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01x07 - Giorgio

Posted: 04/26/23 15:29
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Giorgio's, where
everyone is mi familia!

[GIORGIO] It's true.

My restaurant, or restaurante,
en Italia, is all about family.

One day, I'd love to have
one of my own, you know?

Like, seeing Principal
Pat tonight being so happy

- got me thinking about the future.

Do you ever think about
the future, Hana-Banana?

I try not to.

Yeah. I guess the present
is pretty cool too.

Hey, you know, I gotta say,

I'm all about a little late-night
drop-in lovemaking session.

- Only question is, what are we now?

Boyfriend-girlfriend, or little
FWBs, aka friends with bennies, or...

- I'm gonna go.
- Oh, yeah, totally.

I was gonna say that same thing.



Mamma mia.


Last night's dinner service
was an embarrassment.

There were tables without bread bowls,

uh, over-pours that
cost me an arm and a leg.

And Carl, the shrimp scampi was as fresh

as my ProProtect compression
leggings after a K run.

I can't help if you
ordered dated frozen shrimp.


You know who doesn't
make excuses? Legends.

All over this restaurant,
you will find photos

and memorabilia of sports legends

who all have one thing in common.

And it just so happens to be the
number one rule here at Giorgio's.

Does anybody remember what that rule is?

- Don't jizz in the minestrone soup?
- Character!

And we will need that in
spades at tonight's fundraiser.

We have been entrusted with
this event by Cass Hubbard,

a woman who is extremely important,

extremely intelligent
and extremely sensual.

Now, as we've discussed,
you will all be wearing

"Ask me about my potential" polos.

And so I'm not taken
off guard if one of you

has an extremely embarrassing potential,

I asked you all to show
me your MORPHO cards.

[COUGHS] Fascist.

[GIORGIO] Very funny,
Raymond! I'm not a fascist.

Now, line up single file
so I can inspect your cards.



"Lawyer." All right. [CLAPS HANDS]

"Real Estate Agent." Boring, but fine.

"Cartographer." A little
late in the game, but okay.

"Gum." You got "Gum"?
What does that even mean?

I have no idea.

Yeah, okay. Well, that's
a big no bueno for me.

You're back of house tonight, Gum.

"Gondolier"? Well, okay,
this pisses me off, Trina!

You got "Gondolier," and
you weren't gonna tell me?

You're in the canal tonight.
And you deserve this.


- Cassandra Hubbard, look at you!

- Stunning. Isn't she stunning?
- Yeah.

I mean, a-are you sure you're
gonna be comfortable in that?

[STAMMERS] It's not about comfort.

It's... It's about supporting
people's potentials.

Starting with Ellen, who designed
this beautiful work of art. I mean...

It is breathtaking. I mean,
obviously, to get to Giorgio's,

I'm gonna have to strap
you on the top of the car.

Okay. Wait, is that what you're wearing?

- [STAMMERS] This?
- [CASS] Yeah.

- [DUSTY] Uh, yeah.
- [CASS] Head-to-toe burgundy?

Yeah, it's good, right?

I mean, I figured I should try
and get my money's worth in wine,

and that would lead to
inevitable spillages,

so I just wanted to
make sure I was wearing

- something that best hid the stains.
- [NAT CHUCKLES] Dusty...

- I'll handle this, Cass.
- [CASS] Thank you.

Tonight isn't about
"getting your money's worth."

Tonight is about raising
money for a cause.

And, in fact, we're hoping
people will give a lot more

than just the $ ticket price.

- [ELLEN] Uh, you are?

I... I thought my
donation was the dress.

[LAUGHS] You're so funny, Ellen.

Speaking of which, could you remind
me where the money is going again?

[BOTH] Uh, the Potential Fund.

Hello? Is this thing on?

Yeah, that's where the confusion is.

Why is it a potential fund?
Why is it not just a real fund?

It is a real fund.

We just call it the "Potential Fund"

because we're supporting
people's potential.

Is that not clear?

- [NAT] I actually think that's very clear.
- [ELLEN] I don't know.

Listen. This is really
important to me, okay?

Now, I know you have your
issues with the MORPHO, okay,

- but can you do this to just support me?
- Yeah, no, o-of course.

- Yeah?
- Of course.

I mean, unless you'd rather
be hitting the punching bag

and doing whiskey sh*ts
back at Beau's garage.

No, no, I would... I... No, I
wanna be here, supporting you, %.

%. I love that.

At least.

Yeah, no, you're right.
You're right, I should change.

I should... Do you know if
I've got any fresh ironing done?

No. Doesn't matter.
Gonna be a great night.


Oho-ho! Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Hey. Bada boom, bada bing!

Look at this beautiful
bella donna in blue.

Oh... [CHUCKLES] ... stop it. Thank you.

Ah. Sorry, Dusty, to steal your thunder,

opening the door for our princess here.

Just seemed like you
were frozen stock-still.

Maybe you didn't notice I was
actually driving the car at the time.

Actually, I did notice, and
you can't park here, brother.

We're doing valet-only tonight.

Hey. Will you take my friend's
car and put him in the VIP section

at the end of the
lot, please? Thank you.

The end of the lot? There's a bunch
of empty spots right there, buddy.

- Hey, listen, Dust, come here real quick.
- Yep.

- Come here real quick.
- Just one sec.

- Hey. Um, hey, listen,

- if you wanna do me a favor...
- [CASS] Yes!

- Not really.
- ... I need someone to get some ice.

I mean, I would, but you just sent
my car the whole way over there.

Dusty, please. We need
to work together, okay?

I think we need to do
everything that we humanly can

to make tonight a success for Cass.

So, what do you say?
Can you be my Iceman?


[INHALES DEEPLY] "Ice" course I can.

I was going for a pun
with "ice" and "of course,"

- but I don't know if it really made sense.
- Hey, Gum. Gum!

Hey, go with D to get some ice.

You guys can take Gum's
van. It's right here.

Oh, amongst the empty spots.

- Gum, it's a gala, dude. A gala.
- Sorry. Yeah, sorry.

What's the story there, Xander?
Why's he keep calling you "Gum"?

- It's my MORPHO potential.
- Really?

Must be a glitch in
the system or something.

I'm sure you're meant for
better things than "Gum."

Hmm. I'm , and I work at Giorgio's.

I don't know what "Gum" means,
but it can't be too far off.

Oh, um, I'm Xander, by the way.

I realize that.

You were in my European History
class. And I just called you Xander.

S-Sick. I didn't think
you'd remember me.

Yeah, of course I remember you.

You used to always say
that I was the best teacher.

Yeah. I think I said "favorite" teacher.

- Which means the best. Right?
- Yeah.

I don't think I learned a lot, but
you were super chill. [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, we watched so many movies,

and all your tests were multiple-choice.

You know what? It's
not really the method

that matters as much as the results.

Look at you.

Working hard at Giorgio's.
Saving up. And this is part-time?

Yeah. Um, my full-time gig's music.

Ah! Cool. Are you any good?

You tell me.



[CHUCKLES] Yeah, this is all me.

- That's a person?
- Yeah!



Giorgio. O-Oh, my goodness.

This is quite the transformation.

I... I feel like I'm in some
beautiful piazza or something.

- Right? Like mi nonna's Italy.

I even shut down the arcade for you.


No. Tha... [GASPS]

- That's a real, live violin! [GASPS]

[CASS] Hi, sweetie.

Oh! Oh, when I lived in Italy,

it always felt like
there was some violin...

Playing in a square.
I remember, I remember.

Now, okay, here we go, Cassie.
Uh, the pièce de résistance.

I remember you said that
you ate gelato every day

when you were in Italy, right?

I think it was... Uh, stracciatella
was your favorite, right?


- Giorgio. Giorgio! [LAUGHS]

You have really been
listening to me, huh?

- How could I not, Cass? How could I not?

Is this a family recipe, or...

Nah, nah. We didn't have
any of this growing up.

My family's Puerto Rican,
but my stepdad, Rocco Giorgio,

he used to love it.

Wait, y-y-you took your stepdad's name?

Yeah, just his last name. I never
really knew my real dad, so...

Oh. Neither did I.

You never knew my real dad?

- No, I didn't know my dad.
- Your dad!

Yeah, that makes se...
[LAUGHS] That makes sense.

I was just... I'm sorry,
that... That's bullshit, right?

- Like...
- Mmm.

- You know, like, who would abandon a baby?
- Oh.

Which is why I'm so grateful
to my stepdad, Rocco,

- because he's the one that raised me.
- Mmm.

Maybe that's why they're
called "stepdads," right?

- 'Cause it's the good ones that step up.
- Mmm.

Nothing ever made Rocco more proud
than seeing me stop a puck or...

or eat, like, a big
bowl of pasta e fagioli.

- He would be like... [CHUCKLES]
- Mmm.


Anyway. Yeah. Enough of
this Dr. Phil cazzata.

The guests are arriving.

Hey, how about we make
tonight a night to remember?

- All right?

- Hey.

[JACOB] Hey, Mr. Hubbard.

- And Xander.
- [XANDER] What up, dude?

We need some ice.

Uh, sorry, Trina bought us out earlier.

I guess they needed more for
Giorgio's fundraiser thing.

No, no, no that's-that's not possible,

'cause Giorgio literally just
sent us here to get the ice.

This is gonna sound like
some insane conspiracy theory,

but do you think we were just sent here

so Giorgio could mack on your wife?


[STAMMERS] Giorgio can mack
on Cass all the livelong day.

Cass would never mack him back.

I mean, not when she's got a
"Teacher/Whistler" at home, right?

I wouldn't think so.

They did look good
together, didn't they?

And he's always been obsessed with
her. I think she kind of likes it.

And I am discovering,
with recent evidence,

that I may not even be a
successful teacher. [LAUGHS] So...


Quick Q, boys.

ever get that feeling

that's there's, like, a big
heavy foot on your chest?

I think that's just anxiety,
Mr. Hubbard. I get that a lot.

Should I go to the doctor?

I'd... I wouldn't recommend it.

I, personally, just smoke a ton of weed.

Do you want me to call my dealer?

Right. Cool. I'm calling my dealer.


Hi. It's your dealer.


Thank you so much for coming.

Thank you for coming to
support the Potential Fund.

Hi, Mr. Johnson.

Oh, Father Reuben, thank you, thank you.

Everyone looks so dapper...
[LAUGHS] ... and glamorous.


[IZZY] Cass. I am so glad I caught you.

I know you've been fluttering around.

I just wanna mention that some people

- seem to be a little confused...
- Mm-hmm.

... regarding the
purpose of the fundraiser,

and I didn't know what to tell them.

It's posted literally everywhere.

We're raising $ ,
for the Potential Fund

to help one special Deerfield
teen reach their MORPHO potential.

Of course. I see the butterfly now.

We're just waiting
for it to be filled up.

And can I just ask a question?

- Because people will ask me.
- Mm-hmm.

Who's the special teen?

- We don't have a special teen yet...
- Uh-huh.

... because we have to
raise the money first.

And you pick the winner?


Who better to pick than Cass, right?

[STAMMERS] Look at that,
a bright young teen,

just oozing with potential.

That's me, a young,
oozing teen. [CHUCKLES]


Oh, Cass, I don't think you
should pick your own daughter.

You know how hard I've
tried to avoid nepotism.

Yes, I do, and I'm not
going to pick Trina, okay?

But... But maybe a friend,
like... like Savannah. Right?

Savannah, she got "French."

Now, come on, wouldn't it be great
if the town supported Savannah

so she can go to France, huh?

I don't wanna go to France.

Oh. Uh...

Okay. So, someone else then.

Tonight is about the
youth of Deerfield. Okay?

It's about encouraging them
to be whatever they wanna be

and to go wherever they wanna go,

without having to worry about
how they're gonna pay for it.

Yeah, unless they
wanna go on the gondola,

- which is $ a ride tonight.
- [SCOFFS] Oh.

But don't worry, no one does, so...

[CASS] Oh, great. Just great. [SIGHS]

Whoa, look at you with all
that Blood of Christ. [SIGHS]

- [HANA] Hey.
- Also known as wine.

Okay, sorry, it's-it's a bad priest
joke, but it k*lled at seminary.

- Did it?
- No.

- No.

I haven't seen you a-at the bar.

Find somewhere else to get
extra-generous pours on the sly?

No, I-I've just been,
uh, keeping my distance.

I feel like I got a little
carried away after the wedding.

I'm taking a little
breather from drinking.

Totally get that. Yeah,
that sounds really healthy.


Well, you know, I'm just saying,
I enjoyed drinking with you,

so if you wanna come by again
sometime for a non-alcoholic drink...

I might just take you up on that.

[GIORGIO] Scusi! Scusi
for interrupting, everyone.

It is my great pleasure to introduce you

to the woman behind the Potential Fund,

- Cassandra Hubbard!

Whoo! [CHUCKLING] Whoo!


- Thank you, Giorgio.
- Of course.



There's a word that most of us
hadn't heard up until very recently.

But, without it, tonight
would not be possible.

We would not have the
music by Deirdre Seaford

- or the beautiful candles by Cal Yang...
- [ATTENDEE] Whoo!

... the centerpieces by Biker
Barry, the food by Carl...

- And that sexy dress by Ellen! Ow! Ow!

Seriously, everything
that you see here tonight

has been achieved by people
pursuing their potential.

But what about the next generation?


[GIORGIO] Oh, yeah, here it comes. Clap!

- Clap.

Yeah. Someone once told me that
I didn't have any potential.

Well, news flash. The joke
is officially on them.

Oh, God.

[GIORGIO] The MORPHO machine may
say that my potential is "superstar,"

but it's my staff that
are the real superstars.

Great night last night, as usual.

- Especially you, Chef Carl.
- Thank you, son.

Hey, Chef Carl, what's
the special tonight?

- I believe it's beef steak.

That's Dusty's dad.

[WHISPERING] Oh, dude was jacked.

I gave his modeling
agency a great review.

[GIORGIO] And I am proud of them.

As they say en Italia,
"Ogni muro è una porta."

"Every wall is a door."

And as Giorgio himself says,
"Doors are meant to be broken."

Mmm. And as they say in the Bible,
"Pride goes before destruction."

Hey, you wanna talk about pride?

The man has a bust of his
own head next to his bathtub.

- Wait, you've been in his bathroom?
- Ugh, yeah.

- We've hooked up a few times.
- Really?

And the last time was
super embarrassing.

He was so emotional after
Pat and Farid's wedding.

After the wedding?

- Well, you're not mad, are you?
- Nope.

Of course not.

[HANA] 'Cause you know it was...
it's just sex with Giorgio.

'Cause, you know, we're
not... 'Cause you're a priest.

I'm... I'm very well
aware I'm a-a priest,

I... And it's no big deal.
I'm, uh, just surprised.

[GIORGIO] Too tired
from dreaming all day.

I know a lot of people
are probably wondering

why they should give money
to the Potential Fund at all.

Like, "Hey, I've got
my own problems, man.

You want me to give some cash

to some kid who wants
to be a meteorologist?"

Well, guess what.

One day, that kid could grow up to
be a man who could stop a meteor

from hitting Earth and
destroying all the humans.

And then, wow, that $ , you gave

doesn't seem to be a bad deal after all.


At the end of the day, I just want
every living child to achieve...

like me.



[WHISPERING] I thought that
would be more about the fund,

about the kids.

No, it is. It is. W... Just wait.

Wait till we get all the...
the donation envelopes.

They're gonna be stuffed
to the brim, I know it.

Yeah, I don't... I
don't... I don't know.

[STAMMERS, SIGHS] Where is Dusty?

How long does it take to get ice?



Oh, I'm probably breaking a
million school rules right now,

- but that is some seriously dank nug.

I don't know if you still call it "dank
nug," if that's even still the term.

But whatever.

Jacob, if this sticky green skunk
is helping with your panic att*cks,

I say fly high, you silly
old goose. [CHUCKLES]

I still have anxiety.

It just sort of helps block
some of it out, you know?

What do you get anxious about?

I mean, I'm down to
get real, if you want.

I don't know.

- Well, I was sort of seeing this girl.

- Boom Shack-A-Lak!


Um, yeah. Um, it was kind of a secret,

but we decided to end it 'cause
things got really complicated.

[DUSTY] Everything's f*cking
complicated, isn't it?

The whole world's complicated.

But if you can find someone that
you wanna be with, it's a good start.

It feels like Cass just doesn't
want me around these days.

Like she's outgrown me or something.

I'm sure that's not true.

It's like she's got all of
these new secret compartments

that she's just starting to open,

and I don't have any secret
compartments, Jacob. [CHUCKLES]

Maybe I do.

And I'm just afraid to open them

because of what will get
broken in the process.

But if I don't open them,
maybe I'll lose Cass.

She got me this theremin...
[CHUCKLES] ... for my birthday.

Like, this weird-ass musical instrument.

And it was like she was
trying to send me a message.

- Did you ask why she gave it to you?
- Yeah.

She thought it would be good
for me to try something new.

Then maybe she thought it'd be
good for you to try something new.


Is it hard to learn or something?

I don't know. I've barely tried it.

Marriage sounds rough, man,

especially if she's making
you do things all the time.

Yeah. You know what?
This is the first thing

that I can think of that's
she's asked me to do,

and it wasn't even for her.

It was, like, a present for me,

along with other presents
that she thought I'd like.

And I barely even tried it.



- Uh, okay, Mom, um, don't freak out...
- Yeah?

- ... but basically no one is donating.
- I can see that, Trina.

Uh... [SCOFFS] Like, what
is wrong with these people?

Well, I think a lot of them are
saving money for their own potentials,

and they maybe thought the
ticket was the donation.

[SIGHS] Oh, this is all my fault.

Like, what was I thinking?
What was I thinking?

To put this together so quickly?

- [BREATHES SHAKILY] It's just s...
- [TRINA] What?


You can stop smiling, you know.

- Excuse me?

I'm just trying to enjoy myself.

You act like you're so perfect,
like you've never failed at anything.

I'm literally saying nothing, Cass.

[SIGHS] You were a
glorified backup dancer,

whose life's greatest achievement
was playing "Swing Number Three"

in a shitty Broadway
musical, so you can f*ck off.

Hey, what's going on?

We gonna fill in this
butterfly? [CHUCKLES]

Not even close. It's
just... It's a disaster.

What? But Cassie...
What about tonight...

[SIGHS] It's... It's over, Giorgio.

No. Look around. No one's... Look at...

Hello? Hey. Hey, what's up...

What's going on, everybody?

So, hey, it looks like we haven't
quite met our goal for tonight.

But I believe in Cass, and
I believe in this cause,

so I will personally
pledge $ of my own money

- to the Potential Fund.
- [GASPS] Nice.

Now, who's willing to
join me in making a pledge?

Come on. Come on. Who's willing?

- Come on.
- I'll give you $ .

Okay, Beau!

For that signed Rangers jersey.

[GIORGIO] Okay, well,
that's not for sale.

Come on, man. The frame
itself is worth double that.

- One-fifty.


- Sold to the bald man.

A one-of-a-kind
game-worn jersey for $ .

Fifty bucks for all
of the pictures of you.

- Okay.

Well, you can't have all of them,
but we can figure something out.


Two hundred bucks for the
wine fridge in your kitchen.

My kitchen at home? No, $ , no less.

- Sold for .
- What?

Okay. Yes.

Yes, this is going so well.

What else do y'all wanna g... I
got so much baseball shit in here.

- Who else? Who else got something?

You could buy that chair
right there. I sat in it.

Whoo, boy!

Yeah. Thank you so much for coming.


Nice choice, Izzy.

It wasn't a choice, Walter.

As mayor, I'm obliged to support

whatever bullshit we were
raising money for tonight.

- And look at Cass. She's a natural leader.

Maybe she'll follow in your
footsteps and run for office.

Over my dead f*cking body.
Follow in my footsteps?

I'm still in my footsteps.
Thank you very much.


What's up, Grizzy? May I
interest you in one last ride?

[SIGHS] No, thank you, honey.
And why are you the gondolier?

- Oh.
- Mmm.

Just fulfilling my potential.

- I thought you got "Potter."
- I did.

I just wanted to mess with
Giorgio, and it was way too easy.

- You made this?
- Yeah.

Jacob had some blanks, and
I used my mom's vinyl cutter.

- I think even she forgot I got "Potter."

[IZZY] Yeah, well, she's
having her moment, isn't she?

But good for her if
she wants to dress up,

play princess and gallivant with
local bachelors for the night.



Like, I still can't believe
you sold all your stuff.

- Mmm.

Like, we could not have
made our goal without you.


- It was an historic night.

[CASS] Mm-hmm.

And not just because we had
the first female gondolier

in the history of Giorgio's.

I always said we wouldn't do it
here until they did it in Venice.

I think they did do it in
Venice a while ago actually.

- I don't know. I've never been. [CHUCKLES]
- Me neither.

I would always love to go, though.

When I did a semester in Italy...

[SIGHS] ... I swear, I
could've stayed forever.

Why didn't you?

'Cause I guess I felt like I needed
to get back for Dusty, you know?

[INHALES DEEPLY] His mom was
sick, and we wanted to get married

so that she could be there in
case she, you know, didn't make it.

- Which she did, which is great.
- Mmm.

And then we had Trina. And then...

Have you ever seen
the movie Sliding Doors

starring the actress Gwyneth Paltrow?

No. But I get it. [CHUCKLES]

I sometimes wonder
what would've happened

if I went through a sliding door
and not been a hockey player.


I never told you this, but...

when I suffered permanent nerve
damage to my catching hand...

- [CHUCKLES] Giorgio, you did tell me this.
- No, no, no.

The part I never told
you was that the reason

why I was going so hard
in the gym that night

is because I just heard that you
and Dusty were getting married.

I don't know. I guess I just
wanted to make the pain go away,

only it got worse.

When I got that card and
it said "superstar"...

I was acting like, "Yeah, you
know, that's me, that's who I am."

But the truth is, I haven't been
a superstar for a real long time.

I peaked, man.

I gave up everything.

I gave up being a kid because I
thought I had to go pro, and I...

Then it was all gone.

It was over just like that.

But I would give it up,

just like my glove and
my jerseys and my balls,

my signed balls...

I would give it all up just for
one chance to be with you, Cass.


- [TRINA] Hey.

Ready to go home?

[STAMMERS] Yeah. Yes.

... I'm coming, sweetie.

- Wait, wait. Let me help you ashore.
- No, Giorgio.

Um, Gr... Grazie.


Hey. How did it all go?

You never came back.

You went to get ice, and you
just... You just bailed on me.


I'm sorry.

It's fine. It's fine. I'm not even mad.

I ju... I just... I
really needed you there.

Mmm. [SIGHS]





[GIORGIO] Hey, Cass.

I know that we didn't get
to finish our conversation...

- Giorgio, you can just stop now.
- [GIORGIO]... but I just wanted to say...

- Okay, but, Cass you have to know that...
- [CASS] Giorgio. Just stop.

No more.