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04x16 - The Gift

Posted: 04/24/23 13:23
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Oh! Ugh!

Nell, can I talk to you a minute?

No. Will you look at what the cleaners did to my dress?

They ruined it.

I thought you were gonna wear the white dress.

This is my white dress.

I took it in to the cleaners. I was all excited.

I said, "hey, they're gonna make me

Glenlawn's woman of the year.

Couldn't you die, mr. Green?"

He dyed it green.

I'm really sorry, nell.

Sorry? I'm gonna look like kermit the frog.

I can't even remember one word of the speech

I'm supposed to give tonight.

Well, I wanted to show you the gift that randolph gave me.

Honey, if it's not a white dress,

I'm really not interested.

Chief nell, can you come out here a second?

Oh, what is it?

Can't that man do anything for himself?

Chief, the cleaners ruined my white speech,

And now I can't remember one word of my dress.

What's your problem?

Nell, I'm sorry. I can't go to your dinner.

What is this?

Look, nell, you as glenlawn woman of the year

Is important to me.

It's a great honor for the whole family.

But we got a stakeout on the south side of town.

Tonight may be our only chance

To nail this trigger-happy punk.

Chief, this is my big night.

I'll tell you what.

If by this punk surrenders or we blow him away,

I'll be there.

That's sweet, chief.

[ Doorbell rings ]

All set, chief.

In case it's a long stakeout, I came prepared.

I got turkey, bologna,

Dijon mustard...

...these little handy wipes for cleaning up after...

And "people" magazine.

Don't liza look good on the cover?

Simpson, did you bring your g*n?

Katie, honey, would you help me pick out something to wear?

Now, how about this --

Where did you get that diamond necklace from?

This is the gift I was trying to tell you about

That randolph gave me.

Girl, people don't give gifts like that.

Well, he gave it to me,

And it's been in his family for years.

Oh. Well, it's not gonna be in this family,

So you just give it back.

But he wants me to have it.

Nell, he's crazy about me.

The only problem is,

I'm not really sure how I feel about him.

Look, you have only known him a few weeks,

And you cannot accept a diamond necklace

That has , , , , , , ,

, , , ...

Oh, he seems like an awfully nice boy.

Yeah, he is.

I don't think I like the tone of your voice.

Here. Give it back.

Men only want one thing

When they give a girl a gift like that.


Charlie morris wanted the same thing,

And he only gave me a prince album.

You didn't.

Of course not.

I already had that album.

You see? That's what I mean.

Men are always trying to get you with gifts.

Katie, honey, you've got to be strong.

Lord knows I've had to be.

I guess you're right.

I was just hoping you'd talk me into keeping it.

No way, and you just put it in my jewelry box

So you don't change your mind.

[ Doorbell rings ]

I'm having dinner with him tomorrow.

I'll give it back to him then.

I hope he understands.

He'll understand.

Nell, addy's here.

Nell oh, good. Addy, can you help me, please?

Is nell making you give it back?

Yeah. She said it's a mistake.

Big mistake.

You should never have shown it to her.

Get out of here. Get out.

Hi, nell.

Look what the cleaners did to my white dress. They ruined it.

Good. I hated that dress.

Addy, come on, I don't have time for your jokes.

I don't have anything to wear, and louis will be here at .

You still have time to go out and buy something.

I know I have the time, addy.

It's the money I don't have.

Don't you care how louis sees you?

Addy, louis is a horse doctor.

He'll be happy if I don't throw a shoe.

All right. Addy, will you just help me?

What are you gonna wear?

Well, chiffon pants and a matching beaded top,

And it is stunning.

Oh, who cares what you wear, anyway?

I'm not gonna go. I'm just not gonna go.

Oh, come on, nell.

Look, the reason we chose you as woman of the year

Is because you're very special.

You've gone back to high school and gotten your diploma.

Now you're taking college classes.

You're a wonderful example

For every woman in our community.


Let's just pray they don't dress like you.

[ Shouting ]

See you later, girls.


Help nell be presentable, will you?

Girls, quick, I need your help.

I want you to help me pick out something to wear tonight, okay?


And there.

And there.

Well, I wouldn't wear that one.

Looks like somebody jumped on it.

You know, can't I count on anybody in this house?

Addy can't look better than me tonight.

I'm the woman of the year.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Oh, hi, louis. Come on in.

How's the veterinary business?

How bad can it be?

No complaints, no malpractice suits,

And last week, one of my patients

Won the fourth race at santa anita.

Uh, louis, honey, don't you know it's bad luck

For the veterinarian to see the woman of the year

Before the banquet?

Sorry, nell.

I just wanted to drop something off for you.

It's kind of special for tonight.

Uh, louis, honey, we hardly know each other.

I plan to change all that, nell.

Uh, doctor,

I love your bedside manner.

Those fillies are some lucky ladies.

Now, don't open this till tonight.

I want it to be a surprise.


Okay for my woman of the year?


Great. Got to run.

I've got to go neuter a goat.

Nell! He said to wait till tonight.

It's midnight in london.

[ Gasps ]


How well did you say you knew louis?

Not as well as I plan to.

"To my woman of the year --

"My ex-wife got the house and the car.

"I got her mink.

Please take it with love -- louis."

You're not gonna keep it, are you, nell?

You're making katie give back her necklace.

Well, I thought you said these kinds of gifts

Came with strings attached.

Julie, baby,

Necklaces come with strings, not a mink coat.

Well, you're certainly not gonna wear a coat

Made out of animal skins, are you?

You don't think these were his patients, do you?

Of course they weren't his patients.

And of course I'm not going to keep it.

I meant every word that I said to katie.

Oh, and, julie kanisky,

For your information,

Mink is not an endangered species.

Look, I still insist --

But you could be.


They're all the same.

Who does he think he is, barging in here with this --

This gorgeous mink coat?


With slash pockets...

And the turn-back cuffs.

Girl, don't you have a conscience?!

It belonged to his ex-wife.

How cold.

How callous.

How fine.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi, julie. Is nell ready?

Yeah. Just a minute. I'll get her.

Nell, addy's here.

Girl, please.

Look, addy, I am telling you,

This necklace has been in my family for years.

Well, how come I've known you for years

And I've never seen it?

Because other members of my family were using it.

The banquet's in the crystal room?

Fourth floor.

All right. Stay calm. Give me all your valuables.

Give him your money. Give him your money.


Coat, lady.

No, you don't want this coat. It's old. It's used.

Give him your coat!

[ Gasps ]


[ Sighs ]

Nell, here you are.

Everyone was worried sick over you.

When you ran off like that and didn't show up at the dinner,

We didn't know what to think.

How did you find me?

Well, I called the house,

And they said you were here waiting for katie.

Addy, I'm so sorry I ruined your dinner.

That was crazy time.

I was so worried about you,

But I was also responsible for the dinner,

And when they announced your name and you weren't there,

I had to be honest with them.

I told them you were robbed.


And brutally beaten.

Why are you meeting katie here?

Addy, I have to tell katie what happened to the necklace,

And I thought it would be better to tell her in a public place

Rather than at home.

You see, although people get emotional,

When there are other people around,

They don't tend to yell, scream, or cause a scene.

You told me you were getting a divorce!

Just -- just tell katie I'll meet her at the house.

You sit. Sit!

Honey, katie will understand about the necklace.

I wouldn't, but I'm sure she will.

Never mind. I see her.


Why did you want me to meet you here?

I thought you'd still be at the dinner, celebrating.

L-let's all go to the salad bar, okay?

Oh, I already had dinner at the banquet...

And two desserts.

You ate my dessert?

Come on, baby.

Didn't you eat at the dinner?

No, I was too upset.


Well, I got robbed and brutally beaten.

Here. Have some chick-peas.

Nell, how awful!

I know, honey, but they're high in protein.

Have some croutons.

Well, are you okay?

I mean, you don't look brutally beaten.

Oh, i-i-it's internal.

You know, I -- I'm emotionally bruised.

Here. Have some olives.

Thank god you're all right.

Don't get emotional. We're in a public place.

Here. Have some radishes.

Come on.

Nell, I'm a little confused.

I know, baby. Salad bars can drive you crazy.

Will you please tell me what's going on?

You'd better tell her, nell.


You know I love you.

Of course, nell. I love you, too.

And I would never do anything to hurt you.

I would never do anything to hurt you, either.

Because I love you.

I love you, too, nell.

And because the last thing I would want to do

Is to hurt you.

Well, I never want to hurt you, either.

Because love is --

Oh, all right, already!


Katie, I'm gonna be honest with you.

The robber took something

That was very special to you, too.

Oh, the key ring I made you in summer camp.

Oh, those earrings I brought you from tucson.

The gloves I gave you for christmas.

I give up, nell. What did he take?

The robber took...

...the key ring you made me in summer camp.

Oh, nell!

For heaven's sake, tell the girl the truth.

Nell, just tell me what he took, or I'm leaving.

All right. He took the necklace that randolph gave you.


But I put it in your jewelry box.

Somehow, he got in there.

Oh, nell. Katie, I'd better tell you.

Will you shut up? I can tell her, okay?


You know I love you.

I wore the necklace

So it wouldn't be stolen from the house.

How could it possibly have been stolen from the house?

Julie and I were home all night.

I've never really trusted julie.

You took randolph's necklace!

She's all right. She's just a little upset.

She thought she saw a crouton crawling in her salad.

Don't cause a scene.

I'm real sorry.

I'll make it up to you. I promise, okay?

What am I gonna tell randolph?

Honey, I'm sure he had insurance.

Yeah, insurance. Of course he has insurance.

Nell, that necklace can't be replaced.

It was one-of-a-kind. It was over years old.

Randolph's grandmother wore it on her wedding day.

[ Sobbing ]

I'm so sorry!

I'll do anything to make it up to you.

I'll make you a solemn promise.

I will never steal another diamond necklace from you again!

All right, nell.

It's my fault, too.

I never should have accepted it in the first place.

It was just so beautiful. was so beautiful.

And it went so well with that mink coat louis gave you.

It was stolen, too.

Mink coat?

Anybody want some crackers?

First you tell me to give back the necklace,

Then you take a mink coat from a man you hardly know,

Then you wear them both, and you get them both stolen.

How do you explain that?

I'm the woman of the year.

I don't have to explain anything.

[ Laughter ]

I know that laugh.

It's randolph. Now what do I do?

Let's hide under the table. Let's go.



I'll just tell him it was a robbery.

I mean, it could have happened to anyone, right?


I mean, if he really loves me, he'll understand.

Yeah. Yeah.

Tell him it was a robbery. It could happen to anybody.

You tell him that. Yeah, it's perfectly logical.

[ Coughs ]

Nell, will you come with me?

No, no.


All right! But I want you to know one thing.

I never want to be woman of the year again.

The pressure's too much! I can't take it!


What are you doing here?

Hi, randolph. Uh, you remember nell.

Yeah, um, there's something that I need to tell you.

What is it?

Sorry I took so long, randy.

Nell lost your necklace, and I hope it's not insured!

Gee, that wasn't hard at all.

{Text [ , index , start , end }

What did you do with the coat, nell?


Oh, I gave it back to louis.

I told him I couldn't accept an expensive gift like that

After such a short relationship.

Must have been tough.


When you have principles like mine,

You know, it's really quite easy.

What time is it, anybody?

Oh, it's almost . I better go get dinner on.

Is that a new watch, nell? I've never seen it.

Um, no. No.

It's, uh, been in the family for years.

Are those real diamonds?

No, no, that's glass, baby. That's glass.

Let me see that, nell.

Get back! Get back.

I'll give it back tomorrow.

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break