUROU sighs]

[SHUNA sighs]


Let's go take control

of Clayman's castle.


Please wait.

[GROUP gasping]


so you're still standing?

Fine, then I shall

finish the job.

Stay your sword, Hakurou!

He's harmless. He no longer

has the will to fight.


Lady Shuna...


[GROUP gasps]

[ADALMANN] Thanks to your

magic and generosity,

my compatriots and I have

been freed from the curse

binding us to this land.

Surely, this means there was

a reason for our inability

to pass on, so I wish

to ask a favor of you!


Huh...? What is it...?

[ADALMANN] Lady Shuna,

I would like to meet the one

that you have chosen to

place your faith in.

When I lost my faith, I also

lost the chance to regain

the power I enjoyed at my peak.

The faith I had

in the god Luminus

has long since disappeared.

And for that reason,

my wish is to discover

a new god to worship.

Yes, well, he isn't

exactly a god.

And while we have a great amount

of respect for Lord Rimuru,

I would never say that

we outright worship him.

Oh! So, his name

is Lord Rimuru, is it?

How exciting--I dare say

there has never been

a more wonderful name

befitting of our new god!

[SHUNA chuckles]

I may be nothing more than

a weakened skeleton,

but it is my most humble

of hopes that I can still

be of use to your

master somehow.

Would it be at all possible

for you to introduce us

to this Lord Rimuru, my lady?

[SHUNA chuckles]






Well, why not?

Perhaps once he meets

Lord Rimuru, in the "flesh,"

he'll give up on his pursuits.

Sure, I don't mind.

[ADALMANN gasps]

Thank you so much!

You'll have to be

patient, though.



You see, we still have

an important mission

that we must carry out.

Ah! Yes! Then, please

allow me to guide you.



Have no fear, my friends,

just follow me!


Right this way.





Here you are, sir.



[RANGA grunts]

[SHION grunts]


Hoo boy. That dude's bad news.

He's in a class all of his own.

So, this is one of the oldest

Demon Lords, Guy Crimson.



That massive body...

And the ridiculous

amount of energy...

Gotta be the giant

Demon Lord, Daggrull.


Those fangs...

Is he a vampire?

Which would make him

Demon Lord Valentine.



Huh? Wait a second...

His attendant...

[RAPHAEL] Answer: Appraisal

suggests that the individual

in question may possess even

more magical energy than

the one known as

Demon Lord Valentine.


I thought so.

That maid might be

the True Demon Lord here.

The one called Lurus

or Milis or whatever.

I hope no one finds out about

my connection with Veldora.

And if they do, I hope I don't

have to clean up the aftermath.




Hmm? Oh, hey!

Wow, you're still

kinda puny, huh?


You trying to pick a fight?!

You certainly showed up

with a lot of nerve, Deeno!

Don't be an idiot, why would I

wanna pick a fight that I know

I'd win super easily?

[RAMIRIS gasps] What?! You got

some kinda death wish?!

I could take you down

with just one punch, buddy!

Please, you're even smaller

than the last time I saw you.

Keep on wishing, though.


Hey, I can't help it!

I'll have you know I was just

reborn not that long ago!

[DEENO] Hmm? Whoa,

what's a lonely loser like you

doing with attendants?!

Now I look lame

for coming alone.


Oh, you know.

This is my way of getting back

at anyone who calls me "puny"

or a "loser" or both

of those things!

Which would be you!

[DEENO] Hmm... Actually,

these two are kinda amazing,

aren't they? Looking at them,

they're seriously intense.

[RAMIRIS] Yeah, tell me

something I don't know!

Now I've got some actual muscle

to back up all my tough talk!

--Who's the loser now?

--[RIMURUI] Yep.

This checks out.


Meh, I'm over it.

[RAMIRIS] Hey! Come back here!

I'm not done bragging yet!

[SHION gasps]



[RIMURU] That must be Frey,

the harpy Demon Lord

the Beastketeers told me about.

Wow...! I've gotta admit,

the girl's got some major game!

I'm pretty sure I just found

my new favorite Demon Lord.

Hey. Look.


What's up, Shion?!


Crap! She's gonna m*rder me!

The male attendant

behind Lady Frey.

Don't you find him

a bit curious?



[RIMURU] She's right.

He's definitely got

a lot of magicules,

but not the insane amount

that everyone else here does.

--I wonder if it could be--

--[RAPHAEL] Notice:

Appraisal suggests

that the individual--


Nah! Even if that was Carrion,

there's no way he'd make his

presence here so obvious.

It can't be him.


Ugh! Hmph!


Is Raphael offended?


So you are Rimuru?




Yeah, that's right.

I get it.

You must be Leon.

You want something from me?

I don't.


You felt familiar.

Perhaps it is your appearance.

Yeah? You should know

that Shizu died.

[LEON] I'm aware. It's only

natural that would happen.

I expected it. Considering

she never accepted Ifrit,

and she resisted

becoming a majin.

Listen, I'm not saying this

because she asked me to,

but let me slug you.

I refuse. You must understand

that I gave Shizu

the opportunity to choose

her own path in life.

And what she decided was that

she wanted to live as a human.

I gave Ifrit to her

as a parting gift.

I see no reason

why I should be hit.

[RIMURU growls]

Although I do find myself

somewhat interested in you.

I will invite you to my castle.

If you have an issue

with me, see me there.

But should you believe

this all to be a trap,

you're free to refuse.


Fine by me.

Send me the invitation and

I'll be there with bells on.

Yes, all right.

Of course... that's only

if you leave here alive,


Huh...? Mm?!



[RIMURU] Oh, good.

She seems okay, at least.

With Carrion missing,

that makes eight Demon Lords.

Which means the cocky-looking

jerk next to her is...

Stop walking so slow.

Move, you dullard!


[RAMIRIS whimpers]

Hello, all.

I appreciate you waiting for us.

[RIMURU growls]



You're going to pay dearly

for hitting my friend

and treating her like

garbage while we all watch.

I'll make you pray for death.


Next time, "Walpurgis."