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02x06 - (D) The Beauty Makes Her Move

Posted: 04/27/23 10:59
by bunniefuu
[CHLOE whimpers]

Teach, wait!

[CHLOE sobbing]


Chloe! You're such a crybaby!

Cut it out!

You're crying, too, Ken!

Nuh-uh, I'm sweating

from my eyeballs!


Don't leave...

Stay here...


I can't. But it'll be okay.

[RIMURU] What if I give

you this mask to keep?


I wanted him to give me that!

But he gave it to me!

Man, lucky!

That's not fair!

[RIMURU] Relax, I have

gifts for you guys, too.


[RIMURU chuckles]

Whoa! Heh!

Aw, man, you look awesome!

Yeah, so do you!

These robes are amazing.

We look so cute!

My friend Shuna's really good

at sewing clothes and stuff,

so she made these just for you.

That's cool!

Thanks so much!

[RIMURU] Listen up.

No slacking off on your studies!

This isn't really goodbye.

I'm sure we'll

all meet again someday.

Ranga and I can

visit in our free time.

[RANGA] Be sure to dedicate

yourselves to studying,

even after we're gone.

Fine. But you'd better not

forget to come and see us.

Also... Maybe after

we all graduate,

we can come visit you

in your country!

Sure. Sounds good.

I know everyone in my city will

welcome you with open arms.

--See ya!

--Safe travels!

--We'll see you later!

--Take care now!

Take care, kids!


[RANGA] Master, why did you

give Chloe your special mask?

Oh. To be honest,

I'm not really sure.

It sounds kinda weird.

I know. But in the end,

giving the mask to Chloe felt

like the natural thing to do.

And I think it was for the best.


I see.

[RIMURU] I bet if Shizu

could have chosen,

she would have preferred that

Chloe had it over me, anyway.

Plus, I'm sure she'll

take good care of it.

Maybe Chloe will follow

in Shizu's footsteps!

She could grow up to be a

Champion, or maybe even a Hero!






What is it, Master?

I'm ready to go home.

To our town.

Everyone's waiting!

[RIMURU] Cool. I think

we're far enough out.

Let's use Spatial Movement

and poof back to Tempest!



I'm sure everyone is

eagerly waiting for you!

Even I'm excited!

[RIMURU] What? But you've

been with me the whole time.

[gasps, whimpers]




I sense something.


Same here.

Ranga. Get into my shadow.


--[GREAT SAGE] Notice.

--What's wrong, Great Sage?

[GREAT SAGE] You're enclosed

within a wide-range barrier.

For real?


All spatial interference skills

that would permit

an exit are sealed.

Spatial Movement cannot be used.

Yikes. Somehow,

I doubt that's good.

--[SOUEI] Lord Rimuru...

--[gasps] Souei!


A body double?

[SOUEI grunts]

Please listen.

You must flee.


What happened to you?

Enemies. A lot...

They are dangerous--

Wait, Souei!


I don't get it.

What's going on?




--[GREAT SAGE] Notice.

--[RIMURU] More bad news?


You have been enclosed within

another wide-range barrier.


There're two? Overkill, much?

[GREAT SAGE] The latest barrier

prevents the use of skills.


Use Resist!


Resist successful.

However, the use of magic skills

will be extremely limited.


[RIMURU] Not good. If the person

who put up these barriers

is out there, Souei and

the others would have

definitely noticed.

I bet the forcefield trapped

me before they could use

Thought Communication

to warn me about any danger.

Which would mean the user

is targeting me, specifically.

[RIMURU] If that's the case,

what are they after?

I'm getting some

serious m*rder vibes here.

They sealed all my abilities

before even starting the fight.

I'm screwed.

This won't be

your standard battle.

It must be a pro who's

used to fighting monsters.


I would say hello. Except...

This is technically

more of a goodbye.


Nice opener.

She must be

pretty damn confident.

The Holy Knights.

Guardians of law and order,

and the enemies of monsters.

[RIMURU] What's up?

I don't believe we've met!

Can I help you with something?

Honestly, I think you've

got the wrong guy.

You're very polite.

Nicer than most monsters.

Rimuru Tempest.


Crap on a stick.

Yeah, sorry, but what makes

you think I'm a monster?

Just look at me!

A normal, boring, adventurer!

[HINATA] Don't play dumb.

I received an anonymous tip.


Uh. Say what?

[HINATA] There are eyes all over

the Kingdom of Ingrassia.


Eyes? I don't get it.

Who sold me out?

Your city's in my way.

Not for long.

Since I intend to destroy it.


Come again?

[HINATA] Allowing you to

return there now would be

a huge inconvenience to me.

Am I making myself clear?


You want to destroy Tempest?

No, you've already

att*cked, haven't you?

Well... Someone has.


[GOBTA growls]

Ah! Ah...





How are you still alive?

I swear, you must

be part cockroach.



It's... the Master...


Pardon me, but I will face you

in my incompetent pupil's stead.

[KYOYA] This doesn't

concern you, Gramps,

so butt out!

Is that how you

speak to your elders?

Show respect. Or get out.

Oh? Sorry, I've got enough

old men bossing me around.

I'd rather just k*ll you!

[BOTH grunt]




Are you all right?

Yeah. I'll live, anyway.

But Master...

He's moving slowly.

I think something's

really wrong.

He can't use full strength.

This barrier...

It must make monsters weaker.

Then Master...?

Child's play!

Hah! I don't even need

my All-Seeing Eye!

Get ready to finally

pass on to the afterlife.

[HAKUROU growls]

[HAKUROU grunts]


--No! Master!

Please, just hold on...

[KYOYA chuckles]



I'll apologize to Shogo later.

He'll be mad that I played

with his toy before him.






[SHOGO yells]

[SHION grunts]

Hah. You may be weakened,

but you're still giving me

a good run for my money.

Shut up, lech!


[SHOGO chuckles]

[SHOGO laughing]

[KIDS wailing]

Don't worry, kids.

No matter what happens,

I will keep you all safe.

[sobbing continues]


It's okay. Stop crying.

There, now you can't see.

Nothing to be scared of.

Lady Shion will make

the bad guys go away.

She's an incredibly

strong warrior.

[SHION whimpering]

Now, die!

[SHION gasps, growls]

[SHOGO grunts]

Time's up.

Hurry! We're being

att*cked by monsters!

You have to help us!

[SHION gasps]

[SHOGO laughs]



I come to see the "friendly"

monster land I heard of

and find this? We won't

stand for such savagery!

Watch out!

You're breaking human laws!

Therefore, the Knights

of Falmuth have come here

to assist you!

[GOBLIN GIRL A whimpers]

[SHION panting]

[SOLDIERS yelling]

[FOLGEN yells]

--[shrieking, wailing]

--[slashing, thudding]

[RIMURU] Tell me why

you want to destroy Tempest.

Who's behind this, and why?


Hmph. I'm tired of this drivel.

Straight to business.

Before we start fighting, could

you at least tell me your name?

You're a monster, yet you

concern yourself with names?

Such things mean little to me,

so I admit it slipped my mind.

But, since you insist,

I serve as the right hand of God

in the Holy Empire of Ruberios.

My title is Chief Knight

of the Imperial Guard

and Captain of the Holy Knights.

If you need a name--

Hinata Sakaguchi.

Not that you're going

to be around long enough

for it to matter.

You're Hinata? No way.

But that means...

I heard you were

Captain of the Holy Knights,

but I didn't know

you're Chief Knight

of the Imperial Guard, too.


I see you're well-informed.

Though I don't love that

monsters know who I am.

It is true that

I hold two titles,

though they mean nothing.

What's important... that I serve

the God Luminous.

Not that mortal emperor.

Hey, wait, don't be hasty!

There's something

I wanted to talk to you about!

[HINATA] I don't care

about a monster's words!

[RIMURU gasps]

Whoa! I said wait!

You actually evaded that?

Color me surprised.

I no longer have any doubt

that you k*lled Shizu.

And now, I'm going

to avenge her.

Look, just hear me out!

You are from Japan, aren't you?

I'm Japanese, too!

You are?

[RIMURU] Yes! And Shizu

personally asked me

to help you!


She asked you for a favor?

Are you serious?

Yeah. She was really

worried about you,

that's how I know who you are!

What a ridiculous

thing to tell me.

I don't see the humor.

[RIMURU grunts] You've gotta

believe me, I'm from Japan!

I was stabbed to death,

then reincarnated here

as a slime monster!

My intel told me that you'd

insist you were Japanese.

But it's pointless

to keep up that act.



So her informant is somebody

who knows I'm Japanese?

Who is it?

[RIMURU grunts]

You still insist

on fighting me, huh?

All by yourself?

Okay, then.

[HINATA] Laugh if you must.

You think you can win?

Within this barrier?



[RIMURU grunts] Pain

Nullification isn't working?

What's happening?!


Hmm? Only three att*cks?

Well, perhaps

I underestimated you.

[RIMURU grunts]

[RIMURU] I might be in trouble

if I take any more hits.


What's the matter?

Have you realized what makes

this technique so dangerous?

I guess you do have

some intelligence.


I appreciate the compliment,

but I'd like it even more

if you'd just stop

and listen to me.

[GREAT SAGE] Notice.

Her technique does not appear

to directly affect the

physical body of its target.

Instead, it strikes

at the spiritual body.

[RIMURU] The attack works

directly on the spirit?

How much more can I withstand?

[GREAT SAGE] Answer:

Three more hits will k*ll you.

[RIMURU] If I take three more

of those things, I'm dead?

Man, maybe I was the one

who underestimated her.

So... What should I do?


There's no way out of this.

You are cornered, slime.

The Holy Field skill is the

ultimate anti-monster barrier

and the pride of the

Western Holy Church.

You mean it traps

monsters inside

and then they're weakened by it?

Magicules are purified

within this particular barrier.

So even a high-level monster

such as yourself will lose

most of their strength just

trying to keep themselves alive.

Because you can't utilize

your natural abilities.

Yeah, don't think

I haven't figured that out.

Earlier, you seemed displeased

that I was your only opponent,

but normally, I would give such

a menial task to someone else.

There's only one reason

I took it on...

[RIMURU gasps]


One strike left...

I accepted it because you

are the one who k*lled Shizu.

[RIMURU grunts]

It's not what you think!

That's enough. I will k*ll you.

It's the only way to avenge her.

You're not wrong.

Technically, I was the one

who ended her, but, please--


Shizu is dead and that's

the result that matters.

It's your fault.

You k*lled the only person

here who was kind to me.


If you ever lose your way.

I want you to rely on me.

And now... I'm all alone.

She's gone...

I admit I don't

understand this emotion.

[RIMURU] Who could have told

Hinata that Shizu was dead?

Whoever it was certainly went

out of their way to paint me

as the villain of the story.


Worried about your friends?


Of course!

[HINATA] I'm sure.

After all, if you take too long,

you'll have no way

to return home.

Not that I have any

intention of letting you.


I think it's a bit too soon

to declare your own victory!

[RIMURU] I'll strike

using "Steel Strength"

and "Strengthen Body!"


[RIMURU] She's observing

my att*cks and modifying

her own defenses in

anticipation of my strikes!

[RIMURU] This is tough,

it almost feels like

I'm trying to fight

against Great Sage.


This isn't working.

She's too freakin' strong!

That was close.

It's impressive that

you can move so well

inside this barrier.

Frankly, I had sold you short.

Still... You won't

leave here alive.

Because you can k*ll me

with just one more strike?

Oh? So you know?

[HINATA] This sword is infused

with a special ability known as

Dead End Rainbow.

And it guarantees that

my opponent will die

on the seventh hit.

Understand? It can k*ll

even spiritual beings.

You have fought well,

but it's easy to see

you've had enough.

[RIMURU] Hmph. Yeah,

I definitely wasn't expecting

a fight that I had

no hope of winning.

Regardless, I will keep

fighting, even if it's in vain.

I may be a slime,

but I'm not so soft

that I'd just roll over and die!

[GREAT SAGE] Notice. Using

the unique skill "Degenerate,"

the higher-level elemental known

as Ifrit has been separated

into a pure spirit.


All right! Defeat my enemy!

Superior spirit of fire, Ifrit!



I never would have imagined that

you employ a superior spirit.

Nice try. But it's still not

enough to grant you a victory.


[IFRIT groans]

[RIMURU gasps]



What did you do to him?!

Quick, come back to me!


[RIMURU grunts]

What just happened?



Ifrit has suffered the effects

of Compulsory Usurpation.


Compulsory Usurpation?

Are you saying she can steal

her opponents' abilities?

Is that Hinata's unique skill?

[GREAT SAGE] Because there was

a magic circuit between you,

it can be assumed

that Ifrit was not stolen.

[RIMURU growls]

Hinata Sakaguchi...

She's a beast, far exceeding

all my expectations.

Did you try to

steal Ifrit from me?

Guilty as charged.

I'm surprised you knew.

No matter.

To confirm, yes,

it was my Unique Skill.

Known as "Usurper."



I wonder if it's like

my Gluttony skill.

Gluttony? Yeah, that's it.

[RIMURU sighs]

[RIMURU] Looks like it's time

to make a decision.

If she strikes me

one more time, I lose.

I have to use my last resort.


[RIMURU] Shizu sent me to help

you and the other kids here,

but I can't waste any

more time on you.

There's just too much at stake.

Sorry, but I can't

keep holding back.

It's time to finish this.

Heh. Well.

I appreciate the warning,

but it's unnecessary.

I'll have to get serious, too.

I hope you're ready.

This attack will inflict pain

on you like nothing

you've ever experienced,

but that's what you deserve.

[RIMURU growls]


It's over!

Dead End Rainbow!


Awaken: Gluttony!


Complete. Order accepted.

Executing immediately.

[RIMURU] The moment I gave that

order, my consciousness faded.

Like I was sinking

into oblivion.

Then I lost it entirely.

I plummeted into darkness,

as if I were asleep.


Next time, "Despair."