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02x10 - (D) Megiddo

Posted: 04/27/23 11:03
by bunniefuu
[SOLDIER A] I heard some of

those monsters are real lookers.

[SOLDIER B] Heck yeah,

first come, first served.

[SOLDIER C] Women are great,

but I heard the place

is loaded with treasure.

--[SOLDIER A] Seriously?

--[SOLDIER B] Really?

[Should be pretty fun.

Sounds exciting.


--[FOLGEN] You there.

--[BOTH] Hmm?

I hate to intrude on

your little daydreams,

but you should take this

time to try and rest.

Once you're done eating,

we will resume our march

towards Tempest.

Yeah, yeah.

Thanks for stating the obvious.


These are the guys who

k*lled Shion and the rest.

At least there's no need

to grant them forgiveness.

You're all nothing more

than my fodder.



Let's do this.

[KNIGHT A gasps]

Hey. Someone's there!

[KNIGHT B gasps]

All knights!

Get ready for combat!

--[KNIGHTS yell]


Come any closer,

and we will show no mercy!

No, I'm the one who won't

be showing mercy. Apologies.

Unfortunately, you're about

to take the brunt of my fury.

[KNIGHT B, C growl]

[KNIGHTS gasping]

[KNIGHTS yelling]

[gasps] Nobody warned me

that there would be

any monsters this deadly.



Mission accomplished.

Now then, surely no one is

pitiful enough to need my help?

[GABIRU laughs]

Dragonewt warriors!

Follow my lead, to glory!



--[KNIGHTS gasping]

--[KNIGHT E growls] Quick!

Assume your positions!

It's an aerial attack!

[KNIGHT D] Whoa! Dragonewts?!

There're so many!

I'm the one known as Gabiru!

Remember me well, humans!

For I'm the last

creature you'll meet.


[GABIRU grunts]


Hmm? Ah!

[SOKA] Master Souei.

Please forgive us.

We thought our foes

would be stronger.

As a result, our att*cks

lacked moderation.


So it would seem.

Lord Rimuru's

calculations were correct.

The Otherworlders

are in the west.

A shame.

Tch. Hey! Have any

of those monsters

tried to flee the city yet?

There has been no sign

of the enemy again today.


[laughs] Just have

a little patience, Shogo.

We've had no contact

from the other camps.

If anyone tries to run,

this road is the only way.

[SHOGO] Tch. Yeah,

I sure hope you're right.

Because this fist of mine is

itching to cause some mayhem.

[chuckles] Believe it or not,

I feel the same way.

[KYOYA] There's nothing more

satisfying than the sensation

of cutting through someone

who is full of self-confidence.

It's so glorious.



Enemies are approaching!

--[SHOGO chuckles]

--[KYOYA] Hmph.


There appear to be...

Uh, four of them.


Really? That's it? Tch.

[KYOYA] Huh? Looks like

the old geezer is still alive.


Now, Rigur.

Let's give 'em a show!

'Kay. Keep up with me, Gobta!

All right!

[KNIGHTS groaning]

Unholy arts...?

These are truly God's enemies!

[RIGUR snarls]

[GOBTA grunting]

[BOTH gasp]

[GELD growls]

Earthquake Stomp!

[KNIGHTS yelling]

[KNIGHT L grunts]



[laughs] What do you know?

They're better than I imagined.

I'm interested. I don't mind

taking these guys on.

Wow! You mean it, Master Shogo?


Thank you!

Look who showed up. The guy

who helped k*ll everyone.


...I'm not the one

you'll be fighting today.


Rest assured, Gobta.

I will most certainly

crush this human flat.

Right, I'm counting

on you, Geld.

He may have looked kinda goofy,

but Gobzo was a really good guy.





[GELD gasps]


You actually managed to survive.

Too bad you're not intelligent

enough to stay away.


Despite my age,

I actually have

a competitive streak.

Not to mention... displeases me to see

an impudent whelp

act so high and mighty.

[KYOYA] Oh? You're not

referring to me, are you?


Was that not obvious?

I should have

spoken more clearly.

I apologize, for some

reason, I assumed your brains

were at a higher level

than your personality.

[laughs] I see being cut down

hasn't dulled your spirit.

Or maybe...'re just senile.


That was easy.

Best watch that temper of yours.

Although, I'm not much better,

as it seems I have just

about reached the limit

of my own patience.

[KYOYA gasps, grunts]

Don't make me laugh.

You couldn't even touch me

the last time we crossed swords!

Your tough act doesn't scare me!

True. But it was your power,

not skill, that won the fight.

You possess

the spatial attribute.

Oh? I'm surprised

you could tell.

[HAKUROU] Now that I know

your silly tricks,

I can deal with them.


Yes, how fascinating.

In that case, why don't

we settle this dispute

with our swords,

fair and square?


Very well.



Right. Get ready.


[cackles] I can't believe you

fell for my trick, old man!

[KYOYA gasps]

There's no way...

[HAKUROU chuckles]

To think you would use

such a ridiculous sneak attack.

I severely overestimated

your skill level.


Shut up! What'd you even do?!

[HAKUROU] What's wrong?

You mean you didn't see it?

I guess you really are just

a second-rate swordsman.

What'd you say...?

I'm sorry--I meant less

than second-rate.

Don't talk down to me...

...stupid old geezer!

Then allow me to demonstrate

the true essence of

a skilled swordsman.

Now watch me closely,

if you can.

[KYOYA] Quiet!

You'll regret insulting me,

you coffin-dodger!

[KYOYA snarls]

[KYOYA] Heh! There's

nothing that can save you!

My extra skill, All-Seeing Eye,

detects motion around me

at times the normal speed!

It makes a walking carcass like

you appear to be standing still!

This time,

I'll k*ll you for real!

No, you actually

can't see anything yet.



Don't worry, my body's

movements should be catching up

to your All-Seeing

Eye momentarily.

Wait. They are?


Crestwater Slash!


My body won't move.

No, it can't move!

What....? What?!

[KYOYA] No...

My Thought Acceleration.

It's still active!

It's all over for you.

[HAKUROU] Use that extended

time your ability gives you

to thoroughly reflect upon all

the evil deeds you've committed.




[SHOGO growls]

That was cheap! A real man

would fight with his bare hands!

That doesn't make sense.

We're fighting in a w*r, son.

There is no "cheap."

It's disgraceful to your

opponent if you don't

utilize all your strengths.


Don't give me that garbage!

Aren't you ashamed to be

fighting me in full armor?!


You really aren't making sense.

I tried. Fine, whatever.

I guess I was hoping you'd

ditch that pesky shield,

but just forget I said

anything, okay?

More importantly,

I'm finally warmed up,

so I guess it's time to start

taking this fight seriously!




I'm gonna face you for real

this time, so do me a favor

and put up a decent

fight, got it?

Let's go.

[SHOGO snarls]

[SHOGO grunts]

[laughs] What's wrong?!

Can't move in all that armor?!



Ah! What the hell?!

Ah! Ugh! Damn... you...!

[GELD] Your ability to

strengthen your body

--is impressive.

--[SHOGO screaming]

[GELD] But it appears to

still be weak against my Rot.

[SHOGO growls]

Wait, you have a Rot skill?!

Damn you, stupid pig!



I'll end your suffering.

[SHOGO gasps]

Wait, hold on!

Please, show mercy!

[HAKUROU] You still

aren't done here, Geld?



Sorry, I was just

about to finish him.

Damn it all!

What's Kyoya even doing?!

Oh, if you're talking

about your friend, he's here.

[SHOGO gasps]




Damn, I don't understand!

Why is this happening to me?!

Am I really gonna die?!






Hmm? Wha...? Now what?

Why is it so stupid

loud out there?

I was just having the best

dream about the past, too.

I was in Harajuku

with my friends,

--and we were out shopping--

--Yeah look,

I really don't care.



Sorry, Kirara. Time to die.

Huh? Are you jok--



[KIRARA grunting, rasping]

[rasping continues]


[bones snap]

[bones crunching, thud]

[GELD growls]


Truly the work of a savage.

This is the lowest one can fall.

[GELD] We shall spare

no pity on your behalf.

For you are not a warrior.


Shut up. I wanted to live!

Did you hear that?

The Words of the World

spoke to me in there.

It said that in exchange

for Kirara's soul,

I've acquired the unique

Survivor skill. Cool, huh?

He heard the Words of the World.

I think I understand now--his

goal was to acquire a new power.

[GELD] Lord Rimuru

says k*lling one's allies

is the worst possible sin.


Don't judge me, you maggots!

Winning is all that

matters in this world!


[SHOGO cackles]

Behold! Berserker

is specialized for offense,

while Survivor is

optimized for defense!

With Rapid Regeneration

and Elemental Resistance,

I'm practically invincible!

[laughs] You can break

my bones or cut off my head,

but I'll regenerate instantly!

Suck on that, you monsters!

You don't stand

the slightest chance!

This is true power!

[cackles maniacally]


Shall I assist you?


There's no need.

[SHOGO] Aw... You gonna

take me on alone, fatso?

That's gutsy.

[GELD] You wanted to fight

hand-to-hand, right?

I'd like to see what you can do.

Enough with the tough act.

You and I both know

my victory is inevitable!


[grunts, yelling]

[heavy blows landing]

[SHOGO grunting, gasping]

[GELD] Let's see just how

much you can endure with

your power of regeneration.


No... please...


Someone, help me!

[splattering, bones cracking

[SHOGO grunting, groaning]

Stop...! I beg of you...!

[GELD growls]





[SHOGO whimpers]

[SHOGO rasps]

It was just a joke...

I didn't mean it...

I got cocky...

Spare me...




I'm almost finished.

[SHOGO gasps]

[GELD] I will split

your head in one strike.

--[SHOGO whimpers]

--[teeth clattering]

[GELD] This will free you

from your suffering.

[SHOGO whimpers]


[GELD grunts]


Hmm. I see, you're the only one

who survived, eh, Shogo?

That's unfortunate, it was

foolish of me to underestimate

the power of these monsters.

[SHOGO gasps] Sir Razen!

You're here to save me?!

Oh my. An Orc Lord

stands before us.

He is unbelievably strong.

No wonder you three

couldn't win against him.

We shall withdraw for now.


I won't let you!

--[RAZEN] Hmm...

--[SHOGO whimpers]

[GELD growls]

Don't get any closer!

[GELD gasps]

[GELD grunts]

[RAZEN laughs] Very clever!

You saw right through the trap.

Perhaps you are the opponent

I should be more wary of.

You lie.

You've been wary of me from

the moment you first appeared.

It's a fine theory,

but you're wrong, Kijin.

Based on strength alone, it's

only natural that I would look

to the Orc Lord first.

Now, please excuse me.

If we both stay alive, I'm sure

we'll meet on the b*ttlefield--

We will not.


While you waste

your time with us,

our ruler is making his way

toward that very b*ttlefield.


Hmm. Your ruler?

Impossible. Was he not

defeated by that witch,

Hinata Sakaguchi?

He still lives?

[HAKUROU] Little do you know

that you've gone too far.

You've managed to anger

the one person whose rage

you should fear the most.

You have my sympathy.

I doubt your death

will be painless.

[RAZEN laughs]

Meaningless bluffs!


I do appreciate the warning

and shall do my best to heed it.

I bid thee farewell!

[GELD grunts]

[GELD] Was that wise?

We let the magic user get away.


Wise? Probably not.

But if we had fought

and k*lled him,

then everyone here

might have died.

[GELD gasps]

It's true. You see,

he had rigged himself with

nuclear strike magic, and

his death acts as the trigger.


Although I have

confidence it wouldn't be

a problem for Lord Rimuru.


--[GELD grunts]

[SHUNA gasps]

[SOUEI] Lord Rimuru,

all four magical devices

have been destroyed.


Thank you.

Please head back to town

and keep up the watch.



[RIMURU] Great Sage.

How do things look?

[GREAT SAGE] Notice. Magic spell

calculation complete.

Ready to activate at any time.


Everything is ready.

[RIMURU] Now then. You can

all feel honored in knowing

that you had a part

in my evolution.

[SHOGO grunts] Uh. Thank you,

sir. For saving me.

Yes, think nothing of it.

You're a precious military asset

to the Kingdom of

Falmuth, Shogo.

I know, and I promise you,

I'll win next time.


Indeed. Look up.

[RAZEN] Hmm.

It appears your wounds

are already healing nicely.

Most likely, it's your

new skill hard at work.

You did well, Shogo.

But to be safe, I'll cast

another healing spell.


[SHOGO grunts]

[RAZEN chuckles]

[FOLGEN] You destroyed

his soul, didn't you?

Isn't this a bit

ahead of schedule?


I didn't have much choice.

Shogo was no longer

of any use to our cause.

I admit it's unfortunate.

Additionally, we lost

Kyoya's Severer skill

and Kirara's Bewilder

skill before we could

transfer them over to you.

Well, no matter.

There will be

more opportunities.

With that said, this plan

of yours won't fail, will it?

Don't you fret.

This is not the first time

I've done this spell.

To be honest, compared

to my Reincarnation,

possession of a human body

is mere child's play.

[FOLGEN gasps] Wait. Sir Razen,

is that truly you?

[chuckles] Of course, is that

really so difficult to believe?


[SHOGO (RAZEN)] Do you have

any idea just how many years

I have served the

Kingdom of Falmuth?

It's a fair amount.

With both an indomitable spirit

and a strong, capable body,

I am now the most powerful

majin in Falmuth's history.

[chuckles] It's a bit odd

hearing you talk like an old man

when you're in Shogo's body.

Now then. Let us report

to King Edmaris right away,

I'm quite eager to introduce

him to my new appearance.



With this stronger body, I could

even take on a Demon Lord.

[FOLGEN chuckles]


Anti-Magic Area established.

The enemy army

is now unable to use magic.


Excellent. No one escapes.



--[KNIGHT T] What the heck...

--[KNIGHT S] Is that... water?

[RIMURU] Die. May the wrath

of the gods pierce you.



Notice. , have died.


, .


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, .

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Next time,

"Birth of a Demon Lord."