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02x05 - (D) Prelude to the Disaster

Posted: 04/27/23 10:58
by bunniefuu

Good, you're alive.


Sure am. In your lap.

The master's beating

was worth it to end up here.

[MYULAN] Words of a fool.

You're only a mere human, Youm.

Your reckless actions

could k*ll you.

Heh. You say that

as if you're not

a "mere human" yourself, Myulan.

[MYULAN gasps]

This is a comfy pillow.

Makes me wish I could wake up

like this every morning.

--[MYULAN grunts] Idiot.


[MYULAN] You're obviously

well enough for dumb jokes,

so you can get off me.

We should return to town anyway.

We promised to practice magic.

We don't want to keep Rommel

and the others waiting, do we?


Enough with the pushing.

Just so you know,

it wasn't a joke.

[MYULAN gasps]

It wasn't...?


But... The Demon Lord Clayman

completely controls my heart.

I'm his puppet--

nothing more.


It's true. You are a fool.

[GIRL A] Lord Rimuru should

be returning any day now!

[WOMAN A] We'll have to be

sure to give him a big welcome.

Wow. The quality's amazing.

[KIDS laughing]

Huh? Hey, you kids

be more careful!

If you don't watch where

you're going, you'll get hurt!


at least if they do skin a knee,

we can heal them with

the high potions we made.


Hmm? Hi there, Myulan!

Are you doing well today?


Yes, thanks.

Sure is nice out, huh?



Why'd you stop,

is there something wrong?

[LIZARDMAN G] Hmm... It's

nothing, sorry to hold you up.


Bring it on, Grucius!

Is that all you've got?

[GRUCIUS grunting]

Not bad. If you

keep up this pace,

I might actually break a sweat!

Ha, ha! Good to know!

--Show 'em who's boss, Boss!

--You've got this, Youm!

--We're counting on you!

--Don't let him get another hit!


Yeah! Just like that!


Nice block!


Close one!

--On your left!

--[ROMMEL] Watch your back!

[CLAYMAN] I haven't heard

from you in a while, Myulan.

Are things going well?


Yes. They are, Lord Clayman.

I wasn't expecting

you to contact me.

[CLAYMAN] Excellent,

things are going well here, too.

Thanks to the information

you gave me.

In fact, I'm so pleased with

the current state of things

that I might even be willing

to return your heart to you.


Wait, does that mean...

...that you have

no further need for me?


I do love your sense of humor.

No, there is still a way

you can make yourself useful.

A new task that

only you can carry out.

You wouldn't dare refuse me,

would you, Myulan?

I know you don't wish to die,

and it would be such a shame

if anything bad were to

happen to the man you love.

[MYULAN gasps] I-I don't know

what you're talking about.


Hmph. Yes, I'm sure.

Still, though.

It would be wise

not to underestimate me.

If you truly care about your

best interests--and his--

you'll listen closely.

Continue to lay low.

Your new orders will come soon.

Once it's all over,

I shall set you free.

You might even get to

be with the man you love

outside of your dreams.

Is that true...?


I almost feel sorry for her.



Is this a trap?

Of course it is.


But, if it means...

[MYULAN] ...that my dream

could come true...

[MYULAN] ...then I will sell

my soul and become a demon.

A group of fully

armed humans, you say?

They're knights from

the Kingdom of Falmuth.

Heading for Tempest.

[SOUEI] It looks like

they are strong.

While their objective is

unclear, it would appear

as though Falmuth is preparing

for some kind of battle.

[BENIMARU] Hmm. I doubt

they have noble intentions.

Yes, I agree. And Lord Rimuru?

He should be returning soon.

Perhaps we shouldn't wait.

It might be best to contact him

as a safety measure.




Please respond.


Hello, is anyone--

...a Beastketeer from the

Aninmal Kingdom of Eurazania,

Albis, the Golden Serpent.

Lady Albis?

We can hear you. What is it?

[ALBIS garbled]

I have a request.

We need your country to take

in the people of our kingdom

as possible refugees.

Refugees? What happened?


In exactly one week from today,

Eurazania goes to w*r.

Excuse me?

Which nation?


Not with a nation.

A person.

The Demon Lord Milim.


What? For what reason, though?

[ALBIS garbled] shelter--

I'm beg--

[GROUP sighing]


Hey. What the hell is this crap?

[SHOGO] This city is

even more developed than

that total trash pile, Falmuth!

Damn, this doesn't

make any sense!

Why are a bunch of stupid

monsters living better than

the three of us?

It's just plain criminal!

Why do they get to live

in luxury while we suffer?

Ugh, it makes me wanna hurl.

Now, now, calm down, guys.

Still though. You're both right.


It does seem rather unfair.

Well, if their leader's a slime,

then we just gotta squash

the dumb thing, and the city

would be ours for the taking.

Great idea, Shogo!

You know I'm down!

I don't know, we probably

shouldn't take matters

into our own hands.

Nah, it'll be fine.

Besides, we were sent here

to stir up some trouble,

am I right?

We're just following orders.


We want it on record that these

mean ol' monsters att*cked

us poor, innocent citizens.

Fair enough. I suppose

that's in line

with what Lord Razen

wanted from us.

Ugh. You can drop that

"Lord" Razen bull crap.

Yeah, for real.

Lord Old Man Farts

would be better off dead.

At least that way we'd all

finally be free again.


I guess it's just a habit.

It would be bad if our true

feelings were to slip out

while he was around.

More importantly...

...let's get this thing started!

[KIRARA shrieks]


[GOBZO whimpers]


You jerk!

You just touched

my butt, didn't you?

I can't believe you'd

as*ault me out in the open!

Hold on, I didn't

do anything like that!

Please! Your dopey little act

isn't fooling anyone,

Hob-blob-lin! So why don't

you just come clean

already and tell everyone

why you assaulted me?

Out with it!



That hurt!


You see that?

That Hobgoblin just

att*cked the poor woman!



Isn't he one of

the city's guards?

How scary.

Here, I thought the monsters

in Tempest were friendly.

Once a monster,

always a monster.

[SHOGO] Kirara's unique skill

really is terrifying.


Yep. Her "Bewilder" ability

works on any target's


Forcing them to believe Kirara

and do whatever she demands.



What is this crap?

Do all your visitors get

att*cked in this town?

I get it, now that they

have our business,

they're not bothering

to hide their true colors.

[MAN C] The goblin does

look kind of suspicious, huh?

Yeah, he definitely did it.

[MAN D] Quick, someone

call the city guards!

[GOBZO] No, this is a mistake!

I didn't do anything, I swear!

[SHOGO] What Falmuth

wants is a valid reason

to invade this rancid country.

Something like a monster

attacking an innocent traveler.

If that derpy looking freak

gets mad and tries

to defend himself,

it'll be exactly what we need.


What's all the commotion about?



There a problem, Gobzo?


Oh, thank goodness!

[GOBTA] You sure do have a knack

for getting into trouble, huh?

[GOBTA] We apologize.

I'll make sure he's punished.


But, sir... I didn't do it.


I know you didn't.

It doesn't make

any difference, though.

There's nothing we can

do about their claims.

Wait a minute, are you saying

you actually believe me, Gobta?

Aw, c'mon now, I'm surprised

you even have to ask.


I'll follow you forever, sir!

Cut it out, Gobzo,

you're making a scene!

Whoa, hold on for a second!

Are you trying to suggest

that I'm just making

the whole thing up?

Uh. I mean, it's pretty

obvious you are.

Ah! Oh, wow, you've got some

nerve for a pathetic Goblin!

How dare you try to make

a liar out of me!

You weren't even

here when it happened,

so why do you believe

that stupid gremlin?!

Simple, in this country,

we trust our friends.

Oh, get real! That's the lamest

BS I've ever heard in my life!

Sorry, lady, the truth is Gobzo

only has eyes for Shion.


--She's got a huge...


It's great. Seriously,

there's no way

he'd be interested

in someone as plain as you.

[KIRARA whimpers]

Shut up, Gobta, that's

supposed to be a secret!

How is it a secret

when everybody

already knows about it?



Oh, yeah, pretty much all

of Tempest knows

you've got a thing for Shion.


I was gonna follow you forever,

but now I take it back,

you loudmouth!

[CROWD laughing]

[KIRARA growls]

Stop laughing, you idiots!

I'll teach you

to underestimate me!

Why don't you all just...



...curl up and die!


Hoo boy.

Classic Kirara.

Show time.


[CROWD laughing]

What the hell, why aren't

any of them dying?

That's how it is.



[SHUNA] You have a skill

that converts your voice into

a stream of force,

which then interferes with

your target's brain waves.

It's a truly dreadful ability,

so I'm sure you'll understand

its use is forbidden

in this land.



This girl somehow managed to

cancel out my Bewilder power!


[SHUNA] Unfortunately,

you're not a suitable fit

for our nation. I'd like

your group to take its leave.

What...? Are you serious...?


She's a real beast.

[SHOGO] Oh, really?

So that's how it's gonna be?


If that's what you want,

then I'll be happy

to take you on for real.


I'll make this girl my sl*ve.

I'll t*rture her until

she begs me for forgiveness.


--[SHION] Disgusting.

Your filthy thoughts are

written all over your face.

If you quietly leave our city

right now, I'll overlook this.

If you refuse...

...then you leave me

with no choice.

That sounds like fun!

I'm gonna mop the floor

with you, sweetheart!


So be it. If nothing else,

perhaps a good beating will

knock some sense into you.

Let's do this.

I haven't got all day.


Huh. In that case...

...guess I'll join

the party, too.

Seems this is the perfect

opportunity to test out

my various abilities.

[chuckles] And now that

there's no oversight,

I can finally use my Severer

skill without any limitations.

This could be bad.

Listen carefully, Gobzo, I want

you to keep Princess Shuna safe.

Right! I'm on it, sir!



[laughs maniacally] With my

power, not even that crone

Hinata could take me on and win.

I doubt a wimp like you

will fair any better!

[SHOGO bellows]


Great magic?


Yes. You will turn

the Capital city into

an anti-magic area.

Our aim is to cut off

their communications with

the outside world.

You are to get started at once.

This will be your final job.

Hmph. Things are

getting rather interesting!

A grand w*r is going

to break out!

Though unexpected

events have led to

some surprising developments.

The game continues.


Where are you going?

[MYULAN gasps]

Do you need something?

A Crimuru puff.

Sorry, I don't follow.

[GRUCIUS] It's a new pastry

they're making.

They're serving some

in the dining hall.

I heard they're pretty good,

if you wanna go with me.


I appreciate the offer,

but I just received

one yesterday.


Was it from Youm?

Uh. Yes?

Ugh. Sneaky rat.

Always one step ahead.

Sorry, I have things to do--

I'll see you later, though!


Can I really see you later?

I just got a message,

and honestly,

it didn't sit well with me.

Demon Lord Milim has declared

w*r on the Beast Kingdom.

And all I could think was

that it seemed ridiculous.

But then I realized you've been

acting kinda weird lately,

so I couldn't help

but wonder about you.

[MYULAN] This is why Clayman

was in such a hurry.

I guess he wasn't expecting

the Demon Lord Milim

to act on her own.

I'm sorry, I need to go!


[MYULAN] I don't understand,

what is the purpose of

cutting off this country's


Of course. Rimuru Tempest.

He's afraid that slime

will hear about it

and try to intervene somehow.

Stop, Myulan!

[MYULAN] I have to activate

the magic he ordered me

to use immediately!

Otherwise, Clayman is

likely to fly into a rage--

a tantrum that will

k*ll not only me,

but everyone in this city!



If the Demon Lord Milim

has truly declared w*r,

then isn't your

master in danger?

Huh? You say that as though you

are familiar with her power.

[GRUCIUS] Don't worry.

Lord Carrion is invincible.

It's inconceivable

that he could lose.

The only person I'm concerned

about right now is you!

I know you're a majin, Myulan.

[sighs] You've always

been sharp when it comes

to things like this.

So, then--


I don't have a choice, Grucius.

I want you to know

that I care about you.

I consider you a dear friend.

[GRUCIUS sighs]

[MYULAN] With that said,

if you insist on interfering...

[GRUCIUS grunts]


...I will have to k*ll you.

[GRUCIUS] Your face...

That determination.

You're actually prepared to die.

Why, though? Tell me!

[GRUCIUS] Are you following

an order from your master?

You are! You have to be!

Say something!

[MYULAN whimpers]

The Demon Lord Clayman

is infamous for using people

and then discarding

them like garbage.

--Is it him?

--Enough, Grucius!

You don't know anything!

It's all because of him, right?

You're prepared

to die fulfilling

that lowlife's orders.


Is that so?



How interesting.



Myulan, if something's

going on, you can tell me.

I'll protect you.

Are you crazy?

Can you not see what's

standing in front of you?

I'm a majin for crying out loud!

Okay, and why does that matter?

A person's race and

species doesn't determine

their overall character

or worth in this world.

I realized that when I met

the slime that runs this place.

Talk about a major life lesson.


I love you, Myulan. Truly.


Isn't it natural to want

to protect the people

that you cherish in life?

[MYULAN whimpers]

You're a fool!

The Myulan you've known all

this time was just a pretense

to deceive you!

The person that you think you

love doesn't even really exist!

Listen carefully.

[YOUM] I'll let you fool me

until the day I die.

[YOUM] As long as I believe

it until the very end,

it's no different

from the truth.


Let me go.

Oh. Sorry.

You just took advantage of the

moment to hug her, you creep!

Yep, guilty. I honestly thought

I could get away with it.

Well, I say you can't!

Why are you so invested

in what I do?

[GRUCIUS] Because you're always

beating me to the punch!


Weren't you the one that said...

Thank you, Youm. I'm ready.

[GRUCIUS, YOUM grunting]

Stop it, Myulan!

Don't do it!

[MYULAN] I'm sorry,

but if it will keep you safe...


...I have no choice.

Activate Prison Field!


There are two barriers?

But why?


What's the matter, Benimaru?

I can't connect

with Lord Rimuru.

There is something interfering.

[RIGURD gasps]

Lord Rimuru...

[SHION grunts]

How disappointing.

You talked such a big game

I hoped you might actually

be a challenge.

[SHOGO growls] Damn,

your kicking game is no joke.

[SHION gasps]

What is this...?

My strength is

leaving my body...

--[SHOGO laughs]


Tch. You doing okay

over there, lady?

You seem to be

having some difficulty.

[GREAT SAGE] Next time,

"The Beauty Makes Her Move."