01x05 - The Witness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "T.J. Hooker". Aired: March 13, 1982 – May 28, 1986.*
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Adventures of veteran police officer Sgt. T.J. Hooker, who rides the beat with his rookie partner Vince Romano.
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01x05 - The Witness

Post by bunniefuu »

It's colder than a well digger's
shovel out here this morning.



Whenever I pull
early morning watch,

I think about
sailing off to tahiti.

You, sailing?

As a matter of fact,
I've been thinking about

Putting some cash
down on a used boat.

Being that you're always
behind on your alimony payments,

I'm sure your ex will
be thrilled to hear that.

Stick to your
detective manual, junior.

Hey, don't knock it.

If we were workin'
plainclothes, I'd still be home

Between the
sheets in a warm bed.

I've been there.
You don't need it.

Did you see something funny in
that liquor store we just passed?

It should be just
opening, shouldn't it?

I smell something.

It looked quiet enough to me.

The nose, junior.

The nose knows.

Something's goin'
down, right now.

It's a pleasure to see
law and order at work.

It's headed the other
way. That's all that counts.

The house is down
the street. Let's go.

That guy's not gonna stop.

I'll stop him.

I'll take him to the wall.

Come here. Give me a hand.

Get 'em out of here!
Before she blows.

Call for an ambulance

And the fire department.

You sure he ain't home?

Wallace is the blue-collar
backbone of america.

Collects valuable coins, works
the night shift, not home till 9:00.

Come on.

I was thinkin' of taking a few
days off at the end of the month.

Oh, from work or your wife?

Get off my back,
alison, will ya?

It's too early in the mornin'.

I got the t.v. And stereo in
the van. How're you doing?

Pretty good. Some
cash, a coin collection,

And a bonus.

What you gonna do with that?

Ah, keep it for protection.

With all the crime today,
a man can't be too careful.

Come on.

Hey, what are you doing?

Let's get outta here!

Did I tell you detective
is where it's at?

We could've been burned
to a crisp with those clowns.

You haven't even worn out
your first pair of blue socks yet,

Would you stop with the
d*ck tracy dialogue, already?

4-Adam-30, 4-adam 30,

sh**ting report
at 5342 magnolia,

Ambulance on the way.

What is this, us again?

If we got paid by the call,
I'd be a rich man by now.

4-Adam-30, roger.

I'm the one who called.

I was down here delivering
my milk down the street there.

All right, calm down.
I'll get it in a minute.

Well, obviously, whoever
pulled the trigger is long gone.

So is he.

We don't need an ambulance here.

We need homicide.

We should never have left, neil.

The man was shot, we
should've stopped to help him.

I didn't see a thing, alison.

I did. And if you won't go to
the police with me, I'll go alone.

What'll you say when they
ask you who you were with?

And what am I supposed to say
when the police come to my house

And my wife wants to know what
I was doing at your apartment

When I was supposed to
be away on a business trip?

Why don't you try telling her

What you've been telling
me for the past 6 months?

That you love me.

It's just not the
right time, alison.

When it's the right time,

I promise I'll make that break.

Now let's get to work
and put what's happened

Out of our mind, ok?

Uh, let me guess, hooker.

None of wallace's neighbors
heard or saw anything.

He was, uh, k*lled by
some invisible force.

All I know is what
the milkman saw.

And, of course, he can't
give us a good idea, right?


He did see a red porsche
take off before the van.

And he recognized the passenger

As one of his
neighborhood customers.

Miss alison baker.

You talk to her?

No, we haven't located her.

Description of the van?

No visible plates. Red,
green, brown. Take your pick.

Oh, great. What
about the, uh, porsche?

Personalized plates
said, uh, "red toy 7"?

Yeah, romano's running
that through d.m.v. Now.


According to his son, wallace
kept a .45 caliber a*t*matic

Next to his bed for protection.

Yeah, it protected
him, all right.

I just heard from ballistics.

A .45 a*t*matic is
what k*lled mr. Wallace.

Porsche is registered to

A west park insurance,
care of a neil stoner.


You know, we're up to our
tails trying to figure out

Who's who on this
beach sh**t, captain.

Why don't, uh, we let
hooker and romano here

Follow through on this till we're
back up to speed manpower wise?


No problem.

Romano would love to
play detective. Right, junior?

Anything you say,
partner. Anything you say.

Stan, stan.

Stay in contact
with him. Come here.

Come after me with the
baton. Come on. Come on.

Walk. Take it. Turn.
Squeeze, and go.

Now, stay in contact.

A little rough on
him, weren't you? Yeah.

Glad I don't have to go
through that anymore.

Think again. You're up for
review training in 2 weeks.

You're kidding me? No, I'm not.

And stay alert 'cause
I'm doin' the reviewing.

Excuse me, miss.

Can I help you?

Are you the alison baker
who lives at 503 magnolia drive?

Yes, why?

We'd like to talk
to you, miss baker.

You and, uh, mr. Stoner.

Have fun, kids.

Stay as long as you like.

So, do you ever get tired
of runninn' this kiddie park?

If I had something
better to do, I'd do it.


It ain't so bad. I like trains.

You get rid of that g*n?

What is it with
you and that g*n?

You some kind of
chicken about g*ns?

I ain't afraid of g*ns, danny.

It's that g*n I'm afraid of.

If the law gets
their hands on it,

You could do a
life stretch, easy.

Forget about it. I dumped
the g*n in the reservoir.

So how did you do?


$800? The coin collection
alone is worth more than that.

Maybe. To a coin collector.

Not to a fence.

Here's your share.
Minus the $100 you owe me.

What about the $50 I owe
my boss for coverin' for me?

Your problem, not mine.

You're the one on parole.

All right. So let's talk
about our next job.

Ripping off a house
is one thing, danny.

m*rder's somethin' else, again.

You wasted that dude today.

I might've pulled the trigger.

But I know enough about the law

To know that we're
both guilty of m*rder.

They nail me, cal
baby, they nail you, too.

And what about that couple
in the fancy sports car?

The girl looked straight at you.

Suppose she decides
to help the police?

We'll find her first.

And do what?

Now what do you think?

Did you know mr. Wallace
well, miss baker?

Not really. Just in passing.

It's a terrible tragedy,
sgt. Hooker, but...

Why do you want to talk to us?

Well, we thought

You might have seen something
that would help us find the k*ller.

Actually, I saw...

I hate to disappoint
you, gentlemen,

But I was just giving
miss baker a ride to work.

We missed the sh**ting.

Did you want to say
something, miss baker?

Just that I'm sorry we
can't be of more help to you.

Now, if that's all,

I'm sorry but I have a sales
meeting in a few minutes.

Thank you, miss baker.

Your family, mr. Stoner?


You happily married?

Yes, I am.

Which is why I was,
uh, hoping that, uh

This wouldn't go any further.


That you drove your secretary
to work? What's wrong with that?

Thank you, mr. Stoner.

They know more than
they're telling, hooker.

That woman had something to say,

She didn't wanna
spill it in front of him.

Then why don't we take
another shot at her?

Later, when she's alone.

Hello. We'd like to talk to you

For a few minutes, miss baker.

Uh, i... I just got home from
work and I'm really exhausted.

I've already told
you everything I know.

It won't take long. Really.

Ok. Come on in. Thank you.

Oh, watch out for the plant.

I was just moving it.

I'm hoping a change of
scene might perk it up a bit.

Whoa, let us help you.

Oh, that's ok. You
don't have to do that.

No problem. Which way?

Uh, left. Into the
bedroom. This way?

Yeah, careful.

This is really heavy.

Where do you want it?

Right in the
corner will be fine.

Great suggestion, romano.

I think I k*lled more plants in
my time than the gypsy moth.

Oh, excuse me.

Hey, this window looks
over mr. Wallace's place.

Yeah, i, uh, I know.

The suspect's van must've
been parked in the driveway.

So they couldn't be seen from the
streets as they carried things out.

Are you sure you
didn't see anything

On your way to work, miss baker?

You already asked
me that question.

But I think you are lying.

Look, i, uh, I have to go.

I'm having dinner with
a girlfriend of mine.

Miss baker,

Doesn't it bother you that your
neighbor was m*rder*d today?

You know, I think I should get
another plant for this window.

What are you afraid of?

I don't know.

I just... I just hear about
people who get involved,

They try to do the right thing and
then their lives are never the same.

They come out on the losing end
and the criminals are out in 30 days.

But that's not always the case.

Most criminals are prosecuted and
put away for a long period of time.

But only with the help
of people like yourself.

Help us. Tell us what you saw,

Nothing's gonna
happen to you. Trust me.

Uh, there were 2 men.

I only saw one clearly.

The man you saw,
what did he look like?

Uh, he was about
your height, I guess.

Brown hair.

I don't know. It all
happened so fast.

Miss baker, we'd appreciate it

If you'd come down and take
a look at some mug sh*ts.

Tomorrow, if you could.

Do I have to?

Well, it would really
help if you could.

Pretty girl. Very
observant, romano.

Well, I guess you didn't notice because
your eyes were under tahitian skies.

What I noticed,
besides her legs,

Was that she was scared.


I was supposed to meet a
man about a boat after work.

Unless you're planning
on setting sail with the tide,

Another day or so in
port won't matter, popeye.

I am what I am!

1, 2, 3, 4.

1, 2, 3, 4... I've seen so many,

They're all starting
to look alike.

Would you like to take a break?

No. I'm all right.

Do you recognize him,
alison? Is that the man?

I'm not sure. The man I saw
didn't have a moustache.

Razor blades are cheap.

It looks like him, I
just can't be sure.

Would it help to
see him in person?

I thought you said
this is all I had to do?

He'll be behind a one-way
glass. He won't be able to see you.

Alison, we need a
positive identification.

Danny scott, hooker.

I'll see what we have on him.

How did I ever get
myself into this?

I don't know. According
to his parole officer,

Danny scott's held down a steady
job ever since he got out last year.

Seems to be going straight.

In that case, he won't mind
giving us a little of his time.

Hi, baby.

Help you fellas?

We're looking for danny scott?

Oh, he's in the back running the
forklift. He in some kinda trouble?

We won't know
until we talk to him.

Danny scott?

Scott, we wanna talk to you.

You take him. I'll cut him off.

Hold it right there.

All right, uh, step back.

Take your time, miss baker.

Now, remember,
they can't see you.

What if I make a mistake
and pick the wrong man?

Then it's back to square one.

2Nd from the left.

Are you sure, alison?

I'm sure.

Well, thank you, miss baker.

That's all we'll need
you for right now.

To tell you the truth, I wouldn't
want to meet any of them in a dark alley.

I can see why. Four
of 'em are cops.

There's a coffee machine
in the waiting room.

Why don't you relax a bit?

Ok, gentlemen, that's it.

Make sure you have your witness
there for the preliminary hearing.

You just tell us where and when.

We'll be there.


No, thanks.

What was that about alison
having to be at the hearing?

You skip your classes in criminal
law at the academy, romano?

Every man or woman has a
right to face their accuser.

Then we should've
been upfront with her.

We should've told her from the
start that she'd have to testify.

I hear you, but you know
what she would've said.

Get yourself another witness.

So instead we lie to her.

Didn't lie to her.

Just didn't tell her
everything right away.

There's a difference?

Yes, there's a difference.

We're one step closer to
putting a m*rder*r in the slammer,

Hopefully for an extended stay.

At any price, huh?

Within the framework
of the law, junior.

Which is a hell of
a lot squarer deal

Than james wallace
got when he got shot.

First the mug sh*ts,
then the line up,

And now you're telling me you
want me to testify at a hearing?

That's the way the
system works, alison.

And you wonder why
nobody wants to get involved?

Well, I've just changed my mind.

Thanks for the ride.

I'm gonna handle this.

Be my guest.

I'm not gonna listen to
you lie to her anymore.



I know how you feel.

If you know how I feel, hooker, then
why don't you just leave me alone?

Look, if danny scott gets off,

It's gonna be like giving
him a license to k*ll.

He'll think of
himself above the law.

Ok, suppose I testify
and he gets off,

And then... And then
he comes after me?

But that's not gonna
happen. You gotta trust me.

Trust you? Hooker,
you lied to me.

I don't even know you.

Well... Well, that
can be remedied.

There are ways of
getting to know each other.

What about dinner?

Are you asking me out?

What about tonight?

I could pick you
up at the office.

A little personal touch, hooker?

You like lobster, steak,



Uh, it just so happens I'm free.

So am i.

The girl picked me
out of the lineup, huh?

Positive identification.

What have they got without
her testimony, counselor?

Without? Resisting arrest,

Maybe a.d.w. On
a police officer.

as*ault with a deadly
w*apon, but I mean

There's nothing that can put me in
the slammer for the rest of my life, huh?

Without the girl, they can't
pin the wallace k*lling on you.

If that's what you're asking.

I want you to get a hold of cal

And tell him to do
what I'm gonna tell you,

Or I'm gonna take
him down with me.

I can't understand why you
talked to the police at all.

And now this hearing.

Alison, you just can't testify.

You don't care about me, neil.

You just wanna be kept out
of this. It's that simple, isn't it?

Why are you makin'
this difficult?

You're just making
trouble for yourself.

You know, maybe I'm seeing you,

The real you, clearly,
for the first time.

You have no intentions of
leaving your wife, do you, neil?


Oh, I'm sorry. I seem
to be a little early.

Oh, that's ok. Come on in.

Mr. Stoner. Sergeant.

Something I said?

Don't worry about
it. I just discovered

That he's the kind of guy who
can light up a room by leaving it.

A little frisky
tonight, aren't we?

Maybe it's my nerves.

I'm trying to psyche myself

Into appearing at
that hearing of your's.

Then you're gonna appear?

That's great.

See, i... I thought I
was gonna have to

Wine, dine, and charm you all
night long to get you to say yes.

Oh, does that mean
you're cancelling the date?

Oh, no. Gosh, no.

I'll just wine, dine, and charm you
all night long to get you to say yes.

Let's go. Ok.

I'm parked over there.

Oh, listen, the
restaurant's right around

The corner for me. Do
you mind if I follow you?

Don't get lost. I won't.

Hooker! Hooker!

Hooker! Hooker!

What happened? He att*cked me.


You stay put.


Hooker, my god, what happened?

You all right?

Just scared to
death. You're bleeding.

I'm ok. Are you sure?

I'm all right.
It's just a graze.

My god. You think this had
anything to do with the hearing?

It wasn't danny scott,
if that's what you mean.

He's behind bars.

There were 2 men that morning
at mr. Wallace's. 2 K*llers.

The man that just att*cked
me, I know it was the other man.

There you go, miss baker.

Thank you.

Hooker, when you have a minute,

Capt. Sheridan said he can
see you and romano now.

Oh, thank you.

We'll be right back.

Hooker, listen, even
though I didn't see his face,

I know the man that att*cked me

Was the other man
in the wallace k*lling.

I can't say that
he wasn't, alison.

And now he's found me,
and he's almost k*lled me.

How many times have you told me I
had nothing to worry about, huh?

How many times?

You men wanted to
see me? Yes, sir, we did.

About miss baker? That's right.

Mackey's already discussed
the situation with me and I'm afraid

There's nothing
we can do about it.


Captain, she was att*cked,
scared out of her wits.

I read h**ker's report, romano.

And I'm aware of why you
feel the way you do, but...

Look, you and I both know

That the guy who went after her
had to be one of danny scott's buddies.

Now, how can you
be sure, hooker?

There was no attempted
r*pe, no attempt at robbery.

It was a sheer act of terror.

That's conjecture on your part.


Look, somebody is sending this
girl a message, loud and clear.

"Don't testify
against danny scott."


I'll do the best I can.

We'll go over scott's
known associates, and...

That's not what
we're talking about.

We're talking about protection.

Based upon what?

Now listen, hooker.
I'm on your side,

But we can't handle
the call load as it is.

You know as well as I do,

That unless you can bring me some
proof that links scott with the attack,

I simply can't take
men off other cases.

Captain, we owe
her the protection.

She went out on a limb for us.

It's a matter of
manpower, hooker.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Do I want to get married?
Hooker, is that a proposal?

No, no, no. I was just curious.

Sure I wanna get married.

What girl wants to watch
all her plants die alone?

Then why are you dating
neil stoner, a married man?

Listen, hooker, if there's something
personal you wanna know, don't be shy.

Just come right out with it.

Can I get you
something to drink?

A cup a coffee will do fine.

All right, hooker, I'm
dating a married man

'Cause most single
men that I've met

Are either emotionally
immature or they're boring.

Since we're playing true
confessions, now it's your turn.

Why did you get divorced?

My job, pressures
of being a cop.

And for my wife, the pressures
of being married to one.

Any children?

Oh, yeah. 2 Girls, one boy.

So you have child
support, alimony...

2 Separate households,
tuition, doctor bills.

And a lot of doubts.


Being single again, starting
all over, meeting people.

I was married a long time. This
is... This is all very new to me.

Did you have any doubts
about our date this evening?

I almost called to
cancel out twice.

I'm glad you didn't.

No question about it,
one of my better decisions.

Will you excuse
me for one minute?

One minute only.

Hooker! Hooker!

My god, he was here,
right here in my apartment.

Alison, alison, I
know how you feel.

But you've got to
go to that hearing.

Hooker, you promised
me some protection.

I struck out, a shortage of
manpower. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

I can't do this, hooker.

I just can't do this!
Alison, listen to me.

I'll stay here tonight
with you if you want.

Look, I need you.

You can't back out now!

And therefore, the
case against danny scott

Is dismissed.


Hooker, just leave me alone.

Alison, danny scott was lying,
and so were his key witnesses.

You know that and I know
that, but the judge didn't.

Scott had an alibi. And...
And the d.a. Couldn't break it.

His boss swore that he was halfway
across town when you claimed you saw him.

So now it's his word
against mine, right?

That's what it boils
down to, alison.

I'm sorry.

You're sorry? And now
scott's parading around free?

What was it you told me,
hooker? That I should trust you?

Well, I did, and look what
happened. Now, I'm a target.

Thanks for destroying my life.

Who is it?

Alison, it's me, hooker.

Oh, hooker, go away.

Please open the door, just
for a second. I wanna talk to you.

Leave me alone. Please. I don't
have anything to say to you.

I can't leave you alone.

I'm not going to. Open the door.

Thank you.

What do you want?

Alison, it's my fault that
you're on the firing line.

And... And... And...

I want to do
something to help you.

Hooker, every time you try
to help, I end up needing help.

I'm just trying to do my job.

And I can't do it alone. We need
people like you, to stand up to these

Gutless creeps that are
messing up the streets.

You don't seem to
understand, hooker.

I've done everything I can do.
Now, I'm afraid of being k*lled.

I know. I know. Listen, I've got
a week's vacation coming up,

I told sheridan I
wouldn't take it.

I'm gonna use the money to pay
for extra protection for you.

Until these guys are put away.

Oh, hooker.

Oh, i... I guess I should tell you
i... I don't want you to do that.

Make that sacrifice.

But I'm just scared to death.

How did I get into this mess?

It wasn't easy.

You think your charm's
gonna work here?

No. No. Charm's
not, but vicki will.

She's on her way over. She's
gonna stand by while I'm on duty.

And I've got a list of
guys ready to do the same.

Oh, hooker, what am
I gonna do with you?

There are a number
of ways to go.

It's ok. It's ok.

What are you kidding, vitale?

That's not plated,
it's the real mccoy.

I thought we'd leave it here with you
for safekeeping till we find a fence,

Then we'll give you your cut.

Ah, that's ok, danny.

I'll take care of it from here.

What do you mean, nick?

You guys don't
think I'd put my head

On the block at that
hearing for my health, do you?

We said we'd take
care of you, man.

I know you did. That's why I'm
considering this the down payment.

Downpayment? What do
you mean down payment?

Be a nice boy. Extra
nice to me from now on.

'Cause I know too
much, my friend.

Besides, if I were you,

I'd be more concerned with
taking care of that little lady.

She can still put
you away, you know.

Not bad, danny. Not bad.

Well, don't worry, nick.

I intend to take
care of everything.

Good. Good.

Nobody's gonna do me that way.

What are you gonna do?

Let me get rid of a problem
with nick. The girl's next.

Not for me, partner.
We split from here.

I don't want no part of
you from here on out.

Come on, cal.

But whatever's fair is fair.

I don't need you
anymore, anyway.

You still have alison
on your mind, right?


Look, hooker, you
did the best you could.

Did i?

I'm mad as hell at
what happened to her.

I didn't have to see danny scott's face
when he walked away from that hearing

To know that he was
laughing at us, and the system.

Yeah. It hurts.

Especially when we know
alison was telling the truth,

And danny's boss wasn't.

I've been thinkin'
about that. Nick vitale.

Maybe we ought to shake him...

See what falls.

It doesn't look like
there's anybody home.

Try the office.

Something's bothering the dog.

It's ok, boy. Take it easy.

It's all right. It's all
right. Relax. It's ok.

Get an ambulance.

You got it.

Vitale, who slugged you?


Danny scott?


Where can I find him?

He bunks with his partner, cal.

Jastrow. At the kiddie park.

Train layout.

Travel town?



I nailed him a few years back.

I know jastrow.

Hold it, jastrow!


Hooker, hooker, over here!

Nice tackle, kid.

You could've made
first round draft choice.

All right, jastrow, where's
your pal, danny scott?

How should I know?

You know. Spill it. Spill it!

He went to k*ll the girl.

You shouldn't have
gotten involved, lady.

Help! Help me!

You shouldn't have
identified me, alison!

You shouldn't have testified.

Help me! Help! Somebody help!

Hold it!

Come on, alison. Come on.

It's over, alison.
It's finally over.

Well, what's this, a half day?

Yeah. 12 Hours.

How you doing with danny scott?

Oh, he's talking
real good, romano.

We even got enough to pick
up that shyster lawyer of his.

Here you want some?

No, thanks. Don't know
what you're missin'.

So, you're really gonna take
a look at that boat tonight?

Oh, yeah, yeah. I bought
myself a new pair of deck shoes.

The guy who's selling the
boat invited me on board

For a few beers. What about you?

Hot date? No. I'm
staying home tonight.

Curling up with a nice hot
book on criminal investigation.

After that I'm gonna
study the penal codes.

Yeah, you do that, junior. I think a
change in my plans just walked in.

Hi. You guys got plans tonight?

Well, now romano is
gonna be a detective.

Detective. Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, nice.

There are a lot of penal
codes and, uh, case histories,

So, i... I better be going.

Tomorrow, hooker.

Bye, guys.

Good night. What
about you, hooker?

Well, I was thinking
about tahiti.

What did you have in mind?

I was thinking about
dinner at my place about 8:00.


Why don't you make it 7:00.

You can help me find a
place to k*ll some new plants.

Hey, wait a minute. How
do I know you can cook?

Hooker, trust me.

Trust me?

And where have I
heard that before?

Oh, come on.
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