07x230 - The Demon Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x230 - The Demon Returns

Post by bunniefuu »


The colossal residents

of the Village of the Sun

stand frozen in place

by some unknown magic.

Our heroes came

hoping to save them,

but faced resistance

from Sylph Labyrinth,

a treasure-hunting guild,

that seeks to take the village's

Eternal Flame for itself.


You're up, Wendy!


Split off from their allies,

both Natsu and Erza have been

transformed into children

by Doriate's Art of Regression.


Why do I feel bite-sized?


Erza then found herself

face-to-face with Minerva,

an old foe from the

Grand Magic Games.


This has been a good chat, Erza.

Now how about a rematch?

Though I doubt you can do much

more than cry in your state.

This sudden change. You're the

one who caused it, aren't you?


Oh, no.

You can thank my partner

in crime for that one.

I have to admit, the underworld

has some intriguing magic.

So your little band

of thieves've got

a wizard after all, huh?

[DORIATE] I already told

you, I'm not a thief.

What's wrong, are you too afraid

to face me in a fair fight?

You'll recall that I was

never much for fairness.

But the underworld has

really expanded my horizons.

Prepare yourself.

And this isn't some

trivial competition, Erza,

it's a fight to the death.

Nothing can save you.

I will have revenge.


Ya got some cheap moves!

But, so do I!



[NATSU screaming]

[NATSU grunts]



Aw, man! Things

just got way worse!




What's worse?


Blast! He got away!

[NARRATOR] Natsu made his escape

and now races through the forest

in search of a familiar voice.


Got a voice to find!

I'll deal with you

when I'm big again!

--[g*n sh*ts]

--[LUCY gasps]

[DRAKE] Sorry, that

was just my little way

of letting you know

you're outnumbered.

Care to beg for your lives?

[WENDY grunts]

[WENDY yelps, grunts]

[WENDY gasps]

Wendy, no!



[WENDY yelps]

[LUCY gasps]

[NARRATOR] Wendy and Lucy were

ambushed by Sylph Labyrinth,

and might have perished but for

Flare's timely intervention.

Why has Succubus Eye

sent Minerva

to the Village of the Sun?

The mysterious voice

that Natsu searches for,

to whom does it belong?

A friend in need?

Or a foe in waiting?

The people of that village

are in dire need of help.

They must be restored.

That is why I called on you.

Break the curse of ice.

That is your task.

No problem! I'll just

melt the stuff!

Those folks are gonna be

nice and toasty real soon!

If that's all you needed, then

why did ya ask for both of us?

Because, this ice

is far from ordinary.

It will take more than

fire alone to melt it.


[NATSU panting]

Where, was, that voice?

I know I heard it

somewhere near here,

but it's too quiet

to narrow down!

[NATSU yelps]

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU yells]

I feel like I've completely

forgotten how to run, dang it.

This sucks.

Wonder how long it'll be

before the spell wears off.

What if it won't end

until I beat him?

This is such a hassle.

[NATSU] Ahh! I don't

have time for his crap!

I'm goin' after that voice!

It's gotta be important somehow.

[BOTH yelping]



[BOTH gasp]

[BOTH grunt]


You saved us!

Yeah, uh, thanks.

Don't remember this redhead.

Guess they called for backup.

I gotta say, your

timing is incredible!

We're glad for the help

and all but why are you here?

Well, obviously,

I'm following you.


Didn't you know?

I'm always following you.




[LUCY growls]


I've been feeling

so lost lately.

Homesick. So, I came back here.

Are you saying you lived here?


Yes. This is where I grew up.

The giants took me in.

Raised me. Let me bear

the symbol of their village.

That's amazing. You were

raised by giants, seriously?

No way!

They found me by myself

in the forest when I was little.

They gave me a home

and protected me.

I couldn't do the same for them.

So I must avenge them.

Not that we care

what'cha think of us,

but we had nothin'

to do with it!

We're not here to screw

with any giants.

We just wanna nab that

Sacred Flame of theirs.

That's every bit as wrong!

The Eternal Flame isn't

some trinket you can steal,

it's the divine protector

of this village!

I won't let anyone defile it!

[FLARE yells]

She can stretch her hair?

Lemme trim it back!


Open. Gate of the Giant Crab!


--[door bell rings]

I got all your hair

care on lock, baby!

You need my Scalp

Stimulating Shampoo!


What're you doing to me?

Just gettin' a rise

outta those follicles.

Thanks, Blondie.

We're here to save those giants!

So, why don't we work together?



Now, I'm ready!



[HIROSHI grunts]


Sky Dragon Talon!

[RALA grunts]

Stupid wenches!

[LUCY grunting]

Not good!

Okay. Open, Gate of the Archer!


[door bell rings]

[horse whinnying]

I'm raring for battle!



Damnit! Why. Won't. You. Die?


As long as he's keeping

that guy distracted,

I might as well.

--Open, Gate of the Maiden!

--[door bell rings]


How may I service you, Princess?

I need you to dig

behind that sn*per guy

and whack him while he's

focused on Sagittarius.


An inspiring stratagem.

Up, up and away!


--[VIRGO yelps]

Uh. You okay, Virgo?

I'm unscathed,

but so's the ground.

But why?


It would seem that this ice

is protected by some sort

of magic. I can't pierce it.

Care to spank me?

[SAGITTARIUS groaning]

Apologies, Lucy. Toodle loo!

Sagittarius, no!

You really shouldn't


the power of technology.

When it comes to sh**ting fast,

a good r*fle just can't be beat.

[LUCY grunts]

Hair Shower Wolf Fang!


Don't matter how ya style it.

Hair won't win against steel!

Told ya!

This hair's my pride!

It was bestowed upon me

by the Eternal Flame!

And it's never let me down!

Hair Shower Firefly Spark!

Firefly? What the heck

are you up to?

[HIROSHI grunting]


--[WENDY yells]

--[RALA groans]

[grunts] I'll make you cry

like a little girl, ya dig?



Go ahead, squirm away! Only a

super man could break that grip!


Wendy, I'm coming!

No, you're not!

[LUCY yelps]

I've gotta help her!

Uh! What's with my hair?

[HIROSHI laughing]

Gotcha where I want ya, now!

On a nice, tight leash!

Ya like that?

I think tied up is a pretty

fitting look for you, myself.

Seems like we're startin'

to wrap this up.

[WENDY grunting]

[LUCY grunts]


Sylph Labyrinth wins again!

You wizards were

always so cocky.

But, now you see where

the real power lies.

Maybe if you'd spent another

ten years on training,

you'd have stood a chance,

but I have my doubts.

Girls just aren't

meant for fighting.

Ha. They aren't even meant to

leave the kitchen if you ask me.

[HIROSHI laughing]

Well? Squirm in pain

if you agree!

I think this one agrees!

Ya see how much she's squirming?

Watch her go!

[LUCY chuckles]



[chuckles] You guys're

just as dumb as you look.

I've no issue with kitchens,

or squirming for that matter.

[WENDY exhales]

[FLARE chuckles]

[LUCY] You'd need to train

another hundred years,

to stand a chance against us!

Grant the stalwart might

to cleave the heavens--Arms!

You know that tying up my hair

doesn't make it less powerful.

Wait, for real? I was

positive that would work!

[HIROSHI grunting]

I can't lose, I'm a--


A sexist pig?

Awesome timing!

--[LOKE] Of course, gorgeous!

--[DRAKE screaming]

Sky Dragon Wing Attack!

[RALA yelling]

Hair Shower Thousand Birds!

[HIROSHI grunting]

[DRAKE screaming]

Now! Lucy Kick!

I'd like to offer

a Virgo kick as well.

--[DRAKE yelps]

--[LUCY, VIRGO yelling]





Solved that problem!




Don't you find it a bit ironic

that you and I are the ones

stuck herding cats on this team?

Natsu would've never run off

if he didn't think

it was important.

Right, because some random voice

he heard through a puddle is--

Uh! Come, quickly!

[HAPPY yelping]


Uh. I'm ready, Carla,

but are you sure

this is the place?


Shh! Look up.


Uh? Whoa!



[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

[ERZA] You said that this

would be a fight to the death.

Do you truly mean that?

When I take revenge,

I don't leave survivors.

That's how people end up

in the situation you're in.

It's not too late for you

to change your mind, Minerva.

Good people still

care about you!

You've kept me talking

for quite some time, Erza.

Too bad no one came to help you.

[ERZA gasps]


[ERZA yelps]

Well, look at that.

Six hits in and you're

already on your knees!

[ERZA screams]

[NATSU yelling]

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU yelps]

I can do this, I can do

this, I can do this! Yes!

Why can't this stupid voice

just meet me halfway?

[NATSU yelling]

I'd thought, when I came back,

I would be happier.

Wait, so they took you in,

even though you were

just a tiny human?


They did.

Giants have a bad reputation.

But to me, they were

always very kind.

In all my years with them,

they never treated

me as an outsider.

And yet,

no amount of kindness could hide

the fact that I was different.

It was too much

to bear, so I left.

[BOTH gasp]


For the first time in my life,

I saw people who were as small

and insignificant as me.

This might not make

sense, but to me,

they were terrifying.

[LUCY] How did you end up

joining Raven Tail?

[FLARE] I didn't have any

skills except with my hair,

so I ended up broke

on the streets.

Ivan was the first person to

offer me a job, so I signed on.

In doing so, I became

a member of Raven Tail,

a guild practically built

around its hatred of yours.


Still, I was grateful to them.

I figured their anger

had to be justified;

that we were the light

to Fairy Tail's darkness.

Took a long time

to learn the truth.

Don't worry about it.

None of that was your fault!


It was though. I screwed up.

Hm, yeah, but you

also saved our lives.

So, I guess the village

was already frozen

when you got here, huh?

Have any idea what

might've happened?


Yes, it was. And no, I don't.

All I know is that

whatever did this,

should've done it

somewhere else.

These people were too kind, this

is the last thing they deserve.

Why them?

It'll be okay. They're still

alive and we can help them!



[FLARE] If there is a

way to thaw them out,

it might have to do

with the Eternal Flame.

It's over this way.

Just follow me.



Uh, Carla? What is that thing?

Something big enough to eat us.

[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

This is a major problem.

How are we supposed to fly

with that thing on patrol?

Well, we can't. Hope we

find Natsu before it does.


[NATSU yelling]

C'mon, brain!

Remember the voice!

And hey, while you're at it...


...figure out how to turn me

back into an adult already!

[NATSU grunting]

[ERZA screaming]

You used to be so strong!

The Great Titania, now a mere

child at my non-existent mercy.

[ERZA groaning]

Like a helpless lamb. The only

trait you lack is innocence.

[ERZA panting]

[ERZA screams]

I could k*ll you with ease, but

I'd much rather enjoy myself.

I have a lot of

stress to work off

from that time you beat me

in the street with a halberd.

[ERZA screams]

[ERZA] I don't stand a chance

against her in this body.

What do I have to do to lift

this magic? Defeat the caster?

I don't even know

where he is, though.

[ERZA yelping]

[MINERVA cackles]

I knew this would be fun, but I

never dreamed it'd be this fun!

Ha-ha. I mean just look

at you, so pathetic!


Man, this sucks.

Natsu took off somewhere,

and I lost track of Lucy

and the others to boot.




Hey! You there!

[DORIATE grunts]


[DORIATE] Now they're

just bein' a nuisance.

Splittin' up, then

showin' one at a time.

What's with that mouth?

It's... gigantic.


All the better to eat you

with, my boy. Oh, yeah!

[GRAY grunting]

No way. What happened to me?

[DORIATE grunting]

I'm a kid, but how?


--[GRAY gasps]


--[GRAY gasps]



[DORIATE grunting]


--[GRAY gasps]



[DORIATE yells]

[GRAY screaming]



Relivin' old memories?

You aren't the first person

to have some flashbacks

after regression,

but you might just

be the loudest.

You're one messed up kid.

But, it'll all

be over, real soon!


It's him. Deliora. Help me!

[GRAY grunts]

[DORIATE] I'm the last guy

you should ask for help.

But, I will tell you

somethin' before you die.

There's one place

here in this world

that people should

avoid at all costs.

[GRAY grunting]

And that place is the

gate to the netherworld.

You and your friends

came right to it.

We're nearly on top

of the thing.


Least you won't have far

to go once you're dead!


[GRAY grunting]




Deliora's long gone.


I know, but--

He k*lled my mom and dad!

And then he k*lled your mom.

I was so weak. I couldn't--


You were never weak.

But, for the sake

of your friends,

you have to be brave now.

Forget the past.

Defeat the threat before you.

[GRAY grunts]


My friends?

Defeat the threat before me.



You can do this.

I'll be watching.



[GRAY yells]


Uh! An ice wizard?



Cages of ice...



A demon.


Moon Drip.

[GRAY] Everything I wanna

forget, I've found here.

That was pathetic.

You made me lose

my head with one spell.

Won't happen again.

This curse of ice.

Was that you as well?


Ha. Mighta been.

So, what if it was?

Well, then first

of all, I'd tell you

that your ice smells

as terrible as it looks.

And, right after I did that,

I'd give you a taste

of the real deal.

Oh, yeah?


Too weak. I need to requip

but I don't even have

enough strength to dodge her.

[ERZA yelps]

[MINERVA cackles]

That was great!

Now let's put an end to it

before it starts to drag.




The look on your face.

Simply exquisite.

[FLARE] The Eternal Flame

isn't far from here!

Might be a good place to

try and find the others!

But, if we can't find

'em near there,

then where else

could they have gone?

Everyone hang in there.

I will turn you back to normal.

There's gotta be a way.


So, could I take a nap

while we're waitin', or--?

If I have to watch this thing

fly in circles, then so do you.

[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

This beast. Could it

have something to do

with the village?

It seems doubtful.

That's it!

The voice definitely came from

somewhere on that mountain!

Let's find out who it is!

[NATSU yelling]

[LUCY] Erza, Gray, and Natsu

have all been turned

into children by

Doriate's Art of Regression.

This didn't just

repress their magic,

it weakened them, mind and body.

The group is split.

Erza's in big trouble,

Natsu's on his own, and Gray

faces Doriate by himself.

They're at a huge disadvantage,

but no one's giving up.

How can a child

take down a monster?

Next time: "Gray vs. Doriate."

The essence of maker

magic? It's freedom.
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