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01x21 - My Sister, the Sister

Posted: 04/25/23 07:29
by bunniefuu

(Jacqueline) when one watched
sister bertrille playing tag

With the clouds
high above san juan,

It was difficult to believe her
past contained nothing more exotic

Than a chicago
suburb and a nice,

Ordinary, middle-class

But it was all true.

She was really very much
like the typical girl next door

Who had learned how to fly.

It turned out she was
even someone's kid sister.

(Rev. Mother) good
news, sister bertrille?

Oh, yes, great news. It's
from my sister. Uh, listen.

"Dear elsie."
That's my old name.

Elsie ethrington.

[Giggling] now you
wonder why I'm so crazy

About the name sister bertrille.

I mean, anything would
be an improvement, right?

Well, what did your
sister say? Oh, yes.

"Dear elsie, just a short note to
tell you I'll be arriving in san juan

"On the 24th and staying for a
few days before leaving for brazil.

Looking forward to
seeing you, jennifer."

(Bertrille) isn't that
great? Yes, indeed.

Uh, what city in
brazil is she going to?

Oh, no, she won't be working
in a city, reverend mother.

She's going to some of the small
villages. You see, she's a doctor,

(Bertrille) and she
just volunteered

To serve with the
peace corps for 2 years.

(Rev. Mother) how wonderful.

(Sixto) a lady doctor?

She must have some head
between her shoulders.

Yes. Well, it
runs in the family.

You see, my father's a doctor,
and my mother's a surgical nurse,

And my brother's in his
2nd year of medical school.

I'm the only one in the family

That didn't go into the
business, so to speak.

I guess that makes you
the black ship of the family.

Sheep, sister.

And i... I... I do not think that that is
a very apt description of someone

Who chooses to, uh,
enter the convent.

I just hope she
doesn't get bored.

Uh, why should she get bored?

Sister jacqueline, uh, the
nightlife at the convent

Leaves something to be desired.

[Jacqueline clears throat]

I... I mean, if
you're not a nun.

I mean, I like it.

(Jacqueline) sister bertrille
needn't have worried.

Jennifer was to
experience many emotions

During her visit to san juan,

But boredom was not one of them.

Well, you haven't given
me an answer yet, jennifer.

Will you see me tonight?

I'd love to, carlos,

But I have to visit the
convent san tanco.

The convent? Why?

What are you doing there?

Personal business.


Hey, you are not becoming a nun?

[Giggling] no.

No, I'm going to
visit my sister elsie.

[Chuckles] oh, she works there?

She's a novice at the
convent. Mmm-hmm.

Sister elsie?

Funny, I never met her.

We'll be landing in san
juan in a few minutes.

Fasten your seat belts,
please. Oh, thank you.

What do you do for
a living, jennifer?

I'm a doctor.

A doctor? But you are so pretty.

Thank you, but regular features
haven't saved a patient yet.

Oh, but I bet it sure helps.

Anyway, if I ever need a
doctor, I'm going to call on you.

I sincerely hope you'll never
need my services, carlos.

Why? I'm an obstetrician.


All right, kids, pass the
papers down. Come on.

Pass them down.

I haven't got all
year, you know.

Oh, jenny!

Oh, honey!

Oh, it's so good to see you.

Oh, you, too.

Let me look at you.

Oh, I can't get over it. My
kid sister finally grew up.

Sometimes we didn't
think you'd make it.

Oh, come here. Come here.

Oh. Class, I want you to
meet my sister jennifer.


[Speaking spanish]

W-what did he say?

He said he didn't think nuns
were allowed to have sisters.


Uh, class, in honor of my sister's
visit today, we'll have an early recess.

(Bertrille) everybody out.

[Kids cheering]

Anyway, we got to talking,

And he turned out to be
charming as well as handsome.

And he had this
whole evening planned.

First, dinner at his place,

And then a personally-guided
tour of san juan

Ending with a midnight swim.

Oh, wow, it sounds exciting.
What time is he picking you up?

Well, he's not.
He's phoning later,

But I'm going to tell him I want to
spend the evening here with you.

Jen, the only kind of
excitement we could offer you

Is a snappy game of checkers.

But I wanted to visit with you.

Well, there's plenty
of time to see me.

Look, maybe I can
take you along,

And we can all have
dinner together.

Oh, well, that's
a fabulous idea.

I can see his face
now when you say,

"Oh, by the way, I brought
my kid sister along, the nun."

That'll get the evening
off to a rousing start.



[Crickets chirping]

It's carlos. It was carlos
she was talking about!

What's the matter?

Jen's going out with carlos.

Why are you in such a flip?
Isn't he a friend of yours?

Sure, he is.

But would you want
your sister to date him?

[Car engine starting]

He must have taken
the phone off the hook.

Why would he do that?

Sister, you've got a
lot to learn about men.

I'll buy that.

I've got to warn her.

You're really
worried about jennifer.

Yes, I am.

Well, I wouldn't be if she
were with anyone else.

But carlos is so latin.

♪ [Music playing] do you
like champagne, jennifer?

Yes, on special occasions.

Well, that's up to
us, don't you think?

Us? Mmm-hmm.

To try our best to make this...

A night to remember.

Sometimes you can
try too hard, carlos.

Too hard?

What do you mean?

Aren't you having a good time?

Oh, so far, I've had
a wonderful time.

The food and wine are marvelous.

You're an attractive,
charming man, but...

[Sighing] come on, go on.


Frankly, right now I feel

As if I'm in the middle
of a doris day movie.

What? Well, you know,
the seduction scene

In rock hudson's apartment.


Whatever made you think of that?

The subdued lighting,
the romantic music,

The telephone off the hook.

[Replacing telephone]

It's all a bit obvious,
don't you think?

Ok, I admit it.

Tonight I was a
little bit obvious.

I'm sorry, carlos. I just don't
believe in instant passion.

Well, neither do i.

But how about if we rehearse?

I have a better idea.

How about that midnight
swim you promised me?

Well, I never
welsh on a promise.

I tell you what, we
can change here,

And then we drive
down to the beach.

We can have a
nightcap on my boat.

Here, take your pick.

You're prepared for any
emergency, aren't you?

Here, they belong to my sisters.

You're a terrible liar, carlos.

Oh, that's not true.

I'm an excellent liar.

(Carlos) go away, we are busy.

Oh, it should take
you about 3 minutes

To change out of your clothes.

(Jennifer) give me 4. It'll
take me longer than you.

(Carlos) I just do
not believe it!

What are you doing here?

I was just about
to ask you that.

Well, before you came barging in

I was just about to get
changed into a swimsuit.


You're... You're going swimming?

Yes. What's going on here?

What business is it of
yours what jennifer is doing?

Carlos, I didn't come here to talk
to you. I came to talk to my sister.

I don't care who you...

Your sister?

That's right.

Is she your sister?

You didn't tell him?

I didn't think you knew him.

Oh, yes.

Carlos and I are great
friends, aren't we, carlos?

You never told
me you had a sister.

You never asked.

You mean, if you'd known
sister bertrille was my sister,

You wouldn't have asked me out?

Well, i... I'll be
honest with you.

I would have thought
about it a lot more.

All right, elsie,
now you're here.

What do you want
to see me about?

Well, could I talk to
you over here a minute?

All right, sister. I
know why you came here.

She came to warn you about me.

She was going to tell you that
I'm a gambler, and... And a playboy,

And I have absolutely
no scruples about women.

(Carlos) am I right, sister?

Well, you paraphrased a little
bit, but that's about the size of it.

Look, you're my
sister, not my mother.

But, jen, you don't know carlos.

And you do?

Oh, she makes an appearance
on practically every date I have.

Well, I don't do it on purpose.

It just happens that way.

Ok, elsie, I'm sure
you meant well.

Now don't you have
something to do at the convent?


This is just like old times.

You remember when you
used to send me up to my room?

(Jennifer) not quite.

In those days, I had to
bribe you with a lollipop.



Good night, jen.

Good night.

Good night, carlos.

Good night.

The next time, I
promise I'll knock.


Uh, see you at the
convent. Good night.

Good night.

Uh, sister jacqueline said you
wanted to see me, reverend mother.

Uh, y-yes, sister bertrille. I
was at the hospital tonight,

And while I was
there, i... I... I'm afraid

That I may have
spoken rather hastily.

You, reverend mother?

Uh, yes, sister bertrille. You
see, the hospital received word

From a small
village in the interior

That one of the residents had been
bitten by a dog that was probably rabid.

And when the hospital

Told me that they couldn't spare
a doctor until tomorrow, i, uh...

Well, I mentioned
your sister to them.

And they want jen to go
out and take a look, huh?


I know that it is a
tremendous imposition.

Oh, no. I'm sure
she'll be glad to.

Can you reach her by phone?

No, but I know
where I can find her.

Good. While you're gone, i... I will try
to arrange for some transportation.

(Rev. Mother) she will
need a plane to fly her in.

Oh, well, reverend mother,
I think I can handle that, too.

Uh, senor ramirez has a plane.

Well, yes, but,

Do you think that senor ramirez

Would be wiling to fly
your sister into the interior?

When you go out with a
doctor, you've got to expect

To make an
occasional house call.


[Crickets chirping]

So, before going
into private practice,

I decided to join
the peace corps.

And they assigned me to brazil.

Now you know
everything about me.

Not quite. I... I
would like to know

If you'll come and visit
my mother tomorrow.

It will make her very happy.


Well, my mother always
wanted me to marry a doctor.

You should be careful.

That could very easily
be taken as a proposal.

It is a proposal.

Will you marry me?

You want to marry me after
knowing me for one evening?

Well, I know myself. And I
know how I feel about you.

Oh, look, carlos,
I'm very flattered.

Uh, I mean, I like you.

But it wouldn't be
fair to let you think

I'm even remotely interested
in marriage in the near future.

[Chuckles] every girl is
interested in marriage.

Why not you?

Well, for one thing, I'm committed
to 2 years in south america.

So? I'll go with you.

Oh, carlos, I'm not going to
be staying in a luxury hotel.

Somehow I just can't imagine
you being happy in a jungle village.

Jennifer, I can be happy
with you anywhere.

Now, will you think about it?


You know, this is crazy.

But I'm tempted.

I realize it's ridiculous
even to talk about...

[Window opening]

Hi, there.

You know, it used to be a lot
simpler when I'd give you 50 cents

And send you to the movies.

She has the worst sense
of timing in the world.

What did I interrupt now?

If you must know, I
was in the middle of...

Proposing to your sister.


You want to marry her?

Hard to believe, but true.

Well, uh, what did you tell him?

Look, let's not turn this
into a group discussion.

(Jennifer) what did you want
to see me about this time?

Well, it's an emergency,

And it involves you and carlos.

What are you
talking about, sister?

Carlos, how would you like to
spend some time with jennifer alone?

Of course, she didn't tell us
that the nearest landing field

Was 5 miles away
from the village.

[Panting] oh, well. Hey,
i... I spotted the village

Over there someplace.
Isn't that great?

Well, it wasn't my
idea to come along.

The reverend mother insisted.

[Birds chirping]

Carlos, would you like to
stop and rest for a while?

[Panting] what makes
you think I need a rest?

Well, you look sort
of rumpled and sweaty.

That's because I wasn't
trained to be a pack mule.

How much further, elsie?

Not far.

According to the map,
the village should be

Just on the other
side of this swamp.

Oh, great.

The scenic route.

Would you like us to help you
carry the medical supplies, carlos?

Oh, no, thank you, jennifer.

I may not be a tarzan,

But I'm not exactly a weakling.

Come on.

Let's go. Ok.

No, carlos, not that way!


How are you coming
along there, carlos?

I feel stupid.

Well, you look charming.

I'll get elsie to hang
your trousers out to dry.

How is he?

Well, the bite
itself isn't too bad.

It all depends on whether
that dog was rabid.

Oh, what a
snappy-looking outfit.

Who asked you?

What did you find out?

Well, they don't seem
to be able to find the dog.

They think maybe he crawled
off someplace and d*ed.

I feel like joining him.

Well, that settles it.

I think I better give him
the first injection now.

You know, I'm going to
need some more light.

You want to bring that
lamp over here, please?

And carlos, I'm going
to need your help, too.

Finally, I'm going
to be of some use.

What do you mean?

Well, so far, I haven't covered
myself with glory, have i?

Don't be silly.

I think you've
borne up very well.

Now I want you to translate
what I'm going to say to the patient.

I'll hang up his pants. Fine.

Tell him he's going
to get 14 injections,

1 Each day for 2 weeks.

[Speaking spanish]

I'm going to give him the first
one now. [Carlos speaking spanish]

(Jennifer) and then
we'll fly him back

To the hospital in
san juan for the rest.

[Speaking spanish]


What's the matter?

Are you going to stick
that big needle in him?



Look, it's not pleasant, but
it's not as bad as it looks.

Anyway, there's no alternative.

Are you all right, carlos?

Such a big needle.

(Bertrille) you want any help?

Uh, yes, just hold the patient's
hand and look sympathetic.

Well, that's easy.
I am sympathetic.

Carlos? Carlos?


Would you hold the light over
my shoulder so I can see, please?

Are you up to that?

Oh, of course I'm up to that.

All right. Here goes.

[Lamp crashing]

What happened?

Carlos. He fainted.

Ok, carlos. Take it
easy. It's all right.


What happened?

You fainted.

That's impossible.

No it's not. It's true. When
jen put the needle in you went,

[Imitating crashing]

Out like a light.

Well, you don't have to
sound so cheerful about it.

Oh, I'm not cheerful. I'm
just telling it like it is.

Ok, elsie.

We're going to need a stretcher
to get pedro to the plane.

Maybe you can
rustle one up, huh?

Ok. And don't feel
too bad, carlos.

After all, you're a gambler,
not a nurse. Here, fan yourself.

Elsie's right, carlos. Don't
feel too badly about it.

I fainted 4 times my
first year at med school.

Yeah, but you're a girl.

Poor carlos.

You have had a rough
time of it, haven't you?


That makes up for everything.

And I still want to marry you.

Of course, I realize

That you probably think
that I couldn't adapt myself

To living in brazil.

But I could learn. I could...

You find my proposal funny?

No, no, carlos,
just your costume.


I look ridiculous, huh?

No, as a matter of fact,

I think you look
rather appealing.

Enough to marry me?

Carlos, I don't think we
should talk about that now.

Where do you want
me to put this? Oh!

Oh, my goodness!
Carlos, are you hurt?

I think I sat on
something sharp.

How do you feel, carlos?

I don't want to discuss it.

But i... I don't want
to discuss anything.

I just wanted to tell you

That you didn't have
to be embarrassed.

I mean, jen's a doctor,
and don't worry about me.

I've had a year of
nurses' training.

And who are these kids? Interns?

What are these
children doing here?

[Speaking spanish]

[Speaking spanish]

What did he say?

He said in this village

They don't have any television.

Why don't you tell them
to go out and sell tickets?

[Speaking spanish]

Scram. Hit the
road, jack. Come on.

[Children speaking spanish]

Show's over. Go on out.

Now hold still, carlos. I've
got about 3 more stitches,

And then I'll have you
almost as good as new.

Don't worry about
a thing, carlos.

Jen is fantastic with a needle.

A real neat stitcher.

Elsie, why don't you
leave bad enough alone?

Well, I just thought
carlos would feel better

If he knew his wounds
wouldn't show.

I'm not interested in your
opinions about my wounds.

(Jennifer) there,
now. I'm all finished.

Now don't move!

Do you think if we get
you carried to the plane,

You'll be able to fly?

Oh, sure. Carlos isn't
one of those pilots

Who flies by the
seat of his pants.


That's not funny, elsie.

Sorry, jen. I was just trying
to lighten the situation.

Well, I better go out and try and
recruit some stretcher-bearers.

[Sighing] ok.

I... I guess you're
pretty sore, huh?

I... I mean, I mean, I
guess you're mad.

I mean, I guess sore isn't the right
word to use at this moment, huh?

(Carlos) no, it isn't
the right word.

Destroyed, shattered, humiliated.
Those are the right words.

Carlos, there's no
reason to feel like that.

Uh, no?

I ask a girl out,
and what happens?

I end up in the wilds of
the jungle with a... A nun

And a farmer who has rabies.

Then I fall into a swamp,

Lose my trousers, and faint.

Then, to top it off, I get hit by a
stretcher, fall on some bottles,

And I am... Subjected
to having my...

To being stitched up
by the woman I love.

Now how should I feel? You
tell me, how should I feel?


Don't you realize that
I can't face her again?

(Bertrille) but why?

Because, the sort of experience
we've been through together

Tends to k*ll romance.

But I don't see why.

It was our first date.

Oh, carlos, I'm so sorry.

No, you are not!

Don't be hypocritical about it.

What do you mean by that?

You planned the whole thing.

[Exclaiming] what?

You didn't want me
to marry your sister.

Don't you deny it.

You wanted jennifer to
fall out of love with me,

So you deliberately
took me into the jungle.

You wanted me out of the city.

Now why would I want to do that?

Because, you know
that in... In the city I am...

Rather appealing.

You know that in the
jungle I fall apart.

Well, it worked.

I hope you're satisfied.

Carlos, do you really
think I'd do that to you?


But you're my friend.

And she is your sister.

And blood is thicker than water.

That's not true.

(Carlos) oh, no? We'll see.

Jennifer? Yes.

Answer me yes or
no. Will you marry me?

Carlos, i... Yes or no?

No, i... You see?

But, carlos, that has got
nothing to do with your accident.

I refuse to talk
about it any further.

But i...

In fact, I refuse to talk
to anybody ever again.

And he didn't.

(Jacqueline) not to anyone?

Well, not to jennifer or myself.

He wouldn't even answer
the telephone to us.

Oh, cheer up, sister.
It's not as bad as all that.

Oh, yes, it is.

There's nothing worse
than losing a friend.

I've said goodbye to everyone
but sister sixto. I couldn't find her.

Oh, she's helping out
at the hospital today.

I'll say goodbye to her for you.

Oh, thank you, sister.

No sign of carlos?

Afraid not.

(Sixto) jennifer!

Oh, I didn't want you to leave

Before I had a chance
to say goodbye. Goodbye.

I'd have been here sooner
except I was busy as a wasp.

Oh, it was very
sweet of you to come.

Oh, by the way, i... I
saw your friend carlos.

(Bertrille) at the hospital?

He's having his
stitches taken out.

I guess that means he's
back to normal, huh?

Well, let's hope so.

Elsie, I'm afraid we have to go.

Yes. We do have to go

But not to the airport.

We're going to go see carlos.

Jennifer, it's part of our job to
comfort the sick and wounded.

You almost through, doctor?


You have some
visitors, senor ramirez.


Oh, no.

What are you doing here?

Jennifer wanted to
talk to you, carlos.

Is this allowed?

I mean, can just anyone walk in
here and watch a private operation?

Of course not.

Sister bertrille,
please, come with me.

Wait a minute! What about her?

Doesn't she have to leave, too?

Of course not.

Dr. Ethrington is
not only a physician,

But is very familiar
with your case.

Carlos, we have a
lot to talk about.


Oh, thank you, carlos, for
driving us to the airport.

Well, I owed you something.

I was wrong about you, sister.

I'm sorry.

What exactly did jen say to
you, or would that be prying?

It would be prying,
but I'll tell you anyway.

She told me that her
refusing to marry me

Had nothing to do with you
or our trip to the jungle.

You were really hung
up on old jen, weren't you?

Yeah. Well, I'll get over it.

My, you certainly
are taking it all nicely.

Well, that's because, uh,
she reminded me of something

That made her rejection
a little easier to take.

What's that?

That if, uh, I married her,

It would make you
my sister-in-law.

And I'm not sure I'm
ready for that yet.