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01x08 - (D) Inherited Will

Posted: 04/25/23 18:51
by bunniefuu

Mister Slime?



Thanks so much.



Ifrit took over.

And I very nearly k*lled

the people I cared about.

Like last time.




I was wondering...



Can I tell you something?

[RIMURU] You should really

save your strength.

But I want you to know my story.

To know that I lived.


Okay then.


So Shizu told me about her life,

though her memory

was a bit fuzzy.

She spoke of Ifrit.

How it possessed her

after she arrived here.

And how she had

k*lled her own friend.


When Pirino died... I stayed.

I had to serve the Demon Lord.

I was his closest aid.

But then, I met someone.


Who was it?


The Hero.





That's right.


There was a battle.

The Demon Lord

abandoned his castle

and left me behind

as the rear guard.

Maybe I stayed there because

it was the will of Ifrit.

Or maybe it was simply

of my own volition.

I'm still not sure.



I can't win.


The Hero.

I wonder if she was the same one

who sealed Veldora in that cave.

[SHIZU] I was certain

she would end my life

there on those steps.

But then she surprised me

by speaking instead.

She wanted to know

why I was there

and how I'd managed

to stay alive.

I was a majin.

Yet she still believed

everything I told her.

Then, she said,

"It's all right now."

[SHIZU] She was able

to unlock my emotions.

After that,

the Hero took me in.

The mask I wear,

it's hers. Or it was.

She said it would boost

my magic resistance

and help suppress Ifrit,

the fire spirit within me.


Allow me.

As we traveled

around together,

I learned about the world,

and she taught me about magic.

Thanks to this mask,

I even learned how to

utilize Ifrit's power,

to some extent anyway.

By helping others and fighting.

[RIMURU] Doing those things

is how you got your nickname

as the Conqueror of Flames,

and rightfully so.

I'm glad I got to

see you in action.

It was awesome!

Being with her

made me very happy.

So I studied and

became her partner.

But then...




One day, she disappeared...

...and left me behind.




I'm not sure.

I wish I knew.

But I don't.


"I'm certain we'll meet again."

Those were her last words to me.

That day, I decided

to become stronger.

I wanted to help people

who were suffering.


So I worked really hard.

For several decades.

Doesn't that sound impressive?

Yeah. It sure does.

People called me a hero

and a champion.

But even though my body appeared

young, I was still aging.

As I got older, it became

more difficult to control Ifrit.

[SHIZU] One wrong step, and I

could release him by mistake.

When I thought about that,

I got scared.

I didn't want to hurt

someone, not again.

Like I had done with Pirino.


Because of that,

I retired and decided

to become an instructor.


Sounds like fun.


I was a teacher at a school.


Whoa! There are schools here?

[SHIZU] Yes, in the

Kingdom of Ingrassia.

I taught kids from other worlds.


Kids, huh? That's interesting.

I guess that means Otherworlders

are more common than I thought.

It was actually one of them

who told me about

the video game line you said.

Do you remember what it was?

[BOTH] "Nice to meet you,

I'm not a bad slime, slurp."

[BOTH chuckle]

It was a lot of fun.

[ALL laughing]

Hey, teach, what are

we doin' today?

Well, I don't know.

What do you all think

we should do?


Those were peaceful times.

[SHIZU] Some of my students left

to pursue their own adventures.

In fact, one of them

is now the Grandmaster.



[SHIZU] The person responsible

for overseeing

all the guilds

in every country.

[RIMURU] Whoa, kinda

sounds like a big deal.

Yes, it certainly is.

So naturally, I felt like

there was nothing left

I could teach anyone.

But then, as I neared

the end of my life,

it became more difficult

to suppress Ifrit's will.

And I remembered

what I needed to do.

I set out on a new quest.


Oh? What for?

[SHIZU] To find the man who

summoned me to this world.


Do you want revenge?


I don't know, but...

There was something

I needed to find out.

Then I found them.


They're really good people

If not a little danger-prone.


Yeah, that's true.


I had a lot of fun, but now...

Hey, Mister Slime,

will you please

tell me your name?


Huh? I'm Rimuru, remember?

Your real name, silly.


Oh. It's Satoru.

Satoru Mikami.

I'm Shizue.

Shizue Izawa.

[RIMURU] Shizue, you should

try and get some rest.


Can I ask you something?

For a favor?


Of course. Whatever you need.

Could you... me?


Just like you ate my curse.

Right now, I feel

like I'm at peace.

I'm so glad.


I don't love this world, yet...

...I can't hate it, either.

Kind of like the man

who summoned me here.

That's why... why I...

I don't want to be

absorbed by this world.

So please.


This is my last request.

Would you... please let me rest

in the one place I'll feel safe?




What's the man's name?


Leon Cromwell.


Leon Cromwell.

He's a powerful demon lord.

Take care.

[RIMURU] What did you

wanna find out from him?




I just wanted him

to acknowledge that I...

...a human girl,

actually existed.

The kids. You can

still help them.

Maybe they can...

...return to their worlds.

[RIMURU] I swear on the

name of Satoru Mikami.

No, on the name

Rimuru Tempest.

I will make sure

that the demon lord,

Leon Cromwell, hears

your final wishes.

Thank you.



My destined one,

please rest in peace, within me.


Would you like to use

the Unique Skill "Predator"?



So that she can dream

happy dreams for eternity

and never have

to wake from them.

Oh, there you both are!

Please don't leave me

behind ever again!







Hey, do you think Shizu's okay?

Don't worry so much.

Besides, Rimuru's

with her, remember?

Yeah, Kaval's right.

Not to mention

you've seen how effective

his healing potions are,

they can fix anything.




What a surprise.

Are you all here to visit

our patient as well?

Yeah, is that why

you've come, too?

Yes. Well, and to bring

Miss Shizu

a fresh change of clothes.

Lord Rimuru? Excuse me.


[ALL gasp]




That body.

[ALL gasp]

Whoa, hold on! Are you

saying that's Rimuru?


So then, Shizu has passed away?

Hold on, how do we know

for sure you're really Rimuru?

Of course we're sure.


That's right.

You really think I wouldn't

recognize my own master

just because

his body's changed?

Uh, no, that's not

what we meant at all.

To be honest... sort of look like

a younger version of Shizu.

Well, it's me. Watch.


Not gonna lie, I'm impressed.

Does that mean you ate Shizu?

The same way you ate Ifrit?

[RIMURU] I did, but because

it's the only burial

I could give her.

I'm sorry, I should've consulted

you guys before I did anything.



After all, you were just

honoring her last request.

So it's fine.


Sorry, Eren.

You must think

I'm a real monster.



But if nothing else,

I wish I could've at least

said goodbye to her.


Before she died,

Shizu told me

she had a lot of fun

traveling with you three.

She also mentioned that

you were a bit danger-prone.





Hey, hold on! Don't blame me.

You're the leader.


Huh? Well, what about you,

Gido? Remember the pit fall?

Hold on, that only happened

because Eren pushed me.

Nuh-uh. You fell 'cause you're

clumsy. I was too busy...

[RIMURU] Honestly, this behavior

suits them a lot more

than being all sad and stuff.

Don't you think, Shizu?


Actually, it kinda sounds like

you relied on her too much.




We appreciate all your help,

but we should be heading out.


Back to your country?


We gotta report

to the guild master

about what we found here

and about Shizu.

Don't worry, we only have

good things to say

about your village.

We'll tell him

about you, too, Rimuru.

If anything ever comes up,

you can count on us.

[RIMURU] Thank you.

I'll keep that in mind.



Hey, uh, could we possibly

ask you for one more favor?


What's up?

Do you think you could maybe

take your human form again?



Sure, I guess.

Does this work okay?

[ALL] Shizu, thank you

so much for everything.


And I'll try to be

the kinda leader

you won't have to worry about.

We had some

great times together.

I'll treasure those memories.


Thank you!

You became like

a big sister to me, Shizu.

[RIMURU] You know,

I'm actually really glad

that Shizu's last journey was

with these three adventurers.


By the way, what's the deal

with that junk you call gear?


Huh? How mean!

No way! This stuff's

like my dream armor.

Whoa, look at the quality

of this robe.

And it's light but sturdy,

not to mention gorgeous.

Someone pinch me.

I've never owned such

fine equipment before.

Huh? Whoa! It's even lined

with fur from a Direwolf.

[RIMURU] They're parting gifts.

Some of our artisans' best work.







[KAIJIN laughs]

I wouldn't call them our best

work, they're only prototypes.

So do they fit you all right?

It's all about

craftsmanship, you know!




Say something!

I'll introduce you.

From the right, this is Kaijin,

Garm, Myrd, and Dord.

Wait, Kaijin? No way!

[EREN] As in Kaijin

the world-famous blacksmith?!


And Garm, Myrd, and Dord.

The three renowned

Dwarf brothers?!

Thank you so much!

I'll make it an heirloom.


I'm so happy!

You just made my life!

[RIMURU] Wow, I never realized

that Kaijin and his buddies

had such a

prestigious reputation.

They're national treasures.

Or should I say

Dwarven treasures?

[RIMURU] After thanking

the Dwarves for so long

that we all got

a little uncomfortable,

the three travelers

went on their way.

I have to admit,

they're much more resilient

than I gave 'em credit for.

[RIMURU] A woman who lost

everything to the flames

when she was a child

ironically managed to gain the

power of fire in her travels.


She went on to use that ability

to help others who were in need.

But the flames within

gradually consumed her,

until eventually, the day came

where she could

no longer control them.

[RIMURU] This woman's name

was Shizue Izawa.

She was a champion,

whose body housed Ifrit.

Harboring the fire spirit

earned her the title,

"Conqueror of Flames."

[RIMURU] I won't forget the

promise that I made to Shizu.

[RIMURU] But before I can go

and slug Leon Cromwell,

the dumb Demon Lord

who made her cry,

I need to gather

some information.

In the end, I'm a slime

who keeps his promises.


There you have it.

That's how the man

who believed he had nothing

but an ordinary

and uneventful life,

a man who was stabbed

on the street and died,

was reincarnated as a slime.

How he went on to inherit

the will of both

the Storm Dragon, Veldora,

and a human woman, Shizue,

and found his purpose.

[RIMURU] He was a slime

by the name of Rimuru.

The world he lived in was about

to enter a turbulent new era,

and this small slime would be

at the center of it all.

[RIMURU] You know, I still

kinda like this form, too.

[breathing heavily]

[GELMUD] I think I shall give

you a name and some food.

Who are you?


I am Gelmud.

If you like, just think

of me as your father.




Would you prefer to die?


Give me a name.

I'll take that and the food.

[GELMUD] Very well,

I shall name you Geld.

Geld, huh?

[GELMUD] One day,

you will take possession

of the Great Forest of Jura,

and become the Orc Disaster.

[GREAT SAGE] Next time,

"Attack of the Ogres."