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02x35 - The Great Compromise

Posted: 04/23/23 17:21
by bunniefuu
- Here are your five words: Perturbed,

if you are perturbed, you're

really bothered by something.

Extreme, extreme means the

most that something can be.

Bicker, to bicker is to argue or fight.

Proposal, a proposal is an

idea about how to do something.

Compromise, compromise

means to settle something

by each person giving up just a little bit

of what they want.

So we have, perturbed, extreme,

bicker, proposal and compromise.

Watch out for these words in today's show.

- [Francine] rd Street, huh?

Francine's Way


- Francine's Way?

- Ha, isn't it incredible?

Mother always said one day

they'd name a street after me.

Who knew it happened so soon?

- Francine, I just saw you do that.

You can't just change

the name of rd Street.

- Why not, what a boring name.

rd, th, th, blah, blah, blah.

- You're not gonna get

away with this Francine.

I got news for ya Buddy,

I always get my way

and now I'm going to get my Way.

- No way.

- Way.

- No way.

- Way.

(car crashing)

- [Keith] No way.

- Put those down.

- Mrs. Quigley.

- Do you know who I am?

- Mrs. Quigley.

- Indeed, I am Inga Quigley.

Deputy Commissioner of

Traffic and I am not happy.

- You do look sort of angry.

- Angry is a little strong,

I'd say I'm perturbed.

Look at what happened to my car

and it's all because of you.

- I can explain.

- I am in no mood for explanation.

I am in the mood for justice.

You will both be hearing

from me, good day.

- This would never have happened

if you had just let me have my way.

- Hey you guys.

(record scratching)

(lively music)

oh oh come on yeah

feel the power, feel the

power, feel the power

yo and plug it in

it's electric, Electric Company

get connected, Electric Company

it's electric, Electric Company

get connected, Electric Company

yo yo yo yo

the power we perfected

is electrically connected

so use it as directed and

expect to be respected

just turn it on and you will see

that you belong in the Company

feel the power, feel the

power, feel the power

yo and plug it in

plug it in, everybody

Electric Company, Electric Company,

Electric Company, Electric Company

- Was Miss Quigley mad?

- I'd say more perturbed.

You know that face she makes?


Yeah, that one.

- You know, this is so not fair.

This is Francine's fault.

- I know.

- She's the one who should

get in trouble, not you.

- I know, you know?

- I don't know.

- [Keith] Huh?

- I just think you're taking

it a little bit too far.

You're being kind of extreme.

Both Keith and Francine

were throwing word balls

when Quigley crashed her car.

- Wait, are you saying I'm wrong?

- No no, of course not.

I'm just saying that

there's more to the story.

- Keith, I think it's time

to go visit Miss Quigley.

Come on.

- [Keith] I don't know, I'm worried.

- Don't worry, once Miss

Quigley hears the truth,

you will be off the hook.

- And Keith is always

doing things like this.

- I'll be with you in just a moment.

- And don't even get us started on Lisa.

- She's all warmed up for ya.

(scary organ playing)

- I see you're still perturbed.

- Rather perturbed, I am

perhaps more perturbed now

than I was earlier and I

was quite perturbed then.

- Miss Quigley, Keith is

sorry for what happened.

- Extremely sorry.

- But he really was just

trying to fix a sign.

- Look, I know you do a lot of fine work

in the neighborhood but

I'm afraid these powers

may be causing more

trouble than they're worth.

- But we have to use our powers.

- To stop the impossible pranksters.

- Indeed, but if the impossible

pranksters are not allowed

to use their powers then you

won't have to use yours, hmm?

- Isn't this a little extreme?

I mean we are not the problem.

It's Manny and Danny

- And Annie and Frannie

- Stop, don't listen to them

- Please do not listen to them

- What are you doing in here?

- Uh, spying and barging in unannounced.

- Yeah.

- Okay, you know what I

am really sick of this.

(kids all talking at once)

- What do you think you

should do to these two?

(kids all yelling at once)

- Silence!

Enough of this bickering,

bicker, bicker, argue, argue.

That's all you do.

Tomorrow morning, you will

be getting an official letter

from my office so check your mailboxes.

Good day.

- Today at : p.m., there will be a

- special block association

meeting about the use

- of powers.

If you wish to keep

the use of your powers,

- you must all work together

- to present your case at the meeting

If you

- fail to this,

- the use of your powers

- will be forbidden forever.

(everyone yells no)

- Wait, I don't have powers.

- Manny, read the fine print.

- P.S. This also applies

to Manny Spamboni's gadgets

and pranks, no!

(groovy music)

- Let me tell you about my friend, br

You see, it sounds like

brah as in brain, brag,

brake, brave, break like break a leg,

bring, brick, right on brother,

brush, broke, broken,

yeah yeah, you get me.

If you ever run across a

word that seems really hard

to pronounce but you see a br in it,

then just know that it's brah, like zebra,

or algebra, fabric, heartbreaker, embrace

or vibrations, that's my favorite.

Dig it, hey why don't

you use a brain on this?

Ba mm ho ho bla ba brah

brah brah, brah brah brah

Brah brah brah brah

brah brah brah brah brah

Brah, your brain, your

brain, brain, brain

- Br

- oom

- Broom

- Br

- ave

- Brave

- Br

- oke

- Broke

- Br

- ain

- Brain

- Ah that's awesome,

your brain is showing.

- Really, what color is it?

- Green.

- Thought it might be.

- Brave, brave, brah,

brah, brah, brave, ooh.


Brick, brick, bri, bri, bri, brick, ting.


Break, break, bri, bri, bri, break, break.


Broken, broken, bri,

bri, bri, broken, broken.


(manual sawing)

(electric sawing)



- This is something that's like courage

so let's sound it out.

First, I'll look for what I know

and right there at the beginning is br.

So, br, av, brav?

Oh no wait, there's a silent

e after the v so it's brave.

Brave, er, braver.

Now does this y make the

i sound or the e sound?

Well, I haven't heard of braveri

but I have heard of bravery, bravery.

Bravery is what you need

to do something you're scared to do.


(marching music)

- Ah

- Prankster

- Better (speaking together)

- Where is Danny Rebus?

- Oh he is visiting his grandparents

and will be joining us

by video conference.

- [Danny] Hey guys.

- [Kids] Hi Danny

- Better, oh by the way

Granny Rebus says hi.

- Okay, everyone you know why we're here.

- Yes because he did not understand

- Because Francine did not understand

(both talking at once)

- Guys guys guys, chill out

guys, on the bickering, okay?

We're here because we have a

meeting with Quigley at : .

We need to start working

together and come up with a plan.

- I know I'm coming in late on this

but is there any way we can avoid

this whole working together thing?

It seems a little extreme.

- Danny, you know what's extreme?

That we could all lose our powers.

- Yeah, extremely extreme.

- Well, somebody's gotta have an idea.

Who has a proposal?

- I do.

(throat clearing)

My proposal is that our prankster friends

can only use their powers

when they're helping us do good deeds.

- Are you out of your mind?

- You want us to help you?

- Why would we agree to that?

- [Danny] It's very extreme.

- But you get to keep your powers.

- Just only use them when we say.

- I can't work with these people.

- Okay okay, just hold

on alright, hold on.

Keith they're right,

we have to compromise.

- A plan that works for all

of us not just you guys.

- Fine, let's compromise.

- Alright, do any one of

your have a better proposal?

- I do (throat clearing)

what caused this problem?

Word balls that's what.

So my proposal is that word

balls should not be allowed.

And if you have another

power like say, I don't know,

scrambling, well then more power to you.

Thank you.


- But we all use word balls.

- Well that's just the way the

cookie crumbles (laughing).

Wait a second, I use word balls.

Annie Scrambler, how could you?

- [Annie] Well I don't see

you coming up with a proposal.

Anyone else have any ideas?

(talking all at once)

- Hey you guys!

Would you guys look at yourselves?

In about minutes, we could

lose all our powers and why?

Because we couldn't stop bickering?

Because we couldn't come

up with a compromise?

I think we're better than that.

I think it's time that we

put aside our differences

and we come together, not as two or eight

but united as one.


Okay let's get started.

So a compromise is something

that everyone involved can agree on,

so we have the Electric Company,

the pranksters and Miss Quigley.


Okay, what does everybody want?

- We want to keep our powers.

- [Francine] So do we.

- And Miss Quigley wants traffic safety.

- So what is our compromise?

- Ah, I've got it.

We make a proposal that we

can use our powers anywhere

except near traffic.

- That's wonderful.

- I kinda like that.

- I am impressed.


- Wait, so do we have a compromise?

All in favor, say aye.

Aye (all together)

- Alright.

- [Danny] Yeah.

(everyone speaking at once)

- Whoa guys, something really

freaky just occurred to me

- What?

- We're getting along.

can you feel my energy

old school, right

about now, old school

come on, new school, new school

we want the old school

and the new school on the dance floor

uh huh, uh huh

it's right here, it's called the slide

welcome to my city

two steps to the left electric

two steps to the right electric

two steps to the front electric

now slide, slide

two steps to the back electric

hands up now freeze, freeze, freeze

feel my electricity yes, slide

my toe bone's connected

to my foot bone

my foot bone's connected

to my ankle bone

my ankle bone's

connected to my leg bone

my leg bone's connected

to my fe, fe, fe

one, two feel that beat

three, four, tweet, tweet, tweet

like a mocka mockin' bird

I repeat, tweet , tweet, tweet

it's okay to read now

dumbin' it down, it ain't for me

I wanna know how many planets

in the solar system, nine

I wanna know how many

teeth in your mouth,

now what's plus nine,

then it's before the party's

done, learn your lessons

you don't wanna be dibby dumb dumb

dibby dibby dibby

dibby dibby dumb dumb

learn your lessons, you don't

want to be dibby dumb dumb

dibby dibby dibby

dibby dibby dumb dumb

learn your lessons, you don't

want to be dibby dumb dumb

two steps to the left electric

two steps to the right electric

two steps to the front electric

now slide, slide

two steps to the back electric

hands up now freeze, freeze

feel my electricity, yeah, slide

welcome to my city

filled with electricity

where you can be anything

you wanna be yeah

welcome to my city filled

with electricity yeah

where you can be anything

you wanna be yeah

a doctor, oh oh oh

a lawyer, oh oh oh

a rocker, oh oh oh

a singer, oh oh oh

that's what I got

an astronaut, let's get in outer space

she wanna be an actress

with the pretty face

or you could be the president

of the United States

or you could be like Jerry

(mumbles), slap that face

two steps to the left electric

two steps to the right electric

two steps to the front electric

now slide, slide

come on, two steps

to the back electric

hands up now freeze, freeze, freeze

feel my electricity yeah, slide

welcome to my city filled

with electricity, yeah

you can be anything

you want to be yeah

welcome to my city filled

with electricity, yeah

hey, hey, hey, hey

two steps to the left electric

two steps to the right electric

two steps to the front

electric, now slide

come on, two steps

to the back electric

hands up now freeze, freeze, freeze

feel my electricity yeah, slide


- You may enter.

- Francine wait, I

think that paint is wet.

- It is wet, thank you Keith.

- Thank you all for attending.

I am the Deputy Commissioner of Traffic

and Paul is the recording secretary.


Now as you know, I am

quite, what's the word?

- Perturbed (speaking together)

- Yes, perturbed about the

incident yesterday morning.

I am prepared to stop

the use of all powers

unless you can convince me otherwise.

Do you have a proposal?

- We do, we were able to

put our bickering aside

and come up with a proposal

that we think will please everybody.

- Well, let's hear it.

(lively music)

whether in the playground,

the diner or the park

we give this place some

character, some energy, some spark

now safety is important

which everybody knows

so here's a little compromise

together we propose

we can use our powers

but not in traffic

we can use our powers

but nowhere near the cars

once this rule has been enacted

traffic will not be distracted

this side will be

happy and so will ours

if Annie found a problem,

there's an answer to be found

there's always a solution if

you find some common ground

now things all worked out

better when everybody tries

to put their heads together

and find a compromise

we can use our powers

but not in traffic

we can use our powers

but nowhere near the cars

once this rule has been enacted

problems will not be distracted

their side will be

happy and so will ours

find a compromise, compromise

find a compromise, oh yeah

sit down at the table 'til you realize

things will work out

better when everybody tries

to put their heads together

and find a compromise

(Paul humming)

- Paul!

This is a strong proposal and it does seem

like a fair compromise.

However, I'm not convinced

that these powers are worth it.

I mean, I'm sure they're fun to use

but do they really help people?

- Oh!

- [Miss Quigley] Wet paint?

Why, it is!

Well, there should be a sign here I...,

young lady, you saved my skirt.

- Don't thank me Mrs. Quigley,

thank my powers.

- Yes, yes indeed.

I am going to vote to

approve the proposal.

Paul, what do you say?

Proposal accepted.


- Y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y,

what am I gonna do with you?

In a one syllable word, you

make the I sound, fly, cry, try.

In a two syllable word,

you make the E sound,

sunny, happy, money.

In the middle of a word,

you make the eh sound, gym, bicycle.

Why, why try to sound like

all those other letters?

You have your own sound, the yah sound.

Like you, be you, be yourself.

It's gonna be hard

but you will thank me later.

So in advance, you're welcome.

- My lunch, hey you can't

put your bag by my bag.

- Why not?

- Because your lunch bag says "my lunch"

and my lunch bag says "my lunch"

and we won't be able to

tell our lunches apart.

- I have an idea.

- This time, I have an idea.

- Now you have the yummy lunch

and I have the crummy one.

Mmmm, good idea.


- Hey I'm Mark Eckel, I'm an artist.

(cool music)

I've always had a ton of energy.

As a kid, I couldn't even sit still.

I drew and painted on everything.

And I still do.

Energy, energy, energy.

It's like a ball bouncing

around inside of me

from my head to my toes and the only way

to get it out is to get it out.

It's the spark that makes me go.

Where do you put your energy?

(cool music)

- The I sounds better.

- No, the E.

- Listen, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I

- E, E, E, E

- By, by

- E, baby

- I, I, I, I, I

(beat boxing)

- E, E

(beat boxing)

- My, my

- E, mummy

- Try, try

- Try, I, I, I, I, I,

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I

- E, E

- I, I, I, I, I

- E, E, E

- I, I

- E

- I

- I'm special agent Jack Bowser.

This is crazy, I'm stuck

where they fry chicken.

This bucket is about to explode.

I can't crack the code to get out.

Help me read this.

The trainer gave a chicken drumstick

to my ver ah, very fun-ny baby.

The trainer gave a chicken drumstick

to my very funny baby.


- Aahh.


- You guys, I feel kinda weird.

- How come?

- I mean, we're not bickering

with the pranksters anymore.

Do you think it will last?

- It's hard to tell.

Hey Danny, what do you think?

- Oh I'll tell you what I think.

I think I'm perturbed.

I helped you guys put

together that whole proposal

and you didn't even offer

me a cup of hot cocoa?

- Danny, you're in a flying TV.

- Oh don't give me that,

oh you're in a TV stuff.

What, people in flying

TVs don't like hot cocoa?

- I will not forget

this, Electric Company.

I even told Granny Rebus

not to let me forget

and don't you turn me off now, no no.

You have not heard the

last of Danny Reb...

- Guess it couldn't last forever.


- Here we go.

- Oh.

(cups clinking)


(beat boxing)

Yo the time is now, the day is here

The rhythm that you're

feeling, the music in your ear

The charge is electric

and all you gotta do is

Plug it in, plug it in.

Well, imagine a world

where everything around you

Every second sound will

astound you, surround you

before you know it, even

you'll have the power

To bring the word to life,

that's right, that's right.

That's what we do with

the Electric Company

Invitin' all of you to

all the possibilities

Learnin' to write, learnin' to read

Havin' a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

you have to share it

But stuff around your power,

you own it, you wear it

Proud and you shout it

out loud, Electric Company

Is in town, ho.

- [Middle Guy] Again, okay.


- Psst, okay so I hear the

Electric Company website

has top secret video clips

like behind the scenes footage,

deleted scenes, bloopers.

Definitely stuff you never see on TV.

Go to and

if anybody asks you,

you didn't hear it from me.

- [Hector] What's up

guys, it's Hector here

from the Electric Company.


We've got a lot of great

places where we hang out

but somehow wherever we turn,

we come up against the pranksters

who always try to trip us up.

(scary music)

- [Manny] Hello Jessica

- [Hector] When one of

us runs into a problem,

- Oh no, no Teebee come back.

- [Hector] We sound the call.

- Hey you guys (yelling together)

- [Hector] And then we all

meet up at the Electric Diner.

Keith's dad...

- [Mr. Watson] Fries.

- [Hector] Mr. Watson

owns the Electric Diner.


- [Keith] So, whatever

anybody wants, on the house.

- [Hector] Our friend,

Shock, works at the diner

and is our own beatbox.


- [Hector] You'd be surprised how often

that comes in handy.


- [Hector] You just never know

who you're gonna meet

when you're hanging out

at the Electric Diner.

But it's usually quite an awesome bunch.

Keep watching the Electric Company

to see some of your favorite stars.

- Maybe it's time we

go visit Miss Quigley.

- Yeah.

- Let's go.

- [Director] Cut.


- Whoa guys, I just had

a really freaky idea.

- [Female Voice] What?

- That's not the line.


- Achoo,

- [Female Voice] Bless you.

- Thank you.

- You're too small to talk,

you're too small to talk.

Why am I in the monitor?j
