07x234 - Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – The Nine Demon Gates

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x234 - Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – The Nine Demon Gates

Post by bunniefuu »


E.N.D.? Tell me more.


He's from the Book of Zeref.

Apparently my old man, Igneel,

tried to take him

down way back when.

Zeref, you say?

I haven't heard that

name in a tree's age.

I've been trying to find Igneel

ever since he disappeared.

I thought if I found

out more about E.N.D.,

it might lead me to him.

Atlas Flame told us

there was history

between Igneel and the demon.

[WARROD] Hmm. Sorry,

but I don't know anything.

However, there might

be a connection

between this E.N.D.

character and Tartaros.

They're an eerie group of

wizards, shrouded in secrecy.

No one knows how many

members they have,

or where their guild is located.

But I've heard

stories from people

claiming to have stumbled

on their gatherings.

And all of them came to the

exact same conclusion.

The Tartaros rituals are

for worshipping demons.

[GRAY grunts]

Now we don't know for certain,

but the Four Emperors of

Ishgar have a grim suspicion.

We believe Tartaros may

be in the possession

of a demon from

the Book of Zeref.

You're kidding! A guild

with a demon? Creepy!

If that's true, it could be

the one we're lookin' for!


So tusk face was involved.

I knew I was onto somethin'.

[NATSU growls]

[SILVER] Home sweet home.

As grey and lifeless as always.

No matter how many

times I see it,

it always makes me shiver.

I'm sure you've heard.

Fairy Tail won the

Grand Magic Games.

Tenacious fools.

This proves their Tenrou Team

had way too much

power to begin with!

[LOEWEN] They certainly know

how to attract attention.


Too much attention.

Their victory made them

more admired than ever.

I think we should consider

banning the tournament!

[NOCRA] It's the most popular

magic related event

in the Fiore Kingdom, and you

think we should take it away?

[tap, tap]

Enough. Back to business.

We're here to discuss Tartaros,

and the growing

threat they represent.




As I'm sure you're aware,

seven dark guilds we thought

were affiliated with Tartaros

have been wiped out over

the past several days.

We don't know why or

who's responsible.

But it's certainly an

unwelcome favor.

If a legitimate guild

is behind this,

Tartaros may already be

planning to strike back.

[LOEWEN] Could it be,

oh, what's their name?

That small band of

dark guild hunters.

Do you mean Crime Sorcière?

Perhaps, but this move

seems too bold.

I wouldn't put it past those

contemptible Fairies

to pull off something like this.

They have always favored

flexing their muscles

over using their brains.


Should we just adopt the policy

of blaming Fairy Tail

every time there's a crisis?

That sounds lazy to me.


Are you saying that they're

above suspicion, Master Org?

Not quite. I merely suggest

that we keep an open mind.

What if Tataros

itself is to blame?

They could be taking

over their branch guilds

for a purpose we

have yet to consider.

And that would be?

Not sure, but there are

many plausible reasons.

They could be reinforcing

their own numbers,

or purging all of their

low-level personnel.


[SID] So they're

cannibalizing their allies?

[LEIJI] Quite the

brilliant strategy.

[LOEWEN] Tartaros is

more than ready for w*r.

They have no need

for additional forces.

[BABARAKI] Has old age finally

caught up with your mind?

Not so fast. I think Master

Org's theory has merit.




Whatever the truth,

we've put off this

problem far too long.

It's time we dealt with it.

We don't know as

much as I would like,

but if we can crush Tartaros,

the Baram Alliance will

certainly disappear.

I propose that we employ the

full power of the Council

to remove this blight

from the face of Fiore.







It's about time they had a

fire lit under their asses.

We might be one Etherion blast

away from a lasting peace.

At this rate,

the Baram Alliance and their

guilds will be gone for good.

--[door opens]


There's an emergency situation!



What's the fuss about?

You Fool! This better

be important!

[MESSENGER A] I'm terribly

sorry, but there's an intruder!

[ORG grunts]

[CROWD murmurs]


[CROWD murmurs]

[DORANBOLT groans]

My head. Hey,

what just happened?

[groans] Get up.

This is serious!

Come on, I'm not

doin' this solo.

Wake up! Lahar!

My god. He's dead.


[whimpers] No way.

Hello? Is anyone alive?

[DORANBOLT yelps, groans]




Uh... Uh! Master Org!

We're not out of danger!

[ORG groans]


You can't be alive.

k*lling all of you

was the whole point.

Your pals played along, but I

guess you need some convincing.


Damn you!


Doranbolt. Run away!

[DORANBOLT grunts]

I can't do that!

There's no reason for you

to die with the rest of us.

Hate to burst your bubble,

but there's no running

from my explosions.


Leave! Do it now!

[DORANBOLT groans]

The name's Jackal, by the way.

One of the Nine Demon

Gates of Tartaros.

Tell that to your

friends in hell.

They should know the name of

the man who slaughtered them.

Tell them I enjoyed it.

[ORG groans] Live! Find

what justice means to you,

and defend it to the end.

That's an order!

[JACKAL chuckles]


Master Org!

[CROWD screams]



Hey, Mira, could you bring

me a pint of the good stuff?

Better make that a double.

Coming right up!


It's the middle of the day, Dad!


Wanna tell me why you're

eyein' my sister

like that, Warren?

Elfman, you gotta calm down!

[MAKAROV] Hmm. Minerva's fallen

pretty far, hasn't she?



What about her father?

He was Sabertooth's

former master, as I recall.

He hasn't been seen or

heard from since the tournament.


No loss there.

Sting is a much better master

than that old crank ever was.

It must be awesome to have

such a hot, young hunk

for a guildmaster!

Ain't that the truth, sister.

I should probably make sure

the Council knows Sabertooth

is under new management.

[ERZA] I plan to contact Sting,

as well, once things slow down.

I have a surprise for

you, my darling Gray!



Something warm for

you to munch on!



I call them Graybuns!

Well, they do look pretty tasty,

but it would feel weird

to gnaw on my own face.

I thought you'd say that.

Guess I'll keep all the

Graybuns for myself.

Which means you get to

enjoy these hot Juvibuns!


You set me up!

Did I miss something?

I could have sworn he already

gave Juvia a clear-cut answer

in the form of a 'No'.

I don't think she accepted it.

[chomp] Pretty good!

[JUVIA screams]

Oh yeah! It tastes super manly!

You have an amazing talent

for saying the wrong thing.

This is awful!

Not only did another man

get a mouthful of my buns,

he said they tasted

like masculinity!

You went through

all the trouble.

I might as well eat one.

Oh, my darling! That's a--


[GRAY grunts]

I found something.



It's about E.N.D. Apparently,

he's a super demon.

Compared to Lullaby and Deliora,

he's on a different

level altogether.

It really is the most powerful

Demon from the Book of Zeref.

So, how do we beat it?

No clue. I'm not even sure what

the Book of Zeref really is.

Don't look at me.

Zeref created demons.

They're pure evil.

After he was done,

he committed the spells for

summoning them into those books.

[HAPPY] So if someone

got their hands on one,

they could summon a demon

just by reading them?

[CARLA] Yes, and each demon

has a book dedicated to it.

So, there's a chance

Tartaros has one of 'em.

I'd bet it's Probably the one

for summoning E.N.D.

Also, there's the fact Igneel

tried to take the

creep out before.

Yeah. I figured it out.

Huh? Figured what out?

We gotta take the

fight to Tartaros!

Count me in!


You're both brain dead!

Besides, there is way too

much we don't know about

their guild yet. We don't

even know where they are.

Let alone how many creep-tastic

demons they'll

be throwing our way. Just how

do you plan to take it to them?

I don't know. Still, it might

get us closer to finding Igneel.


That's true, and Grandeeney.

Who knows, maybe Metalicana has

somethin' to do with this, too.

[door opens]

Listen up, everybody!

I've got horrible news!



--[ERZA] Uh...




--[WENDY] Uh!

--[GAJEEL] Hm.

[LUCY gasps]

And here I was startin' to get

lonely. What a sweetheart.

I assume you heard what

happened upstairs.

Don't be stupid.

You know I can't use

magic inside this cell.

That said, it was hard not

to notice the explosions.

You're telling me everything

you know about Tartaros.

Is that so?

I don't talk for free.

But you'll get what you want,

if you release the seis.

[DORANBOLT] I don't have

that kind of authority.

Then I suggest that you go

and talk to someone who does.

[DORANBOLT growls]

[DORANBOLT] The Council

members. They're all dead.



Hm. Sounds like they got

you pretty good.

I lost a friend today.

I'm not in the mood for

games, understand?

I'll give you just one more

chance. Talk or die here.

[COBRA] Hmph. Not until you

release the Oracion Seis.

You're not the only

one with friends.

[DORANBOLT growls]

[COBRA] Tell you what. I'll give

you a little tip, on the house.

[KYOKA gasps]

It's been a while, Silver.

Looking good, Kyoka.

I'm digging the evil entourage.

[KYOKA] I'm surprised

you came in human form.


Manly, isn't it? Suits me.

[KYOKA] Any sign of

Jackal or Tempester yet?


They're too busy

stirrin' up trouble for the

council. He, he, he, he.

So, the operation has already

begun in earnest, has it?

Very well, let's show the humans

the power of the netherworld,

and the hell the Nine Demon

Gates can unleash.

[COBRA] No one in Tartaros

is remotely human.

They're all demons.

From the Book of Zeref.



Their master's name is E.N.D.

The most powerful demon

there's ever been.

[laughs] Sounds like

Jackal went all out!

The poor fools didn't even know

what hit them! Ha, ha, ha!

How much are the council

members lives worth?

Ohh, I'm droolin' at

the thought of it!


Enough, Franmalth.

Quit laughing like

a damn banshee.

It makes us look like

undignified animals.

[EZEL] Demons got no

business being dignified!

Let me take the next

shot at them, Kyoka!

I got a fever, and the only

cure is making corpses!

Don't forget, all stories have

an order to them, Ezel.

This one has just begun.

In fact, one could say

this is merely the prologue.

Precisely. Just calm down, Ezel.

You'll have a task all to

yourself soon enough.

Fine. But don't make

me wait much longer!

Jackal and Tempester

shouldn't get all the fun!



[KEYES] Netherworld,

we beseech thee.

Grant us your dark blessings

that we may serve you.

[KYOKA] And may our lord,

Zeref, be pleased.



[KYOKA] All that we do,

we do for him. Our creator.

Now, then, let's pay

humanity a visit.

[CROWD chatting]

[YAJIMA sighs]

It's such a terrible tragedy.

So hard to believe it's true.

I heard all nine of the council

members were k*lled instantly.


That's not the half of it.

There were one hundred

nineteen other casualties.

A truly dark day.


Guess it's a good thing

you quit the Council

when you did.

Shame on you! Have some

respect for the dead!

We do. We're just glad you

weren't there with them.

Oh, well. I guess

I should've known.

Something was bound to

happen in Era eventually.

You think? But why?


Because of what it represents.

Era serves as headquarters

for the Magic Council.

Making it a symbol that holds

all the legitimate guilds, and,

by extension, the

wizards, together.

Being a council member means

you share part of that symbol,

and the responsibilities

that come with it.

I did everything I could

to serve the people.

But as you are aware, the

council was far from perfect.

It's no secret that

it was plagued

with administration problems.

Jellal being one of

the most prevalent.

Between their occasional

lapses in judgment,

and the sheer number

of overbearing policies,

I never found a chance

to really make my mark.

When I finally quit the Council

and opened up my restaurant,

I was actually relieved.

It felt like a great weight had

been lifted from my shoulders.


As it should.

[YAJIMA] Indeed, a weight

had been lifted, but...

You still had some

doubts, right?

I couldn't shake the feeling

that we were heading

towards calamity.

Authority will always give

rise to strong opposition,

it's the way of the world.

And Considering the Council's

utterly uncompromising nature,

it was only a matter of

time before a bad decision

ticked off the wrong

kind of people.

But this mess...

I never could have predicted.




Okay, that's it.

I know the place is empty,

but that doesn't mean

you don't have to work!

Yeah, well. That uniform

doesn't work for you.


You're the reason

I'm wearing it!

Jerks. Sheesh.

Ever since we won the games,

you've done nothing but complain

about all the heavy-duty

jobs we've had.

That's why we're

working in this dump.

You know, you could

at least pretend

to care that I'm

right in front of you.

[FRIED] Preparing food

happens to be my specialty.

[BIXLOW] And serving food

is my specialty, baby!


Serve it up!

[EVERGREEN] Well, I suppose,

being sexy is my specialty.

Anyway. Why isn't Loxus

back with the supplies yet?

It's been hours.

Five Jewel says

he lost his way.

He's able to defeat an army,

but falls to menial tasks.

--[door creaks]


Speak of the devil!



[YAJIMA screams]

[BIXLOW screams]

[EVERGREEN screams]


[YAJIMA gasps]

What is this guy?

Yajima, no!

[FRIED groans]




[YAJIMA screams]

Mr. Yajima!

Fairy Machine g*n! Leprechaun!

You're helpless.

[CROWD shouting]

[EVERGREEN groaning]


He creamed us.

[YAJIMA stammers]

Who the hell are you?


I have no name.

Though humans have

a word for me.

They call me disaster.

A force of nature.

[BIXLOW groaning] What's with

his magic? I can't move!

And he's barely even touched us.


The netherworld gate has opened.

--Humanity will be judged.

--[YAJIMA groaning]

Netherworld gate?

He's from Tartaros,

no doubt about it.

[FRIED] So, that means...

It wasn't just the nine.

They're going after former

members of the Council as well.

But why? What could

Tartaros be after?

Say your prayers.

Let him go!


Too late.

[YAJIMA screams]


[STRANGER growls]









[LAXUS] Those are my

pals you're messin' with.

If you thought you're

getting away with this,

you're in for a real shock.

[LUCY] Someone from Tartaros

calling himself "Disaster"

att*cked our friend Yajima, a

former member of the Council.

He over-powered the

Thunder Legion,

but now he has to deal

with a ticked off Laxus.

It doesn't matter who

we're up against,

Fairy Tail will fight anyone

that hurts our members.

Even if they're demons!

As the rubble starts to fall,

our fury begins to rise!

Next time!

Tartaros Chapter, Prologue

- Fairies vs. Netherworld!

Then again, Laxus has

enough fury for all of us.
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