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02x09 - (D) Putting Everything on the Line

Posted: 04/27/23 11:03
by bunniefuu

Sorry for the wait, everyone.

We're going to

begin our meeting now.

The topics are how we'll deal

with humans from here on out.

And the resurrection

of Shion and the others.

[EREN] It's the tale of

a girl and her pet dragon.

The girl was the daughter of

a human and a dragon,

and she was raised as

the Dragon Princess.

One day, her father, a dragon,

made a double of himself

in the form of a baby

so the girl would have a friend.


But then,

in an effort to gain control

over the Dragon Princess.

A king k*lled her beloved pet.

The girl went mad with

pain, grief, and rage.

[EREN] With the power she

had inherited from her father,

she destroyed the king

along with his entire nation,

including tens of

thousands of people.

Then the girl transformed

into a Demon Lord.

And when she did,

the baby dragon miraculously

came back to life.

[EREN] But, since the creature

had lost its soul when it died,

it came back as an evil monster

with no will of its own

and destroyed

everything in its path.

It was known as

the Chaos Dragon.

Though it pained her greatly,

the girl sealed away

her once-beloved companion.

This was the very first task

she accomplished upon

becoming a Demon Lord.


There you have it.

That's why I'm going

to become a Demon Lord.



[LIZARDMAN F] What?! Lord

Rimuru's gonna be a Demon Lord?!


--[LIZARDMAN F] Sorry!


There's an army heading here

from the Kingdom of Falmuth.

[RIMURU] I'm going to use

, soldiers as nourishment

to evolve into a Demon Lord.

[RIMURU] The chance of Shion and

the others being resurrected

is a whole %.


Wait, are you serious,

Lord Rimuru?


Hold on, please.

I'm sure each of you have

questions and concerns,

but I'd like for you to hear

everything I have to say first.

All right.

[RIMURU grunts]

The truth is,

I was once a human myself.

And I lived in the same world

that your "Otherworlders"

usually come from.

But one day, I died.


I was reborn in this world... a slime.

[RIMURU] At first,

I was completely on my own.

[RIMURU] But even in this

new form, I found friends.


As well as allies.


That's you guys.

[GROUP chuckles]


You're my family.


And you're important to me.

[LIZARDMAN F wailing]

--Lord Rimuru...


[RIMURU] I said I liked

humans and made the rule

that we wouldn't attack them

because I used to be one.

I couldn't let it go.

[RIMURU] I'm a monster,

but I considered myself

human at heart. It's why I

pushed us to hang out with them

and why I wanted

to be their friends.

Regretting my decisions

won't erase what's happened,

but I need you to know

I never wanted

you guys to get hurt.

[RIMURU] I should have

come back here sooner

instead of staying

so long in Ingrassia.


No. It isn't your fault.

We're to blame for relying too

heavily on you as our protector.

We should have

been more vigilant.

This is a result of

our own carelessness.


My sister beat me to it.

I'm a poor excuse

for an older brother.

These events have

made me aware of that.

When the barrier cut off

our connection to you,

the constant feeling that we

were all-powerful also vanished.

Deep down, I felt

panicked at losing

the one I had relied upon.

You trusted me to

look after Tempest,

so the only one to blame

for this tragedy is myself.


Hold on, Benimaru!

I'm the head of the guard

and I still managed

to let everybody down.

So I'm to blame, too!

--[GELD] No.

--[RIMURU] Huh?

I was overseeing the new road.

I should have been more alert to

the travelers who were using it.



--[GOBTA] It's my fault!

--[RIMURU groans]

I think I might have egged the

bad guys on a little too much.

Girls really don't like it when

--you call them plain, huh?

--That wasn't it...

[RIMURU] Cut it out!

It's not a competition!

I'm the one who was

too careless, okay?!

I put my own feelings first

and you were the ones

who paid the price!

The fault is mine alone.

I'm really sorry, everyone.

Lord Rimuru...

[RANGA whines]


If I may.

The fact that you prioritized

your own feelings

isn't something you

should apologize for.

And honestly,

it's not about just you.

This only happened because

we all let our guards down.

We were too weak

to protect ourselves.

It was our own negligence

that allowed those scoundrels

to storm into our city and

do whatever they wanted.

Does everyone here

agree with me?



You guys...

My lord.

No matter what, you're

still our fearless leader.

Whether you want to befriend

humans, or become a Demon Lord,

we'll gladly follow whatever

path you set out for us.

[RIMURU] Doesn't it bother you

guys to have an ex-human

ordering you around, though?

Muh? Does that change

who you are now?


No, of course not.

[SHUNA giggles]

We love you because of who you

are and what you've done for us.

What you were in your previous

life makes no difference.



I'd say we all feel that way.

Nobody here is concerned about

the details of your former life.

We will follow you.

End of story.




[KAIJIN] So, here's

the next big question.



What exactly are your

plans for any humans

you may meet in the future?


Well, the way I see it,

humans can be

either good or evil.

It's kind of how

humanity operates.

They're greatly influenced by

the environment they're in.

Even if someone is good,

if the country they live in

turns down an evil path, they'll

eventually feel its influence.

Which is why I would like

to create an environment

where humans can learn

more about our country.

If they could just

understand us better,

then they might turn out

to be good neighbors.

That way, we could eventually

erase the boundary

between humans and monsters.

I really want to believe

that's a possibility.

Sure, it's kind of naïve,

but it's my sincere hope

for the future.

Though that sort of thinking

is premature right now.

The first thing we need to do

is get the humans

to acknowledge our existence.

I get it. With you ruling as a

full-fledged Demon Lord,

they'll know they're at a

disadvantage and won't be

able to negotiate

through sheer force.



I could also work to keep

the other Demon Lords in check.

Which in turn would act as

a sort of shield to protect

the human nations

from their meddling.

Any person with an actual brain

would choose coexistence

over antagonism.

[RIMURU] Exactly. We'll work

with the humans who are friendly

with us and deal with the

malicious ones in a way

that mirrors their own actions.

That's my idea for right now.

That's a pretty soft

and idealistic view, Rimuru.

Certainly not the kind of thing

a future Demon Lord would say.

Still though...

I can't say I dislike it.

I think it suits you.

[RIMURU gasps]

Plus, who cares

if it's idealistic?

If anyone were capable

of building that sort of

dream world, then it would

definitely be Lord Rimuru.

There's no reason for us

to keep debating it.

Not after we've already

decided to follow his lead.

[BENIMARU] Once you've

successfully become

a Demon Lord, I hope that

you'll prepare a fitting job

for all of us.

We shall be your

faithful shadows

no matter what you choose.

We'll obey any orders

you give us.

As you command.

And naturally,

the same goes for me!


Thank you.


Me, too, Master!

I shall faithfully

serve as your fangs.

I'll tear apart anyone who

dares to stand in your way!



Don't tell me...

I bet you want us

to create a new nation,

and then turn everyone there

to your side, am I right?

[RIMURU] It's like you

can read my mind, Youm!

Ah? No way,

you're just predictable.


[YOUM chuckles]

Rimuru. No matter what,

let's keep being friends, okay?

[RIMURU] Yeah. Sure!

That won't change.

Thank you, everyone!

I hope you'll keep

supporting my selfish desires.

[laughter, overlapping dialog]



Their cheers filled me with joy,

and I realized this place

truly was my home.

The boundary between

humans and monsters

could be overcome with some

planning and communication.

More than ever,

I believed that.


All right-y, then.

Do we have any deets

on the enemy's army?

[BENIMARU] Yes. Here's what

Souei told us about them.

If the force he saw

keeps up its current pace,

then it should reach Tempest in

about three days, give or take.

[BENIMARU] There are

, knights from Falmuth.


Six thousand mercenaries.


And a thousand magic users.

[BENIMARU] It also includes

, Temple Knights

of the Western Holy Church,

Making them quite formidable.

Twenty thousand, huh? I see.

[RIMURU] They might have big

numbers, but they lack strength.

It's no biggie.

--[ALL gasp]


That's Lord Rimuru for you.


Twenty thousand...

That's double the

nourishment that I need

to become a Demon Lord.

I already have the seed, but

I'll have to take in human souls

if I want to become the real

deal and resurrect everyone.


How should we allot our forces?

[RIMURU gasps]

Personally, I think my force

should face them upon arrival.

Let the Goblin Riders be

a part of the vanguard, too!

[RIMURU] No. Sorry, but I need

to handle the allied force.




I have a reason.

It has to do with the revival

of our fallen citizens,

it's essential that

I become a Demon Lord

in order to make it work.

And taking out the invading

army myself is a necessary part

of that process-- it's

the only way for me

to complete my evolution.


[RIGURD groans] Regardless,

I worry that it might be

too dangerous to face

them by yourself.


Don't worry.

I won't be careless,

and I won't hold back.

Right, please be safe, sir.

[RIMURU gasps]

That's not the only reason.


The truth is...

...I still feel like this whole

situation was my fault.

I have to do this to make

sure I never allow myself

to become this

complacent again.


I understand. We'll entrust

the allied forces to you.


Mm. On that note,

there is something else

I want you guys to take care of.


--Just name it!

[RIMURU] There are devices

placed around the city

in all four directions

to maintain the barrier.

Each one is guarded by

a different company of knights.

I need you to take them all out.

Preferably at the same time.

Makes sense.

Right then. So, we'll need to

choose which teams will attack.

Please allow me to do it, sir!

I'll go, too!

Besides, I've got

a serious score to settle.

[RIMURU] Take it easy.

I've already chosen the teams.



We'll send Benimaru to the east.

Hakurou, Rigur, Gobta, and Geld

will take the one in the west.

[RIMURU] Gabiru and

his men will go south.

[RIMURU] And Souei

will lead his party north.

Thank you for allowing us to

take part. It'll be our honor.

We won't let you down!




Think you can win?


With relative ease.




I don't doubt your strength or

anything, but you'll be facing

nearly a hundred knights alone.

If you run into trouble...

There's no need to worry, sir.

[RIMURU] I'm just saying,

don't hold back this time.

Very well. There's even

less cause for concern.

While I would like it to be

known that I have no intention

of failing you

again, Lord Rimuru,

I can't help but notice

that you're deploying us

to the west intentionally.

There is a good chance that's

where those three miscreants

will be stationed. Correct?



They're probably blocking

the path of escape to Blumund.

They'd set some

troops aside for that.

And I'd expect it's likely

their fighters will be

Otherworlders, like me.

[HAKUROU chuckles] That's not

a problem in the slightest.

I lost before because I let

my guard down, but I am now

keenly aware of

how they operate,

so they won't be getting

the drop on me again.


Good. I'm counting on you.

Lord Rimuru!

We aren't the weaklings

that we used to be, either!

We have the strength to fight,

and we no longer need Sir

Hakurou's constant protection.

That's right! I'm gonna avenge

Gobzo no matter what!

I will use the power

that you granted me

as an orc king to the fullest!

Our numbers are small,

but we are strong.


Lovin' the confidence!

Okay, the teams I just named

will destroy those devices

so the barrier can't

weaken us anymore.






[RIMURU] There's a pretty decent

chance this barrier is also

what's keeping Shion

and the others' souls here.

You get me?

Yes. We are going

to need another barrier

to take its place.


Exactly right.

No problem.

The chances may be slim,

but I'll give my all to help

revive those we lost.


I know you will.


I'd like to make use

of your powers, too.

Think you can help out Shuna?

I'd be happy to.

I can't deny

my part in all this.

Helping out is

the least I can do to atone.

I'm looking forward to

working with you, Mjurran.

Thank you, I'll do my best.

Great! Looks like

we're on guard duty.

Sure does.

Don't forget about us--we can

also protect the two of them!


We'll take care of them.


Mm. Rigurd.

I'm leaving you in charge here.


[RIMURU] The allied force

is probably expecting

a final battle in three days,

but we're commencing

the operation to

annihilate them immediately.

There's absolutely

no time to waste.

We will revive Shion

and the others!







They're such nice

things to have.


Guess I should get ready, too.

Hold on a minute...

[RIMURU] Is it possible that

the , human souls

are what Clayman

is actually after?


Is his plan to

use us to start a w*r,

then harvest those souls

for himself instead?


If that really were the case,

he could become

a True Demon Lord.



I guess for the time being,

Clayman's just a small fry

that I don't need

to bother messing with.

But... I already

regard him as an enemy.


Once this is all over,

then I'll...


Sir Gabiru!


No way, you made it!

Yes, Lord Rimuru just freed us

so we could leave the barrier!

How incredible!

I'm so glad you're okay!

You, too, Sir Gabiru!

We're happy you're safe!

Ah! I missed you guys!

[sobbing, whining]

[GABIRU] We may have been

born at totally different times,

but we will all die together!

[sobbing continues]


You guys are the best!

Are you done?

Uh. Yes.


Then let's go.



Very well, men!

Are you ready?



Let us show the enemy how

strong we Dragonewts are!




All right. Let's move out!



Whoa, Sir Gabiru's the coolest!

It's true, of course.

All right, let's try

and follow his example!


[RIMURU] These are the guys

who k*lled Shion and the rest.

At least there's no need

to grant them forgiveness.

You're all nothing more

than my fodder.


Let's do this.


Next time, "Megiddo."