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05x05 - Addy's Goodbye

Posted: 04/25/23 08:38
by bunniefuu
["♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Samantha! What? Samantha! What? What?

How can you sit there, honey,

When they're having a sale at myerson's department store?

What are you talking about?

The two most beautiful words in the english language --

"Half off."

Nell, who cares about a sale?



I thought I raised you better than that.

Don't you know that the most exciting thing in the world

Is the sound of a charge plate running through the machine?





Sales really turn you on, don't they, nell?

Oh, like honey to a bee.

Come on. We're buzzing over there.

Nell, I can't. I'm going to katie's apartment for dinner.

You would rather eat than shop?


Samantha, you're my favorite! I love shopping with you!

Julie, my favorite.

You can go. Get your purse.

We're going to myerson's. They're having a sale.

I can't. Jonathan and I are going to the movies.

Oh, forget jonathan. He's just your husband.

Come go shopping with me.

It's important for a couple to spend an evening together.

You mean you would rather work on your marriage

Than go shopping with me?

What kind of wife are you?

Nell, really.

I just don't want to disappoint jonathan.

Have a good time at the sale.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I got a better idea.

Why don't we all go to the movies,

Then we can all go shopping?

It's open till midnight. It's a moonlight sale.

Uh, nell...

Okay. Go ahead.

Save your rotten marriage! See if I care!

Grandpa, how would you like to go for a walk?

A walk?

Oh, yes, we haven't been for a walk in a long time,

And I know a wonderful place.

It's so beautiful. It's well lit.

It's safe. It's flat.

It's right in front of myerson's department store --

Cut bait, nell. I am not going shopping with you.

Grandpapa, please, please! I'm begging you!

N-o -- no.

I'm going swimming with eddie and malcolm.


Yeah, last week we saw "cocoon,"

And we're going to see if the pool at the ymca works.

I don't need you people. I can just call addy.

Hi, dear.

I guess you saw the ad about the sale for myerson's.

What time should I pick you up, huh?

Wait a second while I turn the tv down.

Everyone, shh!

Oh [clears throat]

[ Hoarsely ] I'd love to go, nell, but I can't.

I have this awful cold, a fever of .

I'm aching in every joint.

I just hope it doesn't get any worse.

Oh, you sound terrible.

Can I bring you over anything?


Uh, no, no, nothing. You know me, nell.

When I get sick, I just want to be left alone.


Oh, bless you.

Oh, look, addy, I don't want to bother you.

Why don't I just call you later, okay?

I'll call you first thing in the morning.

Uh, don't call early, nell.

I-i think I may sleep in.

Aw. That's a good idea.

You need your rest.

Well, look, I'll just talk to you later, okay?


I sure can't go shopping now. Addy's sick.

I think I'll just take her some of my famous chicken soup.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Gasps ]

Nell, uh, what are you doing here?

Well, I came over to bring you some soup for your cold.

Oh, well, you're too late.

As soon as I hung up with you, the antibiotics took effect,

So I just jumped right out of bed.

And into that dress?

[ Chuckles ] I can explain this.

See, i-i felt so good when I got up,

I decided to clean my closets and get rid of all the rags

I haven't worn in a long time, like this old thing.

[ Laughs ]

You're gonna have one old garage sale, aren't you?

Well, why don't we just put this on your stove

In case you have a relapse?

Nell, I can explain.

You don't have to explain a thing to me.

And to think --

When you sneezed, I blessed you.

Well, now... I am un-blessing you!

Look, these are just my colleagues from the university.

I know how dull you think they are.

I mean, I knew you would be bored.

I'm bored. The whole party is boring.

Man and to this day that woman has no idea

What happened to her shower cap.

Oh, all right, nell,

I might as well tell you the truth.

The real reason I didn't invite you to the party is...

Professor landry is here.

Professor landry? That dirtball?

He's not a dirtball.

He has very high ideals and principles about his work,

And he's the main reason I gave this party.

You see, he may take a very important job

At columbia university.

And if he does, he's taking me along as dean of education.

That may be all well and good, addy, but you lied.

Nell, it's the job of a lifetime for me.

Can you imagine me a dean at a major university?

Nell, it's like a dream come true.

But you lied to me.

It was just a little white lie.

Black people don't tell white lies!

I just couldn't risk you being in the same room

With professor landry.

I don't know why.

Just because he gave me a "c" when I deserved an "a."

No, because you threw a book at him.

I was returning it.

Nell, look, I need him on my side.

It's only because of my job.

Oh! Your job.

Your job.

Now I see.

You can always get another best friend,

But it's not every day that you get a job like this.

Well, excuse me!

Nell! Come back here!

I don't want to catch your cold!

[ Pounding on door ] nell somebody open this door!

Who is it?

That's not funny, girl. Move some of these boxes.

So you did go to the sale at myerson's.

Who'd you go with?

I went alone!

Addy was too busy lying to me

And giving a party for her friends!

Addy had a party?

Yeah, for her dirtball friends.

Nell, you bought an orange dress?

Yes! You never wear orange.

The only reason I never wear orange

Is because addy hates me in orange,

And this should make her miserable.

Well, it was on sale!

I went all the way over addy's apartment

'Cause she said she was sick!

I took her some of my soup!

The poor chicken who died

Probably never told a lie in their life!

How you like this?

On you?

Oh, get me some hangers.

Never mind. I'll get them myself. Move.

How was your swim, grandpa?

Not too good. The pool didn't work.

Eddie needed oxygen,

And they're keeping malcolm overnight for observation.

Well, I see you got to the sale.

How do you like it?

On you?

Nell bought a lot of orange things to get back at addy.

She had a party and didn't invite nell.

Didn't invite nell?

You know, I like addy. She takes risks.

She told me she was sick.

She lied to me!

You lie to her all the time.

I don't lie to anybody! Yes, you do.

I do not, and because I don't tell lies,

Someday I am going to heaven,

Where I'm gonna have to make new friends.

[ Doorbell rings ]

I'll get it, grandpa.

Sam! Oh, grandpa! I have the most wonderful news.

Where's nell? In her room.

Oh, nell! Wait till I -- nell --

Oh, yuck.

Nell, I got the job! I got the job!

You are looking at the new dean of education

For columbia university.

And tomorrow night I'm taking you out to dinner

So we can celebrate.

I would love to, addy, but I can't.

I don't have a thing to wear.

Grandpa and that's all she wrote.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, it's so sweet of you all to give me this party.

I'm really gonna miss you guys.

Where's jonathan, and when is nell gonna get here?

Jonathan had to work late again.

I think nell had a class tonight, right, sam?

Uh, yeah, she did. She had a test.

Hey, I'd like to propose a toast, huh?

Addy, i...

I don't know if can go through with this.

I feel like I'm losing a daughter.

Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww.

Of course, I'm not old enough to have a daughter.

I mean a daughter addy's age, you know?

But if I ever am,

You're the kind of daughter I'd like to lose.

All right, you guys -- for addy, huh?

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ Which nobody can deny


♪ ...can deny

I'll go talk to her.

And just who might that be?

It's me, nell. Open the door.

Just a minute. [ Laughs ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Clears throat ]

Addy, I would love to invite you in, but I'm having a party.

Excuse me.

And to this day,

That woman still doesn't know what happened to her shower cap.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee hee!

Ha ha!

Shh! Hold it down.

Nell, I told you I was sorry about that.

Just one more minute.

More guacamole, raphael, please.

It's catered.

Nell, we have been friends for too many years

To let this come between us.

No, we haven't.

We are the same little girls who played dolls together,

Who cheated in school together,

Who watched "the mickey mouse club" together.

Remember how we used to rush home from school

And put on our mouseketeer ears and sing all those songs?

You were always a lousy mouseketeer.

I was a great mouseketeer.


You never had the heart of a mouseketeer.

Just the claws.

Well, we shouldn't be standing here

Arguing about the mouseketeers.

You are so right.

Addy, don't pay any attention to nell.

You know she's upset.

Yeah, I bet you were a great mouseketeer.

I was.

Better than nell!

You know, I still remember all their names.

Let's see, there was cheryl and bobby,

Cubby and annette and -- and karen and tommy

And doreen and sharon!

You forgot darlene and her dog!

I was saving them for last.

Oh, yeah? Well, what was her dog's name?

White shadow.

Well, what was his middle name?

Oh, nell.

Where'd you get that hat?

All good mouseketeers save their ears.

I was still a great mouseketeer.

Oh, please.

You can't even remember the words to the song.

Honey, I know all the words.

Oh, yeah? Well, why don't you just sing it?

No problem.

Well, get down. Do it.

Yeah? Uh-huh? Wait a minute.


♪ Come along

♪ And sing a song and join our family ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y m-o-u-s-e

♪ Through all the years we'll still be friends ♪

♪ Wherever we may be

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y m-o-u-s-e

♪ Mickey mouse ♪ donald duck

♪ Mickey mouse ♪ donald duck

♪ Forever let us hold our banner high, high, high, high ♪

♪ Now it's time to say goodbye to all our company ♪

♪ M-i-c

See you real soon.

♪ K-e-y

Why? Because we like you.

♪ M-o-u-s-e

Nell, I never thought annette funicello

Would bring us back together.

She didn't.

[ Door slams ]


Nell, open the door.


Nell, I'm leaving tomorrow.

Aren't you even gonna say goodbye?

Well, thanks for the party, everybody.

I'll give you a call as soon as I get to new york.

I'll miss you.

We'll miss you.


You be good.

Tell nell I said goodbye.

[ Door opens ]

Well, is that party animal gone?


Simpson, what do you say we do the dishes?

Good idea.

You want to dry or drop?

I'll drop. You dropped last time.

What a neat hat.

Yeah, neat.

Why are you so mad at addy?

I don't know, joey.

Somehow it just doesn't seem important anymore.

I bet you're gonna miss her.

[ Laughs ]

[ Piano note playing ]

Why didn't you say goodbye to addy?


I guess I thought that...

If I didn't say goodbye,

She wouldn't really leave, you know?

Don't worry, aunt nell. She'll write you.

I've seen her handwriting. It's real good.

[ Plays "mickey mouse march" ]

♪ Am I blue?

♪ Am I blue?

♪ Ain't these tears here in my eyes ♪

♪ Telling you?

♪ Am I blue?

♪ You'd be too

♪ If your dreams

♪ And your plans

♪ Done fell through

♪ There was a time

♪ I was the only one

♪ But now

♪ I'm the sad and lonely one

♪ Lonely

♪ Was I gay

♪ Till today?

♪ Now she's gone


[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Clears throat ]


Come in.

What's the matter with you?

What are you doing, addy?



Professor landry called.

He turned down the job at columbia.

Does that mean that... won't be leaving glen lawn?

You were right, nell. He is a dirtball.

He sold out all his high ideals and me along with them

For a job at an oil company.

Oh, addy, I'm sorry. I really am.

Are you?

Why, of course.

I knew how much this job meant to you.

Is that why you came over here?


I came to pick up my soup pot.

It's in the kitchen. Good.

Addy, that was a lie. That was a little black lie.

Well, why did you come over?

I came over here because...

[ Mumbles ]


Can't you hear?

I said I came over here because...

I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

You don't have to say goodbye now, nell.

I know that.

I just want you to know that if you ever do leave,

I know how.

And you really wanted me to get that job?

Hey, I'm not selfish.

I know how much you wanted that job in new york.

But I also wanted you to commute.

Oh, nell, now, you know even if I did go to new york,

We'd still spend our christmases together, and easter --

Ooh, labor day, your birthday, my birthday, of course...

Addy, addy, addy, addy.

I don't want to see you that much.

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break