07x240 - Tartaros Chapter – A Place Reached by Prayer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x240 - Tartaros Chapter – A Place Reached by Prayer

Post by bunniefuu »

The Seis despises prisons.

And you of all people should

know why that is, Jellal.

Your tower was our first jail.

It was Brain who set us free,

or so he led us to believe.

We were torn from our homes,

taught by your whips

to curse the world,

and used as his pawns.

Now, we finally have the

chance to put that behind us.

To live for ourselves.


To be free.


[RACER groaning]


Who're you trying to fool?


There's a victim

inside every villain

that doesn't absolve

us of our crimes.



Own your sins.

Feel the weight of what

you owe this world.

And pay your penance.

[heart beating]


--[NATSU grunting]

Could'a sworn that would work.


Those bars are steel.

I think you're more likely

to break than they are.

Thanks for all the confidence.

Relax, I'll bust us outta

this place in no time.

Look, even if we were

to get out of here,

how would we save Mira and Erza

when we can't even use magic?


We'll figure that out later.

The key is to stay calm and

take things one step at a time!

Glad you've worked it all out.


[NATSU groaning]




--[LISANNA] Get off of me!

[NATSU grunts]



Maybe getting all fired up

isn't what we need right now.

This place is hot

enough as it is.

[NATSU] You really hot?

I'm feelin' fine.

Well, we can't all

be weather-proof.

Hang on!

I remember!

It was Happy who

brought me over here.

He's prob'ly on his way

to let the guild know

where we are right now,

unless he got caught.


You can do as I say,

or I can make you wrap your hand

around your sister's

throat again.

Your task shall be both

simple and unforgivable.

Return to your guild hall

and place this Lacrima

anywhere inside it.

Why? What will it do?

[SEILAH] It will emit a vast

amount of concentrated ether.

Imagine a Jupiter

Blast times .

Don't worry, your guild

mate's deaths will be swift.

I won't do it!

You can't make me!

Shall I have you k*ll

your sister, then?



[SEILAH] You've no choice.

My curse is absolute.



If you let Lisanna go,

I'll do anything.

Anything you say. Even destroy

the guild that raised me.

You gotta hang in there.

I'll get us out.


Why is it so hot in here?


This sucks!


C'mon back, you cowards!

Open this door and fight me!

It's no use yelling.

And we can't escape on our own.

This cell, these cuffs,

they're too strong to break.

No. Look, they can't

keep us locked in here.

We will bust out. Erza and

Mira are counting on us.


Fat chance, kid.


Nobody asked you,

so whoever you are,

feel free to butt the hell out!



gettin' put behind bars just

made you more of a nuisance.

Oh yeah?


Ice cold water. For the lady.

I don't guess you'd have

a reason to poison it.

[NATSU sniffing]

Smells clean, just

like normal water.

Obviously, I can't have

ya goin' anywhere,

but nor can I stand by and

watch a young lady suffer.

So, whaddaya think?

I think I'm gonna drink.



[LISANNA sighs]

Yeah, it tastes just fine.

Thank you. I needed that.

Yeah, thanks. Now how 'bout a

little food while you're at it?


Hey, wait! Who are you, anyway?


It's weird.

He smells just like

Gray for some reason.

Natsu? He can't be. No.


[FRANMALTH] Not to rush

you, former chairman,

but our plans are kind of on

hold until you locate Jellal.


Stop your yammering.

This magic is

incredibly complicated.

I'm "concentrating."

My Super Archive magic is

the only spell powerful enough

to locate any wizard

on the continent,

but even it needs time.


Great story.

Tell it again once

you've done your job

so we can activate Face!

So, have you found him yet?

How 'bout now?

Wait, how about now?

If you want this done

quickly, then be silent.


Do it.

[ERZA screaming]

[KYOKA chuckling]


That's enough... for now.

You know where

he is, so tell me.

Not until you... let Mira go.


Continue, Yakdoriga.

Have you ever wondered

if it were possible

to die simply from pain?

[ERZA screaming]

[JELLAL panting]

What'll you do?

[MIDNIGHT] That was a pretty

speech you just gave us.

Do you plan to

persuade us to yield?

You're too far gone

to reach with words.


The Oracion Seis must die!

Prepare yourselves!


Oh, we're all gonna die.

Everything ends.

But I think I'll start with you!

It's Zero!

How did he break

through our seals?

And why the hell is he alive?


Jellal! No!





What does that look mean?

Did you screw this up?

[CRAWFORD] Silence.

Run your mouth elsewhere.

Oh, I'm sorry! Are

you "concentrating"?

Stop talking for

once in your life.


This can't be.. real.


Jellal, I'm coming!

No, run away... while you can.

You want me to abandon you?

I will never do that!

He'll k*ll you too. Run, Meldy.

Not while you're alive!

This isn't over yet, fight!

Sorry. This is it.


Goodbye, Jellal!

[ZERO yells]

[ZERO laughing]

So, what is it? Have you

found Jellal, or haven't you?

It seems that there's

no longer any need.


What have you done?

There's nothing left of him.

He k*lled Jellal. Erased him.

How tragic.

Is this for real?

It only took him one attack.

[ZERO laughing]

[ZERO] I always hoped I'd get

to be the end of you, Jellal.

[ZERO laughing]

[MIDNIGHT gasps]

I thought you died.

What happened?


My nightmare. He tore it apart.


His eyes.


Did he... blind himself?

No way!

That'd be crazy.



The hell is this?


I don't like it.

Feels like a spell. An attack?

Let's get him while it charges!


Don't think we have time.

May The seven stars

bring judgment upon you!


Grand Chariot!

[ALL grunting]

We will not fall!

True Heavenly Body Magic?



I've never seen a

spell of such might.


You've won. Now finish it.


That's not my intention.

You lied. You will

send us to jail.


Wrong again.

The Oracion Seis has

been vanquished.

Now, I invite you

join to my guild.

[JELLAL] The world never

answered your prayers,

so you raged against it,

as did all who belong

to Crime Sorciere.

Try the path

of redemption.

It will lead you

to your answers.

Let the foe we share

give us common purpose.

We can beat Zeref

if we fight together.

[FRANMALTH] This conversation

grows tedious, Former Chairman.

Have you found Jellal or not?

[CRAWFORD] Oh, I've done

far better than that.

I've taken him out of

the equation entirely.

My "Super Archive" magic was

able to transfer his seal.



The seal is like a key.

Jellal held it once, but

I just took it for myself.

Oh, did you really?


That's right, I did.

And I can transfer it

to anyone at all.

Anyone we don't mind

k*lling that is.

But yes, with that person's

death, Face will be freed!

What do you mean "that" person?

I mean anyone,

whoever we choose!

One of the captives from

Fairy Tail, perhaps!

Uh, wai-wai-wai-wait. Let's

not get ahead of ourselves.

You just said that

you're the final seal.

Does that mean you're all

that's holding Face in check?


Yes! Now shut up so I can rant!

I had no idea that

this was possible.

My Super Archive ability

is even more fearsome

than I believed it to be!

Finally, we can unseal Face!

And when we do, the

world of men will be ours!

[CRAWFORD laughing]

[FRANMALTH grunts]

Though It does seem a bit

strange that the key

to such a powerful w*apon could

be transferred so easily.

Are you sure about this?

Yes, well we Former Chairman

are "Men of Authority."

Indeed. So what

you're saying is true?

You can bet your eye on it!

My Super Archive abil-- Uh.

Well, that's convenient.

So this will break

the seal, will it?

How? How could you--?

What now?

It couldn't be an earthquake.

Well that's gonna be expensive.


If even the Cube is reacting,

then Face truly

has been unsealed.


How ya hangin'

in there, Lisanna?



And Elfman!

I'm sorry, Lisanna.

This is for you.

[BOTH yelping]

Hey, Natsu! Look!


It's a sword!

Maybe it can cut

through these shackles.

Such a powerful reaction.

Couldn't we have just set up

a little red light to go off

when Face was unsealed instead?


What are its coordinates?


Uhh. Let me take a look here.

Well, it's quite some distance

from where we were

expecting it to appear.

No matter. Just activate it.

That's a fine idea in theory.

Ooh! The shaking has

stopped, isn't that nice?

It's almost as if

you were stalling.



You aren't gonna like this,

but we can't do it from here.

What did you say?

Well, we could've back when

the former Chairman was alive.

But seeing as he

was the only person

who knew how to use this

"Super Archive" properly,

well, without him,

I'm afraid we'll just have

to activate it manually.

[FRANMALTH chuckling]

It would seem that

I have blundered.

I was too impatient.

Then we've no other choice.

We'll have to send

someone there.

Whilst we cross our fingers

in the hopes that Fairy

Tail doesn't interfere.


You need not worry about them.

It shouldn't be long now.

Very shortly, Fairy Tail's fable

will come to an unhappy end.


Oh, no!

What if your birthing

pod shatters

because of all

of this shaking?

I mean what ever would I do?

I'd do nothing!

Because you've already

regenerated so it'd be fine.

[LUMMY giggling]

This body. It feels unfamiliar.

[LUMMY] That's because

it's new, Tempester!


That's my name, is it?

Well of course it is, ya silly!

I decided to improve

you by the way.

Now you're a hunk!


My looks are not relevant.


No fair.

Why is he the only one

who got a make-over?

You were always

a hottie, Jackal,

I'd never dream

of improving you!

Where would I start?

That's enough, ya little

creeper, get off of me.

Your name is Jackal?

Same as it always was.

Are you telling me

that you forgot it?

Aw, Tempester loses his memories

every single time

we regenerate him.


Prob'ly cause of those...

Bane Particles. Poor guy.

He forgets us. Even me.

That fireball and that

blue cat are gonna pay

for what they did to me!

I'm gonna slaughter them both!

You're so beautiful when

you're angry! Drives me wild!

Stop hittin' on me.

--[LUMMY] Uh?



Someone there?


Hm? Who the hell is that?

Oh! Almost forgot!

[LUMMY squeaks]


So this is the new me.

And I thought I was

strong before.

[LUMMY] Lady Kyoka

brought this human in.

I think she said

her name was Minerva?

Honestly though,

I try to be open,

but girls just

don't do it for me.


Hey, it's always good

to have some new blood.


Speaking of things I don't like,

I think it's time I

transformed this one too!


Your name's Mira, right?

You and that stupid, cute face.

I'm gonna transform you

into the ugliest caterpillar

this world has ever seen.

What're you doing?

We're in crisis mode

here so you run away?

Is that some kind of Lacrima?


You can't stop me!

What do you...

think you're doing?


Why did you have to come here?

Now I can't let you leave!

This is what I have to do!


Is it a b*mb?


This is goodbye.

This is the end for Fairy Tail!




Is he under some kind of spell?

What do I do?

Based on everything Happy

told me, I've done it.

[ALL gasping]

That's awesome, Levy!

So, where are they?

Above us.


They're right over us.

Are you certain?

[GAJEEL] What the heck

are you talkin' about, kid?


I know how it sounds,

but when Happy escaped,

they were near the eastern

border, heading west.

Unless they changed directions,

they should be pretty much

on top of Magnolia now.

We'll see the fireworks soon.

Guess they thought

they'd come to us.

We'll have Natsu

back in no time.


Get ready!



[HAPPY gasping]


Face has finally been unsealed.

And Tartaros has

bolstered its ranks,

both with new recruits

and resurrected veterans.

Fairy Tail rises up

to put a stop to the

demon's sinister ambitions,

but Seilah's plot to force

Elfman to destroy the guild

has gone virtually unnoticed.

As has the Lacrima

b*mb he carries.

Next time: "Tartaros Chapter

The Demon's Rebirth."

Surmount despair,

and sing of hope.
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