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04x25 - Julie's Birthday

Posted: 04/24/23 13:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Hi, nell. Ooh, is that julie's birthday cake?

Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

Be still. I'm on the hardest letter.

I'm on the "e."

There. No, that's no good.


Nell, how many times have you written that "e"?

Oh, just twice, but I had to dot the "i" times.

Those dots were delicious.

Oh, it's so pretty. Julie is gonna love it.

I hope so, honey.

It's her th birthday,

And it should be the happiest day of her life.

But, you know, she has been so miserable

Since she and jonathan broke up.

She's just not enjoying anything.

Gee, she must be miserable.

You wrote "happy birthday, poor julie" on the cake.

Oh, addy -- I declare, girl.

I am so upset I don't even know what I'm doing.

For the past two weeks, she hasn't been sleeping.

This morning, when bryant gumbel gave the hockey scores,

She burst into tears.

We're putting julie's presents in here.

Boy, addy, you really got her a big present.

Yeah, from layton's department store.

That's very chichi and mucho bucks.

Layton's department store?

Uh-huh. Are we gonna make deviled eggs?

Why didn't you just fly her to tiffany's instead?

Oh, come on, nell. It's no big deal.

Let's just make the eggs.

What's in the box, addy?


Where's the mayonnaise?

Hold the mayo, addy. What's in the box?

Just a little something.

Addy, my gift to julie...

Is a little something.

Your gift to julie is a big something.

Now, what's in that box?

Nell, you're gonna spoil everything.

You're gonna make me tell you, and take all the fun,

All the joy, all the surprise out of it.

Honestly, I am not gonna take all your fun, all your joy,

All your surprise out.

I just want to be sure

That we are not giving her the same thing.

What did you get her?

A beautiful pair of earrings.

[ Squeals ]

Well, what did you give her?

A home computer.

You're kidding! No!

You mean a real home computer?

With the big screen and the keyboard...

And the big price tag?

It's not a fancy one. It's really no big deal.

It's just a little home computer.

How is this gonna look to julie?

Me, the woman that is practically her mother,

Giving her a pair of earrings, and you, a total stranger,

Giving her an expensive computer?

Are you trying to make me look cheap?

Nell, I am not a total stranger in this house.

But I will be if I give her that computer.

Look, nell, if it'll make you feel better,

I'll let you give her the computer,

And I'll give her the earrings.

Say what?

Well, the important thing

Is that julie gets a computer for college.

What difference does it make which one gives it to her?

Wait a minute -- do you mean...

You would let me give her this computer?


And you won't even try to take credit for it?

It's fine.

[ Voice breaking ] oh, addy, I feel so small.


I feel so low. I feel so insignificant.

You know what?

You're a giant.


You're a saint.

No, you're a giant saint. I can't let you do that.

Then why did you just switch the cards on our gifts?

You're the saint. You figure it out.

"To my daughter julie on her th birthday.

From dad."

Do you think that's too mushy?

You old softy, you.

Oh, it's fine, chief.

In fact, that's exactly what julie needs to cheer her up.

You know how upset she's been.

She'll get over it.

Best thing ever happened to her

Was breaking up with that idiot pizza delivery boy.

Wait a minute, chief.

Jonathan is a very nice young man.

It's just that whenever he's around you, he falls apart.

You just have to get to know him.

No, I don't.

At least the chief is happy it's over between the kids.

No, it's not. What do you mean?

You'll see.

What are you up to?

[ Door closes ] that's julie. Okay.

Let's go in the living room,

And let's give her the happiest happy birthday.

Oh, this is so exciting!

Happy, happy!

Who's the happiest -year-old in the world?!

Julie, julie!

My baby!

Both yay, yay, yay! Hey, yay, yay, yay!

Oh, baby!

[ Both smooching ]

Well, did you have a nice day?

[ Sighs ]

My car stalled in the drive-up lane at burger king,

I spelled "obelia" wrong on my botany test,

And my guidance counselor got arrested

For making vodka in his garage.

Julie, I was awfully sorry

To hear about you and jonathan.

It's okay, addy.

Jonathan was a brief but necessary episode

In my transition from adolescence to adulthood.

I have no regrets.

When one door closes, another door opens.

[ Car horn playing "that's amore" ]

Nell, that's jonathan's pizza truck!

You ordered pizza! How could you do this to me?!

What do you have against anchovies, honey?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Tell him I'm not here!

Julie, come out of the closet.

Nell, nell, nell.

Oh, shut up.


Buona sera, ma'am.

What a pleasant surprise.

Is the chief here?

No. Good.

Here's your large anchovy from luigi's, ma'am.

It comes to $ . , Ma'am.


But jonathan, it's only been two weeks.

I know that, miss harper,

But now that I'm no longer involved

With a particular member of this household

On a personal basis,

I'd like to return to a more formal relationship.

Hi, chief.

Where would you like me to put the pizza, ma'am?

In the closet.


One door closes, another one opens.

Happy birthday.


Mnh, mnh, mnh.


♪ Hello, young lovers

♪ Wherever you...

Hey, addy, do you remember last month

When we went to see "the king and i"?


Girl, that was love.

Yes, it was.

How many wives did that king have?

Oh, what's the difference?

The important thing

Is that he loved every last one of those women.

Do you remember when the sl*ve girl ran off

To be with her lover?

Oh, that was so romantic.

Nell, look, I know you love her, but you should butt out.

Now, you saw what happened

When you sent for jonathan to come over here.

I saw.

Well, I hope you learned something from it.

I learned.

[ Car horn playing "that's amore" ]

You called luigi's again?

Nell, you haven't learned anything.

I did so. I learned that luigi's anchovies are fresh.

Come on, come on, come on.

Okay. Just shut up.

Nell, you did it again!

Baby, a day without pizza is a day without sunshine!

Nell, nell, nell.

Shut up.

Buona sera. That's $ . .

You owe me for the first one, too.

Okay. Just come right in. Let me get my wallet.

Hi, jonath--

Jonathan. Jonathan.

Why don't you move the pizza before it falls?

Oh. Okay, but you don't have to worry.

There's only one person in this house who makes me nervous.

Mail come yet?


Jonathan I'm sorry, nell.

That's all right, dear. I think anchovies can swim.

Addy, would you please just --

Just put that in the garbage for me, please?

Why don't I just wait till the next delivery?


What is it?



What is the problem between you and julie?

Well, the way I see it is this.

I've got big career plans ahead of me --

College, maybe princeton, doctoral work, maybe oxford.

And I --

[ Grunts ]

... ...

And I can't concentrate on my studies

If julie and I continue to intensify our relationship.

Jonathan, how have your grades been

Since you and julie broke up?

Terrible. My grade-point average plunged to .

Julie, darling, I didn't know you were home.

Nell, I can handle this. I'm fine.

Jonathan, I have no qualms about the decision I made.

You made? Ha!

It was my decision to break up.

You were just the first one to verbalize it.

That's very good, honey. Now, you air your feelings.

It's good to fight. Come on.

Julie, now, I know I've hurt you,

But it's for your own good.

You'll be starting college next year,

And you should feel free to broaden your social life.

I wouldn't want you to be mad at me

For standing in your way.

I'm not mad at you, jonathan.

I'm also not helping you with your botany project.

Germinate your own wheat!

That's very good, baby. Air your problems.

It's okay to fight.

Jonathan, you're not doing too good.

Come out of your corner and fight.

[ Car horn playing "that's amore" ]

It's the new horn luigi got. It's on a timer.

He only lets us stay three minutes in a customer's house.

Besides, I have to deliver a sausage-and-onion

To the bradburys.

No, I'll deliver the sausage-and-onion.

Nell, let jonathan do his job.

Now, don't pick on nell.

It's not her fault you're so stubborn.

Stubborn? Me?

I am a living testimony to compromise.


Your idea of compromise

Is swindling the canarsie indians out of manhattan

For $ worth of beads!

Jonathan maxwell, you don't understand me

Or the american barter system!

Oh, yeah?! Hey!

I'm the one who voted for gary hart!

It's a great computer, nell. What's it saying, julie?

Nothing. I'm looking at my earrings in the reflection.

They're really beautiful, addy. They're just what I wanted.

They're just what you wanted, baby?

You know, I knew you'd like them.

Excuse me. You say that you knew that she would like them?

Oh, nell, I really like the computer, too.

Don't you think these would go great with my blue dress?

Ooh, they would.

Addy, can I see you and your green face in the kitchen?

I'll be right back. We'll talk about that.

So cute!

[ Laughing ]

You are the lowest of the low!

Three hours ago, I was a giant saint.

Well, nothing lasts forever. Now you're a giant snake.

Oh, nell, what are you talking about?

You tricked me!

You knew she would love my beautiful earrings

Much more than your ugly computer!

Oh, admit it, nell.

You were wrong about julie's gift,

And you're just as wrong

About her relationship with jonathan.

You're not angry with me. You're angry with yourself.

I am never angry with myself.

I love myself.

It's you I hate!

Well, I am going home!

I should know better than to try to reason with you.

You are the most stubborn, inconsistent woman

In the whole world!

Now, pick me up monday at , and don't be late.


Where's addy?

She had to leave.

Julie, I have a little confession to make

About those beautiful earrings.

They're from me.

You see, addy got you that old, ugly computer,

And she was afraid to give it to you,

And I felt sorry for her,

So I told her that we could switch gifts.

Addy gave me this home computer?

She shouldn't have done that. It's so expensive.

It was a closeout. She bought it in a parking lot sale.

Anyway, darling,

Let me see you in these beautiful earrings.

♪ Like a big pizza pie, that's amore ♪

Can't seem to get that tune out of my head.

Nell, what's for dinner?

You just sang it.

Just kidding, just kidding.

No, we're gonna have a salad.

Well, that's good. See, I should eat light.

I'm in this senior citizens' lawn-bowling tournament

This weekend, and it always ends in a brawl.

Oh, we got a lot of sore losers over .

[ Car horn playing "that's amore" ]

Nell, you did it again! No, I did not.

I told you we're gonna have salad.

That's jonathan's pizza truck. Somebody called him.

Well, don't look at me. His crust is too thick.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Nell, I'm not gonna talk to him.

Buon giorno.

Jonathan, I did not order pizza this time.

I know. I need the aluminum pie tray back.

At luigi's, we believe in recycling.

All right. Come on in.

I never did pay you for the other two pizzas.

Oh, that's all right.

Would you -- would you get my purse for me?

It's in the closet.

Not the closet.

In the closet.

Julie and I just can't seem to communicate.

It's like there's a wall between us.

Well, so much for the wall.

Hi, julie.

Hello, jonathan.

Is there something you have to say to me?


Next semester, I'm on the waiting list for ancient greek.

Jonathan, you're on the waiting list of life!

Julie used to be in such control of her emotions.

I don't know what's happening to her.

Same thing that's happening to you.

What's that?

You're in love.

Love?! Me?!

That's so...


On the other hand, when julie gets in the pizza truck,

And I smell her perfume mixed with the garlic,

I go crazy.

That's love. It stinks, but it's great.

I never felt like this before.

What does it feel like, jonathan?

It feels like... Like...

Like the beat, beat, beat of a tom-tom?


Oh. What are you feeling?

Right now, I'm a little nauseous.

That's love.

It starts right at the pit of the stomach,

Then it moves right by the belly button,

Then it just sneaks right up between the ribs,

And then -- wham! -- It goes straight for the heart.

It's pounding, nell.

You got it bad.

My pulse rate must be .

Actually, for a young man my age,

It should be no more than .

Well, you know what your heart is saying?


It's saying...

"Hello, young lovers, wherever you are."

"Hello, young lovers."

"Be brave, young lovers."

"Be brave, young lovers."

"And follow your heart.

"Be brave and faithful and true.

"Cling very close...

To each other tonight."


"I've been in love like you."

Thank you, nell!

Julie, I was all wrong!

My career means nothing without you!

We were made for each other!

Doesn't any other house in glenlawn ever order pizza?


Excuse me, daddy!


[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Doorbell rings ] I'm coming.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hiya, nell.

Simpson, it's in the morning.

We are not open for breakfast yet.

That's okay.

I already had my cocoa puffs down at the lock and key.

Hey, well, what do you want?

Luigi bono called --

You know, luigi's of glenlawn?

And his truck is missing with pizzas in it.

One vegetarian, one tomato, three sausage-and-onion --

Simpson, what does that have to do with us?

Julie's boyfriend, jonathan, was driving it.

I thought she might know where he was.

Oh, I hope nothing's happened to him.

Julie! Get down here!

She's not here, nell.

What do you mean, "she's not here"?

I guess she didn't come home last night.

Her bed's still made.

Wow -- to be again.

That's not funny, girl. Get out of here.

Julie, get your tail down here!

Where's julie?

She's not here, nell.


[ Yawns ]

Oh, hi, simpson. Want some breakfast?

Thanks, chief. I'd love some.

You got to call the fbi. You got to put out a bulletin.

Just tell them that jonathan maxwell

Has kidnapped my baby.

What's she talking about?

Oh, julie, honey, where --

I was worried sick. They said you weren't upstairs.

Where were you?! Where you been?!

Las vegas.

You didn't tell me he gambled!

We got married this morning.

Better you should gamble.

This is no gamble. [ Smooches ]

It's a sure thing.

What about your father?

Well, my father thinks is old enough to be on my own.

That's why he threw me out of the house

When I told him we got married.

Not your father!

Your father --

The one in there, the one with the g*n!

What are you going to tell him?!

The truth.

The truth?

It's like you said, nell.

I said?

"Be brave, young lovers, and follow your heart."

Yeah, so we took your advice, nell...

My advice?

...and got married.

Chief is that julie in there, nell?!


Ógcg♪ gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break