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02x39 - Jules Quest

Posted: 04/23/23 17:23
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music)

- Hey, this is the spot.

Okay, they want us

to plant one tree

on each side of the bench.

- All righty, let's get to work.

- How about you take this side,

and I can take that side.

- What's the difference?

- That's my lucky side.

I know.

You know, like some

people have lucky numbers,

I have a lucky

side of the bench.

- Hey, whatever

floats your boat.

- Planting some trees?

- Oh, wow, Danny,

you startled me.

Yeah, we are doing

a volunteer project.

- Nice.

Funny, though, I

don't seem to recall

getting invited

and help out, huh?

- Sorry, didn't know

that you'd be interested.

- Oh, right, because Danny

Rebus doesn't like trees.

Is that it?

What? Danny Rebus is just

a big old tree-disliker,

is that the idea?

- Danny, would you like to

help us plant some trees?

- It's too late.

The damage has been done.

- Hector.

(dramatic music)

There's something in here.

- What is it?

- I don't know.

- Oh, wow, open it up.

- Check it out.

- Those look like scrolls,

really old scrolls.

People used to write messages

on those a long time ago.

- What did they say?

- Let's go check it out.

(dramatic music)

- Hey, you guys!

(hip hop music)

Come on, yeah

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

yo, and plug it in

It's eclectic,

electric company

Get connected,

electric company

It's electric,

electric company

Get connected,

electric company

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Just turn it on

and you will see

That you belong

in the company

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

yo, and plug it in

Feel the power,

feel the power,

Feel the power,

yo, and plug it in

Electric company

Electric company

Electric company

The Electric Company

(dramatic music)

- Quick, they're

coming down the block.

- I'll go out back.

(suspenseful music)

- Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- What's up, guys?

Check out what we found.

- Whoa, that's an extremely

surprising thing to find.

- Yeah, I dug it up in the park.

- It looks like some

kind of artifact,

something someone

made a long time ago.

- Oh, what kind of artifact?

- Oh, let me see.


I'd say that's a

pirate artifact.

- You think a pirate made this?

- Yes, I do.

- Show them the scrolls.

- Ooh, oh, let's read them.

- Thank you.

- You read yours first.

- Okay.

"Ye that have found

this shall have

"the great pleasure

of finding your way

"to a pirate treasure."

A pirate treasure?

- Oh, look, jewels.

That must be what

the treasure is.

- Jewels?

Come on, this can't be real.

- Read yours, Lisa.

- "If ye open this scroll,

the damage will be done.

"A curse upon ye and

upon your tongue."

- A curse on your tongue?

That's ridiculous.

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

Are you serious?

Lisa, are you joking?

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

- Her tongue is cursed.

- Oh, this is serious business.

- We have to reverse this curse.

- You're right.

I'm sorry, Lisa.

But how?

- Hector, what does

your scroll say?

- "The cure and the treasure

"won't be found in this chest.

"Ye must go on a journey,

an adventure, a quest."

- We have to go on a quest?

- Wait, there's more.

"Start where ye found this.

"Walk north and walk straight.

"Count your steps

'til ye reach .

"Stop right there,

and then excavate."

- Excavate?

- It means to dig something up.

- Jess, grab your shovel.

Looks like we've got

some excavating to do.

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

(hip hop music)

(Shock beatboxes)

- Tr, tr

(Man with Glasses beatboxes)

- Dr, dr

(Shock beatboxes)

- Tr, tr

(Man with Glasses beatboxes)

- Dr, dr

(Shock beatboxes)

- Tr

- Don't trip, don't drip.


- Tr, tr, tr, tr, trip

Tr, tr, tr, tr, trip

- Drip, drip, drip, drip

Dr, dr, dr, dr, drip

Drip, drip, drip

- Try to stay dry.

(Man with Glasses beatboxes)

Tr, tr, tr, tr, try

Try, try, try, try


- Dry, dry, dry, dry

Dry, dry, dry, dry

Dry, dry, dry

The train goes down the drain.

(imitates train)


- Tr, train

Tr, train, tr, tr, tr, train

- Drain


(imitates train)

- Drain.

- Train.

(hip hop music)

- This is the intro.

(electronic music)

Tr, tr, tr

That's the sound of

tr sitting in a word

True, true,

Tr, tr, tr, tr, tr

That's the sound of

tr sitting in a word

True, true

Tr, tr, tr, tr, tr

Trust me, dog,

you're in for a treat

When you try this sound as

you're traveling the street

Stroll along your block,

it's time to get tricky

Triple your speed, and

now you're running quickly

But if you run too fast,

you might just trip

The T-R sound

can be so tragic


Tr, tr, tr, tr, tr

That's the sound of

tr sitting in a word

True, true

Tr, tr, tr, tr, tr


(hip hop music)

- What's the game today?

- I don't know.

- Dr, can I have

a drumroll please?

(drum music)

- I think I'll have a drumstick.

Want some?

- No thanks, I'm driving.

- Oh, hey, I'm

driving with a dragon.

- Well, I'm driving with

a dragon in a dress.

- Oh, too dramatic.


- This is crazy.

- Just drive.

- Hey, you dripping your

drumstick all over me.

(hip hop music)

- This is someone

who can really honk.

The first word starts with T-R,

so we know it

makes the tr sound.

TR-uh, truh,

and then C-K, so ck, truck.

Now, the second word

starts with a D-R,

so instead of tr, it's dr, dr.

There's a silent E, so

this I will say it's name.

Dri, driv-er, driver.

Truck driver.

Honk, honk.

(hip hop music)

- Start where ye found this,

walk north and walk straight.

But which way is north?

- I happen to have a

compass right here.

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

The needle on the compass

always points north.

You see that arrow right there?

That's north.

- Huh, okay.

Count your steps

'til you reach .

Stop right there,

and then excavate.

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight.

(Hector speaks gibberish)

, , , ,

, , .

Wait a second, guys.

It looks like someone

already excavated.

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

- A Rebus, no doubt

it's from Danny Rebus.

- I'm one step ahead.

- Danny must have the clue.

- (speaks gibberish) curse.

- True, we have to find

Danny to remove the curse.

- And find my jewels.

(hip hop music)

- Hey, Kieth, hey, Mr. Watson.

- Hey.

- Hey, Jules.

- Jules, it's so

good to see you.

- So has Jessica

figured it out yet?

- No, she doesn't

suspect a thing.

You know her birthday's

not until next week.

- Okay, well, where is she?

- She's still out on her quest.

She should get here

in about half an hour.

- How's life in Minnehaha?

- It's different.

It's cool, I like it.

- Isn't that where they

hold the hamster olympics?

- [Jules] Yep.

- What's that like?

- Well, in Minnehaha, it's

an extremely big deal,

so the whole town goes

hamster happy for two weeks.

- Sounds cool.

- Jessica's gonna be so

surprised to see you.

- Yeah, I know.

It's been a year.

- I did it, I hid

all the scrolls.

- Hey, Shock.

- Hey, Jules.

How's Minnehaha?

I caught some of those

hamster olympics on TV,

pretty awesome.

(dramatic music)

- (speaks gibberish) clue.

- What a mess.

If I don't finish my quest,

we'll never get

this curse off Lisa.

- (speaks gibberish) clue.

- What is she saying?

- She said clue.

Maybe because she

has that curse,

she also knows the clues.

Is that what's happening, Lisa?

- (speak gibberish)

yes (speaks gibberish)

- What is it?

- (speaks gibberish)

steps (speaks gibberish)

bear (speaks gibberish)

- Did you get that?

- Hold on, I can play it back

so I can sort

through the nonsense.

(tape rewinds)

- (speaks gibberish) steps

(speaks gibberish)

bear (speaks gibberish)

- Okay, so steps, bear.

Oh, she must be talking about

the steps with that bear statue.

Is that where the clue is?

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

- Well, I'll run

ahead and catch Danny,

and I'll meet you guys there.

- The quest is back on, yes.

(hip hop music)

- Can you feel my energy

Old school, right about now

Old school

- Come on, new school

- We want the old school,

and the new school

on the dance floor

- Uh-huh, uh-huh

- This right here

is called the slide.

- Welcome to my city.

- Two steps to the

left, it's electric

Two steps to the

right, she's electric

Two steps to the

front, that's electric

Now slide

Two steps to the

back, you're electric

Hands up, now freeze,

freeze, freeze

Feel my electricity


- My toe bone connected

to my foot bone

My foot bone connected

to my ankle bone

My ankle bone connected

to my leg bone

My leg bone connected

to my feet, feet, feet

One two, feel that beat

Three, four,

tweet, tweet, tweet

Like a mocking,

mockingbird, I repeat

Tweet, tweet, tweet

It's okay to read now

- Coming down,

it ain't for me

I wanna know how many

planets in the solar system


I wanna how many

teeth in your mouth

Now what's plus nine

Minutes before

the party done

Learn your lessons, you

don't want to be dippyum-dum

Dippy, dippy, dippy,

dippy, dippyum-dum

Learn your lessons, you

don't want to be dippyum-dum

Dippy, dippy, dippy,

dippy, dippyum-dum

Learn your lessons, you

don't want to be dippyum-dum

Two steps to the

left, it's electric

Two steps to the

right, she's electric

Two steps to the

front, that's electric

Now slide

Two steps to the

back, you electric

Hands up, now freeze

Feel my electricity


Welcome to my city

filled with electricity

You can be anything

you want to be

Welcome to my city

filled with electricity

Where you can be

anything you want to be

A doctor

A lawyer

A rapper

A singer

- That's what I got

- An astronaut, let's

take it outer space

She wanna be an actress

with a pretty face

Or you can be the president

of the United States

Or you could be like Jerry

Wonder and slap that bass

Two steps to the

left, it's electric

Two steps to the

right, she's electric

Two steps to the

front, that's electric

Now slide

Two steps to the

back, you electric

Hands up now, now freeze

Feel my electricity


Welcome to my city

filled with electricity

You can be anything

you want to be

Welcome to my city

filled with electricity

Hey, hey, hey


Two steps to the

left, it's electric

Two steps to the

right, she's electric

Two steps to the

front, that's electric

Now slide

Two steps to the

back, you electric

Hands up, now freeze

Feel my electricity

(hip hop music)

- [Announcer] Ready, set.

- S?

- [Computer] Yes, and in start.

- Yeah, let's start this race.

- [Computer] Oh dear,

look out for the smoke.

- (coughs) Thanks, pal.

- [Computer] Drat.

- What?

- [Computer] Spikes.

- Spikes?

Now we have a flat.

- [Computer] Yes, and

we're losing speed.

Fortunately, we have a spare.

- Spare tire, brilliant.

- [Computer] Thanks.

Hey, we just won, sweet.

(hip hop music)

- Hop on the see-saw with me

so we can see-saw.

- Sorry, I pass.

- Why?

- The seat is sticky.

- I have an easy

solution, let's switch.

- Okay, what have

I got to loose?


I just can't believe

you chose to sit

in that sticky seat.


See-saw, see-saw,

see-saw, see-saw, see-saw.

- See?

(hip hop music)

(suspenseful music)

- Go to the stair

that's next to the bear.

Be sure to explore

near step number four.

One, two, three, four.

(harp music)


- No, Danny, no, put it back.

- You ask me nicely.

- Okay, put it back please.

- No. (laughs)

- Danny, it's not real,

there's no treasure.

- Oh, come on.

You just don't want

me to find the jewels.

- No, no, no, no, it's not

this spelling of jewels.

It's this spelling, Jules.

(harp music)

It's Jessica's best

friend that moved

to Minnehaha last year.

- Oh, you mean where they

hold the hamster olympics.

- Exactly, but

that's not the point.

The point is that we set up

this whole quest to lead Jessica

to a surprise birthday party.

- Well then, how do you

explain this artifact?

- We put it there.

We set it all up.

- Hold on.

I don't seem to recall

getting an invitation

to a surprise party.

- Danny, shh.

- No, no, I get it,

you don't want me to

ruin the surprise party,

but you don't want me

to be there either.


- See, this is the thing,

this is the thing, Danny,

is that it's a new

type of surprise party

where everybody gets surprised,

so you're invited, you

just don't know it.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Wow.

- Yeah.

- I'm extremely touched, Hector.

I'll be sure to act

surprised, I promise.

- Okay, now, put it back.

Put it back.

- Let's go this way.

- Okay, just act normal, okay.

Yeah, Danny.

I found him.

- Step aside, Danny.

Those are my jewels to

find, and you know it.

- Huh, that is a good point.

I hadn't thought

about it in that way.

I promise to help you

complete your quest

in any way I can.

- What's got into him?

(Lisa speaks gibberish)

- Okay, so the clue must be

somewhere around these steps.

- Oh, look, a stone

with a picture of a jewel on it.

Perhaps the clue is

somewhere around there.

- Oh, it's another artifact.

- Whoa.

- Thanks, Danny.

Your quest will be finished

and your jewels will be found

at the place where the water

makes a loud gushing sound.

Loud gushing sound.

Oh, the waterfall.

Come on, guys,

let's head to the--


You guys.





(hip hop music)


You've followed the clues

and you've played by the rules.

Close the lid to

discover your jewels.


- Hey, Jess.

(both scream)

- Jules.


Oh, I get it, Jules.

- [All] Surprise.

- It started out

like any ordinary day

But it ended up in

an extraordinary way

My brother Hector

decided to pull

A little stunt, he got me

to go out on a treasure hunt

All the clues led me

straight to this place

I closed the lid,

and I saw your face

Visions of diamonds

were dancing in my head

But the jewels that

I found was a friend

And she said

- Ha ha, I outsmarted

you, smarty

- Jules, it's you

- Yeah, I'm here

for your party

- You got me.

Good friends, good as gold

Good friends, good as gold

- You're my

best, best friend

Girl, you lead the pack

- You are so upfront, plus

I know you got my back

- We've got a lot in common

- But we like

different things

- You keep me grounded

- You give me wings

- And whether we are

hanging on a camping trip

- Or eating ice cream cones

- Made of chocolate chip

We know the truth

- [Both] And it must be told

- Good good friends

are as good as gold

Tell them, Jules.

Good friends

Good as gold

Good friends, good as gold

Good friends, good as gold

Good friends, good as gold

(all cheer)

(hip hop music)

(Shock beatboxes)

- Toss that sock in the sink.

Toss that sock in the sink.

Toss, sock, sink

Toss that sock in the sink.

Toss that so--

Toss that sock in the s--

Toss, sock, sink, sink.

Let's snack on a

sandwich at sunset.

Snack on a sandwich at sunset.

Snack, sandwich, sun, sunset.

Snack, sandwich, sunset.

Snack, sandwich, sunset.

- Yeah.


(hip hop music)

(intense music)

St, st, st, st, st.

E-R-E-O, stereo.


St, f, ah, fast.



St, k, o, mm, com,

b, uh, bu-st, combust.



Thr-uh, thrust.


(sirens wail)

- What word should we do first?

- How about that one?


- St.

- [Both] First.

- St--

- Orm.

- [Both] Storm.

- St--

- Airs.

- [Both] Stairs.

- St--

- Ar.

- [Both] Star.

- L--

- Ast.

- [Both] Last.

- Is that the last one?

- Guess so, see ya.

- I'm special agent Jack Bowser.

I'm going in circles here.

This place is about to explode,

and I can't crack

the code to get out.

Help me read this.

Hamsters are faster

than turtles.

They were born to run.

Hamsters are faster

than turtles.

They were born to run.


- [Announcer] From the

makers of The Big Artifact

and The Huge Artifact comes

The Gigantic Artifact.

- Let's examine this map, Doug,

so that we can

find the artifact.

- Oh, you mean that

really important object

from a long time ago?

- [Announcer] They excavate.

- Keep digging, Doug.

- I'm digging, Dad.

- I dig the way

you're digging, Doug.

- Keep excavating.

- [Announcer] And

then they examine.

- It's gigantic.

- I think we're gonna

need a bigger bag.

- [Announcer] The Gigantic

Artifact, can you dig it?

(hip hop music)

- I have to say, I

was very surprised.

- So was I, Jessica, so was I.

- Really, Danny?

- I will explain later.

- I just want to

say happy birthday

to my best friend Jessica.

(all cheer)

- Happy birthday.

- Thank you, guys.

- I want to say one thing.

(speaks gibberish)

birthday song.

(Shock beatboxes)

Happy hoober floober

wabba birthday

Happy hoober floober

wabba birthday

- Happy fleeber

- Happy tootin

- Happy blabber

- Happy nuber

- Happy shlobber

- Happy shlucko

bobber deeper

Happy birthday Jessica

Happy hoober floober

wabber birthday

(hip hop music)

- Wish you had your own

Electric Company profile?

Go online to

and make your very

own Electric Page,

and fill it with

pictures, videos,

and songs from the show.

Decorate it just

the way you want to,

and share it with your friends.

I've got one too,

and I can't wait

to see what you came up with.

(Shock beatboxes)

What's up, it's down

The day is here

The rhythm that you feeling,

the music in your ear

The charge is electric

And all you gotta

do is plug it in

Plug it in

Just imagine a world where

everything around you

Every sight and sound

will astound you

Surround you, and

before you know it

Even you have a pulpit

to bring a world to life

That's right, that's right

- Ty Sense, y'all,

on Electric Company

I'm here with

Shock and my girl P

You know who it

is, peace to keep

I'm saying this is what

we do, world relief

Peace to Jessica, Hector

We could rock it

for the whole sector

This the world perfecter

I could resurrect ya

Let you know

it's coming down

We love the Electric

Company sound

This is the light for

you to read and write

We can do it every

day and every night

Put it together, when

you put the words

Then you can fire forever

Do it in any type

of weather, peace

Electric Company

- Planting some teeth?

- Yeah, Danny, we're

doing a volunteer project,

growing mouths.

- You followed the clues, and

you've played by the rules.

Close the lid to

discover your jewels.

You guys really got me.

- Arr.

- Thanks, guys.

- Yeah.

(both laugh)

Danny Rebus.

(both laugh)