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01x18 - (D) Evil Creeps Closer

Posted: 04/25/23 19:02
by bunniefuu
Stupid jerk!

That was

my bestie's subordinate!


Damn it! She'll pay for that.

She should know

who she's messing with.

I'm Phobio,

the Black Leopard Fang.

There's not much

we can possibly do

with Demon Lord Milim

in the picture.

Even if Demon Lord Carrion

does command it.

Shut up!

Demon Lord Carrion wouldn't have

got his ass kicked like a loser.

The hard truth is

that I just wasn't good enough.

And my pride won't let me

go back empty-handed.

So now I don't know what to do.

You saw it.

Those guys built a thriving town

all on their own.

I treated them as if they were

just lowly monsters,

but they have skills

and techniques

that even we lack.

It's true.

Instead of ordering them

to serve us,

I would have liked to have tried

and establish

diplomatic relations with them.


Even if Lady Milim

hadn't stepped in,

I still handled that thing

all wrong.

I'll never gain their trust.

Not when I tried to take over

without giving them a say.

Not that it matters now.

My wounds may have healed,

but I'll never recover

from that humiliation.

I have to find a way

to get revenge on her somehow,

that way I don't cause

any more trouble

for Lord Carrion.

Sure, all that's easy to say,

but it's not exactly realistic.

I already know!

I don't need your stupid advice.

Lookit, I'm just really

frustrated right now.


[MAN laughing]

Who goes there?


I do understand how you feel.

It must be very frustrating

to be so utterly frustrated.

Greetings, fine people.

I'm Footman, and it's a pleasure

to meet you.



I'm a member of the esteemed

Moderate Harlequin Alliance,

the one known as

Footman, the Angry Pierrot.

Please hold your applause.

[PHOBIO groans]

[TEAR] There's no need for

all those suspicious groans.

I'm Tear!

Don't worry,

we're friendly clowns.



What do you want?

[FOOTMAN laughs]


If you must know,

I was summoned here

by all the angry

and hateful vibes

you're giving off.


What's that supposed to mean?


I'm saying I was drawn here

by your feelings of rage.

[PHOBIO gasps]

[FOOTMAN] Why don't you tell me

what has angered you so?

I'd love to hear it.

I'm quite certain I could be

of assistance to you.

[PHOBIO sighs]

Ignore them.

You don't have to answer

to these ridiculous clowns,

Sir Phobio.

Would you like me

to dispose of them?

We are the Beastketeers

who proudly serve

under Demon Lord Carrion.

A couple of wandering majin

like yourselves

are no match for us.


You desire power, do you not?

We have that in spades.

More than

you've ever seen before.

However, it comes

with great risk.

Should you not be scared

by that teensy little detail,

the power you stand to gain

is unfathomable.


My Lord.

[TEAR] If you wanna defeat

that mean ol' Demon Lord Milim,

then all you gotta do is become

a real Demon Lord yourself.




Do you actually think

you can fool me

with that kind of nonsense?

--[FOOTMAN] Charybdis.

--[PHOBIO gasps]


Does it ring any bells?

The Charybdis?


[ENRIO gasps]



If you could harness the power

of the giant whale fish thing,

then you'd be as powerful

as the Demon Lord.

But if you're not interested,

we can always find someone else.


Let's go, Footman.



What a shame.

Hold on.



Don't do this. It's madness.

[PHOBIO] Listen, I haven't liked

any of this from the start.

Like, why did a fat, useless orc

get chosen to be

the next Demon Lord?

It's not fair!

If they needed

a new Demon Lord,

then why didn't

they choose me?!

But if I were to get stronger,

even Lord Carrion would have

no choice but to forgive me.

Sir Phobio.

I want to know more.


A very wise move, Sir Phobio.

Not that I'm surprised.

It's obvious you possess

the talents

to become a Demon Lord.

[TEAR] It's not fair

that someone weaker than you

got a shot at being

a Demon Lord first.

I'm with you on that.

Especially when you're

the best person for the job.



So tell me,

what do you stand to gain

from all this?

What are you after?

[TEAR] Oh, we just want

special treatment

once you become a Demon Lord.

And, you know, maybe you could

do us a couple of small favors.

[FOOTMAN laughs]

Besides, it's not

as if we're capable

of subduing Charybdis

on our own.


We did happen to find the place

where it's sealed away,

but without help, we're just

sitting on a gold mine.

[FOOTMAN] But then

we happened to find you,

so perfect timing, right?

Yeah, maybe.

Still though, we don't even know

if I'll have the ability

to control Charybdis

in the first place.



Don't be so modest,

if anyone can do it, you can!


You'll be fantastic!


So in exchange for their help,

all they want are a few favors

and the credit

for helping me reach the top?

All right, then.

I accept your offer.


Go back without me.

Don't do this.

Report on everything

that has happened.

But, sir...

I cannot cause more trouble

for Lord Carrion.

So tell him that I'm resigning.

I'm no longer a part

of the Beastketeers.

Thank you for everything

you've done, Enrio.


Sir Phobio.

I will become stronger.

Then Demon Lord Milim

will suffer

under the wrath of my power.

[ENRIO gasps]

As you wish.

I'll report to Lord Carrion.

I warn you, the extent of

Charybdis's power is unknown.

So please be careful, sir.

[ENRIO] Sir Phobio is a not

a foolish man.

If what they say is true,

and Charybdis does exist,

I'm certain he'll find a way

to control it.


Come. We have much to do.


The sooner I can combine

my power with Charybdis,

the sooner I can make

Demon Lord Milim pay.

I'll wipe that smug look

off her face.

[FOOTMAN laughs]

That's the spirit.

[TEAR] Uh-huh.

We'll be cheerin' for ya.

[ALL gasp]

There, you see?

I told you I'd win.

Looks like I'm the


breath-holding champion.

Sorry, but I was

the winner here.

You were?

But I was the last one up.

By a few seconds.

You guys are acting

like sore losers.

Shion. Shuna.

Okay. We'll do another round.

Let's settle the score.

Very well.

It's on.

It's not a good idea to stay

underwater in the bath,

but one more time

shouldn't hurt.



[ALL inhale]


Sounds like they're having fun.

Kinda wish I had bathed

on that side.

Over here there's just... old dude.

[RIMURU] Hey, how long are you

planning on hanging around?

Do you still think

we're like evil or whatever?

Huh? No, I don't.

To be completely honest,

I stopped being suspicious

of you guys a while back.


Then why haven't you left?

Because this town you've built

is pretty relaxing,

all things considered.

I can't remember the last time

I took a break.

So I thought I'd take this

opportunity to slow down a bit.



What happened to the whole

"I will see for myself

whether or not you're truly

an ally of humans" spiel?

For a second there,

you sounded pretty cool.

[FUZE sighs]


He's not even listening?!


--[FUZE] Hmm?

[RIMURU] What's the status on

Youm and his group?

You promised to help us

make them look like champions,

or is that part

of your brain on break, too?

Ha, ha.


"Ha, ha" isn't answer!

I bet you don't even know

they left.

They rode off to build

their reputation,

lookin' fly as hell.

You really should relax

a little bit.

Besides, I've already finished

setting things up.


You have?



Believe it or not, I've already

done the ground work

for spreading the rumors

that they're the champions

who defeated the Orc Lord.

Of course, I was sure

to include all the details.

Like how you and your people

are nothing,

but a friendly town of monsters

who gave them supplies

for their quest.



Awesome sauce.

It looks like he's slacking off,

but he's actually ahead

of the game.

[FUZE] Well, I think

I've soaked enough.


Before I forget,

I wanted to mention that

I'm thinking of building a road

from our town

to the Kingdom of Blumund.


Wait. What? Seriously?

Uh, look,

I think it's a fine idea.

But we're talking about

a national undertaking here.

Think of how much it would cost.


Chill out, Fuze, my boy.

Your "boy"?

Having you call me

that sounds weird.

I mean, I'm not even sure

how old you really are.


Meh, details schmetails.

Having a road would make it

easier for us to do business.

My people can handle paving it

and all the physical work.



[RIMURU] I'd like to sell

some of our specially made goods

to other countries.

So, I was hoping

that you could introduce me

to someone who can

give me some advice.

Is that all?

That sounds simple enough.



[GIRLS giggling]

--[RIMURU] Huh?

--[GIRLS chatter]

[RIMURU] I definitely

should have gone to that side.

It's in here?


Sure is.


It hasn't been revived yet,

but can't you feel its thirst

for destruction pouring out?

Such emotions make for

the most tantalizing treats.

Hence how we were able

to find it.

Yeah, you're right.

There's an ominous feeling

in the air.



Under normal circumstances,

reviving Charybdis

would require many corpses.


[FOOTMAN] Right, you see

it's really more of

a spiritual life form.

In order to utilize its power

in this world,

someone has to provide it

with a physical body to inhabit.

I get that. So what?

[FOOTMAN] You haven't

realized your role yet?

Hold on.

You mean...


When we say "subdue,"

what we really mean

is you have to take

Charybdis into your body.

Then you'll merge together

into one all-powerful being!

Are you serious?


It's not too late to turn back.


--Spit it out.

[TEAR] I'm not sure the seal

can hold out for much longer.

And if it doesn't? Then what?

[TEAR] It would find a way

to revive on its own, I guess.

[PHOBIO] But you just said

it needs corpses.


Yes, true!

But I'm sure

it's more than capable

of acquiring the corpses

it needs

for revival all by itself,

with or without our help.

And in that case,

us and everyone around us

will be doomed.


How right you are.

[TEAR] If it manages

to revive on its own,

it'll be uncontrollable.

And since it won't have

a living vessel to guide it,

then it will surely

do whatever it wants.

[PHOBIO] So you're saying

we need to break the seal

and take its power

before it can wake up?


Huh? Well, yeah.

That should do the trick.


Very perceptive.

Fine then.

I'm going to break the seal

and make its power my own.



I'll do it.

I'll subdue it with my own body.

And then I'll get my revenge

on Demon Lord Milim.


He actually went in.


He sure did.

[FOOTMAN] That's a minion

of Lord Carrion for you,

all muscle and no brain.


Makes things easier for us.

[BOTH cackling]

[FOOTMAN] Does that mean

the task is finished?


I think so.

All Lord Clayman told me

was to revive Charybdis

and send it towards Milim.


--[FOOTMAN] Ooh?

[TEAR] I left Lesser Dragon

corpses here earlier,

but now they've disappeared.

[FOOTMAN] Oh, well, so long

as we're prepared,

there's nothing to worry about.

[BOTH cackling]


It's so heavy.


Pretty impressive haul, huh?



Lady Milim is just amazing.

She's able to locate monsters

right away.

It actually makes hunting them

pretty easy.


Finding monsters is simple

when you're amazing.

We're gonna feast again tonight.


Good job.

Excellent work, everyone.

Work's definitely a way

to describe it.

Who wants to get a drink

and a bath?

I'd love a drink.



--[SHION] Lady Milim.

--[MILIM gasps]

Who goes there?!

--[MILIM] Hmph.

--[RIMURU] Careful!

Whoa, I've got you.


This presence!


It's Treyni.

No, wait, she seems different.

Huh? It's a dryad!

Well, this is a first.

Hello, there.

I am the Dryad Trya.

Treyni's younger sister.


Treyni's little sis?!

Uh, wait, what's up

with the ominous aura

you're emanating?

An emergency has arisen.

Calamity approaches us all.


Like, how so?

A calamity-class monster

Charybdis has been revived.



[TRYA] Its v*olence equals

that of a Demon Lord.

My sisters, including Treyni,

have set out

to slow its progress,

but they aren't

strong enough.

There's more.

Judging by the monster's path,

it's heading for this town.

[ALL gasp]

Against Charybdis, who's known

as the Ruler of the Skies,

waging a w*r on land is futile.

I've come to warn you

about your defenses.

Form an airborne combat force.

There isn't much time left.


The monster known as Charybdis

was born a long time ago.

And has died

and been revived many times.

It is the violent

Ruler of the Skies.

However, based on its lineage,

that's to be expected.

It hails from Veldora,

the guardian of the forest.


Like it's Veldora's child?


Yes, in a way.

You see Charybdis was generated

from a cloud

of Veldora's magicules.

[RIMURU] So does that mean

the fish thing and I

are kind of like siblings?


I wonder if that's why

it's heading to our village.

Maybe it knows that I've got

Veldora stashed in my stomach!

If Charybdis has truly revived,

then it's far more dangerous

than a Demon Lord.

Because unlike most enemies,

we have no way of speaking

with this opponent.

True, it's a monster

with zero intelligence.

It's said to have the ability to

summon floating shark creatures,

known as Megalodons, who then

come from the spirit world

to join it in its rampage.

So I've heard, anyway.


Man, for real?

And I thought the Orc Lord

was bad.

To make things even worse,

the Megalodons

that it's summoned,

well, it looks like

they've possessed

some Lesser Dragon corpses

that happened to be nearby.




There are of them.

[RIMURU] Great, so there's a

fish as strong as a Demon Lord,

and shark lackeys

following it.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy.

Lord Rimuru,

what should we do?


I'm not sure yet.

--[MILIM snickers]

--[RIMURU] Huh?

Come on, are you sure you're not

forgetting someone important?

That stupid fish... no match for a Demon Lord.

I'll obliterate Charybdis!

[RIMURU] Hell, yeah!

Why didn't I think of that?!

I'm sorry, but we can't

allow you to.

[MILIM gasps]

This is our town,

and therefore our problem.

[RIMURU] But it doesn't

have to be just our problem!

Huh? Really?

But I'm his bestie.

Shion's right.

We can't rely on you

for everything

just because

you're our friend.

When Lord Rimuru is in

desperate need of help,

when he's out of options,

we'll call on you, Lady Milim.


I'm feeling pretty desperate

right now, though.

--[MILIM groaning]

--[RIMURU chuckles]

They're right, Milim.

Just have faith in me.


But I... I thought...

I'd finally get my chance

to shine a little, you know?


I guess Charybdis is after me.

So it's not fair

to rely on Milim.

--[MILIM groaning]

--[RIMURU grunts]

Begin preparations

to defeat Charybdis.




This whole thing is so unfair.

Beat Charybdis?

Listen, this won't be easy.

Not even the dryads

can take this monster down.

You know that, right?


Thanks to the treaty,

we can count on King Gazel

for back up.

We'll just have to do our best.

Why not just run away?


What good would that do?

Look, I'm the strongest guy

in this nation.

[RIMURU] If things start

to look really bad,

then I'll bail

and think up a new plan.

But in the meantime, I should

at least face this thing head-on

and see how

strong it is, right?

Yes, perhaps.

I mean, you are the leader.

It makes sense.


We're different from humans,

you guys are done for

if something happens

to your king.


Well, that may be the case,

but one thing I've noticed

about you these past few days

is that you reason

much like a human.

It's kind of hard to think

of you as a monster.



You may be on to something.

This might be tough to believe,

but once upon a time,

I actually used

to be a human.

You know about Shizu, right?

I'm pretty sure

I'm an otherworlder,

just like she was.

I died in my world...

...and then, I was

reincarnated here as a slime.

[FUZE gasping]

You're like Shizu?

She and I are

from the same place.

That's why she entrusted

everything to me.

I gained this human form

in exchange

for inheriting her will.

And I can't exactly go around

making dumb mistakes

while I look like Shizu.

I see.

As far as I'm concerned,

that makes you someone

we can trust.



Besides, I made

a promise to Shizu.

About what?

That I'd clear away the feelings

that bind her heart.

That's what I promised.

So my prey is Demon Lord Leon.

Whoa, seriously?

Yeah, what he said!

It takes a lot of guts

to call a guy

like Demon Lord Leon your prey.

I mean, if you have to

fight one of the two,

then I guess Charybdis

is probably

easier to handle, right?


The Demon Lord can wait.

Charybdis comes first.


The land between

the Jura Tempest

Federation's capital city

and the armed nation of Dwargon

was about to become

a b*ttlefield.

The allied forces

were in the path

of an immensely

powerful opponent.

Its name?

The calamity-class Charybdis.


Next time, "Charybdis."