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01x02 - (D) Meeting the Goblins

Posted: 04/25/23 18:46
by bunniefuu

So, what are we gonna do?



[SLIME] You know, about this

Unlimited Imprisonment thing.

Now that we're buddies,

I feel bad

that you've been

stuck here alone

for the past years.



[SLIME] Is that a dragon

version of puppy dog eyes?

Come on, man, that look's

only cute coming from a girl.

[VELDORA] I'm willing to listen

to any ideas you have.

As it stands now,

I probably only have

years or so

before my magic

completely runs out.

My magicules have been

leaking out of me.

[SLIME] That explains why this

cave is magicule central.

No wonder there's valuable

herbs and ore galore.

What happens when

you run outta juice?


Nothing really.


What do you mean by "nothing"?


Hmph. I'll probably just die.


Oh. That's rough.

Three hundred years

of complete solitude

followed by dying alone?



Uh, well, it's worth a try.




Great Sage,

use Predator on

the Unlimited Imprisonment.


The attempt has failed.

[SLIME] Should've known

it wouldn't be that easy.


It's hopeless.



Isn't there anything we can do?


Examining possibilities.


Hey, it's rude to ignore me

to just talk to your own skill.




Survey completed.

Possibilities include...

--[VELDORA] Hm-hm.

--[SLIME] Uh-huh.


Yeah, that makes sense.

So, here's what

I've got for you.

We have to analyze the Unlimited

Imprisonment from both sides,

then we might be able

to remove it.


Oh? Hold on.

I can't analyze it from my side.

The hero also sealed my skills,

so I won't be much help.


Then just give me the data

and I'll analyze it

from my side.

[VELDORA] Okay, but that could

take quite a while.

I wouldn't want you to have to

wait around that whole time.

Uh, not that it would

bother me or anything.


That's a good point.

I was thinking that

maybe I'd like to try

and find others from my world.


Of course.


There is one thing we could try.


Uh, wh-what is it?

[SLIME] How about you

get in my stomach?


[SLIME] See, I can use my

skills, Great Sage and Predator

to analyze

Unlimited Imprisonment.

Meanwhile, you can try to

destroy it from the inside.

You'll be safe and sound

inside my slime tummy

and probably won't

disappear permanently.

What do ya think?

[VELDORA laughing]


[VELDORA] Now that sounds

like it could be interesting.

Let's do it! I'm willing.

I trust you completely, friend.


Just like that, huh?

No questions asked?


Well, sure.

Breaking through Unlimited

Imprisonment together

sounds like it could be fun.

And my only other choice is to

wait here for you to come back.


[SLIME] I guess, and two

is better than one.

Let's do this thing!



--[SLIME chuckles]

--[VELDORA] Hmm?


Okay. So I'll use Predator and--


Hold on a moment.

Before you proceed, I'd like

to give you a proper name.

I think you should

give me one, too.



[VELDORA] By doing so,

it engraves onto our souls

the fact that we are equals.

It's what humans often refer

to as a "family name,"

but the name I give you

will offer my divine protection.

Currently, you are nameless,

so this will mark you

as a monster with power.

[SLIME] A monster with

a name, huh? Sounds cool.


Indeed it does.

Now give me a good name.


I'll try.

Let's see... something cool.

Veldora the Storm Dragon...

Hmm. Storm...

I feel like if nothing else

it should at least be

related to that somehow.

And storm seems kinda obvious.

Oh! How about "Tempest"?


That's a cool name, right?

[VELDORA] "Tempest"?!

That's what you chose?!


Is it dumb?


It sounds fantastic!

From this day onward,

I am Veldora Tempest!

[SLIME] Yeesh, you scared

me for a second there.


Now I shall give you a name.

How about "Rimuru"?


"Rimuru." Yeah, sounds good.


Then you are now Rimuru Tempest!


At that moment,

I felt something shift

deep within my very soul.

It was as if the name itself

became permanently

engraved upon it.


I am Rimuru Tempest!




Veldora Tempest.

[RIMURU] Okay, well,

I'm gonna eat ya now.

It's time to bust out of

that Unlimited Imprisonment!

[VELDORA laughs] Let's do it.

I'm sure we'll meet face-to-face

again in the near future.


We will.

Unique Skill: Predator!


[RIMURU] That was easier

than I thought it would be.

Things are gonna be quiet

without Veldora.


Would you like to analyze

the Unique Skill:

Unlimited Imprisonment?


Yes. Analyze away.

[RIMURU] On that day,

a great tremor rocked the world.

The disappearance of

Veldora the Storm Dragon,

a Catastrophe-class monster,

was confirmed.

The cave where Veldora

had been sealed for so long

was located within

the Great Forest of Jura.

And on the outskirts

of that same forest

existed several

different countries.

[RIMURU] One of those

aforementioned countries

was the Kingdom of Blumund.

Have you heard about

the Storm Dragon yet?

Certainly you have.

I've heard a rumor or two.

[VERYARD chuckles]

That's not surprising,

you are a Guild

Master after all.

Well, then, can you tell me

what measures the guild

intends to take

regarding this matter?

We hadn't intended to take

any sort of measures.

The disappearance of Veldora

will only serve

to galvanize the monsters,

which will be a problem

for everyone.


Honestly, I think

the real problem

you need to be worrying about

is the Eastern Empire.

With the dragon gone,

it's likely they'll

invade that region.

[VERYARD] Yes, and if the

Eastern Empire does manage

to get through

the Great Forest of Jura,

the provinces

around it will fall

before we can even retaliate.

You look kind of tired.

Are you sleeping okay?



As a favor to an old friend,

I suppose I could do

some investigating.

I will look into the

state of the forest,

and things

concerning the Kingdom.

Sounds good.

Thank you, Fuze.

[RIMURU] Veldora's disappearance

brought about chaos

in the surrounding countries,

causing quite a bit trouble

for humans and monsters alike.

Of course, Rimuru had

no way to know this.

[RIMURU] I wonder how many days

have passed since I ate Veldora.

I meandered around for a while

trying to find my way

out of the cave.

I gobbled up any ore

or plant I came across

and stashed it

in my slime storage unit.



"Water Movement" acquired.


Skill: "Water Blade" acquired.

The acquired skills

"Water Pressure Propulsion,"

"Water Movement" and "Water

Blade" have been combined.

They have evolved

into an Extra Skill:

"Water Manipulation.


I tried out all kinds of things

and learned some new skills.

And then I ran

into a new friend.

I knew from the moment we met

we were gonna be best buddies.


[RIMURU screaming]



This is bad.

Is it too late

to go the other way?

Hold up. This guy's not

any scarier than Veldora.

Maybe I'm overreacting.

Time to test out my mad skills.

Let's do this!


Water Blade!

[RIMURU gasps]

[RIMURU] Rimuru used Water Blade

and it was super effective.

I should be careful

who I use it on.


If I were to use

my Predator Skill

and eat that snake

monster thingy,

does that mean

I could analyze it

and learn all of

its abilities?

[RIMURU grunting]


Argh, down the hatch!

[RIMURU yelping]



I can't taste but still, ew!



Analysis complete.

Skills: "Poisonous Breath" and

"Sense Heat Source" acquired.

You can now mimic

Black Serpent.



Cool, so I can breathe

poison and sense heat?

Sounds like that could

come in handy.

Ah, yes! Predator is

the b*mb dot com!

That's it! I'm gonna

acquire all the skills!

[BOTH growling]


Take this!



Note to self: Use sparingly.

[RIMURU] Water Blade!

Water Blade! Water Blade!


[RIMURU yells]


[RIMURU] She sells seashells

down by the seashore.

How much wood

could a woodchuck chuck...

[RIMURU] Thanks to the skills

I acquired from the Giant Bat,

I finally figured out

how to talk out loud.

Take us to your leader.

We have come

from another planet.





Then, after several long weeks

of bouncing around

in that cave...


At last!


[RIMURU] A door that big has

gotta be the exit, right?

[RIMURU] But how am I

supposed to open it?

Do I just Water

Blade it or what?




[GIDO sighs]

About time this sucker opened.

The keyhole is so freakin' rusty

it's impossible to use.

That's no big surprise.

This place has been vacant

for like years or whatever.


We should still be careful

not to let our guard down.

If worse comes to worst, we can

always use our Escape Skill.

[RIMURU] Those are

the first humans I've seen.

I wonder what

they're doing here.

Adventuring, maybe?

How can I understand

them, though?


Answer: The use of Magic Sense

can turn sound waves

that carry intention

into comprehensible words.


Makes sense, and that's good.

Foreign languages

are not my forte.


And by producing sound waves

that carry your thoughts,

you may converse.



But, uh, I'm a slime now.

Trying to talk to them might end

with yet another stabbing.

All right, come closer

so I can activate

my Stealth Arts.





[RIMURU] He called that

skill "Stealth Arts."

Imagine the peeping

you could do!

What a disgraceful perv

that I absolutely wanna

make friends with later!


Are they gone?


What's wrong?

It's weird, I just thought

I sensed a monster nearby.

But nothing is there.

[birds chirping]


Finally, I left the cave.

It was the first time I'd seen

the sun since my last life.

I haven't heard anything

from Veldora since I ate him.

I'm worried he might

be gone for good,

but deep down, I believe his

consciousness is still there.

After all, we made a promise.

[RIMURU] I'll just have to go

on lots of adventures,

that way I'll have some

cool stories to tell him

the next time we meet.

Ah, I haven't been

outside in forever.

The air tastes so sweet.

Not that I can taste.


[GOBLINS whimpering]


Dear Veldora,

as it turns out,

I'll have a cool story

to tell you a little

sooner than I thought.

Scrawny bodies. Beat-up weapons?

Strong One, please forgive me,

but do you have some sort of

business out here in the forest?


Uh, "Strong One"?

Uhh... Does he mean me?

Right, I just need to produce

sound waves

carrying my thoughts.

[inhales sharply]

[screaming] Hi! It's nice

to meet you all!

My name is Rimuru

and I am a slime monster!


Please, sir, we're very aware

of just how much

strength you possess.

Spare us from your

all-powerful voice.

[RIMURU] Oops, maybe I

thought a little too hard.

So, did you need something?

Well, we sensed a powerful

monster roaming around.

We came out here

to investigate it.

[RIMURU] Whoa, so did you guys

already find it or what?

[SON] Surely you jest.

You can't fool us, sir.

Even if you have decided to take

on the form of a mere slime.


I'm the powerful monster?

Please excuse me, but seeing

as you're so strong,

we wanted to ask a favor.



[RIMURU] And that's how I got

invited to the Goblin Village.

Village might've been

a stretch though.

One sneeze from Veldora

and it'd be history.


Uh. Welcome to our humble town.

We are so honored

to have you here.

I am the elder of this village.


Hello, it's nice to meet you.

So what kind of favor

did you guys need from me?

Have you perhaps noticed that

many of the monsters in the area

are unusually active

as of late?



Our god, who has always

protected us,

suddenly disappeared without

a trace about a month ago.

As a result, the monsters

around this area

have started to continually

harass our poor village.


Their god? Does he mean Veldora?

The timing fits.

He must've been keeping

the monsters at bay.

We tried to fight

them off ourselves,

but we simply

lack the numbers.

And that's why we asked

you to come here.


They think I can help them?

[RIMURU] I don't know,

I'm just a lowly slime.

I'm really not that strong,

so I doubt I'd be too much help.

[lRIGURD chuckles]

You're so modest.

And funny, too.



There's no way

that a mere slime

would emit such an

overwhelming aura,

it's quite obvious that you're

a very powerful monster.



What's he talking about?

Is that like power BO?

Yo, Great Sage.

Change Magic Sense's


I'd like to look at myself.


Changing perspective.

[RIMURU] Whoa! Is that seriously

the aura around me?

I feel like I've been walking

around with my fly wide open.

This is so bad!

No wonder the goblins were

groveling back in the forest.

[RIMURU chuckles]

[RIMURU] You noticed,

huh? How wise of you.

But of course, Strong One,

there's no hiding

the rather formidable

air that surrounds you.

[RIMURU] I should've

known I wouldn't be able

to fool the village elder;

you've all shown a great

deal of potential.


[RIMURU grunts]


Whew, managed to suck it in.

Ah. I understand now.

You were testing us.

Hopefully enough of our people

were appropriately frightened

at your powerful aura.


Uh, yeah, totally.

I'm actually impressed

you were brave enough

to speak to me at all.


What am I even talking about?

Come to think of it,

how did those humans

back in the cave not see me?

Maybe they're dumb?

[ELDER] You honor us

with your kind words.

Now, regarding the favor

we wished to ask you.


According to the goblins,

they've been having problems

with some nearby monsters

called Direwolves,

who att*cked them from the east.

Many goblins lost their lives

in the battle against them.

These monsters are said to be

much stronger than the goblins.

And it takes ten of them

to have a chance

at beating one Direwolf.

There was a named

warrior among them

who served as the guardian

for their village.

Unfortunately, he was

k*lled in battle,

and his people

were left defenseless.

They were out of options.

Altogether, there are

about Direwolves.


How many people do you have?


Including women,

we have about

who can still fight.


Those aren't very good odds.

It's like a boss level

in a video game.

[RIMURU] So that goblin warrior

went and fought against wolves

even though he knew

he couldn't possibly win?

Yes, even though he knew

the odds were against him.

He gave his life

so he could bring us

information on our foes.

[ELDER] You see,

that warrior was my son.

And his older brother.


Oh, man.

I'm sorry I brought it up.


Elder. I do have a question.

Yes, sir?

[RIMURU] What's in it for me,

like what would I get in return

if I decide to help you?

There has to be something

you guys can offer.

[RIMURU] It's not that I

actually want compensation.

But it also probably wouldn't

hurt to put on a bit of a show.

We... We could offer

our unfaltering loyalty.

Please, Strong One,

I'm begging you

to grant us your

divine protection,

and in return, our whole

village will swear to you.

We promise.


This brings back memories.


Please help me and I swear

I'll never ask you

for anything again.

All right already.

Just calm down.


When it's all said and done,

I'm terrible at saying no.

--[wolf howling]

--[GOBLINS screaming, gasping]

[all gasp]


It's the Direwolves!

Oh, no, we're all gonna die!

What are we gonna do?!

They're going to eat

the whole village!


Should we run?


Where can we go?

[ELDER] Now, now,

everyone, just remain calm.


You have nothing to fear.

[GOBLINS gasp]

Because we're going

to defeat them.

[gasps] So, you...?


[RIMURU] In lieu of Veldora

the Storm Dragon,

I, Rimuru Tempest,

will protect you!

I've decided to grant

you your wish.



Thank you so much, Lord Rimuru.

We are eternally

grateful to you,

and from this day forward,

we are your loyal servants.


You can count on me!

[RIMURU] And that's the

story of how I became

the leader of the Goblins,

and their guardian.

[GREAT SAGE] Next time:

"Battle at the Goblin Village."