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01x01 - (D) The Storm Dragon, Veldora

Posted: 04/25/23 18:45
by bunniefuu
[PEOPLE screaming]


Come on! This way!

[PEOPLE screaming]




Where did you go?

Please, Mommy!


[PEOPLE chattering]

Sure is nice out today.


My life is pretty normal

in the grand scheme of things.

I graduated from college

and landed a job

at a major contracting firm.

Then I worked my way up

the ladder, like you do,

and started making

some decent money.

I'm just your average

-year-old man.

There is one thing missing.

I'm kinda lacking in

the girlfriend department.

By lacking, I mean I've never

had one at all... ever.

But to be perfectly honest,

it doesn't bother me that much.



Hey, there. Good to see you.

Tamura. Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

What was it you needed?

Hi, I'm Miho,

it's a pleasure to meet you.

I've seen you around

the office before,

but I don't think

we've ever been introduced.

Ah. Of course.

I'm Satoru Mikami.

Come to think of it, I've

actually heard a lot about you.

Huh? Wait, you have?

Yeah. I mean, there's

plenty of rumors.

[gasps] Uh, what kind of rumors?

Miho. Calm down, he's kidding.

Go easy on her, she's not

used to your jokes yet.

Sure, sorry.


Why am I even here?

Does he want marriage

advice or something?

[TAMURA] Do you wanna grab some

food? We can talk over dinner.

You said that you

like yakiniku , right?

Come on, I know

the perfect place.



He made plans revolving

around my favorite food?

He's really buttering me up.

It's right up here.

[MIKAMI] They're good kids.

I should congratulate them.

[WOMAN screams]





[PEOPLE screaming, shouting]



Hey, what's going on?

This heat, I can't stand it.

It's too hot.


Request confirmed.

Acquisition of the skill

"Heat Resistance" is successful.


Is this it? Death by stabbing?

What the hell?


Request confirmed.

Acquisition of the skill

"s*ab Resistance" is successful.


"Physical Attack Resistance"

acquisition successful.

Send an ambulance! Hurry!


There's so much blood. It hurts.


Request confirmed.

"Pain Nullification" acquired.

Creating a body that

does not require blood.


[MIKAMI] Calm down.

You've gotta man up, Tamura.

Satoru! Hang on!


And now I'm cold.

[GREAT SAGE] "Cold Resistance"

acquisition successful.

Attainment of both

"Heat Resistance"

and Cold "Resistance"

has resulted in a new skill:

"Thermal Fluctuation



Am I going to die?


Hey, Tamura.

Promise me something.

My computer's hard drive...

I need you to... to dump it

in the bathtub and fry it.



[GREAT SAGE] Deletion of

data via electronic current

has failed due to

insufficient information.

As an alternative,

"Electric Current Resistance"

has been acquired.

"Paralysis Resistance"

is included.





The reason I wanted

to have dinner

was so I could show off

Miho like a total jerk.

Yeah. I know.

Don't worry about it.

Mister Mikami.

Just promise me... you'll have

a happy life together.

And please,

wipe my hard drive.

[MIKAMI] I can't believe

I'm gonna kick the bucket

as a girlfriend-less virgin.

In my next life,

I'm gonna go on the prowl.

I'll hunt down all the ladies.


Acquisition of Unique Skill,

"Predator," successful.

[MIKAMI] In stories,

-year-old virgins are wizards.

Seeing as I'm pushing ,

guess that makes me

some kind of sage.

A few more years

and I'd be a great sage.


Extra Skill Acquired: "Sage."

Continuing, "Sage" will

transform into the Unique Skill:

"Great Sage."



Shut up already.

Can't a guy...

...just get some

peace and quiet?






It's so dark. I can't see.

Where the heck am I?

And what happened to me?

The last thing I remember

is someone teasing me

about being a sage or whatever.

Hold on.

I was stabbed.

Yeah, okay, then.

It'll be all right.

No need to panic just yet.

I mean, I haven't lost

my cool in a while.

The last time was when I crapped

my pants back in grade school.

Anyway, back to

the stabbing thing.

Let's see.

I don't hurt anywhere.

I'm not cold.

But my eyes, they won't open.

I can't see anything.

My hands, my feet...

I can't feel them.

My body...

[MIKAMI gasps]


I can move!

At least there's that.

Are those rocks?

[MIKAMI] Which would mean

I'm not in the hospital.

Okay, so where the hell am I?


What's this? Some kinda plant?

Does my mouth work? Can I talk?



Whoa! It dissolved!

No way!

I think I can feel it permeating

throughout my whole body.

[MIKAMI] Hold up.

That doesn't seem normal.

What happened to me?

My body's never been able to

dissolve plants before, right?

Wait. Huh?


Maybe I really did kick it.

[MIKAMI, SLIME] I wonder what

happened to Tamura and Miho.

He better have fried

my hard drive!

Still though,

what the heck am I?

[SLIME] I feel kind of

bouncy and rubbery.

It seems like my whole

body is that way.


I think I get it.

Is this really possible?

Can it be that my totally

real and not made-up,

hot and muscular dude-bod

has now been streamlined

into this small gelatinous form?

Yeah, right! There's no way

I'd be that chill about it!

But I can't deny it, either.



Human I am not.

No doubt.

It appears I was stabbed, died,

and reincarnated as a slime.

[SLIME] I'm pretty sure

a lot of time has passed

since my rebirth.


All things considered,

the slime body thing

isn't such a bad deal.

And it comes with the weird perk

of not needing sleep or food.

[SLIME] So, what's the point

of eating these plants, you ask?

Because I'm so freakin' bored!

There's no real point to it,

but it's better than

doing nothing.


Wait. Who am I even talking to?

Maybe the bigger question

is where does the stuff

I eat even go?

It's not like I poop.

--[GREAT SAGE] Answer.

--[SLIME screams]

[GREAT SAGE] The plants

are stored in the stomach

of your Unique Skill: Predator.


Whoa, a voice?

It sounds like the one

I heard when I was shanked.

Who are you?



It is the effect of your

Unique Skill: "Great Sage."

Now that your ability

has been established,

you will be capable

of reacting more quickly.


"Great Sage"?

So when you say skill,

do you mean like, my abilities?

What is "Predator"?


It allows you to ingest objects

and analyze them

within your body.

You can then acquire

that object's skills.

Once the analysis is complete,

you can then mimic the object.



[GREAT SAGE] The stomach stores

the objects you ingest.

Additionally, it can also

isolate harmful objects

that cannot be analyzed.


Uh, I'm not gonna lie,

the Predator Skill

sounds kinda amazing.

Is it really something

a slime should possess?

Not that I'm complaining.

Hey, as a test can you analyze

that plant I just ate?

[GREAT SAGE] Confirmed, analysis

complete. It is a Hipokute herb.

A valuable herb that only grows

in areas rich in magicules.

Used as an ingredient

in salves and healing potions.





A special energetic material

found in all--

[SLIME] Argh! Can't you

use simpler words?

[GREAT SAGE] Magicules are

the building blocks of life

in all magical beings.

[MIKAMI] Building blocks,

eh? Makes sense.

I bet this cave is full

of those magicule thingies.

Which is probably why

this place is Hipokute heaven!

So, basically, since

I just ate all those plants,

I can analyze them

in my stomach.

Does that mean I can create,

like, healing potions

and then stash them

away for a rainy day

inside my slime

storage locker?


--[GREAT SAGE] Affirmative.


Awesome sauce! Right!

Off I went, gobbling

up Hipokute herbs

like they were

going out of style.

Then I analyzed those babies

and turned them into some

juicy healing potions

via slime stomach.

I figured they might

come in handy.

But once again,

I was mostly just doing it

to fight off my boredom.


[SLIME] You know,

I thought all those plants

were pretty darn worthless

until I actually analyzed them.

Hey, Great Sage,

what's the deal with this rock?


Magistone ore.

Minerals that spend

long periods of time

in magicule-rich areas

take in magicules

until they become magistone ore.

It's considered valuable.


Whoa, for real? All righty!

[MIKAMI] Man, I've really hit

the jackpot in here.

[SLIME] I devoured every piece

of magistone ore I could find.

Which was a lot!

It was like an ore smorgasbord!


[screams, groaning]


Oh, man. This feels weird.

Did I just fall in water?

Like, in a lake?

I guess slimes don't float.

Ah, crap, am I gonna die again?

I can still breathe, though.

Or not breathe. Wait, could

I even breathe to start with?

Probably not.

Anyway, what am I gonna do?

I can't swim.

That's it!

I'll just suck in

a bunch of water.




[GREAT SAGE] Skill: "Water

Pressure Propulsion" acquired.



Wait. I don't have any brakes!



[SLIME] I'm almost positive

there's a dent in my head,

but why doesn't it hurt?



Because you have the

Pain Nullification Skill,

you do not feel pain.

The amount of damage

you've sustained is ten percent.

Species Skill Self-Regeneration

has been activated.


So I can still take damage

even though I don't feel pain?



[SLIME] Whoa, my body just

buffed out its own dent.

Score! Now that's

a convenient skill!

Still though,

I should probably

be more careful

from here on out.

--[VELDORA] You there.



Can you hear me, small one?

[VELDORA] I said,

"Can you hear me, small one?"


--[VELDORA] Hey!


It's rude to just ignore me.


Uh, are they talking to me?


You had best answer me.


Easier said than done!

I don't have a mouth

to talk with, genius.




Hey! Stop shouting, baldy!

[VELDORA] Oh-ho-ho.

You dare to call me "baldy"?

You're rather bold for a slime.






I was trying to be hospitable,

seeing it's been a while

since my last visitor.

But perhaps you have

a death wish!


Hey, man, I'm really sorry!

I didn't know you could

read my mind or whatever!

And I don't have

eyes or a mouth,

so I'm literally

in the dark here.





I thought you were brave

to call me baldy

after seeing me,

but it turns out

you are blind.

Fine. I shall bestow

sight upon you.



[VELDORA] However, there

are a few small conditions.

What say you?


Uh... depends on the conditions.


They're fairly simple.

You must promise not to fear me

when you gain

the ability to see.

And I'd like for you to come

and visit again sometime.

That's all. Are those

terms agreeable to you?


Wait, is that seriously it?

Yes. You see, small one,

I was sealed in this cave

years ago.

Ever since then,

I've had nothing to do

other than be

exceptionally bored.

So do we have a deal?

[SLIME] Well, I'm kinda curious

about the whole sealed thing,

but whatever--you got a deal!



There is a skill

called Magic Sense.

Can you use it?


I don't know what it is.

[VELDORA] It allows you to sense

the magicules around you.

[SLIME] So if I can

detect those magicules,

I'd be able to see?

All right, I'll give it a shot.



Hey, something's happening!

Is this what magicules

look like?


[GREAT SAGE] Extra Skill:

"Magic Sense" acquired.


Oh, snap! Wait, "Extra Skill"?

Skills with power

and efficiency,

which are higher than

those of normal skills.


Whoa! That sounds extra awesome!

[GREAT SAGE] Would you like

to use Magic Sense?




Whoa! Heh.

I can see! I can see!

I can see, see, see!

Oh, yeah!

[SLIME] Bummer alert.

I really am a slime.


How did it go?

[MIKAMI] Great. I did it!

Thank you so much.




Holy crap! You're a dragon?!

[VELDORA] Allow me to

formally introduce myself.


Uh, sure.


I am Veldora. The Storm Dragon.


That sounds serious.

[VELDORA] I am one of

only four True Dragons

that exist in this world.


[VELDORA] Hey, don't forget

our deal, slime.

[SLIME] I would never!

It's not like I'm scared!

But I gotta run, so I'll come

and visit sometime. Bye!

--[VELDORA] Hold it!

--[SLIME screams]


Something is amiss.

Slimes are normally low-ranked

monsters that do not think.

Yet you seem intelligent.

Are you Unique?

[SLIME] I honestly don't

know what that means.

[VELDORA] It refers to a being

with extraordinary abilities.


I may be. I don't know.

The truth is,

I used to be a human.

Then I got stabbed

to death and sha-bam.

The next thing I knew,

I looked like this.

[VELDORA] Yes, I see.

You were reincarnated.


I guess.

And now I'm living my life

as a slime monster.


It is very unusual

for someone to come

into this world that way.


Huh? It is?


Occasionally, there are others

who will come here

from a different world.

But you are the first I've known

that was reincarnated here.

Most beings are unable

to withstand

having only their soul

traverse worlds.

[SLIME] Wait, so there are

people who come here

from other worlds,

but never through reincarnation?

[VELDORA] Hmm. We call

them "Otherworlders."

I've heard that they gain

special abilities

based on their desires

when they cross into this land.


Oh, that makes sense.

That's probably

how I got my skills.

I wonder if there are

other people from Japan here.

I think I'm gonna go try

and find some of

those Otherworlders.

[VELDORA] What's this?

You're leaving so soon?


The dude's pouting?!

Well, uh... I guess I could

stay a little longer.

I mean, there's no rush

or anything.

Excellent! Please stay

as long as you like!

[SLIME sighs]

[SLIME] Oh, yeah, didn't you

mention something earlier

about how you were sealed

in this cave, Veldora?


Yes, it's a great story.


It was years ago.

I sort of accidentally

burned down an entire town.



[VELDORA] So of course,

someone came looking to slay me.

It's possible that

I underestimated

my opponent a bit.

About halfway

through the battle,

I started using

my full strength.

Yet I still lost somehow!



But you seem like

a pretty strong dude.

Was your opponent

super powerful?

Yes, extremely powerful.

The humans called her a hero,

blessed with divine protection.


A blessed hero?

Sounds like something

out of a video game.


Using her Unique Skill,

she overpowered me in battle.

And then sealed me away

using Unlimited Imprisonment.


Is that shiny stuff

her Unlimited

Imprisonment spell?



Also, you should know,

the hero referred to herself

as something called

a "Summon."


A Summon?

Is that supposed to be

different from an Otherworlder?

[VELDORA] It requires more than

mages performing a ritual

that lasts several days

to bring someone here.


Sweet! You guys have mages here?

This is starting to sound

more like a game!

[VELDORA] The Summon is expected

to perform as a powerful w*apon.


A w*apon?


Yes, for the Summoner.

They use magic to carve a curse

into the Summon's soul.

That way, they can

never defy their master.

[SLIME] What the heck?

That's seriously messed up, man!


Is it?

I'm not sure what your world

was like, but in this world,

the only thing that matters

is survival of the fittest.



So you've been

stuck in this cave

ever since that hero sealed

you here years ago?

[VELDORA] That is correct.

I am so incredibly bored.

[SLIME] Man, and here

I thought I was lonely

just because I never

had a girlfriend

in my previous life.

Being all alone for years

would be a real suck fest.

That's it!

Hey, what if you

and I became friends?


Are you serious?

Me, the mighty

Storm Dragon, Veldora,

become friends

with a lowly slime?!

[SLIME] Yeah, you're right.

It was a stupid idea.


Now, hold on.

I never said

that I didn't want to.

[SLIME] So, uh, does that

mean you're cool with it?

[VELDORA] I suppose I

could make an exception.

Just this once, I'd be

willing to consider it.


Playing hard to get?!

Fine, that settles it,

then. We're friends.

Unless, of course, you'd

rather hang out here alone.

No, I wouldn't.

Today is your lucky day, slime!

We'll be friends.

[SLIME] Whatever makes

you feel better about it.

Well, put her there, pal!


Right. Pal.


It's kind of weird

trying to make

new friends at my age,

and with a dragon, no less.

Anyway, that's the story

of how I got stabbed, died,

was reincarnated as a slime,

and made friends

with the super powerful

Storm Dragon, Veldora.

My totally normal life

as a -year-old man

is ancient history.

I still can't believe

all that's happened.

But this is my new life now.

Or should I call it a "slife"?

Oh, yeah.

I hope Tamura remembered

to wipe my hard drive for me.

Man, I hope he didn't look

to see what's on it.


All done. Please rest

in peace, Satoru.

If I ever have a son,

I'll name him after the hero

who saved my life.

[GREAT SAGE] Next time,

"Meeting the Goblins."