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07x263 - Tartaros Chapter – Soaring Above Ishgar

Posted: 04/24/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
Now it's time for you to freeze!

Right after you burn!

[NARRATOR] Natsu and

Gray fight together

against Mard Geer Tartaros,

who has finally taken

on his Etherious form.

Sting and Rogue fought

an equally intense battle

against their former

guild master, Jiemma.

Who had been reborn as a demon.


White Shadow Dragon Silk!

[JIEMMA groaning]

It's impossible!


[NARRATOR] Their struggle

was great, but in the end,

Sting and Rogue did

manage to fell Jiemma.

However, that finishing blow

was the last they'd strike.

The twin dragons collapsed,

putting their faith in

the Fairy Tail wizards





It's all... up to you now.

[NARRATOR] The team of fire and

ice redoubled their efforts,

assaulting Mard Geer Tartaros

with every ounce of

strength they had.

[NATSU yells]

[GRAY yells]

[NATSU yelling]

[GRAY yelling]

[MARD GEER] Prepare

yourselves for purgatory.

For I will invoke

the ultimate curse,

designed to destroy

Zeref himself!

[NATSU screams]

[GRAY groaning]


The memory of death.


All else having failed him,

Mard Geer resorted to

his most powerful curse.

One he'd planned to use

only on the Dark Lord Zeref.

[MARD GEER] Those afflicted

by the Memento Mori

no longer belong with the

living or with the dead.

They simply cease to exist.

[MARD GEER] You are now, and

forever will be... nothing.

The moment has arrived.

The ultimate curse has finally

been perfected and invoked.

Once E.N.D. has been revived,

I will fulfill my promise.

And then...

you will be destroyed,

Lord Zeref.

[MARD GEER] I've found you

worthy of my greatest curse.

Consider it an honor.


[MARD GEER gasping]

Your skin.

This can't be.


[GRAY growling]

[MARD GEER] He's morphed

into a half-demon.

Is this Silver's power?

Did that traitorous corpse

somehow manage to counter

my ultimate curse?

[GRAY grunts]

Uh... Hey Natsu.

I know I... talk crap...

[NATSU gasps]


But I've got faith in you.

I always have.


If anyone can b*at him,

it's you.

Hang in there.



Status report.

There's no room for error

on a night like this.

Well said, boss.

We're on course for

the nearest Faces.

As for the message

from Fairy Tail,

I have it on a temporary file.

So what now?

We await your orders, sir.

The message.

Let's retransmit it.

Use the communication lacrima.

Make sure it's received

by every guild in Fiore.

Great idea, sir!

We'll need all

the help we can get.

[ICHIYA] At the end of

Fairy Tail's message,

I'd like you to

add the following:

"The fate of the continent

rests on this battle."

Gird your loins.

As Blue Pegasus' vanguard,

we must crush these Faces!


Aye aye, Captain!

Where did those things come

from, and what are they?

Were they underground?


All I know is they're creepy.

Can't be good.

I'm guessing those

big, white towers

are the Faces from that message.

Do you really think that they

can wipe out all magic?

Time is too short for us

to muse on the subject.

We must destroy them

without hesitation.

[MILLIANNA] Yeah, but

where do we even start?

There are so many of them,

and they're gigantic.

[KAGURA] First we put our

doubts aside, then we act!



Let's begin!

[OHBA] At least the citizens'll

be out of our way.

They've evacuated.

[LYON] A rather grotesque

sight, isn't it?

How the heck am I

supposed to take down

these ginormous

things all by myself?!

Now calm down and think.

If you're meant to do this

alone, then why are we here?

And stop your complaining

about how damn big they are.

Before I spin ya.

They aren't so big.

Allow me to show you.


Wait, Lyon!



According to Sir

Ichiya's broadcast,

these things number

in the thousands.

We can't afford to take

them down one at a time.

We must act together.

Yes, sir.

Upon my name as a Wizard

Saint, I swear to you,

I will not allow magic to

be torn from this world.

Now, with our

strengths combined!

Hold nothing back.

Give it everything you've got!

I've got a hard

Drilling Rock For Ya!

And while we're at it,

eat some Plant Magic!


In a world without magic,

I won't be able to drink

half as much as I like to.

Sobriety ain't wild at all!

Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm!


Now Let's get wild! Yeah!

Ah, Damn it.

I'm really gonna need

a drink after all this.

Care to start us off?

Yes, naturally.

I think I have just the memory.

Shrine of the Stormy Wind Fang!


Lightning God!

Storm Charged Particle Cannon!

Take this!


Didn't even scratch it.

We have to keep trying

though! Don't give up!

All right troops! Let's do dis!

It's time for Twilight

Ogre to show the world

what we're made of!



It's no use!

Once I've slain you,

the mongrel's next!

Gray's not a demon!

He's a human being!

[NATSU growls]

[MARD GEER] Where did you

obtain so much power?

[NATSU grunting]

[NATSU growls]

Could this be your

Dragon Force?!

[NATSU] Igneel-Style

Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Hidden Fire Form!

Flame Lotus Phoenix Sword!

[MARD GEER groaning]

[NATSU yells]

[MARD GEER groaning]


Once I've vented all my rage,

you won't have a corpse to bury!

That was all the magic I had.

And you b*at it.

Not too bad, for a demon.


Be gone!


Thing is... I have faith, too.

[MARD GEER gasps]

Gray, now!

[GRAY] Ice Demon...

Zero Destruction Bow!

[MARD GEER screams]

[MARD GEER groaning, screams]

[ERZA growls]

[KYOKA screams]


She's too strong!





It is done.



She's smiling.

Whoopididoo! We did it!

Every last one of

those Faces has blown!

[ERZA gasping]

We win, you lose! This is it!

The end of all you

worthless wizards!

Tartaros' wish is

finally comin' true!

[MIRAJANE whimpers]


In a world without magic...

What are we?

[MARD GEER groaning]

[NATSU sighs]

We did it.


No. Not yet we haven't.

This ain't over until

I've destroyed E.N.D.

Right, I forgot.

Listen Gray,

I was actually supposed to get

ahold of that book for Igneel.

[GRAY] Sorry, but you're

not gettin' it.

Stop screwin' around.

Hand it over.

I'm serious, Natsu,

I'm not lettin' go.

I've got Tartaros's

master in this thing.

From what they say,

he's the most powerful demon

out of any of Zeref's books.

This might be the only chance

we'll ever get to erase him.

All I know is I made

Igneel a promise.

Now gimme the book.

I don't think so.

What is it now?



Could this be... the Faces?

So close.

But still too late.

I'm scared.

I mean without magic,

what'll we do?

Will we even be able

to talk still?

The screen changed!

Those must be the active Faces.

This isn't gonna be good.

Wait. So what'll happen now?

The age of magic is over.

There's nothing we can do.

Humanity won every last battle,

but still we lost the w*r.

What's going on?

They've been enveloped in light.

I don't get these things.

First they're indestructible,

and now they're

startin' to glow?

[RUFUS] I've no memory

to base this upon.

But It's my belief, they're

beginning to detonate.

I think you're right.

We gave it our all,

but we were just too late.


What a tragic end.

[LUCY gasping]

Are you okay?

I dunno. I just got

weak all of a sudden.

Hey, do either of you guys feel

like something's missing?

Yeah, my telepathy's gone.


You don't think this means...

[gasps] Oh, no! My

Animal Soul spell.

It's been broken somehow.

Yeah, uh. I see that.

Dad. I can't move.

What's going on?


Hang in there, son. Stay strong!

Ah, damn.

What I wouldn't give to

be ten years younger.

Idiot. This isn't an age thing!

[ELFMAN groans]

This is friggin' awful.

Losin' all my strength

is the least manly thing

that's happened to me.


Damn it!

What's wrong? C'mon,

ya need to get up!


I can't.

Don't you feel it?

Our magic's gone.

This can't be for real.

There's no way...

It seems the time

has finally come.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

I don't understand

what's wrong. I'm scared.

I can barely even move.

Our air is being drained

of Ether-nano.

That's how the Faces

do their work.

What a strange feeling.

[PEOPLE screaming]

[MAN C] The magic train

crashed outta nowhere!


Somebody help! He's wounded!

[WOMAN A screams]


Why can't we use magic?


I can barely stand up.

[MAN G] Could it have something

to do with those faces?

[MAN H] We can't call for help.

The Lacrimas are failing!


The entire town's gone dark!


Target acquired!


Trajectory set!

[EVE] Better make this quick!

We're losing energy!

The great Christina won't be

fazed by such a miniscule drain

on her magic power.

Aim... and fire!


Target was unaffected chief!

[ICHIYA] We've only just

begun. Ready another.

Now, fire!


[MARD GEER] You do realize...

that this is only the beginning.

[BOTH gasp]

[MARD GEER] Once all

of your beloved magic

has been rendered obsolete,

the seal that binds my

master will finally break.

The moment when the mightiest of

the Etherious has been restored,

your species will find itself

devoid of both magic

and any means of opposing us.

No, damnit, no!


It's Acnologia.





We haven't lost yet, humans.

Do not despair!



We fired five volleys.

Why won't they break?

Christina's cannons are

the pride of Blue Pegasus,

and they didn't

even leave a mark.

So, should we abort

the mission, sir?

Between the cannon sh*ts and

the draining Ether-nano,

we've lost too much power.

We're about to fall!


So this is how it ends.


You need to move!


Huh? Who was that?


Hey, look!

Evasive maneuvers!

[ALL gasp]

Hot damn! What was that?!

A bird?

I sense Grandeeney!


Now there's a sight. A dragon.

Thought they'd d*ed out.

Come. We need to hurry.

Magnolia needs us.

[HAPPY gasps]

Those little Face thingies are

startin' to get crossed out.

Does this mean...

they're destroyed?

Metalicana's back.


I know Weisslogia's dead,

but somehow I'm picking

up on his energy.

And I can feel Skiadrum as well.


My kindred are free at last.

[IGNEEL] We soar through the

skies of Ishgar once again!

[IGNEEL roars]


It's a miracle!


[MARD GEER whimpers]


Ha, ha.




Ha, ha!

[IGNEEL roars]



After mysteriously reappearing,

the dragons made short work

of thousands of Faces.

Fairy Tail and our allies

rejoice in our victory

over Tartaros.

However, not every foe

has been eliminated.

Our excitement

proves short lived

when we're confronted

by the ones that remain

But as the battle wears on,

a flash of light glimmers

in the eastern sky.

Next Time: "Tartaros

Chapter Drops of Fire."

Finally, the true end arrives.