07x239 - Tartaros Chapter – Jellal vs. Oración Seis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x239 - Tartaros Chapter – Jellal vs. Oración Seis

Post by bunniefuu »



Calm down!

The house didn't do it!

Plus, it belongs to that

big-shot former chairman!

It's the former chairman

who's been workin'

with Tartaros, Happy.

Then he's the reason whole

reason we're in this mess!

Mira and Erza came to help him,

they didn't have a clue!

In that case, he probably

caught 'em by surprise.


Yeah, but we're gonna find 'em.

Nothin' stops a

Dragon Slayer's nose!


How dare they vandalize

the home of their Chairman!


Yes well technically,

you're their former chair--

[CRAWFORD] I got a pension

from the council before

I helped you destroy it,

now that's gone with my home!

Pension? You're about

to have more jewel

than even you could find

a way to spend. [laughs]

I suppose I can always say

that Tartaros destroyed it.

Make sure the firebug's

too dead to contradict me.

Then they'll really think

I've been kidnapped.

Speaking of, how are

my prisoners?

[FRANMALTH] Lady Kyoka's

begun her t*rture process.

They'll have a

gruesome end, no doubt.

Make sure they die. If those

two were to escape somehow

and speak of what I've done

for you, I'd lose my shot

at becoming Chairman again!

You can rest easy.

They aren't going anywhere.

And on top of that,

no one's ever gonna

find us in this place.

Say, what is that thing?

[nervous laughing]

It's headed right for us!


You just said that no

one would find us here!

Well, no one's found us before!

Where the hell are my friends?!




It's Lucy and Wendy!

Can you hear us?

Anyone here?

Please say something!


Where did you go?

[LUCY] It looks like

Tartaros beat us here.

You think they were

waiting for Erza and Mira?

I hate to say it, but I'm

afraid that those two

may have been captured.

Hey Wendy.

Do you think you can track

'em down by their scents?

I'll give it a try.


Natsu... Please be okay.


What'd you do with

Erza and Mira?!

Why would I tell you?

You just busted a wyvern-sized

hole in my ceiling!

This fortress is made of

imported Pergrande Gneiss!

It costs so much!

Someone's making a fuss.



[YAKDORIGA growls]


Keep an eye on this one.

I'm going to check on the boys

upstairs. Don't touch her, yet.

If I let you at her now,

I wouldn't get to see her break.

[YAKDORIGA growls]


Don't make me ask again.

The new prisoners?

Well with so many t*rture

chambers to choose from,

you're better off

listening for screams

than asking me. He, he, he.

[HAPPY] Guess he wants

to do this the hard way!

[FRANMALTH] I'm quite curious

as to how you found us.

Wait, wait, don't tell me.

You followed old

Crawford didn't you?

What a fool! How much'll

this mistake cost us?!

Does no one else care

about the finances?!


I'm sick of hearin' your crap!

[FRANMALTH screams]

We're almost back to the guild.

Then, I'm heading out to one

of those new addresses,

but you're more than

free to come along.

I'll go with you.

I don't think I've ever been

this scared of a fight before.

[GRAY] You saw a whole city

put to death for no reason.

That would scare anybody.


It's more than that.

What happened there was awful,

and I'm afraid what's

coming is worse.


We'll be fine.

We'll win this w*r like

we've won all the others.

Count on it.


Now you've broken into my

home and assaulted me!

That was foolish.

Your criminal actions

are about to cost you!



This court takes its

payment in souls!

Watch out, he's all stretchy!

[FRANMALTH laughs]


[NATSU screams]

What are you doing?

Can't move... Too weak.

[HAPPY growls]

Someone get this monster off me!

[NATSU grunts]

Thanks, Happy.

Take that you toothy freak!

You're the only freak

I see around here!


[FRANMALTH groans]


Fire Dragon!

Grip Strike!




Aah! Haha!

I've spent way too much on

my skin to let you ruin it!

Okay, Natsu just roasted that

guy's face at point-blank range.

How's he okay?


Now cool down, Franmalth.

Take a break.


I can handle things from here.


[SILVER] Do grab the

old guy before you go.

Want them for yourself, eh?


Well, I'll just leave

you to it, then.

I'd love to watch but the

chairman has some "work"

to attend to, if you

know what I mean.

You never did know

when to shut your mouth.

It's gettin' kinda

cold in here, isn't it?

Yeah. It's like the

place has frozen over.

A fire wizard.

You must be the man who melted

all that ice in Sun Village.

[NATSU] And you must be

the thing that froze it.

Thanks! I really owe you one.

I was mortified when I heard

the news, what a complete mess!

See, I could'a sworn that

dragon soul was a demon.

Ended up icing the whole

damn village just to k*ll it.



You smell an awful lot

like someone else I know.

[laughs] Hm?

[HAPPY gasps]

Gray Full--



You should have never said

that name in my presence, kid.


seen a cat around here?

What? Another one from Bosco?

[SOLDIER B] Nah, Franmalth

says it's from Fairy Tail.

Real Dangerous, too.


Losin' my damn mind here.

[HAPPY gasps]




I've gotta find the others.

Natsu needs help!


Hang in there.

I'll be back soon!



Welcome to your new home.

You think these

bars can hold me?!

Open up and I won't

roast you alive!

I'll just beat your

ugly faces in!

Give me my scarf!

I know you have it!


Last time I checked,

animals like you

don't need scarves!

[SOLDIER E] You seen

any pigs wearing clothes?


Screw you!


You jerks took

two of my friends.

--Where are they?

--[foot steps]

Get back here!

And answer my friggin' question!

You two had better be

goin' to get me my scarf!

Because if you piss me off,

you're gonna regret it!

--[LISANNA whimpers]


Is that Natsu's voice?

Whoa, it is! What happened?

Never thought they'd catch you.

Lisanna, hey!

[NATSU grunts]

So did they get you

and Elfman, or what?


Well, I hope not,

I can't remember anything.

Erza and Mira have gotta

be somewhere around here.

Once we get out,

we'll need to find them.

They caught my sister and Erza?

I can't believe it.

In that case, they probly

have my brother after all.

They've been wiping out

our strongest members,

one after another. I used

to believe that we could

take on anybody... That was

before Tartaros came along.

We can beat anyone.

These jerks included.

But first, we gotta

get outta here.

But how? I mean,

we can't even use magic.

What's stoppin' us,

these handcuffs?

Yeah, I think so, I've

been trying to use takeover

magic for a while now.

So far, I haven't had any luck.

Kinda hot down here, isn't it?


I've heard that you've

identified the men

body-linked to Face.

That and more.

The former chairman used

his archive magic for us.

I'm loathe to admit it,

but this was most helpful.

It does shrink our target list.

But what exactly do you

mean by "that and more"?

Two of the councilmen

identified are already dead.

We k*lled them before we

knew what they were.

And who is the last one?


Jellal Fernandes.

His pulse is the only thing that

stands between us and Face.


Face. What a horrible object.

Those humans were

fools to create it.

That they were, but mistakes

are meant to be exploited.

But of course.

Right as always.

How long do you think it

will take to find Jellal?

That depends on Erza.


I've always found you to be

quite gifted with your

powers of persuasion.

We could use you macro

curse and simply turn her

into a mindless sl*ve.

But I do so enjoy my art.

Now listen, Seilah.

It's time for us to bring Fairy

Tail's disruptions to an end.

That has already been arranged.

I've taken the liberty of

preparing a poetic conclusion

to their sad little fable.


Come, Seilah.

I think you've earned

yourself a treat.


Yes, milady.


They're gonna k*ll you!


Stay where you are, Meldy!


Don't be stupid!

You can't beat them alone!

That maybe true,

but this isn't your fight!

He's not as cocky as

he was a minute ago.

Yup, cause he's not stup--

[JELLAL grunts]

[RACER, COBRA gruntsing]


No matter what else happens,

you will not put us

back in your chains!

[JELLAL grunting]

[COBRA, RACER yelling]

We despise prisons, and

you of all people should

know why that is, Jellal.

Your tower was our first Jail.

It was Brain who set us free.

Or so he led us to believe.

We were torn from our homes,

taught by your whips to curse

the world, and used

as his pawns.

Now we finally have the

chance to put that behind us.

To live for ourselves...

To be free.

[RACER grunts]

[RACER groans]


Who are you trying to fool?


There's a victim

inside every villain,

that doesn't absolve

us of our crimes.



Own your sins.

Feel the weight of what

you owe this world.

And pay your penance.


[NATSU grunting]


Could'a sworn that would work.


Those bars are steel.

I think you're more likely

to break than they are.

Thanks for all the confidence.

Relax, I'll bust us outta

this place in no time.

Look, even if we were

to get out of here,

how would we save Mira and Erza

when we can't even use magic?


We'll figure that out later.

The key is to stay calm and

take things one step at a time!

Glad you've worked it all out.

[NATSU groans]



Get offa me!


Er, Sorry.

[LISANNA grunts]

Maybe getting all fired up

isn't what we need right now.

This place is hot

enough as it is.

[NATSU] You really hot?

I'm feelin' fine.

Well, we can't all

be weather-proof.

Hang on!

--I remember!


It was Happy who brought me over

here. He's prob'ly on his way to

let the guild know where

we are right now,

unless he got caught.

That's great, but.

I mean, what are the odds

that Happy actually

knows where "here" is?


We're at Tartaros.

Yeah, and where is that?

[NATSU] Wherever!

They can follow their noses.

It's not good news.

We went after Natsu to the

former chairman's house.

But he was already gone

by the time we got there,

and so were, Happy,

Erza, and Mira.

On top of that, the house

was completely destroyed.

I did try to track them down,

but my sense of smell

wasn't strong enough

You don't think that

they got caught, do ya?

They could be on the run,

but they haven't reported in.

I wish we could

hit Tartaros back,

but we don't know

where to look for them.

Gajeel, should we go back to

the old Chairman's place?

Maybe you can sniff out

where the group was taken.

Na, if this kid couldn't

hack it, then neither could I.

I feel so useless!

Also, it's been a while.

Natsu smells, but he

don't smell that much.



We haven't heard anything from

Elfman and Lisanna

for a while either.

And the people we sent after

newly found councilmen?

They've reported no att*cks.


Those wretched demons.

There has to be some way

of locating their

base of operations.


Me and Natsu found it!




Their base.

I know where it is,

we gotta go back! Ugh!



[HAPPY groans]

Erza and Mira got

captured because

that former chairman guy!

He's a traitor!

And me and Natsu, we followed

their trail and we busted into

their base, but Natsu, he-he-!

You need to calm down!





The former chairman of the magic

council has joined Tartaros?

[DROY] How could they've

taken Erza and Mira?


Who knows?

There's one more thing.

You should never have

said that name in

my presence, kid.



But they got Natsu.

I watched him get caught.

He was right in front of me.

I know I should've tried

to save him, but I didn't.

I ran.

Look, you did the only

thing that you could do.

Now just dry your tears

and tell us where he is.

[HAPPY] The base is on

this weird, blocky island.

And it floats around in the sky.


It's moving?

[CANA] That'd make it impossible

for you to know where it is.

[LEVY] We don't have to

know the exact location.

If you could remember how you

got here we could figure it out.

Right, so I was flyin' to the

left, but it was right on my

nine o'clock and headin'

straight for noon, so uh...

Wait a second.

I think I heard one of their

soldiers mention Bosco.

Are you sure?

Then their base

must be somewhere

around the eastern border!

I can narrow it down

from there. No problem!

I'll try as hard as I can to

calculate Tartaros' route!

I promise that I won't

let you guys down!


All right!

[JET, Droy]

You can do this, Levy!

Now Happy, try to remember

everything you saw on your

way back here. Like landmarks,

and the position of the sun.


Kay, I'll try.

Everyone else, prepare

for the fight of your lives!



I'm a coward. Natsu needed

me and I left him behind.

That isn't true. You did your

very best to make sure we get

him back, everyone knows that.







Hey, you're all right!

Wait, where's Lisanna?

My surprise for Fairy Tail.

It'll be delivered very soon.

Would this be that

poetic conclusion

you told me about earlier? Good.

Yes. [chuckles]

They'll be destroyed

before long.

And by one of their own.

Hey man, you and

Lisanna get split up?

You had us worried

for a minute there.

Nobody had heard from you.


Lisanna's gone.

Captured by Tartaros.


No way.

They have her, too?


They got to Master Yuri first.

They were waiting.


I failed.

I don't know what

else I coulda done.

Don't worry,

we'll get her back.

Elfman, we're already planning

an as*ault on Tartaros' base.

Lisanna's one of the

toughest girls I know.

She'll be okay until then.



Stop tryin' to comfort him!

What kind of man would let these

monsters take his sister away?

Cana, stop!

I... I tried to help her, but...


But what? They outran you?

Like I'd buy that.

You transform into animals!

Hey! Get back here, coward!

That's enough, Cana! Lay off.


No, I deserve it.

Forgive me, I just

need to get some rest.

This is wrong.

We never turn on each other.

Have you ever heard of

this thing called sympathy?

[CANA grunts]

[SEILAH] You can do as I say,

or I can make you wrap

your hand around your

sister's throat again.

Your task is both simple

and unforgivable.

Return to your Guildhall and

place this Lacrima

anywhere inside it.

Why? What will it do?

[SEILAH] It will emit a vast

amount of concentrated ether.

Imagine a Jupiter Blast,

times five hundred.

Don't worry, your guild

mates' deaths will be swift.

I won't do it!

You can't make me!

Shall I have you k*ll

your sister, then?




You've no choice.

My curse is absolute.



If you'll let Lisanna go,

I'll do anything.

Anything you say, even destroy

the guild that raised me.

[LUCY] Natsu, Erza, Mirajane,

and Lisanna have been captured.

Elfman is under

Seilah's control.

Franmalth and Crawford begin to

search in earnest for Jellal.

Oblivious to threats unseen,

Jellal continues his desperate

battle against the Oracion Seis.

We stumble through these broken

paths to nowhere, with no idea

that they're about to intersect.

Next Time: Tartaros Chapter -

A Place Reached by Prayer

If you want the truth,

then look into those eyes.
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