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01x04 - (D) In the Kingdom of the Dwarves

Posted: 04/25/23 18:47
by bunniefuu

Rimuru and his friends

are traveling north,

following the Ameld River.

They're headed for Dwargon,

the Kingdom of the Dwarves,

hoping to find artisans

who can help make clothing

and houses for the Goblins.

His band includes Rigur

and two other Goblins,

as well as their guide Gobta,

who has apparently

made the trip before.

[RIMURU] The Tempest Wolves who

evolved from the Direwolves

run as fast as the wind.

[RIMURU] Be careful not to

push yourselves too hard!




[RIMURU] That didn't

mean go faster, Ranga!


Hey, Rigur.

I was wondering, who was it

that named your brother?

Sir, I'm told that

he received his name

from a passing demon

called Lord Gelmud.

He saw promise in him.



Oh, Lord Gelmud.

He's from the Demon Lord's army.



[RIMURU] Hold up, "Demon

Lord's Army"? Demon Lord?

Back in the cave Veldora

mentioned a hero, too.

Hopefully I don't run

into either of them.

Sounds like nothing but trouble.



Say, Ranga.



[RIMURU] Since I was the one

who k*lled your dad,

do you ever think

about avenging him?

Like taking me out

or whatever?

It's something I've been

kinda worried about.


I have thought about it.


But though I lost my father,

you spared the rest of us,

even after defeating our clan,

and then you gave us a new name.

I feel nothing but gratitude.

There's no room for resentment.

Our pack is loyal to you

and you alone.

You are our only master.




[RIMURU] Any chance you

can tell me more about

where we're headed?

Uh, well, for starters,

its official title

is technically

the Armed Nation of Dwargon.

It's a beautiful city carved out

of a natural cave system,

where Dwarves,

Elves, humans,

and other species live and

work together in harmony.



[ELVES giggling]


Like, lady Elves?

Oh, and the city's leader

is Gazel Dwargo,

also known as the Hero King.

Supposedly, he's greatly

admired by his people.





Lord Rimuru?

[RIMURU] So, anyway, is it

cool for monsters like me

to go into Dwargon

or are there rules?

Please, there's

no need to worry.

Dwargon is a neutral zone

and a free-trade area.

By the king's command,

all fighting is prohibited

within the city limits.



Dwargon's military

keeps the peace,

so we have them to thank.

They're a force

to reckoned with.

It's said that the Dwarven army

has been undefeated

for a thousand years.


Seriously?! Color me impressed.

[RIMURU] It sounds like no

one would be stupid enough

to get on that king's bad side.

Last time I was there, someone

picked a fight with me...

I'm sure we'll be fine.

Don't worry, my lord.



[RIMURU] I can't put my

gelatinous finger on it,

but I feel like a red

flag just went up.

Nice, they're ready.

These smell delicious.

[RIMURU] It's said

that for a Goblin on foot,

it can take a total

of two months or more

to walk to the Dwarven Kingdom.


However, thanks to Ranga

and the other

Tempest Wolves,

Rimuru's party made the same

journey in three days.

[RIMURU] I see, so

that's where the Elves,

uh, that is, the

Dwarves, live, huh?

I can't wait to meet

some gorgeous Elves.

Uh, I mean, I can't wait to meet

some super-skilled Dwarves!

[RIGUR] Are you sure

you only wanna take Gobta

into the city with you, my lord?

[RIMURU] Yep. A big group will

just draw unwanted attention.

So, Gobta can show me around.

But, sir--

Relax, we'll be fine.


Please don't go.


Don't worry.

We'll be back as soon as we can.

You guys just chill here, okay?

Be careful, my lord.

[RANGA howls]

[RIMURU] Check out this line.

Security must be strict.

Yeah, but once we get inside,

we're pretty much free

to do whatever we want.


Whatever we want?

[ELVES giggling]


Well, what do we have here?



Looks like a couple

of scrawny monsters.

There aren't any rules about

fightin' outside the city,

so they're fair game.


And there it is, the red flag.

I should've called this.

[RIMURU] Hey, Gobta.

Did this happen last time?

Uh-huh. It did, sir.

I was waiting in line to get in

when I got beat up

by some humans.

Unfortunately, that's the

fate of weak monsters.


Maybe it's time to change that.

You dumb monsters

better stop ignoring us

or you'll regret it.

Now hold on, a talking slime

monster's a pretty rare sight.

We could make a

fortune selling it.

[RIMURU] Gobta, do you remember

the first rule I told you?

Yes. I recall rule number one

was we should never

attack a human, sir.

[RIMURU] Correct.

So, I want you to close

your eyes and cover your ears.

Do not look this way, got it?

I understand!


Okay, then.




Listen, dummies.

I'm feeling generous,

so if you leave right now,

I'll spare your lives.

[MAN A growls]

You must be joking! What are you

gonna do, get us all slimy?!

Yeah, shut your

nonexistent trap!

We were gonna let you live,

but since you've pissed us off,

you'd better say

your prayers, monster!

[RIMURU] They're as weak

as their comebacks.


Wait, are you threatening me?

How bold of you.

[MAN A] Of course we are,

you stupid slime!

[RIMURU] Oh! You think

I'm just a mere slime!


I am. I totally am.



What gave you the impression

that I was such a weak monster?

Fine, then. I guess I'll have

to show you my true form.

[RIMURU] Huh? Did my

Mimicry Skill evolve?

[MAN A] Tch! All you did was

change your appearance!

There's no way you can scare us

off with your cheap tricks.

[RIMURU] This is so annoying.

Just run away already.

[RIMURU] Whatever. Let's do

this! Come at me, bruh!

Ha! Well, it's your funeral.

Yeah, let's get him, guys!


Where'd they come from?


Slash attack!


Heavy Hitting Cut!

Cast fireball!

Magic Wall, go!

[MAN A yells]


It bounced off?

But that's impossible.

His fur is too tough!


Oh, I think I felt an itch.

[RIMURU] Holy hell.

I thought I was gonna die!

Mimicry is the b*mb!


Now it's my turn.


[ALL screaming]


Uh. Oopsie.


Menace attack damage report:

Sixteen people fled.

Sixty-eight became confused.

Ninety-two fainted.

Thirty-four soiled themselves.

[RIMURU] I really could've

passed on the last detail.

--[KAIDO] Hey!



Stop right there!



A slime?





We're in the middle of a crisis

and he's taking a nap?

Sheesh, some guide

he turned out to be.




Uh, right!

Actually, that's everything.


Since you're a slime

monster and a Goblin,

they probably att*cked

thinking you'd be easy targets.

[RIMURU] All I wanted to do

was scare them away.

I'm really sorry. I never meant

to cause you so much trouble.

Okay, everything you told me

matches up with

the witness reports.

Just this once, I'll let you--


Captain, we've got trouble!

There was an Armorsaurus

attack in the mine!

Call the Suppression Force.

They're en route, sir.

But Garm and his brothers were

in the mine gathering magic ore

and I'm afraid they've

been badly injured.


Do we have potions?

Not enough.

We had to donate most

of them to the w*r effort.

[growls] Well, we

have to do something

Those guys are like

brothers to me.

There's no time to waste.

Start looking for more potions.


Um, sir?


Search the entire city!





Ugh. Hey! You weren't supposed

to leave the barrel!

[RIMURU] But if I had

stayed in the barrel,

how would I have done that?

You guys need this, right?

What's that?


Healing potion. The best around.

You can drink it

or apply it directly.



[RIMURU] You're welcome

to use it on your men.


Hold on, Captain.

Are you really gonna trust

that slime's potion?

Yes, I'll have to.

Let's hurry up.

Yes, right away, sir.

You, get back in that cell.

[RIMURU] He was really worried

about those dudes in the mine.


Seems like a good guy.


A cradle!

A diamond!

Hand drum!

A boat!

And now...

...Tokyo tower!




Gobta's Unique Skill

must be the power

to sleep through anything.



You saved them. Thank you!

Are you the one that

gave us that potion?

We're in your debt.


No prob.

My arm was almost ripped off.

Even if I had survived, there's

no way I'd be able to work.

Thanks a lot, pal.


You're welcome.



--[MYRD] Mm-hmm.

--[RIMURU] Use your words!

Thanks again for your help.

We owe you one.




Am I free?

Yeah, of course you are.

I gotta tell you, that

healing potion you gave us

is the most remarkable

thing I've ever seen.

I can't thank you enough,

and if you ever need a favor,

you can count on me.


Well, in that case...




I see. That's an easy fix.

I'll introduce you to the

best blacksmith I know.


Thanks, that'd be awesome!


There's no need to thank me.

I'm happy to help out.





The city of Dwargon is so cool!

Everything's so advanced

compared to the Goblin Village.


This way.



Don't get lost now.



There's so much incredible

detail in every piece!

Check out that sword.

Is it actually shining?

Is it magic?

Yeah, you got a good eye.

I know the guy

who made this piece.



[KAIDO] It's the blacksmith

I told you about.


Aw, yeah!

[KAIDO] Here we are!

Trust me, this guy is great.

Hey, bro, It's me. You busy?




Hey, Kaido. Give me one sec.

Yeah, sure.


Sorry to interrupt you.

That's Kaijin. My older brother.

[RIMURU] Whoa. That dude's

definitely tough as nails.

--[GARM] Huh?

--[DORD] Uh!


Huh? Oh.



Oh, a slime.

Do you guys know each other?

Indeed we do, it's the

one from yesterday.

It's the slime

we told you about.

He gave us that

great healing potion.



Oh, I've heard a lot about you.

Thanks so much. I'm grateful.

[RIMURU] Come on now,

you're makin' me blush.

Ain't no thang.

Or is it?

[RIMURU laughs]

So, uh, what did you need?



Yes, I see.

That's a conundrum.

I'm sorry. I'm just too

backed up to help out.

Thanks to that

dimwitted minister,

I've got more work than

I can possibly handle.


What do you mean?

It's likely we'll be

going to w*r soon,

so he wants longswords.

All by the end of the week.

To make things even worse,

I'm short on materials;

I've only got one done.


Why didn't you say it was

an impossible request?


Yeah, why?

Don't call me a dummy.

Besides, I actually did try

to turn it down at first.

But that snooty Minister Vesta

just wouldn't let it go.

How disappointing.

I've always heard

that the great Kaijin

is the best blacksmith

in the entire city of Dwargon.

Yet he's unable to handle

such a menial task?

No way I could ever let

an insult like that slide.

My pride's on the line.


Sounds kinda like my old boss.

I guess workplace politics

are alive and well

in this world, too.


So, you need materials?

Yeah, there's a particular item

that I need called magic ore.

It's actually what we were

mining for yesterday.

But then that

Armorsaurus showed up.




I see.

Still though, it's not

like there was much left

there to mine anyway.

The ore's all been

cleared out, so...

[KAIJIN] Even if I could

get my hands on the materials,

it'd take two weeks

to make swords.

To be honest,

I don't have enough time.


I only have five days

to deliver every one of

those swords to the king.

Every smith in the kingdom

has been asked to complete

the same project,

and if for some reason

we can't do it,

then they've threatened

to revoke our certifications.

That's awful.


Man, that sucks for you.


Wait. If it's magic ore..

...could it be one

and the same?!

[RIMURU laughing]


Hey, old man.


Here. Can you use this?



Hold on, now.

Hold on, hold on, hold on,

hold on, hold on!

That's a huge chunk

of magic ore.

And it's unbelievably

pure, to boot.


Check again.

Are you sure it's a

chunk of magic ore?



Ohh! By the king's name!

It's already been processed

into a cluster of magisteel.



I'll be able to create

some amazing swords

with a piece this pure,

in fact, the entire cluster

is extremely valuable.

[clears throat] Um, but wait

Are you certain

I can have this?

I mean, of course I'd be

happy to compensate you.

[RIMURU] Let's see.

It is a lot to part with.

--[RIMURU whistles]

--[KAIJIN] What is it you want?

I'll give you anything

within my power.

[RIMURU] Actually, I was

hoping you'd say that.

[RIMURU] I'd like you to

gather some artisans for me.

Ones who'd be willing

to travel to my village

and maybe teach us their trades.

Is that seriously all you want?

Yeah, we're kinda

lacking the clothing

and shelter thing

that every village needs.

We'll probably need

extra clothes,

as well as some weapons

and armor in the future, too.


You've got yourself a deal.

But, Kaijin...

Even if we started on those

swords right away...




Can you finish on time?

Well, I have to at least

give it a shot.

All right, boys,

let's get going!

--GARM, DORD] Yeah!

--[MYRD] Mm-hmm.

[RIMURU] Huh. Great Sage,

you got a minute?




Hey, old man.



[RIMURU] You said you've got

one sword made, right?

Can I please see it?

Um... Yeah, sure.


It's magnificent.

Even in my untrained

slime eye,

I can tell you possess

an admirable skill.

Uh. Is the blade shining?

[KAIJIN] Yes, because

it has a magisteel core.




How do I explain?

A sword with that sort of core

can change and evolve

depending on its user.




So cool!

I wish I could get

Kaijin to come back

to the village with us.

Uh, but for that to happen...


Hey, mind if I borrow this?

[BOTH gasps]



The sword!

He ate it?

[MYRD gasps]

Why would you do that?


Just trust me.


Okay, analyze away.


Analyzing: Longsword.

Analysis complete.

[RIMURU] Now, use some magisteel

to make a few copies.


Producing copy.



[BOTH gasp]



I give you longswords.

All with magisteel cores.




A party?

[KAIJIN] Yeah, I would never

have made my delivery on time

if it weren't for you.

[RIMURU] Nonsense, you don't

have to do that for me.

Ah, come on.

It'll be fun. There's gonna be

lots of cute Elf girls there.



Yeah! It's a place called

Butterflies of the Night!

And it's loaded

with beautiful women.

They'll wait on you hand

and foot all night long!

--[RIMURU] Butterflies.

--[MYRD] Hmm-hmm.


Speak, man!

Come on, you have to go.

It won't be a party

without you, Rimuru.


That's right!

[RIMURU] Well, since you insist,

it'd be rude for me not to go.

[GUYS cheering]



What am I gonna do

with you guys?!

[ELVES giggling]

[door opens]


It's Kaijin. Good to see you.


Welcome, masters.


Holy crap!




I mean, Elves!

Aw, cutie!


Oh, yes!

Hey, no fair.

Here. Come hang out with me.

[RIMURU] Oh, my gah!

Her dress is so thin.

Wow, it's like super

soft and bouncy.


I'm pretty sure that's my line.


I think I've died and gone

straight to honker heaven.

Boobs are amazing.

These were worth the wait.

[KAIJIN] For a guy who initially

didn't wanna come here,

you sure seem happy now.


Huh? Uh.

Uh, don't be ridiculous!


[ALL chuckling]

Okay, then, who's ready

for a drink?





[RIMURU] During this time,

I was living my best life.

I mean, I had the most

awesome seat in the house.

[RIMURU] Sometimes, life

is filled with huge, bouncy,

peaks and valleys.

But you know the saying,

all good things

must come to an end.

That's life for you.


[GREAT SAGE] Next time,

"Hero King, Gazel Dwargo."