01x12 - Episode 12

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Soap". Aired: September 13, 1977 – April 20, 1981.*
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Set in the fictional town of Dunn's River, Connecticut a nighttime parody of daytime soap operas, presented as a weekly half-hour prime time comedy.
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01x12 - Episode 12

Post by bunniefuu »

This is the story
of 2 sisters,

Jessica tate

And mary campbell.

Jessica lives in
a neighborhood
known as rich.

Jessica likes life.

The only thing about life
she would change,
if she could,

Is that she would
set it all to music.

The tates have more secrets
than they do money.

We're approaching
mary campbell's house.

Mary, too, likes life.

life doesn't seem to be
too crazy about her.

As you can see,
the campbells don't have

Nearly as much money
as the tates.

They do, however,
have as many secrets.

In last week's
episode of soap,

Jessica admitted
her affair to chester,

But chester
wouldn't admit his affairs
to jessica.

So jessica walked out on him.

Corinne caught peter nibbling
another woman's ear

And told him if she ever
caught him fooling around,

She would k*ll him.

Jodie, who tried
to k*ll himself

Because dennis left him,
woke up alive.


You won't be after
this week's episode of...


We begin this
week's episode of soap

The morning after
jessica walked out on chester.

Good morning, benson.
Good morning.

Looking for someone?


Who in the world
would I be looking for,

Mrs. Tate.

Why would I be
looking for mrs. Tate?

'Cause she didn't
spend the night here.

What are you
talking about, benson?

Of course
she spent the night here.

Oh, yeah?
Then where is she?

Uh, she got up
early this morning.

Mrs. Tate don't leave early
no morning.

Mrs. Tate can't find her shoes
much before noon.

It just so happens
that this morning
she got up very early

And went out.

Good morning, daddy.
Good morning, princess.

Good morning, benson.


I've got to go, daddy.

Oh, tell mother
I won't be home this evening.
I'm flying to washington

To cover
congressman mccallam's
press conference.

And then
she's going to cover mccallam.

Shut up, benson.

Well, well, well.
Look who's here!

Ah, benson, I've got to have
a cup of coffee this morning.

Huh! What a night I had!

You know, chester,
when people get angry

And storm off and say,
"that's it! I've had it.
I'm leaving."

I wonder where it is
they go.

Thank you, benson.

Well, you see,
I went to the beach,

Because, you know, I thought
that would be a nice,
quiet place to think,

But, huh!
Chester, it was freezing cold
and then this, uh,

This seagull
kept attacking me.

So, of course,
I couldn't stay on the beach,

And I went to
an all-night movie,

But, I mean, I couldn't
stay there because
of that man. So I just...

What man?

Oh, oh!
This man that sat next to me.

Chester, I was the only one
in the entire movie

And then this man came in

And with all those
empty seats, where
do you think he sat?

Next to you.

Right! And even though
the theater was terribly warm,

The entire time
he kept on his, uh...

Trench coat.


Yes. And I mean, chester,
if that wasn't bad enough,

I couldn't even hear the movie
because of his, uh...

Heavy breathing?


Chester, do you know him?


Well, by that time it was
6 something in the morning

And the sun was coming up,
and, oh, chester,
it was wonderful.

Well, jessica, I'm glad
that you came to your senses
and decided to come home.

Well, I didn't come
to my senses, chester.

Well, I mean I did
come to my senses,

But I think I may have come to
different senses than
you would have liked.

What are you
talking about, jessica?

Well, you see, chester,

I know what you've done,

And I have decided to...

"Forgive" wouldn't be exactly
the right word, because
I'm not gonna forgive you,

But to put it on the shelf,
for now.

But chester,

If it ever happens again,
I'm afraid I won't be able
to put it on the shelf.

By then,
the shelf will be full.

Why are you standing there
grinning, benson?

I don't know
what I love more,

Her sticking it to you
or you gettin' stuck!

Nice how we're both
getting out on the same day.

This way, neither of us
gets left alone.


Hey, kiddo,

You're leaving the hospital,
you're not entering.

You got your moods
confused here.
What's the matter?

This might sound crazy, but...

I kinda don't want to leave.

Of course
you don't want to leave.

Because it's safe here.

Barney, when I came in here,
I had a life.

I knew who I was,
what I was gonna do,
what I wanted.

I had someone.
Now I don't know.

Listen, kiddo,
we're not so different.

I also have to
go out there alone.

But neither of us
knows what tomorrow is.

And I'll tell you something,

Neither does
anybody else.

Nobody knows. Robert redford
doesn't know what tomorrow is.

They could decide tomorrow,
nobody with moles works.
He's finished!

But what we do know

Is that, when we're born,
we're given

Just one thing:


Of course, for a rockefeller,
you also get property.

But most of us
just get time, jodie.

Use it. Enjoy it. Me?

I'm gonna learn french.


That's right.
When I get outta
here I'm gonna enroll.

I'm signing up right away.
I'm gonna learn french.

And maybe I'll go
someday to paris.

And if I die first, who knows,
maybe god is named pierre.



Oh-ho-ho, nurse beautiful.


Watch yourself, sweetheart.
In my street clothes,
I'm a tiger here.

Oh, I don't know
what I'm gonna do
without you two.

What? Come on!

An old man and a h*m*?
Whatever comes next
has gotta be better.

All right,
it's time for my last
bathroom attempt.

I feel like livingston
setting out for africa.

I'm really
going to miss you.

I'll kinda miss you, too.

You will?



Hey, you're a nice person.
I'll miss a nice person.


Well, uh, maybe, uh, sometime
we'll have dinner together
or something.

Sure. When?

Oh, I don't know.


I'll give you my address.

Wait a second...

I had a doubt about this.
But you...

I know a terrific
french restaurant.

this is just dinner,

You understand?
Sure. Dinner.

I mean, we'll have
a meal together.

Right. No dancing.

This is not like
it's a bona fide date
or anything.

It's a meal.

Right. A meal. We will eat
and we will talk.


And then,
we'll go to bed.


No "ooh-ah," it's...

It's a meal. I mean,
we'll just have
a meal together, that's all.

Sure, it's just a meal.
Come on, jodie,
it's like me and french.

You never know
when you might use it.

So, you got somebody
to pick you up?

Yeah. My mother's downstairs.

Ah, ok.

Barney, i, uh...
I hate to say goodbye to you.

Well, it doesn't
thrill me, either.

I mean, besides
being wise and caring...

Please, jodie...

No, no, no, no.
You're gonna listen.
I mean, you've talked plenty.

you've made me feel terrific.

You're the first
person I've ever met

Who put aside what I was
and just simply liked me.

Never, in all my life,
have I ever met anyone
like you, barney gerber.

Well, now I guess...

Don't say it.
I don't wanna hear it.
No goodbyes...

Because, while I was
in the bathroom, i, uh...

I wrote down my address
and my phone number.

Well, what else
was I gonna do in there?

I want you to go
and write likewise.

Listen, jodie, I realize
that people often
exchange these things.

And then, months later,
they... They find
the scrap of paper

And they, uh, they put
their chewing gum in it.

But that's not
gonna happen here. No, sir.

Because I don't
let somebody I like
get outta my life.

And in the 2nd place,

Having my dentures,
it would be very reckless
for me to chew gum.

Ah! Hey...

You're a terrific guy, jodie.

Go. Be happy.

Hey, you can, you know.

Come on. It's up to you.

It's just a choice.

Look, you'll find
another guy

Or you'll find a girl.

Or you'll find no one.

It doesn't matter.

You got you...

And you also got

The sunshine, huh?

And you got the flowers.

You got music,

And once in a while,

Whenever you want,

You got barney gerber.

I'll see ya, barney.

Yeah, I'll see ya, jodie.

Look at him.
He's getting ready
for the next shift.

Listen, ava,
corinne's gonna be here
any second.

So you gotta go.
Sorry, baby.

Oh, please, I love it.
Hit and run.
Very romantic.

Next time,
perhaps we could wait until
I put down my tennis racket?

There she is. Goodbye.

What? Are you crazy?

I can't leave here

The whole club will know,
and in 2 minutes

My husband will take our
joint savings and my jaguar
and leave in a rocket.

Ok then, go in there.
But please, be quiet.

No. I thought I would sing
something from carmen.

Corinne's mother! Uh...

Corinne's not here.

Oh, good.

I was hoping
I'd find you alone.

Uh, look, jess...

Please, peter,
I've got to talk to you
about corinne.

I mean, she won't answer
my telephone calls.

She won't talk to me
me and she won't see me.
Is she all right?

Is my little girl happy?

Uh, happy!
Oh, is she happy.

She's so happy, jess,
and I'm happy.
We're both happy.

We couldn't be happier.
You know,
she's changed my life.

I am now a one-woman man.


Jessica, I love her.

Oh, peter, that's wonderful!

Uh, peter,
I have to ask you something.

Oh, we're happy, jess.
Really, really happy.

No, no, it's not that.
Could I use the bathroom?

No. Absolutely not. Sorry.


Well, it's a mess.
The bathroom's a mess.

That doesn't matter, peter.

I had wine for lunch.

But you can't.

Well, I have to.
Well, then, uh...

Let me clean it up.
It will just take a second.

I just... I want it to be
nice and neat for you, ok?

Just wait one second.


Let me guess,
you have a few minutes.
Forget it.

No. Listen, do you
think you could do me
a favor and, uh,

Climb out the window?

Climb out the window.
I love it.

There's only one
thing that would make me
climb out the window,

And that would be
if the french riviera
was on the other side.

So listen,
you can forget about
your window climbing, kiddo.

How about in the shower?

Just for a second, please.


Ok, babe.
It's all ready for you.

Nice, neat and clean there.
Don't be long.

No, no, I won't.

Thank you.

Oh, poor thing.

I'll bet nobody ever
gives you a drink.

Well, jessica will give you
a little drink here.

Oh, too fat.

Well, you sit right here
and I'll put the chair. Here.

What are you
doing here, mrs. Fine?


I know what you're
doing here, mrs. Fine.

Please, please, mrs. Tate.

I know we're...
We're not friends.

I've always had a hard time
relating to people who cut
the crust off their bread.

But I like you. So, please,
don't tell my husband.

I can't believe this.

Peter's lied to me
and he's taken my little girl
away from her home

And he's cheating with you.

Well, your daughter's
very cute, mrs. Tate,

But I'm not exactly
sheep dip.

Goodbye, mrs. Tate.

Goodbye, mrs. Fine.

Lady plumber.
I forgot she was in there.

You lied to me!

And you're cheating
on corinne.

I could k*ll you.

Aw, come on.

Turn the page, you dummy.


I can't believe it.
Jodie's got a date
with a girl.

Jodie and a girl!
Do you know what
this could mean?

It means she's gonna take
a cold shower.
That's what it means.

I'm so excited.
Mary, how can you sit there
like nothing's happening?

Jodie's got a date.

Burt, it's nice.
But it doesn't have to
mean anything, you know.

Mary, are you kidding?

Once he finds out
how soft and round they are...

Soft and round, huh?

Give him a donut.
At least that
he can dunk in his coffee.

Hey, no, wait.
Let me see. Let me see.

You'd better
change that shirt.

What's wrong with my shirt?

It's pink.

It's not pink.

Jodie, please.
That's a pink shirt.

Burt, it's not pink.
It's shrimp.

Some might call it peach.

Don't you have
anything in a plaid, huh?
Or brown, huh?

Come on.
Nice strong brown.

I'm wearing this shirt, burt.

Ok, fine. You wanna be
the guy in the shrimp shirt,
that's ok with me.

I mean, I wouldn't wanna be
the guy in the shrimp
or the peach shirt.

All right. Come here.
Now listen to me.

I know a great
french restaurant,
chez antoine's.

Very romantic.
So dark, you gotta
feel around for your food.

You take her there.
You take her there. Now,
pay attention to me, please.

I just wanna give you
a few tips.

Burt, what's the big deal?
I'm just goin' out for dinner.

No, jodie. You got a date.

Burt, I know what to do.

You eat, you talk,
preferably not
at the same time.

After. What about after?

He's a fruit.
What's gonna happen after?

Shut up, bob.

I mean, he'll drop her off,
go downstairs and fall in love
with the doorman.

Ok, ok.
Listen. Listen to me.

You wear some of this stuff.

I guarantee
it'll knock her dead.


Great stuff!

They have to call it grunt?

It's terrific.
I wore it on the first date
with your mother.

She clung to me all night.

Of course I did.
He took me ice skating.

No, mary, after.
Remember, huh, after?

Ice skating,
on our first date.
I couldn't believe it.

There I was,
dressed in black taffeta
and he takes me ice skating.

The next day
I could hardly walk.

That's right.

From the ice skating, burt.

Yes, yeah, fine...

All right, now this
is a big thing to remember.

When a girl says "no,"
she means "yes."


Yeah. Well,
it's a well-known fact.


Mary, please,
this is man talk.

So, in other words,
if I say, "hey,
would you like some wine?"

And she says, "no,"
I should order it anyway?

No, i... I... After.

I mean, at her apartment.

Oh! At her apartment.

Now you know what
I'm talkin' about?


So when I say, "hey,
would you like me to leave?"

And she says, "no,"

I should go. Bye!

Jodie. Jodie!

Corinne. You all right?

I got here as fast as I could.
You said su1c1de.
I nearly had a heart attack.

Corinne, you can't do it.
It's a sin
throwin' away your life.

What'd you take, pills? What?

Come on...

How many did you take?
Let me see the bottle.

I didn't take anything.
I swear, all I have on me
is a dristan.

Corinne, how in the world
were you gonna k*ll yourself
with a dristan?

I wasn't going to
k*ll myself with a dristan.

Corinne, I rushed over here
like a maniac

When you called up and said
you were going to
k*ll yourself.

I said, "I felt like
k*lling myself."

are you or are you not
planning on k*lling yourself?

I guess not.

Are you sure?

Oh, tim...

Please don't go.

Don't go?

Corinne, this is a motel.

A motel with mirrors
and furry pillows.

I gotta get out of here.

What is it?

You won't believe
who I saw checking in.


Look who
he's checkin' in with.

And he's married.
But not to her because
she's married to the...

And this guy never has
anything to confess.

Do ya love it?

His biggest
confession is taking home
paper clips from the office.

Now look what
he's taking home
from the office.


I don't know what to do.

She doesn't know what to do.

I'm a priest
in the p*ssy-cat motel,

Surrounded by parishioners
in the parking lot,

And she doesn't know
what to do.

I have no place to go,
nowhere to live.

Corinne, what are you
talking about?

Tonight, when I went back
to my apartment,

I found peter there
with another woman.

Oh, no.

I don't know what to do, tim.

I'm so upset,
I could k*ll him.

Corinne, that's a sin.

I gotta get outta here.

Oh, please don't go.
You're the only one
I can talk to.

Corinne, I'm a priest!
Look where I am.

I mean, do you know what kind
of a place this is?
Look at it!

Wall to wall bed.


Oh, hi there.

Time to turn down the beds.

Oh, don't bother.
I'm just here uh...
Checking the bibles.

Look, you have a bible
right here, yes.

See, I check them.
I make sure they're here.

Please, mister,
what you want to do
is your own business.

You work here,
you see everything.

We got a dentist.
Comes in once a week
as little bo peep.

We got a bus driver.
He's king kong.

Believe me,
your outfit is nothing.

Original, but not big.

Hey, you don't...

You don't seem to understand.
I'm really a priest.

Pleasure to meet you, father.
I'm joan of arc.

I got a call...

Listen, you don't know
what goes on in these rooms.

And wait, next month
they're putting in movies.

I don't know. Me,
I go home to my husband.

The fanciest we ever get is
we open our eyes.

Have a nice evening.

She could have been
a parishioner,
do you know that?

That was a terrific story.
Checking bibles.

Yeah. I'm sure god
was real thrilled
with that one.

He's up there chuckling over
flotsky's clever story.

Forgive me.
I'm leaving, corinne.

Tim, I don't know what to do.
What am I gonna do?

Did you pay for the room?

Lock the door
and go to sleep.

Corinne, I'll call ya.

We can arrange
to meet and talk.

In the park,

At the zoo,

But not here.
I can't take this.
I can't even listen.

All I can hear
is my heart pounding.

Good night, corinne.

But I can't sleep here,
all my things are at peter's.

I could k*ll peter.


Babe, is that you?



Ok, who's there?

I know you're aggravated
but you've made your point.


Jessica said
she would leave chester

If he fools around again.

Will he? Will she?

Nurse nancy said she and jodie

Would do more than
just eat dinner.

Will they?

Corinne once said
she would k*ll peter.

Did she?

Jessica once said
she would k*ll peter.

Did she?

Who k*lled peter?

These questions
and many others

Will be answered on
next week's episode of...

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