07x233 - Song of the Fairies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x233 - Song of the Fairies

Post by bunniefuu »


Previously, Natsu and Gray

gave everything they had to

free the Village of the Sun.

At last, the frozen

Eternal Flame

was restored to its full glory,

and turned out to be the fiery

dragon, Atlas Flame.

In order to give

the weakened dragon

a tangible form, Wendy

used the Milky Way spell

that had been passed down

to her from Grandeenah.

With his strength returned,

Atlas Flame melted

the mysterious ice that

had covered the village,

and its people, for so long.

[WENDY] There's no trace

left of Atlas Flame.

He gave everything

to save the village.

[LUCY] To think that just a

fragment of his spirit could

be so powerful. He even created

a brand new Eternal Flame.

[NARRATOR] Before his passing,

the dragon told Natsu

of Igneel's failed attempt

to slay E.N.D.,

the strongest of Zeref's

demons, four hundred years ago.

[NATSU] So Igneel was tryin' to

take out a demon called E.N.D.?

Never heard of it.

I wonder what made

Atlas Flame think of that?


Who knows?

[NARRATOR] With this

latest job behind them,

the group prepares to head home.

But elsewhere, a mysterious

force begins to take action.


Excuse me, sir.

You've been ordered to

return to Headquarters

as soon as possible.


You go and tell headquarters

that I'm busy paying

my respects.


My deepest apologies, Sir.

But each of the Nine Demon Gates

have been summoned

to this meeting.

Forgive my insubordinance,

but, Sir, I...

...I'm begging you!

Obey the order, please!

[SILVER] What's with

the trembling, friend?

Scared I'm gonna eat your soul?

[MESSENGER A stammers]




You can put your fears to rest.

I only feast on the

souls of demons.




They're getting along well.

[GIANT A] We owe you

little people big time!

[GRAY] We're just happy

that we could help out.


Little people?


I guess that would put you

in an even smaller

category, Wendy.

[GIANTS laughing]

[HAPPY, NATSU laugh]

'Scuse me.

But what exactly

happened to you?

[GIANT A] Honestly,

I can't really remember

much of anything.

We were told that some

demon slaying ice wizard

raided the village.

Yeah! I remember grabbing my

w*apon to help fend him off.

Everything's a blur after that.



According to Atlas Flame,

the ice wizard confused him

for a raging fire demon,

and came to take him out.

So the whole village

suffered because of

a case of mistaken identity?

That's far from uplifting.

No doubt. And I got

a feeling we've only

scratched the surface

of this thing.

The Succubus Eye creep

told me somethin'.

The netherworld gate

just busted wide open.

All thanks to you.



You'll realize the

consequences soon enough.

There's no turning back.

The netherworld gate?

That's Tartaros!

[LUCY whimpers]

I think someone from Tartaros

was behind this from the get-go.

The fact that Succubus Eye

came here proves that.

They were sent

to keep it frozen.

So freezing the whole village

wasn't about extinguishing

Atlas Flame?

It's possible, but it's all just

speculation at this point.

Who cares? We finished

the job, so let's party!

Party hardy!

Has anyone seen Flare?

[ERZA grunts]



Uh! So, uh, what's with

the hide and seek?


Hello? Earthland to Flare!

[GIANT A growls]

--Did someone say "Flare"?

--[HAPPY, NATSU scream]

Did she really come back?

Hey, come on.

They're waitin' on ya.

You're finally home.

You should be happy!

Listen. I abandoned the village.

I ran and never looked back.

They hate me.

[LUCY] That's not true!

Just look at those smiles!

Never mind.




It's been a long time.

I hardly recognize you.


You might still be tiny,

but it's obvious you've grown.


U-Uh... Uh.

So, what was it like

in the outside world?




I-It, was a lot of fun.

But, it was also

full of hardships.

[GIANTS chuckle]

[HAPPY, NATSU laugh]

You'll find that's the

same wherever you go.

It's one thing we

have in common.



[GIANT G] You can come

and go as you please.

Just remember, that

wherever you end up...

[GIANT E] ...You'll

always have a home here.


That's right.

Now then. There's

one thing left.

Something we've all been

waiting to say to you.



Daughter. you've

finally come home.

[FLARE cries]


I'm home.

[HAPPY, NATSU laugh]





[WENDY laughs]

[GIANTS laugh]

[FLARE laughs]

[LUCY] I'd never seen Flare

smile like that before!

Her joy was so boundless,

I couldn't help but share in it.

[ALL laughing]

[LUCY] That night,

we partied with the big people.

Our songs and laughter

filled the village

until the sun came up.

It was enough to make us forget

all the doom and

gloom from before.


Succubus Eye.


Demon Slayers.

The Books of Zeref.

And... Tartaros.

[MINERVA] This is not

how I left the place.

I don't see any bodies.

Perhaps everyone

left the guildhall?

So strange.

What are these things?


Your Guild mates.

[MINERVA gasps]

Who's there?

[KYOKA] I tried to enhance

them with my curses.

Who are you?

[KYOKA] Sadly, most of them

were too weak to be enhanced.

Those are all that's

left of them.

I am called Kyoka.

One of the Nine Demon

Gates of Tartaros.

Why would you do this?

Tartaros must know we lost

the Village of the Sun.

That's the only explanation.

I had expected punishment

for our failure,

but I don't think we deserved

this kind of butchery.

I don't know what you mean.

Your jobs are your own business.

[MINERVA] Uh?! Tartaros didn't

order us to the village?

Was it a private

request from Silver?

My only concern

is enhancement.

I seek out anyone

that is worthy.

w*r is coming.

My master needs all

the troops he can find.

That is where I come in.

I'm something of a recruiter.

It must be difficult

to form an army

when you m*ssacre your troops.

You're not much of

a recruiter, are you?

I have no need for those

unfit for enhancement.

[MINERVA gasps]

Let's see if you fare

otherwise, shall we?


No. Stay back!

[MINERVA screams]


[GROUP sighs]

Getting to the village

was a total breeze.

Going home is a different story.

Warrod's magic was much

better than walking.

I didn't think anything could

move that quickly.

Consider this training.

Besides, we get to

enjoy the scenery.

We should hurry though.

I can't wait to see

Warrod's face when he hears

we saved the village.


The thought of a huge reward

completely slipped your mind.

[LUCY laughs]




See you later!


Visit again anytime!



Thanks, Blondie. For everything.

[LUCY laughs]

Somethin' funny? Or are you

just going crazy over there?


I can't see her face,

but I think she finally

lost her mind.

[ERZA] Okay, that's

enough rest. Let's go!

[ALL BUT ERZA groan]

Hold on. Something's fishy here.

What do you mean?

Smell somethin'?

I just can't remember what

we're getting paid for this job.

Huh. That's weird,

neither can I.

Don't worry.

Warrod's a Wizard Saint,

he must be rollin' in Jewel,

and I'd be happy

to lighten the load.

I don't care about the money.

The sense of pride

in our accomplishment

is reward enough for me.

[NATSU] Someone's feelin'



Holier than thou, much?

[ERZA] I'm sorry.

Did you say something?


It was Lucy!


Don't drag me into this!

[WARROD laughs]

There wasn't a doubt in my bark

that you kids would

be up to the task!

Well done, everyone!

Well done, indeed!

We hardly broke a sweat.

It was our privilege to help the

villagers and to serve you,

Sir Warrod. You honor all of us.

Oh yeah, what happened to

the treasure hunting creeps?

I sent them off in grand style.


We also found out Tartaros

may have frozen the village.

[WARROD] Is that so?

Well, we can let the Council

worry about investigating

that sorry lot. For now,

there are more important

matters. Like your reward.

We are getting paid!

Well, we did complete

the task. Why wouldn't we?



Thank you. Uh...

Remember, small potatoes

are better than none!


Don't worry, I wouldn't

do that to you!

[NATSU chuckles]

I hope not.

[GRAY chuckles]

Before I forget. The potato

set me back a few jewel,

so I took it out

of your pay.

[GRAY, NATSU growl]


You think you're funny old man?


I've got a joke for ya!


This feels amazing.


And so is the view.


What a reward.

Oh, yeah. This is

everything I needed.

[ERZA] I have to hand

it to Sir Warrod,

this hidden hot

spring is top notch.


I'll say.

By the time we're done here,

we should all be glowing.



It's hard to beat a good

soak after a long journey,

that's for sure.

I would have to agree.


It's the perfect way to soothe

our bodies and focus our minds.

[ALL sigh]


I'm getting hungry.


Yeah. Should we go?


Yes, and soon.

Before the tomcat

and the meathead

eat everything in sight.


I don't like to brag,

but I know my way

around a bar-b-q.

[NATSU, GRAY] No kidding,

old man. This is amazing!


Thanks for the noms!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I knew you were

eating without us!

Now that I smell the food,

I don't blame them.

What a delectable aroma!


I'm happy you could join us!

I have some drinks here,

if you're thirsty.

[ERZA] My apologies, Sir!

I'm so embarrassed.

I should have done that for you.


Nonsense! You're my guests.

I'm happy to do it myself!

Please, have as much

as you can drink!

Thank you! I bet it's delicious.

It smells like a forest.

These little trees are

actually growing out of it!

So, question...

Why I am the only one

with a mushroom

coming out of their cup?

Do you have something

against mushrooms, Happy?


What's in this stuff?

No offense, but it smells

like dead leaves.

It's a special blend of

medicinal herb tea.

It's great for relieving stress,

and even helps you stay regular.

It took me a long

time to perfect,

and it's my great pleasure

to share it with you.


Down the hatch.


You kids'll believe

anything, won't you?

[GROUP groaning]

[WARROD] Well, the part

about relieving stress

was true, at least.

[LUCY gulp]

Gross. I've tasted better

brew from a sewer.

That's quite some tea.

It's delicious. Thanks.

You've been real

stressed out lately,

you can take the rest

of mine. Drink up!

What are you talkin' about?

You're the one that

needs to chill, dude.

Don't be shy, drink it all.

Knock it off!

You're being impolite!

Then you can have it.



[WARROD chuckles]




Spending time with guild mates

can be such a

wonderful experience.

I must admit,

I'm feeling nostalgic.



That's sweet, but since

when are we guild mates?

--[WARROD] Ha!

--[LUCY] Uh...

So sorry about that. I was sure

Mahkarov already told you.



I was a part of Fairy Tail

from the very beginning.

Right alongside Mavis, and

the other founding members.

You could even say I'm

your senior's senior.







[NATSU gasps]


[HAPPY] That makes you

as old as the first master!


That is what he just said.

I see. So that's why...

You'll go.

And while you're out

there, you'll behave

to the best that your feeble

little minds are able.

[LUCY] I was wondering why

gramps was so uptight

when he's a Wizard Saint, too.

Now it makes sense!

I was just--

No! Don't say it!

Telling you the truth.

[GRAY groans]


I see.

That's why you asked for

Natsu and Gray by name.


Mm-hmm. Exactly!

You have the smell of the

guild's old trees on you.

As soon as you walked

into my home,

I knew you were my companions.

[ERZA, GRAY, NATSU chuckle]

Actually, that one was a joke.



We're not making

much progress here.

Meeting a new generation of

fairies has been inspiring.

You truly embody the

spirit of harmony.

The kind of harmony

Mavis talked about.



[WARROD] She dreamed of a

wizard guild bound not by blood,

but by the souls of its members.

That is Fairy Tail.

The foundation she laid

for our guild is so strong,

her spirit lives

on in your hearts.

I'm not saying this because

you completed the job.

I could feel it the moment

you walked into my home.

[WARROD chuckles]

Mavis told me something once.

"A comrade is much

more than just a word.

A comrade lives in your heart!

Someone you can trust


[NATSU sighs]

I want you to feel like

you can rely on me.

Because, one day, I'll need you.

And our trust in each other

will see us through.

[MAVIS] Whenever you're

suffering, whenever you're sad,

I'll be there to make

sure you remember

that you never have

to face it alone.


We have as many hopes and dreams

as there are stars

in the sky. If we walk

toward the future together,

I know we'll reach them.

Now, let us move forward.

Forever in tune with

the song of the fairies.

[LUCY] I never thought I'd hear

Fairy Tail's founding words.

Mavis was truly incredible.

So, let me get

one thing straight.

You're more gramps

than gramps aren't ya?

Can you be polite

for two seconds?

Look, I'm not tryin'

to be rude here.

I was just thinking that,

since you're really old.

You might know something

about this demon.

It's called E.N.D.


E.N.D.? Tell me more.

[NATSU] He's from the Book of

Zeref. Apparently, my old man,

Igneel, tried to take

him down way back when.

Zeref, you say?

I haven't heard that

name in a tree's age.

I've been trying to find Igneel

ever since he disappeared.

I thought if I found out

more about E.N.D.,

it might lead me to him.

Atlas Flame told us

there was history

between Igneel

and the demon.

[WARROD] Hmm. Sorry,

but I don't know anything.

However, there might

be a connection

between this E.N.D.

character and Tartaros.

They're an eerie group of

wizards, shrouded in secrecy.

No one knows how many

members they have,

or where their guild is located.

But I've heard

stories from people

claiming to have stumbled

upon their gatherings.

And all of them came to

the exact same conclusion.

The Tartaros rituals are

for worshipping demons.

[GRAY grunts]

[WARROD] Now we don't

know for certain,

but the Four Emperors of

Ishgar have a grim suspicion.

We believe Tartaros

may be in possession

of a demon from

the Book of Zeref.

You're kidding!

A guild with a demon?


If that's true,

it could be the one

we're lookin' for!


So tusk face was involved.

I knew I was onto something.

[NATSU growls]

This sucks! Ah!

We can't do anything about it!

We don't even know

where they are!

If I get my hands on

one of those freaks,

I'll thrash 'em around till

they tell me everything!

--[HAPPY, CARLA scream]

--[NATSU] Like this! And this!



[NATSU] Tartaros won't

know what hit 'em!

Natsu. Look down.


[ERZA growls]

[NATSU whimpers]

[NATSU screams]

[LUCY] Our group returns to the

guild after a job well done.

For the first time in awhile,

things are actually

pretty peaceful.

But the shadow of Tartaros,

the demon worshipping dark

guild, looms overhead.

And threatens to

ruin that peace.

Then, in a shocking

turn of events,

we find out that

Tartaros might be

even closer to home

than we realized.

Next time!

Tartaros Chapter, Prologue -

The Nine Demon Gates!

The netherworld gate has opened.
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