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01x12 - (D) The Gears Spin Out of Control

Posted: 04/25/23 18:55
by bunniefuu

Greetings, ruler of monsters,

and all of those

who are loyal to him.

Please pardon

my unannounced visit.

I am a Dryad from

the Forest of Jura,

please call me Treyni.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Rimuru Tempest,

as the ruler of monsters,

please help us.

We need you to defeat

the Orc Lord.

Uh, defeat the Orc Lord?

Come on now. Are you serious?

Uh-huh. That's right.


That's quite the request.

Seeing as you dropped in

out of nowhere,

you won't mind answering

a few questions.

Why did you come to us?

There are stronger races

than the Hobgoblins.

Yes, I suppose.

And had the ogres' village

not been destroyed,

I might have gone there.

[ALL gasp]

Though, even if that

were not the case,

I can no longer ignore a certain

individual's existence.

If our settlement were to come

under attack from the Orcs,

we couldn't possibly

fend them off alone.

That's why I came here.

To request assistance

from someone strong.

You mean the Orc

Lord really exists?

Until now, it was only a

theory we'd come up with.

[TREYNI] Well, the Dryads

have knowledge

of essentially everything

that happens in this forest.

Believe me, he is real.

[ALL gasp]

If she acknowledges it...

That means it's all true.



Give me some time to answer.

Backing the Kijin is one thing,

but taking on an Orc Lord

is a different story.

I need a little more

information before I decide.

After all, I am

the one in charge.







Okay, back to business.

So, let's talk about

the Orcs a bit.

Does anyone know

what they could be after?

[SHUNA] Actually, I think

I might have an idea about that.

Uh, Souei, about our old

village, did you investigate it?


And judging by your

tone, it's bad.

You didn't find anything?

--[SOUEI] Correct.

--[RIMURU] Huh?

There was nothing there.

Not one of theirs.

And none of ours.

Wait, no what?



We wondered how they

were getting supplies

for such a large army.

How they could feed

, Orcs.

Are you saying

they ate the dead?

[TREYNI] It's a Unique Skill,

called "Starved."


What's it do?

[TREYNI] Every Orc Lord

is born with this skill.

With the purpose of bringing

calamity and ruin to the world.

Its influence reaches all those

who serve under the Orc Lord,

making them devour

everything in sight.

Doing so allows them to absorb

their victim's strength

and abilities,

making those powers their own.

[ORCS] The strength of this

comrade we eat is now ours.

The abilities of this

prey are now ours.

[TREYNI] It's rather similar

to your Predator Skill.

In return for the Starved Skill,

they have an insatiable hunger.

The Orcs march onward

with one goal in mind.

To sate an endless hunger

and gain power.

That is their king's and their

whole clan's only wish.

[RIMURU sighs]

[RIMURU] So basically,

the Orcs' goal isn't to wipe out

the superior forest races

like the Lizardmen or the ogres.

What they want is to

steal their power. Right?

Well, if that's really true,

sounds like we might need

to start worrying.

We have the Tempest Wolves,

Kijin, and Hobgoblins.

With those powers,

we might as well set the table

and invite the Orcs

over for dinner.

I'm sure we'd make

a good side dish,

but aren't you forgetting

about the main course?


[BENIMARU] We have the world's

strongest slime, remember?

Oh, we do? Ha.

[BENIMARU chuckles]

[RIGURD grumbles]


[TREYNI] In addition,

we were recently able

to confirm that there is a majin

behind the Orc Lord's

sudden appearance.

I believe this is someone

you would not wish to overlook.

A majin.

This person is a

subordinate of a Demon Lord.



[RIMURU] Treyni said

the Dryads have knowledge

of everything that happens

in the forest.

She's very shrewd.


Rimuru Tempest.

Once again, I request

you defeat the Orc Lord.

As someone who has

the protection of Veldora,

has recruited the Direwolves,

and became the patron

of the esteemed Kijin,

taking down the Orc Lord

should be easy for you.



What's your two cents,

Great Sage?

Can I trust the tree babe?


The Dryads are the caretakers

of the Great Forest of Jura.

They are said to be the ones

who pass divine

justice on villains

and any who would dare

to harm the forest.


Sounds hardcore.

But , Orcs is a lot.

Of course!

Lord Rimuru is quite capable

of vanquishing the Orc Lord.

I see. Then you

accept my request?


[RIMURU] Shion! Don't

I get a say in this?

[SHION gasps]

[RIMURU] All right. I'll find

a way to defeat the Orc Lord.

But I'm gonna need

everyone here.

Sure. Count us in. We'll help.

Yes, this is what

we've been waiting for.

We have complete faith

in your abilities,

just tell us what to do.

He's right, my lord.

Let's show those Orcs

just how strong we are!





Sure, I talk a big game,

but what if we lose?

[RIMURU] If we're gonna take

on an army of , Orcs,

then I think we should consider

forming an alliance

with the Lizardmen after all.

But I'm not sure I wanna

talk to that guy again.

I am Gabiru!



I'd prefer to talk to someone

a little less stupid.

--[SOUEI] Lord Rimuru.

--[RIMURU] Huh?

Would you like for me

to go and speak

to the Lizardman

Chieftain personally?


Wow. Is that possible?


[RIMURU] The dude's brimming

with a cool confidence!



Uh, okay, then.

We'll join forces

with the Lizardmen

and lay the hurt on some Orcs!



[RIMURU] The battle

will probably take place

in the marshlands where

the Lizardmen live.

Having their cooperation

will be essential

if we're going to pull this off.

I'm counting on you, Souei.

I'll leave now.


[RIMURU] Hopefully their

Chieftain is less of an idiot.

The opposite of Gabiru.

[GABIRU groaning]

[LIZARDMAN A screaming]

Sir Gabiru!

Oh, you're awake.


Sir Gabiru!

Where... are we?

[LIZARDMAN A crying]

Wait. I remember.

There was a fight.

And I was beaten by

that dopey-faced kid.


What a clever masquerade.

Huh? What do you mean?


It's simple, really.

The weird little

Hobgoblin who beat me

is quite obviously

the true leader of that village!




That kid?

[LIZARDMAN C] He'd have

to be or there's no way

Sir Gabiru would have lost.

That's true.


It's dirty.

They lied to make Sir Gabiru

lower his guard!

Those cowards.

--[LIZARDMAN A] How dare they!

--[GABIRU] Calm yourselves.

Only weaklings would

resort to such tricks.


You're so wise.

Way to go, Sir Gabiru.

Truly amazing, sir.

That's our future Chieftain.

[LAPLACE] You're doing

a bang up job, Gabiru.

Oh, no. I'm really not

all that wonderful, guys.

Wait, who is that?!

He's been here the whole time.

[LAPLACE] You're just as

marvelous as all the rumors say.

The name's Laplace,

at your service.



[LAPLACE] Lord Gelmud has

sent me here on his behalf

to give you a teensy warning.

Warning? From Lord Gelmud?!

Uh, who's Lord Gelmud?

Don't you remember?

He's the person who gave

Sir Gabiru his name.

Thank you for coming

all the way out here.

Please, tell me about

this warning you speak of.

[LAPLACE] Well, we have

quite the crazy situation

on our hands.

It seems that this army of Orcs

is actually being led

by a big scawy monster

known as the Orc Lord.


An actual Orc Lord?

[GABIRU grunts]


Luckily the Lizardmen Chieftain

is very capable.

Though, he is getting up

there in his lizardy years.

I do wonder, can Daddy handle

such a massive challenge?




Originally, I had planned

on taking over as Chieftain

after we'd run off the Orc Army.

But it seems that

would be too late!


Probably so.

Excuse me.

I hate to rush off so suddenly,

but this is quite urge--


Say no more.

You're returning to

the marshlands, yes?

By all means, go.

Yes, thank you.

Let's get moving!



[LAPLACE] I'm sure you'll

do your best, Gabiru.

[ORCS] Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

Chieftain, what are

we going to do?

The Orc Army's

quickly approaching.

There's not much we can

do except wait here.

We have no means of fighting

an army , strong.




Sir, we have an intruder!

He's demanding to see you.

Right. Well, allow him inside.

But, Chieftain, it's not safe.

So you feel it, too, it seems.

It's his aura.

I do. He's no simple intruder.

He's strong.

I doubt even a hundred

of our best men

could stand against him.

Forgive me. We're presently

in a tough situation.

I can't spare much hospitality.


Don't trouble yourself.

I am only an envoy.

I come here today

bearing a message

from my lord and master.

[CHIEFTAIN grunts]


Very well. What's the message?

An alliance. My master wishes

to join forces with you.


An alliance? I see.


I have no real knowledge

concerning your master.

My master is known as

the Great Rimuru Tempest.

He recently received

a request from the Dryads.

He has sworn that he will

defeat the Orc Army.

[BOTH gasps]

A request from

the Dryads? Truly?

She informed us

that this Orc Army

is being led by an Orc Lord.


[SOUEI] You may want

to keep that in mind

as you consider our proposal.

Yeah, right. Rimuru?

I've never heard of him.

This is all a ruse.

He probably sent you here

because he's afraid

of the Orc Lord.

He should admit his weakness

and just ask for our help.




You need to hold your tongue.

But, sir, I cannot.

He's clearly here

to belittle our clan.


What is this?

Please, hold.

I apologize for this

one's rudeness.


And I ask that you forgive him.

I believe that your offer

would benefit us both equally.



Pardon me.

I did not come here

to make trouble.

But I won't let

my master be insulted.


Strong words.

Had I not stopped him, he

would've easily taken his head.

[CHIEFTAIN] Judging by your

aura, you appear to be an ogre.

Are you from

the southwest region?

Was an ogre.

My master granted me

the name of "Souei"

and then I evolved into a Kijin.


But isn't that the superior race

born only rarely from ogres?


If that's true,

it would mean that your

master is very powerful.

He must be of a race even more

superior than the Kijin.


An offer to enter an alliance.

And what's more, it comes right

on the heels of an Orc Lord

appearing in this world.

I would be foolish to refuse.


Concerning this alliance,

I'll accept it on one condition.


Which is?

I wish to meet your master.

It was Rimuru Tempest, yes?


Very well.

Then we shall begin

preparations immediately.

We will meet you here

in seven days' time.

You can have an audience

with my master once he arrives.



You must ensure none of your men

engage in battle with the Orcs

before we can get here.


I understand.

Thank you.




Don't worry.

For there is light

at the end of this tunnel.

Gather everyone at once.

[CHIEFTAIN] Pay attention,

the Orc Army invasion

has already drawn near to our

lands and this underground cave.

Stay calm. We have

nothing to fear.

In just seven days,

powerful reinforcements

will join us here.

Until then, we must

proceed with caution.

We need to conserve our

strength for this fight.

Under no circumstances are

we to make the first strike.

Those who fall in battle will

only be devoured by the enemy

and enhance their strength.


This is what it means to stand

against the legendary Orc Lord.

And once our

reinforcements join us,

we'll launch a counterattack.

You must resist

fighting until then.

I won't tolerate a single

death among my men.

[LIZARDMEN cheering]

[swords clanking]


Good job. Surround him!

Was that monster

seriously an Orc?

It was so strong, it felt more

like we were fighting an ogre.


It's hard to believe.

And just think,

there's , of these pigs.

[LIZARDMAN A] That must be

the power of the Orc Lord.

We still have to defend

this place for three more days.

[GABIRU] If all we do is defend,

then we'll exhaust our strength.

[gasps] It can't be.





Ah! You've returned.

Now then, tell me

all about your travels.

Were you able to

recruit any Goblins?


Seven thousand altogether.

I have them on standby.



But why are our forces in hiding

instead of preparing for battle?

The Lizardmen are a proud race;

we should be fighting Orcs,

not cowering in a cave.

Ah, while you were away

on your recruitment mission,

we were approached

with an offer of alliance.

Until our friends arrive

with reinforcements,

our best strategy

is to focus on defense.


You've aged, Father.

I've what?

[BOTH gasp]

I agree utilizing

these natural labyrinths

may be a wise strategy

against a large army.

And yet, it also

divides our forces

between too many

separate corridors.

And stops us from meeting

our enemies at full strength.

Wait, Gabiru. What's

the meaning of all this?

Remain calm,

captain of the guard.

I have no intention

of harming you.



I promise to apologize later

for resorting to v*olence.

And I hate to restrain you,

but bear with it until my men

and I defeat the Orc Lord.

Son, no.

Please, I beg you

not to do this.


Gabiru. Brother, please!

This is madness!


Unhand me!

Let-let go at once!

You're making a mistake!

I won't stand for this!

Sir Gabiru, here.

That belongs to Father.

Wait, this power...

Vortex Spear.

Does this mean you acknowledge

me as your master?

Sir, we've seized the leaders

of each clan per your request.

As it turns out, a lot

of the younger Lizardmen

also did not agree with

these defensive tactics.

Good work.

We'll gladly follow your orders.

We're yours, Sir Gabiru.

Thank you. Now, get ready.

I'll show you how a

true Lizardman fights.

The time has come!

[LIZARDMEN cheering]


Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!


Trample all. Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all...

[RIMURU] The Orc Army

soon enveloped the marshlands.

Then, from one corner of

their ranks, commotion arose.



There is no need to fear

these pigs any more than before.

These marshlands are our domain!

We will throw the Orcs into

confusion with our agility.

Those pigs are just big dimwits

whose feet will

get stuck in the mud!

All right!


We're making a dent.

Sure are.

I told you these Orcs were

no match for the Lizardmen!

Right! Withdraw for now.


Gabiru's men had to acknowledge

his tactical talents.

[LIZARDMAN E screaming]


What's happening?

[RIMURU] But there was one thing

they didn't account for.

Something Gabiru didn't know.

The Orc Lord's terror.

The Orcs are eating other Orcs?


Their Chieftain knew this,

about the Orc Lord's influence.

That gap in knowledge would

have consequences for Gabiru,

as he would soon see.

[ORCS] Trample all.

Trample all. Trample all.

The strength of this comrade

we eat is now ours.

The abilities of this prey

are now ours!


Next time, "The Great Clash."