01x01 - The Reluctant Stowaway

Episodes transcripts for the TV series, "Lost in Space." Aired: September 15, 1965 – March 13, 1968.*
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Series was inspired by the 1812 novel The Swiss Family Robinson and follows the adventures of the Robinsons, a pioneering family of space colonists who struggle to survive in the depths of space.
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01x01 - The Reluctant Stowaway

Post by bunniefuu »

[Machines Whirring]

[Man Narrating]
This is the beginning.

This is the day.

You are watching the unfolding of
one of history's great adventures,

man's colonization of space

beyond the slam.

[Man Over P.A.]
This is Alpha Control.

Zero minus one hour
and 15 minutes and holding;.

Delay caused by difficulty with
liquid oxygen loading valve.

Zero minus one hour
and 15 minutes and holding;.

TV satellite control, take over.
[ Electronic Beep]

Ladies and gentlemen,

today, the first of
what may be

as many as 10 million
families per year

is setting out
on its epic voyage

into man's newest frontier for
colonization, deep space.

[ Narrator ]
Reaching out into other worlds

from our desperately
overcrowded planet,

a series of deep-thrust
telescopic probes

have conclusively
established a planet

orbiting the star
Alpha Centauri

as the only one within range
of our technology

able to furnish ideal
conditions for human existence.

Even now,
the family chosen

In: {his incredible
journey into space

is preparing to take their final
pre-liftoff physical tests.

The Robinson family
was selected

from more than two
million volunteers

for its unique balance
of scientific achievement

emotional stability
and pioneer resourcefulness.

They will spend the five and
a half years of their voyage

frozen into a state
of suspended animation,

which will terminate

as the spacecraft enters the
atmosphere of the new planet.

[Man Over P.A.]
This is Alpha Control.

We are at zero minus one hour and
15 minutes and stir! holding.

We have also encountered
an electrical power failure

in our computer
at the Lunar Tracking Station.

Zero minus one hour and 15
minutes and still holding.

[Speaking Italian]

[All Speaking Foreign Languages]

Here now is the Jupiter 2,

the culmination of nearly 40
years of intensive research

and the most sophisticated
piece of hardware

yet devised by
the mind of man.

Bold in concept,
brilliant in execution,

his most delicate yet must colossal of

makes possible man's thrust
into deep space

and wit] soon set out
on its quest for a new world.

This super spaceship
stands two stories high.

The upper level contains
a fantastic, sophisticated

guidance comm! system.

An electronic elevator
connects both floors

of the intergalactic vehicle.

The upper and lower levels are
operationally self-contained.

Here, on the lower deck, pulsating
with unbelievable force

are the great atomic motors that
will power the ship to new worlds.

Spectacular but functional
living quarters,

including staterooms and
galley, complete this level.

There is one additional member
of this expedition,

an environmental-control

key among whose
many vita! functions

will be the final analysis of the
physical environment of the new pianet.

This historic flight,

preceded by nearly a decade cf
Intensive research and preparation

has been shrouded by the most
rigorous security precautions.

Other nations,
in even more desperate need

for breathing room on our
critically crowded planet

are racing the United States
in this project,

countries that would go
in any lengths at sabotage.

[Man Over P.A.]
This is Alpha Control.

Zero minus one hour and 15
minutes and still holding.

[Electronic Trill]


[Trill Stops]

[ Male Voice ] At exactly
launch plus eight hours,

inertial guidance system,

Radio transmitter, destroy.

Cabin pressure
control system, destroy.


Turn that thing off, soldier.

Sorry, Colonel. There is no
personnel allowed in here

after zero minus
six hours.

Do you know
who I am, soldier?

I wouldn't care if you
were President of the USA.

I'd still have to
put you under arrest.

Of course.
That's your duty.

But just for the record,
I came in here

to check
the helium-nitrogen ratio.

I had a sudden feeling I
turned a valve the wrong way.

You know how it is
when you get those feelings

that won't let you sleep.
I had to make sure.

Sorry, but I still have to turn you
over to the officer of the day.

Don't apologize.

You've got your job, and
I've got mine, eh, soldier'?

[High-pitched Whine]

Calling Aeolus 14 Umbra.

Aeolus 14 Umbra. Reporting
mission accomplished.

I have reprogrammed the robot.
His power has been activated.

Exactly eight hours
after launch,

the robot will destroy the
spaceship with all hands aboard.

Eight hours after launch,

the robot will destroy
the spaceship.

[Man Over P.A.]
This is Alpha Control.

All technical difficulties
have been resolved,

and we are resuming countdown.

The count now stands at zero
minus one hour and 1' 4 minutes.

All systems are
now green and go.

[ Narrator] In these last
minutes before liftoff,

we're hoping to bring you
a few words

from the members of the brave family
making this historic journey.

But I'm informed by Alpha Centre!
that Dr. John Robinson

his wife, Maureen, and their three
children, Judy, Penny and Will,

are still undergoing their
pre-liftoff final physical checks.

Am I okay, Doctor?
Did I pass?

You'll do.

Did you hear that, Mom?

I'm okay.

Yes, Will.
We heard.

We weren't worried,
were we'?


No need for any of you to worry
about your physical condition.

You're all in top shape
and ready to go.

I envy you
your adventure.

Thank you, Doctor.

[Man Over P.A.]
This is Alpha Control.

The Robinson family will prepare to
board the space vehicle a1 once.

It is now zero minus
33 minutes and counting.


Are we?

I should say something light
and clever, shouldn't I?

I just can't.

This is Alpha Control. The Robinson
family will now board me spacecraft.

We're ready.

Hi, Don.


Naturally, you're all
well acquainted

with Major Donald West
by this time.

He's our pilot.

Only in a manner of speaking.

Just in case something
would happen to go wrong

with the a*t*matic guidance
system, which isn't very likely.

If you wake up and find me driving,
you'll know you're in trouble.

[Man Over P.A.] Minus three
minutes and counting.

complete final checkouts.


Dr. Robinson.

Goodbye, General.



Just taking a last look.

Everything snug
and secure, I trust'?

And now...
[ Ringing]

One moment, please.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the President of
the United States.

Fellow Americans,

friends all over the world,

upon the success
of this mission...

I'll get a picture.

...will depend whether
the expl*sive increase

of population on this planet

will ultimately lead to a disaster
from which none will be exempt

or to a new dawn of plenty
for ail of humanity.

None can predict the outcome of this
audacious venture to the very stars.

To those who have
staked their lives,

upon this bold expansion
of man's horizons,

I humbly say

go in peace.

The prayers of mankind
are with you.

Inspiring. Truly inspiring.

Completing disconnect check
of non-flight systems.

All circuits off.
Power pack is removed.

This is Alpha Control. Zero
minus two minutes and counting.

You'd better hurry, Doc.

Yes, yes.
Coming right along.

[Man Over P.A. ]Astronauts,
in the following order

will enter freezing tubes
and prepare for launch.

Will Robinson, Penny Robinson,
enter tubes.

Dr. Maureen Robinson,
enter tube.

Miss Judy Robinson,
enter tube.

[No Audible Dialogue]

Zero minus 80 seconds.
Range clearance to launch.

Major Donald West, enter tube.

Zero minus 65 seconds.

Zero minus 55 seconds,
and counting.

Dr. John Robinson, enter tube.

Zero minus 45 seconds.
[Electronic Beeping]

Activate freezing units.

[ Narrator ] Electromagnetic
miracles now come into play.

This cosmic glow, induced through
the genius of advanced technology,

will put the Robinson family
and Major West in limbo,

enabling them to make
an endless flight

white aging but a second
in the time of man.

From this moment on,
our space travelers

will be in a state
of suspended animation

which will last for the next
five and a half years.

[Man Over P.A.]
Verify all hatches secured.


Get me out!


Zero minus 35 and counting.

Help! Get me out!

Remove gas transfer and
propellant vent umbilicals.

Zero minus 30.



Fifteen seconds.

Ten seconds. Nine

eight, seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one, zero.


[ Man Over P.A. ]
All systems here
at Alpha Control

are green and go.

The trajectory now
profiles properly.

The spaceship is
now passing through

the point of maximum
dynamic pressure.

If it holds its
present attitude,

it will reach
perfect escape velocity.

Remote readings here at Alpha Contra!
appear normal,

with no indication of change.

Medical telemeters
show all members

of the Robinson family
are safe and well,

still in their total blackout
of suspended animation.


Aeolus 14 Umbra.

Calling Aeolus 14 Umbra.

[Staticky Clicking]

Aeolus 14 Umbra,
come in, please.

Do you read me?
Mission accomplished.

Mission accomplished.

What do I do now?

What clever instructions
do you have for me now?

How much more money are you going
to pay me for this excursion?

[Loud Rumbling]

Aeolus 14 Umbra,
do you know where I am?

Do you know?

Do you know?


Incompleted circuit.

Incompleted circuit.

Damage may result.

Damage averted.
All systems operative.

Alpha Control.
Hello, Alpha Control.

This is Colonel Zachary Smith
calling from Jupiter 2.

Can you return us to Earth?

Can you return us to Earth?

Alpha Control,
this is Jupiter 2!

[ Man ] Alpha Control, this is
Lunar Tracking Station 2 Omega.

[Man 2]
Go ahead, Lunar Tracking.

[Man 1 ] We've got a problem with
the Jupiter 2 flight profile.

It is now negative.
Repeat. Negative.

Hello, Lunar Tracking.
Hello, Alpha Control.

Does anybody read me?

[Man 2] Roger.
We've been working on it.

Our computers tel!
us thaws close to

200 pounds
excess weight aboard.

It has altered
the flight pattern.

Abort the mission.

Can you hear me'?
Abort the mission!

[ Man 1 ] Alpha Control, initiate
an immediate course change.

Jupiter 2 is headed directly
for a massive meteor swarm.

[Man 2] Negative. Vector
controls aren't effective.

West! West!
Can you hear me?

[Rapid Electronic Beeping]
[ Loud Thud ]

[Beeping Continues]

[Beeping Continues]

[Man Over P.A.] Heat telemeters
here at Alpha Control

show an outbreak of fire
in back of all magna-panels
in the spaceship.

Unless fire extinguishing
apparatus functions properly

and control regeneration
occurs immediately,

all hope is now gone.

[ Loud Thuds ]

[Thuds Continue]

[Thuds Continue]


Major West.

Major West!

Can you hear me?

Major West.


am Major West.

Who are you?

[ Loud Thud ]

Major West, you've got to take
over the controls. Fast!

I know you.

Look. Meteors.

[ Dr. Smith ] Get us out
of this flight path! Quick!

[Thuds Continue]

[Thuds End]
Good. Good.

Stay with it now.

What the devil
are you doing aboard?

I was trapped
just before liftoff.

Your helium-nitrogen

I neglected to adjust
the balance control valve.

The hatch closed
before I could...

It was horrible.
With your extra weight load,

no wonder
the a*t*matic navigator

didn't pull us
out of it in time.

[ Panting]

We're out of it.
[ Panting]

But we'll never know
how far off course.

Can you put us about?
Get us back home?

Can you?

What have you done
to the transmitter?

I don't know.

I must have lost my head. I was
trying to reach Alpha Control.

Turn us back
toward Earth.

Every second you waste
sends us thousands of miles

in the wrong direction.

What are you doing?

Waking up the Robinsons.

No. Don't wake them.

Why not?
It's their lives, too.

Since I'm the only one
who can pilot this ship,

I'll make the decisions.

Have it your way then.

Make it a family outing.

Why not?

[Electronic Trill]

[Electrical Arcing]


[ Dr. Smith ]
She'll be all right now.

Oh, Mom.

Oh, it's all right, dear.
I'm fine.

Come on, Will.

You really had us worried.

Dr. Smith, you shouldn't
be here at all.

Precisely the point
I'm trying to make

without much success,
I might add.

Where's Alpha Centauri?

It's out there somewhere.

[Penny] Gee, il looks like
we're standing still.

We're off course.
We don't know how far yet.

Don's trying to determine whether
we should return to Earth or not.

There's no question about
what we must do.

You saw your wife's
metabolic reaction

to the suspended
animation state.

I warn you, Robinson. She might
not survive another such trauma.

Don't worry, darling.
No matter what we decide,

I won't let you back
in that tube.

[Don ] The meteors
clobbered us.

Our whole control system's
badly damaged.

You're supposed to be a
space pilot and qualified.

Improvise something.

Turn us around and
get us back to Earth.

If I were you, Colonel,
I'd keep my mouth shut.


You're responsible
for this mess we're in.

Really, Major?

Have you bothered to wonder
who revived you?

You tumbled out of there like a block
of ice, dead as a coffin nail.

Who do you think
brought you back to life?


Our payload was calculated
to a fraction of an ounce.

Without his extra weight,
we would have ducked

the meteor
storm automatically.

Maybe and maybe not.

But without me, not one of
you would be alive now.

All right, Colonel Smith.

We're properly grateful.

Right now we have
to make a decision.

I'm not sure we should
turn back, even if we can.

Look here.

You people volunteered for
this expedition. I did not.

I have no business
being here.

I demand to be
taken back to Earth!

Don, do you have any idea
of our present position?

Not precisely.

Maybe we can calculate it.

Luckily, the atomic clock
is still working.

It's nearly eight
hours since takeoff.

Now, these vector tapes,
they could be of help.


I was afraid of that.

What is it?

The tapes are damaged.

Is there any way we can repair
the inertial navigation system?

I can try,
but it means shutting off

the artificial gravity
for a while.

All right. Do it.
Will, Penny.

Now, listen. We're not gonna
have any gravity for a while

so we're all gonna
have to hang on.

Oh, boy!

Oh, boy.





Now, hold on.

Oh! [Squealing]
Look at your hair!

[Penny] Look at this.

[Giggling ]

[ Penny] Hey.
That looks like fun.

Hey, Penny,
watch me do a flip.

Turn around a bit.

[ Maureen ] Oh. Penny, look out.
You'll hit your head.

Look out, now.

[John Laughing]

Do a flip.

Hey, Penny, can you do this?

Hey, it's fun!

Just turn around.

That looks like fun.

Would you like to try it?

Having fun up there?

[Maureen] Look out. You're
gonna bump into each other.

[Maureen Chuckles]
Oh! Oh!

[ Laughing]

[ Penny]
Look at me, Will.

[Giggling ]

[Maureen] Come on.

[ Penny]
I don't want to come down yet.

Wait a minute.
Let me do it a little more.



Hey, this is fun!

Here I go again, Penny!


[Robot Whirring]

Robot ] At exactly
eight hours, destroy.


[Whirring Stops]

Hey, what are you doing there?

You're not supposed
to do that.

Now, who's the doctor,
you or me?

But they told us in
one of the briefings...

Would you like me to teach you
to program him to play chess?

You play chess, don't you?

Ever play on
a three-dimensional board?

Did you know that I
was the grand master

of the Oxford University
Chess Society

for three years running?

Oh, that.

You have to disconnect it when
you want to teach him something

or he's apt to go right off and do
it, chessboard or no chessboard.

My dad said you
were left aboard

when you came down to adjust
the helium-nitrogen intake.

That's right.

But the helium-nitrogen intake
valve is on the upper level.


Well, who said anything
about the intake valve?

It's the emergency supply
I was concerned about.

Oh, then I'd better go back and tell
them they were wrong about you.

Wrong? Why?
What did they say?

Well, Major West said that
when he went to cadet school

an excuse like yours wouldn't have
got him out of Sunday chapel.

He said that, did he'?

Well, that's
the military mind for you.

k*ll or be k*lled.

That's all they understand.

Oh, but he's not like that.

Wait a minute.

Say that again.

I said, "He's not like that."

That's what I was afraid of.
Open your mouth a minute.

How long have you had that?

Had what?

That touch of virus
on your tongue.

I don't know.

Well, you can feel it,
can't you?

I guess so.

I must have been blind
not to spot it before liftoff.

I thought freezing
kills any virus.

You thought

It's a good thing
I'm the doctor and not you.

Do you know what that virus
would have done

while the rest of your body was in a
state of metabolic tie-animation?

Just taken it over,
bit by bit.

After five years,
there'd be nothing left

but the metal in
your space suit.

All the rest of you would be
one big, raging mass of virus.

I'd better go and tell
your mom and dad.

We've got to return
to Earth immediately.


You stay right there
in quarantine.


I'm an officer in the
United States Space Corps,

not a school bus driver.

I'd like conditions
to be perfect.

But just because they're
not isn't reason enough

for me to abort
a $30-billion mission.

Major, that $30 billion is just
as much my money as it is yours.

And I don't like
to waste it either.

But I'd gladly waste a hundred times
that much to safeguard my family.

Now, I say we turn back.

Don't you have an opinion?

No, I don't.

Not until we've checked
every component

inside out and know
exactly how we stand.

And then?

And then I'll lei the computer
make the final decision.

And will the computer
also take into consideration

a man's love and concern
for his family?

Or has all that been put into
cold storage for the duration?

Maureen, we knew perfectly well
what we were getting into.

Dr- Smith, is it possible that
certain parts of the body

don't reanimate as
quickly as others?

The heart, for instance.

Mrs. Robinson, I'm afraid the decision
no longer rests in your hands

or the computer's.

What do you mean?

Your son.
What about him?

There's no cause for alarm.
Not yet, at any rate.

Stop it! Stop it!
I order you to stop!


[High-pitched Whine]



No, no. Abort.
Can you hear me?

Abort! Abort! Abort!



[Electrical Arcing]

We're going into a hyperdrive.

We're out of control!

[High-pitched Screeching]

[John] He's going for
the pressure control!

[Don ] Try again
from the other side.

The power pack!
Pull out the power pack!

[Maureen ]
John, lookout!


Penny, hang on!

[ Don ]
He's breaking through!

[ Dr. Smith]
Pull out the power pack!

It's incredible.

Not one constellation
you can recognize.

Where are we?


Will. Where's Will?


Am I still in quarantine?


It's nothing.

Nothing that matters now.


[ Man Over P.A ] Hello,
Alpha Control. This is Lunar
Tracking Station Copernicus.

Junker 2 moving at incredible
speed, far off course,

beyond range of our
tracking instruments.

White House,
this is Alpha Control.

Message for President
on scrambler.

Mr. President,
status control on Jupiter 2.

As of this moment,
the spacecraft

has passed the limits
of our galaxy.

It's presumed to be

hopelessly lost in space.

I'm sure it's
the N.G.S. scanner.

If you can fix it, we might
be able to tell where we are.

I'll do my best.

Look, for the last time,

part of my business.

Let me do it.

Now, we've been
through that.

You're the only one
that can pilot the ship.

L'm expendable
and you're not.

[ Hisses]

You all right?

[John ] I feel as if I
were hit by a truck.

Can you see the scanner?

Yes, It's damaged, all right.

Can you fix it?

I sure can try.


Don, what can we do'?

How can we get a line to him?

By rocket g*n

if he doesn't
drift too far away.

Keep talking to him.

John, we're going
to get a line to you

by rocket g*n.

[Sobbing] Dad!

Will, where's the
ratchet wrench?

I don't know.

Oh, strange. I must have
picked it up by reflex.

But I'm only trying
to make myself useful.

Tell John I'm coming out
to sh**t him this spare line.

Don's going to
suit up now.

He's going to sh**t you the
spare line with a rocket g*n.

[ John ] No, not Don.
He's gotta stay
with the ship.

There is something useful
you can do, Doctor. Suit up.

I in the air lock?

My dear man,
in the first place,

lam not an official member
of this expedition.

And in the second, I'm simply
not conditioned for it.

The heart. At my age,
it could go at once.

For this ancient body...

Don, we're losing him!

Don, let me do it.
I know I can.

That's all right, Judy.

Mother, I can do it.

[ Dr. Smith]
Go ahead, my dear.

She's ready.
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