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01x20 - The Hot Spell

Posted: 04/25/23 07:28
by bunniefuu

(Jacqueline) the heat waves
that occasionally invade

The island of puerto
rico are fortunately

Few and far between.

But one particular hot
spell will linger long

In the memories of the sisters
at the convent san tanco.

Do you think it would be selfish

If I prayed tonight
for a cool breeze?

Not if you prayed for
it to blow on everyone.

(All) reverend mother,
reverend mother.

(Rev. Mother) please, please.

Sit down.

I have bad news.

Air conditioners are out
of the question this year.

(Marguerita) oh, not even one

For the dispensary,
reverend mother?

The patients are
so uncomfortable.

They would be more
uncomfortable without medicine.

That is our choice.

Now then, sister marguerita,
would you please pass these out?

I have, uh, made out a
special class schedule,

For use during the hot spell.

Where is sister bertrille?

[Object crashing]

[Glass breaking]
sister bertrille.

Oh, uh, sorry, reverend
mother, but we dropped it.


What are those things?

Air conditioners. And
there's 2 more in the truck.

[Nuns chattering]

It's really a lucky break,

But you know,
little jesus perez,

Well, his father works
for carlos ramirez,

And he told me that the casino

Was... Was, uh, installing
new air conditioners.

And I figured if they were installing
new ones, they must be old ones.

Sister bertrille, come
in here, immediately.

Yes, reverend mother.

[Speaks spanish]

Sister bertrille,

Carlos ramirez is a man
of questionable character.

I do not like the idea of
the convent san tanco

Being continually in his debt.

Those air conditioners

Will be used in the dispensary

And the 3 hottest classrooms.

[Nuns cheering]

(Jacqueline) although
the official forecast

Was for cooler temperatures,

Senor ramirez's
assistant, pedro,

Had heard other predictions.

The arrival of
rufus morgan's yacht

Convinced him that the
big heat was just arriving.


There's a lagoon 5
miles up the coast

Where the water is as blue-green

As your eyes.

All right, carlos. But I
have to be home early.

Oh, as early as you wish.

We are just going
to swim a little,

Eat a little supper,
drink a little wine.

Let's go.

Senor ramirez, they are here.

Oh, later, pedro. We
are going to the beach.

Then could I please have my
next month's salary in advance?

What are you talking about?

I told you, I told you.
But you wouldn't listen.

It's no rumor. Morgan's men.

They're in san juan, senor.

And they're coming to see you.

In san juan? Now?

Who's morgan?

You don't know about morgan?

You know about al capone?

Morgan is bigger and meaner.

And he wants this casino.

Oh, senor, why didn't you
listen when I warned you?

Quiet, pedro, you
make me nervous.

Morgan's men are coming
to steal your casino

And I make you nervous?

If organized crime is trying to
muscle in on a legitimate business,

You should tell the
attorney general.

She went to college.

Senor, you must do something.

I will not sell.

They will not get my casino.

[Knocking on door]

It is them. I will
say you are not in.

Let them in.

Hi. Hi, there.

Sister bertrille, we have
no more air conditioners,

And at the moment,
I am very busy.

Oh, that's ok. This
will only take a minute.

I have to be back
in time for vespers.

Senor, they will
be here any minute.

How do you do? My
name is sister bertrille.

Glad to meet you,
sister. I'm doris finch.

I am in a great rush.

What do you want?

Oh, right. Uh, the reverend
mother wishes me to express

Her personal thanks
for your generous gift.

It was nothing, sister. I was glad
to do it. Thank you for coming.

What's the matter with pedro?

It is my stomach. A little
distress. Goodbye, sister.

You ought to come to
the dispensary with me.

Sister marguerita's just
marvelous with stomachs.

I think you ought to come, too.

Maybe we will, later.
Would you please excuse us?

Thanks again, carlos.

And if there's ever anything
we can do for you... Thank you.

You might say a novena. I think
senor ramirez is going to need it.

Sure, I'll start tonight. Goodbye,
miss finch. Very nice meeting you.

Oh, sister bertrille. What?

Would you really like to repay
me for the air conditioners?

Oh, sure. I'll get all the sisters,
and we'll all say a novena for you.

Oh, no, no, no. I have
something a little more,

Um, tangible in mind.

Senor, on the honor of
my mother, they are coming.

Quiet, pedro. I think I have
the solution to our problem.

Carlos, I can't
pay you any money,

I told you that
this... No, no, no, no.

This has nothing
to do with money.

It's just a little, uh, paper
transaction for a few days.

Sister, I'm going to give you a
chance to do me a great service.

♪ [Music playing]

Yes, gentlemen? May I help you?

We want to see the manager.

'Course, gentlemen.
Come right in.

(Pedro) this is sister bertrille
of the convent san tanco.

The kind sisters are now
the owners of casino carlos.

The convent san tanco owns

Senor ramirez casino
and discotheque?

Explain yourself,
sister bertrille.

Well, reverend mother,
it's just for a few days.

Just until the heat's off.

And what does the hot
spell have to do with this?

No. I mean just until
morgan's men are gone.

You see, they're trying to muscle
in on senor ramirez's territory.

Sister bertrille, in one moment,

I am going to have to send for

Sister sixto's dictionary
of american slang.

Now, what are you talking about?

Reverend mother,
it's really very simple.

Then try to explain
it in simple english.

Yes, ok. Uh, now, reverend
mother, uh, uh, morgan is a mobster.

A what?

Uh, uh, a gangster, a
racketeer, and he'll do anything

To get a hold of
senor ramirez's casino.

Why, he might even rub him out.

Uh, I mean... I
mean, use v*olence.

So, senor ramirez asked me

If we would take over the
ownership of the casino for a few days

While he took a powder.

What? I mean, I'm
sorry, while he left.

Morgan can't very well
put the squeeze on us.

The... The... I
mean, thr*aten us.

So when he finds
out that we own,

The convent owns the casino,

Then he'll just leave.

And senor ramirez
will come back,

And we'll give the business back
to him and everything will be fine.

Do you understand,
reverend mother?

Yes. And it's out
of the question.

But reverend mother,

This is a matter
of life and death.

It's a matter of your having
seen too many gangster films.

But, reverend mother,
don't you think it's better

If... If the convent owns
the casino for a few days

Rather than having some...
Some criminals get control of it?


Oh, now really,
sister bertrille.

But I saw them.

And they told you that
they were criminals?

No, senor ramirez told
me before they came in.

Sister bertrille, did
they thr*aten you?

Oh, no.

They don't work
that way anymore.

Sister bertrille, I think
that you would do well

To spend some time in chapel.

And while you're there,

You might pray for a
less vivid imagination.

[Knocking on door]

Come in.

Reverend mother, there
are 2 men here to see you.

Uh-huh. 2 Men. Do they
have straw hats on?


They wish to see you.

I knew it. I knew it. It's them.

Don't let them in.
Don't let them in.

Thank you, sister ana. I
will see the gentlemen.

You are excused,
sister bertrille.

But, reverend... Yes,
reverend mother.

You may go in now.

Shouldn't you be
watching the tables, sister?

Uh, what was it that you
wished to see me about?

Well, uh, well, ma'am,

We were told that you own
the casino carlos. Is that true?

And, uh, what concern
would that be of yours?

Now, we're not of the
same persuasion, ma'am,

But any respectable person
would be shocked at the idea

Of a convent running
a gambling house.

You know what I mean?

(Rev. Mother) I shall take
note of your feelings.

Is there anything else?

Hey, bart, we're being watched.

I beg your pardon.

The little nun.
She's spying on us.

Gentlemen, I am rather busy and if
you have nothing further to add...

(Remick) oh, but we
do, ma'am. We do.

Uh, one of our
associates, mr. Morgan,

You may have heard of him,

Is willing to take the place off
your hands at a handsome price.

We're authorized to make
you the same generous offer

As we were going to make to
mr. Ramirez, you know what I mean?

[Phone ringing]

Excuse me.


Yes, of course I am all right.

Sister bertrille,

I suggest that you do what I
advised you to do immediately.

Call the police?

She's calling the cops.

Sister bertrille, please.

(Martin) we're going,
ma'am. We're going.

You will think about our offer?

[Nuns exclaiming]

(Jacqueline) the failure
of his emissaries

To successfully
conclude negotiations,

Left mr. Morgan
only one alternative,

He decided to handle
the situation himself.

Watch where you're walking.

What's all the excitement about?

It's only a straight pin.

Don't, dumb-dumb.

You want to throw
my good luck away?

So far it is all right, senor.

When they saw sister bertrille,

They left, and I have
not seen them since.

I'm morgan. Where's ramirez?

I am sorry.

Senor ramirez does not
own the casino any longer.

I've heard all that. I still
want to see him. Where is he?

No one knows, senor.

Who is there?

He's left the island.

He gave up all his
worldly possessions

And retired to live a life
of religious contemplation.

Excuse me, senor. The phone.

No, senor, we have no openings
for croupiers at the moment.

He's a nut.

All right, pedro. I'll try to
accept that for the time being.

Ramirez can't be found.

Right now, me and the boys
are going to play a little cards.

What's the house limit?

200, Senor.

Too low. Up it to a thousand.

I cannot, senor.

It is the house rule.

I do not have the authority.

Then you find somebody who
does. I don't play for pennies.

The holy sisters,
they are the only ones,

They would be
asleep at this hour.

Are you telling me they own this
place and they don't watch the action?

What are you handing me, pedro?

I want to see one of these
new owners right now.

But it is late. Now!

But that's impossible.

Uh, we're all in bed.

Well, well, tell
them you're in charge.

Oh, they're getting
suspicious, huh?

Well, let them get suspicious.
What can they do about it?

They are asleep, the sisters.

What are you
going to do about it?


That's what you're
going to do about it.


I'll be there as quick as I can.

Uh, good evening, gentlemen.

I understand you
wanted to see me.

Pedro, you've got to be kidding.

She isn't old enough to get in
this place legally, much less own it.

I'm old enough to have you
thrown out of here, mr. Morgan,

If, uh, if you try and
make any trouble.

(Morgan) hey, a tough nun.

That's a new one.

Ok, sister,

I want to play cards
and I want the limit raised.

How about it?

Um, what do you think, pedro?

Never mind pedro, you're
supposed to be the boss.

Oh, right. Well, um, the house
rules will remain the same

As when senor ramirez was here.

All right. We'll stick to that.

I saw a table stakes-poker
game out there, right?

(Pedro) si, senor.

The house takes
10% of every pot.

Not in my game.

I want to play
against the house.

And I want her to sit in.

I'm sorry, but the house
rules don't permit...

Boys, I think we're
being conned.

Maybe you'd better have a little
talk with pedro here privately.

Now you leave him alone.

I won't lay a finger on him.

I'm a sagittarius. We
never use v*olence.

Sister bertrille.

Remick and martin though,
they're leos. Very physical.

Well, uh, mr. Morgan, uh,

I'll play.

Good. Let's get going, boys.

Can't fight the stars, you know?

Does he really believe
in all that stuff?

They say he is
very superstitious.

Sister, do you know
how to play poker?

Well, sure.

Uh, 5 cards of the same
color makes a straight, right?

[Door closing]

[People chattering]

Ace 10 is still high.

What do you say, sister?

Do I have to say something?

I mean, do you want to bet?

Oh. Oh.

Ok. I, um, I'll bet,
um, 2 of these.

Hey, boss. You got a bug on you.

Don't touch that.
It's a lady bug.

It's good luck.

Well, look at that.

You stick around, lady bug.

I guess I'm going to
have to bump you, sister.

All of those?

Um, hearts.

How many make
a flush? 2, 3, 4...

Just one more.


(Joe) what do you
say, cy? You in?

(Cy) I'm in.

What about you,
mike? (Mike) I'm in.

Morgan has 4 hearts showing
and he just raised a bundle.

Sister bertrille,
she has 3 queens up.

3 Queens?

Well, she has to call him.

Come on, carlos.
Let's go for a swim.

Not now. This is important.

Well, I'm important, too.

At least that's what you've
been saying for the last 2 weeks.

She what?

She dropped out.

Well, so have i.

My 3 queens wouldn't have
beaten your flush anyway.

(Morgan) what makes
you think I had a flush?

2 Little old fives.

But you lied.

Bluffed, sister, bluffed.

That's the name of the game.

How do you like
that clown, ramirez?

A couple of more hours playing
head to head with sister wide eyes here

And I'll take this casino
over the easy way.

What do you mean?

I mean, sister, you're a
pretty lousy poker player,

Therefore, I'm going
to bust the joint.

Now, deal.

Jacks or better.

Candy from a baby.

Well, I can open for 1 yellow,

And 2 blues.


Call and bump a "g".

Isn't that an awful lot to bet?

Table stakes, sister,
remember? No limit.

Oh, yes, well, if
those are the rules...

Ok, um, I'll take 2.

Hold it. You haven't
called the raise yet.

Oh, that's right. Bet
first, cards later.

I'll raise again.

[Chips clatter]

Oh, senor, what they are
doing to that poor sister.

She's caught in the
middle, raise, re-raise.

Cant you see what she's got?

No, senor. She is playing
her cards close to her...

Her habit.

I'll just call the raise.

Ok, sister, you
wanted 2 cards, right?

Um, on second thought,
I'll just play these.

What? You said you wanted 2.

I changed my mind.
I'll just play these.

Now, let's see.

You say I can bet as much as
you all have on the table, right?


[Chips clattering]

(Bertrille) well,

Looks like I have a guest.

Never mind, never
mind. It's all yours.

Gee. Thank you.

Just a minute.

If I could see your
openers, if you don't mind?

Oh, ok.

That's all you had?
A pair of jacks?

That's all you need to open,
isn't it? Jacks or better?

Coffee-housed. By a nun yet.

If I thought you knew
what you were doing...

It's just lady luck.

Don't you gamblers
say she's awfully fickle?

Come on, boys,
let's get out of here.

I can't believe it, senor.

She did it.

She won almost everything back.

Such a beautiful bluff,

It would warm your heart, senor.

Oh, you should have seen
that look on morgan's face,

Such a sickness
belongs in a hospital.

I tell you, senor, I
still cannot believe it.

(Carlos) that's because you
have no imagination, my friend.

Just relax.

Everything is working
out just the way I planned it.

(Morgan) well, I'm glad
to know that, ramirez.

Nothing like a little
religious contemplation

To help work things out, huh?

Ramirez? Ramirez?


And to think I was
just about to leave

This lovely island
and miss all the fun.


Sister bertrille.

Wake up.

I raise.

The game is over, sister.

Everything is over.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear it.

Boy, I wasn't cut out
for this kind of work.

What's the matter, pedro?

Morgan knows everything.

He heard me talking with
senor ramirez on the phone.

And that is that.

Oh, brother.

Oh, sister.

What do you think
morgan will do?


That bad?


Oh, there must be some
way out of this mess.

I wish there were, sister.

But you saw how he is.

Oh, yes.

Rough, tough and superstitious.

Maybe if I could
talk to him alone,

Kind of reason with him.

You can't even get to him.

He is always surrounded.

Even his boat is
like a fortress,

Guards all around, on the dock,

On the deck, everywhere.

Sister, it is impossible.

Pedro, as we say in the trade,

Don't make book on it.

Mr. Morgan!

(Bertrille) mr. Moran!

Are you down there, mr. Morgan?

Mr. Morgan!

Oh, I'm sorry to wake
you, but it's important.

Who are you?

I'm sister bertrille.

I played cards with you
last evening, remember?

You get away from here.

You're not real.

Yes, I am. You want to touch me?

No! It's just a bad dream.
That's what it is. I'm dreaming.

What I want is, I want to ask you
to kind of go easy on senor ramirez.

You see, he's been
very kind to us

And we wouldn't want to see
anything terrible happen to him,

So, please, couldn't
you just leave him alone?

[Stammers] this is an omen.

You're some kind of sign.

You're... You're some kind
of warning, aren't you?

Oh, well, you could
put it that way.

Remick? Martin? Remick? Martin?

[Wind blowing]

Remick, martin,
get this tub moving.

We're moving out
of here right now.

Bon voyage, mr. Morgan,
smooth sailing.

No, uh, monsignor.

We did not e-exactly own it.

We, uh, we were, uh,
holding it for a few days.

Of course, I take
full responsibility.

I never should
have permitted it.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, well, no, monsignor.

I, uh, I do not know.

You... You see, I've
never played the game.

Yes, o-of course, sir.

Just one moment, please.

Uh, monsignor
shanahan from miami

Wishes to know how
you coffee-housed

Rufus morgan.

Oh, really?

[Clears throat]


Hello, this is sister bertrille.

Well, I'll tell you.

I was dealt a pair
of jacks, you know?

And, uh, morgan was
the first one to raise.

So I figured he must have
openers or better, you know.

Or else he was bluffing.

So I figured I'd
keep a kicker...

A kicker, just in
case 'cause if he...
