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05x16 - Bienvenido, Jonathan

Posted: 04/25/23 08:46
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Oh, julie.

Oh, julie. Julie, I envy you.

Oh, I envy you.

If I had a husband been gone over three months

And were coming home today -- oh, I envy you.

How does everything look?

Perfect -- well --

But I don't think jonathan

Is gonna want to sit that far away from you.


Nell, if we're gonna sit that close together,

We might as well sit in one chair.

You're right.

Nell, please put that back.

I want to be a little ladylike.

Oh, please, julie. This is no time to be a lady.

The only lady that jonathan has seen

In the past three months

Is a mexican donkey named lupe.

Yeah, well, I wish that were true.

There was a girl in his archaeology group --

Linda barnes.

I saw her in a picture he sent.

You mean the blonde sitting on the donkey?

It's hard to believe she wants to be an archaeologist, too.

She had laugh lines. She looked fun.

She was gorgeous.

Oh, please, honey.

Jonathan doesn't go for that type.

No. I mean, jonathan goes for brains, not beauty.

No. No.

See, if you take a girl like that --

Thank heavens jonathan is home!

Nell, I'm not dressed yet! What am I gonna do?

Light the candles,

Wet your lips, pucker up,

And he'll never remember that girl on the donkey.


Jonathan! Oh, jonathan.

I don't care what julie said in her letters.

You look terrific.

I missed you.

I missed you, too. Let me look at you.

Oh, jonathan, honey, you didn't eat enough.

That's not it at all.

In the jungle, where the temperature is degrees,

You lose water retention,

And then --


Julie, jonathan is home.

Ooh! Young love.

I'm glad you're home early.

We're having dinner in the room,

So you can tell me all about your trip.

Joey hey, jonathan!

Let's go outside and break the piñata you brought me!

Okay. I'd love to, joey.


Oh, you look good. I think he missed me.

Jonathan, we're having dinner in the room!

I ate on the plane!

Will you shut up, addy, and just listen to me?

He says that in the jungle you lose water retention.

I tell you, girl, I got to get to the jungle.

[ Laughing ]

Hold on. Wait a minute.

Hey, what's wrong with you?

Jonathan doesn't want to eat in the room.

He'd rather catch up with the family.

What am i, a pen pal?

Honey, I better call you back, okay?

Nell, look what jonathan brought me.

Isn't it just beautiful?

Oh, why, if it isn't the world's oldest bullfighter.

I may get a date with elena salsido after all.

Say, did you take a lot of pictures down there?

I can't wait to see what the yucatán looks like.

I didn't take any pictures.

It -- it was boring.

Believe me, the whole trip was a waste of time.

Digging up graves in the jungle is boring?

Take it from me, folks, dead people are overrated.

♪ You must have been a beautiful baby ♪

Jonathan, look.

Oh, that's nice.

Take a look at this. What do you think?

I just finished.

That's beautiful.

Did you put it together from that kit?


Oh, wow.

"Put this crib together in two hours."

How long did it take you?

Three days.

But it's a lot cheaper than buying it in a store.

And with the money I save making things myself,

I can pay back every cent I owe,

Including the $ you lent me to go to mexico.

Just take it as a gift, okay?

I don't want a gift.

I want to pay back the money I owe.

But, honey, I'm not worried about it.

Nell, I am not a freeloader.

Jonathan, listen --

You are also not a crib builder.

[ Laughs ]

That's real funny, nell.

Just kidding.

I'm gonna put this thing back together,

And I'll pay you back every cent I owe you.

Oh, just --

Jonathan, wait a minute. Jonathan!

Jonathan! Jonathan, ple--

Oh, jonathan?

Look, jonathan, if it'll make you feel any better,

I'll let you pay me back the money, okay?

It's only $.

Nell, to me, $ is the national debt.

Take as long as you like.

A dollar a year would be nice.


Hi, baby. How was school?

It was okay, but I'm late for work.

Didn't you tell them at the bookstore

That you're quitting?

No, jonathan, I told you that I decided to keep working.

Julie, honey, I'm working hours a week for luigi's.

You're gonna have a baby. You should not be working.

And you should be off of your feet.

I could double my time at luigi's for extra money.

Jonathan, how are you gonna double your time?

Don't you have to go back to school?

I'm going back when I go back.

I am not a child, nell.

I do not have to explain everything to you.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Oh, I forgot. This is not my house.

I'm just a guest in this house.

I'll try and treat it like a hotel.

Kanisky hilton.

This is the desk clerk speaking.

Yes, jonathan is here. One minute.

It's jason butler.

I'm not here.

Come on. No.

Jason, could I please take a message?



All right. Okay. Bye.


There's gonna be a reunion for your archaeology class

Saturday at .

Oh, great, I'll wear that indian dress you brought me.

We're not going. I have to work.

On saturday night?

Yes, sweetheart, I am working.

Make up your mind, julie!

Do you want a husband or a party animal?!

Jonathan, why are you yelling at julie?

What's wrong with you two having a little fun?

We can't afford to have any fun.

Neither can i, but it never stopped me. [ Doorbell rings ]



Oh, jonathan, welcome home.


Well, I guess this must be

Just about the happiest house in glenlawn.

Oh, yeah, a million laughs.

I'll bet your ears are burning.

I just left professor randolph,

And he told me what a great time you had.

He told me about the midnight canoe trips you took

And the makeshift laboratory that you built

And the paper you wrote on hernando cortés.

I'd love to read it.

Cortés was a jerk.

Don't look at me. I'm just the desk clerk.

Why don't we go in the kitchen, have a cup of coffee,

And leave these two lovebirds alone so they can talk?

Nell, what's going on?


You told me you spent every night in your tent.

What's this about midnight canoe trips?

What is this? Am I on trial?

I suppose you spent all your time with linda barnes.

After all, she's gorgeous, beautiful, and fun.

Come on, julie. You know she's not my type.



I'm going to work now, julie,

So I can put food on the table for you and the baby.

That's my job now.

Not sitting around here

Talking about my stupid trip to mexico.

Told you -- a million laughs.

Nell, I'm going over to study at joanna kaufman's house.

Okay. Come home on time. That's .

Oh, nell!

My time is your time.

[ Sighs ]

Hi, nell. Is jonathan home yet?

No, he's not home from work yet, dear.


Julie, can I talk to you for a minute?


Sit down.

You know, julie,

I've been awfully worried about you lately.

You've been walking around here looking so tired and upset.

Anyway, I read this article

On pregnant women's calcium needs,

And let me get you a glass of milk, okay?

Nell, I've had it with milk.

We can make a game out of it. I'll put some chocolate in it.

All right. Okay.

If there's one complete food in the world, it is milk.

It's inexpensive, it's cold, and it's white,

And we're out of it.

Good. I'll just have the chocolate.

Well, we're out of that, too.

Why don't you call jonathan

And ask him to bring a quart of milk home with him?

I don't feel like talking to him right now.

I'll call him myself.

You know, jonathan has been acting awfully strange lately.

I'm just glad the baby is not here to see it.

Luigi's, can I --

No, I don't mind you putting me on hold.

They put me on hold.

They're playing "volare."

I mean, how cornball.

♪ Volare

♪ Oh, oh

♪ Cantare

♪ Oh, oh, oh --

Yeah, luigi's? Jonathan, please.

Nell harper.





Thank you. Bye-bye.

♪ Volare

Is he on his way home?


He's out on delivery?


Well, where is he?

Julie... [Clears throat]

Jonathan didn't go to work today.

He called luigi's and said he was sick.

He lied to me?

He lied to luigi! He lied to me!

He's a liar, nell! I married a liar!

What are you yelling about?

I'm the one that loaned him $.

[ Sighs ] look what I found -- some brownies.

Here. Have one.


You know what, nell?

What, baby?

I'll bet jonathan is having an affair with...

[ Coughing ]

Don't be ridiculous, baby.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

That's jonathan.

Act like you're happy to see him, okay?

I'm not happy to see him.

Oh, come on. Just surprise him.

Samantha kanisky?

[ Door slams ]

What are you doing coming home at in the a.m.?

Nell, I had no idea it was that late.

My watch stopped.

Tell me what time your watch stopped,

And you better be telling me the truth.


Sam, you told me

You were gonna be studying with joanna kaufman.

Nell, I was.

Where are your books?

Oh, I must have left them in eric's car.

I hope he puts the top up.


Yes, eric stabler.

Nell, I had no idea

She was going to invite him and larry connors to help us.

They're honor students.

So to thank them for all of their help,

We asked them out for dinner,

And the drive-in movie didn't let out till .

Drive-in movie?

Nell, there was no place still open for a hamburger, really.

All right, baby.

Here's your watch. Good night.

And you're grounded for two weeks.

Okay. Sorry. Good night.

Hold it!

What do you think I am?

You think I just got off the greyhound bus with a chicken?

I just grounded you for two weeks,

And you tell me, "okay, I'm sorry, good night"?

What is that?!

Larry and eric are going to colorado for two weeks,

So I won't be missing much.


Oh, okay, baby. Good night.

Good night.

Sam, just consider this like a two weeks' notice, okay?

You're grounded the minute they come back into town.

Nell! Go to bed.

I don't know what's gotten into that girl.

She's starting to act like me when I was her age.

Well, actually, is a little early.

[ Chuckles ] my clock didn't stop till .

Oh, julie.


Sorry, nell.

I just can't figure out what's wrong with jonathan.

Maybe he is having an affair with linda barnes.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

If he were really having an affair,

He'd be home by now.

[ Clock chimes ]

Samantha, why are you up?

Oh, hi, nell. Isn't there any milk?

No, there is no milk!

What is it with this family?

All you ever think about is milk, milk, milk, milk, milk!

What you want me to do, buy a cow?!

And why are you up at in the morning?

Well, I just couldn't sleep.

Me neither.

I had this terrible nightmare.

I dreamed that jonathan was in mexico

And he was watching halley's comet

And he was on this donkey with four beautiful blond girls.

And before I could ask him which one was linda barnes,

I fell into this human-sacrifice pool.

Fortunately, the natives recognized me as their queen... they pulled me out and they gave me some milk.

Then I had to sing four choruses of "get down, get down,"

And, voilà, I just woke up.

That is a crazy dream.


Good night.

Good night.

Good morning.

Why, jonathan, you're just in time for breakfast.

I ate in bakersfield.

Wait a minute, jonathan.

You went all the way to bakersfield for breakfast?

What's the matter, you don't like my cooking?

No, that's not it.

The car broke down on the way back.

Oh, well, in the interest of time,

I'm going to pretend that I believe that, okay?

I'm not making it up, nell. I'm quitting school.


I'm quitting school and taking julie to bakersfield.

I'm going to run a computer in a chalk factory.

A chalk factory?

It's not as bad as it sounds.

It's not just white chalk.

They've added a lot of new colors --


I think it's going to be exciting.

Oh. Jonathan, could you do me a favor?

Can you just sit down with me for a little while?




Jonathan, I want you to tell me

What really went on down there in mexico.

It was the most thrilling experience of my life.


So that's why you don't want to be

An archaeologist anymore, right?

Nell, julie is having a baby.

We're still living like kids here with you.

I can't make enough money at luigi's

To support all three of us.

I don't want her to work.

She's done enough for me already.

Oh. [ Chuckles ]

So that's what's bothering you.

I've got to act like a responsible husband now.

I've got to go out there and earn a living.

If you run out of money, you know I'll help you.

I already owe you $.

No, no, no, no. You owe me $..

Your wife is a lousy gin player.

Want a cup of coffee?

Yeah, thanks, and no milk.

I wouldn't even worry about it.

I don't know what happened, nell.

Last year at this time, I was a senior in high school,

And now I've got a baby on the way.

How did it happen?


You know, jonathan, I know this is a big responsibility,

But it is not the end of the world.

The end of the world

Is having to do something that you hate

And having to give up something that you really love,

Like archaeology, dig?

Yeah, I dig.

But how can I afford

To spend another three years in college?

I've got julie and the baby to think of.

I think you're selling julie short.

What do you mean?

Jonathan, when julie married you,

I don't think she was expecting to move into a mansion.

She married you because of who you are

And what you're going to be,

And if you don't make it as an archaeologist,

Then you can go and work in a chalk factory.

Joey could use the colors.

I really missed you, nell.

I missed you, too. Don't hug me.

Go hug your wife,

Or she's gonna make you one of those overrated dead people.


And when we opened the tombs

And saw all those drawings on the walls,

I tell you, julie, it was like magic.

I've never been so excited in my life.


Well, maybe once.

I know why you're so scared, jonathan.

All this is a big change for me, too.

I've never had a baby before...

Or a husband.

It's a lot harder than we thought it was gonna be.

Who thought about it?

Are you sorry we got married?


Are you sorry about the baby?


I like the idea of being a father more than anything,

But I'd be lying if I said I thought it'd be easy.



We are gonna make this work, aren't we?

Of course we're gonna make it work.

And, julie, as soon as the baby's born,

We're gonna move into our own place.



As soon as we figure out

How to get the baby away from nell.

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break