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05x15 - Second Chance: Part 2

Posted: 04/26/23 03:48
by bunniefuu
give me a break now I know what it takes

the old one anymore

legged would they not a moment to make


last week Nell quit college and gave up

her dream of being a child psychologist

instead she decided to manage a rock

group led by an ex-convict she tried to

get the band on Gary Collins our

magazine show but Carrie was not too

thrilled with them when L went backstage

to tell the leader how much she hated

the number she discovered he'd been in

prison for murdering the music critic

who didn't like one of his songs see I

thought you were gonna k*ll me what I

said I hated your song

you hate my song who said that you

didn't you stood right there and said

you hated money no I did no no no no I

said I'd love to see you just an

understanding because of the laughter

and the beating of my heart

no no everywhere you go your eyes oh I

love that song

yeah Gary loved it oh yeah he loved us

so much he wants to hear another one I

haven't got another one now what yeah I

was gonna write one but I got paroled

well can't you fake one

fake one I can't even play that one oh

well I guess I better go tell Gary that

you can tell so what why can't we just

do the first one again

you said Gary loved it I didn't say they

did not yeah yes oh well well actually

he will not hear something just a little

different a middle more upbeat a little


I don't think fast no I depend on a slow

sexy delivery I'm the Johnny Mathis type

honest no blue stars are kiddin

I mean I'd better go tell Gary that you

can't do this know what I got an idea

what why don't you sing the song Nell

you said you used to be in show business

oh no yeah you can see it as fast you

want what do I care I can't play no

I don't sing anymore what you want us to

have a second chance me me me me

well I think they like this don't you

yeah I think you do their job

Oh girls thank Heaven you're here you

gotta help me see if I don't go on stage

and make second chance look good I might

lose my life you want us to sing at your

funeral I know all the words to Rock of

Ages oh I'm too young to die

you shut up look I want you to be my bag

of sins okay all you have to do is just

sing in my key

what's the key just do what I do okay so

do it together

Wow that's terrific I think you just say

the life of somebody I really love me

thank you happy that was wonderful you

know some of the acts we've had here

we're so bad they spelt which

incidentally is on the menu for only 695

but seriously folks it's not often that

we ask an act to appear twice here on

Amateur Night at skipper Duane's but

because Gary Collins loved him so here

they are again to sing for you the one

and only second chance

mr. smooth


thank you oh well when do you want to

have moisture listen I've got a house

band it's you that I want I want you on

my show well that's nice but what about

my band listen I don't do variety often

but I think my audience is gonna love

you listen take this and call this fella

that's my talent coordinator all right

oh but no I'm a retired singer Sinatra

told me the same thing

bye-bye now oh the baby

hey now huh uh wanna talk to you okay

guys why but I've been talking we don't

think it's gonna work out for us

huh yeah yeah we don't think you're

right for the group you sing too loud

it's all I could convict ah and I

thought you did know anything about

music well we just want to thank you for

all you tried to do for us you're a good

person no matter of fact I'm gonna tell

Bubba to look you up when he gets out

whoa didn't I tell you I think about

going back home

Tala Bama you're Morocco that's where I

always wanted to go

my roots what about the ladies table

leave it I'll take care of it

good night good night


honey what are you doing I dropped Katie

off I went by the house

I paid Joey's babysitter for you I

waited you never showed up Eddie I've

been thinking I don't think in thinking

I'm thinking and I still don't have to

think well let me make it simple for you

don't go back in the show business go

back to college professor Barrett would

welcome you with open arms

I don't think so Eddie not after he sees

what I carved in my desk when I left

that's why I'd like some coffee

thanks Bobby Thanks

you gotta love him no you told me you

hated the life of a singer I mean being

on the road all those months all the

crummy bands and the lousy daddy Lolly's

how do I just those are just excuses I

made up because didn't make it you know

I didn't get a break but now maybe this

is the right time for me no don't make a

decision this big on the rebound you've

got to give it more thought I have given

it thought a day and I just don't know

what to think okay okay well you know

how I feel but you've got to make up

your own mind but I'm telling you honey

if you would ask anybody anybody they

would tell you to go back to college

excuse me

um I have a chance to go on the Gary

Collins show and to be a singer you know

possibly started a whole new career even

though I did you know I was a singer

while back and it didn't work anyway do

you think I should go back to Glen lon

community college even though professor

Barrett passed me over for that child

psychology training course at Stanford

or should I chunk the whole thing and

just become a singer

Ron Tendo northern glaze

you would be account

I'm gonna be a singer I really don't

believe you nelle Harper ah no more

nelle Harper from now on it's just one


now just like Madonna

I think that's wonderful welcome back

I'm still talking with a very talented

nelle Harper who's gonna sing for us in

just a few minutes but before that I'd

like to introduce a very very

interesting couple now they're both

anthropologists they've been married to

each other for 15 years but more

importantly they've just spent a year on

a tiny Polynesian island and they've

written a book about it

please welcome doctors jane keller and

raymond Michaelson

well let's start with a little geography

what was the name of the the island that

you spent the year on Mauritania a Ton

Ton a Bora tinea is the name recognized

by the United Nations although you know

how behind the times the UN is we were

read Ton Ton is the name the Islanders

took after the Revolution last year

still the correct name is Borat aeneas

they've got Ton Ton on the t-shirts at

the airport uh-huh be that as it may

you've written a very wonderful book

about that year on Bora taenia yes we

can - we call it growing up below the

equator wait a minute I think I just

bought that book ah it's not about

raising children in a primitive Society

yes it is now and and we found some

amazing similarities between Western

society and Bora tinea oh no it's a

little bit like Pittsburgh with the

beach I can't agree you uh take for

example our own son

well let's not discuss our family

intelligence just for an example yeah

how many children do you have we have

the 111 boy Milo ray doesn't count the

six children I helped support in Laos I

thought that was Korea its Laos Wow it's

always been Los not Korea and I'm just

sick of you calling it Korea

well anyway we discovered that our son

Milo experienced the same problems in

relating to his Bohr attained Ian's

peers that he had back home that's

because you made him so neurotic about

in short to make him put lifts in a

tennis shoe shoe shoe we're gonna be

right back we'll take a short break and

continue our fascinating discussion

these two sides stay tuned we'll be back

and I did not make him neurotic I merely

explained to him that being short was

insignificant and unimportant I hardly

think insignificant is the proper word

to use for a 15 year old boy who's four

foot two

listen listen if I just make a

suggestion now I think we're getting a

little bit off the track and when we

come back if we can just get into the

book and kind of get a little more

general about it your son's experiences

for example oh but what was the thing

that they did that that game that the

kids played on the island wasn't it

similar to our baseball yes it is

similar here he is it's quite similar

only they use a coconut instead of a

bass very hard it's a lot more dangerous

Jane was always a little afraid Milo

might get it the head was coconut and he

did well he's forgotten about it I don't

well of course he forgot it I don't

think that he had a temporary loss of

memory right

that's perfect that's the kind of thing

we want to talk about I mean it must be

a fascinating experience to be involved

in another culture oh please no thanks

no thanks to the boy's mother if she had

her way to spent the whole time enough

playing with that stupid computer she's

really stopping achieving that she went

to one of his coconut ball games Gary

they were into playoffs with the island

of kava that's that's all I just wanted

the kid to have a little fun that's all

it was supposed to be a learning

experience he wasn't there to just have

fun but you know kids learn more when

they having fun don't you think yes I do

no think that's true he would had fun if

his mother had been a little less

overprotective a 15 year old boy still

needs protection sometimes children need

protection from the very ones that are

trying to protect them

oh okay how are you doing trying to say

that I'm keeping my son dependent on me

is that you yet I certainly will

good observation why don't you take no

with you to terror ooh the next year I

know instead of me this she listens to


how long is she gonna listen to you

after you beaten bark for two weeks

I didn't mean to start anything I was

just listening which is something Jane

has never done oh I'd like to know where

you get off telling me how to raise my

child sweetheart look it's just that I

hate to see a child caught between two

parents because you know what happens it

always ends up with a kid being hurt all

right here we go

Wow welcome back uh we've just been

having a wonderful if not lively


but growing up on this Polynesian island

and I must say I was so impressed now

with your knowledge about children and

relationships and and so forth now I

mean this is in no way denigrating a

singer but to your wonderful singer but

your knowledge your grasp of child

psychology of you have you been

interested in that for some time

well yes but well up until recently I am

my major was child psychology and then

Lionel Q technologists yes professor

Barrett you know hey Barrett is a very

old friend of our old the man is old

he's watching the show the same right

now Lionel this girl is terrific oh she

is well put this in your banana leaf and

smoke it Raymond you're a third-rate

anthropologist again you're an

incompetent father and you're a lousy


this mere girl knows more about children

than you and your 12 Koreans every every

Wow Wow no really I'm really not that

good because if I were professor Barrett

wouldn't have passed me over when he

chose the students for the child

psychology program to Stanford he passed

you over if you did Oh Lionel what is

the matter with you are you drifting

again this young woman is exactly the

sort we need in the field don't give it

a second thought now you go back get

your degree give me a call I can get you

in 250 training programs you can do the

absolute really short just like you did

with that Linda Fleming Jane and Sarah

mint Landry's and little Tina Morgan me


those were just students of mine

did you hear that professor Barrett I'm

not wait a minute now does this mean

that you're gonna go back to college and

give up that shot with a singing career

yes and just wait till he sees what I

carve on my desk next year well aren't

you gonna sing for us

I didn't say I wouldn't sing I mean I

although I am going back to school but I

wouldn't miss a chance to sing in your

show fall the tea in Tonto

but not without


I'll be way to be

on three




hey I am gone

to America



I do


what are you doing here I couldn't wait

Julie let me in I just had to hear about

your first day back in Professor

Barrett's class yeah he's okay he's

thrilled I'm back it's wonderful then he

didn't see you on TV yeah that he

thought I was brilliant didn't

understand he must have heard you say

you carved something about him on his

desk yep and he was really impressed

that I used the old english spelling je

rke we saw that and still went all right

mm-hmm and he also wrote something he

told me you wanted to look at and tell

him what I thought

no that's fantastic I mean I knew you

had the talent to be a child

psychologist but your first day back

professor Barrett writes of paper and he

wants you to look at it they must be

overwhelmed let me tell me exactly what

did he say well he said had I got a song

for you professor Barrett who teaches

psychology write songs yep listen Andy

sick little boy words and music by lb

Barrett Eric is a happy boy whose life

seems so melodic but underneath the

surface he's really most neurotic he

suffers new paranoia and also from

schizophrenia Eric Eric Eric your

problems are so many

that is the worst song ever written I'm

what are you gonna do I'm gonna do

what's right at it you got it tell him

the song is brilliant

Eric is a happy boy whose life's a most
