07x248 - Tartaros Chapter – A Strike from the Stars

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x248 - Tartaros Chapter – A Strike from the Stars

Post by bunniefuu »



The Alegria swallowed

up many lives just now.

But one seems to have

avoided its grasp.

[LUCY grunting]


[LUCY] What is all this?

It looks like some

kind of tissue.

The chance of surviving

that curse is less than one

in a billion. What fortune.


One solitary human soul left

to suffer in the underworld.


Everything's different.

Natsu? Where are you?!


[GIANT CUBE growls]

[CROWD whimpering]


That square thing grew a mouth!


It's a monster!

[WOMAN A] Is that what

destroyed the guildhall?

[GIANT CUBE growls]

[CROWD gasps]

[CROWD screams]

[GIANT CUBE roars]


Kardia Cathedral! No!


Run for your lives!

[MAN E] It's destroying

the city! We have to get out!

[GIANT CUBE growls]

[LUCY whimpers]

This horrible sound!


Demons of Tartaros.

[LUCY gasps]

I've used the Alegria.

The intruders' lives

have been snuffed out.

Our plans remain unchanged.

The Face's activation

is imminent.

[SOLDIERS cheer]

Long live the Underworld King!

[LUCY] No way, he can't have

really wiped out everyone else.

And I thought Wendy had already

stopped Face. Maybe he's lying.

[LUCY gasps]


This is gross! Ah!

[MARD GEER] However, I sense

that one unfortunate human soul

has managed to avoid

the Alegria's reach.

A timely vacancy has arisen

amongst the Nine Demon Gates.

Whoever slays this

human may fill it.


A vacancy?


That spot'll be mine!

And if a Demon Gate

should k*ll the human.

They shall receive an

even greater reward.

Good hunting.

[LUCY] Could it be true?

Am I the only one left?

No. Don't think like that.

Believe in your friends!

[SOLDIER A grunts]

It's the human!


I see her!


This one is mine!

[LUCY] Sorry boys,

but I've got other plans.



Three men down!


Let 'em swim!


Can't dodge forever!

[LUCY yells]

[SOLDIER D groans]


You're dead!

Open! Gate of the Archer!



[SOLDIERS groaning]


[LUMMY] Promotion time!

Promotion time!

I'm gonna be a Demon Gate!

Stop spinning

towards my lady!

She deflected every shot!


Projectiles are useless

against my demon curse

of slipperiness!

[LUMMY yells]


Take a break, Sagittarius!


Open. Gate of the Maiden!


You want this bunny

girl punished, yes?

A skanky maid?!

The hell is this?!

You're totally copying me!

How so?

[LUCY screams]

Princess! There's

something else here!

[TORAFUZAR growls]

Open. Gate of the Lion, Leo!

[TORAFUZAR growls]



You stopped my blade barehanded!

Impressive, not even Regulus'

power could block it all.

Thanks Loke! You okay?


I'll be fine.

Ah! A hottie!

Now how exactly

am I copying you?


Sir Torafuzar?

Would you mind if I took

the credit for this k*ll?

I care not for glory.

I care only about my mission!

He's strong, but

I can handle him.


[VIRGO] Keeping two gates open

at once, it looks painful.

[LOKE] Virgo and I use more

magic power than most.

For Lucy's sake.


For the sake of my princess.


I'll fight fast!


I'll end this!

[ALL grunting]



Oh, look! A human!

[JACKAL laughs]

More eye candy!

A third demon?

This is bad!

You lose!

[LOKE grunts]

Strange, I thought that there

was only one of you left.

Heh. Like it matters.

[LUCY] How is he here?

We already beat him!

He self-destructed!

[FRANMALTH] We possess

the power of immortality.

Our lab is the most

valuable tool in the world,

and as long as we have that,

we can keep coming back.

[LUCY] This guy gave

Natsu a hard time.

But it's not like I can summon

another celestial spirit.

It's up to me!

[JACKAL chuckles]

You haven't forgotten how

my curse works, have ya?

[LUCY whimpers]

[LUCY screams]



Where are my friends?

And what's that red stuff

all over the walls?


Ha, ha, ha, ha!

[LUCY yelps]


[JACKAL laughs]

[LUCY screams]

Stop playing. If you're going

to k*ll her, then do it.

The blue cat and the

fireball are dead.

Which means torturing

their little friend here

is the only kinda revenge

I'm prob'ly gonna get!

So I gotta savor the moment!

Oh, no!

[LOKE] Between keeping our gates

open and taking those att*cks,

she's gotta be

close to her limit.


Every time I've needed saving,

one of them has been there.

[LUCY] Now it's my turn.

I can't let them down!



I don't care how strong you are!

You aren't drownin'

on me, are ya?

[LUCY] Now it's my turn.

I can't let them down!


Take this!

[LUCY yelps]



I don't care how strong you are!

You won't beat me!


Not until I've saved my friends.

What is she...? Princess,

no! It's too much!

Open. Gate of the Water Bearer!


You're going to push

yourself too far!

You can't open

three gates at once!

[JACKAL growls]


Please. Please come.

You're even stupider

than I thought.

She passed out!


Glad you made it.

I'm going to say this one

more time. You're a damn idiot.

Who the hell is that?

She's my friend.

Just stay outta my way. [yells]

[JACKAL groaning]

[LUMMY screams]

This is too much for you!

You need to close

one of our gates

while you still

have the strength!

That thing.

It's swimming

against my current!

Water's a specialty of mine!

[AQUARIUS screams]

Leave Aquarius alone!

Damn it!


I'm on my way!

Not for long you aren't!


What the...?

[LOKE screams]

[VIRGO screams]

Loke! Virgo! Ah!


Goodbye, princess.


I'm Sorry. We failed.

[AQUARIUS whimpering]


So what?

Bringin' out three chumps

at once was your big play?

Looks like Fairy Tail's

last wizard standing

is all tuckered out.

[LUCY whimpers]

I can grant you a swift end.

Now where's the fun in that?

Here, here!

If we play our cards right,

we can t*rture her for hours!

But remember, we're gonna

give me all the credit!


I can't let it end like this!

Everyone's counting on me!


There has to be a way.

[LUCY groaning]


OMG, humans are

so lame! [laughs]

[LUCY whimpers]

[JACKAL laughs]


I've had enough of your games.

If you won't finish her, I will.

[JACKAL] Huh? Tell me,

whose side are you on, here?

If it's death you're after,

I'd be happy to give ya one.

I'm through with this.

Suit yourself.

[laughs] Well, now that

I have permission.


So, what's next?

I'd like to direct your

attention to her boobs.

They're way too big.

Let's blow 'em up! [laughs]

[JACKAL laughs]

Ka... boom! Ka... boom!

Ka... boom?

Noisy twerp. [laughs]

You blew up... your comrade?

Why, yes I did. And if that's

how I treat my friends,

then think what's

in store for you.

This is gonna be fun. [laughs]

[JACKAL grunts]

The hell?!

[JACKAL gasps]

That you, Aquarius?

This lousy water! Ah!

Listen up. I can't beat them,

I can only slow 'em down.

Same goes for the

rest of the zodiac.

These demons are too strong.



[AQUARIUS] But there's still

one way that you can win this.


There is?

[AQUARIUS] We barely have the

time for me to say this once,

so pay attention.

You're strong, Lucy.

Strong enough to keep

three gates open.

And strong enough to summon him.


The Celestial Spirit King.

Is that possible?

Why else would I say it?

This won't be easy,

but it's our only chance.

His Strike from the Stars

can obliterate any foe.

Even this one.

Call him. But how?

I don't have his gate key.

[AQUARIUS] The Celestial

Spirit King has no key, Lucy.

There's another way to open

his gate. With a Zodiac key.

The price is a

hefty one though.

You can open the Gate

of the King only once.

And only by breaking

a golden key.


[LUCY gasps] But that would

mean losing one of my spirits.


I'm gonna make you pay

for every second of my

time you've waste-- Ah!

[AQUARIUS] You can't just break

any golden key, either.

The king's gate will only

open if the level of trust

between wizard and spirit

is especially strong.

[LUCY] There has to be another

way. I won't do that.

I mean it!

It's like you're telling me to

pick a best friend to betray!

[AQUARIUS] It's not a

betrayal if I let you.

Only thing I've ever trusted

you to do is act like a fool,

but we do go way back.

So I think it'll work.

Are you saying I should...?

[AQUARIUS] Do what it takes

to save your friends? Yes.


But you're one of them!

I'm not about to sacrifice

one friend to save another.

It's wrong!

There's another way.

There has to be!

All we need to do

is figure it out!

Do you think I

would suggest this

if there was still

another option?

This is the only

chance that you have.

No! That's not true!

[JACKAL growls]

You hear that?

He'll break through soon.

You have to be strong. Please!


I can't!

[AQUARIUS] It's not like

you breaking my key

will k*ll me, okay?

I'll be fine.

It'll be like I moved.

Somewhere very far away.

That would still be too sad.

Maybe for you, but

I'll be relieved.

[JACKAL growling]

[AQUARIUS] Your mother was

an extraordinary person.

The best master I've ever had.

When she lost her life and

my key was passed on to you,

I could barely take it.

You were an ignorant brat

who cried all the time

and took everything

for granted.

You didn't inherit an ounce of

your mother's natural grace.

But, I had to tolerate you

because you were

Layla's daughter.

[AQUARIUS] I loathed you.

Despised you.

For such a very long time.

I don't care if you hate me!

You were still my first

friend and I love you!

There's nothing you can

say that will change that!

Stop trying!


Quit acting like a damn child!

You can lose every friend you

have, or you can just lose me!

[LUCY cries]

[AQUARIUS] What matters

most in life? Keys?


Your guilty conscience?

Or is it this? The strength

to make sacrifices

to protect the ones you love,

even when it hurts you.

If that's it then break

my key right now!

Natsu isn't coming!

It's all on you!

[JACKAL laughs] Pick your

words carefully, girls.

This'll be the last

fight you ever have!

[LUCY] I love you Aquarius.

I love you so much.

Yeah, I know! Now do it!

[LUCY yells]


Feels like my heart's on fire.

[LUCY yells]


I meant what I said.

I hate this stupid brat.



Mermaid! Mermaid!


I can't stand her, but...


Gate of the...


These emotions.

[LUCY] it can't be a crime

to protect the people

you care about!

Sound wicked awesome!

Oh, my hunk!

Little Lucy thinks she

can seduce a man?

Good luck with that scrawny bod.

For you to make me laugh.


[AQUARIUS] These damned

feelings. I can't stop them.

[LUCY laughs]

Aw, come on! Bath time

is a lot of fun isn't it?

It's no so much fun that

you gotta call me

every time you get in the tub!

Whoops! I'm sorry!

[AQUARIUS] This better be

the last time I tell you this.

But don't ever dream

of summoning me

from your stupid little

pet prison again!

It's a goldfish bowl

for crying out loud!

[LUCY] But he's got

a tail, just like you!

Are you sayin' me and that

simple little creature

have something in common?

Because that is insulting!

I didn't mean to make you mad.


Uh! Sheesh.

You seriously need to find some

other rugrats to play with.

There aren't any.

That's why I'm so lonely.

[AQUARIUS grunts]

You make me happy. But I

always seem to make you mad.

I'm really sorry.

Oh, well. You're not

lonely anymore.


Yeah. You're right.

I'm definitely not.

[AQUARIUS] Despite myself,

I'm gonna miss you.

You suck. I'm gonna

miss you bad.


Open! Gate of the King!

[AQUARIUS] I'm grateful though

for every moment we shared.

Where'd the water go?

[KING growls]

[SOLDIERS murmur]

What was that?

Plutogrim's been ruptured?


Ah! What did you do?

What are you?

[LUCY cries]


Aquarius is gone.

But the Celestial Spirit King

has answered our call.

Mard Geer stands confident

atop the smoldering ruin

of what used to be

Tartaros' headquarters.

Unfazed by the great

titan before him.

The Kings of two worlds

are about to collide.

I don't have to time

to grieve for her.

But I can take strength

from her words.

And I will protect

the ones I love.

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

Celestial Spirit King

vs. Underworld King"

This is the time to fight!
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