05x18 - Candles in the Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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05x18 - Candles in the Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

(Horses whinny)

Renard Perez.

That was absolutely amazing.

Renard: It's an equestrian show: Dark Horse.

Amy: I've read about it. You're the director, aren't you?

Any university would be lucky to have you.

You're gonna be a great vet.

What if it's a waste of time and money?

(Liquor splatters as Tim dumps it out)

Amy: He's awake and I think his breathing's better.

So is he gonna be all right?

Yeah, I think so.

(Vehicles zoom by)

(Siren wails)

So you're going? You have to?

Yeah, you've already talked me into staying longer than I intended to.

And I left Shane with my girlfriend - she's probably had enough of babysitting by now.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, you know, the winter holidays are coming up, I was kinda hoping I could spend some time with Shane.

Oh, Tim, uh...

Well, half the time with me, and you could spend half the time with him, or you could come.

Hold on, okay? You're going too fast.

I told you I would think about whether or not Shane can visit.


Yeah, you say you're back on the wagon and that's great, but I...

I have to be absolutely sure of that before I...

I thought this was about you and I working this out.

(Phone ringing)
It is, but...

Hi, Sharon. I'm just leaving.


What do you mean he's gone?

(Truck rumbles slowly)

Come on, Lobo.

You did an incredible job. if it wasn't for you.

I'm so proud of you.

Well, thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, I uh...

I couldn't have done it without you.

Come on...

I couldn't have.


Nothing... nothing.

Where do you think you'll get accepted?

Well, I've got my fingers crossed for the University of Calgary.

But what if it's the one in Saskatchewan?

We don't have to worry about that just yet.


I hate this.

You know, everything is changing again.

And I know how good you are with that.

(Sighs heavily)

Amy, things can't stay the same forever, right?

Yes they can! I want them to.

I like this, just how it is.

RCMP Officer: Yes, sir, hitchhiking.

It's not against the law, but it's not a very smart thing to do.

Well, I'm sorry you had to come all the way to Hudson.

RCMP Officer: Well, I'm glad to do it.

Couldn't very well leave him out there.

Thank you.

RCMP Officer: No problem. Take care.

Are you out of your mind?

It was faster than taking the bus.

Is my mom still here?

Oh my God!

Oh my God! Shane!

I saw the police car and I thought...

You almost gave Sharon a heart attack, waking up and finding you gone!

Don't you ever think?

How could you do something like that?

Jack: The police picked him up hitchhiking.

What? Hitchhiking?

What, in the middle of the night?

Yeah, it's when all the truckers go through, and they're pretty cool.

Anyone could have picked you up!

Anything could have happened to you!

Yeah, well, it didn't, did it?

Just relax.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Truck rumbles)

(Door closes)

(Ty's truck rumbles to a stop)

Come on, buddy. Come on. Come on!

(Door bangs shut)

Amy: Can I help you?

Amy Fleming?


I have something for you.

Wow, he's beautiful, but why?

I guess the answer is in this letter.

(Letter rustles)

It's from Renard.

"Meet Zephyr."

He's a horse with something to teach you, and you must teach him something in return.

"Every dancer needs a partner."


I wonder what that means?

I don't know.


Miranda: Shane?!

Shane, stop! Come on!

What is going on here?

That's weird.

I thought Miranda would've left this morning.

Oh... How's all that going?

Don't ask me.

Dad is close-mouthed about it, as usual.

But he assures me that he's gonna be very helpful when we finally do the big move.

Well, that's very nice of him, honey, but I think our move is still a while away.

Lou: Why?

Well, there's a lot of work to be done on the place, and knowing you, you're gonna want it to be perfect before we move in.

Lou: It doesn't have to be perfect.

I love it for its imperfections.

Who are you, and what have you done with my wife?

Yes, it would've been nice to move in, you know, before our anniversary, celebrate in our new home, but we can do that next year.

Hey, listen, speaking of celebrations, um, I'm gonna do the anniversary this year, okay? So hands off.

What? No! What're you talking about?

I'm the one who does the planning, remember?

That's what I do. There she is!

There's the wife I know and love.


You know, in all seriousness, honey, you know, it's been two crazy years and you stuck with me through it all and it's meant a lot to me, and I really wanna do this.

Okay. I'll try.

You'll do more than try; You'll do!



Right, honey? Right?

I don't believe you!

Why would you put yourself in danger?

I just did, okay?

That's not good enough!

You think I don't know what's going on?

Do you think I don't hear you on the phone with the lawyers and with Sharon, talking about everything?

I knew you were coming here.

You should've brought me with you.

I just want...

What? What?

What do you want, Shane?

I don't know! I don't know what I want!

But I know I don't want it like this, okay?

Come on, Pal.

Just let him go.

I'll go talk to him.

No, let me do it. I'll get Harley.

Ty: Hey, what's up?

How old are you, thirteen, fourteen?

I'm twelve.

Twelve... (Chuckles)

Yeah, I was getting in a lot fights at your age, stayed away from home as much as I could, flunked out of school.

It took me a long time to realize I had to stop doing the crazy stuff.

Luckily, I ended up here.

This place saved my life.

You gotta find your place, Shane.

You know, I... I think I already have.

Well, then you gotta fight for it.

But they're not gonna take you seriously if you keep running off.

You gotta talk to them, face to face.

Just tell them where you're at.

They'll listen to you, trust me.

All right, Zephyr, let's see what you can do.


(Amy clucks her tongue)

(Whistles, clucks her tongue)

Good boy!

(Whistles and laughs)

(Clucks her tongue)


(Expels her breath)

Good boy!

Well, look at you!

Amy: So this new horse, Zephyr, he's absolutely amazing.

He's totally trained to voice signals and body language, and I'd actually love to show you, Shane.

You should come by in the morning.

Miranda: Oh, there won't be time for that.

I'm afraid we have to leave; Shane has school.

Yeah, I'm not going.

Yes, you are.

Shane: No. No, I'm not.

Shane, get back here.

Shane: No, you just don't get it.

This isn't just about you and dad.

You remember this? Yeah, that's my stone.

I'm part of this family, so I should be part of this decision.

Come back to the table.

Shane: No! I'm sick of you being stressed out about lawyers that we can't even afford.

Tim: It's more complicated than that, Shane.

Your mother and I are working it out.

You're making all of these decisions without me!

It's not fair! You just never listen.

Okay, all right, what do you want?

I wanna know that I can come and visit here whenever I want to.

(Sighs) And I just want you guys to get along; To be friends.

Why can't you do that?!

(Receding footsteps)

Miranda: Shane, wait!


(Truck door slams shut)

Just... Just hear me out here.

I should never have started this - this custody thing - in the first place.

It's upset your life completely and I just... I don't wanna go there.

So I'm giving it up. I'm walking away.

No. No, don't.



Maybe Shane's right.

Maybe we should stay a few more days and...

Spend some time together.

You know, the three of us.

And Shane is right about something else; I can't afford these lawyers, Tim, so how 'bout we get rid of them.

No lawyers.

No lawyers.

Oh yeah.

No, we can work this out together.

Yeah. And who knows?

Maybe without them stirring the pot, we can be... Just like Shane said, we can be friends.

Okay... okay.

Good night.

Good night.

(Tim's footsteps crunch on the gravel)

I wish I was there.

No, I'm not just saying that!

I... I miss you.

Okay, I'll call you later.

Hey! I love you.

Lisa, in France, with her ex - how does that feel?

Well, not too great.

So uh... Why don't you go?

Just hop on a plane and go.

No. I'm too busy.

I got winterizing to do and my truck needs...

And Shane and your dad, that situation...

You are a total coward.

I have never been a coward in my entire life.

The reason you are not going on this trip is because you're scared.

Pfft! Scared of what?

Well, let's see... Commitment, flying, vulnerability.

I am not.

Grandpa, just buy a ticket to Paris.

That is my advice to you!

(Water in sink sloshes)

Just do it!

Hey, uh, what did you say to Shane?

I saw that look you guys had.

I told him that this place saved my life, and so did you.


Amy, there's something I wanna tell you.


Well, I um...

I see us doing a lot together and I can't imagine being anywhere else but here with you.

I love you.

I love you, too.

And I don't wanna lose you.

You won't!


I'll see you.

Good night.

(Door bangs shut, Ty sighs)

Lou: So I was trying to think of what to get you for our anniversary, but um...

You know, since I don't know what we're doing, I couldn't really think of what an appropriate theme would be, so I thought maybe you could just like give me a little... hint?


Honey, please?

I need to know what we're doing so I can prepare.

I mean, I don't even know what to wear.

I think that you should just relax and go with the flow.

I went to business school.

Going with the flow is not exactly something they teach there.

Can I just have a little hint?

Just like... little?


(Huffs, frustrated)

(Peter laughs)



Good boy, Zephyr.

Good boy.

(Whistles and clucks tongue)

Come on, you can do better!

Come on!

(Amy whistles and laughs)


(Spartan grunts)

You wanna come and play?

(Spartan grunts and acquiesces)

(Amy whistles and clucks her tongue)

Good boys!

(Zephyr and Spartan whinny and snort)

(Amy laughs)

Good boy!


(Truck rumbles)

(Whips sing through the air, Spartan and Zephyr whinny)

Good boys.


(Sighs heavily, starts dialing the phone)

Hey, Lis. So I'm leaving another message.

Guess you must be out and about.

Just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking about you and hope all's well and uh...

Well, I'm hanging up now. (Phone beeps off)

Hey, so don't you have your own groceries yet?


Hey, Amy's out there doing some great work with that new horse.

Hey, uh...

What do you think of this Renard guy?

I don't know. I never really met him, so...

Doesn't it seem kinda strange, he drops off this big fancy horse out of nowhere?

Well, I mean, the guy dances with horses for a living, so he's gotta be a little eccentric, right?

Yeah, well...

Hey, Jack, um...

Do you have a minute?

I wanted to talk to you about something.

(Phone rings)




Oh, no need to apologize. I know you're busy.

Oh, you can talk? Well, that's great!

That's great.

Five-course dinner?

Oh, right.

It's nighttime there.



Renard, what are you doing here?

Watching you and the progress you've made!

Quite impressive.

Thank you so much for Zephyr.

He is amazing.

So you figured out my little riddle.

I thought you would.


I'm really glad you're here.

I actually want you to meet my family.

I think that's a very good idea, because I have a proposition for you.

Hello, Zephyr.
(Pats Zephyr lightly)

So you must know how talented Amy is with liberty work.

Amy: Well, actually, they haven't seen much.

I've been doing it mostly in private.

Well, maybe it's time you show them what you can do.

I told Amy I have a proposal for her.

I'd like her to audition for Dark Horse.

We've been recruiting and I think she has the potential to be a part of the show.


And what exactly would that entail?

It would mean some travelling.

We're making stops in all the major cities in North America over the spring and summer, and next year we're planning a European tour.

Oh my God, Amy...

Jack: Well, I knew you were working with Spartan, but I didn't know you were thinking about this as a career.

Well, I wasn't really, but...

This could be pretty interesting.

I think your granddaughter needs to take her time to think about it.

It's a huge commitment, and before either of us makes that commitment, here's what I suggest.

I have a rehearsal space nearby.

I want you to do a bit of a performance, for me, and, of course, if you'd like your family to be there.

So... I'll say goodbye now.

It was lovely to meet you all.

Lovely to meet you as well.

Amy: Thank you.

(Door closes, Lou clears her throat)

Oh, honey, I...

I just found this amazing hotel outside of Banff.

It's five-stars.

All the rooms have fireplaces and their own hot tub, and it's on the side of a mountain.

It looks amazing.

Are you kidding me?

I told you, i'm planning this.

Can you just control yourself, please?


What's in the bags?

None of your business what's in the bags.

You know, for the second anniversary, you're traditionally supposed to give paper, right?

I'm not really sure what that means, but...

Peter: Let it go, Lou!

I think Peter is actually trying to drive me crazy.


He's not letting you in on his secrets, huh?

(Sighs) Did you buy that ticket to Paris yet?

Shane: Hey! Hey, that one's perfect.

Yeah? You think?

Ungh! Ow!

Hey, we can finish the monopoly game after dinner, if you want.

Ah, I don't know about monopoly.

It kinda gets me riled up.

Why, 'cause you're losing?

No 'cause I don't like indoor games.

Shane: Hey, are you still mad at me for coming here?

Tim: No. No, I'm not mad at you.

Do you have any idea what my father would've done if I'd have pulled a stunt like that?


Just don't do it again, okay?

Ow! Jeez! Come on.

Shane: (Chuckles) You're dangerous with those sticks.

(Fire crackles)

Oh, I thought you'd gone home.

It's pretty late.

I was about to, but then I saw the lights on in the living room here.

Is, uh, is Amy asleep, or...?

Turned in some time ago, probably with that damn dog laying at the end of her bed.


Hey, Jack, there's... There's something I wanted to talk to you about.


Um, I know that when I first got to Heartland, you said stay away from your granddaughters or you'd kick me off the property.

As I recall, I told you any part of you that got too close to 'em would be removed.

That's right, I remember that...

That part, yeah.

Um, well, things have changed since then.

You know, I feel I've changed.

Yes, you have.

Um... you remember the plane crash?


Well, it made me realize that life is short.

And after it, I sort of was doing some searching, trying to find out who I was.

And then this bike thing, um, it was different.

All I could think about was Amy, and wanting, needing to find her.

Not me, just her.

I guess what I'm trying to say is um...

I want your permission to ask her to marry me.

I'm gonna ask Tim, as well, obviously.

I just, uh, I wanted to talk to you first.

Well, I'm flattered to be asked.

You know how highly I think of you.

Sometimes it takes an experience like the one we went through to tell you where your heart really lies.

And I promise you, Jack, that I will take care of her.

This is a commitment I wanna make.

It's really important to me.

So uh...?

This wouldn't have anything to do with the possibility that Amy might take that Renard up on his offer?

I'm just saying.

I know you love her; I've known it for years.

I just don't want you jumping into something that's...

Well, for the wrong reason.

No, I'm not.

I wanna marry Amy, and it's for all the right reasons.

Ungh... sorry.

Peter: Honey, are you sure you don't need the truck this afternoon?

I gotta run an errand.

No. Go ahead.

Amy: So Lobo just got a clean bill of health, and Scott couldn't say enough good things.

Ty: He's doing much better.

Good. That's good.

And how're you two doing?

We're fine.

Good, yeah.

Yeah, actually, I have an announcement to make.

It's a little scary, but in a good way, right?

Ty: Yeah.

I agreed to audition for Dark Horse, and I want you all there, tomorrow afternoon.

Lou: (Underwelmed) Yeah. Mm-hmm.


Jack and Lou: Nothing.

Amy: Um, I'm gonna head over to the arena with Renard.

Do you mind bringing the horses over later?

Yeah, I'll hook up the trailer.

Okay. (Whistles)
Lobo, let's go.

Ty: See ya.


Is it nothing?

See, I think I know the same nothing that you know and I don't think it's nothing.

I think it's anything but nothing.

Well, you're not gonna say nothing about it.

Just 'cause you think nothing is something, doesn't make something out of nothing.

Get my drift?

Lou: (Clears throat) Hey! So... exciting news!

Not quite what I was expecting, but...

Okay, (whispers)
I know!

I heard you and Grandpa talking last night, so...

I know!

You know...?


And I'm so excited for you guys!

I think it is the best news!

Okay, you do know.

Well, I haven't asked her yet because after that talk with Jack last night, I'm not so sure-

No, no, no. Ty, don't be silly.

Don't listen to Grandpa.

You and Amy are meant to be.

I don't want her to feel like I'm holding her back, or to think that that's why I'm asking her -

'cause I don't want her to go.

She won't think that. She'd never think that.

I've had the ring for months -

I bought it right after my motorcycle accident, and it's been burning a hole in my pocket ever since.

That is so romantic!

And now this opportunity has come up for her and it's great, but it makes it look like I'm only asking her 'cause I don't want her to go.

No, it doesn't!

It doesn't look like that at all.

It won't! Just, Ty... (Sighs)

You can't control everything, okay?

Trust me, I know.

So bad timing, yeah - nothing you can do about that - but Ty, just trust your gut and trust Amy.

Just ask her and let her decide.

Maybe... (Sighs)
Really? You think?

God, you're so cute! You guys!

Hey! How great would it be if you proposed to her tomorrow, right after the performance?!

'Cause then we would like share an anniversary...

Sort of.

But we could celebrate together!

Lou, what was it you said about taking control?

Right. Right.

(Zephyr's hooves clop loudly)

(Fire crackles)

That should do it.


He's out like a light.

(Both chuckle)

It's been a nice... Couple of days.


He's a good boy.


He has a lot of you in him.

So, um, how's the girlfriend?



I hope it didn't have anything to do with all of this.

I mean-


It wasn't meant to be.

I'm sorry. I'm...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you should go.

You should go.

(Truck rumbles)

Renard: Please, take your seats, everyone, the show is about to begin.

(Dramatic music plays in the ring)



Amy clucks her tongue)


(Gentle music plays)


(Zephyr whinnies)





Renard: (Clapping) Brava! Brava!

Jack: Well done, Amy!

Lou: Okay, Amy!

Tim: Well done, honey!


So you answered any questions I have about your abilities.

I hope you accept my offer.

Can I take a little longer to decide?

Fair enough.

But I have to warn you, we are recruiting all over the country.


And, Renard, I wanna thank you.

I mean, this has been an amazing experience, and getting to work with both horses at once was incredible.

I really learned a lot.

You know, I think it'll help me with what I do.

With what you do?


What is that?

Well, I don't perform.

You know, I'm not an entertainer.

I don't live to be on the stage.

(Both chuckle)

I work with horses who need my help, and I think that's what I'm meant to do.

You know, you once told me that you have to let go before you can move forward, and I'm not sure I'm ready to let go of what I do yet.

Actually, you know... I am sure.

I really am flattered at this opportunity, but I'm gonna have to say no.

All right.

I'd be lying if I said I was happy about this, but I totally understand, and I respect that at your young age, you already have a feel about your calling.

I really wanna thank you.

I'll never forget this.

Good luck.

You going somewhere?

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am.



There's someone there I want to see.

Wow! (Laughs)

By the way, the answer is yes.



Thank you, Jack.


Lou: Can you believe Peter?

He has completely disappeared and I still can't get a hold of him.

Where are you going?

You're not?!

Oh! Grandpa!

I am so proud of you.

This is for you. It's from Peter.

Happy anniversary, honey.

(Taxi rumbles down the driveway)


Ungh! Thank you.

(Groans and laughs)

Give Amy a hug for me.

All right.

(Engine starts up)


There you go.

I know you can probably light your own fire, but I just wanted to make sure everything was okay for the night.

Thanks I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, Tim?

You win; Shane can visit anytime.

Okay... that's great. That's great.

I'm not sure about the "I win" part; That implies that you lost.

Well, I haven't lost, but, um, I gotta tell you, the last few days, I've been feeling a bit...

Like I did thirteen years ago.

I've been having these weird deja-vu's.

About what?

Of why I fell for you back then.

But, you know, when I first showed up here with Shane last year, you made it perfectly clear that any relationship wasn't gonna happen between us.

Well, I... I don't...

So Shane and I are gonna leave tomorrow and he can visit you anytime he wants, and you and I, well... We'll be friends, just like Shane wants us to be.




Good night.

(Door shuts)

(Truck rumbles along slowly)

(Engine shuts off, door bangs shut)

Oh my God, Peter.

(Chuckles, touched)

You said you wanted paper.

What are these?

Here. It's uh...

It's something I saw in Thailand once.

People would make a wish and then light the lanterns, and then let the lanterns go into the sky and then, well, you hope that your wishes go up into the universe.

(Flame flares)

Woo! (Chuckles)

Wanna take this one?





Here's to our future.

(Peter chuckles, impressed)

Oh wow.

Happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary.

♪ When I look into your eyes ♪
♪ it's like watching the night sky ♪
♪ or a beautiful sunrise ♪
♪ well, there's so much they hold ♪
♪ and just like them old stars ♪
♪ I see that you've come so far ♪
♪ to be right where you are ♪
♪ how old is your soul ♪

(Lobo pants)
Come on, you, get off!

Ty: Easy... Amy: (Laughing)

Well, Katie's asleep.

(Both sigh)

It's so nice to have the house to ourselves.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

So you turned down Dark Horse, hey?



I was so nervous for that audition.

Well, you didn't look it.



I felt it.

I don't know, I just...

It's not for me.

I, I don't belong in that world.

Does that mean that you think you belong here?



Maybe? Yeah?

I'm glad.

Amy: Renard's offer made me realize something.

Even though Dark Horse isn't the right path for me, there's so much more out there.


You know, we shouldn't be worried about you going off to university.


Okay, I shouldn't be worried about you going off.

I mean, look at Grandpa.


He's on his way to Paris.

How exciting is that?


We should just never limit ourselves.

You know, never tie each other down - ever.

Yeah... yeah, totally.

That fire's getting low there, I should probably get some more wood for it.


I love you.

I love you too.

I'll be right back.


♪ I won't give up on us ♪
♪ even if the skies get rough ♪
♪ I'm giving you all my love ♪
♪ I'm still looking up ♪
♪ I'm still looking up ♪

(Cell phone rings)


Ty, your phone!

♪ God knows I'm tough enough ♪
(I am tough)

♪ We got a lot to learn ♪
(We're alive, we are love)

♪ God knows we're worth it ♪
(And we're worth it)

♪ I won't give up on us ♪
♪ even if the skies get rough ♪
♪ I'm giving you all my love ♪
♪ I'm still looking up ♪
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