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06x15 - The Window

Posted: 04/26/23 04:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Nell, you're still here.

Oh, mr. Broderick, I'll be out in just a minute.

I was just looking out of my window.

I'm gonna miss that window.

Well, frankly, I was hoping you'd change your mind.

You're a good assistant editor, nell.

Why, you made that how-to book on spot welding

Read like "hollywood wives."

Oh, mr. Broderick, get out of here.

I mean it.

There is a slight bump in the road, however.

When I told you you could have your old job back as a reader,

I was unaware that due to some cutbacks in the company,

The position no longer exists.

A slight bump in the road.

Is that the same as a swift kick in the butt?

Well, you can still have this job.

I haven't filled it yet.

Mr. Broderick, look, I told you,

I really love working for the company.

And I really love being an assistant editor,

But I was really hoping you would give me back

My old job as a reader.

Then I could do the work at home

And I could spend more time with my kids.

Well, I can appreciate that. I have kids of my own.

I'm very lucky, knock on wood.

My two boys are just fine.

Why, every week, like clockwork,

They send me a letter from the military academy.

You know, nell, maybe I have a solution to your problem.

Yeah? What is it?

I'll get your boys into the academy.

I'm very close to the head of the school,

Colonel black jack hawkins.

Thanks, mr. Broderick.

I'm sure that mr. Black jack is a nice guy and all,

But nah, nah, nah, nah.

I don't think my boys would fit in.

Too bad.

Uh, mr. Broderick, are you sure

There's no way at all that you can get me my job back?

No can do, nell.

I want you to send those boys to the academy --

Do them a world of good.

Why, my little -year-old,

He can field-strip an m- r*fle in seconds flat...


Something to think about.

Hey, joey, will you tie my shoelace?


What if I tie them too tight

And you get gangrene and your feet fall off?


Joey, if you don't tie matthew's shoelaces,

He might trip and fall.

It won't be my fault.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Nelladdy! Addy!

I'm coming, I'm coming!

Come on!

I told you it was a lot of stuff, didn't i?


Oh, addy, listen. Listen.

What started out to be, I thought,

The worst day of my life -- let's go sit down.

Put it down. Quick, sit down.

What started out to be the worst day of my life

Turned out to be the very, very, very, very, very best day of my life,

And I owe it all to eight wonderful people.


Snow white and the seven dwarves.

Nell, what are you talking about?

Okay, remember when I called you

And I said that I couldn't get my old job back?

Well, I was feeling so depressed that I decided I would go see

"Snow white and the seven dwarves," you know?

So, I was sitting in the theater.

I was just feeling all grumpy

Thinking about all the dopey things I have done in my life,

And then, girl, I started watched the movie,

And I thought, "hey, a job at a publishing company

Is nothing to sneeze at,"

So I decided to stop being bashful,

And I called fielder's publishing company,

And I have an interview first thing monday morning.

So now I am no longer grumpy, dopey, sneezy, nor bashful.

I's happy!

What job did you apply for, doc?

Come on, addy.

It's really, you know, it's just a job, now.

What job?

Well, you know, it's really not that...

...a part-time reader.

Congratulations, nell.

You're slowly working your way down the ladder.

Oh, addy, please.

I know it doesn't compare with being an assistant editor,

But it's the best that I can do right now.

Addy, come on. Joey needs me.

Nell, I am going to say this once,

And then you can tell me to shut up.

Nell --

Shut up.

Throwing away your career is not the thing to do.

Shut up.

It's not good for you. It's not good for those little boys.

Shut up, addy.

Nell, aren't you the least bit worried about joey --

I mean, about the way he's been acting

Since the little problem with losing matthew?

You know what, addy, I'm really warning you.

I'm sorry, nell, you're just going to have to hear me out.

When joey comes home from school now,

He just stays here in the apartment.

He doesn't go to the playground anymore,

He doesn't play with his friends anymore,

And the way he has been treating matthew --

Just hold it! Just hold it one minute.

The only thing that joey needs

Is a mother's love to come home to.

And then his problems -- not that he has any --

Will just go away.

Speaking of going away, why don't you?

Okay. Okay, fine.

I've had everything I have to say about this,

And I can assure you

I will not say another word to you about this ever.

I mean it, nell.


Shut up, addy. Shut up, addy.

Aunt nell, you're home.

Yeah. Hi. Come on, sit down.

You know what?

I'm going to be at home a lot of afternoons now,

Because I'm getting a new job.

I have an interview all set up for monday morning.

That's great -- just great.

You know, joey, I was thinking.

I want to be one of your sponsors

For your school walkathon.

I'm out of the walkathon, aunt nell.

Joey, come on.

You're the class chairman of the walkathon.

Aren't you gonna help send a city kid to camp?


Joey, come on. Think of what you're doing.

I mean, somewhere in new york city, there is a mother

Who is counting on you to get rid of her kids for the summer.

[ Telephone rings ]


Yes, this is nell harper.



Well, wait a minute. That's in minutes.

Um, well, um...

Well, sure, hey, I'll be right there.


Joey, that was mr. Fielder's secretary.

He's going out of town.

He can't interview me monday morning,

So I have to get over there right now.

I want you to ask grandpa to get down here

So he can watch you and matthew for me.

Aunt nell, grandpa's at the racetrack.

Oh, please, you can never find a grandpa when you need one.

Look, honey, you're gonna stay here

And watch matthew for me, okay?

No, I don't want to take care of matthew.

What if something happens?

Wait, hey, wait a minute.

I want you to relax, okay. Stop this.

Hey, I know.

I could take you and matthew with me on the interview.

Hey, matthew, get out here.

Is it time for my guitar lesson?

Oh, sh**t. I forgot about your guitar lesson.

See, matthew, if you were black,

You would already know how to play that thing.

Matthew, you're not going to your guitar lesson.

We're going with aunt nell to get a job.

I don't want a job. I want a guitar lesson.

Okay, well, that's settled.

Look, joey, you're gonna have to take care of matthew

For me, okay?

I have to get to this interview.

If I'm not there in minutes,

I'm not gonna get the job, and I need this job.

You take him across the street to mr. Kline's

So he can have his guitar lesson, okay,

And then I'll pick you both up there later.

No. Why, joey?

'Cause I don't like to cross the street by myself.

Oh, stop it, joey.

You cross the street by yourself all the time.

Well, not anymore.

I'll be with you, joey.

Oh, sure.

And you'll run out into the street, get hit by a truck,

And everybody will blame me!

I won't blame joey.

I'll be dead.

Nell, you just don't make sense anymore. You gave up that promotion,

You didn't even go to the job interview.

I told you, something came up, okay? What?

Did your hopscotch game with joey go into overtime?

Addy, please, he needs me.

Nell, joey had one bad experience.

Letting him stay in the house all the time

And treating him like a baby is not going to help.

[ Doorbell rings ]

So he doesn't want to go out -- big deal.

Howard hughes never went out, either.

Oh, good.

Hi, hi, hi.

Is joey ready for the walkathon,

'Cause everybody's meeting down at the firehouse?

Marty, I'm sorry. Joey's not going.

What do you mean?

It's just too dangerous for a little boy

To be on the streets of new york city.

But there's other kids going on this thing.

I know, but that's because they have lousy mothers.

That's too bad.

I'm one of his sponsors,

And I had this made up for him -- look at this.

You want the kid to wear that?

There's more. Hang on, look.

Why don't you just dress him up like johnnie walker?

Oh, get out.

Nell, I can't believe joey is not going on that walkathon.

Addy, there is nothing wrong

With a boy spending one afternoon with his mother.

[ Doorbell rings ]

One afternoon is fine, nell.

Five is ridiculous.

Oh, mama maybelle.

Hello, darling.

Stanley was kind enough to let me in.

Maybelle has got a great idea.

After you're through here,

Come on upstairs to my place and I'll take you out to lunch.

All right, but I'm not very hungry.

We'll talk about nell.

That always works up your appetite.

Come on in and sit down.

Mama, what a pleasant surprise.

Nell, I hear your life's in the dumper again.

Well, why don't I just take back "pleasant"?

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I'm sure you two have lots to talk about.

Nell, addy told me you're having a problem with joey.

Mama, addy has a big mouth,

And I'm not having a problem with joey.

That's your problem -- you never know when you have a problem.

Mama, please,

I really don't want to talk about this, okay?

You know, nell,

I heard about the mothers who were overprotective

On "the oprah winfrey show."

Oh, I love that girl.

She lets everything hang out.

Reminds me of me.

[ Sighs ]

I also heard that you turned down a promotion

So that you could stay home with joey.

Mama, joey needs me.

Oh, hogwash. I'm talking from experience.

I held the reins on you so tight

That it made you run away from home.

And, nell,

I don't want the same thing to happen to you and joey.

Listen to me. Let the boy grow up.

The truth is, when you were working,

You weren't the world's worst mother.


That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me

Since I've been alive.

For the most part, you're a pretty decent daughter.

I wouldn't trade you for anyone.

Oh, mama.

[ Chuckles ]

Not even for oprah winfrey?

I wish you hadn't asked that.

Oh, mama.

Hey, joey.

Yes, aunt nell?

Come here.

I love you.

You know what, joey? I've been thinking.

I really haven't been very fair with you lately.

Like how?

Nell, are you about to sing "sonny boy,"

Or are you and joey rehearsing for a ventriloquist act?


We're getting ready to go on "star search."

Well, I'm going to take matthew to the park.

Come on, big guy, let's get out of here.

You know what?

Mama just said the funniest thing.

[ Laughs ]

She said that I was a better mother when I was working.

No, you weren't.

Now when I come home, you're here,

And I don't have to worry about matthew.

Oh, come on, a big guy --

[ Puppy crying ]

You know what? It sounds like I hear a puppy.

Well, it's not my fault.

Matthew found him on the street.

You mean there's a puppy in this house?!

Get out of my way. Why didn't you tell me?

Then you'd blame me. It's not my dog.

Aww, aww.

He's so beautiful.

Why do you have him out there?

Matthew says that the dog's not housebroken.

I know that, honey, but it's dangerous.

He could fall through.

Well, I didn't put him out there.

Shh. Go get me a bowl of water.

I'm gonna try to get him in.

Joey, come back in, quick!


Yes, aunt nell?

Here, take the puppy. Take the puppy.

You know what, aunt nell?

You really shouldn't be out there,

'Cause it's kind of dangerous.

Yeah, I know, joey.

My heel is caught in the rungs of this fire escape.


I can't get it out!

But, aunt nell --

[ Thunder crashes ]

Oh, this is great.

We got lightning, and I'm standing on a metal fire escape.

Oh, boy.

Hey, aunt nell, just take your boot off!

I tried, joey. I can't get the boot off.

Aunt nell, what are we gonna do?!

I don't know!

Get -- don't you leave me --

Here, here, aunt nell.

Just take that blanket to keep you warm.

Where are you going? Joey, get back here!




Maggieis that you, nell?


Nell, it's me, maggie!

Oh, maggie, maggie, please come out here and help me.

My heel is caught in the rungs of the fire escape,

And I can't get it out.

I can't. I'm afraid of heights.

[ Thunder crashes ]

Maggie, I'm afraid of being electrocuted,

So close your eyes and get your butt down here!

All right, I'm coming.

Be careful.

I'm coming. I'm not enjoying it, but I am coming.

Watch your step, maggie.

[ Sobbing ]

Aah! Aah!

Where are you? Where are you?

I'm over here, maggie. Where are you?

Open your eyes!

I can't. Maggie, open your eyes.

If I open my eyes, I'll throw up.


Aah! Aah!

Maggie. Maggie. Maggie.


No, no, no, maggie.

You are supposed to pull me out,

Not push me through.

Oh, this is great. Now we're locked out.

Well, what difference does it make?

You're not gonna get your foot out of there, anyway.

I'll k*ll you!

Look, nell -- I did it!

That's the wrong foot!

Well, when I have to do everything, here,

You know, it's not exactly --

Ow! Stop it!

I can't do it -- it's stuck.


It's freezing.

Maggie, look, this is what you have to do.

You're gonna have to go and find the super, okay?

Okay, breathe deep.


And listen, maggie. You're gonna ask for a crowbar.

A crowbar. Okay. Okay.

You got it?

How am I gonna get in there? The window is stuck.

Maggie, go back up the fire escape.

Climb up there? Alone?

Are you crazy, nell? I am not going up there.

Maggie. I'm freezing.

In five minutes, I'm going to be a chocolate popsicle.


All right, I'll go!

Get off of me!

[ Sobbing ]

[ Thunder crashes ]

Thank god I went to mass last night.

I think I can, I think I can,

I think I can.

Aunt nell! Aunt nell, I got him.

You got who?

Me, ma'am.


I'll have you out of here in a jiffy.

Oh, no hurry.

I have nothing else to do.


Ouch. Ouch.

Lift your leg slowly up.

Lift your leg up.

Ah, there you go.

Oh, boy.

That was so heroic.

This little boy is the hero.

He came running into the fire station,

Grabbed me, and told me to bring a crowbar.

You should be very proud of him.

Oh, I am.

You know, it's not easy

Raising a kid all by yourself...

No husband.

That's tough.


I know because my wife and I have three kids.

Thanks for saving my life. Now get out.

Thanks again, mr. Peters.

You're welcome, kid.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, kid, kid,

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

You mean you went all the way to the fire station by yourself?

You crossed the street by yourself?

Well, aunt nell, I had to because you were in trouble.

Oh, well, yeah, okay.

Aunt nell? Yeah?

I'm really sorry about what happened with matthew.

Oh, please.

You made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes.

Making mistakes is all a part of growing up.

You want to know what my biggest mistake was?

Maggiegetting stuck on the fire escape!

I'll get you for that.


My biggest mistake was not allowing you to make a mistake.

I've got to really give you more responsibility.

Uh-huh. But you know what I think your big mistake was?

You got a lot of nerve, kid.


Just giving up that promotion.



Yeah. Hey, maybe the job's still open.

Yeah, I didn't think about that.

Maybe I should -- think I should do something about it?

I think so.

Well, if you think so,

I guess I should do something about that.

Aunt nell, can I go now?

I think I still have time to get to the walkathon.

Oh, joey, wait. Wait just a minute.

Now, I know you're gonna be having a good time and all,

And there's gonna be a lot of people.

Wait a minute, now -- there's gonna be a lot of traffic,

So I want you to be careful crossing the street, okay?

And one other thing, baby.

Now, I know, again, you're gonna be having a good time,

But I want you to pay attention to whatever the policeman says.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Now, I don't want you to lag behind anybody else, okay?

And one other thing, baby.

If you feel one drop of rain,

I want you to get into a cab

And come straight home to me, okay?

Aunt nell? Yes, baby?

Boy, I'll be glad when you get your job back.

[ Laughs ]

Don't close the win--

[ Thunder crashing ]

Uh, maggie?

Could you call the fire department,

Tell them to send a fireman, and make sure he's single?

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break