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07x258 - Tartaros Chapter – Fire Dragon Iron Fist

Posted: 04/24/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
Hey, Dad.


Where are you?

Come back! I need you!


On July th, in the year ,

Natsu's foster father,

the Fire Dragon King Igneel,

mysteriously disappeared,

and Natsu was left all alone.

The young Dragon Slayer

searched everywhere.

Even after he joined

the Fairy Tail guild,

Natsu never gave up

hope that one day,

he would reunite with the only

father he had ever known.

But when that time came,

it wasn't the reunion

he had expected.

[ZIRCONIS] They granted humans

what would come to be known

as Dragon Slaying magic.

And with this new power in hand,

mankind joined the w*r.

The Dragon Slayers'

immeasurable power

quickly turned the

tide of the w*r.

We were so overwhelmed

that victory seemed certain

for the dragons

on the other side.

But no one predicted

the travesty

that would come to pass.

The Dragon Slayers

became so powerful,

they eventually turned

on the very dragons

that had given them

their strength.

It was a m*ssacre.

There was one man whose

power was so terrible,

he bathed the countryside

in the blood of my kin.

The very mention of his

name still scares me.

This man slayed

countless dragons

and soaked in their blood.

He used his power so often

that his skin turned to scales,

his teeth sharpened into fangs,

and he stopped being

human altogether.

That is the fate

that awaits all who practice

Dragon Slayer magic.

All the bones you see here

belong to the victims

of that monster.

Despite his human origins,

he became the king

of all dragonkind.

And the w*r that he gave rise to

came to be known as

the Dragon King Festival.

His name, was Acnologia.

Once a human being,

now a dragon, cloaked

in wings of darkness.

Was he attracted by the

concentration of power?

Or does he know?

Perhaps he comes to find Zeref.

That sound! There's

no mistaking it!

It's Acnologia!


[NATSU screaming]

[IGNEEL] I'm sorry, son,

but I never did leave you.


In fact,

I've been closer than

you ever could've guessed.



That's him. The King

of the Dragons.


[IGNEEL roaring]

I can't believe it.

Igneel was inside him?

How? Is that possible?

Maybe. Do you have one, Gajeel?

Don't really know,

but the pain's gone.

Mine's calming down.

How's yours?

I'm fine. Let's get moving.

Where's that guy with

the book? He was right here.


He can't be too far.

Wendy. Gracious,

are you all right?


You had us really worried there.


Carla, what's happening?


[CANA] Where did they come

from? Whose side are they on?

[VIJEETER] I know the

black one is Acnologia.

But what about the red dragon?

What am I a dragon expert now?

Guys, I'm not sure, but if

I didn't know any better,

I'd think that other dragon

was fighting Acnologia.

Well, Acnologia's

obviously our enemy.

But maybe he's on our side.

And if he wins,

will he turn on us?

We sure could use his help.

Why are they here?

I can't answer that.

Wait a minute.

Do you guys think he's back

to finish what he started?

I highly doubt that's the case.

But if they keep this up,

there won't be any

trace of Magnolia left.

So, why'd they come back now?

And why are there two of them?

We're doomed.

Humans don't stand a chance

when faced with the

strength of a dragon.

Who's the dragon

fighting Acnologia?

Where'd he come from?


So he's a fire dragon.

Wait, is he?

They must be stopped.

I won't let them get

in the way of our plans.

Tell me what to do,

Lord Mard Geer.


Dark Winged Acnologia.

Fire Dragon King Igneel.

Your existence is nothing more

than an obstacle I shan't

tolerate any longer.

So I've made a slight

change of strategy.

Now you will be destroyed.

[BOTH roaring]


O ye who is forgotten.

We're gonna be okay, aren't we?

Honestly, I'm not sure.

What's goin' on, Salamander?

I mean is that really Igneel?

What was up with all that

stuff about being inside you?


I have no idea.

He left.

I looked for him for so long.

I'm sorry.

[NATSU grunts]


Dad! We gotta talk. Now!


What's he doing?

Oh yeah!


Natsu, I told you,

we'll talk later.

Tell me now! Why did you

disappear and leave me?

Oh, and if you were

with me the whole time,

why didn't you say something?

Do Wendy and Gajeel have

dragons inside them, too?

And what happened that day?

On July th, the

day you left me!

Come on. You owe me!



[NATSU yelping]

That was close!

Quit distracting him!




It burns!


Stay behind me!

I'm... boiling.

That's a manly dragon.

That heat's intense.

This is bad! Like really bad!

It feels like I'm in an oven.

And we're standing

way over here.

So freakin' hot!

[LUMMYS screaming]

That's unbelievable.

It's almost like the sun is

crashing down from the sky.

It's over. Don't you think?

I dunno. He definitely

sounds like he's in pain.

And if that dragon can't

take the heat, nobody can.

Yeah. We better find

someplace to hide.

I don't think

that's gonna help us.



It's the Fire Dragon Roar.

Oh wow. That fireball's huge.

You're right about that.

Their battle, it

could destroy Magnolia.

It's hard to believe.

So, you k*lled him?

Not at all. Just wait and see.

[ACNOLOGIA roaring]



Wait! That fireball did nothing?


How could he've

survived those flames?

He doesn't even have a scratch.

That attack should've

destroyed him.

I'm not sure he can die.

Is he immortal?

So, how do we get rid of

somebody who's immortal?

Great question, but

I'm not really sure.

Hope for the best. That's

all we can do right now.

I'm fired up now.





You're a pest.

What do you mean by that?!

You sure have a weird way of

showin' that you missed me!


I've already told you,

we'll talk about

everything later.

I've got a job I need you to do.


What kinda job?

You are in one of those

guilds, aren't you?

Well, I'd like to

officially hire you.




Over there.

[IGNEEL] Make sure you get

a good look at that guy.

See that book?

That's the Book of E.N.D.

So, what do I do?

I want you to steal that book.

Why do I have to be

the one to do it?

[IGNEEL] Because you're

the only one who can, Natsu.

Plus, he's the one

responsible for all of this.

I assumed you wouldn't

need a better reason

than that to want to fight him.

He did this?


Now listen,

you are not to open

or destroy that book

under any circumstances.

Just take it, you understand?

How much does it pay?


I work for a guild now!

I don't do these kinda

things for free!

[IGNEEL growls]

Very well.

For payment, I will tell you

everything you wish to know.

[chuckles] Sounds

like a deal to me!


Heh. Now get that book.


You better keep your promise!

Don't even think

about going anywhere.


I won't.

You know, I'm gonna

hold you to that.

Now I'm all fired up!

Make sure you get a

good look at that guy.

See that book?

That's the Book of E.N.D.

So, what do I do?

I want you to steal that book.

Why do I have to be

the one to do it?

Now listen, you are not to

open or destroy that book

under any circumstances.

Just take it, you understand?

[chuckles] Sounds

like a deal to me.


Heh. Now, get that book.


Now I'm all fired up!

[NATSU yelling]

Who might you be?


Me? I'm Igneel's son!


The son of a dragon, eh?


I'm taking that book!

And stopping the Faces!


It's over. You're about

to get thrashed.


Curse of Thorns!


How could he dodge a curse

that he's never seen before?


Fire Dragon...


...Iron Fist!



Kyoka, can you hear me?



Lord Mard Geer?

[MARD GEER] These dragons are

more trouble than I thought.

So, I've decided to

detonate the Faces sooner.

[MARD GEER] You're in the

control room, aren't you?



But you should know, my Lord,

Keyes and Seilah

have been defeated,

which leaves us with no way

of controlling the Chairman.


No need to worry.

Once the Faces

have been activated,

anyone can trigger

the detonation.

Even you.



The main Lacrima should be

in the center of

the control room.

Now all you must

do is use Body Link

to connect yourself with it.


Body Link?


By doing so,

you will make yourself

the detonator key,

which will allow us

to expedite our plan.


If we can detonate the Faces,

we can nullify these

wizards for good.

And if we're lucky,

we may be able

to drain the dragons'

life force.

Then, our Master E.N.D.

will finally be revived.


Victory will be ours.


Now, Kyoka, do it.

[KYOKA] With all due

respect, Lord Mard Geer,

if I were to link

my own curse power

with the power

of the Faces...

...then I would die.


So what? Are you afraid to die?



Not at all.

If it means Tartaros

completes its mission,

I will gladly give my life.


Everything we do...


We do for our Lord Zeref!

[KYOKA groaning]


What are those things?

I think they're some

kind of markers.

Um, guys, I have a really

bad feeling about this.

Yeah, I'm right there with ya.

[KYOKA] These are all the

locations of the Faces

throughout the continent.

And now the Body

Link is complete,

which means,

you're now looking at

the official new detonator.

You're what?

Did she say she's

using Body Link?

So that means,

she's a part of it?

Why would she do that?

They must've wanted the

Faces' detonation accelerated.


I've just made things

very easy for you.

If you k*ll me, then

you will stop the Faces.


Though it really doesn't matter,

because I'll die either way.

[ERZA] Well, you certainly

are sure of yourself.

But have you ever even

considered the possibility

that you could lose?


No need.

For I have something you don't.

I am Kyoka, Goddess

of the sl*ve Planet!


And now I embrace my

true Etherious Form.



While Igneel and Acnologia

continue their intense battle,

Kyoka uses body link magic to

become the Faces' detonator.

Now it's up to one of Fairy

Tail's strongest warriors

to defeat her and stop

the accelerating countdown.

But even Erza is beginning

to feel helpless at the sight

of the Goddess of the sl*ve

planet in her Etherious Form.

Next Time:

"Tartaros Chapter : ."

Even when all seems lost,

there's still something left.