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01x13 - (D) The Great Clash

Posted: 04/25/23 18:56
by bunniefuu

We're headed to the marshlands

to meet with

the Lizardman Chieftain.

Once we're there,

we'll sign the treaty

and help defeat the Orc army.

The members of my party include:

Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou,

and Souei, who's out scouting.

Of course, Ranga's here.

And our Goblin Riders.

I left Rigurd

and the rest of our g*ng

to guard the village.

I've instructed them to evacuate

if anything happens to us.

[SOUEI] Lord Rimuru,

do you have a moment?


What's up, Souei?

[SOUEI] I've come across

some sort of skirmish.

[SOUEI] I believe

it's the personal guard

to the Lizardman Chieftain.

She appears to be fighting

a high-ranking Orc.



What are your orders?


Well, I mean...

It only makes sense

to help her out.

Can you win?


Quite easily.


So confident!

Being skilled and handsome

seems kinda unfair.


Do it. We'll be there soon.


Yes, sir.


Assume battle formation.

We're riding to help Souei.




Let's do it!

Go, Ranga.

As you command.


Uh, Lord Rimuru?

I thought you said

there was a battle.

[BENIMARU] He didn't leave

any fun for us.




Oh, man.

Gotta give it to him,

Souei's got some mad skills.

She has been injured.

On it.


Don't worry. This will help you.


groans, gasps]

What? My wound?

But I was certain

that it was fatal.

Who are you?

I am Rimuru Tempest.




Please, I need your help.

Will you save my father,

the Lizardman Chieftain,

as well as my brother, Gabiru?

They're in grave danger.

Wait, you're Gabiru's sister?



What happened?


My brother led a rebellion

and imprisoned

both me and my father.


To make matters worse,

he and his men are attempting

to fight the Orc army.

But he... He's underestimated

the Orc Lord.

If we don't act quickly,

then the Lizardmen

will be exterminated.

When the guards

weren't looking,

my father helped me escape

so I could warn you.

I know that this is

a selfish request,

especially after we broke

our promise to wait for you,

but still, a powerful majin

such as yourself

could surely help.

I'll do anything you want.

I'm begging you. Save my people.

Very well spoken.

That you recognize

our lord's power...

...speaks of your

great potential.

Uh, hold on a minute.

Come on now, stand up.

I'm certain that the

Lizardmen can be saved

just as you requested.


Say what?


Thank you so much.

Thank you so much...

[RIMURU] She just accepted

work on my behalf again.

She really is a secretary.

All right then.

We were gonna fight

the Orcs either way.

Let's see. You said you're

the Chieftain's daughter, right?

Uh, yes.

I'm yours to command, my lord.

[RIMURU] Good. Then you'll act

as the Chieftain's proxy.

Do you object to forging

an alliance right here and now?

[gasps] No. Not at all.

Then it's settled.

Consider us your new allies.

Right. Thank you.

Souei, can you use

Shadow Movement

to get to the Chieftain?

Of course I can.

Man, his skills are legit.

Please go and rescue

the Lizardman Chieftain.

Yes, sir.

You have my gratitude.

Everyone else,

continue the march.



--[ORCS yelling]

--[metal clanging]


Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all.

I told you these Orcs were

no match for the Lizardmen.

Right! Withdraw for now.


Our plan was to toy with them,

and then have the Goblins

we recruited finish them off.

But at the rate we're going,

we won't even need

the extra help.

[LIZARDMAN A screams]


What's happening?

The Orcs... are eating

other Orcs?

Oh, please no! Somebody help me!

[SOLDIERS gasping]


Ah! Sir... Sir Gabiru!



All units, fall back, now!

Full retreat!


Uh! Sir Gabiru.

They've already surrounded us.

But how?


What just happened?

It's like the Orcs are suddenly

capable of moving quicker.

[GABIRU gasps]

[GABIRU] Impossible! Webbed

feet and scales on an Orc?

But that would mean... they have

the same abilities we do.

They just ate

one of our men, sir.

It's true. And that's when the

enemy started moving faster.


[GABIRU] So they ate a Lizardman

and gained our powers?

[GABIRU yells]

Listen up, everyone.

Stand close together!


Keep the Goblins in the center.

Leave no openings!

We must shield the Goblins

while breaking through

the Orc army's formation.

[LIZARDMEN yelling]

[GABIRU] If it was just us,

perhaps we could have escaped.

Bringing the Goblins

into this fight

worked against us in the end.


Trample all. Trample all.

Our allies' powers

will become our own.

The enemies' powers

will become our own.

Don't be afraid.

Show them the strength and power

on which we Lizardmen

pride ourselves!

[LIZARDMEN yelling]

[LIZARDMEN gasping]

What? This Orc's aura,

it's incredible.

You who stand before me,

you must be

the Orc Lord, correct?

I am the great chieftain

of the Lizardmen, Gabiru!

I challenge you

to a one-on-one--


I am not the lord.

I am just an Orc general.

Compared to the Orc Lord,

my power is quite inferior.

Wait, you're seriously

just a general?

[GABIRU] Even with an aura

that overwhelming,

he's still considered inferior?


You wish to fight one-on-one?


I'll oblige you.

I thank you.

[GABIRU] Still, I can't help

but wonder about the Orc Lord,

and what kind of monster

he must be.




It's going splendidly,

wouldn't you agree, Lord Gelmud?



[LAPLACE] Looks like everything

is unfolding just as we planned.

[LAPLACE chuckling]


It won't be long until my child

gains complete control

over the forest.

And then my ambitions

will finally--


Well, you two seem to be having

quite the little party.


Who's there?

I am the Dryad, Treyni.

And you are trespassers

in my forest.

[LAPLACE] This puts a kink

in our plan, Lord Gelmud.

Dryads are the caretakers here.


Are you serious?

For the disruption

you've both caused,

I'm removing you

from these woods.



Now, Spirit Summoning. Sylphide!


Whoa, hold on a second.

Can't we talk about this?

I will pass judgment.

Pray in repentance

for your sins.

Aerial Blade, go!


Hey! Laplace, your arm.

[LAPLACE] Come on, lady,

you're being irrational.

Looks like talking is out.

Not that it matters,

since we've achieved our goal.

I guess this means

the party's over.

See you later.

They've escaped me.

This is not a desirable outcome.

Rimuru Tempest.

I'll leave the rest to you.

Defeat the Orc Lord.

[GABIRU groaning]


Vortex Crash!




Chaos Eater!


You're trying to eat me?

[ORC GENERAL laughs]

[ORC GENERAL] Do you think

you can run forever?

Sir Gabiru!

We'll help you!


Stay out of this.


I'll handle it myself.

[ALL gasp]

That's our leader! Gabiru!




Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!

Gabiru! Gabiru!

[ORC GENERAL grunts]

[ALL yelp]

This is nothing.




[ALL gasp]

[GABIRU yells]

Sir Gabiru!

[GABIRU groans]


[ORC GENERAL] Looks like you'll

die crawling on the ground

as a lizard should.

Say goodbye!

[ALL scream]




It's you.

The guy who's the true leader

of that weird Goblin village.


[GOBTA] Did he take too

many whacks to the head?

Hold on, did you come

here to save all of us?


That's Gobta.

He is the captain

of the Goblin Riders.

You're that Direwolf.


My name is Ranga.

My master, Rimuru,

told me to come help you.

But how did you get here

so quickly?

[RANGA] Shadow Movement.

Try to pay attention.

[ORC GENERAL chuckles]


Rimuru, you say?

I don't know who any

of you newcomers are,

but if you stand in my way,

I'll show you no mercy!

[ORCS yelling]

Oh, nice! Heh.

Looks like it's starting!

[ORC GENERAL grunts]

[ORC GENERAL] Is this magic

from the Lizardmen?

The time for playing

around is over.

I have to find whoever is using

that magic and end them!


So, uh, Gabiru, or

whatever your name is,

we should probably assume

a defensive formation.

[GABIRU gasps]

Right, I understand,

but still...

[GOBTA gasps]


What's causing those flames?


Oh, no need to worry.

They're definitely on our side.

[ORCS screaming]


I think.


This is why I told you to move.


Who... Who are you?

What do you want?

You've forgotten us? How rude.

And after you went

and devoured our whole village.

Those horns. Are you Ogres?

Us? No.

Perhaps that's why

you can't remember us.

The time has come.

Yes, and we should

thank Lord Rimuru

for this opportunity.


I'll say it once more,

you'd best move out of our way.

Unless, of course, you'd prefer

to die an agonizing death.



[ORCS gasp]

[ORCS screaming]


[ORC GENERAL scoffs]

[ORC GENERAL] It appears you've

come to assist the lizards.

How foolish.

Goblins and dogs?

A pathetic rescue team.

As if any of you weaklings

could ever possibly

defeat a superior

monster such as myself.



All right. We'll show you.





What the what?!

[ORCS screaming]


Are those tornadoes?

[GREAT SAGE] Answer, this is

the wide-range attack

of the individual Ranga,

Death Storm.


Oh. Sweet.


Curse you!


[RANGA howls]

[GOBTA groans]

No way!

Ranga turned into

a Tempest Star Wolf.


Do you see now, filthy Orcs?

This is a fraction

of the power

wielded by someone you mocked

as being pathetic.


There's nobody there.



This battle will mark

a brand-new beginning for us.

[ORCS screaming]

Lord Rimuru will inevitably be

the winner of many conflicts.

But this is the first step

on his path. You see?

[ORCS grunting]


Enough talk, get her!

[ORCS yelling]

[SHION grunts]

[ORCS screaming]

[SHION sighs]

[SHION chuckles]


Did you see me?


Uh, yep.



Remind me to never piss her off.


More importantly,

what used to be a sizable

Orc army is now shrinking.

Those Kijin really know

how to bring the pain.

[RIMURU] Man, I really hope

they'll decide to hang around

after the w*r is over.

[RIMURU] I wonder how

things are going for Souei.


--[ORCS screaming]

[LIZARDMAN groaning]


We're alive?


Here, give him this.



[keys jangling]

[door opens]






[CHIEFTAIN chuckles]

You came to rescue us.

Thank you, Souei.


I don't understand.


We have formed an alliance.

But how? I was here.

Well, I formed it

on your behalf, Father,

as your representative.

Reinforcements are coming.

Is that true?

Yes, there was light

at the end of the tunnel.

You were right.


Our people are saved.

How wonderful.

[ORC D laughing]



Souei, no!


No need to worry.


I've already immobilized him.


[CHEIFTAIN gasping]

It seems Souei has

that effect on everyone.


Then, I was right.

Forming an alliance

with these people

was the correct choice.

[ORC C groaning]

This message is for

the Orcs' puppet master.

You are next.

Destroying the Ogres' village,

and making enemies of the Kijin

will be the greatest

of your regrets.

[ORC roars]


Damn them all!

Stupid, useless Orcs!

And the Kijin?

I do remember having

Geld attack an Ogre village.

Does that mean the survivors

from there somehow evolved?

Not to mention

the wolf creature.

No one said there was a beast

like that in the Forest of Jura.

There are far too many

unknown variables

in this equation

that I've somehow missed.

This is terrible.

I must do something,

or risk my plan falling apart

after I've come so far.


If this continues,

then I will most certainly

be put to death by him.



Hey, guys.

I found the Orc Lord.




I'm so hungry!

I want to eat something.



Orc Lord.

I'm going to end you.

[GREAT SAGE] Next time,

"The One Who Devours All."