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02x07 - (D) Despair

Posted: 04/27/23 11:00
by bunniefuu

It's over!

Dead End Rainbow!


Awaken, Gluttony!


Complete. Order accepted.

Executing immediately.

[HINATA grunts]


I don't believe it.



I see.

This is a form

specialized for combat.

It incorporates traits

from various monsters.


So that's your game.


And... since my

Dead End Rainbow attack

failed to finish you off... means you have no soul.




Astral Bind!



Still not enough to stop you?


Spirit summon!

[HINATA] Let me provide you

with a prayer to the divine.

I hope for and desire the power

of all the holy spirits.


Listen to my appeal.

Overcome your obstacles!


Put an end to this.


I have avenged you, Miss Shizu.

[RIMURU sighs]


[RIMURU gasps]

[RIMURU sighs]

I almost bit the dust!

[RANGA grunts]


At long last, I made it out!

Please tell me

you're all right, Master!

[RIMURU screams]



--[RIMURU] I'm fine, Ranga!

--[RANGA] Master!

--Calm down, dude!


[RIMURU] No doubt, things were

getting pretty dicey back there.

[RIMURU] This isn't working.

She's too freakin' strong!

That was close. It's impressive

that you can move

so well inside this barrier.

Frankly, I had sold you short.

Still. You won't

leave here alive.

Because you can k*ll me

with just one more strike?

Yeah, I definitely

wasn't expecting a fight

that I had no hope of winning.

Regardless, I will keep

fighting, even if it's in vain.

I may be a slime,

but I'm not so soft

that I'd just roll over and die!



Using the unique

skill "Degenerate,"

the higher-level

elemental known as Ifrit

has been separated

into a pure spirit.


All right!

Defeat my enemy!

Superior spirit of fire, Ifrit!


[RIMURU] Making a body

double and am-scraying

was a really good call.


I'm not too proud to run.

Hinata's strong, though!

That girl is a beast.

[RIMURU] Even without Holy

Field, I still might've lost.

Her "Disintegration"

move is just too OP.

[RIMURU] Avoiding an attack

that huge has to be impossible.

I wonder if Milim

could survive it.

I should ask her sometime.

Man, damn that Hinata lady!

She wouldn't let me

explain anything!

She just had to start

an all-out brawl!

[RANGA] I'm not really

sure what happened,

but I think it's fair to say

you won this battle, Master!

[RIMURU] For real, you and I

are on the same page!

But I mean, if Hinata

wants to split hairs,

I guess we could call it

a draw or whatever.


Don't be ridiculous!

It's easy to see that you

had an overwhelming victory!


Uh, sure.

Anyway, we gotta hurry home!

I'm worried about

the goblinhood.


Tempest, please!





[wind howls]

--[RANGA] Uh?

--[RIMURU] What's wrong?

[GREAT SAGE] Notice:

Specified destination not found.



[GREAT SAGE] It appears that

Tempest has been isolated

from the rest of the world by

some sort of special barrier.


Aw, man, that can't be good.

Is there another

place near Tempest

that we can jump to, instead?



I have a hit.


Awesome, let's go!



[GABIRU] I'm telling you, I can

break through it with my attack!



I'll try again.


But Souei--



It's Lord Rimuru!



Lord Rimuru.

I am glad to see you're safe.



Whoa! Forget me, what in

the heck happened to you?!

Nothing, these are

but mere scratches.

[VESTA panting]

Oh, thank goodness you're back!

Drink this potion.

[RIMURU] So, what's

the deal with Tempest?

I'm afraid we don't

have any answers.


I'm worried.

I can't get in touch with any of

my men that I sent into town.

[RIMURU gasps]

[RIMURU whimpers]

There's a barrier

or something interfering.


So it's true.

[SOKA] Master Souei actually

tried to destroy part of

the barrier and enter

the city earlier.

That's how he got injured.


Enough, Soka.

I'll be fine.


[RIMURU] If Souei couldn't break

through it with his abilities,

then this barrier

must be crazy strong.

Who's responsible?

Well, my lord.

We think humans.

From the Kingdom of Falmuth.

[RIMURU gasps]

I was able to confirm that they

have initiated military actions.

A large army is headed

toward Tempest.

[RIMURU grunts]

There's no time to waste!

[RIMURU gasps]

Whoa, that barrier's enormous!


Great Sage. Use Analyze.



Great magic confirmed,

originating inside the barrier.

Anti-Magic Area.

There is also reduced

magicule density due to

the effects of

the outer barrier.


"Reduced magicule density"?

Is it the same as

Hinata's Holy Field?



The principle is the same,

but its purification ability

is weaker, so it is inferior.

It can be resisted

with Multilayer Barrier.


Great magic from the inside

and holy magic from the outside.

So it's a two-layered as*ault.

Who could have

done this, and why?

Listen up. I'll break inside

and stop whoever's casting

the great magic.

You guys go and find

the one who's erecting

the other barrier.

--Yes, sir.

--We will.

Be careful,

and don't engage them.

I just want you to find out

who they are, okay?

All right. And how

should we contact you?


Hmm? Hmm...

With this, we should be able

to use Thought Communication,

even if I'm on the inside.


I see.

--Let's do this.


Stay in my shadow, Ranga.


Wait here, Gabiru.


Be careful, sir!


I will.

[RIMURU grunts]

There are still magicules,

just not as many.

This is terrible.

[SURVIVORS murmuring]


The children we had with us

are all safe because of you.

Thank you for protecting them.

We owe you so much.

You guys are our heroes.

There's no need to thank us.

Sir Gabiru would've done the

same thing if he were here.

[LIZARDMAN H] Yeah, we only

did what needed to be done.

I hope that Sir Gabiru

is all right.

[RIMURU panting]



Ah! Look, it's Lord Rimuru!


Thank goodness. You're back!


I'm so glad he's alive.


Is that you, Lord Rimuru?!

[RIMURU gasps]

I am so happy you've returned--

thank goodness you're safe!

Sorry to worry you.

[RIGURD] There's nothing

to apologize for!

So what happened?

[RIGURD grunts]



You're here, and in one piece.

[RIMURU gasps]




[RIMURU gasps]

I'm sorry. But everybody

needs your counsel

as soon as possible.

We must brief you

on the situation.

[RIMURU sighs]

Who are those people?

Uh, here's the thing--

It's nothing, my lord!

You needn't concern

yourself with it!

The plaza.

Tell me what's going on.

Well... It's complicated.


--[SURVIVORS gasping]

--[RIMURU gasps] What was that?!



[GELD sighs]

You're protecting that

woman, too, Grucius?


I'm out of patience.

Step aside or I'll make you.


Can't do that.

You've already

lost your cool once.

I can't risk you

getting any closer.


You think you've

seen me lose my cool?

If that were the case,

you'd be dead.

And there would be

nothing left here but ashes.

So don't you dare--

Just leave her alone, okay?!

I'm not gonna let

you get near her!

Back off!


I said to get out of my way!

[GRUCIUS grunts]


[GRUCIUS grunts, groans]

I won't... stop... protecting...


You need to quit interfering.


Stop, Benimaru!

--[BENIMARU gasps]

--[GRUCIUS groans]

You've returned!

What's happening here?

It's this barrier.

It blocks the use of magic,

and it has reduced

our abilities as well.

Because of it,

we've lost a lot of people--

No! Don't, Benimaru!



We can discuss it later.



[BENIMARU] Anyway. When we

realized we were weakened,

we realized it was her magic.

When we located the caster

and tried to capture her,

Youm chose to stand in our way,

and we were forced

to engage in combat.



Master Rimuru!

I'm sorry!



[YOUM] I never had any

intention of betraying you.

I just... I couldn't stand by

and let them hurt Myulan.


It's all right, Youm.

Just abandon me.


Don't be ridiculous. I can't.

There's no reason for you

to be dragged into my mess.

It's my choice, Myulan!

Lord Rimuru...

I'm well aware that,

as a humble visitor,

I'm in no position

to interfere...

But I beg you, sir...

Will you at least listen

to what we have to say?


All right.


It's okay. Really. I'll be fine.

I could never ask either

of you to defend my actions.

--[YOUM] Myulan!

--[GRUCIUS gasps]


It's my fault.

There are people who were

sacrificed because of me.

I'm the one who caused

such a horrific scene.





What do you mean by that?


You'll understand when you see.

[BOTH grunting]

[RIMURU gasps]

[sobbing, whimpering]

[RIMURU grunts]

[SURVIVORS sobbing, whimpering]

[RIMURU gasps]

[sobbing continues]


What is all this...?

What... happened here...?

Don't tell me... they're dead?


They were merciless. The humans.


The humans...?

They were simply following your

rule about always being kind

to human visitors, Lord Rimuru.

And as a result...


--[RIGURD] Be quiet.


No more.

Ah! [grunts] Right.

Please forgive me.

[RIMURU] My own words

from when we first met...


There are three rules.

Please do your best

to follow them.

First, no attacking humans.

Second, no fighting

amongst yourselves.

Third, no belittling

other races.

That's it!

[RIMURU] This happened...

because of my rules.

[MYULAN] If I hadn't

used that great magic,

then none of these

people would have died.


So then... it's her fault...?



The great magic known

as Anti-Magic Field alone

could not cause this

degree of weakening.

[RIMURU gasps]

[GREAT SAGE] Anti-Magic Field

does not weaken targets

in and of itself. The humans you

instructed Souei to investigate

are likely more relevant.

[RIMURU gasps]


I gotta stay calm.

It's almost like this Myulan

woman is trying to rile me up

so that I'll direct all

my anger at her and no one else.

Is she trying to protect

Youm and Grucius?


Myulan, was it?

I would like to

hear more, please.

Come with me

to the meeting room.


Lord Rimuru.

Would it be all right with you

if I participated in

that meeting, as well?

I believe I could offer

an outsider's perspective

on the events that

occurred today.

Mjolmire. You were here?

Sure, I'd appreciate that.

Let's go.

[RIMURU] I received a report on

what had transpired in Tempest

while I was away.



Mysterious attackers...


Knights from Falmuth.

[BENIMARU growls]

If this hadn't weakened us,

then Hakurou would

have never fallen.

He what?! Like, he lost?!

[RIGURD clears throat]

Yes, he was severely injured,

but thankfully, he'll recover.

Lady Shuna is treating

both him and Gobta,

who was also wounded

badly in the fight.

I see.

Then, as the knights from

Falmuth were leaving Tempest...

This city has been

contaminated by monsters!

As the chosen

protectors of humanity,

we refuse to recognize

a nation built by monsters!

Therefore, we will consult with

the Western Holy Church

regarding what must be done

about this unruly country.

We will return

one week from today.

When we do,

it'll be under our ruler.

Great King Edomalis himself!

It would be in your

best interest to surrender

and swear allegiance to him!

If you refuse us,

then in the name of God, I will

eradicate every last one of you!

What a farce.

Yes. An elaborate charade.


Your city's in my way.

Not for long.

Since I intend to destroy it.

[RIMURU] The Western Holy Church

and the Kingdom of Falmuth

have been colluding

from the start.

I had to make a guess, I'd say

the Church has it in for us

because their doctrine doesn't

condone the existence

of monsters.

But then, what's in it for

the Kingdom of Falmuth?

If you don't mind,

I think I know the reason.

[RIMURU gasps, grunts]

As we speak, a new trade route

is coming into existence

with your country at its center.

The rise of Tempest has

created unprecedented reform

in commerce.

Meaning what?

Well, trade routes

are quite important.

Even imposing a small

tariff could create

the potential for

an enormous profit.

Yes, the Kingdom of Falmuth is

notorious for being a country

that heavily profits from trade.

It's like a gateway to

the Western Provinces.

[RIMURU grunts] Ah, so a profit

for Tempest equals a loss

for the Kingdom

of Falmuth, right?


--A tremendous one, at that.

I get it now.

I've been playing

with fire this whole time,

and I didn't even know it.




Here's what we're gonna do.

First off, update the

Kingdom of Blummund

on our current situation.

Please let them know that we're

about to face Falmuth's army.

Right. Yes.

I will impress upon them that

Tempest has done no wrong.


In that case,

I shall take my leave.


Which brings us back to Myulan.

I think it's time you told us

the truth about why

you messed with us.

Don't leave out any details.

[MYULAN grunts]


It's all right.

I have nothing left to hide now.

My name's Myulan and I serve

the Demon Lord Clayman.


A Demon Lord?

I see.

So Demon Lord Clayman

is the one pulling the strings.


Next time, "Hope."