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01x30 - You Can't Get There from Here

Posted: 04/25/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
The sirens of summer

Had sung sweetly
to sister bertrille,

Who had gone aloft
for a brief flight.

But she had ventured
perhaps too far from san tanco.

And when the winds
fell, very suddenly...

Anybody here?

Nice island you've got here.

Maybe it's livelier
on saturday night.

Signal fire.

It'll never happen.

In situations like this,
there are only 2 thoughts.

Do the natives still make hero
sandwiches out of missionaries?

And, are the natives
restless tonight?



Sister bertrille! Oh, carlos.

I've never been so glad to
see anybody in my whole life.

Oh, same for me. What are
you doing here, anyway?

Well, that's a long story.

You know, I was just about
to ask you the same thing.

You were? Well, I was just
cruising around, but the wind died.

Oh, that's great. Yeah.

We are stranded.

Oh, no, we're not. We can
just take your yacht, right?

Wrong. Wrong?

Right. Why?

I've been marooned.

Oh, I see.

No, I don't see.
Who marooned you?

April chance. She
cast you adrift?

She threw me overboard.
She's bigger than you?

She moved faster than me.

Well, i... I met her at a club

And I suggested we could, uh...

Know each other better on
a little sail, out here alone.

We had a picnic planned.

And when we got here

I tried to, well, you might say

Solidify our friendship.

And she pushed me over the side

And took off with the yacht.

Well, carlos, it looks like you
were outmaneuvered this time.

Ah, yeah, maneuvered.

You have never seen maneuvering

Like I'll maneuver if I ever
get my hands on her again.

Oh, carlos, you can't
really blame her.

Oh, I can't, huh? No.

You just watch me.

I'm going to have
her keelhauled.

If I knew how it is done.

Calm down.

I am not calming down.

I'm going to stay
just the way I am.

Swell. But I can't really
feel sorry for you.

I have a hunch you got
yourself into this, old boy.

What gave you that idea?

I am as innocent
as the day is long.

A victim of circumstances.

Oh, sure.

What about that little
episode with bobbye star?

Or have you forgotten that one?

How can I forget
with you around?

Welcome to the
caprice, mr. Vicious.

I'll welcome you, playboy.

Oh, there's been a
tragic misunderstanding.

Is that why the door was locked?

Yes. Uh, no!

There was a draft.

Don't lie, carlos.

We're not ashamed.

We love each other.

We what? You what?

I'm not just a
decoration to him.

He thinks I have
a beautiful soul.

For that line alone,
you ought to be shot.

Miss star, m-maybe we...
We should reconsider.

But, carlos...

After all, we just
met this morning.

Playboy, by the time I'm
finished with your face,

Your own mother
won't recognize you.

Listen, you got
me into that mess.

All I did was introduce you.

The trouble with you is
every time you go to work,

You toss out more lines than a
fishing pier on sunday afternoon.

No wonder you get tangled up.

Oh, sister, please, don't
start with the sermons.

Where's your cornet?
You can fly out for help.

Oh. No, I can't fly.

See, it got all
wet and torn, and...

There isn't any wind,
anyway. Thank you.

I wonder how many years I'm
going to get for k*lling a pirate.

That's not important
now, carlos.

The important thing is survival.



Why, it'll be tooth and nail

If we expect to live out the years
until someone stumbles on us here.

What are you talking about?

As soon as that pirate
feels enough remorse

She'll turn around
and come back.

And I'm going to stay
here waiting for her

And then I'm going to k*ll her.

Swell. But, in the meantime, you'd
better make preparation for a stay.

No telling how
long we'll be here.


The only preparations
I'm making are

To make that girl sorry she...
She ever ran off with my yacht.


There's no telling
what we might face here,

Like, uh, like wild beasts,

Or exposure, or dying of thirst,

Or rinderpest, or beri-beri,
or hoof and mouth disease,

Or... Or an unexpected monsoon.


They don't occur
on these latitudes.

See? See how
unexpected it would be?

Oh, boy.

Can it be fixed? What?

The cornet. Oh, I don't know.

I hung it to dry back there.

But it's ripped and I need to get it
stiff enough to lift me properly.

It might be the only
way to get out of here.

I don't think I could
remain sane on an island

With you for very long.

Oh. Thank you very much.

You know, I might be able
to make some struts for it.

For what? The cornet!

There's no need to holler,
we're the only ones on the island.

But I need to get
some starch for it.

You're not going to
find starch on an island.

Don't be too sure.

Now, the first thing to do is
to make a big signal fire, ok?

So you go that way
and I'll go this way.

And try to gather
as much as you can.

Ok. Gather what?

Firewood! Fine.

See? We eat.

Fish? Mmm!

All you need to do now is
go dig us up some worms.

Yeah. Worms?

Dig worms?

Well, what do you think fish
eat, barbecued beef sandwiches?

Well, I'm not going
to dig worms.

Carlos, if you want to eat
fish, you have to dig worms.

I will not dig worms.
It is demeaning.

It is beneath the dignity of a
gentleman of puerto rico to dig worms.

Look, carlos, in this operation,

If anyone wants to
eat, they have to help.

Now, I'm not going to
work my fingers to the bone

While you sit around
and get a suntan.

All right, all
right, I'll dig worms,

Snakes, cobras, pythons.

Thank you, carlos.
Worms are enough.

Here you are.


Thank you, lord, for
the bounty of the sea,

And for making us comfortable in
such harrowing conditions. Amen.

You don't know the trouble
I went to to get that, ma'am.

You know, carlos, you're
the grouchiest companion

I've ever been stranded
on an island with.

I'm a paragon of joy
compared to what I'd be

If that april chance was here.

You're not really that
angry at her, are you?

No, no, I'm not angry.

I'm livid with rage.

Well, it's your own fault.

Nevertheless, I'm going
to wring her lovely neck,

Slowly, with great
care and great joy.

Carlos, you've got no
one to blame but yourself.

Luring girls out on your yacht

And sailing out where
they can't even walk home.

I didn't lure her, I
just... Just what?

Just nothing.

Uh-huh, just as I thought.
It's your own fault.

What are you, anyway,
the voice of my conscience?

Don't be silly. Silly?

From the very first day we met,

Everywhere I go,
anything I do, you pop up,

Like a gloomy danger sign,

Like a heavenly
ounce of prevention.


I wish it was.

Remember that trip I
was making to st. Thomas?

With that sweet, sweet girl.

Do you know this is the first
time I've been to st. Thomas?

Does it have beautiful scenery?

Not compared to
you, louise oh, carlos.

I understand st.
Thomas is a free port.

What can I buy there?


We are not going to st. Thomas.

You're kidding!

Pedro, turn back to san juan.

Turn back!

What for?

To donate my land
to the convent.

Do you have to do it right now?


But why?

I just had a
religious experience.

That was purely accidental. I just
happened to be in the neighborhood.

Sister, you are always
in the neighborhood.

And as much as I
appreciate your concern,

There are times when I wish
you'd do me a favor and get lost.

So many times.

We should drink to the fate
that made our paths cross.

Or to the travel
folders that enticed me

To come to puerto
rico for my vacation.

We'll drink to them,
too. Then we will lunch

And then... And then?

Then we'll spend the hours
blissfully, just the 2 of us,


Carlos, you won't believe it,

But when I was a little
girl in wisconsin, well, i,

I just hated to go
on picnics because

Something always
happened to spoil them.

Nothing can spoil the bliss
of this moment, my darling.

Carlos, there's someone
here, standing right behind you.

Oh, no. No, it can't be.

Not here. Not now... Carlos, hi.

I didn't expect
to find you here.

That's exactly why we're
different, sister bertrille.

I've come to expect you to
find me here and everywhere.

And to make matters even worse,

Unlike lightning,
you struck twice

At the same place
and on the same date.

Oh, foolish girl,

How can I forget a
sublime moment like this?

Hi, I'm back.

Oh, why me? Why
me? What have I done?

Gee, I'm sorry to bust in on you two
like this again, but I couldn't help it.

Of course you couldn't
help it, sister bertrille.

It is preordained that we meet in
strange, out-of-the-way places.

Carlos, I needed
another favor. What now?

Well, I took your advice, and I got
rid of that no-good heap that I bought.

Oh, I'm overjoyed.

And now I wondered if I could
borrow your station wagon.

My station wagon?
Yeah, just for a second.

You see, the kids are waiting
to be taken to the carnival.

I promise I'll be
back in a jiffy.

Of course you will be
back, sister bertrille,

It is inevitable.

Please, take the car.

Oh, thank you, carlos.

You're a real good
egg. Bless you.

Have fun, you two.

Carlos, I want to go back
to my hotel room now.


If you wish.


What other way is there?

I'm going to walk you back.

Come on.

Sometimes I think
you were put on earth

To punish me for every stray
thought that ever entered my mind.

Don't try and crawl out from
under all that guilt, carlos,

By blaming your troubles on me.

To quote a famous sage.

"Live by the sword,
die by the sword."

Oh, sister, I'm a
desolate figure of a man.

Would you just,
please stop bugging me?

Carlos, there's an old saying.

"The truth bugs."

"The truth hurts."

I bet it does!

How about your cornet?

Well, it's dry, but that's
about all I can say for it.

Let me get it. Ok.

You know, I might be able to
make a frame of struts for it.

Yeah? Yeah.

I'm beginning to think that she took
the yacht all the way back to san juan.

Might be our only chance.

But, carlos, there
isn't enough wind.

We have to hope.

Now you're starting
to sound like me.

Well, now that the
problem of food is settled,

There's only one other
problem to face, friday.

Don't call me friday.
Call me robinson.

Ok, robinson.

We have to find some
fresh drinking water.

How about all that?


Oh. Yeah.

So, you go that way
and I'll go this way

Round the other
side of the island

And look where the
foliage is the greenest

Because that's where there's
most likely to be fresh water.


I'm only going
because I'm thirsty.



Who are you?

I... I... I'm sister bertrille,
uh, convent san tanco.

I'm april. Oh, what a swill!


From the yacht, april?

Oh, hooray! Hooray! We're saved!

When do we leave?

As soon as we can
get to your boat.

My boat? I thought
we'd use your boat.

That would be difficult.

I sank it, and it
wasn't even mine.

Oh, wait till he hears that.

Wait till who hears that?

Uh, whomever it belongs to.

Y-y-you said you didn't own it.

Say, what are you doing here?

Thinking as hard as I can.


Oh, yes, I guess you
could call it that.

But how did you get here?

Oh, I just dropped in, but
I didn't plan on staying.

So we're both in the same boat.

I hope not.

Sister, talking to
you is like coming in

In the middle of a conversation.


That's what they
say at the convent.

That's why I have to get away
every once in a while, to meditate.


Right. Uh,

Are we alone on this island?

Well, no one is
ever really alone.

But isn't there a big fire on
the other side of the island?

I mean, I saw it as
I was swimming in.

Uh, yes, it's a signal
fire that I built,

But you don't want
to go over there.

It's the best I can do.

It might work.

Looks pretty awful.

Well, esthetics were my
last consideration, sister.

I'll try it. Ok.

Come on, go ahead.

Well, i... I'll go round to
the other side of the island.

There's more wind over there.

If there's no wind here, why
should there be wind over there?

Oh, just a fluke of
topography, I guess.

You're acting very peculiar now.

I am?

W-well, it must
be the privation.

You'd act peculiar, too, if you
were washed up on an island.

I am washed up
on an island! Right.

None of this is happening. I'm not
trapped here making struts for a cornet,

And my yacht is not out there
somewhere with that p-pirate!

No, it isn't.

What? What?

I mean, she's probably
made it to san juan by now.

Yeah, probably. Yeah, probably.

But when I find her...

When I find her, I'm...
You will find her.

Will you watch
the fire? I gotta go.

Have to keep exercising.

You never know when
fitness will count.

Sister bertrille, I
still can't understand

Why we spend so much
time repairing your cornet.

Well, it's just that I feel
funny with my habit incomplete.

Oh, darn it!

Oh, these binds are tough and
my hands are getting all cut up.

If we're going to starch the
cornet, the binds won't hold.

We need something
more like thread.

Yeah. Hold this. Thank you.


If I ever see that
carlos ramirez again,

I'll sew him up like that
cornet. I swear I will.

Maybe you're judging
him too harshly.


Listen, if anyone knows how to
judge a playboy like that, it's me.

You must have found
something in him attractive.

Well, I'll admit he had a
certain amount of dash.

And a persuasive charm, yeah.

And a darling smile.

Besides, to quote my mother,

"It's just as easy to fall
in love with a rich man

As a poor one."


But, boy, have I got
news for mother.

Something tells me you two
weren't meant for each other.

Here. Oh, thank you.

I don't think I'll
need it, though.

This is almost as good as new.

All I needed to do was soak it
in coconut milk and let it dry,

And it's all starched.

Coconut milk is 90% starch.

I'll have to make
a note of that.

Yeah, write it down and
keep it in your wallet.

Say, how do you
know all these things?

Oh, I don't know. I guess
you know a lot of things

Without knowing you
know 'em until you need them.

I just remember, that's all.

Like for instance, tubers and
roots and sago palm are 90% starch.

Gee, I wish I knew things
that were useful like that.

You know, I have decided that I
am just not very bright, sister.

Well, you know,

Otherwise, I wouldn't keep making the
same mistakes over and over and over.

Mistakes? Mmm. Men.

Why, you know, I
keep picking the kind

That leave me
stranded on islands.

But april, you
were the one that...

I mean, uh, don't you think
that, uh, what's his name?

Carlos... Carlos
ramirez ramirez.

Right. Maybe he's not
like all the others.

I mean, it might have been
an honest misunderstanding.

Oh, please, sister.

Well, I mean the arrangement

Might have been a
little bit different,

But he was playing
the same old tune.

Yeah, right.

Take it from me. All is
not gold that glitters.

But maybe... Maybe it
was partly your fault.

Well, like they say,
"it takes two to tango."

But just the same,
here I am, stuck,

Stranded in the middle of
nowhere. And it's because of him.

Boy, you know, sinking
his yacht was an accident,

But if I ever get a
hold of him again...

Sinking my yacht!

You! Carlos, what
are you doing here?

I was lonely!

Well, here's something
to keep you company!

Carlos, don't do anything
you'll be sorry for.

I'm not going to be
sorry about anything!

I'm gonna...

April, a lady
never uses her fist.

All right, I'll
use a rock! Good!


Now, you guys, wait. Now, wait.

Now wait a minute!

Just because you're rich, you
think you can run faster than i...

Stop! Come back!

All right, you
guys, now cut it out.

It's... It's not nice to
hit people with bricks!

Carlos! April!

I think we can talk
this thing out sensibly.

Help! Somebody help me!

Sister bertrille, where are you?

Help! Carlos! I'm
sinking! I'm sinking!


Sister bertrille!
Sister bertrille!

Carlos, I'm down here. Sister!

Now, carlos, don't panic.

I'm not panicking.

Can you say any prayers?

Carlos, praying isn't
enough right now.

Sister, you're going under.

You're telling me.

Carlos, do something!

As soon as I save her, I'm
going to finish with you.

You know, carlos, now
that we've cleared the air,

I forgive you everything.

And I forgive you.

And after all, the insurance
will take care of the yacht.

Carlos, the wind is rising!

Yes! It is rising!

What? What is it?

Come on hurry
up, be on your way.

Well, where are you going?

And the updraft will take you
straight to san juan. We are lucky.

Oh, ok, I'm ready.

But, carlos, I'm leaving
you and april here alone.

I know. I know. You just
fly safely home. And hurry,

Because the wind might die down.

Yes, but I'm leaving you
here alone on your honor.

Oh, sister, how can you think...

Carlos, promise.

I'd be anything but a
gentleman in the circumstances?

Carlos, promise,
else I can't go.

Ok, I promise.

Oh, good. Good.

Wish me luck. Ok.

I'll send help as soon as I can.

Good luck.




At last we are alone.

Oh, alone! Come on,
where's sister bertrille?

She left us for the moment.

I don't see how...

Oh, come on, don't say a word.

Carlos, you promised!

What was that?

The voice of my conscience!

