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04x14 - Tongues Out

Posted: 04/26/23 14:04
by bunniefuu
doing this in your office.

Sure, why not?

Well, I expected that maybe...
yeah, I don't know.

What, an interrogation room?

Well, you call me up
on the phone and you insinuate

that my girlfriend's husband
got m*rder*d

right after I finished puttin'
my fist through his chest.

You were trying to save him.

Please, take a seat.

Besides, that's not what k*lled him.

None of what I'm about to tell you
has yet been made public.

But given the family name involved,

that's about to change,
and quickly, too.

Normally, I don't give
this level of detail

to someone who's romantically
involved with my prime suspect.

But not only do I know you,
we're about to become family.

And I just wanna make sure that you have

all the information you need
to make wise decisions.

That's the autopsy report

of Kendra Harrington's recently
deceased husband, Brett Collier.

- He froze to death.
- GABRIEL REYES: Yeah, he did.

Middle of the page.

He had pulmonary edema,
fluid in the lungs.

Which means he lost the ability
to breathe before he died.

The reason he didn't
get out of that cryo chamber

is because he couldn't.
He was paralyzed.

Paralyzed how?

We have yet to identify the neurotoxin.

Somebody wanted to make it
look like an accident.

"Somebody" being Kendra.

GABRIEL: Nine times
out of ten, it is the spouse.

Sometimes, it's the spouse's lover.

But you didn't k*ll him, did you, Owen?

Uh, no.

And I am not her lover.

I broke it off with her
before it happened.



did you happen to give her a reason?

(ominous music playing)

I told her I didn't wanna be
with a married woman.

Well, problem solved.

Look, Kendra's not going to
k*ll somebody to be with me.

Could be that she liked it.

Maybe she did it once before.

This is Logan Daniels.

Kendra Harrington's first husband.

They got married
straight out of college.

It was short-lived, and so was he.

He fell from a hotel balcony
while they were honeymooning in Cancun.

Other hotel guests said they
heard raised voices, fighting.

She says she was in the shower
and that he just had a few too many.

Of course, his folks
didn't buy any of that BS

and, well, the federales didn't
think to ask too many questions.

Look, you ended it with her.

That's good.

Meaning that your, uh,
association with her

ended a lot better
than it did for those guys.

My advice?

If you wanna make it
to your son's wedding,

stay away from her.

Kendra Harrington is bad news.

hey, Cap. Where have you been?

I've been trying to get a hold of you.

Uh, sorry, I had my phone off.
Uh, what's up?

Your girlfriend Kendra
called the house line

and said she was trying to get
through to you on your cell,

- but she needs to speak to you...
- Okay, if she calls again,

you need to tell her
that I'm not available.

Okay, but, I... The thing is...

No, no buts. And tell everyone, alright?

I don't wanna get into it,

but I can't speak to her right now.


♪ ♪

You shouldn't be here.

They think I m*rder*d him, don't they?

I'm not sure what "they"
you're talking about.

Don't, Owen.

You've been icing me ever since
you got that call at your house.

It was a cop, wasn't it?

Texas Ranger, actually.

And he's more family than friend.

He's looking out for me.

Told you to keep your distance
from the Black Widow?

I knew it.

They've been blowing up my phone.

The Rangers.

What are they saying?

I don't know.
I'm not answering their calls.

Why not? What are you afraid of?

It's always the spouse, isn't it?

Come on, Owen. You know me.

You know I could never hurt anybody.

Not even Logan Daniels?

(ominous music)

The Ranger told you about him.

He thought a dead husband
spoke to precedent.

I loved Logan.

And what happened to him was a tragedy.

Made worse when everyone in the world,

from the media to his family

and even some of mine, judged me

and spread rumors and lies about me

without a single piece of evidence

to suggest it was anything
other than what it was.

A terrible accident.

You have to admit that the men
in your life seem prone to them.

You know, I've never felt
as alone as I did

after Logan died, until now.

Does it look bad to have
a second husband die suddenly?

Of course, it does.

But why would I k*ll Brett?

You told me yourself.
You wanted out of the marriage.

We had an ironclad prenup.

I could have sent him away
with million

and never missed a penny of it.
Why would I risk it?

Maybe because you didn't want
the publicity of a messy divorce?

Because being a m*rder suspect
is so much better?

I swear on my brother's soul,

I did not do this.

I believe you.

Thank you. (exhales)

(cell phone buzzing)

It's the Rangers.

- Should I pick up?
- Don't answer it.

In fact, turn your phone off.

- (buzzing continues)
- Are you sure?

Whatever they're asking you now
is just to build a case against you.

(phone screen lock clicks)

Okay. But I can't hide
from them forever.

Not forever. Just until
we can find some evidence

on who really k*lled Brett.

And how are we gonna do that?

Lucky for us, I know a guy.

Betrayal. Deceit.


Look around, friends.

Because one among you
is capable of all three.

Bro, don't you think you're
overreacting just a little?

One of my brothers, or sisters,
took something precious from me.

So tell me, Mateo,
how am I supposed to react?

Uh, we are still talking about
a pudding cup here, right?

Not a pudding cup. My last pudding cup.

(jazzy espionage music playing)


Especially because all of y'all know

if I don't get my sweet
treats, I get grumpy!

(quietly) I'd say grumpy
has officially arrived.

I heard that, Nancy.

- I should get back to patrol.
- Uh-uh.

I don't hear no radios squawkin'.

Nobody's leaving here
until the culprit is unmasked.

Alright, look, how do you know
it wasn't somebody from B-shift?

Deflecting much, TK?

I know it wasn't B-shift,
because my man Gregg

always takes the trash out
before we come in.

MARJAN: And what if Gregg forgot?

I have rotated the chore chart
more than a few times recently.

He didn't forget.

And your fingerprints
are all over this, Marjan.

I didn't eat your pudding cup, Paul.

I know you didn't,

but your micromanagement
is the key to solving who did.

Now, you recently switched the positions

of the trash can and the
recycle bin, did you not?

I did. Last Thursday.

And this pudding cup
was found in the trash.

Now, I happen to know that
all of y'all in here recycle.

So that means that
the guilty party was not aware

that the bins had been switched.

So that leaves only one suspect.

Isn't that right, Officer Reyes?

(group snickering)

Come on, Paul.

Take off the tinfoil hat.

- It wasn't Carlos.
- He's right. It was me.

(all gasp)


I could say I thought it was community,
but that would be a lie.

The truth is, I was peckish
and I wanted pudding.

And I didn't care
whose pudding I had to take

in order to get it.

(chuckling) And you know what?

It was delicious.

- Monster!
- OWEN: Paul.

You are a monster! What?

Could we have a word?

GRACE RYDER: "Looking for a reason"

"to bring charges against Jesus,

"they asked Him, 'Is it lawful
to heal on the Sabbath?'

"He said to them,
"'If any of you has a sheep

"'and it falls into
a pit on the Sabbath,

will you not take hold of it
and lift it out?'"

Thank you, Grace.

Now, what do we think
Jesus meant by that?

He's sayin', watch your step.

Thank you, Sister Lydia.

I suppose that's true. Anyone else?

That people are better than sheep.

Okay, but I think there's still more

that we can mine from this passage.

Oh, I-I think Jesus meant
that there's a greater good

than following the letter of the law.

And sometimes there are
folk with bad intent

who will use a good law to trip you up.

TREVOR PARKS: Excellent, Sister Vega.

Spoken like a true biblical scholar.

- Oh, wow.
- Preacher's pet.

TREVOR: Uh, it is way past time.

Why don't we close out in prayer?


So... Evie, Izzy,

how did you enjoy the study?

Mm. It was okay.

- Hmm. I'll take "okay."
- (Tommy chuckles)

Oh, Reverend Parks,
you forgot your laundry in our dryer.

Oh. Thank you.

And I promise this is not a ploy

to get my laundry folded.

- Oh.
- Alright.

LYDIA: Well, that answers one question.

Mm-hmm. Briefs.

And begs so many others.

I believe Reverend Parks

is filling her with more
than the Holy Spirit.

JANICE: I think you're right. Mm!

LYDIA: Mm-hmm. Look at her smiling.

♪ ♪

Okay, so, everything okay?

(Grace sighs)

Not really, Tommy,
if I'm being honest, okay?

'Cause I gotta tell you something,

and I just didn't want
the sun to go down

on another day without me doing so.

Well, that sounds ominous.
What's goin' on?

Okay, so, remember
the other day at Bible study

when Trevor, uh,
his unmentionables fell to the floor?

- You caught that? Oh.
- GRACE: Mm-hmm.

And not just me, but Lydia and Janice,

that whole little old lady g*ng
that they have.

And I overheard them
saying some unkind things.

How unkind are we talking?

Lydia said that she believed
that the pastor

was filling you with more than
just the Holy Spirit.

(deep sigh, then chuckles)

You know, I... I gotta
hand it to that old bird.

That's good.

- Tommy.
- That's good. (laughing)

No. No, it's not funny.

- Oh, come on. Yes, it is.
- Uh, no, listen,

they cannot just be
gossiping and talking about you,

and disrespecting you like that.

- Who cares?
- GRACE: Well, uh...

Well, I care for one, okay?
As your friend.

And you should care
because they are on a group chat

with, like, half the congregation, T.

Alright, okay, just.
Let's... Wait a minute.


Do you remember
when I-I brought you my concerns

about dating our pastor

and how that would
set the hens to clucking

and, well, who was it
that told me to let them cluck?

- Oh, that was me.
- Hmm.

GRACE: I told you that, okay?
And I meant it when I said it.

But not in front of me, okay?

I do not like hearing them
talk about you like that, okay?

I'm-I'm sorry.

TOMMY: Alright. Okay. Honey.

(inhales deeply)

If it makes you so uncomfortable,
then you should say something.

Well, I could say something.

- Good. Go for it.
- Eh, well, I might.

You have my blessing.

GRACE: Okay, so, like,
let's say I go in there

and I do set them straight...


Which I'm probably going to.

- Okay, good.
- Okay?

- TOMMY: Hmm.
- So...

I guess I'm just trying
to make sure that I am, in fact,

uh, setting them straight.



Did you just ask me
if I'm sleeping with our pastor?

(laughs) Me...


No, ma'am. Okay?

That is not something I would ever
just come out and ask you like that.

That's... It's your business.

That's right.

But you...

I mean, you're not
gonna tell me, though?

(exhales) Okay.

I think that you should do
whatever you think you need to do.

- GRACE: Mm-hmm?
- And, um, well, I'm just

gonna keep doing what I'm doing.

(inhales) Whatever that may be.


♪ ♪

(tense music playing)

Now you say your husband
was just getting in this thing

the last time you saw him?

Yes. I told him it was
a bad idea with his broken arm,

but he didn't wanna hear it.

And this toxin the cops say
they found in his system,

they haven't said what it was?

No, just that it was poison,
but the poison didn't k*ll him.

Yeah, because he froze to death first.


- Hmm.
- What, you see something?

No, it's what I don't see,
that's what's interesting.

I mean, look, there's
no scratch marks on the door.

No dents, there's no
scuff marks down here.

I mean, the only signs of distress

are from where we popped
it open with the Halligan.

So you're saying
he didn't try to get out?

No. Whatever he was dosed with,

when it hit him, it hit him fast.

- Incapacitated him.
- So you're saying

someone must have come in here

while I was out on my run
and poisoned him?

No. No, uh...

My best guess is that he was poisoned

, minutes before
he even got in that thing.

He didn't even know he was dosed.


So all we've managed to do
is discredit my alibi,

because the only person
who was in the house with him

at that time was me.

Kendra, it's a big house.
Somebody could have been in here

and you'd never have known.

Hey, these security cameras,

- you have 'em all over the property?
- Yes.

Okay, then we need to see all
the footage from that afternoon.

Maybe we'll catch
the real k*ller on his way in

after you went for your run.

- Shh.
- (Brady whining)

- You hear that?
- (whining continues)


(whining continues)


(Brady whines)

How are you doing, buddy?

Anytime Brett travels,
he curls up on his clothes

and waits for Daddy to come home.


Wonder if he knows
he's never coming home.

(Brady panting)

- You think he wants a treat?
- Yeah.

Uh, Brett keeps 'em stashed
all over the house.

Over here, right?

(Brady panting)


KENDRA: Of course, you did.


Obstinate jerk.

Every year I make him promise
not to get me anything,

and every year he breaks it.

It's my birthday Saturday.


(dramatic Western music plays)

Uh, Cap?

- Isn't that, uh...
- Texas Rangers.

(doorbell dings)

Texas Rangers. Open up.

That's her vehicle.

(car engine revving)

(tires squealing)

Or one of them.


- Plenty, but not anything we need.
- Not yet.

PAUL: I'm still working on the theory

that your husband
was poisoned to minutes

before he got in the cryo chamber,
which was around : .

When I left for my run.

Yeah, so the pool cleaners
were done by : .

Lawn guys by : .

And you say that
your housekeeper was off?

- Yes.
- That's it.

I mean, I don't see
anybody else in the proximity,

much less entering or exiting the house.

Let's expand the timeline.

PAUL: Well, Cap, if he had been dosed

more than minutes
before he got in that thing,

Kendra would have seen the signs.

Maybe the poison was slower acting.

Alright, so let's go back
to the beginning

and look at everything.

PAUL: Okay, we can do that.

- (knock on door)
- Oh.

- That's the Pad Thai.
- (cell phone buzzing)

This is Gabriel.

Hey, Gabriel.

Uh, I am out running some errands,

um, getting some Thai food.

Yeah, well, um, how can I help... you?

GABRIEL: Ran into the
delivery guy in the driveway.

He was admiring
that fancy orange Porsche

you got parked there.

(sighs deeply)

What do I owe ya?

How about an explanation?

PAUL: Hey, hey, Cap.

I got something you should see here.

Uh, guys?

- Hi.
- You know Major Reyes, Texas Ranger.

Paul Strickland.

You recruited one of your
firefighters into this mess?

- He sees things.
- Hmm.

Miss Harrington,
you're a hard one to find.

Uh, my phone's off.

Is it?

Hey, Major, uh,
before you read her her rights,

I really think there's something
you should see here.

Alright, so Brett Collier
leaves his house

at : yesterday morning.

He's taking the dog for a walk.

Yeah, and then he returns
about an hour later at : .

So what's that
supposed to prove exactly?

I think that it's in that hour

that he was dosed with the neurotoxin

that caused him
to get trapped in that chamber.

- He seems fine.
- Yeah, he seems fine.

But look.

Oh, that's not a sad dog.
It's a sick dog.

PAUL: Exactly. I think something
happened in the time between

when he left with the dog
and when he came back.

GABRIEL: So you're
saying whoever poisoned

Brett Collier poisoned the dog, too?

So why is the dog still alive?

Well, you said it wasn't the poison
that k*lled Brett, remember?


I said it to you.

But it's true.

The poison didn't k*ll him.
It just incapacitated him.

You think the dog met the k*ller?

I don't know. We should ask him.


And take him to the vet.

(Sway by Dean Martin
plays on record player)

♪ Dance with me ♪

♪ Make me sway ♪

Who knew the reverend could cut a rug?

Oh, I'm just following your lead.

(Tommy chuckles)

Now, aren't you feeling just
the least bit guilty right now?

- What for?
- Well, the girls are in school,

and most grown-ups are at work.

And here we are...

on a day date. (chuckles)

- Your boyfriend has to work Sundays.
- Hmm.

He's allowed to take
a Thursday afternoon off.

TOMMY: Oh. (chuckles)

- Oh, nice.
- (Trevor laughs)

Okay, but see... (sighs)

Thursdays are supposed
to be my cardio day.

Well, let's see what we can do

about getting that heart rate up.

♪ When we sway I go weak ♪


- Mm-hmm.

- Hmm. Careful.
- (Trevor chuckles)

We don't wanna make
truth-tellers out of those...

(sharp inhale) old little
chatty biddies at church.

- What do you mean?
- Mm, no.

Nothing. Forget it.

Have people been talking?


I mean... (chuckling) inevitably, yes.



Grace overheard Lydia and Janice

and a-a few of the other
busybodies gossiping.

- About us?
- Yeah.

♪ I can hear the sounds of violins ♪

♪ Long before... ♪

(chuckles) Okay, you can't...

You can't say you're surprised.

Um, this is why I hesitated

before saying yes on our first date.

We knew tongues would wag.
We decided we didn't care.

I don't remember deciding that.

What are they saying?

Does it matter?

Yes, it matters.


Lydia's husband is
on the board of elders.

Trust me, Tommy, it matters.

They're saying I've crossed a line?

Uh, no. More like, uh,
you were dragged across it,

by a scarlet woman.

Well, that's not okay.

It's water off a scarlet duck's back.

(laughs) Okay.

I don't care what those
fish wives are saying about me.

And it's nobody's business
what happens between us.

I'm a pastor of a congregation.

It is their business.

- We've done nothing wrong.
- Doesn't matter.

It's like they say, a lie
goes halfway around the world

before the truth gets its pants on.

But you've kept your
pants on the whole time.

(Trevor sighs)

♪ Make me thrill as only you know how ♪

- Trevor.
- TREVOR: You don't understand, Tommy.

This is...

♪ Sway me now ♪

This is why I had to leave
the pastorate in Kansas.

♪ Sway me smooth ♪

It started with the gossip.

Nasty rumors swirling around
about my wife

and the choir director.

It was humiliating
for her, for him, for me,

and most of all, for Melody.

Oh, poor kid.

The worst part? It was all true.

(song ends, record player scratching)

"For if a man know
not how to rule his own house,"

"how shall he take care
of the church of God?"

I will never forget that passage.

The elder board quoted it to me
when they removed me as pastor.

I am... I'm so sorry
you had to go through that.

TREVOR: I can't let it
happen again, Tommy.

I can't let it happen to Melody again.

No, of course not.

(record continues scratching)


- TREVOR: Tommy.
- (sighs)

These past few months
have been incredible.

I have never met anyone like you before.

Oh, and you never will again.

I know.

(Tommy sighs)

I know.

(Tommy sighs)

Don't let them do this to you.

Don't let them do this to us.

(record scratching)

I'm sorry.

(door opens)

(door shuts)

OWEN: Hmm.

(bird squawking)

That's interesting.

What's that, Cap?

It says here that you can
feed your bearded dragon live grubs.

The boys just got one. Bearded dragon.

And, uh, they hate feeding it
the live crickets.

Have you met him?

The bearded dragon,
not Carlos, obviously.

GABRIEL: I know what
you're trying to do. Don't bother.

I'm not here as your consuegro.

I'm here purely on business.

Consuegro? What is that?

It means in-law.

But the English
really doesn't do it justice.

I'm looking for Brady's owner.

- Kendra.
- KENDRA: Hmm.

Uh, that's me. Is he okay?

any hemorrhaging or vomiting.

Brady has depressed respiration
and impaired motor function.

I usually only see symptoms
like that in farm dogs.

Farm dogs? What gets them sick?

- Pesticides, usually.
- OWEN: Oh.

Does that sound like something
he could have access to?

(ominous music playing)

Is there something you wanna tell us?

(horse neighs)

(scoffs) She said, "A shed."

(Paul sputters)

Most guys have a man cave,

Brett had this.

(Owen whistles)

PAUL: Your husband was a horticulturist?

KENDRA: He called this his Zen space.

I can see why.
This is an exquisite collection.

Pteris fern.

Calathea roseopicta.

"Kendra plant."

He named one after you?

It's a Nepenthes.

Brett had a dark sense of humor.

It's carnivorous.

Not the most flattering comparison

a husband could make
concerning his wife.

KENDRA: I never claimed
we had a perfect relationship.

GABRIEL: Well, I never assumed you did.

Well, looky what we have here.

Carbamate-based insecticide.

"Muscle paralysis,
suffocation or death."

In concentrated form,
that's your m*rder w*apon.

- GABRIEL: Maybe.
- OWEN: Maybe?

What else are we looking for?
Those are all the symptoms.

GABRIEL: What, the
k*ller just left it for us to find?

That's convenient.
And I don't trust convenient.

It's a greenhouse.
There'd be insecticide.

Or maybe it has nothing
to do with our case.

Alright, well, I'll just have
forensics sweep the place

and test any toxins

against what we found
in Mr. Collier's system.

It's going to be a match.

I know who did this.

I know who k*lled Kendra's husband.


Kendra's husband.

GABRIEL: Really? Kendra's husband.

He k*lled himself. How do you figure?

Security footage showed him leaving
his house the morning of his death

and then returning about an hour later.

I think he came here.

I think after getting
his arm crushed under the SUV,

he needed a little horticulture therapy.

Was your husband right-handed?


So he was working with one wing,

and it wasn't his dominant one.

So it looks like

he tried to fill
his little mister bottle here,

made a mess of it

and got the contaminant
all over himself.

Now, an interesting fact about
carbamate-based toxins is

they don't need to be ingested
for them to k*ll you.

You get enough of it
on your skin, absorb it,

it'll do the same thing.

- It'll just take longer.
- (Owen chuckles)

It's an interesting theory.

PAUL: More than a theory.
We have a witness.

- The dog.
- The dog.

The dog didn't get into the poison.

The poison got into the dog

the same way it got into Brett,

through his skin.

- He pet the dog.
- Brett pet the dog.

But by the time he did,
he had already wiped most of it off.

Or rubbed it in.

Which is why Brady
only got a little bit sick.

But your husband absorbed
a significant amount.

I doubt he even really
realized anything was wrong

until the paralytic took hold
and he couldn't breathe.

But by then it was too late,
and the only thing he could do,

was freeze to death.

(keypad beeping)

- Who are you calling?
- (line ringing)

The lab. And the medical examiner.

(line ringing)

Well, I guess
whatever happened in Kansas

must have been pretty bad.

Well, it ended in divorce

and caused him to relocate
to another state, so...

Oh, Gracie, you were right.

Gossip. It's-it's an insidious thing.

And it doesn't matter
if it's true or not.

I mean, we may as well
have done the deed

for all the good our restraint did us.


Okay. Alright.

Yes. Yes. Still pure.

- Yeah.
- TOMMY: And still nobody's business.

GRACE: Oh, yes, ma'am.

Uh, you're right. I never said it was.

But, listen, I think I'm...

I think I may have to start
shopping for a new home church.

- Tommy. Stop it.
- T, come on.

No, guys, no, I-I-I can't go back there.

No, y... He couldn't look me
in the eye when he left.

I'm supposed to face that every Sunday?

No, and, and who wants
to be lectured to...

for an hour every week
by the guy that dumped you?

I'm not sure we can say
that he dumped you, Tommy,

because it sounds like
he's just having a weak moment,

which doesn't mean...

that you also have to be having one.

(Tommy sighs)


Well, according to the ME,

the insecticide is a perfect match

for the toxins found in Brett's system.

And the forensics lab just found
traces of it on the sling

and the soft cast he was wearing.

Which confirms that Brett
poured it on himself.

Exactly what Paul said.

GABRIEL: You knocked this
outta the park, Firefighter Strickland.

I told you he was the best.

Uh, so-so what does this mean
for the investigation?

It means the investigation's over.

We're officially ruling it
as an accidental death.

You're free to go.

(Kendra sighs)

Thank you.

- Thank you all.
- Oh, you're welcome.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

I appreciate that, Major.

Hey, Owen, why don't you
uh, stick around a second?

OWEN: Well, I guess that proves
that our training isn't always right.

Sometimes when there's smoke,
there is no fire,

and you don't have to thank me.

Thank you?

What I'd like to do is charge you.

Charge me with what? (scoffs)

GABRIEL: How about interfering
with an investigation?

Or obstruction of justice?

Except if I do that,
I'd have to charge myself, too,

because I'm the idiot who trusted a guy

not to wag his tongue
with confidential information.

Come on, Gabriel.
No justice was obstructed here.

Come on, we solved the case for you.

I mean, not that you
wouldn't have... eventually.

Like it or not, you and me,
we're gonna be related soon.

So let's get one thing clear.

The next time you decide
to go behind my back,

you better have the cojones
to do it to my face.

See you at the wedding.

(knock on door)

- Hey.
- Hi.

Is that spare bedroom still open?

I don't think I can sleep alone
in that house tonight.

Sure. Come in.

KENDRA: And...

just to get everything out on the table,

is it okay if for now
we keep things friends?

I'd be shocked if you didn't need time.

And I never turn my back on a friend.

Particularly when the friend
is bringing booze.

(Kendra chuckles)

Actually, that's from Brett.

I went back and opened
that gift bag we found.

- OWEN: Mm-hmm?
- That's what was in it.

London Dry. Nice.

Brett and I met in London,

and that's where
he first introduced me to it.

I think we should
pour one out for Brett.

I'd like that.

I'll get the glasses.

- (indistinct chatter)
- (clinks bottle)

TK: I thought before
we start game night,

we could make a very special toast

- to the man of the hour, Paul.
- CARLOS: Hey!

Come on, guys.
You don't have to do that.

CARLOS: Yes, we do.

You keep an innocent woman out of jail,
raise a glass in your honor.

And not for nothing. You
saved my dad's love life, so...

To Paul.

The man who sees it all.


NANCY GILLIAN: Hear, hear.

Well, thank you. I appreciate it.

But you don't seem happy about it.

What's eating at you?

I don't know, it's... (sighs)

You know, like,
when you just finish a puzzle

and there's a piece missing

and you just can't stop
thinking about it?

Yeah. So what's the missing piece?

I don't know, it's just
buried in my brain.

guys, I just realized in this case,

it actually was
the one-armed man that did it,

but he did it to himself.

It's kinda wild, right?

NANCY: Brett was an odd duck,

but he seemed like a nice guy.

Yeah. I mean, who rotates
their wife's tires?

Now, that's true love.

(Paul chuckles) Well,
it was her birthday, so...

Baby, if you ever decide

that it's an appropriate birthday gift
to rotate my tires,

know that it is not.

TK: Alright, Paul, set it up.

No, it was her birthday.

- What?
- Her birthday! That's it. Th...

I found the last piece.

- Oh, my God.
- (keypad beeping)


(line ringing)

(cell phone buzzing)

Hey, Paul. What's up?

Hey, uh, listen, you gotta
get a hold of Kendra.

- What's going on?
- PAUL (on phone): Remember that bottle

of birthday something that she
found stashed in her bedroom?

Uh, yeah?

PAUL: Yeah, tell her not to open it.

OWEN: Why?

PAUL: Because I think Brett poisoned it.

I think he was trying
to k*ll her all along.

- Do not let her drink it.
- She just did.

PAUL: Wait a minute.
What? What? She's with you?

KENDRA: Oh... (clears throat)

- PAUL: Hey, Cap.
- Owen, I...

I don't feel so...

Oh. Owen. (gasps) I don't... (gasps)

I don't feel so... (gasps)


- (choking)
- Look at me. Look at me. Can you?

Uh, Mateo, Mateo,
I need you to call - - , okay?

Tell them to send a RA unit
to Captain Strand's house

and tell them they have a victim
who just ingested a lethal dose

of carbamate-based insecticide.

Alright, yo, Cap.

OWEN: Kendra, Kendra, it's okay.

- PAUL: Captain Strand?
- Look at me. Look at me.

- Can you hear me?
- Owen, I... (gasps)

- PAUL: Hey, Cap.
- Call - - !

Cap, I already did.
Okay, rescue's on the way.

And in the meantime,
I have Nancy and TK here, okay?

Dad. What's her symptoms?
Is she still conscious?

Okay. (shushing)

- Okay. It's alright.
- TK: Dad?

Eyes are open. Pupils are pinpoint.

She's losing motor function
pretty quickly.

NANCY: That's the paralytic taking hold.

You need to turn her head to the side
to make sure she doesn't choke.


- (gasping)
- Okay. Done.

NANCY: Alright. So how's her breathing?

Do you see her chest rising?

Respiration's slowing.

(dramatic music playing)


She stopped breathing.

Yo, Mateo, where's the bus?

They're saying three minutes.

Starting rescue breaths.

Whoa, Dad, Dad, do not do that.

The poison is on her lips.
It will k*ll you, too.

Then tell 'em to get ready
for two victims.

TK: No, Dad!


Come on, come on, you gotta breathe.

- TK: Dad.
- You gotta breathe.

♪ ♪

(Owen coughs)


♪ ♪

- I'm right here.
- (siren wailing)


We're coming in.

Guys, I'm in here.

PARAMEDIC : Step aside, please.

We got it from here, sir.
We got it from here.

Quickly. Let's set up right over here.

We need to get her vitals.

PARAMEDIC : I'll start BVM.

Start a line. Push a mill of atropine.

PARAMEDIC : Get the pulse ox. Quick.

Let's get the IV going.

Pulse ox secured.

It's at . Dropping.

PARAMEDIC : IV secured.

PARAMEDIC (voice echoes):
We're losin' her.

PARAMEDIC (echoes): Go again.

(oxygen hissing)

PARAMEDIC : Getting no response.

PARAMEDIC : Heart rate is slowing.


PARAMEDIC (echoes):
We're losing vitals.

TK (echoes): Dad, answer me.

(gasps deeply)

I've got voluntary respirations.


- She's coming back.
- (Kendra gasping)

Let's prep her for transport.

How do you feel?

Dizzy, and really nauseous.

(inhales deeply)
But I'm glad to see you.

Owen, what you did for me...

It was no big deal.

I literally gave you the kiss of death.

I can think of worse ways to go.

(slight chuckle)

(Paul clears throat)

Oh. And there are three of them.

So, um, walk me through it
one more time.

(scoffs) Alright,
which part is confusing?

The beginning and-and the stuff
in the middle.

And the end.

- (Carlos chuckles)
- Oh, come on, Dad.

- It's so simple.
- I had no trouble following it.

It really is
pretty straightforward, Owen.

You're saying that Paul's theory
on the case is all wrong?

What? No. My theory was rock solid.

But you're saying there was no m*rder*r.

- There wasn't.
- Then why am I in a hospital bed?

Are you dead?

Well, that's a good point.

Brett was a would-be k*ller.

He tried and failed more than once.

O-Okay, but how do you know?

- The bolt cutters.
- The bolt cutters?

The bolt cutters we found
in the greenhouse.

(jazzy espionage music playing)

PAUL: Who uses bolt
cutters to prune exotic plants?

- Nobody.
- PAUL: Exactly.

So then I thought back to the accident.

- In the cryo chamber.
- (beeps)

The other one.

Oh. When-when he spilled
the-the poison on himself.

Before that.

In the... car?


I always found it odd
that a guy worth over a billion dollars

was rotating his own tires.

Except he wasn't.

Kendra was the only one
who drove that car.

So then it dawned on me,

what if he was actually
trying to cut the brake line?

The bolt cutters.

PAUL: It would explain why his arm

- got crushed by the chassis...
- (Brett screaming)

PAUL: and not the wheel well.

It's an interesting theory.

KENDRA: After Paul walked me through it,
I checked with the mechanic.

It's confirmed.

Brakes were cut.

And he only had to
walk you through this once?

So, I-I understand how the
bolt cutters get you to the car,

but how does the car
get you to the gin bottle?

I just figured if a guy
is trying to m*rder his wife,

why would he buy her an expensive
bottle of gin for her birthday?

To be used in the next attempt.

And the bottom circumference
of that type of gin bottle

just happens to be . centimeters,

which is about the same size
as that ring stain

we found on his work table.

So I was right about
how he spilled it on him,

just wrong about
what he was spilling it into.

Thank God for you, Strickland.

Okay, so what about motive?

You don't need to prove motive
to close a case.

Yeah, but the ending isn't
as satisfying without one.

Well, I mean, I can think of
about two billion motives.

KENDRA: He didn't do it for the money.

He did it because he loved me.

And he finally realized
I didn't love him.

Something changed.

Owen walked into my world,
and things kinda blew up.

GABRIEL: Owen tends to have that effect.

But then when the chips
are down, he comes through.

The last time we spoke,
I implied that you were

lacking in intestinal fortitude.

Clearly, I was wrong.

Yeah, I think the word
you used was "cojones."

That does sound more like you.

(Gabriel chuckles)

Well, peace offering.

- You can check the seal.
- OWEN: I'll do you better.

Why don't you take the first drink?

- (Gabriel laughs)
- You know, Gabriel, I think

we're gonna be great consuegros.

Me, too.


It's like in-laws.

Only better.


♪ Go, tell it on the mountain ♪

♪ Over the hills and everywhere ♪

You okay?

Yeah. It's just, um...

It's not the same without
T and the girls, that's all.

No, it ain't.

♪ Christ is ♪

♪ Born ♪

- (cheering)
- Oh, say amen.

- ALL: Amen.
- TREVOR: Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you very much.


That was some joyful noise
worthy of the mountaintop.


(congregation murmurs)

At this time, uh, Sister Lydia
will come to the pulpit

and read for us Paul's letter.

(echoing footsteps)

TREVOR: Uh, to the, um...

(congregation murmuring)

Oh, my God.

Keep your seat, sister.

(congregation murmuring)

(mouths) Oh, my God.

You won't mind if I do
the reading today, will you?

I feel the Holy Spirit calling me.

Thank you, Reverend.

(Tommy inhales deeply)

I woke up this morning

with some passages in my head

that I, uh, I hope will inspire you all

this fine morning.


"They learn to be idle
wandering from house to house."

"And not only idle
but tattlers speaking things"

"which they ought not."

"Keep thy tongue from evil"

"and thy lips from speaking guile."

"Whoever secretly slanders
his neighbor,"

"him, I will destroy."

"The one who has a haughty look

"and a proud heart,

him, I will not endure."

Which, I-I think is-is
God's way of saying,

"If you can't say something nice,

keep your damn mouth shut."

(crowd gasps)

TOMMY: Lydia.


Oh, and you, with the funny hat,

whose name I can't ever remember.

- (murmuring)
- Uh, Tommy?

I'm not finished.

Out there in the world,

there is plenty of pain and tragedy

and just plain meanness to go around.


I see it every day on the job.

I'm out there fighting it.

But when we come through those doors,

we should leave those things outside.

I shouldn't feel like
I have to fight it in here too.

But I will.

But what I will not do
is I will not be shamed.

And I will not be driven
from this place.


(gentle music playing)


Reverend, you can have your pulpit back.

(all gasp)

Get it, Dad.

(both chuckling)

I love you, Tommy Vega.

It's a hot Mic.

(Tommy chuckles)


(woman whoops)

That's my friend.

♪ ♪