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01x19 - (D) Charybdis

Posted: 04/25/23 19:02
by bunniefuu

The Calamity level monster,

Charybdis, has awakened

and is heading straight towards

the capital city of Rimuru.

I think it's after me.

Maybe. Probably.

[RIMURU] We've assembled

multiple forces

to fight Charybdis.

They consist

of Benimaru's group,

the Goblin Riders,

the High Orcs led by Geld,

Gabiru and his crew,

and some help

that's just arrived

from King Gazel:

One hundred Pegasus Knights,

led by the captain

of the guard, Dorf.

This way, we have

an air-based combat force.



It's only natural

that I send aid to Rimuru

considering I am his mentor.


[RIMURU] For some reason,

King Gazel has labeled me

as his apprentice or whatever.


Well, let's do this.



Hell Flare, go!


That's Benimaru for you,

nuking things like

nobody's business, but...

It's shocking

that my brother's attack

wasn't strong enough

to destroy it.

[RIMURU] There's gotta be

a reason, right?

[GREAT SAGE] Notice.

Charybdis has the Extra Skill

Magic Jamming.

It reduces the efficiency

of any magic used

within a -meter radius

of the creature.

[RIMURU] Things just got

a whole lot harder.

Okay, first, let's scatter

and take out the megalodons.




I'll keep it from moving,

you guys just focus

on taking it out!


On it!

[GELD grunting]



[ALL yelling]


[GELD growls]


Great, now what?

With my men down for the count,

how am I supposed

to beat this thing?


Allow me to lend you a hand!

[GELD gasps]

Vortex Crash!

You're the best, Sir Gabiru.

--It's true.

--Treat the injured.

Sir, yes, sir!

[GABIRU] Just so you know, I was

only able to get a clear shot

because you were holding

the megalodon in place.

I appreciate the assist, Gabiru.

[GABIRU gasps]

We'll bring that one down,

then leave the rest to you guys.

[GELD] Right. Don't worry,

we can handle it.

[GABIRU grunts]

Yeah, go get 'em, Sir Gabiru.

Come on, men, let's show

these wretched beasts

what the Pegasus Knights

are capable of!

[ALL yell]



Oh! Oh, no, run away!

[ALL yelling]

[GOBTA screams]


They served as

an excellent diversion.

In battle, some will attack

and some will play

a different role.

All parts are important.

Hakurou's no joke.

He does not mess around.

Regaining his youth

has allowed him

to refine

his tough teaching style.

Hey! I wanna play with

the shark monsters, too.

What are you doing here?

I thought I told you

to wait back in town.

Yeah, but you never said

I couldn't watch.

--Staying in town was so boring!


Just let me k*ll

one of 'em, okay?

--No way!

--[MILIM] Huh?


Those sad eyes

won't work on me!

Master Souei, do it now!



How do you like

my Puppet Strings?


[BOTH gasp]




He's using his strings to make

the megalodons fight each other!

He's got good looks

and good skills.

It's so unfair.

Finish off the one

we just took down.

As you command, sir.

Leave the rest to us.

Hold up. When exactly

did Ranga learn how to fly?

And when did he and Shion

decide to team up?

I'll prove to Lord Rimuru

how valuable I can be

in a battle.

[RANGA] Indeed. We shall prove

our worth together!

[SHION yelling]

Decapitating Demon Blade!


I just wanna

destroy them a little!

Sorry, but the

answer's still no.

[MILIM whines]



Hmm! All finished. Next up...


I'm ready when you are.

Let's see how strong

that thing is.

Sounds like a good plan.


--[MEGALODON roars]

[GOBTA groans]


I'm disappointed.

You couldn't even stop

one megalodon.

I'll admit that you've improved

a bit since we started,

but in the future, I think

you'll benefit

from tougher training.

Huh? No way, old man, if it gets

any tougher, we'll all die!

Old man, you say?

[chuckles nervously]


Lord Rimuru.

I think Charybdis

is all that's left.

Fortunately, we have

a formidable army.

Look there.

Yeah, but that thing's

so big, though.

[GREAT SAGE] Answer.

Judging from its size, the--

[RIMURU] If you're gonna

tell me anything,

then it needs to be

how to defeat that monster.


And... nothing.

Doesn't look like they're

doing much damage to it.

I agree.

[RIMURU] It might be

gearing up for something.

--Don't let your guard down!


--[SOUEI] Right.

--[RANGA] Thank you, master.

We'll be careful.

--[CHARYBDIS growling]

--[SHION gasps]

Watch out! Get away!

[ALL scream]




I can't dodge.

Dodge? Don't be a coward!



[SHION, SOUEI panting]


Souei, use Shadow Movement

and get out of here.

I will stay and shield Shion.

No, Ranga. Don't be an idiot.

I'll fight by myself.

[RANGA chuckles]

I can't leave, not when

our master would want you

to have the highest

chance of survival.

You're right,

he would want that.

I think I'll stay, too.

Besides, if anything goes wrong,

the real me can withdraw

before I get k*lled.

--So there's that.


Typical Souei.

Well, okay, then I guess

we'd better all survive.



[ALL yell]

[RIMURU] You idiots

need to simmer down.

After all, I've got

some pretty legit skills, too.


Lord Rimuru!


Devour all! Gluttony!

[SHION gasps]

[SOUEI] He dissolved

all those scales instantly.

Leave this dude to me.

I want you guys to fall back

for now and get some rest.

But we can still help you.

Just take it easy.

And besides...

...the scales are

already regenerating.

If it uses

that same move again,

I might not be able

to protect you in time.

Let me take over for a while.

You guys wait

for Benimaru's orders.

As you command.

Please be careful, Lord Rimuru.


Once I've rested,

I shall return to

help you, master.

Sounds good.


Now, then, let's see

if I can do some damage!


[RIMURU grunting]

Oh, wow.


[RIMURU] It looks

a little damaged...



...does Charybdis have

rapid regeneration or something?



Judging from the speed at which

it repairs its body tissue,

it is safe to assume

that the individual, Charybdis,

possesses the Extra Skill

Ultraspeed Regeneration.

Aw, no!

[GREAT SAGE] It is estimated

that because of this skill,

it will regenerate its scales

within three minutes.

So there's only three minutes

until it can launch

that attack again.


Okay. Utilize all methods

at your disposal and attack.

No matter what, we can't give it

the opportunity to recover!



[RIMURU] The support

of the Pegasus Knights

increased our strength

more than tenfold.

So I really thought we'd be

able to take Charybdis down

with an all-out attack.

[RIMURU sighs]

We've been at this for hours,

but we barely damaged the thing.

Our strongest att*cks

only knocked its health down

by percent.

What should we do?

[CHARYBDIS groaning]

--[RIMURU] Huh?

--[CHARYBDIS] Damn... you...

Mi... Mi... Milim!

Wait, "Milim"?

Did I hear that right?

Hey, Great Sage, use Appraisal.



Signs of life identified in

the body occupied by Charybdis.

The body appears to possess

an intense anger.

So the dude's angry? At Milim?

So basically, Giant Eye-ball

Fish Guy was heading to town

because he has a bone to pick

with our honey-loving

Demon Lord?

Meaning he doesn't give a crap

about me or Veldora... at all.

Talk about overthinking it.

Hold up! I've made Milim sit

on the sidelines for nothing.

And she's asleep!


--[RIMURU] Milim!



I've definitely been awake

the whole time, I swear!

No, you were definitely asleep.

I was just meditating.

And silently cheering you on

with my eyes closed!


I'm sure.

Anyway, the giant tuna thing

apparently has business

with you.


Oh, yeah, it looks like

it possessed that Phobio guy

who ticked me off the other day.


The Beastketeer?


Well, I had you sit out

because I thought

he was after me,

but I guess he's not, so...

Are you trying to say

that I'm allowed

to pulverize him now?!

Hee... Whoo-hoo!


I feel kinda bad

about all this.

Looks like you could have been

helping the whole time.

As long as I get to play

with him now, it's okay!

--I'll crush him.

--Oh, hold on.

Didn't Phobio say

something about working

for Demon Lord Carrion?

Is there anyway you can

k*ll it, but save him?


Easy work for someone like me.

I actually possess

a lot of restraint, you know.



She does? Since when?

[DORF] All units,

fall back immediately!

[CHARYBDIS growling]

Milim! Milim!

Yeah, yeah,

I've already seen that trick.

But you haven't seen

any of my moves yet.

Now, I'll show you

what restraint looks like!

Drago Buster!

[RIMURU] Maybe we define

"restraint" differently...

There he is. [grunts]


Now that's what

I call restraint.

[MILIM giggles]

[heart thumping]



The magicore of Charybdis

has been completely removed

from Phobio's body

and consumed.

Preparing to isolate it

and begin Appraisal.




That should fix him up.


Lord Rimuru.

[RIMURU] Hey, Dorf.

Thanks again for all your help.

We couldn't have taken down

Charybdis without you.

No. We didn't do anything

to Charybdis at all.


[DORF] Can you explain

what's going on here?

Well, sort of.

Would you believe me

if I told you

this was Demon Lord Milim? Hah.







I see you have a fondness

for pranks, Lord Rimuru.

--[MILIM gasps]

--In the future,

should you possess a similar

powerful magical w*apon,

do try and use it at the start

of the battle instead.

It's not a prank,

I'm a real live Demon Lord,

damn it!

I blew Charybdis to pieces!

I see.

You want to keep

your w*apon a secret.

Well, I understand.

Keeping your trump card

to yourself

is a wise move, you know.

I'm telling you, I k*lled it!

[DORF] Charybdis could have

rained all sorts of disasters

down on the world,

so its defeat benefits us all.

I suppose we should

take our leave

and get back to the king,

I'm sure he'll be

awaiting my report.

--[MILIM] Don't ignore me!

--Thank you again for your help.

And please give King Gazel

my regards.


Hey. You awake?


What the... Where am I?

And... what the heck happened?

[RIMURU] Are you saying

you don't remember what you did?

[PHOBIO gasps]

Please forgive me!

I've done something

unthinkable to Lady Milim!

And worse, I've involved

all of you in it as well.


Yeah, but why?

How did you know where Charybdis

was sealed in the forest?

It would be nearly impossible

for you to just stumble upon it.

--[RIMURU] Answer them.

--[PHOBIO] Of course.

You see...

Hold on.

Masked Harlequins

named Footman and Tear?

Did the mask look like this?


No, the ones I met

were a girl with a tear

under one eye,

and a heavy-set man

whose mask had an angry face.


--[GABIRU] Wait.

I wonder if it was Laplace?

--[RIMURU] Who?

--He's a clown, too.

Laplace said he was

a servant of Lord Gelmud

when we spoke before battling

with the Orc Lord.

He was wearing a mask like

the one Treyni drew in the dirt.

[RIMURU gasps]

[GABIRU] Also, I think he said

he was the vice president

of some

jack-of-all-trades group,

called the

Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

[RIMURU] So, the dots

are all connected.

I see.

And you say this man

goes by the name of Laplace?

Footman, huh?

I'll take great care

not to forget that name.

Yes. Me, too.


So there's a mysterious group

called the

Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

And they pretend to help you,

but in reality, they're

fulfilling their own goals

without getting

their hands dirty.

Sounds like a big bag of nope.

[MILIM] Hmm? Hey,

why are you looking at me?

I don't know them, though,

if these clown people

really do exist,

I think they'd be fun

to meet one day.



And also,

maybe it wasn't Gelmud.

It could be that Clayman's

actually plotting

something in secret.

So there.


Why him?

[MILIM gasps]

Well, he's really

scheme-y like that.


Demon Lord Clayman, huh?

[PHOBIO] Regardless of

whoever's scheme it was,

what happened

is my own responsibility.

It's not

Demon Lord Carrion's fault.

So please, take my life,

but leave him out of this.

[RIMURU] Meh, next time

don't let a couple of clowns

make a fool out of you.

[PHOBIO gasps]


I think we're good here.

See you around.

But I...

What I did was unforgivable.

[RIMURU] Bro, if I say

we're cool, then we're cool.

Right, Milim?

Right you are, Rimuru.

I did think about giving Phobio

just one good punch,

but I'm far too mature

for such actions.

[RIMURU] You admit you thought

about it, though.

I'm not still mad at you,

so don't even worry about it.

[RIMURU] There you have it.

We're all good.

For sure.

Is that okay with you, Carrion?



Lord Carrion!

Hah. So you knew

I was here, Milim?


Yeah, naturally.


This guy is Demon Lord Carrion?

Hey, thanks for being

so understanding

and sparing my foolish

servant's life.


So you're the masked majin

that defeated Gelmud?


Yep, that's me.

Are you here to avenge him?


Hmph. I'll pass. Get up.


Yes, sir!



--Sorry about that.

--[RIMURU] Huh?

My subordinate got carried away.

And it's my fault for not

keeping a closer eye on him.

Please forgive him.

Uh, yeah, sure.

Thank you. I'll owe you one.

If anything comes up

in the future,

you can count on me.


Now that you mention it,

what do you think about

possibly entering

into a non-aggression pact

with our nation?


Is that all you want?

Fine, then.

We can sort this out right now.

On behalf of Eurazania,

in the name of

the Beast Master Carrion,

I swear that I'll never raise

a blade against your nation.



Come on, let's go.

That dude's bleeding everywhere!

We're bound to meet

again soon, Rimuru.

Okay, then.

It's all over.

Let's go home, guys.




Next time, "Yuuki Kagurazaka."