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02x13 - (D) The Visitors

Posted: 04/27/23 11:08
by bunniefuu

I am the Storm Dragon,

Veldora Tempest! Revived!

And those who defy me...

will be slaughtered!

[VELDORA laughing]

You for real?

Where did you hear

something so tropey?

[VELDORA laughs]


Well, I was really bored,

so I analyzed your memories

and read all that "manga"

stuff you had in there!

Get this!

I can now play shogi

at the master level!

Wait, since I'm the Storm

Dragon, make it the Ryuo level!



I'm glad to hear life in my

stomach was so awesome for ya.






I'm free after all this time,

but you're being very cold.


My freedom came more quickly

than I expected, though.

I thank you, Rimuru Tempest!

Dearest BFF!

"BFF", really?

That's so outdated.


Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, did

you get an evolution gift, too?

Yes, indeed I did, my friend.

As it would turn out, my

Unique Skill, "Inquirer,"

has evolved into

an Ultimate Skill!

It's called Faust, cool, right?

Behold! It's the ability to

reach the ultimate truth...


Oh, that makes sense.

Especially considering my Great

Sage skill evolved into Raphael.


Yes. That is not all.

Analyzing the remains

of Veldora has given you

a new ultimate skill, which

is also called "Veldora."


[RAPHAEL] In addition,

using the unique skill

"Unlimited Imprisonment"

as a basis

to consolidate each

of your abilities,

you have successfully acquired

the ultimate skill "Uriel."

[RIMURU] Wait, that means I have

four ultimate skills now?


It does mean that.

[chuckles, yelps]

Great news, buddy!

That also means you and I are

practically invincible now.

I say we relax and

just go with it!

Yeah, sure.

[VELDORA laughing]

[VELDORA] Hmm. My first

time outside in centuries.

Ah! The air tastes so sweet!

Listen, you think you can

tone down the enormous aura?

You're gonna scare the crap

out of everyone in town.

Yes, of course. I'll try.

Suck it in or whatever.

Hm. I see. That technique.


[VELDORA yelling]

[RIMURU] Kind of reminds me

of a shonen manga.

[VELDORA yelling]

How's this?

Hey, not too shabby!

The death aura is

much smaller now.


You may thank the wisdom

found in the sacred texts

that contain all

knowledge of the world!

[RIMURU] Man, I knew this was

something he saw in a manga.

[VILLAGERS murmuring]


Hey, everyone. I'm back.

Oh, my!

Lord Rimuru! You're safe!

We were so concerned!

We suddenly sensed signs

that the Storm Dragon Veldora

somehow returned to this land.

You did, but we'll get

to that in a moment.

First, I need to introduce

you to someone.

Everyone, this is Veldora.

He's a bit shy

around new people,

but try and make friends, 'kay?



That's not true!

I'm not shy around new

people in the least.

It's just difficult

to make friends

when adventurers rarely

make it to you alive.



It's Treyni!

Our guardian, Lord Veldora.

Allow me to congratulate you

on your triumphant return.

You must be a Dryad,

I remember your kind.

Uh, thanks for watching over

the Forest of Jura for me!


I'm unworthy of your praise.

Such a small task is in no

way enough to repay you

for taking in me and my sisters.

Especially when we

were all separated

from the Queen of Spirits.

It was nothing.




[BOTH gasp]


Our Lord!

What?! He really is

the Storm Dragon?

Whoa, you gotta be kidding.

Keep taking good care

of Rimuru for me.

Though I suppose you'll

be taking care of me, too.

Hey. Why would anyone

need to look out for you?

Um, sir?

What is it?


Lord Veldora.

Excuse me, but what is your

relationship with Lord Rimuru?

[VELDORA laughs]

Shall I tell you?


Uh, yes! If you'd please.

Listen closely.


This is my dear friend,

the other half of my soul.

My bosom buddy!

My bosom buddy!

My bosom buddy!

[RIMURU] Cool, I'm just gonna

die from embarrassment now.

[VILLAGERS cheering]

Oh, wow!

So you're friends

with Lady Milim

and the Great Storm

Dragon as well?


See, I told you guys Lord

Rimuru was amazing!

Yeah, at this point,

nothing surprises me.

[RANGA] Just what you'd

expect from Master!

I have to agree. Heh.

By the way, why have you

taken a new form, my lord?



Rimuru had this body

prepared for me!

Well? Impressed?


Of course. You look wonderful!

I know, right? I'm awesome!


[RIMURU grumbles]

Everything makes more sense now,

especially considering

how you appeared to us

right after Lord Veldora's

aura initially vanished!

I kept it on the DL.

Originally, I thought

it would take

well over a hundred

years to free Veldora,

so I didn't say anything

because I wasn't about to invite

in any extra trouble, you know?

Very wise.

[VELDORA laughing]


Lord Rimuru!

If you're ready,

the preparations for

the feast are complete.


You guys, we've been through

some tough times lately.

But for right now,

I say we eat, drink,

and forget about

all that other stuff!

Raise your glass.

Here's to life!




[RANGA howls]

[RIMURU] That feast quickly

turned into a party

wild enough to put

fraternities to shame.

We celebrated life

and being alive together.

It's delicious!

[BOTH laughing]


I took a vicious attack!

But I used my Exo-evade!

And then a rolling attack from

behind with a forward punch!

[SHION humming]

Not much longer until it's done!




Why am I here?


Because it's dangerous to go

into unknown battles alone.


You want me to die?

Perhaps by some miracle

it might actually be good?

Not even a miracle can save

us from this fate, Benimaru.

Thanks for waiting! Dig in.


[BOTH groan]

No need to hold back,

I made a huge pot!



You do know what the

word "cook" means, right?

Of course, I do, Lord Rimuru.

Look at it! It's amazing!

You just threw a whole

onion in here--

skin, roots, and everything!

The tomatoes still

have all their stems,

which you're supposed to remove,

and I don't even wanna

know what the deal is

with this bird foot thingy

that still looks alive!

Believe it or not,

I have a little trouble with

chopping up produce.

I always take out the whole

building with the stems.

Hold up. You destroy whole

buildings when you're chopping?



[RIMURU yelps]

My Hercules' Edge is

fantastically sharp,

but I'm afraid it's a

bit on the long side.


You use that for cooking?!



Since I was a child, I've always

thought nothing was impossible.

But it seems I was


[RIMURU] I don't even know

what he's trying to say.

Listen, Shion, a sword is not

an appropriate cooking

tool, understand?

You should use a smaller, much

less destructive knife to chop.

To use another blade

would be infidelity.

I shall not budge.

Wow, you don't say.

I was gonna give you

a cooking knife as a gift,

but never mind now.


I was wrong! I made a mistake!

Even Hercules' Edge says

a little infidelity is fine!


I see.

Then, moving forward,

use a proper knife, got it?





Not that a new knife

would really help our situation.

I doubt what we're about to eat

can even be classified as food.


I'm a true Demon Lord now!

So eating this probably

won't k*ll me, right?

[SHION chuckles]



It tastes good!



It looks like a witch's brew,

but tastes awesome!

How? What's the meaning of this?

[SHION chuckles]


If you must know,

when we were receiving

gifts from Lord Rimuru,

I prayed that I'd be

better at cooking!

So my gift is the unique

skill, "Master Chef"!

"Master Chef"?



Thanks to my new ability,

anything I cook

tastes fantastic

no matter how I make it.

Oh, that's cool.

Thank goodness!

Right, Benimaru?


I'm glad. Now we won't die.

C'mon, let's eat!


It may look terrible,

but it tastes amazing. Yum!


Yes, yes!

Even if it is a soup

of nightmares.

There's enough for seconds, too.


That won't be necessary!

[SHION gasps]

[RIMURU] That night,

we learned an important lesson.

When it comes to cooking,

appearances totally matter.

Now then, I'm sure

you're already familiar,

but let me introduce him anyway.

This is Diablo, the one who

saved me from certain death.

He's new here, but he's really

strong and dependable,

so I plan to put him to work

as a second secretary.

I'd like you guys

to treat him well.

Hello, it's a pleasure to

make your acquaintance,

and thank you in advance

for all of your guidance

and encouragement.

Teach him the ropes of

the job for me, Shion.

Yes, sir, as you wish.

Oh, and Gabiru?


[RIMURU] As of today,

you're in charge of development.

It's a temporary position,

but you'll be at the

top of the ranks.

I'm counting on you.

I happily accept!

I shall devote myself

to this honorable task!

Congratulations, Sir Gabiru!

Okay, then. I'd like to discuss

our plans for the future.

Youm and the Three Beastketeers,

this involves you guys,

so please stick

around and listen.

I'm guessing you've got an idea.

And hopefully it

has something to do

with the rescue of Lord Carrion.

So I chose to become

a Demon Lord.

We know.

[RIMURU gasps]


I said a Demon Lord.


Like a real one.



You're already a Demon Lord.


Right, of course.

What I meant is that

I'm going to announce

to the whole world

that I'm a Demon Lord.

I understand.

By announcing this,

you mean to pick a fight

with the other

known Demon Lords.

Yes! Exactly right!

But even more

specifically, one dude.

Lord Clayman.


I get it.

You want to steal the Demon

Lord's throne yourself.



The guy who orchestrated

the recent attack

was Demon Lord Clayman.

And I have no intention of

letting him get away with it.

[RIMURU] After that,

I told everyone in the room

about my idea.

It was a lengthy meeting.

Between cleaning up

the Kingdom of Falmuth,

the need to keep the Western

Holy Church in check,

and the rescue of the

Demon Lord Carrion

like we'd promised

the Animal Kingdom,

there was a lot to cover.

Hey, Rigurd.


Handle the talks with

the western nations.

Right! I'm at your

service, Lord Rimuru!

--[RIMURU] Benimaru.


[RIMURU] Gather the results

of everyone's evolutions.

If we wanna make use of all

our forces against Clayman,

then it's vital that we know

what our strengths are.

Understood. Leave it to me.


--[SHION] Yes?

Interrogate the w*r prisoners.

[SHION] Of course,

it would be my pleasure.

And try not to take

it too far, okay?

I'll show some restraint.

I sure hope so.

Youm and Mjurran.


Go assist Shion.

Try and get them to

tell you what they know

about the state of Falmuth,

as much as you can.

You can count on me, Master.

It's gonna be my

kingdom, after all.

I also have a task for

the three Beastketeers,

if you guys don't mind.

You are the leader of the Forest

of Jura, you need only ask us.

Just give us your orders.

We're ready and willing

to do whatever you want.


For the time being,

rebuild your strength

for the upcoming battle.






I got here as fast as

I could in accordance

with the security pact

between Blumund and Tempest!

Whoa, it's Fuze?

[FUZE] There were so

many dead in the city.

How could those Falmuth

bastards be so cruel?

Uh. No.

They're not dead,

they just drank too much.

It's not much, but I brought

fully-armed soldiers with me!

And... they are prepared

for the worst.

Falmuth's main army doesn't

appear to have arrived yet,

but fortunately, the king

of Blumund has also sworn

to mobilize the

knights in his army!


Whoa, Fuze, slow your roll, man.

Oh, forgive me, did you already

have a plan or something?


Um, yeah. A plan.

Actually, about that...

Uh. Would you prefer

to keep it secret?


That's not it, either.

[RIMURU clears throat]

To be completely honest,

I really do appreciate

your concern about us,

but the fight's kind of over.

Uh. Sorry. What was that again?

How is it "kind of over"?

Uh, well, you know,

stuff happened.

And then I sorta, oh, I dunno,

I guess the best way to describe

it would be I wiped them out.


I destroyed the Kingdom

of Falmuth's whole army!

Just completely

annihilated them!

[RIMURU laughs]


Yeah, I get how you feel.

Why don't you go relax in the

hot spring for a bit? 'Kay?

[FUZE sighs]

Um. Show the soldiers to the inn

and tell them to rest up.

They came all this way,

so we should be hospitable.




C'mon, let's go.

No way, I've got more

questions for Rimuru!

Huh? There're more visitors.

Besides us?

That's right.

[RAPHAEL] Notice. Thirty

Pegasus knights approaching.

They are led by the king of

the Armed Nation of Dwargon.

It is the individual by

the name of Gazel Dwargo.


Hey, Raphael?



[RIMURU] It's gonna be a hassle

to have you giving me

every little detail on

someone when they show up,

so keep it short, okay?


What do you mean?


I dunno, just save it

for the hostile visitors

or whatever.



Hello there, Rimuru. Well met.

I heard you're a Demon Lord now.

You heard right. Things

have been kinda crazy.

You've got great timing, though.

We were just having

a big meeting

to discuss our future plans.

How fortunate.

It's best that I also take

part in this meeting. Hm?




[RIMURU gasps]




When did they get here?

Universal Detect didn't

sense anything!



I detect no hostile

visitors within this group,

so I did not alert you.


Oh, right.

I suppose I did say it

was a hassle earlier.




I'm sorry, okay?

Please give me clear reports

from now on, oh wise, Raphael!

[RAPHAEL sighs]

Who are you people?

Show yourselves!

Well, well, those are some

bold words from a king

who likes to hide underground.

Though I would expect

nothing less from you.

What is shocking is

that a coward like you

would actually go

and back a Demon Lord.

Ah, yes, if it isn't the

descendant of the Elves

who loves to live in

ridiculously high places.

What's wrong, was the air too

thin up in your divine city?

Though with that

body, it's unlikely.

Why yes, you have

an excellent eye.

It was made using

an artificial human.

A homunculus is perfect when

you're meeting a Demon Lord

and wanna be careful.


Whoa, a homunculus so elaborate

that I couldn't tell it

apart from a human.

I wonder if he'll teach

me how to make one.

Allow me, these people come from

the Sorcerous

Dynasty of Thalion.

I see you haven't

changed, Erald.

Neither have you, Gazel.

Pray tell, who's

your new friend?



Oh, hey, nice to meet you.

The name's Rimuru and I'm

the leader of this forest.

What's up?

[ELALUDE grunts]


Ah! That's enough!

It's you! The seductive

Demon Lord!

How dare you take my daughter!

Uh. Wha?

Well, I hope you've made

your peace, villain!

Hear me, o flames that burn,

dance, and rampage!

Gather, flicker, and pour

in a rain of v*olence...

Whoa, that escalated quickly!



This is an extremely

high-level expl*si*n spell.

But why is it aimed at me?

O flames, burn,

dance, and rampage!

Gather, flicker, and pour

in a rain of v*olence!

Enough! You stupid idiot!

[ELALUDE groaning]

Dad, you can't just go

around exploding things!

Oh, Eren! Thank goodness

you're all right, sweetie.

Yeah, of course I'm all right.

I'm here of my own

free will, you dummy!

Oh, that's wonderful to hear.

I do apologize.

I received a report

saying my daughter

had been taken by a Demon Lord,

so needless to say,

I panicked a little.


Dude almost nuked us.

I see you're still an

overprotective father.


I am not overprotective.

I'm merely looking

out for my daughter.

My sweet widdle pwincess!

Do you even hear yourself?

Oh, well, that's a father

for you, I suppose.

I'm sorry, Rimuru.

This extremely stupid

man is Erald Grimwald,

the archduke of the

Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion,

and my father.

[ELALUDE clears throat]

Leader of the Great Forest of

Jura and ruler of the monsters,

it's nice to meet you.

My daughter has

aptly explained it,

but allow me to say it again.

I'm the archduke from the

esteemed Sorcerous Dynasty,

Erald Grimwald.

By all means, feel free

to call me Erald, though.


Sure thing.


Well, Eren is nobility.

Guess I should've expected

something like this.

So did you only come

here 'cause you thought

I bamboozled your daughter?

[EREN gasps]

[chuckles] Well, there may

have been anothers reason.


I figured.

I wanted to see what could keep

Eren away from me for so long.

She and her companions

seem to have become

quite attached to you.

So I have decided that

I will also be taking part

in this meeting of yours.



What the heck?!

All these dudes just do

whatever they want?


[RIMURU] With that,

the big, important meeting

to determine what Tempest would

do next was ready to begin.

[RAPHAEL] Next time, "A Meeting

of Humans and Monsters."